Significant differences between a girl and a woman. Difference between a relationship with a girl and a relationship with a woman

Where is the thin line between a girl and a full-fledged woman? How to see her? After all, what is the difference between a girl and a woman?

Guys are attracted to girls. Men are attracted to women. This has nothing to do with the actual age of a person. I'm talking about the level of maturity, the vision of being and the stages of life. In fact, some people, regardless of their age, will never grow up. Moreover, this does not mean that a woman will not have "girlish" or immature behavior, or vice versa. This post applies to those who are mature enough.

If you are a guy, then accept the fact that only girls will pay attention to you. However, if you are a man (independent, self-worth, having a strong moral core, caring and having no idea what insecurity is), then you should build a relationship with a woman. And if you still find it difficult to distinguish a girl from a woman, then my post will help you.

1. The girl constantly falls into tantrums... When she is unhappy with something, she behaves with you in the same way as in childhood with her parents. Usually it happens like this: she screams, folds her lips in a bow, is silent, becomes passive-aggressive. A woman, being upset or dissatisfied, also experiences some emotions, but she develops the skill of controlling them. She, like an adult, sits down at the table and expresses everything that worries her.

2. The girl considers herself a princess and believes that others should treat her the same way. In her understanding, everyone owes her something, and in the end she expects more than she really deserves. The woman, in turn, has no expectations. and requirements (which she projects onto others), but there are certain rules (which she follows).

3. A girl can get so used to asserting herself due to her appearance and sexuality, that she uses it as her main tool in order to get everything she needs from life. A woman knows that her value and significance does not lie in physical attractiveness.... The value of a woman is based on the level of her intellect, her strength, honesty, life values ​​and humanity.

4. The girl counts that the man will become her financial support. Woman strives to be independent - she relies only on herself. And if it happens that in her relationship the partner prefers to be the main breadwinner of the family, she considers this a "bonus" and not "for granted."

5. For a girl, everything is not enough.... She constantly competes and even blows another girl out of her way, just to save her resources or relationship with a partner. Woman helps other women... She knows that there are many ways to achieve what she wants.

6. The girl will not bother household chores, moreover, she is proud of the fact that she does not know how to cook or clean. A woman understands that household chores are not a duty, but she knows that this is one of the ways to take care of herself and others. She also understands that in case she wants to start a family, it is important to understand the household.

7. A girl wants attention, a woman - respect... The girl wants to be idolized by hundreds. A woman - to be idolized by one.

8. The girl does not respect her body... She still does not understand that her body and her heart are sacred, and that how she relates to them is extremely important. And more importantly, whom she allows to take possession of them. “The girl cares about her handbags, diamonds and a collection of shoes. A woman, on the other hand, takes care of her health, self-awareness and talent. x ", - Nadia Mah

9. A woman spends time contemplating what kind of person she wants to be. and the vision of your life. She reflects on her worth and on what she is. Girls do not have a moral compass and understanding of their value, so they are often contradictory.... “After spending time with a girl, you feel exhausted because she takes more than she can give. Spending time with a woman gives you a boost of energy because she gives you a passion for life. ”- Nadia Mah

10. The girl has a list that prioritizes superficial qualities.... Here's an example of what this list might look like: hot, popular, wearing skinny jeans, tall enough, rich ... Now let's look at a list of qualities that a woman can search for herself: honest, smart, kind, able to communicate, emotionally open ...

Many of these differences take time to distinguish between a mature woman and a girl with an immaturity of thought. However, one of the fastest filters to notice right from the start is:

11. The girl plays games. The woman is not.

The girl jumps from one social circle to another, acquires a friendship that does not last long. A woman deeply values ​​friendship and carries it through the years with gratitude, energy and caring.

It is naive to believe that a girl becomes a woman by marrying or having a child. The level of psychological and emotional maturity often has nothing to do with the person's actual age. It would seem, what's wrong with the fact that even in adulthood a woman remains young at heart? But we are not talking about the youth of the soul, but about the behavioral patterns that often prevent women themselves from accepting themselves, their growing up and building the right relationship with a man.

A mature woman who behaves like a demanding and naive girl can never build a harmonious relationship either with a man or with herself. Here's how to tell a girl from a woman.

1. The girl believes that everyone owes her something.

At a young age, many girls are given everything by themselves. Their naivety, inexperience and youthful beauty, many really forgive all mistakes and are ready to love them just for what they are. But a wise and mature woman understands that no one owes her anything. She has no overestimated expectations and demands, so she takes all gifts of fate not for granted, but with great gratitude. She appreciates what she has and does not make claims.

2. When the girl's requirements are not met, and the expectations are not met, she falls into hysterics.

She screams, folds her lips in a bow, becomes aggressive or resentful. A woman knows how to control her emotions. She, as an adult, knows how to constructively conduct a dialogue and find out problems in a calm tone.

3. A girl not only uses her appearance and sexuality to achieve goals, but also manipulates men with these concepts.

For example, refusing to have sex with her husband until he buys her some desired piece of clothing. A woman will never stoop to base manipulation of her weakness, appearance or sexuality.

