Amazing pregnancies. Incredible pregnancy facts

Pregnancy makes a woman truly beautiful. But during pregnancy, many questions arise that need to be answered. Especially if this is an unusual pregnancy in every sense, as, for example, in these women ... and men.

Today we will tell you about unusual cases of pregnancy and childbirth.

The woman who gave birth after doctors pronounced her death

Christine Bolden died after suffering a cerebral aneurysm, but the child inside her was alive for over a month. After the birth of healthy twin boys, the girl was disconnected from the life support apparatus.

Woman with two uterus was pregnant with two babies

In 2010, a woman named Angie Cromar became pregnant with two babies, but they were not twins. The girl was born with two uterus and she managed to conceive children in both uterus.

The smallest mother in the world is pregnant for the third time

Stacy Herald risked her life when she decided to get pregnant. But she and her husband (who is of normal height) now have three healthy children.

The oldest mother in the world gave birth at 70 years old

In 2008, Omkari Panwar became the oldest mother in the world to give birth to twins, a boy and a girl were born by caesarean section. Woman got pregnant thanks to IVF.

The woman gave birth to twins with a total weight of 10 kg

Brother and sister from North Carolina - one of the largest twins born: Sean and Abigail weighed 10 kg at birth. Both children were healthy.

The world's first pregnant man

Thomas Beaty was born a woman but had breast surgery. He and his wife Nancy decided that the husband would get pregnant through artificial insemination. His pregnancy was the first of its kind where a man gave birth in a traditional marriage to a woman.

Woman got pregnant while she was pregnant

Julia Grovenburg got pregnant twice in two weeks. She is one of 11 women ever to become pregnant during pregnancy.

The grandmother who gave birth to her grandchildren

When Kim Koseno and her husband realized that they could not have children, their hearts were broken. However, a solution was found, Kim's mother became a surrogate mother for their children. As a result, triplets were born.

The woman who gave birth within 75 days

In 2012, a Polish girl gave birth to three children with the longest gap between births. Joanna Krzstonek was pregnant with triplets when one of the fetuses was born prematurely and died in her fifth month of pregnancy. The doctors advised the girl to lie in bed with her legs raised above her head for the remainder of her pregnancy. The twins Iga and Ignatius were born at 32 weeks of gestation.

Girls! The story is not about me. A woman writes: “I’ll tell you one recipe in short ... One woman at work overheard me telling her that I couldn’t get pregnant. So she comes up to me and says, if you want a baby, I will tell you what to do and you will get pregnant. She said that she was diagnosed with complete infertility, they took a scraping from the uterus, in general, they said that she could not have children. And then one aged gynecologist tells this woman that there is no such thing as completely sterile. Here's a recipe, you can do it and you will have children ...

1 st. chamomile spoon
1 st. spoon of calendula
1 st. spoon oak bark
1 st. sage spoon
1 st. eucalyptus spoon

Throw all this herb into a three-liter jar, pour boiling water and let it brew until it cools. You filter, take a special heating pad for irrigation, pour warm infusion into it. Then climb into the bathroom, spread your legs and pour in all this infusion. After that, make a tampon with Vishnevsky ointment, insert it into the vagina and go to bed. This should be done 10 days before menstruation and 10 days after menstruation. You can sleep with your husband. This woman soon gave birth to twins. " Yes girls, I did it 10 days before M, 10 after, and got pregnant in the same cycle. Of course, I was in despair, but despite this, as a person I am not stupid, I would not put tampons in myself without first analyzing why. It is understandable with these herbs, they disinfect, normalize the flora, heal erosion, etc. If you read the instructions of the Vishnevsky ointment, you will see that it can be smeared even on open wounds, and from this it follows that there is harm to the mucous membrane in any case will not be. Again, disinfection. Also, when I inserted the tampon, I felt warmth in the lower abdomen, in the uterus. I don't know if it's herbs, or ointment, or everything in the complex, but the effect was warming, which means that blood circulation improved. Of course, smelling like Vishnevsky ointment is not such a great happiness, not much pleasant, but I was ready for anything. My husband treated everything with understanding and humor, affectionately called me "stinky", the smell did not turn him away from sex, or he hid it very carefully)) I also drank sage: Sage is used to accelerate the growth of the follicle and endometrium in the first phase of the cycle. To improve the functioning of the ovaries. Can be taken up to 3 months. nonstop. But it is better to start right after the end of M and before ovulation. Brew sage leaves like this: 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Strain. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 stack 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Every day, brew a new portion. + I drank Sporysh, just like tea, poured a tablespoon of 0.7 liters. Boiling water, and drank throughout the day. 3 tablets a day of folic acid and 2 vitamins E. Girls, in no case do I urge anyone to do the same thing as I do, just tell my story. I didn't even tell my doctor about Vishnevsky's ointment, I was just ashamed! Suddenly she would have sent me to a psychiatric hospital! I believe that, of course, God gave me pregnancy, but I also believe that with the described manipulations I helped my body accept this Gift) Good luck to everyone, do not lose hope, do not give up, believe and everything will work out !!

