The guy has a bad mood that write. How to raise your favorite mood. Your chief assistant is you

We all inspire positive people who know how to keep a positive attitude, even when things are bad. Or, say, not as good as I would like. How do they succeed? And the highest aerobatics is to know how to raise the mood not only yourself, but also others, be able to enter into the life of other people. To cope with stress, apathy, depression, stay on a positive wave, charge the energy of itself and others - invaluable skills that are becoming more and more in our time.

First of all, you need to understand the reasons for your bad mood. What does not suit? What is not possible? Why doesn't me please what I have now? These and other questions are important to ask yourself, understanding that caused sadness or apathy.

Possible reasons for the downtime

  • When, because of the various circumstances, we cannot receive currently what we want, especially if you attach to this effort. It happens in situations where our desires and opportunities do not coincide. Then we experience disappointment.
  • Poor well-being, various diseases. Physical illnesses lead to mental disorders.
  • The lack of sleep and rest is noticeably strengthens the tendency to depressive states. This is our natural need that cannot be neglected.
  • Hormonal violations that may arise at certain periods of life (pregnancy, climax) or, for example, as a result of treatment.
  • Permanent concern for someone or for something.
  • Influence of others. We can experience negative emotions because they do not pay attention to us, criticize, do not respond to love and care, do not recognize the achievements, do not support and so on.
  • Stress experience.
  • Conflicts, quarrels are quite often emotionally emotioned.
  • Waiting for some unpleasant event.
  • Announced business. Forces, it usually takes a lot, but no moral satisfaction comes.
  • Financial difficulties.
  • When we experience any negative feelings (envy, jealousy, hatred, fear), then the mood is reduced.
  • Personal features predisposing to the experience of negative emotions (melancholic type of temperament, anxiety, imperitiousness, insecurity and others). Raise yourself a mood in this case is not so easy because serious internal work is needed to overcome the complexes. But with a great desire, it is very possible.

How to raise yourself mood if everything is bad

Release space for positive

  • Make cleaning. It has long been noticed that order in things leads to order in the head and in the shower. Singing things in its place, we achieve stability in emotions.

We, as it were, be cleared of negative thoughts and feelings, free the space for positive energy and fresh ideas.

  • Frequently from negative emotions. This can be done, splashing them in a constructive way. Write on paper, depict in the form of a picture, crumbling and throwing away or burn. You can shout a little "to nowhere" (not scaring anyone) or to beat soft inanimate objects.
  • Sleep is one of the best medicines.. If you are not sleeping, then the brain activity drops, and with it and the mood. Safety - and feel the tide of cheerfulness and the desire to act. Neglecting rest and sleep and so much so time to do more, we are engaged in self-deception. After all, the body is worn out, and we begin to work "ragged", without enthusiasm. As soon as you allow yourself to sleep fully, immediately feel the tide of cheerfulness and can act faster and more efficiently.

Act, strive, change!

  1. Take care of the way. Every person has a favorite business that charges positive energy and helps to cope with a bad mood.
  2. Take a walk. Wait in the park, walk away from work to the house, move the garden to nature. The main thing is to find outdoors. The saturation of the brain with oxygen contributes to improving the state and mood, the emergence of new ideas and bright thoughts.
  3. Take care of creativity. Many famous works of art were born in the famous figures at such moments.
  4. Sports and work therapy are also effective ways to combat Handrea.
  5. Smile! To myself in the mirror, your loved ones, passersby on the street. This is exactly the case when giving positive emotions to others, you will feel in response to their double portion. That is how in the children's song "Smile".
  6. Improve yourself with a new purchase or just go to walk on shopping.
  7. Complete the work started: what was constantly postponed or were afraid to take.
  8. Maybe try something to change in your life? The choice is large here: from the appearance (hairstyle, style of clothing, etc.) before the development of new activities.

Express methods of raising mood

Your chief assistant is you!

To quickly raise yourself mood, you can use the following ways.