4. Since for a girl appearance is her main weapon, she cannot accept her own aging.

Wrinkles or minor imperfections in appearance panic girls, so they are ready to shell out any money to hide, correct, tighten and remake their bodies. In adulthood, they still try to be girls and princesses, which looks ridiculous to say the least.

The woman understands that her value and significance is not limited only by her appearance. She knows how to use her intellect, strength, life principles. Women only get prettier with age, because they know how to accept their age and grow old with dignity.

5. The girl expects that the man will provide for her.

A woman strives for independence, because she knows that only when a marriage is a union of two independent and mature individuals can it be strong and happy.

6. The girl does not want to bother with household chores.

She boasts that she can't cook. A woman knows that housekeeping is one of the ways to take care of herself and her family.

7. Girls are superficial.

They value above all fleeting qualities: wealth, popularity, coolness and authority. Women look deeper and see in a person his true qualities, such as decency, attentiveness, care and life values.

8. The girl only wants to receive.

From childhood, she was accustomed to unconditional parental love and simply did not learn to give anything in return. After talking with her, you feel tired. A woman knows how to give and give, without demanding anything in return. She inspires, charges with positive or lyrical mood, but never exhausting and does not take away the energy of a man.

9. The girl competes with others.

This also applies to other women, with the superiority of whom she cannot accept, and her own partner, whom she can humiliate or ridicule with the sole purpose of asserting herself. A woman helps others. She knows that there are many ways to achieve what she wants.

10. The girl wants attention, she needs to be idolized.

Hence the pursuit of likes and popularity. A woman wants respect. She cares little about what others say about her. She values ​​the opinion of only those who are truly worthy of her respect. A woman needs to be idolized by one.

11. A woman knows how to admit her mistakes, therefore, it is from this point that the transformation of a girl into a woman begins.

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All girls are different, with their pluses, minuses, skills to cook borscht and bake buns. Or the inability to do it. But almost all girls can be divided into two categories "Girls" and "Women". Today we will analyze the second category. And don’t say you didn’t deal with Babs.

Difference First. Baba often takes offense at absurdities.

The man said something "wrong" - Baba was offended. The man did something "wrong and wrong" - Baba was offended. The man gave a reason (or did not even give) to think that everything was bad - Baba was offended. Do not wonder. Such resentments are just a sign of low self-esteem. Huge request not to be confused with CSV, it can be enormous. An adequate girl understands that it is simply stupid to be offended by household trifles, and to have a soul mate's brain too. No matter how a man loves Baba, the imposed sense of guilt will sooner or later get bored with him.

Difference Second. Baba does not express resentment directly.

Statuses on VK or Facebook, muddy quotes on Instagram, songs that she throws in your PM - all these are Baba's tricks. So she put the status about “strong with tears in her eyes”, and thus hinted to you: “Dear, you offended me! You have done something irreparable. " But HE did not see. Or haven't read it. So, what is next? Such behavior is not typical for an adequate girl, she can express all her wishes in person and do it in a peaceful manner. Baba, on the other hand, sometimes does not even talk about the subject of his offense. Or he prefers to throw up a scandal.

Difference Third. Baba believes that the man owes her something.

Pick up, go, see off, donate. Baba experiences dissonance when faced with reality. And she is unaware that sometimes a man physically cannot fulfill her "I want". And sometimes he just doesn't want to. Life is not a fairy tale about a prince and a princess. There are things that are really enjoyable and good. But they are not in the Required folder. Yes, a man can pick up, conduct and give, but only if he himself wants it.

Difference Fourth. Personal space.

Baba will search literally all of her partner's personal correspondence. And all this under the sauce: "So, just in case!". Baba cannot adequately digest the fact that her boyfriend hangs out with other girls. The girl understands that everyone's personal space is untouchable and sometimes full of secrets and surprises. And the less you know, the better you sleep. The more Baba is jealous of her man, the more chances that he will teach her horns.

Difference Fifth. Scowls behind the eyes.

How many times has it happened! The women gathered for a glass of beer, and each one should be told: "what a goat he is!" It is by this fact that Baba confirms that she is a failure. For an adequate girl, her man is the most caring, attentive and loving. And it's not pink snot. This is true. If only simply because he will choose just such a young man. And if there are some conflicts in a couple, then the girl cannot take dirty linen in public. Because he perfectly understands that their problems do not concern anyone.

Difference Sixth. Statuses

Speaking of statuses. Baba does not read books, and at the same time, her statuses are Leo Tolstoy or Marquez. And it's good, if only Marquez. We did not learn the rules for the Russian language at school, but we will repost the status from the public on psychology! The girl understands that such statuses look funny and stupid.

Difference Seventh. He is only mine!

Baba is completely chained to her boyfriend. And hangs around his neck as a dead weight. And he tries to fill the maximum of his time with himself. And he is sincerely offended when he is refused. An adequate girl understands that, again, personal space is inviolable and being alone or in the company of friends is absolutely normal, and sometimes vital. And this is not selfishness. Selfishness is precisely the strangulation of your partner because of your inner fears. Baba does not understand that a man can be so busy that he does not care about problems.