The news of pregnancy was not a surprise to me, I was friends with my boyfriend for the third year. My boyfriend was a student and perfectly sat on his parents' neck. But after college he entered the evening department at the institute and got a job at the plant. However, salaries were not paid often at the plant. I have been working since I was 16, and at 18 I moved to a very good company. In addition, she worked in one more place for a second labor.

At first we were just friends, then the relationship became closer ... I got pregnant almost immediately. It was 1994. I was 19 years old, and I knew where children come from. Only I didn’t know that the news of pregnancy would cause tremendous stress.

The ultrasound was set for 7 weeks. And they immediately offered to have a "quick" abortion. As if it's like going to the bathhouse. It instantly made me even more stressful. Fortunately, my self-preservation instinct is well developed, and my brain works very well under stress.

The bosses at work were not overjoyed, they just started to squeeze me out. I wrote a statement “on my own” and set off with a clear conscience. This is where the adventure begins ...

Not only did my colleagues persuade me not to be blunt and have an abortion “quietly”, but also in the antenatal clinic they began to “press” me on this topic. And they had a thousand and one arguments in favor of abortion (doctors then simply received money for abortions).

Where did the guy go? And he consulted with his mother and decided that I was not suitable for him, and in general it is too early for him to marry, but he needs to study ... Well, a classic of the genre. When we lived, everything went well, but then suddenly it took and stopped. At 23, it turns out, it's still early. So it was necessary to tie everything in a knot and lie quietly on the sofa. I had a gentleman before him, but no, he beat it off, did not give me a pass. And then it turned out that I was running after him, it turns out ...

My parents had been divorced for a long time, and everyone had their own family. I lived in my mother's city apartment. Mother regularly came and took from me one salary and half of the second, ostensibly to pay for utilities. But having received the money, she instantly forgot that she had to pay for the apartment. And her husband did not work. Why would he work? Hmmm ...

As a result of my trust (my mother can't do anything bad to me), a court notice soon came that the apartment was on trial for debts. I don't know how I succeeded, but I paid off all the debts for eight months for an apartment, electricity, etc., without any savings, but with an apartment. So what? No money, no boyfriend, no work, family left, friends betrayed safely. I am pregnant, and from all sides: do, do, have an abortion! Yeah, right now!

I always had a disgusting character, my boyfriend always said that in our pair I am a man, because I like to decide everything in my own way. And I decided. Run. Run to save the most precious thing I had - my child. So that my relatives would not be able to impose any conditions on me, and would not force me to have an abortion.

How did I survive? I don’t know, to be honest. Probably God has taken into consideration. Three of the most loyal friends remained, and they shared all the hardships with me. Some people, whom I no longer even remembered, came and said that the time had come for them to repay me for my good deeds towards them. And they gave me food and shelter, lent me money for an indefinite period, helped me as much as they could. It turns out that good deeds are excellent investments, long-term and reliable.

Nine months of pregnancy flew by like one day. And now it's time to go to the hospital. We saw off all the entrance. The birth was difficult. Nobody knew if I would live. The child was born healthy and beautiful. When I woke up from anesthesia, there was a doctor, a midwife, the head doctor of the maternity hospital standing next to me and they smiled nicely. The head physician explained that they had never heard such a mat in poetic form ...

