Statuses about feelings. Aphorisms about emotions - emotional statuses

When a person stops changing, stops feeling, stops loving ... he dies ... (Stephen King)

if a person hides his betrayal from you, it means that he still loves you.

Good relationships are painstaking work, but they shouldn't turn into torture !!!

He looked into her eyes and said - "So small, but such a great happiness."

The more a girl forgives, the more resolutely and unexpectedly she will leave !!!

He will ask “How are you?” And you will answer “Everything is fine” and put a smiling smiley! And he will never know ... that at that moment a tear was flowing down your cheek ...

Whenever I fall asleep next to you and I will see your dreams.

I wish the girl with whom you will wake up so that every morning she hears you call her by my name.

Don't marry someone you can live with. Marry the one you can't live without.

I want to live with him. to wake up, run from him around the house. to kiss easily, and not to call with the words: I want to see you

If I caught a goldfish, I would make three wishes: to be with you, to be with you, to be with you ..

"I don't care, kid, who is right and who is wrong! I just don't love you anymore!"

I want to be happy, which means I want to be with you ...

Love is when my mom makes coffee to dad and takes a sip before giving him the cup to make sure it's delicious.

Mom, he's gone! - So why are you crying? On the street you go around shit and do not roar! Take it and go around now and do not roar!

If I say "goodbye forever" - this is nonsense, don't listen to me ... hold on and don't let go ...

No options. It will become mine. I decided this back in the kindergarten, when, sitting next to me on the pots, he said that I had funny panties.

You. Favorite. The best. Smiling often. Green-eyed. Gentle. Sometimes stupid. Sometimes cold. Solar. Spring ... But the main thing is that you are mine!

Today I cried my love before. standing in the bathroom with trembling hands on the sink. You ran down my cheeks to the last drop.

- Well, I decided to confess my love to him. came, and he was with a friend. - and what? - the heart fell into the heels and ... - what ?! - his friend is ah * envy ....)))

The husband says to his wife - Darling, imagine the situation: you come home, and I am in bed with another woman. - Dear, imagine the situation too - you come home, and I am in bed with another man. - And you do not confuse the situation with bl * dstvom!

Heart: I still love him. Memory: I still remember him. Brain: I still think about him, so I'll take it now and call! Pride: What about the * ball ??))

I'm not looking for a soul mate, it just so happened, my mother gave birth to me whole!

I have a chocolate bar, and a chocolate bar has me. She makes sure that I feel good. This is a really high relationship.

Delete it! Remove. Delete everything. Delete number. Feelings of prowess. Delete photos. Delete songs. Delete messages. Remove from friends. Remove from your heart. Remove all memories. Live fully. You deserve it |

He just wrote "good morning", and I was already rushing around the house with shouts of joy. I give up. He's incredible.

Probably I will never forget this relationship and he will not forget.
We will still remember them, each time experiencing pain.
And no one, bitch, will think: and can return?

-The most cruel thing is to part without explanation. Silently leave, leaving a person alone with hundreds of razor-sharp questions in his head, to which only you can answer

We are like Masha and the Bear. I am so small, arrogant and clingy. And he is big, strong, protects all the time and, no matter what, does not let go

You love the guy and you hate him. Throwing all things, you run to him at the first call, sending all the princes along the way. And when he leaves, you swallow the pills by handfuls.

The doctor, examining the patient, asks: - What are you complaining about? - On the wounds in the heart.

Feelings are manifested even in such little things as sleep. You arrange scandals for a guy simply because he turned away in a dream.

I, of course, do not have an overestimated self-esteem, but everyone says that the guy will be lucky with a princess like me.

Best status:
Any girl will send all the gentlemen if she has the guy whose photo she always carries with her.

A friend wanted to confess her feelings to the guy, but she was shy, so she wrote only z nt, z k., K .. And he didn't even think to translate it into Russian.

