Hide a big nose with. A girl's big nose: disadvantage or dignity

Many girls consider a big nose to be a disadvantage, although this feature does not cause negative emotions. Scientists have repeatedly proven that there is no perfect symmetry of the face, so you should not add a large nose to the list of defects. To hide the feature without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons, you can use some tricks. Decorative cosmetics and accessories will come to the rescue. Let's consider important aspects.

Method number 1. Create a contour with cosmetics

The main task of contour makeup is to change the proportions of the face, depending on personal preferences. Thanks to the correct distribution of shadows and highlights, you can easily hide a big nose.

  1. Before proceeding with the procedure, wipe the skin of the face with a cleansing lotion. Next, apply a primer so that the base and lay flat again. Only after that start working with shadows.
  2. Apply concealer under the eyes to hide any imperfections, as they also draw attention to the nose. After that, blend, even out the skin with a tonal foundation.
  3. In cases where you have not used the cream before, choose a shade that is as close as possible to the natural color of the epidermis. Spread it in a thin layer, paying due attention to the nose.
  4. Choose a dark shade foundation (brown like a tan) that is 3 shades darker than your natural skin tone. Draw 2 thin lines along the sides of the nose (on both sides of the bridge of the nose). Blend thoroughly with a cosmetic sponge so that no transition is visible.
  5. If you are the owner of a large and long nose, distribute the dark foundation not only on the sides, but also on the tip. Important! One of the important stages of contour makeup is considered to be shading. Remember, the nose should not show sharp transitions from natural to brown. To properly perform the procedure, “stretch” the base with a dense sponge or makeup brush. At the end of the process, the dark shade should act as a shadow, not a mask from cosmetics.
  6. After blending the sides of the nose, choose a foundation that will be 1-2 tones lighter than the natural shade of the dermis. Apply it in the middle of the bridge of the nose, keeping a straight line (the recommendation is especially relevant for girls whose nose has a hump).
  7. Cover with a light base not only the middle part of the bridge of the nose, but also the area between the eyebrows. Do not reach the tip, it should remain dark. Then highlight the center of the forehead. After applying, blend the base with a clean sponge, avoid transitions, make-up should look natural.
  8. The next step is to use a mattifying powder without glitter. Pick up compact or loose powder, cover the wings of the nose with it, powdering the area under the eyes and cheeks. Such a move will hide possible shading flaws, as well as make the makeup more natural.

When using powder, make sure that the packaging is marked "matting". Otherwise, you will draw even more attention to the area that needs to be hidden.

Method number 2. Highlight eyes and lips

There are a number of cosmetic tricks that can help hide a big nose by focusing on another area.


  1. Hide the feature by drawing the eye to the eyes. Boldly outlined eyeliner lines and false eyelashes will make the look piercing, others will look only at your eyes.
  2. Prefer pop art or smoky eye makeup, these techniques are most suitable for everyday wear. Use blue, brown or extra black mascara, glue on or add eyelashes if desired.
  3. Don't forget about bright and shiny shadows if you are going to a nightclub. Such makeup is best suited for entertainment establishments of this kind. However, avoid such colors when going to work or cozy gatherings with friends.


  1. To hide a big nose, focusing on the lips, it is important to use bright shades of lipstick and a contour pencil. Before proceeding with the procedure, apply a tonal foundation on the lips, even out the tone of the face (it should be perfectly even).
  2. After that, outline the contour, blend it with a brush, “pull” distinct lines deep into the lips. Next, gently apply lipstick, do not protrude beyond the contour. Blot with a paper towel, make a second layer.
  3. After applying lipstick, blot your lips, cover them with a transparent gloss, emphasizing this area. Draw a fly, if desired, using an eyebrow pencil.

Don't try to hide a big nose while highlighting the lips and eyes. Such a move will “overload” the face with excessive makeup, which will look vulgar and unnatural.

Method number 3. Get rid of oily sheen

An oily sheen on the skin draws attention to a large nose, you absolutely do not need it.

