Conspiracy for a husband to want a wife: a passionate desire throughout life

When it comes to love, women are ready for sacrifices, feats and even magic, just to always remain interesting for their beloved man. But are such super-efforts necessary where the solution to the problem lies on the surface? The answer to the age-old question: "How to be attractive to a man?" - is inherent in the very nature of a woman. Its name is magnetism. This is a special force of attraction that works somewhere on an instinctive level. It works as long as a habit does not interfere with the relationship, which, as you know, can lull even instincts. It is quite easy to bring back the freshness of first dates and those golden days when a man was drawn to you like a magnet in a relationship. Let us turn to our feminine essence and remember, or re-learn how to use it for the benefit of ourselves and our beloved man. So how do you make your beloved and so desired man be drawn to you? We will create strong pleasant associations with you - cozy, soft, seductive. And these are the most reliable anchors for the stronger sex, and they are able to keep even the most fickle man nearby and of their own free will.

The anchors here are not just a metaphor. In neurolinguistic psychology, the term “psychological anchors” denotes an associative connection with any phenomenon or action. It can be a picture, touch, smells, etc. By repeating again and again a certain pleasant action, we cause a positive reaction in a person and consolidate the very association that, like an anchor, firmly clings to feelings. Voluntarily giving up positive experiences and the person with whom they are possible will not work. It is this feature of the human psyche that we will use, creating reliable anchors that cause a man's sincere need to hold on to one, but such a familiar “shore”.

Anchor 1. Cozy shore

From time immemorial, a woman is a talisman and keeper of the hearth. What to keep is the man's task. How to store is the direct responsibility of a woman. On a subconscious level, a man will always be carried by his legs to where the underwear is starched as he loves, where not just order, but order according to his established habits, and where, like in childhood, it smells like baked goods. Smells are generally a special kind of magnetism. They are perhaps the most powerful "anchors" because they are the best to evoke pleasant memories. Understand what scents make your man happy or give him a good mood, and you will "anchor" his associative feelings.

Anchor 2. Beach of relaxation

A man feels comfortable where he can completely relax. A warm bath with aromatic foam, a massage that relieves fatigue, or a traditional evening tea with a leisurely conversation can be the rituals of care, on which a loved one, in a good sense of the word, becomes addicted. Worry about his bodily and psycho-emotional comfort, and you will see that instead of regular gatherings with friends or constant delays at work, he will rush to where he will be sincerely caring and peaceful.

Anchor 3. Shore of passion

This is the most obvious and most effective anchor. However, the older the relationship, the harder it is to keep the passion high. Of course, love attraction is the result of mutual work on feelings, nevertheless, a lot depends on a woman. Here it will not be superfluous to "tie" associations on all five senses of a man. A competent influence on them will certainly give the expected effect:

  • Visual stimuli will help a man to see the well-groomed female body and the attractiveness of clothes (especially at home!)
  • Tactile - to "see" with your hands sensual nudity, soft lines of body curves, flowing scattering of hair or cool silkiness of sheets.
  • Auditory - to hear your favorite music or a call-to-action phrase known only to two.
  • Olfactory - to feel the passion for the smell, which is especially acutely evoked by the well-known aphrodisiac aromas.
  • Taste - to taste love, associations with which are strictly individual, but very strong.

Hello dear readers! Many girls think about what to do to make the guy afraid of losing you. It seems to them that this will make their relationship stronger. So we strive, betrayal, obscene behavior on the part of a man. You just need to decide on a plan of action and everything in life will go well. Is it really?

Today I will tell you about what to do to make a young man afraid of losing you, what consequences this can lead to, what reckless methods most girls use and how best to act so that your relationship with your partner is harmonious, and he never wants leave you.

I will explain all this from the point of view of a psychologist. No magic and conspiracies. Only useful advice for relationships.

Your own fear and its danger

Women who look for different birth techniques in a partner of separation anxiety tend to be less self-confident. This is completely normal and indicates that you really like the person you are dating.

The only problem is that you initially put your man a little higher than you. You are subconsciously afraid that he will commit some meanness and therefore want to protect yourself. Also, due to bad experience, you may not, and therefore subconsciously expect some kind of trick.