They constantly pushed me some kind of paper to sign my child's waiver. They were motivated by the fact that I am a single mother, and in general I will die soon, and it will be difficult for them, you see, to draw up documents. Like: in order not to "take a steam bath", do not look for relatives. And my healthy child will be immediately adopted.

My son was brought to me on the second day. Would try not to bring it! He refused to eat and screamed wildly at the entire maternity hospital for two days without stopping. All staff are addicted to sedatives. Relatives came running to the discharge like pretty little ones, former colleagues drove in in a car and with gifts, faithful friends came with money, tipsy and champagne. It was a wonderful summer day, some of the guests went by car to the apartment, and some went with me on foot two stops to the house. The son was sleeping peacefully, everyone carried him in turn in their arms. They gave me a bouquet of flowers and told me to relax.

Then my mother and I still made it up, rented out an apartment and left for the village, for milk and fresh air. We lived there for several years, then returned to the city. Mom was left a widow, her husband died tragically in an accident ...

My son is now seventeen and a half years old. She is in the 11th grade. Received additional education in the course "video operator and TV media technologies." Nice guy to my delight. I'm not married, I work. Good relationships with friends and colleagues. And all the troubles resolved themselves. I paid off all the debts a long time ago. About the father of my child, how his life developed, I do not know anything. And it’s not interesting already. I want to wish women: Believe God, believe in the Holy Trinity, and everything will work out for your life.
Don't have an abortion! Give birth. Do not doubt! Choose LIFE.

Photo - photobank Lori

Pregnancy is an amazing wonderful process. How can a child in just 9 months grow from two cells into a whole, excellent, ideal creature, capable of independent life ?! To date, the pregnancy process has been studied very well, but a million questions remain. We will announce some of the most interesting facts about pregnancy today.
1. Most babies are born with blue-gray or sky-blue eyes. This color is due to the lack of melanin pigment in babies, which is responsible for the shade of the iris. During the first six months of his small life, the color of the child's eyes changes depending on the amount of this pigment: if there is little of it, the eyes remain gray-blue, if there is a lot, then they become green or brown.

2. Only 25% of couples who are desperately trying to get pregnant get it in the first cycle of a woman.
3. If a baby is born after the forty-third week, then he is considered a late-born or post-term baby. If a woman gives birth to a child before 37 weeks, then the child is considered prematurely born. It turns out that only 10% of babies on Earth are born exactly on time - 40 weeks.

4. Some women may develop false pregnancies. This is a condition when a woman experiences all the signs of a real pregnancy, for example, absence of menstruation, enlargement and pain in the mammary glands, abdominal growth, changes in food preferences, toxicosis. At the same time, the girl does not pretend, she firmly believes that she will soon become a mother. Occasionally, during such conditions, even the test lies and gives a positive result. Many experts believe that the reasons for a false pregnancy are contained in a woman's psyche, for example, an acute desire to become a mother, or, on the contrary, a panic fear of this can induce such conditions in a woman. Serious hormonal imbalance can also be the cause.

5. There are rare difficult situations when a woman's brain dies during pregnancy after suffering serious illnesses or accidents. Medicine knows cases when the life of such a woman was artificially supported in order to ensure the normal development of the fetus. The smallest period in which the life of a woman with a dead brain began to be supported, with a successful result for a baby - 15 weeks. The record period for maintaining this state of the mother is as much as 107 days.

6. The happiest mother-heroine is the wife of a peasant from Russia Fyodor Vasiliev. She gave birth to 69 children. In 40 years of her life, this woman gave birth 27 times: 4 times with four twins, 7 times with triplets and 16 times with twins. Of all the babies, only two died in infancy, all the rest lived a long life.

7. The largest number of children, according to official data, belongs to Ismail, the Moroccan sultan. He is raising 340 daughters and 548 sons. In his harem, on average, a child was born every 3 weeks.
8. It turns out that Pablo Picasso was saved at birth by smoking. The midwife who gave birth to his mother thought Pablo was dead. The uncle of the great artist, who smoked cigars at that time, saw the baby on the table and blew a smoke ring into his face. After that, Pablo burst into tears. Thus, we can assume that it was smoking that saved him.