  • Make yourself compliment. Praise yourself for any achievements, even if you are the most minimal.
  • Within 30 seconds, remember 3 of your strong quality. They will be your domestic resource in overcoming a bad mood. Admit these features in themselves, and they will help you cope with the negative.
  • Communicate with your loved ones, with girlfriend. It is important that it was the one who you trust. Moreover, the effect for improving the mood can give both communication and exchange of interesting information and the ability to get support from.
  • Look at your favorite movie. Doubly effectively if it is comedy. Good opportunity to charge positive emotions.
  • Listen to music or dance (You can combat everything). If you begin to sing - even better! The more emotions you spare with different ways, the faster it is released from the negative. So make music pogroms and take off the full!
  • Paint photo album. Pleasant memories and the opportunity to plunge into positive emotions, which are captured in the photo, make you get away from gloomy thoughts and will make a note of positive in the mood.
  • Do something good. It can be a small gift to your loved ones (colleagues, friends), call on the phone or SMS message with warm words. Show care and attention. Prepare a particularly delicious dinner for her husband or reduce the baby in the amusement park. Assist the help of someone who needs it. Now it is very easy to take part in various charitable promotions. Even a small contribution can contribute to the improvement and salvation of someone's life. Help others - and in the soul will become easier!

Let tasty be positive!

  • Eat something delicious, then what is your soul. It has been proven that some products have a substance in their composition, contributing to raising mood (serotonin, tryptophan, endorphine and others). These include: Fat fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, avocado, whole cereals.
  • If you got up in the morning in the depressed mood, then the reason may be a lack of glucose in the blood. Sweet drink (coffee or fruit juice) will give you a cheerfulness and help improve well-being. And be sure to have breakfast. Grackers, eggs, fruits are perfectly suitable.

For soul and body

Stress and apathy always master both the body and our emotions. Therefore, both exercises and psychological methods will be effective in combating them.

  1. Take a shower . The feeling of freshness raises the mood. From jets of falling water, you can get a massage effect. The most suitable in this case will be a contrasting soul.
  2. Use breathing techniques . We do not notice how in stress we literally grabbing breathing, which leads to a lack of oxygen. Or, on the contrary, it may be more frequent, which also violates his rhythm. The most elementary action is to make three deep breaths to the nose and the exhalation of the mouth. Over time, you can master longer respiratory techniques that will help improve physical condition and free from negative experiences.
  3. Relaxation (relaxation) . This method is based on the use of special exercises when you take a convenient posture, focus on sensations in different parts of the body and present pleasant images. For example, you can imagine how you pegs on the waves or lie on the beach, and your body blows a nice warm breeze.

Positive "In Pocket": Pleasant little things for every day

You can come up with and make a symbolism that will always help raise the mood.

  • "Figurine-positive". Make some of your present souvenirs (or buy a new one) Talisman positive emotions. You can wear it with you, you can simply keep on your desktop or shelf on home rack. Watch more often on the figure and charge positive energy.
  • "Notepad of a good mood." Print a notebook, on each page of which there will be some kind of life-affirming phrase, for example: "I can cope with any difficulty" or "Today is my day!" You can use the statements of famous people, but it is best to come up with a list of meaningful for you.
  • "Sunny emotion calendar". Make under the order or type the wall-mounted calendar yourself with your photos on each page (corresponding to each month). Important conditions - so that they reflect any positive moments of your life or so you smiled at them and looked happy.
  • "Converter Good luck". Make a beautiful small envelope (in the style of hand-made), put in it the "predictions" cards or motivators cards in style: "Your salvation in creativity", "paint the life of others, and yours will also become brighter," etc.

How to raise the mood to other people

If we find out in situations where our loved ones or friends are experiencing certain difficulties and are not at the best location of the Spirit, then we have a task to support them and charge with a positive. How to raise your mood to a friend or your beloved girl? The following ways will help do it.

