We develop gracefulness in standing, sitting, walking. Etiquette and the Body: Secrets of Non-Verbal Communication

We were brought up on Brazilian (Argentine, Mexican) TV shows. The plot is familiar - a guy from a wealthy family meets a girl from the people and invites her home. In the midst of the celebration, they are invited to the table. And then the unfortunate girl becomes an object for ridicule - she took the wrong knife, eats soup incorrectly, does not know how to use a napkin ...
Yes, I would not want to be in her place. To avoid these situations, you need to be familiar with the rules of etiquette at the table.

How to properly sit at the table?

You need to sit straight, but at the same time freely, so as not to create the impression of being tight. You need to sit not too close to the table, but not very far from it. When eating, do not lean too much towards the table; for this, the distance to the table should be about the size of your palm.

It is unacceptable to put your elbows on the table. But a woman in some situations can lean on the table with one elbow. When using cutlery, keep your hands on weight. If during the meal one of the hands is not busy with anything, you should not lower it under the table - this is a bad form.

What to do with a linen napkin. If it is for you, you need to unfold it and put it on your lap. Hands are wiped with paper napkins. After finishing your meal, you can lightly blot the corners of your lips with a linen napkin and wipe your fingertips. Well, you can't use a napkin like a handkerchief. At the end of the meal, the napkin should be placed on the table.
Do not slurp while eating. Food requires regularity and thoroughness in chewing food.
Food is taken from a common dish with common appliances and put on a plate. Individual appliances cannot be used when transferring food from a common dish. If a dish is too far from you, then you do not need to reach for it, contact the waiter, at worst - to your neighbor on the table, they will give you the dish.
Bread, biscuits, refined sugar - if no tongs were served - you need to take it with your hands.
Mustard and salt can be taken in small spoons.
Sevruga, beluga, sturgeon, bester are eaten only with a fork, and hake, however, too.
If you decide to interrupt food for a while, put your knife and fork on a plate. You need to lay down the way you held them - the knife with the handle to the right, the fork with the handle to the left. When you have finished your meal, place your knife and fork parallel to each other, with the handles of both items pointing to the right. This means that you have completed your meal, the plate can be taken away.

Most of the life of a modern person is spent in a sitting position. Whether it is office work, traveling by transport, watching movies or chatting on the network on a computer. Long-term misalignment of the body can lead to problems of various etiologies. To avoid them, you need to know how to properly sit in a chair.

Consequences of incorrect posture

Experts agree that sitting for a long time in the wrong posture can lead to irreversible changes in the body, leading to serious illness. By itself, a sedentary lifestyle causes spinal dysfunction. Prolonged incorrect posture entails a restriction of blood supply to the entire musculoskeletal system. As a result, destructive processes begin in the discs, joints, vertebrae, which leads to limited mobility. Further blockage of the normal blood supply causes an increase in blood sugar and the risk of developing oncology of the pelvic organs and intestines, provoking thrombosis and varicose veins. As a result, a person is deprived of the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. To avoid such troubles, you need to consider a few points that will teach you how to properly sit in a chair.

What should be the correct chair

To ensure maximum comfort when seated for long periods of time, care must be taken to ensure that the chair is comfortable. Its design must provide an optimal posture for long seated work, it must provide for the possibility of changing the posture to reduce muscle tension in the back, neck and shoulders, in order to avoid overstrain.

When choosing a chair or chair, you should consider the height, nature and duration of the work. If this is an office chair for working with a computer, then it must be adjustable in height, the angle of the back and seat, the distance from the edge of the seat to the back, and have a swivel mechanism. Each adjustment mechanism must be independent and firmly fixed. The seat and back of the chair should be semi-soft, made of easy-to-clean, non-electrifying fabric.

Technical characteristics of work chairs

To ensure the correct posture while sitting on the chair, you need to choose it in accordance with the optimal design characteristics:

  • The width and depth of the seat must be at least 40 cm.
  • The front edge of the seat is rounded.
  • The seat height must be adjusted by at least 40-55 cm, and the seat angle must be up to 15 ° forward and at least 5 ° backward.
  • The height of the supporting backrest ranges from 30 to 32 cm, and its width should not be less than 38 cm.
  • The vertical adjustment of the backrest is 30 ° in different directions.
  • The distance of the front edge from the backrest can be adjusted by 26-40 cm.
  • Armrests should not be less than 25 cm long and 5-7 cm wide.
  • The position of the armrests relative to the seat is adjusted from 35 to 50 cm.