  1. Get in the habit of wiping your skin several times a day with a tonic designed to eliminate greasy shine.
  2. Avoid harsh cosmetics like coffee or apricot scrubs. Do not clean your nose with a cosmetic brush or sponge.
  3. Carry matting wipes in your handbag, the recommendation is especially relevant in the summer. Wipe your face with them as needed.
  4. Powder your nose at the slightest appearance of oily sheen. The recommendation is relevant only in cases where you do not have the opportunity to wipe the skin with a tonic or collect excess fat with a napkin.
  5. Give preference to matting foundation, powder and blush. Avoid using products that contain glitter.

Method number 4. Wear large diameter earrings

An interesting fact was noticed by plastic surgeons and they were right. Ears and nose are on the same level.

  1. Small earrings draw attention to both the ears and the nose, for this reason it is important to avoid such jewelry.
  2. Give preference to jewelry that falls below the earlobe, looking away from the ears and, as a result, the nose. Choose earrings with rings or threads falling down.
  3. Large stud earrings are also an excellent option, they should cover the entire earlobe. The trend of the season are "solar carnations", which are equipped on both sides with tips in the form of large and small balls.
  4. To give the image lightness and divert attention from the nose, use feather earrings. They belong to ordinary jewelry and are relatively inexpensive (about 150 rubles per pair). At the same time, you can choose colors to your taste, combining jewelry with a blouse, dress or jumper.
  5. You can hide a big nose with square jewelry that descends from the earlobe 2-3 cm down. Silver is suitable for fair-haired ladies, gold is suitable for dark-haired ladies.

Method number 5. Pay attention to glasses

Depending on the size, shape and location of the bridge, sunglasses can hide a large nose.

  1. Give preference to accessories with a large round or rectangular frame (choose it according to the features of the face). Against the background of large glasses, the nose will appear smaller, such a move will help create harmony.
  2. Get glasses that have the bridge in the middle instead of on top. At the same time, it should be wide enough (about 0.5-0.7 cm). This structure of the glasses will divide the nose into 2 parts, as a result of which it will appear smaller.
  3. Another option to eliminate the feature is considered to be contact lenses. Replace them with glasses for vision to remove the emphasis from the nose.

Method number 6. Buy a wide-brimmed hat

Properly selected headgear will help visually reduce the nose, focusing on other parts of the face. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

  1. Get a hat with rounded brim that partially covers the shoulders. It can be a cowboy attribute or a classic-style headdress (tilt to the center of the forehead).
  2. Avoid hats that sag inward at the crown, creating a triangular effect. Such a move will increase the nose even more.
  3. Get a hat whose brim has a long front and back but short sides.
  4. When choosing an accessory, make sure that the hat fits snugly enough to the head. This move will reduce the length of the nose.
  5. To divert attention from a big nose, get a hat with a colorful stripe around the entire perimeter of the brim. Give preference to yellow, crimson, red or blue shades.

Method number 7. Change your hairstyle

A lot depends on the hairstyle, as well as on the make-up. Thanks to the skillful hands of stylists, you can easily hide big cheeks, forehead and, of course, the nose.

  1. Grow your hair to at least your shoulder blades. Short curls fall over the face, framing it and highlighting the nose, you do not need this. Medium length hair will help create harmony, diverting attention from a large nose.
  2. Refuse haircuts with straight and clear lines such as bob, bob-bob, etc. Do not wear bangs, it will only emphasize a big nose. Layer your hair, make a ladder or cascade.
  3. Curl the curling iron more often, creating large and rounded curls. Thanks to the splendor of the forms, the nose will look harmonious. Do a perm if you like.

It is easy to hide a big nose if you resort to some tricks. Start learning the art of contouring by wearing oversized glasses with a bridge in the middle. Get a wide-brimmed hat that fits as close to the crown as possible. Change the haircut, curl the curls, give up the ponytails at the back of the head.

Video: what to do if a big nose

It is not often that a woman or a girl is completely satisfied with her appearance. This can be said about the nose in particular.

