Hand care in winter: homemade recipes. Hand care in winter: treatment and prevention. raw potato mask

To make your hands soft and velvety, in winter you need to pay special attention to hand skin care.

The usual winter weather conditions are frost, snow and wind. Add more frequent temperature changes, then you are in a warm room, then go outside, and so on more than once during the day. Do not forget also about various traditional winter entertainments - walks in the winter forest, skiing. From a long stay in the cold and wind, the protective functions of the skin are reduced and your hands can become weathered and become rough and rough.

Also, from freezing, the skin of the hands can turn red and become stained, and the nails turn blue, which is caused by vasoconstriction and disruption of normal blood circulation. Attention should be paid to possible problems of the cardiovascular system of the body.

And, you see, rough, weather-beaten hands not only look untidy, but also cause discomfort. There is also the possibility of penetration of various microbes through damaged cracked skin of the hands.

Therefore, you need to take quite seriously the proper care of your hands in winter. An integrated approach is needed.

  1. In the cold season, especially in winter, do not forget to wear warm gloves or mittens to protect your hands from exposure to cold wind, snow and frost. Put on mittens or gloves before going outside and try not to take them off unless absolutely necessary. This will help you avoid increased dryness, peeling and cracking of the skin. For those who have very cold hands in winter, you can buy thermal gloves.
  2. Try doing contrast hand baths 1-2 times a day. Dip your hands in cold and hot water alternately for five minutes. This simple procedure will help get rid of reddened hands in winter. Then lubricate your hands with cream.
  3. In the morning, immediately after sleep, do a light self-massage of the hands, having previously lubricated the hands with cream. Squeeze your hands into fists and unclench, rub the surface of your hands, massage each finger and joint separately in a circular motion. Make several circular rotational movements with the brushes to the right and left. You might as well play the piano. Such a light massage will help improve blood circulation and prepare your hands for a new day.
  4. Wash your hands with water at room temperature. If you wash with cold water, then the skin of the hands will coarsen and peel off, if you wash it with hot water, then the skin will become dry.
  5. If you are cleaning, washing or washing dishes, do not forget to wear special rubber gloves. You will get the effect of a mask if you apply a nourishing hand cream before putting on gloves.
  6. Be sure to train yourself to use hand cream regularly. Creams moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands. All cosmetic companies produce hand creams. The choice is very large. You can add a drop of your favorite natural essential oil to your hand cream.
  7. Before going out in the cold, apply a rich textured hand cream 20-25 minutes in advance to create an extra protective layer. After 5 minutes, when the cream is absorbed, remove the excess with a paper towel.
  8. The skin on the hands can also peel off from a lack of moisture in a heated room. Therefore, try to use moisturizing lotions and hand creams, provided that you are not going to go outside in the next few hours. In the cold, the water component of such creams turns into ice, which harms the skin of the hands.

"Velvet hands" at home.

Tell me, girls and women, to be honest, how much time and attention do you have for your hands. Or it all comes down to applying hand cream in the evening, before going to bed, and then, if you remember. You probably know that the hands are able to give out the age of a woman, the skin on the hands ages much faster, since it has practically no fat layer.

Therefore, the systematic care of your hands should become a habit. And well-groomed hands, a beautiful manicure should certainly become your calling card.

If you look after your appearance and regularly visit beauty salons, this is wonderful. You will receive a range of salon treatments, including paraffin therapy.

But if you want to save your time and money, you can take care of the skin of your hands at home. The main thing is to get away from household chores and give yourself quite a bit of time. You will be satisfied with the result.

First of all, take a bowl of warm water and add liquid soap. You can add a little lemon juice and bath salts, or a drop of natural essential oil. Soak your hands in warm water for 5-10 minutes. The skin of the hands will become softer. If necessary, you can use a scrub or peeling.

Then pat your hands dry with a towel. Be sure to apply a moisturizing and nourishing hand cream, make a light massage. At home, you can do a simple manicure.

Please note that in winter, such procedures should not be done if you are going to go outside in the near future.

There is also a great opportunity to make hand masks at home.