I want to constantly confess my love to you, but as soon as I see you, the desire disappears. You leave, the embarrassment disappears somewhere and again I cannot cope with my feelings. This is the kind of love.

When he said goodbye to her, he said "Goodbye." I still cannot forgive myself for this last lie.

Sometimes just a moment is enough to understand that you love a completely different person. And life immediately changes. You breathe differently.

Love is a weasel, a bed and a stroller!

And once I listened to "Hands Up", played with dolls, spent the night with my friends ... And then ... Then I fell in love with you. Now I listen to rap, play with life, and rarely sleep ... I love you: *

The world can be changed with love. If you do something that you love, then you will definitely succeed.

Malvina's story once again proved that a woman can easily fall in love with a man, even with a wooden head, but possessing the Golden Key.

One day you will ask me what I love more: you or life? I will answer that life. You will leave without knowing that life is you.

Love is the only game that does not stop because of the darkness.

Love is the wisdom of fools and the folly of the wise.

Parting for love is the same as the wind for a fire: it will extinguish a small love, and ignite a big one even more.

You and I will never succeed. Even break up.

The longest, purest and most devoted love is the love of one's reflection.

I love you. - What?! o_O - Sorry. This should have been - hello, how are you? what are you doing? But I sealed myself robustly

Love is like fire - it warms, but if you handle it carelessly, you can get very burned.

He looked into my trusting eyes and said that he was madly in love with me ... but at the same time he cheated on me on the other ... I loved him madly ... and now I love him ... but a residue of sadness remained in my soul ... it hurts so much ...

Do you think it hurts? Relax for a long time she does not care and her every word is a lie. She lies, but only because she herself does not believe anyone. And you are the reason.

I know for sure that love will pass when the sea separates two hearts.

"Love cannot be without pain!" - said the hare, hugging the hedgehog tightly ...

we do not know what will happen tomorrow. our business is to be happy today.

In a love triangle, one corner is always obtuse.

Love resembles a river: a man rushes into it without hesitation, and a woman enters gradually.

And she just wants love.

When you fall in love unrequitedly, you want to apologize to all those who were unrequitedly in love with you.

Love is like a cup of hot coffee ... you can get warm, or you can get burned.

The phrase “let's stay friends” is deciphered like this: “I don't love you anymore, but it's nice to watch how you love me”.

Love is like a butterfly: if you squeeze too hard, you crush it, let it go, and it will fly away.

I will call the first summer rain by your name, and I will wait for you under it until you come. To touch your lips with a gentle breeze and dissolve in a billion endless minutes ...

Inexperienced love says: "I love you because I need you", experienced: "I need you because I love you."

I will not write a long status with beautiful words ... But I will simply say: "I love!"

Angels call it heavenly joy, devils call it hellish torment, and people call it love.

Only a person with a pure heart can truly love.

I would like to call you and tell you how good everything is with me ... that I am getting enough sleep and finally happy ... that it is July on the street, and spring is in my heart. I would like you to believe it ... But I will not call, I still love you ...

My love with the last bit of strength. It happens to those who have lost too much or have been burned too much. Those who understand that they are ready to give themselves back to another, but if the feeling is not understood by those with whom they are connected, then they will completely disappear.

They say that it hurts to look at the sun, but it is even more painful to look at the lips that you love, but cannot kiss ...

Love even brings a strong person to his knees ...

- Darling, tell me why in the bouquet you gave me all the roses are white, but one is red? - How to explain. You see ... because everyone is the same ... And you are the only one!

Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to come up and pick it from the edge of the abyss.

Beautiful statuses about love - Love can be compared to the sea: someone likes the feeling of a storm with huge waves of feelings, while someone prefers calm smooth water with a moonlit path to the horizon.

Today I accidentally found your scent in a passer-by ... Never at the same time felt so dizzy and my head clenched ...

Loves not the man who constantly repeats his love ... But the one who silently makes you happy !!!