Of course, often what does not suit its mistress, others find it cute and even beautiful. However, there are also cases when some tricks will be useful so that the attention of others is diverted from a fairly noticeable nose.

Short haircuts with asymmetry

Attention to the bangs!

The pixie or bob hairstyles that are at the peak of popularity, of course, will help you look like the heroine of a glossy cover - but at the same time they will emphasize the size of the nose. Fashionable elongated bangs will help divert attention from him. Although, of course, proper styling (for example, if you curl your hair and ruffle it a little) will fix the issue.

Volumetric haircuts

When choosing a hairstyle, do not stop at smooth and straight, because they focus on the proportions of your face.

A soft scalloped hairstyle can balance these traits. And, besides, a voluminous haircut would be a good choice - at the same time, the nose will seem more elegant and not so protruding. However, it is important to remember that such an image will greatly decorate a lady with curvaceous forms, but it is unlikely to suit a rather fragile girl. The best option in this case is a graduated caret or slightly wavy hair with an average length.

Big nose: cascading haircuts

Cascading haircuts can revive the hairstyle, giving it volume. In addition, they focus on the eyes and lips, diverting it from the nose. The main thing is that the hairstyle does not turn out too short and smooth.


To divert attention from the face, you can slightly lift the hair at the top of the head with a pile, and lay the front strands along the contour of the cheekbones - you get such a portrait.

Lush bangs

For a girl with a big nose, stylists recommend wearing a very lush bang, even better - with a fleece. Curly long bangs, blow-dryed bangs will allow you to wear any fashionable haircut that you want to make your nose less noticeable. Avoid short, sleek straight bangs, they will emphasize your flaw even more.

Experiment with the shape of the bangs: choose oblique, cascading or combed bangs on both sides.


The haircut should be lush, then the nose will become less noticeable. Curls wound on curlers are ideal, in this case the length of the hair does not matter much, they can be both short and long.

wave bob

Hair styled in soft waves favorably softens facial features. Long bob or wave-bob haircuts are suitable for such styling.

graduated strands

If you have short hair, choose graduated bob or bob haircuts, or asymmetrical ones. When laying, they should also be made voluminous.

Soft curls are universal - they will add volume to the hairstyle and even out facial features. A good option is to create curls with a blow dryer or curling iron, and then spread them over your shoulders.

Creative chaos

Creative mess in your hair will help mask your flaw. Check out Shaggy's textured bob.

Long bangs plus bouffant

Long bangs plus bouffant at the crown will create harmony in the proportions of the face, the nose will not stand out so much.

Medium length haircuts are best suited to owners of a large nose. You should choose stepped haircuts, such as a cascade or ladder, and slightly twist the tips when styling, creating volume.

Hairstyles and accessories

A slicked back ponytail is not your "friend" because it can emphasize what you would like to hide. But if you pin up your hair in a different way, say, tie it at the top quite loosely, and leave a couple of strands framing your face on the sides, you should like the result.

Choosing a hair color

It should be remembered that black shades of hair emphasize all the flaws on the face, highlight the nose. Therefore, it is better to choose light shades or do highlighting, bronding. Such techniques create additional volume and correct facial imperfections.

The "doll" female type does not go out of fashion and is in demand in any culture. A girl with a neat face, big eyes and a small nose makes her want to protect and take care of her like a helpless child. And how insulting the dissonance is, when in her soul a woman really feels like a pretty and defenseless little girl, but her appearance does not quite correspond to this image. In particular, a large nose can disrupt not only the harmony of facial features, but also the inner harmony of its owner. Although we note that often women's fears about their own appearance are exaggerated, and those real small flaws that exist are quite easily corrected.

An expressive, noticeable nose is not only among the representatives of the southern nationalities, but in women all over the world. Brunettes and blondes, fair-haired and golden-haired, swarthy and white-skinned girls sigh sadly, stroking themselves in the mirror and in the photographs. But their girlfriends, who are more confident in themselves and their appearance, have long come up with a lot of tricks that allow not only to hide some features of their appearance, but also turn them into virtues. And if so, then it's time to learn more about these tricks, borrow some of them and learn how to visually hide a big nose from others and from your own claims.