How to raise the mood guy

  1. If your favorite person does not appoint meetings, he does not invite to himself, tries "for a while closing" from everyone, still find the opportunity to come to visit him. You will be together - and this is the main thing! We can watch a movie, listen to music, dance with him. If he persistently refuses, then start to excitely shively and tell me what you want to teach it new movements. Take with me products for cooking some delicious dish. Most likely, your friend will involve in this process with you.
  2. Show care and take care of the guy. Let him relax and take away from the role of the conquer for a while. Buy a friend something, surcharge in his things, etc.
  3. Talk to him frankly and support it. Sometimes it is enough just to listen to a friend, be there. Try to make it sharing the feelings that feel. Try to reflect your vision of the current situation, something to recommend to him, because men always seek to find a solution to the problem.
  4. Make a friend massage, help relax his muscles. From this rarely refuses, moreover, such actions bring together.
  5. Invite it in a cafe, cinema, club, bowling, etc. Pleasant leisure will always help distract from negative thoughts.
  6. Select together on nature or just stroll down the street, in the park. Fresh air and the opportunity to casually chat will help to cope with stress.
  7. Involve the guy to some business, saying that you need His male help. For example, something to repair or figure out the new gadget, which recently purchased.
  8. Offer him to do what he has not yet done, but I would love. For example, jump with a parachute, fly to the aeroterub or a snowboard ride. All men are in one degree or another attractive extreme. At the same time, there is a powerful emission of adrenaline, which is useful in the fight against a bad mood.
  9. List together or plan the future. Dreams will help experience pleasant emotions, and plans will make constructive and specifics that men love so much.
  10. Consider your joint photos that are filled with positive impressions. Ask a friend Show your children's album, comment on your photos.
  11. Spend with a guy a session of relaxing exercises (of course, subject to its consent). When he takes a convenient posture, offer it to fully relax and voicate the pleasant images that you need to imagine.

Many ways are similar to the previous one, but there are also their own features.

  1. Make a sincere compliment. Notify something that before she did not say (in beauty, in clothes, in skills, in internal qualities). The main thing is not to flatter, but to highlight what you really like.
  2. Invite in a cafe, in a movie, in the park or to the exhibition. Ask her about impressions, share your emotions, try to communicate more.
  3. Be sure to listen to the girl. Let it be emotional, shook you in a vest, express your experiences.
  4. Make it a surprise. It can be any small gift or an invitation to spend the original time.
  5. Jold, tell us a funny story. Male women humor love and gratitude return their laugh.
  6. Prepare something for a girl. Beautiful sexes appreciate male culinary fantasies and abilities. In the extreme case, you can simply pamper a girl with some bought delicious.
  7. Give flowers. They rarely leave indifferent women.
  8. Weigh the warmth of your hugs and kiss. It always gives strength and helps to cope with the negative.

How to raise the cigarette mood

This is relevant when you exchange messages by phone, email or social networks.

  • As in the usual conversation, ask what happened, what is the cause of bad mood and anxiety. Emotionally join a friend (girlfriend) with sincere comments: "I am very sorry," "Yes, it must be hard," "I understand your alarm", etc.
  • Just write warm words of support and recognition (depending on who the interlocutor you have to: just a friend or a loved one). Send an inspiring poem, if possible - own essay.
  • Try to distract from negative thoughts by asking some topic for conversation. Share your impressions and ask the opinion of the guy (girls) on this issue.
  • Send a positive picture or video that will make you smile. You can choose them depending on the problem that worries a person. For example, with the help of this, give a friend (friend) self-confidence, push to some important decision, stop worrying and so on.
  • Diverse messages with emoticons and various characters. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Make your photo with a sign in the hands, on which there will be any encouraging phrase, and send it a close person.
  • You can take advantage of social networking and send a certain virtual gift, which will also help raise the mood.

All methods attract positive energy into their lives. Start smile, and over time it will become a habit. Laugh and strengthen your health. Make good actions, and you will feel that you can change the world. Agree, this is a powerful argument to raise the mood.

If your favorite person is bad, no mood, what will you do? Most likely, you will come to the rescue to raise your favorite mood! And for you, dear ladies, it becomes the most important task at this time. Because I really want to keep warm, calm relationships with your loved one!

What to come up with how to raise the mood to your beloved person?

Maybe some of these tips will help you.

1. Do not enter into the influence of his mood, otherwise the conflict can not be avoided. Keep inner calm, peace in the heart, love. Stay as gentle and affectionate!

2. Hug your beloved gently. Ask him alarming. If he does not want to talk about the causes of his bad mood, do not bother. If he considers it necessary, it will definitely share his trouble.