9. All babies in the womb from 4 to 8 weeks of gestation have a tail. In the next trimester, he disappears.

10. It is believed that children conceived in the autumn-winter period have a higher intelligence than children conceived in the spring-summer period of the year.
11. Korea is a land of amazing facts. It turns out that in this country, the period when the baby was in the womb of his mother is also included in the age of the child. Therefore, according to documents, the children of Korea are almost a year older than their peers from other countries of the world, although they have absolutely no physical differences.

12. All records for the number of births broke Elizabeth Greenhill, who lived in the UK. Throughout her life, she had 38 childbirth, during which she gave birth to 32 girls and 7 boys.

13. Smoking during pregnancy is more harmful than previously thought. It turns out that a woman who smokes even influences the birth of her own daughter and granddaughter. The risk of premature birth in girls born to a woman who smokes is 29%. If both the grandmother and the mother smoked during pregnancy, then the risk of giving birth prematurely for this woman increases to 60%.

14. The most surprising fact about pregnancy is probably the possibility of getting pregnant during pregnancy. Such cases are extremely rare. Doctors record such cases after childbirth, when one baby seems premature. After the analysis, you can determine the time of conception of each child. Sometimes the difference can be three to four weeks. In the 60s of the last century, a midwife from Baltimore stated that one of his women in labor had a two-month difference between babies from twins. This nonsense was identified through an x-ray of the neonatal femur.

15. There are times when one child of twins is a parasite, that is, one of the babies carries the other. In fact, the "parasite" is not a fruit. It's just a clump of hair, pieces of bone, eyes, or teeth. The theory is that during the first trimester of pregnancy, one of the twins engulfs the other. The fruit that is inside does not have a number of internal organs, it cannot live on its own. The strangest case occurred in India, when such a "parasite" was found in a 36-year-old man. The man complained all his life about a big belly.

16. The youngest mother in the world at the time of birth was 5 years and 7 months old. Her name was Lina Medina. She was brought by her parents to the hospital with complaints of a huge abdominal mass. After examining the girl by a gynecologist, it turned out that the baby is 7 months pregnant. Subsequently, she was transported to the capital in order to have a caesarean section. The boy was born on 05/14/1933 with a weight of 2.7 kg. It was named Gerardo after the doctor who performed the operation. He was raised by Lina's parents as their own son. Gerardo learned that Lina was his mother at the age of forty.

got pregnant this month with a spiral Well get pregnant with a spiral, I know two people close to me

And I personally know a girl who got pregnant on OK I don't know how unusual this is

A relative of my husband also got pregnant on OK, but the most interesting thing is that she did not suspect about her pregnancy until the eighth month. I went to the doctor with complaints of pain in the abdomen, and it turned out that she would soon become a mother. Where it was before is unknown. With Lyalya, thank God, everything is in order, even despite the reception of OK for 7 months.

One friend of the OK "flew". I know another girl - she could not get pregnant for 8 years, she had something serious in her health, agreed on IVF, two months before he got pregnant. My schoolteacher was diagnosed with menopause. So she walked, all in menopause, until the child began to stir.

What is sad, I think that this girl, who got pregnant while taking Ok, and my acquaintances with the spiral, did not experience much delight.

With Lyalya, thank God, everything is in order, even despite the reception of OK for 7 months. Indeed, Thank God MaminaOne friend on OK \ "flew \". And she decided to give birth?

MaminaOne friend flew to OK, and she decided to give birth? Yes, she decided to give birth, but, unfortunately, the pregnancy stopped at the 28th week ... Perhaps because of OK, maybe not, who knows ...

By the way, I myself got pregnant in that cycle when my kind uzist uncle said that I didn't even wait for ovulation

A close friend of mine got pregnant when the doctor also told her that there would be no ovulation this month ...