All this is felt by your partner and his own fears and concerns subside. You are more interested in him than he is in this love. By doing so, you harm yourself. The desire to keep a man gives nothing but his own confidence that you value him, are afraid of losing and will not go anywhere. He feels that you will go to great lengths to preserve this union, will forgive him and take the first steps after a quarrel when necessary.

The more freedom you give a young man and the less you depend on him, the more interest on his part. He will strive to do the right thing, not out of fear, guilt, or, but because he himself wants it. With him is a full-fledged girl who will not tolerate the wrongs inflicted. This will give you much more than other methods.

Let your first step towards losing be letting go of your fears. You feel good together, you are in love, but you are in no way dependent on your partner. Love yourself more than him and do not even allow the thought that if he leaves, life will end. You will find someone else. Perhaps better.

This approach will allow you to correctly respond to the actions of a man, not to give yourself offense, and subconsciously show how you can act and what is better not to do.

The path of jealousy

Not all girls know how to behave so that a man does not want to lose a woman. Please note that the key word here will not be “afraid”, but “didn’t want to”.

Fear leads to rash actions, dependence on another person. These are not very pleasant emotions, and sooner or later any person begins to be guided by the instinct of self-preservation and tries to get rid of negative emotions in life. Everyone strives for happiness, harmony is impossible if there is fear in the relationship.

So, some young ladies are trying to make the guy jealous, because they think that this will contribute to the fact that the man will appreciate them more. I don’t think it’s necessary to explain what thoughts they are guided by using different techniques, but does the method work initially?

Jealousy is another negative emotion and it gives the wrong characterization of a person who, in fact, is jealous. Do you think a young man will be proud of a woman who attracts the attention of hundreds? Unfortunately, this is often not the case. They get tired of jealousy very quickly and begin to blame not young people showing signs of attention for the constant lack of mood in themselves, but the girl herself, suspecting that she is behaving somehow incorrectly, not modestly.

Jealousy is a manifestation of lack of confidence in yourself and your partner. A man begins to feel himself next to a woman in demand, less beautiful, intelligent, he has to constantly compare himself with others and try to match. Ultimately, people in whom this feeling prevails begin to behave inappropriately and the reason for this is fatigue from their own emotions.

Sometimes they even give up the relationship altogether in order to regain strength. The most interesting thing is that with the next girl the situation repeats itself.

How to proceed

If you want a man to be afraid of losing you, create conditions for him so that he would never want to be next to another woman, so that he understands that you are the best thing that happened to him in this life. How can this be achieved? Everything is simple enough.

All men lack self-confidence. From birth, they are forced to prove something to others, they talk about the need to correspond to their gender: "You are a boy," "You are a man."

Compliment your boyfriend more often. Sounds kind of strange, doesn't it? However, it works.

Tell him how he coped well with the problem, quickly came to the rescue, how interesting he is, how much your friends and you appreciate him. Men are not accustomed to such behavior and are very embarrassed at first, however, it is difficult not to notice how their face spreads into a satisfied smile when they do not have to prove once again that they are worthy of the title of "man". This is already recognized by a woman. They subconsciously begin to extol her so that the opinion of his masculinity is of great value.

One of my friends did not quite correctly use this technique, periodically making it clear that without a specific young man she would almost die. Tell me, why would a man date such an insecure young lady? He is her top bar and she will never have anything better in her life.

Still, whatever you say, men's insecurity plays into our hands. I already said that using facts that cause jealousy is not a good idea, but if a man comes up with something himself, it's great. You must not forget about yourself. You are no worse, and he must understand this, so as not to be arrogant.

Remember that you are not afraid to lose it?

I do not share the opinion that a young man should be given complete freedom and allowed to go out with friends even when you do not want it, thereby proving his own independence. Some are convinced that everyone needs space. If you yourself belong to this category of people, then what advice do you need? You know how to navigate between relationship and freedom. If not, why torture yourself and show qualities that you do not have? Thus, we are deceiving a partner.

Later, when the relationship becomes more mundane, you will want to express your own self. He will be greatly offended if you do not continue to make concessions.