3. Cook him some kind of special dish. Let it be a surprise for him! Maybe it will be a romantic dinner!

4. Look together comedy at home or go to the cinema. Sometimes you need to let go of your favorite cinema or just ventilate.

5. Invite your loved ones to visit yourself. Communicate, hang out!

6. On the table for the buffet, buy a lot of fruits. In the assortment, turn on bananas, pineapples, nuts. Bananas stimulate the nervous system work, walnuts perfectly support life tone.

7. An important rule is no alcohol! Alcohol and cigarettes loose nervous system.

8. Put his favorite music or classical music. Works of Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Mozart improve the mood, providing a mental lift.

9. Cook him a foam bath and take care of him. Any man will be pleased to feel like Sultan, whom the charming concubine is caught. If you do not want to take a bath, then make it a massage, you can erotic.

10. Take sex. Sex will not only bring pleasure to you both, but also raise the mood. Even if your favorite has no mood to do, he is unlikely to refuse your caress. Make your favorite pleasant and, most likely, his bad mood will disappear, and he will make a completely different mood at shift.

Your task is to distract your beloved from all kinds of negative thoughts! You need to try to do it unobtrusively, spectacular! And, of course, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart!

And, if not one of the options, how to raise your favorite mood, did not work, then just leave everything as it is, and wait.

It will take time, the best times will come!

No one in the world can boast that he is constantly a great mood. Periodically, circumstances make up so that the negative seizes the mind, and there is no good thing to think.

Modern life is filled with a great multitude of stressful situations:

  • small domestic troubles;
  • problems at work;
  • diseases;
  • lack of finance;
  • quarrel with friends;
  • problems in relationships.

And this is not a complete list. An important meaning also has the duration of relationships, sometimes predictability, routine following habits capable of spoiling mood, settle the Handra in the heart.

However, a loving girl should attach all possible efforts to help her boyfriend survive heavy moments.

The difficulty is that the strong part of humanity, if it occurs, problems usually closes. This, in turn, greatly complicates attempts to find out the cause of depression.

Experienced women usually do not cause labor to deal with the troubles of their man, but young girls often do not know - how to cheer the guy.

First of all, it is necessary to furnish the case in such a way that the guy from the very beginning of relations treat the house of his girl as a reliable quiet harbor, where he can wait for the storm and take a break from the turmoil of the outside world. Therefore, it follows:

  • meet him in any situation are friendly, with a smile and care;
  • feed with each convenient case;
  • to know his interests and, if possible, divide them.

The guy, realizing that in the house, his beloved is always happy, he will never refuse once again to go "on the light." Guaranteed warm meeting and willingness to listen - two factors, the awareness of which is already a sufficient incentive to increase the mood.

Often, negative emotions of men experience only from what is trite hungry. In this situation, a hot tasty soup plate or freshly prepared cutlet will be returned to him very soon. In general, the toliary of fast carbohydrates is considered excellent sedative - it is worth remembering for the future.

Thus, it will be advisable at the very beginning of relations to find out which dishes are for the guy are loved and desirable. At the same time, it is very important to memorize all the comments on their preparation. Many girls with the guy's statements about that "that his mother does wrong," roll his eyes and stop listening, which is absolutely wrong. Psychologists argue - most often men are looking for women reminiscent of their mothers. This knowledge is worth using in your own interests.

Nicely raises the mood together movie. Find out which of the genres is most interesting to the guy, and try to have several options in stock. A good comedy or a fighter actively act on men, and the community of experiences - brings closer.

How to improve the mood guy

Dance in front of him. After the satisfying dinner, it is best to do it. Perhaps, at first glance, there is nothing particularly funny in this, but in fact the in love guy will definitely smile. The main thing is not to pay attention to it and continue to move to the music. As a result, he will surely join the dances. Psychologists have long proved that such classes contribute to improved mood.

A small gift will also make a beneficial effect and bring positive emotions. Such a gesture, even being largely symbolic, will prove your warm attitude and care.

You can just go to walk or visit the cinema, a nightclub, etc. Large clusters of people usually distract from heavy thoughtful.

How to cheer a man who is not near

Social networks are currently very popular. Thus, it is not difficult and the correspondence will raise the guy mood. "VK", "Facebook" and the same "classmates" are overcrowded to various information, the lion's dolly of which is jokes, memes and just jokes.