Here are some masks for example:

  • Potato - boil 2 potatoes, when cool, mash and rub with milk or olive oil. To whiten the skin, you can add a little lemon juice.
  • Oatmeal-honey - composition: 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of honey - mix everything.
  • Egg-almond - take 1 yolk and 1 teaspoon of almond oil.
  • Honey-Olive - Mix honey and olive oil in equal amounts.
  • Curd mask - carefully rub 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Then apply the finished mask to the handles and put on plastic gloves or a simple bag. To keep your hands warm, put on cotton gloves or wrap a towel over them. After 15-20 minutes, the mask can be washed off. Your hands will become soft and velvety!

You can also add a few drops of natural essential oil, orange, jojoba or other to the masks.

Olive oil perfectly softens the skin. Apply slightly warmed olive oil to the skin of your hands, put on cotton gloves and leave for several hours, preferably overnight. You will see great results in the morning.

I hope that you will definitely want to give, and these simple recommendations will help you properly care for your hands in winter.

Be beautiful and love yourself!

In winter, the skin of the hands needs careful care: it is several times thinner than on the face, retains moisture worse and is more susceptible to the negative effects of the environment. Negative temperatures outside, dry air in the office and at home are additional factors that contribute to premature skin aging and lead to dryness, peeling and microcracks. Therefore, in the cold season, the skin needs intensive nutrition and hydration.

Why dryness and microcracks occur on the skin:

  • Heating "dries" the air in the room, so during the day, especially after washing, you may feel tightness and discomfort. A compact hand cream that you can always carry with you and use at any time of the day will help you. Such an express option should not be too oily - a soft fluid or cream with a light, quickly absorbed texture will do.
  • Many household cleaners are used during home cleaning, which are designed to fight pollution, but not to protect your skin. Be sure to wear gloves while cleaning the apartment and washing dishes.
  • The skin of the hands, even in winter, can be exposed to harmful ultraviolet radiation, so I advise you to use creams all year round, and not just in summer.
  • In winter, the body often lacks vitamins and minerals. It is useful to include plant foods in the diet, and sometimes vitamin complexes carefully selected by the doctor will not be superfluous. Each organism is individual and an incorrectly selected complex will be useless at best, and even dangerous at worst.

How to properly care for your skin in winter

Here are some simple winter care rules that will help you fight dry and flaky hands:

  1. After washing, the skin of the hands needs to be moisturized. It is advisable to apply the cream 30-40 minutes before going outside so that it has time to be absorbed, otherwise you can easily wind the skin.
  2. Always wear gloves when you are outdoors. The temperature may seem comfortable, but that doesn't mean it doesn't affect your skin. This advice also applies to lovers of outdoor recreation, it doesn’t matter if you ski or go to barbecue: a hot body only “gives off” heat more and the temperature contrast can cause microcracks to appear.
  3. Carry a small tube of cream with you. Let me return to the beginning of the article, which says that after each wash it is necessary to moisturize the skin of the hands: it is very thin and needs constant protection.
  4. Once a week, conduct a small spa ritual: make a warm hand bath. This is one of the most effective means of "winter" skin care. You can add sea salt (available at most grocery stores) and a tablespoon of oil (your choice of shea, jojoba, coconut, or olive) to the water. Salt helps retain moisture and allows beneficial substances to actively nourish the skin. After the bath, massage the moisturizer with massaging movements. To enhance the effect, use a scrub before the procedure. However, if the skin already has irritations and cracks, I advise you to exclude this stage for a while, otherwise the damage can be aggravated. It is better to use panthenol or an after-sun cream with aloe juice, which will help soothe injured skin and speed up healing.
  5. Avoid using air hand dryers in public places. It is better to always have wet wipes with you - they disinfect well and at the same time do not injure the skin.
  6. After any contact with water, pat your hands dry with a napkin or towel. Remember, going out into the air with wet or damp hands, you run the risk of chapping them.
    Do not forget to lubricate the cuticle with special oil once a day. For example, avocado extract or peach oil will hydrate and nourish it and prevent the formation of burrs.