How to reduce the nose visually
After watching photo reports from Hollywood red carpets and reading articles about self-improvement of celebrities, some of our compatriots decide to follow their example and also resort to surgical intervention in their natural data. Indeed, rhinoplasty, or, more simply, surgical correction of the shape of the nose, is very popular all over the world.

On the one hand, this shows how many women are insecure about their attractiveness and hope to correct imperfections in a radical way. On the other hand, like any surgical intervention, and even more so on such a noticeable part of the body as the face, rhinoplasty carries a considerable risk to the patient's health. And, finally, this is a rather expensive procedure, which can only be entrusted to a very experienced specialist. And before you take such a drastic step, try one of the following ways to hide your nose:

  1. A haircut- this is a very noticeable detail of the image and at the same time a powerful tool for transformation. It is not for nothing that in all detective stories the characters disguise themselves, changing the length and shape of their hair. In case you do not need to remain unrecognized, but only visually reduce the size of the nose, it is enough to pay attention to the bangs. Or rather, abandon the idea of ​​​​making it or, if it is already trimmed, try to grow it. The fact is that, like any transverse line, the cut of the bangs shifts the focus to the face, and to the nose in particular. You need to act differently - divert attention to other advantages of appearance. In addition, the bangs hide part of the forehead or the entire forehead, and the open part of the face is reduced, which means that the nose takes up proportionately more space on it than with an open forehead.
    If you are not ready to part with bangs, then find an original, non-classical style. For example, an asymmetric graduated bang or just a side bang - but only the length of its strands should be no less than to the cheekbone at the level of the wings of the nose. As for the overall length of the hair, just remember the basic rule: it should be longer than the nose. It turns out that haircuts such as "bob", "page" and other options "under the boy" are undesirable, but curls below the ears and longer - this is the length range in which you can experiment with haircuts. But, before you put your hair under the scissors, consider the requirements of the next paragraph.
  2. Laying- is also a good means of reincarnation, especially since it does not imply constant wear and can change at least every day. But in choosing a hairstyle, owners of a large bridge of the nose need to be more careful and not accidentally emphasize the size of the nose, but rather hide it. Therefore, it is better to forget about straight, perfectly even strands around the face - they form lines parallel to each other with the nose and enhance the elongated effect. If your nose does not suit your width of wings and tip, then you can try on such a hairstyle, it may turn out to be a feminine disguise. But owners of an elongated nose are more suitable for voluminous styling: large curls and lush bouffants. They create a certain balance of sizes and shapes, balance the size of the nose relative to your entire appearance.
    The volume at the back of the head will help distract from an overly wide nose, and around the face - from a long one. But, of course, when choosing a styling, one cannot take into account only the shape of the nose, it is necessary to coordinate it with growth and physique. The same applies to hair color: the owners of a feminine figure should not do very lush hairstyles, just choose one voluminous zone (on the back or on the sides), and thin people can afford a longer length, but not get carried away with bouffant, so as not to turn into a “dandelion on a thin stalk."
  3. Hair color- not everyone thinks that it also affects the perception of facial features. First of all, you should build on your natural color type. A large nose is characteristic of swarthy, black-haired women, in whose blood there are oriental genes. Burning brunettes, they look organic and expressive nose bridges do not spoil them, they even add charm. But if your appearance does not belong to this so-called winter type, then you should not artificially darken your hair. Softer shades visually hide the size of the nose: light brown, ash-blond and natural blond lighten the image and allow the nose to look neater.
  4. Black and white nose correction- the stage of makeup that you should pay special attention to. The basic principle of this technique is at work here: the light parts appear larger and closer, while the dark parts appear smaller and farther away. This illusion will help to hide a big nose, given what exactly does not suit you. A nose wide below will appear narrower if you darken the wings above the nostrils with powder of a darker shade than the main one, without touching the tip of the nose. The massive bridge of the nose is darkened on the sides along the entire length or only in the upper part. And if your nose seems too long to you, then make its end darker than the bridge of the nose, and from the side it will seem shorter.
  5. Black and white face correction it is also important that the darkened nose does not stand out against the main background. Use the classic pattern of dark and light areas, slightly adjusting it to fit the shape of the nose. Forehead, if it is open, highlight in the center, and put a small “luminous” accent above the upper lip so that the lips appear plumper and the nose shorter. Avoid excessive darkening of the cheekbones: they can act as guides, pointing to the nose and emphasizing its size. But the highlights in the upper part of the cheekbones can be made brighter, which will visually expand this part of the face and give the nose more surrounding space.
  6. Eyebrow shape and their location determines both the expression and proportions of the face. In a general sense, they should "worthy" maintain the overall appearance and not allow the nose to draw attention to themselves. Owners of a large nose should also make their eyebrows thick and noticeable, especially since now this is the most current trend in makeup. Do not pluck your eyebrows into a thread - instead, lightly tease their heads with a special brush located on the back of the eyebrow pencil. Try the dramatic "kink" shape, not recommended for girls with petite noses. Choose the color of the eyebrows depending on the color of the hair, but at least half a tone darker, because light eyebrows cannot hide a large nose and it seems to “protrude forward” against their background.
  7. Lip shape and lipstick color will help support the corrective effect created by the eyebrows. If you have a large nose, then your lips should have the appropriate size and volume. Plump lips give the appearance of proportionality to the nose and adorn the face in themselves. But refrain from non-feathered contour and mother-of-pearl textures. A drop of gloss can be placed in the center of the lower lip, it will give it extra volume. The corners of the mouth can be darkened - then the smile will seem deeper and divert attention from the nose. Wine, cherry and raspberry shades are your friends, and it is better not to use light pink, lilac and terracotta.
  8. Angle, in which a photo or video camera “catch” you affects the perception of facial features so much that this moment is simply impossible to ignore for everyone who is concerned about the size of their nose. If it is long and with a hump - try to take pictures in a half-turned position to the lens, if it is wide - in profile. In frontal shots, a long nose can be hidden by slightly lifting the chin. In addition, a shadow cast on a face can significantly alter the visual perception of a face.
All of the above should convince you of the main thing: every person is in the face of what nature has given him. Any appearance has its own charm and charm that you need to learn to see and emphasize. And artificial changes sometimes only spoil and deprive of individuality. Remember that the most important thing in the image is harmony, that is, proportionality. A large nose organically looks next to noticeable lips, eyes and hair. Use makeup, hairdressing and styling techniques and don't forget to admire yourself in the mirror.