How to properly adjust the chair

When adjusting the height of the seat relative to the floor, it must be borne in mind that the legs should be on the floor with the entire feet and the angle of their bend at the knees is 90 °. Only in this case, the vessels and joints will not be unduly overloaded, and there will be no need for constant rearrangement of the legs in search of a more comfortable position. The height of the chair relative to the table should be such that your hands can rest freely on the table with your shoulders down.

The depth of the seat is adjustable so that it is at least 2/3 of the length of the thighs.

Smart gadgets

If the chair cannot be adjusted so that it is comfortable to sit, special devices can be used to give the body the correct position:

  • If the chair is too high, when the legs do not touch or do not completely touch the floor, you can substitute a low bench under them.
  • Smart cushions can be used to adjust the depth of the seat and support the lower back. They are crushed under the weight of the body and retain their shape. These pillows are placed under the lower back, maintaining an optimal body position. An alternative option is the mesh chair pad, which is attached to the chair with ropes. This design supports your lower back and allows air to circulate freely, keeping your back from sweating.

On sale there are both special chairs and chairs with a built-in roller in the lumbar region. This chair allows you to lean on a roller, conveniently position your pelvic bones and not strain your back.

How to properly sit on a chair

The optimal position for a seated person is considered to be a posture in which the arms and legs are bent at an angle of 90 ° and are approximately shoulder-width apart. The pelvis must be positioned so that the entire emphasis is directed to the ischial tubercles, these are bones that are well felt when sitting on a hard surface. At the same time, the back is straight without bending back or forward, and the shoulders drop down and back as much as possible to open the chest and optimize the position of the shoulder blades.

It will help to ensure correct posture while sitting on a chair, slight tension of the abdominal muscles. It also helps burn fat around the waist and optimizes digestion. The position of the neck should be such that it was an extension of the spine. To do this, you need to slightly lower your chin and pull it towards you. There is no need to pull your legs under you and cross your legs. Since it is not always possible to sit correctly at the computer on a chair for a long time, you can slightly change the posture, bending slightly forward or backward, lean on the armrest, but the head should always look straight, and the load on the neck is minimal.

When equipping a work area, you need to remember about ergonomics. Everything that is necessary for work must be located so as to ensure comfort even after long periods of work:

  • The first thing that contributes to maintaining health during a long sitting is a good chair equipped with armrests and the ability to adjust the necessary parameters to adapt to individual characteristics.
  • The second is a comfortable computer desk, the height of which should be sufficient so that when sitting, its edge is at the level of the solar plexus.
  • The monitor must be positioned and adjusted so that it is at eye level and the head looks straight ahead during operation.
  • It is better if the keyboard is located on a special retractable stand below the table top.
  • For better positioning of the hand while working with the mouse, you need to use a mat with a pillow under the wrist.
  • The arched keyboard will ensure the correct position of the hands during work.

How to learn to sit properly

There are several exercises that can help you improve your posture. To get used to keeping your back straight, it is recommended to stand near the wall several times a day for 10 minutes, touching it with your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head. Various exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back, such as "boat", bends with a straight back with or without weights, push-ups, planks, lifting the body, lying on the stomach, and others will also help to correct the posture.

How to sit properly on a chair can be taught by a large rubber ball so high that the legs are bent at a 90-degree angle. To maintain balance on the ball, you will have to involuntarily straighten your back. Working out for 40 minutes daily will help you develop a healthy habit. This exercise is popular in German offices.

By the way, girls were taught how to sit on a chair at the institutes of noble girls, putting a ruler under the corset between the shoulder blades, which did not allow stooping.

What etiquette says

Before you go to an important meeting, date, or visit a good restaurant, you should learn how to properly sit on a chair according to etiquette. When you need to sit down at the table, you need to sit down to the full depth of the chair and move so that the distance to the edge of the table is no more than the palm of your hand.

It is necessary to sit with a straight back pressed against the back of the chair, and legs bent at an angle of 90 °. Legs, sitting at the table, do not cross. The elbows should be close to the body. They cannot be placed on the table.