How to choose skin care products

Every girl should have several care products: a more oily and rich product for “Sunday” procedures and a light fluid for daily express care. When studying the composition, pay attention to the presence of essential or vegetable oils. Natural oils contain amino acids and antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the skin: shea butter, jojoba, coconut - perfectly moisturize, relieve swelling, prevent moisture loss, and soothe injured skin.
To find the right creams for home care, consult a dermatologist-cosmetologist who will take into account your skin type and the degree of age-related changes.

Cosmetic procedures for hands:

  • Paraffin therapy helps to soften the skin of the hands, and gives a noticeable, but short-term effect. Do not perform this procedure at home - there is a high chance of getting burns from which it will take a long time to recover.
  • with acids penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, saturate it with useful substances. The effect of peeling lasts up to several months, depending on the initial condition of the skin.
  • Mesotherapy- these are several sessions of injections of a cocktail with antioxidants, peptides, vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronic acid. Mesotherapy smoothes wrinkles, gives a good and lasting effect. Useful for all owners of dry and very skin.
  • - Hyaluronic acid injections. This procedure is indicated for almost everyone after 35-40 years: the processes of collagen production slow down, and injections can significantly slow down skin aging. Biorevitalization allows you to smooth out even noticeable wrinkles, and hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin from the inside from six months to a year after the procedure.

Any body is subject to aging, and proper care will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin, but unfortunately, it is impossible to stop or reverse these processes with the help of creams and serums alone. Thanks to the achievements of cosmetology, injections of vitamin and antioxidant cocktails can make the external signs of age-related changes less noticeable. A good cosmetologist will help you choose the right composition of anti-aging procedures, but you should not rely on them as a panacea. Only comprehensive home care, coupled with sessions with a beautician, will help preserve the youth and beauty of your hands for decades.

With the onset of cold weather, the skin of the hands is under great stress. The fact is that the brushes are devoid of as many sebaceous glands as the face, and cannot receive moisture in a natural way. This part of the body in winter needs additional care products.

Despite the claims of the townsfolk, gloves and mittens do not protect against drying out. Something else happens: gloves protect from the cold, but deprive the skin of the breath, thereby leading to dehydration.

In addition, no one wears mittens all the time, being on the street, they have to be taken off and put on again many times, due to temperature changes, the dermis is under great stress: the nails exfoliate, the cuticle dries up and burrs form, the skin on the hands and fingers becomes thinner and flaky, he needs special care during this period.

The most effective recipes

Many homemade recipes turn winter hand care into a pleasant experience. From late autumn to mid-spring, and especially in winter frosts, our palms and fingers need additional funds: apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream several times a day, do various kinds of water procedures.

The best hand care in winter are homemade care recipes

Baths are recommended to be done every day, this is a very pleasant and relaxing procedure that does not take much time. Masks are applied every other day, for at least 30 minutes, or all night. Consider in detail home recipes for remedies.

How to grow thick long eyelashes

Recipe 1:

  1. In winter, it is very important to pamper your hands with water procedures with the addition of herbs and essential oils.
  2. It will take 500 ml of chamomile decoction. The flowers are brewed, filtered and stored in a jar in the refrigerator. Half a liter of chamomile water is enough for 5 days.
  3. 0.1 l. decoction of chamomile, pour 0.5 liters of warm water. 1 st. l. salt, and the same amount of olive oil. This composition is stirred until the salt is completely dissolved.
  4. Hands are lowered into a container with liquid and left in a warm solution for 30 minutes. After the skin must be wiped with a towel. A drop of oil, preferably walnut, can be rubbed into the nails and cuticles.

Recipe 2:

  1. Place in a jar 1 tbsp. l. vaseline, add olive oil, 1 tsp. honey and heavy cream. Mix everything very well. The mass will be slightly liquid. Store it in a jar on the refrigerator door, it does not need to be supercooled much.
  2. Apply a mask, put on disposable cellophane gloves on top, ordinary woolen gloves on top of them, you can put on plastic bags, and mittens on top. Keep the remedy for 30 minutes. Rinse off the product and lubricate the skin, preferably with olive oil.

Hands are a mirror of female age, so it makes sense to stay young as long as possible. Hand care and simple homemade recipes will help to avoid stress for the skin in winter.