During my first pregnancy, I was lying on preservation with a 40-year-old woman with a 15-year-old daughter. She did a lot of abortions, after thirty she stopped using contraception anyway, and at 40 she was such an unexpected joy She treasured her pregnancy very much and gave birth to a good boy

An excellent topic. I have no unusual stories .. But what kind of balm for the soul to read ... WHAT IS EVERYTHING POSSIBLE

In short, I found a way to get pregnant - to put a spiral and hate children

In short, I found a way to get pregnant - to put a spiral and hate children. About hating - it's strong And about a spiral - it's funny ksusha

To the little ghost Stupid Tell me: at the same time drink OK, sign up for IVF and only once a month on the 10th day of the cycle Everything will be normal

Copying here from "Attempt #" I will tell you another amazing story. I say right away that I know these people personally, and these events of the past years have already become a family legend. A woman worked at my mother's clinic, in the registry. Her name was Raya, she had two big children (schoolchildren), a husband and 20 years of work experience. Such an ordinary aunt is a little over forty, full ... Well, in general, the most ordinary woman, and by that time her menopause had begun. ... And suddenly her stomach gripped. A sharp pain covered her up. An ambulance was immediately called and taken to the hospital. And there the doctor immediately said to her: "You are pregnant, the term is 29 weeks. But the premature birth has begun. What are we going to do?" the menopause began, there can be no pregnancy, and I don’t need a child at all. Two adult children, firstly, the wrong way of life and age, secondly. And then, I had an abortion for six months, the doctors threw up their hands. In the meantime, the fights continued. The woman decided that there was no point in maintaining the pregnancy, a physician by profession, she knew that this child could be born with any vices. Therefore, the doctors did nothing, and she had a miscarriage. Raya was taken to the ward, and in the morning the doctors changed, and the new doctor on duty came and asked if she would take the child. - Which child?? - asked Raya. I, they say, had a miscarriage - I don't know anything, the fetus is alive, it squeaks in the basin on the windowsill (our doctors .....) Do whatever you want with it ....... In the meantime, women, her colleagues, when Raya did not come to work, were worried, and went to her house. Nobody knew what happened to her, they thought something with a stomach. They come, and her husband is at home. - Where is Raya ?, they ask him. - Where, where ... blah ... gave birth - How did she give birth ??? Yesterday we moved the furniture in the polyclinic. She didn't have a child, why are you lying - So we moved it, my husband muttered. Raya ran away from the hospital and went to Datsan. She is a Buryat herself, a Buddhist, for them the word of the lama is law. And the lama said to her: "This child is given to you from above, save him. The old children will grow up, leave, and this one will remain with you, in old age will be support." And she took the child. All this time, he lay in a pallet on the windowsill in the operating room, the doctors did not do anything with him. She took him away, took him to the intensive care unit, pumped him out, placed him in the incubator. And they saved Now Keshke is already 14 years old, goes to school, rushes about on the street. Yes, he studies poorly, grew poorly, started walking late, talking ... But you can imagine, he is And he loves his parents very much, and they do not like him. And so this amazing story ended. Mom told me about it. And Rae really did have an abortion then, but only one fetal egg was removed, and there were two. The oversight of doctors, fate, providence ... Whatever you call it, I like the word MIRACLE better

Katya G. Our insurance did not work then, and therefore it was not possible to get to a paid or other normal hospital, where they would be admitted much faster. So they gave us a referral to a free, where there are lines for six months. And in general, then we did not understand much how, where, when, where to go ... It was not at all the same scheme as at home.

Girls, but I'm interested in this ... there are cases here when they found out about a period of about 30 weeks. Didn't they hear the stirring?

Scarlettdumala, intestines Actually, I don’t know ...

But I, too, can not understand, well, how can you reach the 8th month, taking OK ??? She's had her period all this time ????? Well then, it's definitely a miracle. Or did she not pay attention to the fact that there was a 7 month delay?

I know a case when a woman gave birth to 2 sons and her pipes were sewn up. After which she successfully gave birth to another daughter

My friend Lilya, at the age of 36, met a good man, began to live together, dreamed of children, but still nothing ... Sasha worked as a truck driver, rarely appeared at home, often very tired ... And then one day during one of his long flights Lilya found that there was no period. She is on an ultrasound scan, and she is told: "Girl, you have a tumor ..." What was happening to her, it is impossible to convey ... She tried to control herself, but ... One day she said to me: "I am dying ... "The other girls and I tried to support her so that she would not lose heart ... So she was psychologically ready for death, until the" tumor "began to move ... And in due time she materialized into a wonderful little girl Lerochka ... we still laugh, remembering Lilina's "tumor" ... And Sasha then wondered for some time - I just arrived and immediately left ... So, we contrived, in a short break between long flights ...