Communication through messengers is recognized as a very effective way to relieve stress. A man is much easier to speak frankly when he does not see his interlocutor. At the same time, the correspondence communication format itself allows the phrase well and respond witty. Even successfully selected emoticons can cheer the interlocutor.

Starting such a dialogue, it is necessary to try to cause a guy to frankness. However, ask about problems directly, and also the very beginning of the conversation, incorrectly. It is worth demonstrating his participation and willingness to hear. When he informs - because of what Handrith, it will act much easier.

First of all, it is important to understand that if the reason for the bad mood is truly serious, it is better to give up the idea to cheer it up. This will actually be inappropriate in a situation if:

  • fell ill or died near man;
  • there are problems at work;
  • he is strongly unwealth.

It will most correctly will just leave him alone and wait until he himself will communicate. However, if in reality, the reason that is called "Eggs left not worth", it is necessary to act resolutely. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it. First of all, it is worth telling him sympathy. Then it will be nice to send him a suitable anecdote or aphorism. The main thing, allegorically convey to him the idea that nothing terrible happened.

It is also useful for funny pictures that can easily be placed on its wall. Usually they are very witty and in a large assortment are available on the Internet, literally for any occasion. It is only necessary to avoid the disassembled "Bayans".

In the event that the relationship between you lasts quite a long time, it will be good to send him several joint pictures. They will allow you to remember the pleasant moments, and it makes the guy to "utter".

Effective reception - switching attention. To do this, you need to raise an interesting topic in the dialogue. Each guy has its own "horse", which he is ready to speak infinitely. This will quickly improve him mood. In this situation, you need to be patient - only the ability to listen to you.

If you want your chosen one's mood from communicating with you, but you do not have the opportunity to call him or meet, you can send SMS. Also, the text message will be appropriate if there is no special reason for the call, but I want to remind yourself.

To raise the mood man - Write him a pleasant sms

Favorite can be sent short SMS, but with meaning

Let us give a few examples of text messages in which a certain meaning is invested. Surely, your chosen one will be pleased to get one of these messages.
    "I want to always be the main reason for your happiness!" "Every time my phone calls, I hope that it is you." Lovers are two happy people in the world of loneliness. "And let, sometimes, love takes the pride, but it gives the wings." "If you fall in spirit, then in the appropriate embrace." "The heart does not choose who fell, it feels native." "Sometimes it happens: the body in one city, and the heart is in the other" - it is appropriate to write when you and a guy are in different cities. "Nothing warms cold nights as thoughts about you." "I don't know what an end to our story will be, but I definitely like the plot." "In my heart there is a place for only one man, and he is now reading this SMS."
Please note that not all guys are accustomed to Slent SMS. If you sent a beloved some poetic message, then do not expect that he also will answer you like lines - for some young people it is simply unusual. Remember that your goal is to just raise the election mood, give him pleasant emotions, and not to join a long correspondence. That is why if the guy is responding dry or even leaves an SMS without an answer, but at the same time benevolent with you with real meetings, do not be offended by him - he is just easier to express his emotions "live". And, of course, this does not mean that your efforts are invested - good and gentle words are nice to read anyone, and ate you just want to brighten up the day of beloved with gentle confessions, then do it without expecting the same step in response. Do not doubt that your attention will be noted.

Funny SMS to raise mood

Before writing funny SMS, it is important to make sure that you have a similar sense of humor with a young man. In the first stages of communication, try to avoid vulgarity - you may not be as understood. It is also not worth scribble such a message one after another - the guy can decide that you came across a newspaper with jokes, and now I will save him without a special parsing. Such messages are better than sow periodically, not in the midst of the working day, but when a man is most likely free.
    "Do not look for the perfect girl. I'm at home". "Hundred Cute Panda will not compare with you on charm!" "Cockroaches in the head, of course, have everyone, but your most cute!" "Cute, if you do not answer for 5 seconds, then you will have to meet 100 kisses. Well, I did not have time! "I dedicate to you, my cat, these beautiful lines:" Moore Murr-Meow, Moore, Muur! " "Hello! I'm sms-beggar! Write something cute your beloved, she misses! " "Dear subscriber! Your debt is 1000 kisses, please return. " "You know why I love you so much?" Because in a different way it does not work at all. " "Small, gem, gemmatics looking for caresses and devour something ... will you help me?" "It seems that you threaten the prison term - someone stole my heart, and you are the only suspect."