You can move away from the table only after the end of serving dishes, for communication. During breaks, you can keep your hands either on your lap or on the armrests of the chair. If this is not a conversation at the table, then the girl is allowed to cross her legs in the ankle area. In this case, the knees must be brought together. It is also allowed to tilt both legs to the side.

Since it is very important for a girl to sit on a chair correctly, because it is an indicator of good manners and good manners, it is worth learning such techniques first of all, both for important meetings and visiting restaurants, and for everyday life.

There are no special instructions on how to sit on a chair for a man, but according to etiquette, it is unacceptable to fall apart and spread your legs wide apart.

Orthopedic chairs

To prevent or alleviate existing problems, it is worth considering using orthopedic chairs. There are several types of them, including dynamic, saddle chair and knee stool. The orthopedic saddle chair provides the most physiological posture for a person. When sitting on it, an intermediate position is taken between sitting and standing. The legs are firmly on the floor, and the back is straightened, forming a regular curve.

An indispensable chair for people involved in complex, long, laborious procedures that require a long stay in one position. These are hairdressers, make-up artists, dentists. There are chairs with and without backs. The backrest allows you to change position, recline or swing back and forth. And it is easy to sit on a chair without a back, just throwing your leg up. The mobility of the chair is given by castors.

Knee chairs are designed to distribute the load between the back, pelvis and knees. Physiology itself will tell you how to sit on the knee chair correctly, since its device assumes the adoption of the correct posture and optimal bending of the back. In addition, it allows you to change position, for example, with support on one knee, you can lean back with a bent knee, lean instead of knees on the support with your feet. The optimal seat tilt allows you to straighten your shoulders, chest and abdomen, which improves breathing and digestion.

The knee chair variation, supplemented with a dynamic component, allows you to change the position of the body, preventing leakage and fatigue. Reflex body balancing provides mobility of the joints of the spine, maintains the tone of the muscles of the press and back.

How to sit with diseases

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, varicose veins, hemorrhoids make working in a sitting position very problematic. Special devices, the choice of a gentle posture, and breaks help to relieve discomfort and pain.

For example, an incorrect posture increases pain during inflammation of hemorrhoids, as the pressure on the pelvic organs increases. How to properly sit on a chair with hemorrhoids to relieve pain? This requires a combination of drug therapy and the selection of a comfortable seat. The use of a chair or a special pillow with a depression or a hole in the middle in the area of ​​hemorrhoids will help reduce pain.

And what is the correct way to sit on a chair with a hernia of the spine, so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition? Firstly, choose the most comfortable position with an emphasis on the back of the chair, and secondly, every 15 minutes, slowly, without sudden movements, change the position. This may not be a radically new position, but a slight change in the position of the back, legs or arms. But we must remember that the head must look straight.

To avoid problems associated with poor posture, you need to know how to properly sit in an office chair. General tips will help you understand this issue:

  • Form the correct posture. A large rubber ball and back strengthening exercises such as boat and forward bends will help. In addition to strengthening the muscles, it is necessary to stretch them.

  • Choose a comfortable position that needs to be changed every 15-20 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the body does not become numb.
  • And every 40 minutes you should get up, walk around and do a little exercise.
  • In your free time, you need to walk more, be in the fresh air.

These tips will help prevent the development of diseases, maintain a beautiful posture, cheerful mood and efficiency.

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Not all of us in childhood wanted to master the rules of etiquette at the table. It seemed that all these adult conventions are unlikely to come in handy someday. But now, after some twenty years, you are already sitting in an exquisite restaurant with an equally exquisite gentleman, and instead of tasting new dishes, you regret not having learned how to properly handle cutlery. And if we consider that certain products also require special treatment, table etiquette becomes a science obligatory for every self-respecting modern young lady. AND women's magazine Charla offers to master the basics of this science together.

Table etiquette: sit down at the table

Of course, for many modern families, joint lunch and dinner has become a rarity, and for some, a sofa in front of the TV serves as a dining room. But rules of etiquette at the table make all of us forget those imposing positions in which it is so comfortable to be while eating.

If you think that the absence of your elbows on the table is already a feat for the sake of the aesthetics of the feast, you are very mistaken. Firstly, elbows are not put on the table, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also in order not to interfere with neighbors at a feast. And secondly, this is only the first step towards correct positioning at the table.