On the face we "put on" makeup. We skillfully mask figure flaws with the help of clothes. And only the hands are always in sight. But it is precisely by looking at our hands that sharp-sighted ill-wishers determine our age. And in winter, the skin of the hands requires special care.

Delicate female hands hug a man and caress a child. They rub, wash, sew and embroider, tap on the keyboard... The skin of the hands is very thin.

Compared to other parts of the body, there is practically no fat layer here and there are very few sebaceous glands, and they are completely absent on the palms. The so-called hydro-lipid film, which provides the skin with natural protection, is weakly expressed on the hands. And the skin of the hands contains 4-5 times less water than, for example, the skin of the face. As a result, the skin of the hands is often dry, that is, dehydrated.

And after 45-50 years, the secretion of protective sebum slows down even more, the elasticity of the skin decreases, it becomes thinner. In winter, the skin of the hands needs additional care, nutrition and hydration. Dryness, irritation, redness and peeling are the main signs of the negative effects of cold wind and frost on delicate skin. Therefore, she needs intensive nourishment with vitamins and antioxidants.

Ideally, they should reach the cells with blood, but useful substances from the inside, as a rule, are not enough. In order to neutralize the effects of bad weather, an integrated approach is needed, a combination of salon and home procedures.


Salon hand care

* Spa manicure

It represents a whole philosophy: it is both aromatherapy and natural nutrients that saturate the skin. Spa collections contain vitamin E, aloe vera, sunflower, jojoba and grape seed oils, peptide complexes that moisturize and nourish the skin. The main stages of a spa manicure are cleansing and nourishment. A special moisturizing scrub is applied to the skin, gently massaged for several minutes, then the product is washed off with warm water. Abrasive components - exfoliants in the preparation - gently exfoliate and remove dry particles of the epidermis. Then comes the turn of intensive hydration and nutrition.

Nutritious masks have a good effect. The product is applied to the hands, after which they are wrapped with a warm towel for 3-5 minutes. Under thermal influence, all useful components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, intensively moisturizing and saturating it with micronutrients. Then the mask is washed off, and its remnants are removed with a soft sponge. A nourishing lotion or cream is then massaged in to provide additional hydration.

The result is well-groomed hands.

* Paraffin therapy

The procedure is based on the slow release of heat by paraffin. When melted paraffin is applied to the skin, its temperature rises by 1-1.5°C. From this, the intercellular space increases, the upper stratum corneum softens, through which moisture is reabsorbed. Paraffin, as it were, seals the skin, so that moisture does not evaporate. It re-penetrates the skin, restoring its water balance. As the paraffin cools, it shrinks in volume and compresses the areas of the skin on which it is applied. This helps to relieve swelling and smooth wrinkles.

The result - the skin instantly becomes soft and smooth.

* "Hot" manicure

The fundamental difference from the usual one is that a special lotion is used instead of water to “soak” the hands. This procedure is especially recommended for brittle nails, dry skin, damaged cuticles. The hands are dipped into a special electric bath, where the creamy lotion is heated to 50-55°C. The heated cream enhances blood circulation and opens the pores of the skin, so that nutrients penetrate into the cells more actively. The lotion contains coconut, olive and peach oils, vitamins A and E and other nutrients. Warm baths relieve tension in the fingers, have a beneficial effect on the joints.

The result - hands are guaranteed comfort for 2-3 weeks.

Hand care in winter. Rules

❧ Hands must be thoroughly dried after each contact with water. Never go out with wet hands into the cold air!

❧ Lubricate your hands daily with a nourishing cream. Moisturizing cream in the cold season is not enough: moisture quickly evaporates from the surface of the skin, and it becomes dry. Nourishing cream retains moisture in the epidermis longer.

❧ An hour before going out into the cold, lubricate your hands with cream. During this time, it will have time to be absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin and will bring maximum benefit.

❧ In winter, special attention should be paid to hygienic manicure, nutrition and hydration of the cuticle. Temperature fluctuations, vitamin deficiency provoke the formation of burrs and inflammation of the periungual ridges.

❧ Dishwashing detergents, washing powders and other household chemicals are aggressive, so avoid getting them on your hands, use household gloves.

❧ Avoid hand dryers. It is better to lightly blot your hands with a tissue or let the moisture soak into your skin.