Sms a man in your own words

We offer different SMS options - some of them are quite appropriate to be sent at the initial stages of the novel, others will fit in the case when the pair already has very close and long-term relationships.
    Cute, and you could not at least leave my thoughts for a couple of hours? I need to work, and I can't focus! I do not have enough words to tell you what you are wonderful! One thing remains - wait for you, and show it with your kisses! Come faster! Let me and not the princess, but you turn my life into a real fairy tale! Thank you! Only recently realized that I was still the weather outside the window - thanks to you in my life are always sunny! You are for me, like Bounty - my personal piece of paradise. I hope that today will bring you many pleasant emotions! I love you! In childhood, I was told me that there was nothing sweeter than honey, but then I had not yet knew about your kisses. Having met you, I realized that I was still born under a happy star. Favorite! You will drunk stronger than any alcohol! Smile! I go to you with this SMS one thousand kisses, I really look forward to our meeting.
Of course, only you can know which SMS in your own words will be most relevant. Whatever it was, try to remain sincere and do not be afraid that you will seem ridiculous or ridiculous. If the guy is in love with you, then any of your message will be pleasant for him, and especially if it is full of tenderness and different "mercies". Similar messages appropriate to write after successful dates - to secure the effect. Note that if you had only one or more meetings, then, most likely, the guy is not yet sure what impression makes on you, and is generally interesting to you. In this case, text messages can be very useful - they pick up a young man and give it a impetus to the subsequent actions. Surely, he will be pleased to get after the SMS meeting, in which you write that you really liked the walk (dinner, campaign in the cinema), and you still have a pleasant impression.

How to raise the mood guy who likes the correspondence on the Internet

Mix a person with funny pictures and videos

Sometimes, communicating with the guy on the net, the girl may come to the conclusion that the topics for communication are exhausted, and to continue full communication often have to take a pause for several days. Otherwise, the dialogue can simply become sluggish, which, of course, will not at all go to the benefit of the emerging relationship.

However, it is important to remember that, rewriting with a guy, it is not necessary to adhere to only serious and ordinary everyday topics. The Internet does not make people closer, but gives indisputable advantages in communication in the form of such bonuses like funny pictures and a variety of videos. In various groups in social networks, it is undoubtedly, you are on the eyes every day there are interesting memes that are simply not able to make a smile. Keep the most interesting of them and send them sometimes to the interlocutor - most likely, if you have a similar sense of humor, such messages will be able to raise him the mood. It is important to note that if your relationship is not too close, then avoid vulgar videos and pictures - you may not be as understood. In particular, such material is inappropriate, if in real life you are a very modest and calm girl. Also, it is not worth sending memes related to the topic that is not aware of your interlocutor (about your favorite TV series, for example). Usually a win-win option is ridiculous pictures with animals, or those that illustrate typical scenes between a guy and a girl.

Cheer up smiles and light dialogue in VK

Sometimes, to raise the mood, a person just just chat with someone. If you suspect that your interlocutor is upset something, then get a unobtrusive and light distracting dialogue with him. You can tell about events that may interest it - for example, an approaching concert or a kind of film. You can tell you that you visited some kind of event, and you think that he would also be interested in it - in short, tell us about where there were. React to his jokes alive, shlit in response surprised or laughing emoticons. True, it's better not to overdo it. Sometimes emoticons become the end of any conversation, since not every interlocutor can navigate with the answer. That is why emoticons use mainly in the complex with some phrase. You can also completely cheer up a young man with a fresh joke found on the expanses of the network.