It is common for the beautiful half of humanity to look for flaws in their own body and strive to get rid of them by any available means. A girl's big nose ranks first in terms of the number of complaints. Only one woman out of five is satisfied with the shape and size of her own nose, the rest find a lot of flaws in it.

A large nose can be slightly "hidden" with the help of skillful makeup and the right hairstyle. Foundation will help to visually reduce the size of this part of the face. If the nose is wide, a dark tone should be applied to its middle, and tinted on the sides with a lighter shade of cream.

On the tip of a long nose, make-up artists advise applying foundation in dark shades, while the wings of the nose need to be made lighter. You can try to divert attention from the nose by making up the eyes heavily or by making a bright accent on the lips. However, it is impossible to highlight the eyes and lips on the face at the same time, as this can lead to the opposite effect.

Hair is able to balance the wrong proportions of the face. What to do in order not to focus the attention of others on the nose? Don't wear bangs. A closed forehead will emphasize the size of the nose, so you need to choose hairstyles with no bangs. The most effective way to hide a long nose is to wear your hair loose, first curling it with curlers or perming it. The larger the nose, the more magnificent the curls should be, which can be beautifully laid, pinned up.

Short haircuts for owners of large noses should be taboo. An additional distraction can be a bright hair color, so do not be afraid to become a dazzling blonde or a mischievous red-haired girl. Big-nosed ladies should avoid dyeing their hair black, their already rather big nose against a dark background will seem even larger.

