Jewelry from seashells on the neck - necklaces and pendants. Shell jewelry - the most interesting in blogs

You can make beautiful necklaces from seashells that will remind you of a wonderful holiday on the seashore. They will serve as a wonderful gift, they can even be sold at a profit. There is a huge variety of shells, so each necklace will turn out to be unique and will have its own characteristic features. In order not to harm the environment and marine life, never collect shells that have not yet been abandoned by their inhabitants. Use empty seaside shells for your collection or handicraft.


Part 1

Simple seashell necklace

    Choose the right shells. In doing so, you can be guided by a variety of criteria, including type, shape, size, color or pattern. People have different tastes, so feel free to experiment. Before drilling holes in the shells, lay them out on a flat surface and evaluate how the future necklace will look like.

    Choose additional decorations. Despite the fact that a shell necklace looks impressive on its own, you can add other jewelry to it: beads, key rings, flowers, stones, and the like.

    • Make sure to match the additional decorations well with the shells in size, shape and color. In addition, they should be in harmony with the thread on which you string the seashells.
  1. Select a thread. There are many different types of threads, cords and chains that can be used for a necklace, and the exact choice depends on what you want to make.

    • For a sophisticated necklace, go with a gold or silver chain.
    • If you are going for a simpler necklace, use twine or linen cord.
    • For a more durable and versatile necklace, use jewelry wire or nylon thread.
  2. Gather the necessary tools and materials. You will need a drill with a 1.6mm drill bit, a jewelry tool, and pointed pliers.

    • If you don't have a drill, you can punch holes with a nail or screw and hammer.
    • You may need the following jewelry tools: jointing rings to attach the shells to the cord, and a clip or clasp to join the ends of the necklace. These tools can be dispensed with if you are using thin thread or twine, as the ends can simply be tied together.
    • If you are using a jewelry chain, there is no need to worry about the clasp, as it is already on the chain.
  3. Drill a hole in each shell. To string the shells on a thread, holes must be made in them. Take a marker and mark the location for the hole on each shell.

    Attach a connecting ring to each shell. While it is possible to dispense with the connecting rings, they will help you position the shells on the thread correctly. Spread the ends of the connecting ring with pointed pliers. Slide the ring through the hole in the shell and slide the ends with pliers.

    • Do the same for each shell. For a change, you can attach several shells, key chains or beads to each ring.
  4. String the shells onto the string. If you are going to make a pendant necklace or centerpiece, put on the center shell first. After that, string the rest of the shells, key rings, beads, and the like, and decorate the remaining thread however you like. You can also leave the rest of the string blank to avoid distracting attention from the centerpiece.

    • While the necklace does not have to be symmetrical, it does need to be balanced. For example, if there is a large shell on one side, it can be balanced not with the same large shell, but with two or three smaller ones on the other side.
  5. Close the ends of the necklace. If you are using twine, cord, or nylon thread, you can simply tie the ends. You can also clip the ends of the necklace together:

    • Slide a clip and then a clasp onto each end of the necklace. The clamps will keep the shells from sliding off the necklace.
    • Pass the loose ends of the thread or wire through the clips. Pull it firmly so that the clasp and clip are pressed against each other and against the outer shell or bead. Pull on the free end of the thread and use a pair of pliers to secure the metal clip.
    • Cut off the excess thread (wire) with scissors or wire cutters.

    Part 2

    Double seashell necklace
    1. Select the metal chain. This necklace requires a double chain with a link near the clasp. Make sure that the distance between the top and bottom chain is at least 3-5 centimeters.

      • The chain can be any metal you like, such as silver or gold. Choose a chain that pairs well with your seashells.
    2. Select seashells. For this necklace, you will need 10 small shells of roughly the same shape, three larger shells, and one medium-sized cone-shaped shell. The color and shape of the shells depends on your preference.

      • The necklace will have two main points: three medium-sized shells in the center of the upper chain and a tapered shell in the middle of the lower chain.
      • The ten smaller shells will be evenly spaced around the main shells.
    3. Collect everything you need. In addition to the chain and shells, you will need a jewelry wire with a diameter of 0.5 millimeters (color of your choice), pliers, wire cutters, a drill and 12 connecting rings.