Come on like Tom and Jerry, we fight every day, but never part

Love is the mirror of the soul. When you love and are loved, then your souls are mutually reflected in each other.

For every Shrek there is Theon, who will be purple, that he is green!

“We’ll get married, and I’ll allow you to kiss me in a place where no man has kissed me yet!” - Where is it? - In the Bahamas, dear!

Darling tell me 3 great words that connect loved ones forever? - dear, I'm pregnant!

If you love me, then I will move mountains! if not, then the neck.

I need to sleep!! And I cannot sleep ... After all, you are not there. Come to it.

Love is a disease that has new symptoms every time.

It’s not love with you, but grief, I’m afraid of your eyes, they’re like the sea, and I’m just learning to swim!

Love is like a virus for which there is no vaccine!

There is a brook at the river, a moth at a flower, a romantic dream, I have you in my life!

I do not need someone who will say “I love” all day, but someone who will one day say: “… and I need you this way… a little unbalanced psychopath…

Black tears are dripping - it's just mascara. It's for joy, dear, that I'm parting with you!

We love those who do not love us, and we destroy those who love us.

True love is like a masterpiece: it is one, but there are a lot of fakes.

Love has passed, the tomatoes have withered ... the sandals are tight and we are not on our way!

Happy loving eyes decorate better than any makeup!

You are the reason for my idiotic smile in love!

They lived happily ever after in love until they found out that others were living longer and happier.

If you love - love, if you do not love - do not fool your head, move away and do not bother to love others.

I realized that your love is the best melody I've ever heard in my life.

Love is as sweet as sugar, as dangerous as fire and as deadly as poison. But you can't live without her

She is the one who finds the problem, even in a cup of tea; he is the one who needs her, even this.

A woman deceived in love knows no mercy for the offender.

We say I DO NOT love, but tears are flowing in our souls.

Love is a temporary condition and often ends in marriage.

I told him that I would commit suicide. He, smiling, replied: “So, I will live for two ...” And for this I love him very much.

- I will love the one who will give me the most beautiful stone. - No, everything will be different. First, you will love him, and then he will put an ordinary cobblestone in your hand, and you will call him the most beautiful stone.

With you I learned where butterflies winter ... They are in my tummy.

Love is such a state of mind when you cannot live without your beloved, when you need him like air, like life itself ... and the moment of separation from him seems more than eternity ...

They say that it hurts, feeling love, to watch her leave ... But it is even more painful, holding her hand, to let go ...

I want to meet someone who can turn off my brain and turn on my heart.

Show me her in the photo. I'm not jealous, I'm curious, they say you've found someone. Tell me how it was, are you better with her?

Her hair smells like fruit, her eyes are sweet, her eyes are caramelized, her smile is chocolate ... she's too sweet - your butt will stick together!

- What would you say if you found out that I have one day left to live? - Meet me in the sky

People are looking for their half, so that, having found it, they will not give it to anyone. It is happiness to be loved by someone. And the double is to love yourself.

"Love cannot be used" - everyone must choose for himself where to put the comma ...

Statuses about love with meaning - To love means to see a miracle invisible to others.

One-sided love is suffering cured by another love.

Everything that is not colored by love remains colorless.

And he doesn't freak out, he doesn't whine like a woman, so that I don't fuck his brains, doesn't refuse, doesn't run, but just silently loves and re-educates - you can trust such a guy ... I love ...

We always believe that our first love is the last and our last love is the first.

Love is the only thing you can give, and yet you will have it.

Do not waste your life, it is not endless, Appreciate every breath, moment and hour, After all, in this world, albeit not impeccable, There is one who prays heaven only for you!

The same thing happened with love as with the ghosts: since they stopped believing in them, they have not been shown to anyone.

Take the sand in your hands. Hold it in the palm of your hand - and the sand stays in it, but if you squeeze your hand tightly into a fist, the sand will begin to spill out through your fingers and part of it wakes up. It's the same in relationships. Treat a person in the same way, do not infringe on his freedom, and he himself will stay with you!