My first pregnancy began and proceeded also not quite usually. At first there was a delay of 4 days and I was definitely sure that I was pregnant, but I didn’t do the test right away. We were resting at the camp site and didn’t get to the pharmacy, pregnancy began menstruation. Of course, I was very disappointed, but I kept telling my husband that maybe I was still pregnant. Upon returning to the city, I went to the doctor, who said that there was no pregnancy. The next period came on time, but was very meager and ended quickly. The doctor said that after the summer it happens, but still she decided to look at me. For the first time, by the way, she didn't even look, and for some reason I didn't insist, she was stupid at 19 years old. After the examination, the doctor made scary eyes and said that the gestation period was about 8 weeks, but I had already started or was about to have a miscarriage, or maybe it was an ectopic one ... After her words, I slid off the chair and immediately fainted, nurse brought a cotton swab with ammonia, and when I came to, the doctor had already cheerfully scribbled a referral to the hospital and with the words "don't worry, they will clean you up there quickly" she handed it to me. , she replied that she would soon get sick, but when she saw that I was ready to cry, she added that an ultrasound scan could be done for a fee. In this LCD I decided not to do an ultrasound, I cried on my husband's shoulder for the rest of the day, and the next day he and I went to a paid diagnostic center. There we were "pleased" even more. After an ultrasound scan, I came out with a diagnosis of "Frozen pregnancy, empty fetal egg". I returned to my ZhK, the doctor happily said that she was right and told me to urgently go for cleaning, advising me not to worry, since “there is not even a child there, only fruit shells.” We came to this hospital, and there is The bum on a gurney is lying on a gurney, I again burst into tears and left there. For two weeks I was not myself, then I closed it again, I decided that the miscarriage still began and called an ambulance, although, I repeat once again that I had no pain all this time did not have. In the hospital, I was again given an ultrasound scan. "Pregnancy 12-13 weeks, heartbeat is", these words I will never forget. I lay and cried, but now with joy. All the same, they threatened me with interruption and left me in the hospital for 2 weeks, but then I was so glad that I would agree to lie there for the remaining 6 months. And my period came up to 30 weeks. My son was born at less than 38 weeks, now he is 6 years old. But the second pregnancy went surprisingly well, I even gave birth in my PDR.

irabaldenny story Already tears in my eyes

She is on ultrasound, and they say to her: Girl, you have a tumor ... I remembered a similar case with my friend. She was diagnosed with a cyst. Months up to five and passed until the "cyst" began to kick. Now the boy is 12.

And my husband and I managed to get pregnant while protecting ourselves with condoms + Pharmatex Given that I have a negative rhesus, and he has a positive one (in the same way, they say, it is generally difficult to make a child)

Ira, well, and the story Thank God that it all ended like this And you weren’t that stupid at the age of 19, plus providence ... Lorik Date 2 Jul 2004, 10:27 And my husband and I managed to get pregnant using condoms + Pharmatex Despite the fact that I have a negative rhesus, and he has a positive (in the same way, they say, it is generally difficult to make a child) They told you nonsense And you have successfully confirmed this

Already today in another Temka I talked about how my Nastya was born. After taking OK for a year, I decided to take a 2-month break, using condoms, and got pregnant the day after my period (the only day we didn't use condoms). Now I am pregnant again, this time Janine let me down, although I drank according to the rules, without passes, the only thing that happened 2 times was that I forgot to drink in the evening and drank in the morning, but according to the instructions nothing could happen. In short, now I will not be surprised if I get pregnant after sterilization or using three methods at once.

All the stories are so wonderful and touching. You see, children come to many just when you least expect them. Or when you stop even hoping. By the way, I got pregnant just before my period. I didn't even expect it, but the LCD said that this happens.

Now Keshke is already 14 years old, goes to school, runs around on the street. Yes, he studies poorly, grew poorly, started walking late, talking ... But you can imagine, he is And he loves his parents very much, and they do not like him. He is, and this is the greatest happiness on Earth. And it is not so important what time he went and began to speak. For parents, it seems to me that it does not really matter.