    4. Prepare your seashells. Set the cone shell aside. In the other 13 shells, drill holes where you want to attach them to the chain. With a marker or pencil, mark the location of the future hole on each shell. Then grasp the flat surface of the shell, bring the drill to it, press down slightly on the drill, and drill a small hole. After that, do the following:

      • Using pliers, thread a connecting ring into each of the 10 small shells. Do not tighten the rings yet.
      • Place three medium shells on one connecting ring and do not tighten the ring yet.
    5. Wrap the wire around the cone shell. To give the necklace even more originality, wrap the cone shell and attach it to the chain with wire, not a ring. Take a wire with a diameter of 0.5 millimeters and cut a piece six times the length of the cone shell.

      • Pinch the center of the wire between your index finger and thumb. Wrap the wire around the tip of your index finger and twist both ends three times so that there is a small loop in the center of the wire.
      • Pull the wire at both ends and place the wide edge of the conical shell between the turns.
      • Start spiraling both ends of the wire around the shell. When you wind the wire all the way to the top of the shell, join the ends of the wire together and wrap them around each other three times to secure in place.
      • Divide the loose ends of the wire. Use a pair of pliers to grasp one end of the wire and bend it to the side. Do the same for the second end. After that, twist the ends to form a spiral.

A necklace made of antique coins for the House of Bvlgari is a traditional decoration. The Italian brand began to use antique bronze coins for more than 50 years, back in the 60s of the last century.

But jewelry made from shells is a history of almost twenty thousand years. It is these shells, sawn, drilled or strung, that archaeologists find today. Beauty and perfection, amazing colors of shells created by the underwater world of nature, as if intended for those materials that have been used by humans for jewelry since time immemorial. Today, shell jewelry remains one of the most beloved for women.

It is not an easy task to choose the most beautiful, fabulous and bizarre shell shapes with indescribable shades of color. Either twisted into a tight spiral, now long conical curved tubes, or star-shaped shells, differing from each other not only in shape and size, but also in mass, which can reach up to 10 kg in some specimens.

If, for example, we consider only one family of conical shells, then here you can count up to 400 species, which, by their beauty, will not leave anyone indifferent. Yes, they are amazingly beautiful and varied. And with some of them, great care is required, unless of course you decide to find such specimens on your own - they have a kind of protection - a "sting". For many of us, collecting seafood becomes a real disease that takes time and money. Therefore, traveling around the islands, some bring with them unique underwater masterpieces.

One of the first collectors was the Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle. It was he who created in 336 AD a considerable work on mollusks. Julius Caesar was also a collector of shells.

Among the numerous types of sea shells, there are very rare ones that are of great value to collectors. Their cost can reach several hundred dollars. If you are a lover of travel and scuba diving, then you should get the shells of live mollusks in extremely limited quantities, so as not to damage nature. After all, any reasonable person should always think about it. There are such types of mollusks, for whose shells there is a constant hunt. For example, the shells of tsiprai (cowrie). They are a favorite object for collectors, as their natural beauty and, at the same time, hardly requiring any processing of the shell, attracts the attention of collectors.

Cowrie shells were a symbol of fertility, they were used to embroider headdresses, braided vessels, decorated bags and baskets and other household items, as well as ritual masks. Kauri was worn as a talisman-amulet, and it was believed that the more shells a person has, the more reliable protection from mysterious forces. One of the sorcerers of West Africa wore a chain of 20 thousand small shells. How much did this chain weigh? - It turns out about 22 kilograms.

But that's not all. Kauri among the African nobility were insignia, and they replaced orders. The beauty of shells conquered Europeans too, so jewelry made from overseas shells could be found already in the 7th - 8th centuries and in Europe. Until recently, overseas shells were also decorated with ancient festive attire of Mordovian, Chuvash, Bashkir and Kyrgyz women. Nowadays, unusual cowrie shell ornaments are often exhibited in art salons, which are not inferior in beauty to a stone placer of gems.