❧ Always wash your hands only with water at room temperature, as hot water greatly degreases the skin and contributes to its drying.


Home care for hands in winter

Unfortunately, without elementary daily hand care, even the most wonderful salon procedures will be worthless. To maintain the beauty of the skin of the hands, especially in the autumn and winter periods, care is also needed at home. And here we are talking not only about applying nourishing creams before bedtime.

✴ Review

At home, you can repeat some salon procedures. The use of care products will help to provide the skin with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. At home, baths with essential or vegetable oils should be used. They contain amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, intensively nourishing and caring for it.

✴ Best Choice

Jojoba oil contains amino acids and proteins, as well as vitamin B12, which has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect.

Peach oil eliminates peeling, makes skin color even. Ideal for thin skin and massage.

Shea butter has a rejuvenating, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.

Home peeling for hands . Mix ground coffee with vegetable oil. Apply to hands and massage in. Then shake off the scrub crumbs and pat your hands dry with a damp cloth.

Hand wrap . With the help of oil, you can also do a home wrap. Apply it after peeling, wrap your hands in a plastic bag and in a warm towel for 5-7 minutes. Then do a massage and remove the remaining oil with a napkin.

The right hand cream . Do not smear your hands with cream or face lifting. The skin of the hands is different in structure, it is thinner, there are very few sebaceous and sweat glands, and these products are not suitable for her. Hands need more fatty foods.

In ancient times, the true age of a lady and the nature of her work were judged by the condition of her hands. For housekeepers, it was dry and cracked, but for real ladies, it was tender and soft. No one makes such a class division anymore. However, very dry skin of the hands - what to do with it - is an actual problem to this day. Any woman can become a victim.

Very dry hand skin - causes

The following factors can provoke this problem:

  1. Dry air. In winter, the heating devices are to blame, and in the hot summer, air conditioners.
  2. Allergy. It can be caused by food and low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Chlorinated water. Contact with it leads to tightness of the skin. In addition, it becomes rough and dry. Too hot water has the same effect.
  4. Exposure to household chemicals. They gradually thin the protective layer of the epidermis, and with prolonged contact completely destroy it.
  5. Avitaminosis and insufficient water intake. With a poor diet, health problems begin, this also negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  6. Certain diseases (these include diabetes, and other ailments). If the cause is caused by diseases, then external influence on the problem area is meaningless: it gives only a temporary result. It is important to find out why very dry skin on the hands, and then treat the disease itself that caused this condition.
  7. Natural aging process. Age-related changes do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. It loses its elasticity, becomes rough.
  8. hereditary factors. If there is a genetic predisposition, a woman needs to be prepared for the occurrence of this problem.
  9. Wrong care. This also includes the habit of not wiping your hands after washing. The moisture remaining on the surface during evaporation dries out the epidermis.

How to moisturize very dry hands?

If the epidermis is flaky, cracked and burns slightly, all this indicates an advanced stage of the problem. However, very dry skin of the hands requires treatment even before the onset of the above symptoms. A simple test will help identify the problem at an early stage. Its essence is as follows: you need to lightly press your finger on the brush, and then abruptly release it. If a stain remains on the surface for some time, this indicates increased dryness of the skin. Treatment aimed at moisturizing should not be postponed.

Cream for very dry skin

There are several types of cosmetics designed for this type of epidermis. These include such products:

  • a nutrient with a dense texture;
  • moisturizing hand cream (has a light, delicate texture);
  • a product with a protective effect that forms a film on the surface of the cover;
  • therapeutic cream, which contains healing substances;
  • anti-aging product (it actively fights the signs of aging).

Before purchasing a hand cream, you need to pay attention to such points:

  1. Product appearance. If the product is factory packed, it is worth looking at its date of manufacture. It is not recommended to purchase the product 3 months before the expiration date.
  2. Compound. Every industrial cosmetic product contains preservatives. It is important that these are safe components (methylparaben or benzoic acid). However, bronopol and methylisothiazolinone are undesirable: they provoke allergies.
  3. Package. Beauticians recommend giving preference to products in tubes. Such a cream is less in contact with air, and it is considered more hygienic.
  4. Storage. If a cosmetic product is displayed in a showcase brightly lit by the sun, it has already lost most of its valuable properties.