The mind lets go, but the heart holds ...

I know that you are burning in the flame of love, but I'm not afraid to play with fire ... Touching each other, we lose our heads ...

Life is like a piano. White keys are love and happiness, black keys are sorrow and sorrow. To hear the real music of life, we must touch both those and those.

Only true love can stand the test of reality.

Darkness cannot disperse darkness - only light can. Hatred cannot destroy hatred - only love can.

Love is like everything in the world and is not like anything.

Love is often mistaken, seeing in a beloved object that which does not exist, but sometimes only love reveals in it the beautiful or the great, which is not accessible to observation and the mind.

We are like Masha and the bear. I am so small and clingy, but he is big, strong, no matter what, he endures me and does not let me go anywhere.

"Love is when you tell a guy that you like his shirt and then he wears it every day."

The best place for me is in your arms.

Love burns like fire in my soul. When will we see you again? When, kissing you again, I hear three tender words?

Love is when you call a two-meter unshaven gouging with a meter span of the shoulders, who listens to heavy music and walks in all black, you call the sun.

To love is to live the life of the one you love.

Love is when you take and want to take even more, consume, devour, without logic and without reason.

Cool statuses about love - Love is the best antidepressant, slimming agent, energy drink and drug in one bottle!

Love is both a shield and a sword. She can both protect and hurt deeply.

You can't buy love by order ... You can't choose the taste and color ... It comes to some at once ... To others - after dozens of years ... One burns ... Another smolders ... Yes, let's face it, not melting: “Love has no standards!” ... each has its own ...

You can go in for sports, work, but not love. Because you can leave sports, quit your job, and love is inevitable.

It is better to love and lose love than never to love at all.

For an offended feeling, the truth is always harsh and almost unbearable.

The amazing is near, you think, unsuccessfully trying to shove feelings into logic.

What a great feeling it is to know that you are admired for something more than outfits.

You trampled my feelings ... no ... you bulldozed them.

It’s an awkward feeling when someone who did a lot worse than you before suddenly starts to do better than you.

The fact that under the ribs colitis pulsating ... This is LOVE!

I have a feeling wherever I go, wherever I hide, love will find me anyway, so what's there to steam)

I am very often confused in feelings. I seem to like you very much, but fuck it.

You cannot tell a person what he does not want to hear ...

Romantic feelings are just a chemical reaction.

It's a pity that now everything is being sold for money ... even feelings ...

Look into my eyes - and you will see in them all my feelings and all my sadness ... All suffering and a small particle of hope.

... and with a feeling of complete self-satisfaction))

I love a person to whom everyone, as if to heaven, worries only, no matter how my feelings were to him until n * zdy ...

This twofold feeling - sadness - hits the soul with piano drops.

The feelings of two beings who love each other are almost never identical.

People have this same feeling of love. But in recent years, she has not been sincere.

A feeling that has no counterbalance reaches its peak and is usually transformed.

In feelings, as well as on the road, you cannot blindly trust the "traffic light" ... Unfortunately, there are enough reckless and color-blind people ...

I dissolve in feelings without noticing anything around ... Only eyes to eyes and my body burns with every touch of my hands ...

Speed ​​is my life, music is my expression of feelings ...

Men Dear! Feelings for a woman cannot be puffed in or put in. They can only be acquired and developed with your help!

Love is a life-giving fire in the soul of a person, and everything created by a person under the influence of this feeling is marked with the stamp of life and poetry.

-Knock Knock! -Who's there? -Love! -Fuck!

There was a murder. Feelings, hopes, dreams were killed with special cruelty. The offender disappeared from the scene of the crime.

The feeling of jealousy is one of the strongest feelings on earth. Sea of ​​tears shed through this feeling. SEA…

Love is akin to illness, if you fall ill too often, immunity develops ... or it becomes chronic.