Make sure that you are not too close to the table, but not too far from it. The back should be straight at all times. Both those who prefer “full immersion” in the plate and those who imposingly lean back in a chair, risking getting dirty with accidentally dropped food, look ugly. The rules of etiquette at the table only allow you to slightly tilt your head during a meal, so that the path of a fork or spoon is not so long.

Remember the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, who tucked Piglet's napkin by the collar while visiting the rabbit? So, from this gesture one could conclude that Winnie considers Piglet a child, since rules of etiquette at the table provide that the napkin is tucked into the collar only for children. Adults, on the other hand, should put such a napkin on their knees. After finishing your meal, you can wipe your fingers, but not your mouth, with a tissue. To do this, use your own handkerchiefs or napkins.

We think that not everyone follows the example of Winnie the Pooh during the feast, focusing exclusively on food. And rightly so, sometimes you still need to get up from the table. True, here too rules of etiquette at the table make themselves felt: get up from the table, and sit down at the table again must be on the right side of the chair.

Etiquette at the table: food is served!

Is eating with your hands - the lot of ill-mannered people? No matter how it is. Yes, most products are really eaten with cutlery, but cakes, cookies, citrus fruits, bread, fruits are usually eaten without using cutlery, since they do not get your hands dirty, in addition, they can be easily taken from a common dish without touching that part that will go to the rest of the guests.

And yet, in most cases, a spoon and fork are indispensable. Therefore, you need to be able to use these cutlery correctly.

So, the correct position of the spoon in the hand involves finding the thumb on top of this cutlery. While tasting, move the spoon away from you. Similarly, you need to tilt the plate away from yourself if the soup ends.

The fork, which in most cases should be in the left hand, is held on top with the index finger. If the knife is not needed for the use of a particular dish (for example, a dish made from minced meat), the fork can be in the right hand.

Without the aid of a knife, it is necessary to eat dumplings and meatballs, if they are in the soup. Just use a spoon to cut them apart.

But if there is uncut meat on the table, you cannot do without a knife. But just do not try to grind all the ingredients of the dish at once. Cut them as often as you eat, otherwise they will cool off ahead of time. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, it is also better to eat a bird not with your hands, but with a fork and a knife.

Fish served hot is usually eaten with a special device or with two forks. It is allowed to use one plug, which is in the right hand.

Side dishes in the form of potatoes and other vegetables are also eaten without a knife. You also need to remember that they should not be doused with sauce. After all, the sauce is intended for meat or fish, therefore it is on meat or fish that it must be applied.

Do not use slices of bread to soak sauce or any leftovers on your plate. The maximum that you can use bread for, in addition to its main purpose, is to help move food from plate to fork.

To avoid incidents with waiters who remove your plate too early, learn to signal that you have completed your meal with cutlery. Table etiquette provide that in the case when you interrupt the meal, but have not yet completed it, you need to leave the knife and fork on the plate in the same way as you held them in your hands. In other words, the fork handle should point to the left, the knife handle to the right.

If the meal is complete, inform the waiter by placing both the fork and the knife with the handle to the left.

And do not think that the moment will not come when you can finally demonstrate your knowledge. rules of etiquette at the table... Well, waiting for an invitation to the ball is not at all necessary. It is better to take it as a habit always, even alone, and then you will not be caught off guard by either attentive aristocrats, or any lobsters or oysters.

By the way, there are special courses in which they study the rules of etiquette at the table. If you have the time and desire, be sure to sign up for the course. It's very exciting, healthy, and definitely delicious.

Inna Dmitrieva

It's never too late to engage in self-education. If you decide to fundamentally change your behavior and become stylish and modern, then you need to learn the basic rules of etiquette and learn good manners.

  • Harmony of soul, body and mind. Such a harmonious combination allows you to be happy, which is what most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dream of.
  • Each of them wants to love and be loved, do an interesting job, feel respect for themselves and have a good reputation in society. But all this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This is a lot of work and hard work on yourself.
  • Becoming a real lady is not an easy task. For this, it is not enough to dress well, have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance and do what you love. You need to have an inner charm that will allow you to attract interest to your personality.
  • It often happens when an outwardly beautiful girl becomes uninteresting literally after 5 minutes of dialogue with her. While not very attractive in appearance, at the same time, a rather self-confident girl is able to win the attention of others. She is polite, modest, knows how to properly maintain a conversation, has good manners in behavior
  • Good demeanor cannot go unnoticed. However, in modern life it is extremely rare to find a morally and spiritually strong personality, especially among young people. Therefore, it is never too late to engage in self-education. And how to learn good manners for a girl, we will consider in the article

Girl's bad manners

First of all, let's consider what demeanor will never make a girl a real lady. So bad manners.