The largest bivalve molluscs should also be noted. These are tridacnae that live off the eastern shores of Australia. True, due to its enormous size, the tridacnus kingdom has significantly thinned out today so that they are listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Molluscs reach a length of one and a half meters and a mass of 250 kilograms. It is unlikely that you will find them, and if you do, it is not at all easy to get them, and even more so to bring them with you.

Molluscs live and die (some species can live up to 200-300 years), and shells accumulate on the seabed.

You can talk a lot about shells, because the extraordinary perfection of natural creation cannot leave indifferent any of us, especially refined natures.

Since ancient times, people have been striving to capture the beauty of shells. Shells were used to decorate the front walls of palaces, shells were depicted in painting - for example, the birth of the goddess Venus (Aphrodite) from sea foam by all artists of all times was illustrated with the obligatory presence of a scallop shell.

In ornamental art (rocaille), which means shell ornament, the whimsical curls are stylized pectene shells (scallops).

The rainbow play of colors is found on the canvases of the Russian artist M.A. Vrubel, for example, his painting "Pearl".

The Hermitage contains a painting - Still Life with Shells. Balthasar van der Ast.

Some large shells, such as nautilus (boats), have long been used to make goblets, goblets, bowls and other unique items.

In Greek mythology, there is a legend about Pan, the god of forests and groves, to whom Zeus gave a horn from a triton shell. When Pan blew this horn, such terrible sounds were made that all who heard, losing their minds, fled in fear. By the name of Pana, this flight was called panic, and the state of reckless fear - panic.

Some shells in India, Burma and Indonesia are considered sacred. Many shells became amulets, which were believed to bring success and happiness to their owner. But most women, as always around the world, are interested in shell jewelry, which, however, everyone can make on their own.

If you pick up a pair of identical small and very beautiful shells, you get successful earrings. For pendants and pendants, it is enough to choose one of the most expressive and beautiful ones.

For the manufacture of beads and necklaces, a large number of shells are required, which should be somewhat similar to each other. And if you want to prove yourself as a real artist, then you can collect unusual souvenirs or objects from ordinary shell scrap. For example, a vase of flowers.

It is better to "write" shell applique paintings from whole shells, intact, but having a simple shape.

If you wish, you can make toys, boxes, boxes and even. You already know that cameos are made of stone (glyptics - stone carving). It can also be made from shells, only in this case the material is softer and more pliable than stone.

If you love nature, in your hands shells can turn into cute animal toys, an unusual painting, original earrings or clips, necklaces or pendants and much more. And you just need something: a jigsaw, a drill, drill bits, a brush, paints, glue, cardboard, fishing line, fasteners for necklaces or earrings and ... patience.


During your vacation at sea, set yourself the goal of collecting natural material in the form of shells of the most varied forms. If there is enough time, then it is worth reviewing the raw materials in advance, so as not to carry the broken material. In addition, excursions to retail outlets selling jewelry from seafood will provide an opportunity to create a bank of ideas that can later be turned into reality.

Sort out the collected carefully, clean from dirt and wash with a toothbrush. Sort raw materials by shape, size and color. Determine the optimal location for the hole for each sink. You can make a hole with a thin drill or dremel. In any case, the material is very fragile, so manipulations must be carried out with extreme caution. For extra shine and better preservation of the shells, cover with a colorless varnish.

For the manufacture of a set of beads (or necklaces), earrings and bracelets, it is better to choose the same accessories. The base can be a silver or gold chain with large or small beads that are interspersed. Chains of any length and size of links, as well as fasteners for jewelry, can be purchased in special stores.

To make a bracelet from a chain, first separate from the main chain the required number of fragments with several links to which you will attach the shells. Open the outermost links, fix one of which on the bracelet, and insert the other into the hole in the shell and close. For the bracelet, choose a convenient clasp and attach to the product. The same principle of execution can be used when making neck jewelry. For earrings, make blanks of chains of different lengths, on the lower edge of which attach shells. Combine the upper edges with one ring from the chain, and then fix it on the bow.