Use other methods to show your own worth. One friend of mine, for example, always had enough words. Instead of the standard messages: “I will love you all my life” or “You are the best thing that happened to me”, she periodically sends to her beloved something like: “I don’t know what will happen next, but now I am very happy because you with me".

Give men freedom at least illusory, and they will never want to use it.

In the book Steve Harvey "Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man" you will find even more useful tips, although you already know the basics, and therefore are ready to take the first steps to creating a truly ideal relationship.

Until next time and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

A woman dreams of attracting, attracting attention to herself, being desirable for her man so that he always wants to be with her.

But he often forgets about the kind of atmosphere he creates around him.

People, including men, are built in such a way that they are attracted by all forms of freedom, warmth and respect, and repulsed by any background of anxiety, coldness and superiority over themselves.

The atmosphere created by the presence is what attracts. What do you know about presence? What is your presence? Where are you when a man is next to you? What is happening to you at these moments?

The atmosphere is created non-verbally. It is not necessary to say something for people around to understand our inner content. They can feel what we are filled with from the inside in a matter of minutes.

And make your conclusion: run or stay. What a person is filled with, he pours out. Even silently.

And pretending to spread a different atmosphere is very difficult. Courses where manners are taught will help create a pleasant atmosphere only after creating peace and confidence in the world inside.

People want peace! Here is the main takeaway for a woman who wants to attract a man.

The secret to creating an atmosphere is to convey your deep sense of peace to those around you.

A man craves lightness in order to fly to his goals. He perceives a woman's anxiety as a burden that he wants to shake off so that it is easier to fly.

A woman at rest can act decisively and quickly. She is not a muslin girl. She lives here and now.

She doesn't need expectations. Expectations are always indicative of anxiety. About dependence. "Well, when will the prince come and save me by giving me crystal shoes!"

The prince comes, and plunged into the atmosphere of anxiety hiding behind expectations, he becomes a heavy burgher, unable to win trophies for his "princess".

And the princess, disappointed, gasps: "Where were my eyes!"

Honey, you yourself poisoned your boyfriend, and now you are outraged! Ah ah ah! How embarrassing! Sit alone, learn peace!

Why do you think a woman is periodically left alone? So that there, left alone with herself, she figured out the reasons for her childhood anxieties.

And only after becoming a mature, independent woman can you go on a journey through life, and men will be attracted by themselves.

Men are looking for mature women who can respect themselves and not cling to them.

Let's bring all that has been said into a logical chain for a woman who has set the goal of becoming so desirable for her man that he will always want to stay close.

  • Leave alone first.
  • There, research the reasons for your anxiety and fears.
  • Be filled with love for yourself.
  • Find peace in your soul.
  • Go out into the world.
  • Do whatever you want.
  • To be here and now, completely surrendering to your occupation.
  • Transfer your sense of peace and pleasure to whoever appears next.
  • Respect his needs
  • Maintain self-respect and dignity.
  • Do not forget about your main goal: peace of mind.
  • Letting a man go on a journey towards his goals.
  • Use loneliness for enjoyment.

And rest assured, they won't let you go for a long time. The source of pleasure is always valuable!

You can fall in love with a guy using simple magic. There are many proven spells that will provide quick effects. He will not be able to take his eyes off you. Each conspiracy will require a ritual that must be performed in its entirety as indicated in the manual. Only a combination of all the elements of the ritual will give the correct and quick effect - the love of the one you dream of. Do not think that such a conspiracy can only be pronounced by a young girl. There is no age limit for magic. At any age, you need to strive for love, look for it and be happy. You can do this, because the forces are on your side. A man, boyfriend, friend or even your own husband will be crazy about you.

Bewitch by all the rules

What do you need to be happy? Love, of course. Sometimes it is not easy to find her. And it happens even worse - you found your love, but only without reciprocity. It is easy, fast and forever to fall in love with you whoever you want. To do this, you need to carry out the ritual according to all the rules. There is no need to use strong love spells that will ruin a man. In order for your connection to be safe for both, and joy in the family, you need to put protection against side effects.