Maybe love is nothing more than a feeling of gratitude for pleasure.

The actions of life are like food, and thoughts and feelings are like seasonings ...

Love is that feeling that cannot be shown or told ...

Let's take care and love each other, In my soul, carry tenderness and affection, Appreciate respect, understand and keep, And live happily like a fairy tale.

Although we are the masters of our hearts, it can be very difficult to put a bridle on our feelings.

Feelings are always funny, especially when they fall into the clutches of strangers.

Soul and heart are full of feelings only in a person !!! But among the human race and non-humans are enough.

The staircase of my senses is high, and it is not without desire that I sit down on its lowest steps because at the highest the wind often blows piercingly and the light is too bright.

Love is an incomprehensible feeling of humanity. It cannot be understood, explained and said, you can only burn in it !!!

Distance is such a test of feelings !!! Love him. And I can't imagine my life without him. He is far away. But I will wait.

The main skill in life is the ability to master the word. It's good when you can support a person in time, sympathize, give him hope.

It's time to leave! The dynamite of the senses is damp and the gaze no longer reaches the goal!

This feeling happens once in a lifetime. Stop whining that everything sucks! It's better to give love to yourself than to those who don't fucking need it.

Eyes were burning, hands were cold, and we could, but missed.

It's unrealistically cool to feel someone's hand on your hand ...

Yes! He is a pig, he is a goat, a heartless, unfeeling person, he ... he ... Yes, I love him !!!

Don't waste your money on beer and cigarettes, it's better to give your mom a bouquet.

Beautiful statuses about love for a girl are a decent way to express your feelings.

What a pleasant feeling when the tangerine is easy to peel!

What feelings will the Sublunary world awaken without you from end to end? But if you are not in paradise - no need for paradise.

It is better to feel someone with whom you are not together than to be with someone you do not feel ...

Feelings are the simplest thing in the world. They change as easily as you blink. They are not a door, but like a carousel ... They can make many people happy ...

As long as feelings play with me, it means I am still alive.

Dance is not only a means of expressing feelings, but also a means of reaching a higher level of consciousness.

- I hate you!
- Hatred is a strong feeling. Keep it in your soul so as not to remember me.

You are my charger! Charged me with positive energy))) And now ... sorry ... I don't want to sleep at all)))

Overcoming the seemingly insurmountable, forgetting the seemingly unforgettable, forgiving the seemingly unforgivable, explaining the seemingly inexplicable - we kill feelings, purifying the soul ...

Hits - means he loves? Hit him heartily! Let him also feel how you are crazy about him!

Sometimes, only when we are forever separated from the one we loved, we feel how strong our love is.

Don't be afraid to express your feelings, otherwise the game will be lost.

This is a terrible feeling in the stomach when you see an ex to whom there is still something ...

... and with a sense of accomplished marital duty))

We are always afraid to offend other people's feelings. Nobody is afraid to offend our feelings ...

Two feelings save us in life - love and humor ... If you have one of the two, you are a happy person! If you have both ... - you are invincible!)

When you reach the end of what you need to know, you will be at the beginning of what you need to feel.

Everything breaks down: feelings, people, iron ... Especially the iron upset me. I really didn't expect from him! ...

Sometimes it happens that there are feelings, but there is no sense ...


Why are we afraid of our feelings? Because no one believes in them.

Develop good feelings in yourself, without them the soul is very empty.

The ability to manipulate minds and feelings is now valued more than being true to your affections ...

I respond to human cunning with healthy cynicism ...

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you an asshole. I thought ... you already know that ...)))

And I will not wish the enemy to feel the PAIN that I feel ...

Life heals from feelings ...

“Never try to present your feelings as playful, this will not help get rid of them, but only devalue them. For others and for yourself. And what could be worse than how to live on the cheap? "

Statuses about feelings

By controlling your feelings, you will get the result, if feelings prevail, there will be anxiety.