Clothing will also help to hide a large nose. You should choose extravagant models of outfits, thanks to which others will pay attention not to the face of the owner of a long nose, but to his attire.

There are cases when people with a big nose are complex because of the imperfection of their appearance so much that they decide on plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty will help those who wish to correct the shape of the nose, make it thinner or shorter, remove a hump or other imperfections. Rhinoplasty is not a cheap pleasure and can lead to undesirable results.

But enough about complexes. A big nose is a virtue that distinguishes a girl from the crowd, makes her unique in the eyes of others. The science of physiognomy, which studies the features of the face, characterizes a person with a long and large nose as brave and highly moral. The length of the nose indicates the presence of intelligence and curiosity in his mistress.

We can say that long-nosed girls are much smarter than those whose nose does not particularly stand out against the background of the face. As for curiosity, absolutely all women are endowed with this quality. Is not it? A hooked nose was previously considered a sign of aristocracy, it testifies to the strong character of a person.

There is one more indisputable argument in favor of a big nose: its owners are distinguished by irrepressible sexual energy. There is only one conclusion - a large nose speaks of the positive aspects of character.

To please a man, a girl does not need to worry about how to hide her nose, because it is not the cause of life's problems. Instead of complaining about fate, owners of large noses should proudly walk through life, holding their not very small nose high. A man will quickly pay attention to a self-confident woman and will not even notice minor imperfections in her appearance.

There are many countries in the world whose inhabitants are distinguished by large noses. The most geographically close-nosed nation to us is the Georgians, who are proud of their large hooked noses. The Greeks are also considered a big-nosed nation. The characteristic Greek nose is recognized in any country of the world no worse than their national dance sirtaki.

The hallmark of France is not only the Eiffel Tower, but also the excessive nose of its inhabitants. You just need to look at the photos of famous French actors and politicians to see this.

Celebrities don't have perfect looks. Most of the stars of the movie screens, before becoming famous, reshaped their bodies and faces many times with the help of plastic surgery. And rhinoplasty in the list of plastic surgeries of stars takes first place. One of the first actresses who resorted to plastic surgery was Marilyn Monroe. Her neat nose, remembered by everyone, was nothing more than the result of a successful rhinoplasty. At the beginning of her film career, Scarlett Johansson's face was decorated with a wide potato nose, but after plastic surgery, he acquired graceful forms.

American movie star Cameron Diaz has repeatedly turned to the help of plastic surgeons. It’s all because of her passion for extreme sports, because of which the actress received a broken nose several times. American pop star of Armenian origin Cher can rightly be considered the record holder for the number of plastic surgeries, including rhinoplasty.

However, not all celebrities suffer from imperfect noses. There are many famous women who have not prevented their protruding nose from making an excellent career and becoming the darlings of millions. Who are these stars: actresses, models, women with a big nose, who are not subject to complexes about their appearance?

A non-standard nose helped Sarah Jessica Parker get the main role in the scandalous TV series Sex and the City. And who knows, if Sarah decided to have rhinoplasty at the beginning of her acting career, she could break into Hollywood, which is already tired of the faces of actresses redrawn in one way? The most big-nosed pop star of the national stage, Kristina Orbakaite, is not at all worried about a long nose and does not even avoid being photographed in profile.

There is really someone to envy: the singer has absolutely no complexes. Supermodel of the late XX century Linda Evangelista - the owner of a large nose. Neither its size nor its shape prevented the model from appearing thousands of times on the covers of glossy magazines and being considered one of the first beauties of our time.

A large nose is not a disadvantage. The success stories of famous women are proof of this. And there is no secret to this success. It's just that celebrities with a nose do not focus on their schnobel, but instead live, work, fall in love, give birth to children and radiate positivity and confidence with their whole appearance. And every girl who is worried about the imperfection of her nose should learn from such women to be herself and remember her own irresistibility. Happiness is not in the length of the nose.