When the skin of the hands is very dry - what to do is a natural question. In this case, it is not enough to choose the right cream, it still needs to be used correctly. Do not apply this cosmetic product before going out. Otherwise, in the cold, the components contained here will turn into ice crystals and injure the skin. The following creams will help moisturize your hands:

  • Neutrogena Nerwegian Formula Instant Action;
  • "Double breath" from Faberlik;
  • Absolue Mains by Lancome with UV protection;
  • Water Therapy by Clinique with active water.

Moisturizing hand mask

It can be used as cosmetics of industrial production, as well as a self-made product. However, to achieve the expected result, it is important to alternate moisturizers, otherwise the epidermis will get used to it and will no longer respond properly. A mask for very dry skin of the hands in its composition may have the following components:

  • milk;
  • vegetable oils;
  • parsley;
  • potatoes and so on.

Moisturizing hand gloves

This tool has no age restrictions. Its use gives amazing results. The high efficiency of gloves is explained by the natural components present in their composition. Such products for very dry skin of the hands are available in different types. These are the most commonly used:

  • SPA Belle, which contains lavender extract, vitamin E and olive oil;
  • reusable Naomi gloves, where the silicone lining contains a green tea enzyme;
  • Faberlic products, which can be used up to 50 times (the gel is made from plant extracts and vitamin E).

Moisturizing hand baths

Such procedures can be performed both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. When the skin of the hands is very dry in winter, baths should be done systematically (twice or thrice a week). For preventive purposes, the number of procedures should be reduced to 1 time in 4 weeks. You can do the following baths at home:

  • emollient based on starch;
  • soda with severe dryness of the integument;
  • tea-olive for rough skin;
  • rejuvenating and softening based on oils;
  • milk for rough and dry skin;
  • mineral, which softens the epidermis and accelerates metabolic processes.

Lotion for very dry hands

A special approach is important to the choice of this cosmetic product. Only the lotion, which contains natural substances, can soften very dry skin of the hands. These are vegetable and essential oils, aloe, as well as beekeeping products. However, there are enemy components: artificial flavors and alcohols. Immediately after application of a lotion containing these substances, the skin appears to be healing. However, in the long term, the use of a cosmetic product with these components aggravates the situation. These lotions have proven to be excellent:

  • Protect Hand Lotion, based on tangerine and orange oils;
  • Babe Laboratories Hand Lotion, which contains shea butter and vitamin E;
  • silk lotion "Tender hands";
  • Lavande from L "OCCITANE and others.

How to restore very dry hand skin?

Salon and home procedures will help to cure the epidermis. The first is biorevitalization. This procedure involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid. As a result, very dry skin of the hands with cracks is rejuvenated, saturated with moisture, and all damage heals. At home, you can do restorative masks, baths, body wraps and other manipulations. For therapeutic purposes, procedures should be carried out systematically.

Revitalizing hand cream

Such a cosmetic should intensively nourish the tissues and ensure their regeneration. As part of a high-quality regenerating cream, there are protective components that form a thin film on the surface of the epidermis. It protects the cover from negative external factors. These cosmetics are well aware of how to restore dry skin of the hands:

  • "Intensive care" from Garnier with allontoin;
  • Nourishing Hand from Oriflame (based on sweet almond oil);
  • Douceur Des Mains by Payot with almond oil.

Revitalizing hand mask

You can make such a therapeutic composition from vegetable oils, vitamins (A, E), honey and other miracle ingredients. In addition, purchased restorative agents can be used. If the skin of the hands is very dry in winter - what to do in this case? Beauticians recommend:

  1. Review your diet.
  2. Do restorative procedures (masks,) twice or thrice a week.
  3. Choose the right cream and use it regularly.

Very dry hand skin - folk remedies

At home, you can make many different cosmetics that will help soften the cover. So, glycerin can be used from overdried and cracked skin of the hands. In addition, vegetable oil (especially good), yolks, liquid honey, and water are distinguished by a softening effect. All of them can be used in combination or separately.

The recipe for a restorative composition