And here's a somewhat gruesome story. Yesterday I watched it on TV. The woman came from Chernobyl, received a terrible dose of radiation. They said that she was 20 years old, although she looks at least 35 years old. She decided to have a baby, the doctors forbade her, they said - you can't bear childbirth. Nevertheless, she successfully became pregnant and gave birth to the worst thing that the girl was born defective - without fingers, with the wrong shape of the legs and skull. Mom is so glad that she gave birth to a child. Although, of course, such joy is not entirely clear to me. The girl is sorry to suffer all my life

And yesterday I heard the story, the truth in the retelling. so I can't give the details. The bottom line is that one strong Jewish woman became pregnant. Our doctors unanimously urged not to give birth, because she had some contraindications from her own health. She decided to give birth. Then our second fetal egg on an ultrasound scan and even louder began to convince her not to give birth. She, being strongly on the drifts, went to Israel and every day she prayed, prayed and prayed. In short, girls, she gave birth to FIVE And everything is ok. They wrote about them in the magazine and, they say, in the program "Big wash". Here is such a good god

You see, children come to many just when you least expect them. Or when you stop even hoping. It's for sure that I also got pregnant on vacation when I "forgot" for a while about planning and the desire to have a child, I was just resting, and more than one Ghost arrived, I don't quite understand such women, the desire to have a child is certainly great, and this is a great happiness , but on the other hand, this is how the child will suffer, it is better to adopt from the orphanage.

I probably won't surprise anyone with this, but still ... My unmarried classmate got pregnant on OK. About a month before that, we had a conversation about contraceptive methods and she admitted that she was VERY afraid of getting pregnant, so she was using the most reliable (as it seemed to her) remedy - OK ... A wonderful boy was born, and his daddy married her. In the end, everything turned out for the best.

There are such. The girl could not get pregnant in any way under any circumstances. And she went all out. I must say that before that she was overweight. At first she lost weight, and then ... She is raising a child alone, and does not know what patronymic to give him. Yes, what is there, I myself too. In general, there are no menstruation, I bought a test - negative. I went to the residential complex. After the examination, they tell me that there is no pregnancy, that injections should be given and that this is infertility. I didn’t give injections. Cherz a month and a half, there is no trace of menstruation. The test showed a weak strip. In lcd -13 weeks they say the pregnancy is frozen. I'm home, but I didn't even know what that meant. Freezing for me is temporary, that is, I think I will wait and it will continue. And so it happened. At 16 weeks after vacation, 1st day at work. The dot matrix printer screeched loudly, and I got a punch in my belly. After 4 weeks I went for an ultrasound scan - a healthy girl. everything is fine. Then I come to take maternity leave. The blood pressure is measured and sent for an abortion. In general, a threat to the life of the mother, even an ambulance was sent home. I sent everyone away. I really had to change the lcd.

And yesterday I heard the story, the truth in the retelling. so I can't give the details. The bottom line is that one strong Jewish woman became pregnant. Our doctors unanimously urged not to give birth, because she had some contraindications from her own health. She decided to give birth. Yes, I am a direct heroine as a Jewish believer. Only now I am beginning to understand. She did the same in the sense of a threat to her life.

Tata you are definitely a heroine

A story about my sister: At the age of 18, due to certain circumstances, she had an abortion, after which for 15 () years she was diagnosed with infertility ... she changed doctors and men ... acquired new sores ... but got pregnant last year, and in February of this year already gave birth

Tata Congratulations Such confidence is bad for all doctors ...

Girls, but I'm interested in this ... there are cases here when they found out about a period of about 30 weeks. Didn't they hear the stirring? A neighbor found out from me at a period of 28 weeks. She did not know anything about the movement, there was nothing like that.

one friend of my mother (a very distant friend) was hospitalized with an acute attack of "appendicitis" GIVING ... She was then about 45, thought early menopause, so she did not pay any attention to the absence of menstruation, but did not notice her belly because he she always had ...

One friend of my mother (a very distant friend) was hospitalized with an acute attack of appendicitis GIVING BIRTH ... I thought such stories were stories. It turns out that it happens.

And I still think that such stories are stories.