  • Increased curiosity in communication
  • Gossip with girlfriends
  • Humiliation of the interlocutor's personality
  • Maliciousness in the team
  • Meanness
  • Vulgarity and rudeness
  • Complacency

This is just a short list of those manners that must be literally "eradicated" from your character. And you need to start this process immediately.

Adult girl etiquette

A cultured person is, first of all, politeness and tact. In order to cultivate such qualities in oneself, one must learn to clearly monitor one's emotions and thoughts, that is, to control oneself. For example, you are walking in the park, and suddenly someone nearby rushed in full steam, and accidentally pushed you aside. Naturally, the first thought that comes to your mind on a subconscious level is strong indignation. And it is at this very moment that you must make sure that your emotions do not turn into action, and that rude words do not "fly out" from your lips in pursuit of the person who pushed you.

Important: You must learn to calmly and unhurriedly perceive everything that is happening around you. This will allow you not to commit rash acts.

Now think about some of the behaviors that might annoy people. This list is likely to be pretty impressive, so you can list them on a piece of paper. Arrogance, loud laughter, obscenities, the smell of alcohol, etc. Make sure you don't have this kind of behavior in your behavior.

Watch how cultured people behave in society, on the street, in public transport. Try to instill such character traits in yourself. Be modest and do not argue in situations where this issue does not concern you. Do not show that you are smarter, prettier and more modern than your interlocutor. Remember that politeness and modesty have adorned a person at all times.

Etiquette for a 21st century girl. Modern girl etiquette

Now let's talk in more detail about how a modern girl should behave in society, at work, at a party, in communication with her man, with friends, consider the etiquette of a girl's dress and dignified behavior.

Speech etiquette for a girl

Let's start with the fact that speech etiquette for a girl is not a simple game of memorized phrases. You need to learn how to properly communicate with people in order to win over the interlocutor. This does not require special knowledge. It is enough for your speech to be filled with politeness to the interlocutor. When choosing a form of greeting, fill it with feelings, do not forget with your whole appearance to show that meeting with a person is really pleasant for you. You can greet in different ways: with kisses, handshakes, or just a kind word. The main thing is that it should be heard by those to whom it is addressed, and not by everyone around. Don't pause when meeting.

Never be afraid to say hello first, even if there is a stranger in front of you. Remember that the first person to greet you is the one who is better educated.

Video: Features of speech etiquette

  • Suppose you are invited to visit. There is no need to follow the rules that say "guests are always late." It's not cultural. Moreover, this behavior is nothing more than disrespect for the owners of the house.
  • By the way, a cultured girl will not allow herself to be late for a business meeting, theater, cinema and even a meeting with her friend or work colleague.
  • When entering the house, be sure to say hello to all guests first. You should not check the rooms for the issue of cleanliness and run your eyes from one piece of furniture to another. Well-mannered girls cannot afford this behavior.
  • When visiting, try not to talk on the phone. If someone calls you during this time, politely apologize from the guests and step aside. Explain to the interlocutor that you are now visiting and as soon as you are free, you will certainly call him back

  • Do not look at your watch often - this can show the owners that you are not interested in them, and you are in a hurry to leave.

Dating etiquette

  • If a well-mannered girl with good manners does not allow herself to be late for a visit, for work or for a business meeting, then with a date the situation is a little different. But, this is kind of an exception to the rule.
  • Nevertheless, why do the rules of etiquette recommend that a girl be a little late for a meeting with a guy. It is believed that this is a kind of prevention for men.
  • While he is waiting for a meeting with the girl he likes, he has the opportunity to weigh everything again, to be alone with his thoughts and intentions
  • But, you can be late for a date only slightly. If a guy is waiting for you too long, then he can interpret this as neglect of him.
  • If this is your first date, and naturally the guy will shower you with a lot of compliments, then you shouldn't tell him about the efforts you make to look like that, where and for how much you bought this outfit or a mobile phone, etc. Remember the speech etiquette for a girl and its basic rules.