To make products using a different material, you will need beads or small beads. Decorations made of small white or brown fusiform shells look especially beautiful. Take a fishing line, special wire or thread for making beads and string small shells, alternating them with beads. The latter can be used in different quantities. It is permissible to use both a single color gamut and a contrasting one. Similarly, you can make beads, if necessary, then in several tiers. Earrings made of small bunch-shaped curly shells will complement the look.

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In memory of your vacation by the sea, you can make an original three-dimensional panel with marine attributes. Color the box with cells and stick the brought shells, sea pebbles and sand into them. Hang the finished panel on the wall and enjoy the memories of the sea.

You will need

  • - box
  • - seashells
  • - pebbles
  • - sand
  • - acrylic paint
  • - brush
  • - scissors
  • - thick thread
  • - feather
  • - beads


Prepare a plastic or paper box. If there are no partitions in it, make them yourself. Cut cardboard strips. Measure the length of the strips and divide them into three equal lengths. Mark with a pencil and make cuts in these places with scissors to the middle of the strip. Put two strips with notches up and in them attach two other strips with notches down to make 9 cells.

Now it is customary to go to the sea to have a rest at least once a year. I don't really like the heat, so I do it a little less often, because I like to travel to northern countries more.

However, now, just like in childhood, I bring home with me at least a little pleasant summer memories - sea shells, pebbles, starfish.

Surely many of them keep at home somewhere in a bag or in a box "precious" mother-of-pearl stocks.

These wonderful little things will serve us to create unusual jewelry from shells with our own hands for ourselves or as a gift to our loved ones. Let's see what you can think of.

Three seashell necklaces

The first is the decoration on the right, which hangs on a stylized wooden herringbone stand. The left one with pink shells also looks great, only it is much more difficult to make it, because it will need to be framed with metal.

Two types of shellfish houses are used here, they harmonize well with each other, create a single whole.

Shells are a very interesting material for creating all kinds of trinkets, and more! A wide variety of species - "houses" of river and sea molluscs - provides space for creating unusual decorations.

Necklace with shells and beads on a fabric base.

All details are attached to the base - "sausage", sewn from a slightly shiny noble fabric of pastel color with a pinkish tint. Elongated greenish and brown "pendants" will do just fine.

Most shells - small as well as medium in size - need to be drilled on both sides. First, a few beads are threaded onto the thread, then the shell itself, then there is a bead, which is the largest of the lower hole in the shell, then we turn it back in the reverse order - we sew the thread to the fabric. In the next picture, the details will be better seen, since there is a photo of the back side of the product.

Below we will place the most beautiful large bead - a shell. She does not need to make a hole from the bottom, since it is large, then a small hole on the top on both sides will be enough. Likewise, the thread is closed with white beads.

We sew a fabric necklace like a belt for a dress. Does everyone know how this is done? Very simple. We cut out a long rectangle, sew on the long side and one short one.

I was taught to turn out a sewn belt (for a dress or a dressing gown) using an ordinary pencil. We place it directly opposite the short sewn edge and push it inward, gradually advancing and turning the sewn part inside out. Like using a safety pin.

The inside of the tube needs to be stuffed with something, but not too tight. Anything is suitable for this - synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, a strip of foam rubber, even finely chopped unnecessary shreds. But the lighter the material, the better - the shells also weigh something.

Five shell decoration

In total, the decoration required exactly five small, interesting in shape, light shells, 5 rings for attaching them, 18 cylindrical beads, a clasp, and a round cord in cross section.

To prevent the parts from running along the waxed thread wherever they want, we secured them with knots.

A very spectacular large necklace can be made by yourself using processed turned shells. Of course, every "bead" is worth working on. But you can buy ready-made ones, we sell these in specialized stores to create jewelry with your own hands.

Pendant - shell on a leather cord

The last thing I wanted to show today is simple jewelry with a pendant, an elongated shell serves as a pendant.

Naturally, small holes must be drilled in each to secure them to a suede or leather lace.