I somehow, too, more and more on the contrary heard. A friend of my mother (also 45 years old) did not wait for her period, one month, another ... I decided that she was pregnant. It turned out - early menopause ... The story I read in the magazine: the doctors simply swore to the girl that she would never be able to get pregnant. She had some big problems in this regard. She believed the doctors. True, she was not married and had not planned children yet. As a student of social pedagogy, she did an internship in one of the schools. And she went all out with one student () either 11 or 12 grade. GOT PREGNANT. Gave birth. Daddy (if you can call him that) disowned the child ... Here's a story

A friend of my mother was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of "cyst", then a boy was born, recently married, started his own. With Soviet doctors and it does not happen, Nusha

OH WHAT ARE BEAUTIFUL STORIES Super theme now even more believe in chyudo

stories just inspire

I have such stories - a bunch of my mother's friend divorced her first husband due to the fact that she could not give birth. The second time she got married about 30, my mother-in-law is a gynecologist, this woman was treated for many years, she had all miscarriages, I don’t know how long ... After 35, she and her husband decided that it was not given, stopped all attempts. a family-mother of three adult children, a woman was 40-42, somewhere like that. There was a delay, she came to the doctor, she looked, she said climax. She calmed down, and after a couple of months the "climax" began to stir She gave birth to a boy, the older And this woman, so that the youngest would not be bored, a year later gave birth to her fifth child, a girl Now she already has 3 grandchildren from the older children, and the younger ones go to school. I myself became pregnant after 4 months first or second time. He just arrived, and now ... We didn’t believe for a long time, my husband kept asking me for about 4 months suspiciously, why didn’t it make me sick and my stomach wasn’t visible? I didn’t believe that it’s possible to fly in right away. And now our 3-week miracle lies, sniffling next to daddy ...

Also from a series of "successful diagnoses" An acquaintance of my best friend - she had a laparoscopy for appendicitis last summer, sort of like ... well, some kind of aggravation happened in the female part - either something was touched there, or something else ( since the story is from a friend’s words, and she’s not strong in medicine, I don’t know for sure), and so, after these complications she was told that she could forget about children, is sterile .... well, she “relaxed”, stopped using contraception ... you know how it ended - she's pregnant ... well, they got married, while the point is, she was told that she had a lack of water and, in general, she was unlikely to report pregnancy ... and it happened - she gave birth to a seven-month-old a boy, but she gave birth, they were already discharged, everything is in order ... like that ... and during childbirth she was told that everything was fine with her, as much as needed ...

And I once went to the doctors about cystitis / caught a bad cold at work /. I was sent for an ultrasound scan, and at the same time, the "women's affairs" were checked. The doctor said: "You need to get medical treatment and you will have children ..." I did not find time to "get medical treatment". And she got pregnant two months after these words. Nothing unusual, but still ...

And while I was lying down here, I also heard a wonderful story from my roommate. She was diagnosed with infertility due to complete obstruction of the tubes (all the necessary studies confirmed this). She managed to visit IVF twice, but both times were unsuccessful. And then the New Year arrived ... True, she was invited after the holiday for a new attempt, but she turned out to be mentally unprepared and decided to wait a little. And after that, I got a little ... pregnant. How can I explain this ????

Oh, and my friend also miraculously became pregnant. She had an abortion while still in school, there were complications, she was told to forget about the children. Later she got married, was treated for infertility for 3 years - nothing worked. She decided that if she didn’t come out, then it was not given to them to have children, she relaxed. And after a couple of months I got pregnant

Oh girls, how nice it is to read, there is some kind of hope that someday I will succeed And about getting pregnant themselves - my doctor tells me every day - all problems come from the head, any thought is material You are nervous, you panic, you calculate days, again a miss, hysterics .... My friend is getting pregnant like a cat, but there is no way to give birth. And because of my lack of pregnancy, all my relatives panic, they turn me on, I feel ashamed in front of my husband that he suffers from me too ... .. And again, it didn't work out ...

in front of my husband it is a shame that because of me he also suffers ... But this is completely in vain Did you check your husband? Maybe this is just his problem? Quite a common case, by the way. The woman is being treated, the operation is done, but the problem is that the husband's sperm cells are slow or the amount is insufficient. Maybe it's not about you at all? And even so, you are a COUPLE, it is your common problem as a couple. You are not guilty of anything, there is nothing to be ashamed of, otherwise you can earn such a complex with depression ... Do not be discouraged and do not get carried away with alcoholism, it still does not help (from my own experience). You'll be all right