Appearance is important for a person and the long nose of a girl or a guy often catches the eye. The correct features of the face, or at least the nose, mouth and eyes proportionally located on it, allow other people to consider a person beautiful or not, and the owner of these features to feel confident.

What to do if some organ on the face is not very prominent. Like the nose?

Celebrity big noses

People with large facial features, and especially the nose, can be seen from afar. They attract increased, sometimes unnecessary attention. However, there have been cases in history when a long nose literally fed its owners.

  1. In order to understand a big nose or not, you need to determine the proportionality of its size in relation to the rest of the face.
  2. To do this, draw horizontal lines under the tip of the nose and along the bridge of the nose.
  3. If the middle part of the face is larger than the lower and upper parts, then the nose is large.

How to make the nose smaller?

There are many different ways to hide or get rid of a large face detail.

Visage, make-up

Cosmetologists and makeup artists advise, so to speak, to retouch a large nose with a foundation of different shades.

A darker shade should be applied to the tip of the nose and its sides. The rest of the face, including the nose, needs to be covered with a lighter tone, similar to the complexion.

Then all these different shades of cream need to be shaded so that a smooth transition is obtained. Otherwise, you can get a not very beautiful picture. As the final step, experts advise applying powder, which will be slightly lighter than the usual skin color.

All this will slightly visually reduce the protruding nose.

Experts advise against choosing glitter makeup products. They may highlight the issue. As well as a face shiny from droplets of fat or sweat.

In order to prevent this, it is necessary to wipe the face in the morning with a special tonic that reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands on the face, and wipe it with matting wipes during the day. Last resort - matting powder.

Another tip from beauty experts is to focus on the lips. Owners of a large nose need to choose lipsticks of bright tones and shades.

Thanks to them, others will pay attention to the lips, not the nose. The same effect can be achieved with a hairstyle. Stylists advise not to cut off the bangs for girls with a large nose, it is better to make a cascading haircut.

By the way. You can visually shorten the nose with the help of foundation of different shades.



Even earrings will help to shift the focus from the nose. As plastic surgeons have found out, when a person pays attention to a girl's ears, his gaze is automatically directed to her nose.

In order to avoid this, you just need to change the earrings and wear more elongated ones, for example, earrings with feathers.


Large glasses can also visually reduce the length of the nose. Experts also advise wearing the right hats.

What is rhinoplasty?

If all these tips did not help and the problem of a long or large nose is still relevant, you need to seek help from a plastic surgeon. After examination, he may offer to do - nose reduction surgery.

On the Internet, you can find quite a lot of photos of patients "before" and "after" the operation. The result is truly amazing. The face after the intervention of surgeons looks more natural and attractive.


Depending on the request of the patient and the type of problem, there are several types of rhinoplasty - open and closed.

In the first case During the operation, a fragment of the nasal septum is cut off. This allows you to shorten the nose. However, surgeons do not always use this method. Often, removing part of the nasal septum does not give the desired effect.

It happens that doctors cut off part of the lateral cartilage that forms the shape of the nose. After cutting off part of such cartilage, the specialist forms a new shape of the nose.

The procedure is carried out not only on the septum, but also along the radius of the corner under the nasal passages.

With closed method the integrity of the skin during the operation is not violated, and after the patient does not see stitches and scars on his face. All of them are inside the nasal passages.


The operation, depending on the complexity, lasts from an hour to an hour and a half. All this time the patient is under general anesthesia.

Given the complexity of the procedure, it is necessary to pass all the necessary tests and consult a doctor before it. The main thing, the experts noted, is to precisely and clearly discuss the desired result.

The surgeon and the patient must understand each other. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided. And the operation, instead of the expected joy and improvement of the condition, can only bring disappointment and even more complexes.

Important. The operation to correct the shape of the nose lasts from an hour to an hour and a half

Recovery after rhinoplasty

The recovery process takes about a week. At this time, perhaps the person will smell poorly and feel something like nasal congestion.

This is due to swelling of the tissues of the nose. After about 2-3 weeks, the nose comes to life.