This is the method used by advanced practitioners. A queue of people wishing to receive help is lining up to them. You can do everything at home. To fall in love with any man, it is necessary to perform a ritual, to learn the conspiracy by heart. This is called "bewitching by all the rules." Practitioners advise to update the result, but not more often than once every 10 years. The desired love will come to your home.

Protection against side effects

It is very important to protect your loved one from the side effect of any love conspiracy. It's about siphoning off his life energy. In the old days, sorceresses used this method - they tied a man to themselves, and they themselves took his powers for their rituals and practices. He thought he was in love, but quickly faded away. Such a love fever led to the death of a man, and the witch was looking for a new victim for herself. They were all young, healthy and strong. Today, few people practice a love spell from this point of view. But out of ignorance, you can harm your beloved. The guy will love you, but his health will deteriorate, the will to live may disappear, there is a craving for alcohol and drugs. To prevent all this from happening, and he falls in love with you, be sure to put protection directly before the ritual. To do this, you will need:

  • the most recent photo of a person, where he is alone;
  • black thread;
  • Holy water.

Tie the photo with a cross-to-cross thread, say:

“Hethro, the unstoppable hurricane sent to refute the present in the name of the future! I invoke your Great Power by the law of eternal Unity. Turn into a fiery wind for those who harm (name) - sweep away and destroy - all evil, black ones - will, desire and actions that are directed to (name) - Return to the source! Burn - without leaving life! By the power of Abraz - so be it !!! "

Repeat three times, and on the third, pour the holy water over the cross of the threads. So the energy will not leave your loved one. After that, you can safely fall in love with any man.

The most powerful conspiracies for love

Any guy or man can be yours. In order for it to work, you must consider:

  • Falling in love with a complete stranger will not work.
  • You need to do exactly as the ritual suggests.
  • Learn the conspiracy by heart. Just reading a plot from a piece of paper is not an option for magical work. Make an effort to learn.
  • Do not perform the ritual if you feel unwell or sick.

For the rest, a whole world of possibilities opens up before you. To fall in love and fall in love with a man is within the power of everyone.

There must be a channel between you and the object of the love spell.

Conspiracy on candles

For this ritual, you will need one black candle and the other white. You can buy them in an esoteric store, where they always sell tapers of different colors. On the white one you need to scribble your name with a knife, and on the black one - the name of your beloved. Hold the candles in your hand until they are soft. Then they need to be twisted in a spiral so that two wicks can be lit at the same time.

  • Light the matches, holding in your left hand.
  • As soon as they light up, pronounce the conspiracy:

“In the heart of (guy's name) I call on love, I kindle fire and strong passions in his soul! Go love in the heart of (guy's name) and settle there forever and ever! Feelings for me (his name) will flare up in him with a hot flame, he will reach out and strive for me, wish to unite his life with me! With all your gut, heart and soul! As I wish, so be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Repeat three times.
  • The candles should burn out, and collect all the wax.
  • Keep the wax in a red pouch where no one will find it.

So you will always be together. The guy will love you quickly, it is an effective remedy to attract love into your life.

Holy water conspiracy

You need holy water from the church. You need to go for it yourself. Cross yourself before starting the holy water ritual. To make everything work out, do it on the growing moon - with it, the guy's love grows. Get on your knees looking out the window say:

“I, the servant of God, (name), will go out into the canopy, then into a clear field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord! Lord and Mother the Most Holy Theotokos! And I will ask: pull the violent winds, and spread my anguish-torment from a white body, from a zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my melancholy-kruchina dear (name of the chosen one) in his clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, on a zealous heart. So that for the day's sadness and for the night longing, and so that he could neither eat nor sleep, and keep thinking about the servant of God, (his name), and so that everyone walks and fangs like a white swan and thinks about me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong as iron, and roads as gold. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This conspiracy is pronounced only once. At the end, whisper the name of your loved one and imagine him. Say mentally kind, affectionate words. You will soon realize that the guy is showing interest. This means that it worked.

The needle is a very small but very working tool in rituals

Igloo conspiracy

Buy a new needle. You will need to pay in small change from your wallet, and if you get change, take it to the intersection.

This needle must be new, it cannot sew anything. In order to plot, you need to have access to the man's personal belongings. A great option if this is your husband. He may move away from you, but this conspiracy will bring him back, and you will give all his love.