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I present to your attention vases-bowls for storing jewelry. When you go to sleep, you can put removed earrings, chains, rings there. In order to immediately find them in the morning. Made in a very original way, they look amazing. It will take quite a bit - seashells from the sea, a glue gun, metallic acrylic paints.

Seashells can be a good interior decoration. In order to create such a decor with your own hands, you just need to paint the shells brought from the sea or found and collected elsewhere. Put them in a flowerpot or decorative bowl, put a candle in the middle. This will be an original candlestick that decorates the table. You can paint with acrylic, but I suggest making it unnecessary or unusable dried gel nail polishes.

Preserving seashells as a reminder of carefree days at the beach is best in the form of home furnishings, jewelry, and souvenirs. After all, they are such a beautiful, completely free, natural and durable material. In this material you will find 50 inspiring photos, 8 ideas and the same number of step-by-step DIY workshops on making shell crafts for beginners.

Basic instructions for preparing seashells


Before you start making crafts from shells, they need to be well prepared.

  • If the shells are "dead" and there are no remains of shellfish in them, then they just need to be soaked in a solution of water and any chlorine-containing agent (eg, with bleach, "Duckling", etc.) in a 1: 1 ratio for 30 minutes. If the shells are very dirty or you want to remove the dark outer layer ( periostracum), then soak them longer. After soaking, brush the shells and rinse in clean water.
  • If the shells are "alive", that is, they have the remains of mollusks (albeit long dead) and have an unpleasant odor, then they must be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, immerse the shells in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then remove the remains of the shellfish using tongs, nail scissors, etc. There is also a second way: heat the shells in the microwave for 30 seconds, then try to remove the remains with tongs. If unsuccessful, continue heating the sinks in the microwave, checking the result every 10 seconds. When all remains have been removed, treat the sinks with chlorine according to the first instructions.

After finishing, inspect the sinks for chips and, if any, sand them with a sanding block, disc or sandpaper. If you wish, you can add shine to them with clear nail polish or furniture, or with oil or grease cream. True, in this case, before processing the shells with glue, the gluing points will have to be additionally degreased with alcohol.

Drilling holes

To make some types of shell crafts (for example, wind chimes, beads, bracelets and other jewelry), you need to drill a hole in them. This task is quite simple, the difficulty lies only in the fact that the shells can crack or delaminate in the place of drilling.

  • Therefore, remember the main rule: the thinner the sink, the smaller the hole should be in it and, accordingly, the thread / accessories of the decoration.

There are two ways to make holes in shells - manual and automated.

Method 1. Choose a drill bit for a drill, screwdriver or straight grinder with a diameter of 0.8 - 2 mm. Place the shell on a wooden or plastic board and glue it down with masking tape. Drill a hole directly over the tape to keep the shell from splitting or delaminating.

Method 2. If you do not have a screwdriver or drill, then you can make a hole in the sink using a nail and a hammer. To do this, first glue the shell with masking tape, put a mark on the inside of the shell, then attach a carnation and gently tap it with a hammer several times to make the initial hole. Next, widen the hole by moving the same nail back and forth inside it until you reach the desired diameter.

If you have neither a nail nor a hammer at hand, then use an ordinary needle, nail scissors or knife and "drill" the hole by hand. The result will appear in about 10 minutes.

Idea 1. Inlay frames, frames and frames

Shells can be used to decorate the frame of a mirror, a picture or a photo frame. We present examples of such crafts in the next selection (scroll the photo to the right).

Today we suggest you decorate a frame for a mirror with shells, but by the same principle, you can decorate any photo frame or picture frame.


  • Small, medium and large shells and, if desired, additional decorations (eg, starfish, pearls, figures of skates, etc.).
  • A glue gun and a few sticks of glue or clear epoxy.
  • Newspaper or any waste paper to protect the mirror from the glue.
  • Masking tape or ordinary tape.


Step 1. Protect the mirror with paper and masking tape. At this stage, the frame can be painted if its original appearance does not suit you.

Step 2. Sort the shells by size to facilitate the creation of the future composition.