There are many differences between the Girl and the Baba, we have only identified a few. One could talk at length about unhealthy attitudes towards sex; that Baba loves to suffer with or without; that some men behave like Babas. But this is a slightly different story ...

Very often I hear from many of my friends, including girlfriends, that they say girl 26-33 + has already walked up and realized that princes on a white horse do not exist, and lowered her needs in choosing a young man to acceptable conditions. Maybe this is partially true, but how things really are, I will explain to you in this material on my personal subjective experience. Well, let's start describing the different age groups of girls.

Actually, what requests girls want ideally everyone has known for a long time, but I will voice them for those who are still in the tank. The girl wants her potential chosen one, in addition to what she liked, to be cheerful, funny and positive, and also purely practical things, namely, he should have own apartment or house, preferably a car and good income... For each girl, these practical interests will change slightly, but in general the picture looks like I described above. And for some reason, many guys believe that the older a girl is 26+, the less she makes demands in her future man, but this is completely wrong and why, I will try to explain to you, but first let's talk about what a girl of 20-26 years old wants ...

Girls aged 20-26 they also want all these material things, but less expressed they are more interested in vivid impressions, trips and entertainment. For them, everything that is connected with material interest, and not momentary impressions, is not so important. They live more on emotions and what is happening right now. Therefore, they are more loyal to the guys who live with their parents, they do not have a car and their own home. This is partly due to the fact that they have little experience of domestic cohabitation with a man, they have not tasted all the delights of life with a guy's parents, reproaches from their mother-in-law, that to eat something, you have to buy and cook something. When they are actually dependent on their parents and all these charms are taken by dad and mom, and the guy gives them only entertainment, love, sex and interesting communication - everything is fine. This explains their softer attitude towards tough material issues in meetings with a guy.

Girls aged 26-33 are usually no longer dependent on relatives, but move on to living together with a guy. And if he does not have his own living space and normal income, then they feel the love of their husband's mother-in-law and father-in-law in all their glory, if they live with his parents. Lack of normal monetary income immediately reduces the scale of realization of her wishes such as travel, clothes, a new smartphone, etc. She hadn't thought about things like rent and food before, but here you have to spend money on these things. That's why the older a girl gets, the more her needs increase... After all, in the future there is a child, and for what kind of shishi he should be dressed, put on shoes, sent to a kindergarten, school and university. All these thoughts begin to wander in the head of a typical girl after 26+ years.

After 30 years, she has such a large baggage of not very good relationships in the past that she simply goes berserk and the requirements for a potential chosen one go off scale many times over. And smart, and handsome, and with an apartment, and with a good salary. But, this girl herself usually gives up very much visually after 30 years. Therefore, the guys have a dissonance, meeting with a 25-year-old girl, they see young beauty and quite adequate wishes, but after meeting with 30+ they see not so young beauty and excessive demands.

I think the myth that a girl after 26-30+ years old is more loyal and compliant and with much less demands comes from the so-called DEMO mode about which the supporters of the Men's movement speaks. She understands at this age that she is no longer as pretty as she was five years ago and therefore she is more loyal at the first stage of meeting a guy. For example, sex can be on the third date, she will not demand any gifts, she will have a smart and pleasant conversation, and even possibly pay half for herself on dates. But all this is only until the moment when she realizes that he has already fallen into her net, after which she will show herself in full glory. I am already silent rsp- girls with a child from past relationships, they have this expressed much more strongly and their DEMO mode is simply wonderful.

A normal and adequate guy, having met such a person, strives to get all the benefits from such her behavior, but when demo expires, then it merges competently, if this does not happen, then it is born baborab or deer to whom which term is more pleasant. I deliberately speak more harshly in order to dispel the guys' illusion that they are really needed by ladies 30+. If she needed him, they would have found him before. First of all, they need the resources of a guy or a child from him, but also that would financially help him to raise. I personally had two about exactly this kind of thinking for a girl in 30 years. That is, they wanted exactly the child, and the man as an addition to him with a wallet. For example, such a formulation of the question does not suit me categorically.

Or another example, a girl of 30+ years old, told one handsome 39-year-old man that she wanted a child from him without obligations. And what do you think, he helped her make it and even helped with the hospital, and stepped aside, because she wanted him for herself. But not even a year had passed when she began to make material claims to him, which were not discussed with their verbal agreement. So think seven times before confiding in a woman in her 30s. After all, they are very changeable and what she was convinced of today may change tomorrow. And when the deed has already been done, then you will have no choice. Date girls you like and have kids with them and don't be tempted by easy demo modes. As you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap.

That's actually what I wanted to convey to you on the topic of relationships with young girls and women over 30+. It is clear that it does not always happen as I described above, but remember, an exception to the rule only confirms the rule. And don't get confused NON-THAT with Demo mode, you have one life and associate it with the girl whom you will really love and she will love you, not for your material buns, but for who you really are. Thanks for reading and good luck friends.

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