Prick the index finger of your left hand until it bleeds. Say on the needle:

“I will get up at dawn and go out into the clear field and look into the clear sky - and a sharp arrow flies across the sky. So fly you a sharp arrow into a zealous heart, into hot blood, into the eyes of the clear servants of God (name of the beloved). So that she dries up for me as a servant of God (her name) and yearns always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will be fulfilled. "

Now, hide this needle in his personal belongings. If this is your boyfriend and you come to his house, this is also a good option. The needle should lie there imperceptibly so that it will not be thrown away for the first 13 days. If it lies in this place, then everything worked out. Now the man is yours. This is a good way to make someone fall in love with you.

Photo love ritual

It is believed that the most powerful rituals are carried out from the photo. This is a clear image that has absorbed a small part of a person's soul. You will need a single photo. It must be new, no more than one year old. Such a photograph best of all preserves the memory of the energy of the one who is captured in it. The guy must be without dark glasses, his eyes are visible.

  • Take a photo in your left hand and a church candle in your right.
  • Drip wax on the guy's face, repeating to yourself:

“I conjure that (the name of the object) becomes one with (your name), just as Fire, Air and Water are with the Earth, so that the thoughts of (the name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues. And may the high spirit (your name) circle over the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make it so that (name of the object) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (your name). "

No more than 9 drops per photo. This is a strong love spell that will last for 7 years. If you want to update, then exactly 7 years later, perform this ritual again. Signs of attention from the guy, interest on his part will follow very soon.

This is a stronger option, it will require energy from you.

Bewitch by photo

There is another option for a love spell from a photo. Cannot be carried out if you are not alone at home. Taken at night for a single photo.

  • Pierce the photo with a needle in the area of ​​the heart. The needle must be new, not used for its intended purpose.
  • Say three times:

“I call love in my heart (name), I will kindle the fire of passion in my soul! Go love in your heart (name) and stay there forever! Let your beloved eyes flash with a hot fire, to me (name), to reach out to me and strive to unite with me, with all your heart, with all your soul. I want it and he will be with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Now, use the same needle to prick the nameless palm of your left hand. The needle is still inserted in the photo.
  • When a drop of blood appears at the end of the needle, quickly drag it through the photo so that all the blood is smeared from the tip.

The needle must be taken to the intersection and left there. Very soon, your beloved will come or call you.

To return love

The worst love is unrequited. She haunts, eats up the heart and soul from the inside. In order not to torment yourself with this love pain, just achieve reciprocal feelings. This conspiracy will help you in this way: all your feelings will be reflected and transferred to your beloved. He will feel the same. This is how your love becomes mutual. It is done on a photo or personal item.

The candle must definitely burn out completely.

You need to put a thing or photo on the table, a black candle is placed on it. On the candle you need to carve the name of your beloved with a knife. When the candle is lit - start saying:

“I ask the Lord, by a miracle, to let my feelings and thoughts come into contact with the heavenly cloud so that it accepts my aspirations, and my heart will show the way for him to meet with the one for whom I suffer. With feelings and words, I call upon the power of the Lord to pour rain from a cloud on my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, would give him desire and a way, a desire to meet me and a way to me. Let the heavenly cloud find the path, led by the power of the Lord, to where (name) is now, and the drops of heavenly moisture revive his heart, and his soul will receive the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me, and I thank Him for His help. Amen"

The text is repeated until the candle burns out. You may see strange, frightening things. The wick turns, the candle flares up, then almost goes out. It can go out and then catch fire again. There is no need to be afraid, nothing threatens you, it only means that dense energy is concentrated around you. It is she who makes the candle behave so unusual.

When you finish repetitions, then take everything that took part in the ritual to the intersection of 4 roads. There it must be left and gone. Do not look back, you may be frightened by what you see.

Think well before plotting

You need to think seriously. It's not just fun for those with nothing to do. Such magic creates a bond that is stronger than that of other couples. You will be energetically connected. Falling in love with a person and being with him always is what a magic contract will require of you. To leave it later, after a year or 5 years, 10 years is a serious mistake. This kind of magic is created to keep people together all their lives. It is suitable for those who wish it. To avoid disappointment later, take a closer look at your beloved.