Step 3. First, glue the first row of small to medium-sized shells (about the same size) around the mirror.

Step 4. Now start gluing the largest shells. Beforehand, you can play with the layout options and choose the best one. If you are using epoxy glue, leave the frame to dry overnight after all the parts are glued on.

Idea 2. Making a valentine panel

From the collection of shells of different shapes and sizes, you can make a panel in the form of a valentine. However, you can cut any other shape out of cardboard / plywood, say, the same seahorse or letter.


  • Glue gun or any glue with strong adhesion;
  • Collection of river and sea shells;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Leg-split.


Step 1. Cut out the base for the panel in the shape of a heart from the cardboard.

Step 2. Use a knife or an awl to make two twine holes.

Step 3. Begin glueing the shells, making sure to leave minimal gaps between them. Leave the eyelet holes open.

Step 4. Cut the twine to the desired length, thread the two ends of the rope through the holes from the inside of the panel and tie them in double knots.

In the next video, you can see a visual master class on making crafts from shells with your own hands in the form of a valentine panel.

Below are other ideas for creating a panel from shells.

Idea 3. "Painting" a picture on canvas

And here is another idea for creating a wall craft from shells.


  • Stretched canvas;
  • Shells;
  • Glue gun or other glue of strong adhesion, for example, "Moment";
  • Template or stencil of the desired design, printed on paper;
  • Acrylic paint for background creation (optional);
  • Brush (optional).


  1. If you want to repeat the idea of ​​the painting in this master class, then first create a background for the composition of shells. To do this, use a brush and acrylic paint of the desired color. Wait for the background to dry and proceed to the next step.
  2. Fix the template or stencil to the canvas with masking tape, then trace around its outlines with a pencil.
  3. Start gluing the shells to the drawing without going beyond its borders.

Idea 4. Cook candles for mini candlesticks

Seashells are almost ready-made miniature candlesticks that are just waiting to be supplemented with paraffin and wick. The resulting candles can be used for a romantic picnic or just for interior decoration.


  1. Sea or large river shells;
  2. Small round candles in tin molds;
  3. Water and a pot for a water bath;
  4. PVA glue or double-sided tape.


Step 1. Remove the candle itself from the tin container, and then remove the wick from it by pulling on the metal base at the bottom of the candle (see photo). Set aside the wicks and return the candles to the molds.

Step 2. Glue each wick on double-sided tape or PVA glue in the center of the shell.

Step 3. Now we need to melt the paraffin to a completely liquid state. This can be done in three ways:

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, then reduce the heat to stop boiling and place the molds in it.
  2. Place the candles on a low heat stove and be careful not to burn the paraffin wax.
  3. Heat the paraffin wax with a hair dryer.

Step 4. Once the paraffin is melted, remove the molds from the heat and start filling the shells. It is best to use a pair of tongs or a pair of Chinese chopsticks for this. Do not forget to protect the surface of the table with a newspaper beforehand.

  • If the shells are too unstable, and you are afraid that the paraffin will harden unevenly, then it is better to arrange the candles in the cells of the egg packaging or fix them, for example, with soft clay that does not leave traces.

After about 20 minutes, the paraffin is completely solidified, and you can enjoy the light of the candles from the seashells.

Idea 5. Making a topiary in a marine style

Topiary is a small decoration in the form of a tree in a pot. You can learn the principles of making topiary from shells with your own hands or from the following video tutorial.

And in this selection of photos you can get ideas for decorating a topiary from shells with your own hands in a traditional round shape or in the form of a Christmas tree.

Idea 6. Making a candlestick-flower

If you have enough bivalve shells, you can make flowers out of them.

Today we propose to make just such a craft from mussel shells.


  • Shells of bivalve molluscs;
  • Any small diameter round base;
  • Glue gun;
  • PVA glue (optional);
  • Glitters (optional).


Step 1. Prepare the shells - wash them with soap, remove organic debris and, if desired, bleach them with chlorine-containing agents (see instructions at the beginning of the article).