Send your favorite song and learn about his musical preferences

When the interlocutors begin to look for "points of contact", then, often, trying to find out more information about the tastes of each other, determine in which areas they have the most common. Of course, musical preferences are an important aspect of the life of many people, and for many it is indicative. Send a guy one of my favorite songs, accompanying her question: "Do you like to listen to this or is it not in your taste?". If it turns out that this composition is like this composition, then you can send anything else in the same spirit. Also ask what kind of music he himself prefers to listen, manifest interest in his musical preferences! However, do not forget about the courtesy and a sense of tact - if the guy calls you a group or compositions that you absolutely do not like it, then you do not need to answer something in the spirit: "Oh, I can not imagine how this can be listened" or "no no , so horror is not for me! ". Treat tolerant and respect for someone else's tastes, and in the mentioned situation can be answered like this: "Interesting music! I usually listen in another style, but definitely there is something in these songs. " Believe me, the guys do not react very well when they begin to make fun of their tastes or at all something connected with them, however, like girls. If you really enjoy the music, who is passionate about the young man, do not hesitate him to write about it. Ask, if there is still any similar compositions in his "arsenal". Subsequently, you can mention that the songs that he sent you and now often put them on "repeat" - such a confession will undoubtedly please any guy.

The ability to pick up the surrounding highly appreciated in communication. If a girl knows how to quickly cheer a guy, then it will always be successful at the opposite sex.

Understand that a person is not in the spirit, easy. This is usually a little resistance, explicit reluctance to answer questions, or even frank complaints about a bad mood. When you feel that someone needs your support, it would be nice to try to raise the degree of joy at least a little. To learn how to cheer a guy, read on.

How to bother your favorite guy

What could be better than confidence that your problems and your mood is not indifferent to your beloved? Young people may seem very independent, but in fact they make them a happy fact that someone close is near and helps a more fun look at life. Therefore, a real girlfriend should know how to make a good mood to your boyfriend.

What can be done if a young man is gloomy and tense? Try one of the proven ways:

  • give a sincere smile;
  • listen carefully;
  • make it for a walk in a secluded place;
  • if you are driving, take it to ride around the city;
  • feed fried potatoes;
  • order a large pizza or sushi on the house;
  • look together the action movie;
  • go to the nightclub and dance with him;
  • take a love.

Men are accustomed to solve problems with action, so do not let the poor mood of the guy to peel his body to the sofa. It will only be grateful to you if you help him turn on in some unaccompanic activities to distract.

How to cheer a guy

If you are currently communicating by phone, you should not postpone the problem in a long box. Naturally, you can say "come to me, I entertain you," but it is not always possible. The best option is to listen than the guy is upset, and then translate the conversation to another topic.

Try not to deliver the problem, but to diminish her, perhaps, frankly saying that there is nothing terrible in your opinion, and continue communication with questions on the topic that is always interesting to him. For example, who will be the closest match with his favorite football team and what the chances of this year have to go to the final. Or ask, he thinks about a new blockbuster with the participation of his beloved actor. Your goal is to switch attention and remind you with a young person that there are many reasons not to be sad.

SMS and MMS is also an excellent assistant, because in it you can send a fun joke, a fun picture. To cheer a guy by SMS correspondence, it is enough to insert a lot of animated emoticons into it, which make functions - hit the wall, shake with cams, ride with laughter.

Choose a few cute words, name the guy in gentle nicknames, remind, how do you miss it and how you hugged him at that moment, be it near.

For this, of course, you need to know at least a few jokes, which are guaranteed not to disappoint, will like him and will not look like a black humor. In my free time, be sure to pick up and remember that you would like to tell your boyfriend, and when it will need encouragement, just use the workpiece.

How to cheer a guy

Another interesting task becomes when you communicate online. Ways, as a correspondence, cheer a guy, a lot, the main thing is to be tactical and attentive, then you will succeed!

In the chat or email there is an opportunity to express your emotions with emoticons, as we described above. Young people are always well referring to jokes and ironic mood. Just try so that the boyfriend understands - you feel unpervently to his gloomy mood, and not at all to himself. Judge over the Handrea, and not on the person who falls into this handra!

Send a guy with a fun picture, which is so much on the Internet, the song of his favorite group or film trailer film, which he is waiting.

Excellent idea - send a photo, where you are captured together, but it does not have such. Surprise plus positive emotions - what is needed to raise the Spirit. You can also make a selfie on a mobile camera and send him his photo in some funny form - such a way will like anyone! These same options are suitable if you think how to cheer your boyfriend in VC or on the site of any other social network.