  • Is he the one?
  • Are you ready to spend your whole life with him?
  • Join his family, make her yours?
  • Will you give up this decision in a month?

If you answered yes to all the questions, then go ahead. You have the perfect opportunity to fall in love with a man who will be yours forever. If in doubt, wait. A person may show himself from a not very good side, you will be disappointed and want to leave him. What should he do? He will love you with that very mystical love, will be firmly attached. His life will be empty without you. Do not condemn a person to suffering if you are not ready to be with him.

Show support. He should feel that you are always on his side. If he is complaining about someone, give him the feeling that you think he is right. Praise him, compliment him and say good things about him to his family and friends. If someone criticizes him, immediately stop it, saying that together you will figure it out. Show your weakness. Make it clear to the man that you need his care and protection. Most males like to feel like the protector of their beloved. Marvel at his ability to wash dishes, cook, or shine shoes. No matter how he helps you, thank him and praise him, even if the result is far from what you want. The young man should fix in his mind that when he does something for you, he receives positive emotions in return. Be an example. If you want a man to pay attention to you, make gifts and make concessions, you will have to do the same at least periodically. On your example, he will see what kind of attitude you want to yourself, and on occasion he will not be able to reproach you: “But you don’t do that!”. Delight him. The guy will not fulfill the desires of the girl, who arouses less and less interest in him. He should be delighted with you, and this can be achieved if you always look great, get carried away with interesting hobbies, demonstrate your charm and femininity. Don't evoke negative emotions. If you want to achieve something from your chosen one, then do not throw tantrums and scenes. Hint to your beloved what action you expect from him. It is possible that you will directly have to tell him what you want. If the guy does not respond to your request or ignores it, be sad a little, be thoughtful, but do not make scandals. Rather, looking sad will make him feel more guilty than screaming. Make the jealousy. A young man should understand that, if you wish, you can always find yourself another chosen one. The way he sees is that you have fans who would like to take his place. If so far these are not observed in reality, then you can go to harmless tricks. Ask a male friend to call you a couple of times in front of your boyfriend, posing as a secret admirer who wants to meet. You can also order a bouquet of flowers for yourself, which will also allegedly be from a mysterious admirer.

I want the guy to be the first to call and write (SMS or contact)

In social networks If you want a guy to show you signs of attention on social networks, then make sure that your page really piques interest. To do this, regularly post new information about yourself, write funny or philosophical posts, add extraordinary pictures. Also, do not forget about the photo - perhaps this is the most important thing. Post more often new pictures in which you look great. Forget about selfies of the same type - let your photos be taken in different locations - on the skating rink, in the park, in a cafe, on a walk, with friends. Thus, it will always be interesting to visit your page. In addition, a young man will not have to look for a long reason to write to you if you always have a lot of information in your profile that you can comment on. Phone calls Towards the end of the meeting, start up some interesting topic with the man, and then say: "Okay, there is almost no time, let's discuss it later on the phone." Thus, you yourself will hint to the person that you will be waiting for his call. You can also discuss something important on the social network, in the middle of the dialogue, declare that you urgently need to leave, but if he wants to continue the conversation, he can call you. Most often, guys enthusiastically respond to such suggestions. If you usually talked on a social network, then for a while you will have to disappear from the "world of virtuality." Inform the young man in advance that for some period you will not be able to enter VK or another social network, adding: "If anything, call." Sometimes men cannot decide to call themselves, so it can be very important to give them the green light. Once you can dial a guy's number and drop the call after the first ring. After waiting for the chosen one to call you back, tell him that you accidentally dialed his number. As a result, you will probably start a conversation, after which it will be easier for the guy to call you next time. SMS messages to mobile The first time you write him sms yourself, and do it at approximately the same frequency. For example, every morning you can wish him a successful day and good mood, or just write something nice. After some period, abruptly break off this "tradition" - for sure, the chosen one will notice these changes and will try to initiate contact himself.