She took out new feelings from the cluttered attic of her soul ... shook off the dust ... tried it on ... and ... put it on!

Restraint in love or friendship would be a stupid quirk and, moreover, an act of selfishness that kills every feeling, first in ourselves, and then in a loved one.

Never surrender yourself to such feelings as longing, sadness, sadness ... Psychiatrists call the consequences of such destructive emotions depression, in other words - despondency, which the church attributes to mortal sins.

All the same, you have to try to keep your feelings under control, otherwise you will relax a little and, like a free wind, you will not be able to stop them.

Romance is a world that sits between platonic love and sensual passion.

So much pain ... that you don't feel whether you live or exist at all ...

Love ... these are impulses of feelings of the soul and heart ... Which make us commit rash ... sometimes not real actions ... In order ... to be together ...

When they say to you: “Thank you for the warmth, for the joy,” you want to give them again and again.

Strong feelings are interchangeable. Great love can be replaced by great hatred towards the one who is to blame for the fact that there is no more love ...

We restrain our emotions, embarrassed to speak affectionate words, but in vain ...

Love is not a substitute for love, but when feelings disappear, we renounce one love for the sake of another.

Addiction to someone or something rejects the arguments of reason and tries in every possible way to justify itself.

Feelings have nothing to do with reason. And no matter how smart you are, they can offend you.

It hurts unbearably. I'm going to die. I will be later.

You are in the power of my feelings, do not doubt even my blanket at night Your blanket cover is dreaming ...

Sometimes I feel like a kitten in a store. It seems like everyone likes me, but no one needs nafig.

Better to burn alive than freeze without experiencing ...

The worst thing ... is when you love each other, but both are proud

You can learn a lot, but no one can teach sincerity.

- Just be careful with me, I can fall in love. - And how does it happen in women? - Suddenly. There was a man, and in a few minutes already a victim ... of my unbridled feelings ...

How painful it is when he is parallel ...

“It would be high time to start using the heart belt. The road is dangerous, and we never buckle up. "

Shut up to hear ... Do not think, to feel ... Believe, in order to love ...

You shouldn't shout about feelings all over the world. It is enough to say "thank you" to one person!

You just need to learn to say hello with indifference.

Each person is a slave of his feelings and will of the master. And the will of the master in us sometimes kills feelings. I wish you harmony of feelings and will!

Sometimes feelings are right, but people can be wrong.

Your presence alone drives me crazy and deprives me of my clarity of thought ...

What happened with me? In life I am cheerful, the soul of the company, I always know what and where to say, but as soon as HE comes or calls, I am silent like a fish, I don’t know what to say, I’m just dumb. Help!!!

There would be much fewer tears and broken lives in the world if people did not confuse the concepts of "desire" and "love"

Do not say loudly that you are happy and you are doing well, really happy people will not trumpet the whole world about it. Don't try to convince yourself by trying to convince everyone ... Happiness is silent and not exalted !!!

All the strongest feelings are fueled by pain ... not physical. Moral. Soulful. The worst pain ...

Human feelings are a boomerang ... What you launch will come back to you ... Deception and lies, like a ghostly fog ... Once in your life, it will respond with pain ...

Words cannot describe what you need to feel at least once!

If people love each other, then wasting time is simply stupid and even criminal.

Probably, the word "heart" comes from the verb "to be angry." For some reason, when I am angry, my heart begins to ache ...

Anyone who has lived with a woman for many years can part with her for one glance.

Having married, to the one who does not love you, do everything so that she does not regret it, and everyone said what a happy and loving couple!

Any attitude, in which a violent sense of the soul and a firm conviction of reason are invested, is reflected in reality.

If you heard my soul screaming in pain, your membranes would burst.

Now, I hope you will understand my long-term cry from the heart, it seems that I am again "in flight", love is in no hurry to smile at me with a wedding ... :-))

Feelings multiplied by feelings are something worth living for.