Step 2. Paint the round base of the candlestick some neutral color, such as white.

Step 3. While the base is drying, sort your sink set by size.

Step 4. Start gluing 1 row of shells on the sides of the base with thermal glue.

Step 5. When the first row is a little dry, start creating the second row by overlapping each new shell with the previous one so that it sits between the two shells of the first row. As a result, you will have a staggered layout of the shells of two rows as shown in the photo.

Step 6. Glue the third and all subsequent rows according to the same principle, but not on the base, but on the joints of the shells of the previous row (the place is marked with an arrow in the photo below).

Step 7. When you have glued the last row, inspect the candlestick and add another row or two where you think you need it.

Step 8. Hooray, the seashell candlestick is ready! If you wish, you can additionally decorate it with sparkles. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • Treat the shells with PVA glue on the inside or only along the edges.
  • Sprinkle a generous amount of glitter on the craft, let the glue dry, and then shake off the excess.

Idea 7. Create a wind chime

Shells are an ideal material for making wind chimes, because the "chime" of such sea bells is very pleasant to the ear.


  • Twine, line, or any thread.
  • A twig or wooden stick.
  • Scissors.
  • Hot glue gun or small hole drilling tool (drill with 2mm drill bit or just a needle and nail scissors).
  • Shells.


Step 1. If you want the shells to be tied to the threads, then first drill holes in them (see Basic instructions at the beginning of the article). If you do not have a tool, and you are satisfied with the glue method of fastening, then immediately proceed to the next stage.

Step 2. Tie a twine to the branch as shown in the photo, measure about 7 cm in length from it and cut off the excess.

  • If you use shells with holes, then the twine must be cut immediately to the desired length with a margin for knots.

Step 3. Glue the shell to the twine with a drop of thermal glue. Then glue another 7-centimeter thread of twine to the other end of the sink. Continue working until you are satisfied with the length of the first row.

  • Shells with holes can be tied to a thread in at least two ways: by tying knots around the holes or under them (the knot must be larger than the hole).

Step 4. Continue to hang the threads with shells to the desired number. That being said, you can play with the length of the rows to form, say, an arch or a ladder. In this case, the wind chime has alternating short and long strands.

Step 5. When the product is ready, tie another piece of twine at both ends of the branch.

Following the principles of this workshop, but by replacing a branch with a hoop or adding shells with starfish, beads, feathers and other decor, you can create more whimsical wind chime designs.

Idea 8. Making a bracelet from cowrie shell

If you have at least one cowrie shell, then you can make a boho-style bracelet out of it for your arm or leg with your own hands. You can buy all the accessories for such decoration in craft stores or in large sewing stores.


  • One cowrie shell;
  • 1 m silk lace;
  • Half a skein of floss in a contrasting color;
  • Beads (in this master class, copper beads from an old bracelet are used);
  • A pair of crimp ends with loops (designed for cords and bracelets);
  • Clasp for jewelry (in the form of a ring or carabiner);
  • Clasp ring (detachable);
  • Scissors;
  • Pliers.


Step 1. Drill a small hole at both ends of the cowrie (see Basic Instructions at the beginning of this article).

Step 2. Cut about 15 cm from the skein of silk lace and set aside this section for a while.

Step 3. Pass a silk string about half the length through one hole in the shell and tie a knot.

Step 4. Pass the other end of the cord through the middle of the sink and tie a knot at the second hole.

Step 5. Cut a few threads of the floss, collect them and fold the resulting bundle around the silk cord next to the shell as shown in the photo.

Step 6. Take a short piece of lace, wrap it tightly around the top of the folded floss, tie a knot and cut off the excess. You will have a brush. Fluff it up and trim with scissors if necessary.

Step 7. Start stringing the beads on both ends of the bracelet. After the desired length has been reached, fold the ends of the cords in half and tuck the resulting ends into the crimp ends.

Step 8. Use a pair of pliers to pinch the ends on the ends of the bracelet and then cut off the excess cord.

Step 9 Using pliers, attach the ring to one end piece and the clasp to the other. Your shell bracelet is ready!