Never call a guy yourself after the first date - he should show interest in you himself.

Girl clothes etiquette

As the saying goes: "They are greeted by their clothes - they are escorted by their minds." This stereotype has firmly entered our life and has not lost its relevance at all times. A properly chosen wardrobe of a girl indicates the level of her upbringing.

Important: Clothing must always match the atmosphere of the event and its setting. Never a well-mannered girl will not allow herself to appear on a socialite with bright makeup and in a short leather skirt.

  • Clothes should be pretty. This rule applies not only to wardrobe, which is intended for going out into society, but also for home
  • A properly brought up girl will not allow herself to be in the house in an untidy dressing gown or nightgown, even if it is expensive
  • Home clothes should be comfortable, simple, neat and beautiful. You should always look beautiful and well-groomed in order to receive a sudden guest at any time or go out into the street.

  • Another rule is to cultivate a sense of tact and taste. Those girls who wear a lot of jewelry look defiant. There is one unwritten rule - wear no more than 13 jewelry. These include bracelets, earrings, chains, bright inserts, buttons, belts, etc.

An elegant woman is a good posture, which implies a straight back, gently lowered shoulders, an inverted abdomen, straight legs at the knees, a raised chin and arms slightly bent at the elbows.

Rules of etiquette in a restaurant for a girl

Sooner or later, a moment comes in a girl's life when she is invited to dinner at a restaurant. Restaurant etiquette begins right at the door of the establishment. The first person to enter the restaurant is always a man who comes up to the metropolitan and asks about the availability of seats. He also has to move the chair for the girl and help her to sit down.

  • At a restaurant table, you need to sit with an even wall, do not lean on your elbows or cross your legs. Never wear makeup during lunch or use the phone unless you have an important call. The order is the lot of the man. A lady can only express her wish and consult with a man
  • In addition to the fact that a properly educated girl knows which style of clothing to give preference to and how to apply makeup correctly, in a restaurant you will also need knowledge of how to properly attach your handbag and umbrella
  • What do the rules of etiquette say in this case? If you have a clutch, then you can put it on a table or on an empty chair next to it. The same applies to small handbags. But with more voluminous accessories, you need to behave correctly - putting them on public display, at least not tactfully. If possible, hang the bag over the back of your chair. Otherwise, you can place it under the table so that it does not interfere with you.
  • Once inside, close your umbrella immediately, even if it is wet. You cannot leave an open umbrella at the entrance with a view that in this way it will dry out better. In each restaurant, for this case, special accessories are provided that allow you to leave umbrellas in them - take advantage of this

How to accept gifts for a girl? How should a girl behave in a relationship?

  • If you have a boyfriend, then behave with him the way you would like him to behave with you. Remember that first of all, the guy wants to see femininity, understanding and beauty in his chosen one.
  • Ease and ease in behavior always attract a man, no matter what status and age he is. Give him the opportunity to feel stronger around you. But giving him the palm, do not lose your own dignity.
  • Learn to say the word "thank you" correctly! It is so customary in society that a man should please his woman with gifts. And how you will receive his gift depends on how often you will receive them.
  • To be honest, modern women have forgotten how to accept gifts in such a way as to inspire a man to do it as often as possible. Many of the women limit themselves to a dry "thank you", well, or at most - a kiss on the cheek
  • But you must make sure that your man can also feel the joy of this event. Dry gratitude is not enough for him. He dreams of seeing delight in your eyes, joyful and sincere emotions.

  • Express your gratitude with many pleasant and warm words and do not forget to note its exquisite taste even if in fact you are not particularly enthusiastic.

Business etiquette at work

The code of laws called etiquette exists not only in secular life, but also in the business environment. This is a kind of pass to the world of business people and a standard of communication. It is customary to judge a person by his deeds, behavior and the ability to build the right relationships in the business sphere.

Therefore, compliance with the rules of business etiquette at work is essential. You can talk endlessly about this, but we will try to briefly describe for you the most important rules of etiquette:

1. Time is money. This refers to punctuality, respect for the interlocutor and his time. Not a single person will strike up a relationship with those who do not know how to plan their working day, sort urgent and important matters and do not control the course of all events.