It just hurts to lose the one whom you seem to have been looking for all your life.

If you want something from a person, say it out loud, because we are all far from psychics,

Once I breathed fresh air, I never wanted to return to the stuffy cell of my hard-forgotten past.

Pain is the only feeling (moral, physical) that causes all other feelings.

We are always afraid to offend other people's feelings. no one is afraid to offend our feelings.

When Cupid pierces us with his arrows, we feel no pain. It only hurts when he pulls them back out.

She blows out the candles as she wants to extinguish the pain that is inside her!

I learned to be silent about the love I wanted to shout about.

Looking at couples in love, I feel an emptiness inside. So I want to love and be loved ...

Statuses about feelings with meaning

    # 201. Be with the one with whom you always smile sincerely.

    # 202. It doesn't matter how much you know the person. The main thing is who he has become for you ...

    # 203. You can't even imagine how much I miss you.

    # 204. With you I always want to stop time.

    # 205. If you have feelings for a person that you did not feel for anyone, hold on to him.

    # 206. It is foolish to be jealous when he is only a friend.

    # 207. To know how you feel when you see me.

    # 208. This is only feelings, no meaning.

    # 209. Oh, that feeling when you accidentally touch someone you like.

    # 210. Feel the difference between me and the others, and if I'm not the same, then stay with them.

    # 211. Even from miles away, he can make me feel better than the people next to me.

    # 212. This is an unrealistic delusion when you think that a person is with you forever.

    # 213. Forgetting a person is hampered by good memories and hopes that never came true.

    # 214. It's just that his eyes are dear and beloved ... It's just that his lips are so gentle and whisper tender words ... It's just that he's mine ... I'm just lucky.

    # 215. In our time, it is very difficult to prove to a person that he is really, very dear to you. Few believe.

    # 216. The most important thing in a relationship is the fight. Only then do you understand how dear this person is to you.

    # 217. If you cannot forget a person for a long time, it means that in his heart he will not let you go yet!

    # 218. He tried to find another with the same eyes as hers ... but he forgot that the wonder of the world cannot be repeated ...

    # 219. They were made for each other, but they were terribly stupid ...

    # 220. If only he knew what was going on inside me when I looked into his eyes ...

    # 221. Appreciate a person not for their appearance, but for their attitude towards you!

    # 222. It happens that you hold a person's hand and you don't need anything else. No kisses, no words. You are just calm, warm and easy.

    # 223. Happiness is to fall in love with a person who is already in love with you!

    # 224. The whole world does not understand how I want to hug you ...

    # 225. While he was thinking and guessing, another got married and took!

    # 226. When he is around I envy myself ...

    # 227. You can shout, hate ... not see each other for a week, month, year ... think that everything is over. And then see you and just go crazy ...

    # 228. Never judge a person by their past! The most important thing is what he is like in the present. And what plans does he have for the future.

    # 229. Each of us has such a person that we think about when we listen to sad music, when we go to bed, when we are alone with ourselves, and perhaps thanks to whom, we are now what we are.

    # 230. I don't care who you are to everyone. The main thing is what you are with me.

    # 231. Don't be silent ... life is so short. One second is sometimes everything. And when you can't find the right words, just tell the person - “you are needed, don't go away”.

    # 232. Everyone wants to find a handsome, smart and tough guy, and in the end they fall in love with someone with whom they can laugh until the morning.

    # 233. Everyone said that we were not a couple ... And I took her hand and said: we are not a couple. We are one!

    # 234. When you talk to a person alone, he seems completely different. ©

    # 235. It's so nice when the person you like just looks at you.

    # 236. Now I would just snuggle up to you and say how much I missed you all this time ...

    # 237. I think the guys forgot what the FIRST STEP is.

    # 238. In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved one, even virtues are annoying !!!

    # 239. The best guy is the guy who will never hurt his girlfriend, both mentally and physically .. The one who will not allow his girlfriend to suffer.