How to make a guy kiss you and want you

I want a kiss from a guy, how to get it

If you want a guy to kiss you, then it is important to observe some nuances that at first glance may not seem particularly important to you. Namely:
    Before a meeting, do not wear too bright lipstick - many guys in this case do not dare to kiss, fearing to get dirty or ruin your makeup, on which you seem to have worked hard. Opt for a colorless gloss or lip balm with a subtle tint. While this is an obvious point, remember to keep your breath fresh. Maintain impeccable oral hygiene, buy mint or fruit flavored gum, or menthol lozenges. Find the right moment to kiss. If you want the guy to decide on such a step, you should take care of creating the appropriate conditions. Going on a date, do not choose noisy and crowded places - a secluded setting is more appropriate for a first kiss. If you are together in a noisy company, then ask the guy to accompany you to be alone.

To make a guy want you - be a seductive thing

First of all, men, most often, pay attention to the girl's appearance, and if you want to arouse sexual interest in the chosen one, then you should look seductive. When thinking about what kind of hairstyle to do before a date, give preference to loose hair, which, of course, should be well-groomed. Keep your hair perfectly sleek, or let loose curls flow down your back, and choosing the right wardrobe is also important. It is not necessary to stop your choice on a vulgar dress in order for a man to want you - learn to understand things that maximally emphasize your advantages and smooth out possible flaws. If you open some part of the body, then the emphasis should only be on it. For example, when choosing a dress with a deep neckline, compensate for this knee-length frankness. In turn, when putting on clothes that reveal your legs, make sure that the top was “closed.” In addition to appearance, you can seduce with behavior. You should look relaxed. Tense and closed poses can confuse the chosen one. Relaxation should be present in all your appearance, manners, conversation. It is better to remain a little mysterious and be silent from time to time rather than chatter about unnecessary topics about problems at work and a friend's seminal troubles. Also, do not underestimate the importance of touching. Run along the man's cheek, back or hair, touch his fingers. Of course, it's important to pick the right moment so that it doesn't sound out of place. Speak in a calm, slightly muffled voice, giving your dialogue more intimacy. This does not mean that you need to go to extremes and lower the tone almost to a whisper. Men love it when women laugh at their jokes, but let your laugh be melodic and quiet - it is not at all necessary to laugh so that passers-by or visitors to the cafe turn around. From time to time, do not forget to give the chosen one a soft smile, look into his eyes and, of course, flirt.

How to convince him to quit bad habits

A person who is addicted to smoking, drinking alcohol and gambling addiction often harms not only himself, but also those close to him.

Get a guy to quit smoking

Arm yourself with simple and straightforward articles about how smoking is harmful to the health of your boyfriend and the people around him. As a rule, everyone knows that this habit is harmful, but rarely does anyone go into the smallest details. Dedicate the young man to what prospects await him in a few years. If you are planning to conceive children, then tell the man that his smoking can turn into problems for the unborn child. There are many illustrative articles on this subject on the Internet. Make it clear to your lover that you do not like the smell that comes from him after smoking. Draw his attention to the fact that cigarettes are starting to darken his teeth. Avoid kissing if the man has just smoked a cigarette. More often tell him that he is good to everyone, “if only he didn’t smoke ...” Pay the attention of the smoker to how much his harmful hobby costs him - for the same money, he could quit smoking for a year. to acquire the desired thing, for which he always felt sorry for financial resources.

What to do for a man to eliminate alcohol from life

If you understand that a person is clearly abusing alcohol, then it makes sense to convince him to seek medical help. Most likely, at first, a man will perceive such an offer with hostility, so you will have to look for other ways to influence him. Expand the circle of his interests. Offer to go on a hike or adventure where you can control his addiction. Tell him that while drunk he behaves unbearably - you love him very much, but it is unpleasant for you to be with him when he drinks. Most likely, he does not drink himself, but with certain people. Try to find a way to end his relationship with these individuals. If he is in the early stages of alcoholism, he may still be affected by ultimatums. Tell him firmly that you cannot live with a person who is unable to overcome his addiction.