3. Dress code. A neat hairstyle, business dress and the right jewelry

4. Order on the desktop - order in the head

5. Workplace for work. It is not permissible to waste work time on gossip, empty talk and chatting on the phone.

6. Be able to listen and hear. Business etiquette involves listening to your opponent, not just listening to him

7. A healthy atmosphere within the team, which is based on respectful and equal relations between colleagues, benevolence and timely assistance if necessary

8. Compliance with telephone etiquette. Telephone conversations in modern society are able to establish relations between competitors, to negotiate correctly and in a timely manner. Telephone communication during business hours is only permissible for business purposes. Personal phone calls are only allowed if absolutely necessary

Call etiquette

Phone calls have their own time, as well as business. A well-mannered person will not allow himself to disturb his friend with a phone call earlier than 8 am and later than 10 pm, except if this call has not been agreed with him in advance.

  • The rules of etiquette dictate that if the mobile connection is cut off during a conversation, then you need to call back the one who called for the first time
  • If you are talking on the phone with a stranger, be sure to contact him on "you"
  • Having called on the phone, be sure to say hello and introduce yourself. In the process of communication, use only impersonal forms. It is not ethical to address the subscriber with such words as "girl", "young man", "woman"
  • Be sure to answer your business calls within the first three beeps. If you call, it is not customary to wait for a call longer than six rings. Business conversation cannot last more than 5 minutes
  • In the event that you expect a longer conversation, then be sure to ask the subscriber if he has the opportunity to give you 20-30 minutes, for example
  • If you are in a restaurant, put your cell phone in your bag or pocket. Never lay it out on the table
  • Not culturally write messages or "sit" on a social network while communicating with a real interlocutor
  • Never answer someone else's phone calls

Rules of etiquette for a girl in society

The rules of behavior in society must be observed not only by the girl, but also by everyone around her. It is known that society affects a person's character. Therefore, if you decide to learn good manners, then you cannot part with them in any society, regardless of its level.

A decent girl will not allow herself to “fall on her face in the mud in an honest company”, but, on the contrary, will conquer those around her with her manners, appearance and upbringing.

  • Never reply to the greeting “good afternoon” with a short word - “good
    Be discreet, polite, and courteous.
  • When leaving the room, try to hold the door to the one who follows you.
  • If the rules of etiquette in society allow a girl to be indoors in a hat and gloves, then you must take off winter mittens and a hat.
  • The rules of etiquette prohibit everyone, without exception, to use foul language, speak loudly, discuss, laugh and gossip.

Etiquette rules for a girl in a company

Video: How beautiful to communicate? Rules of etiquette

Rules of etiquette for girls with their parents

Sooner or later in the life of every girl there comes a moment when a guy introduces her to his parents. It is always exciting for a girl and she does her best to make the best impression of herself. But don't overdo it!

  • The rules of etiquette recommend to remain yourself, to behave calmly and culturally
  • Do not show your parents your excitement, but you also don’t need to hide it by randomly twisting the ring on your finger, adjusting your hairstyle.
  • At the first meeting, you should not take the initiative of the conversation - behave modestly and correctly, sincerely answer your parents' questions. Try not to talk about yourself if you are not asked to do so.
  • Stretch a glass of alcohol at the table for the whole evening and do not fall for the tricks of the future father-in-law to pour alcohol
  • Don't give up on treats. Moreover, admire their taste.
  • Do not bring any animals as a gift. It is also not customary to give perfume, linen and cosmetics until you really get to know the taste of your parents.
  • Don't stay up late. When leaving, be sure to invite the groom's parents to visit in return.
  • Simplicity and naturalness are the main rules of a modern and properly educated girl. First of all, you need to respect yourself and be yourself. Then you don't have to hide your complexes, laugh out loud in the theater or cinema, avoid communicating with your loved ones.
  • Simply, if something surprises you - be surprised, if it pleases you - smile! But for yourself, not for others. Then others will be able to immediately notice this cute creature, with a bright and clean face, open, kind and well-mannered.

How to learn good manners for a girl?
The rules of social life for a girl

In conclusion, let's list 20 rules of female etiquette.

  1. Always be neat and tidy
    2. Do not wear more than 13 jewelry, including brightly colored buttons
    3. Not talking at the table about money, health, politics and religion
    4. Do not go on a visit without a call
    5. Do not dry the open umbrella in the office, at a party or in a restaurant
    6. Do not use cellophane bags from a supermarket as a bag.
    7. Do not place the bag on your lap or on your chair
    8. A handbag is for a lady, not for men
    9. Do not be indoors in a hat and mittens
    10. The man always enters the elevator first, and the one who stands closer to the door leaves.
    11. Do not discuss people who are not present in the company
    12. Referring to "you" to people over 12 years old
    13. Before opening the door of the room, be sure to knock
    14. Do not put your mobile phone on a table in a public place.
    15. Do not write an SMS message during a conversation with a real interlocutor
    16. In a concert hall or cinema, walk towards the seated
    17. You can not laugh out loud and announce publicly that you are on a diet.
    18. Observe speech etiquette
    19. In the restaurant, the one who says the phrase "I invite you" is calculated
    20. Be punctual and open to conversation.

Etiquette - how to make an unforgettable impression

Sitting beautifully is not an easy task. Often, relaxed, we sit as usual and comfortable. Most have a favorite chair and a favorite position in that chair. Someone sits with their legs bent under them, someone leans on one hand, and someone twists into different poses. Pay attention to the way girls and women sit on public transport, and you will see an unsightly picture of feet apart, between which there are shopping bags. legs crossed, knees clenched or apart. All these positions do not decorate, but harm health: they impede the blood circulation of the legs, cause an unpleasant feeling of "goose bumps", "needles" in the feet and calf muscles. Our favorite position at the table, at the computer - hunched over, drooping shoulders and stretching our legs forward, and we can also hook our socks on the legs of a chair.In this position, the chin automatically moves forward, the muscles of the back and neck tighten. Hence, there are frequent pains in the spine, and then we wonder why we have back problems. Therefore, in order not to go to the doctors, it is necessary to develop habits and skills so that our posture is harmonious, relaxed and beautiful.
If you are going to sit down, do not look around you and do not stretch your skirt. Feel the edge of the seat with one foot and gently squat down on it so that the weight of your body is evenly distributed on both sides of your thighs and buttocks. The depth of the seat should be between 1/3 and 2/3 of the length of the hips. As you sit, lean on your hips and bumps, which are two small bones in the lower pelvis, just behind your thighs. It is they who serve as a support when sitting, which does not allow us to tip over backwards. Therefore, if you are leaning correctly on the ischial tuberosities, you will not need a chair back. At the same time, the natural forward bend in the lower back is preserved. If the lower back is bent, the support from under the ischial tubercles leaves, and you immediately begin to be pulled back onto the back of the chair. The whole pose collapses and stability disappears. Remember that the chair should not be too soft, otherwise you will not be able to lean on the ischial tuberosities. Put something tight on the chair and the problem is solved. It is important to remember the correct posture while sitting in a chair. Sitting on the edge of a chair, lift your abdomen slightly and lift your ribcage, opening your shoulders. By the way, a toned belly has a very good effect on shape and health, it also helps to improve digestion. Pull your chin up a bit. This helps to straighten the cervical spine (can be checked by touch) and stretches upward. You can imagine being pulled up by the crown of your head. All that remains is to find balance in this pose and release unnecessary tension, because no effort is required to maintain the correct posture.

A woman looks beautiful with her feet, knees and hips together. The knees can be turned to the left or right, but the legs should always be together, one to the other, or one leg slightly back.
Want to cross your legs? Why not, please! You just need the pose to be aesthetic and elegant. Throwing, for example, the right leg on the left, you should slightly put obliquely to the left and the left foot (but remember: the knee remains in place). We put the right leg on the left so that the shins of both legs are adjacent to one another. The right leg cannot dangle in the air. If you learn to sit in this position and it becomes familiar to you, you will no longer need to remember the knees and the corresponding position of the feet, it will work out by itself.
Pay attention to how you should get up. Never lean on anything when standing up, be it your knees or the armrests of the chair. Otherwise, people may think that you are clumsy. Lift up with your thigh muscles.
In the workplace, the correct height of the table and the back of the chair, which must be firm, will help you to sit beautifully and correctly.
It should also be remembered that if you have to sit for a long time during the working day, it is advisable to get up every 20-30 minutes, warm up or walk around the room, perform several bends and stretch - this will help you get rid of fatigue.

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