Gambling addiction - my boyfriend's addiction, how to deal with it

Does the guy spend almost all his free time playing computer games? If it started recently, then ultimatums may affect him, but if he has long been carried away by such a pastime, and ultimatums do not bother him, then he will have to behave differently. It is necessary to occupy his free time with something else. You can go on an exciting tour, where he will not have the opportunity to sit in front of the computer. Involve his friends - go all together to some interesting events, go on trips, etc. You can also invite the guy to join the gym or go there together, noting that an overly persistent fan is trying to meet you there.

How to hint to him that it's time to lose weight and play sports

You can not immediately hint at his excess weight, but go for a trick. If you live together, tell your boyfriend that for health reasons, you will have to sit on the right diet for a while. Tell your chosen one that such changes are not easy for you, and you need his support. Accordingly, you two will have to follow some kind of diet for some time. You can do the same with the gym - tell him that you are going to play sports, but you yourself are bored and you want him to keep you company. If you know that your boyfriend may be interested in wrestling classes, then give him a subscription to attend them. Of course, this will not help much in losing weight, but it will begin to instill in the young man a craving for sports. Plus, he's likely to see a lot of guys in better physical shape in training that he'll want to match up with. Buy him a T-shirt in the size he wore a while ago. When you find out that the thing is small, embarrassedly say that for some reason you were sure that it was its size. If earlier the young man did not pay attention to his excess weight, now he will have a reason to think about it.

How to get a guy to show love

For a man to be bored and able to confess his feelings

To make the man miss you, make sure that your communication is always on a positive note. These meetings should be like a breath of fresh air for him. On dates, take an interest in his affairs, joke, laugh at his witticisms, be charming and funny. Talk about your business with enthusiasm and listen with interest to what he tells you. If a person is pleased to be in your company, then, of course, he will miss you. Think about whether you are spending too much time together. If you see each other almost every day, then the guy just does not have time to really miss you. Some men cannot admit their feelings, doubting their reciprocity. To give the chosen one confidence, show him that you also like him. To do this, take an interest in his affairs, flirt with him, ask him for advice.

To run after you and fall in love

In general, they run after those who at least periodically try to "run away". Girls who are too predictable and always ready to date gradually become uninteresting to their beloved. The guy will certainly fall in love with you, if you always look great, there will be no complaints and discontent from your lips, and you yourself will be carried away by some entertaining hobby. ... When a young man calls you, you should not immediately grab the telephone receiver and try to stretch the dialogue time as much as possible. Periodically skip his calls, and then tell him that you were busy and did not hear the ringtone. Of course, it should be mentioned that some very interesting business distracted you - dancing, painting lesson, classes with a coach in a sports club, etc.

Making a man apologize after a fight

1) If a man does not apologize, then most likely he does not feel fully guilty. He must understand what exactly offended you. Perhaps you look differently at the same situations, and what seems offensive to you is completely normal for him. Think well if the man is really to blame for something, or if you are simply overly touchy. If we are talking about the first option, then calmly talk to your lover, trying to convey your own point of view to him. 2) Do not express aggression and obvious discontent - such behavior, most likely, will only alienate the man. It is better to show the chosen one that some of his actions upset and saddened you. Do not show anger and resentment - he will be much more impressed if you look depressed and sad. And, of course, there is no need to sob and throw a tantrum - the "imperceptible" wiping away of tears will be more effective. 3) Don't take revenge on him after a fight. Let him see that you are offended, but despite this, he remains an important and dear person for you. Continue, as before, to take care of him, to prepare food. 4) If you get the opportunity to talk with his friend, mom, or someone close to you (you don’t need to call yourself), then let the interlocutor understand that you are very sad, without specifying what caused the resulting sadness. Surely, this person will ask her husband what happened to your mood.

How to influence him to want to give gifts and flowers

Remember to which people you like to give gifts, and to which - not so much. When you see that a person is delighted with any little thing presented by you, then you subconsciously want to please this person again again. Noticing that the person indifferently turned your gift in his hands, and soon forgot about it, you will clearly consider it ungrateful, and maybe even offended. 1) The young man experiences similar sensations. Rejoice in every little thing he gives you. Even if you wanted to get a completely different thing for your birthday or on March 8, be able to hide your disappointment. If, when you receive gifts from your beloved, you radiate joy, then he will remember this emotion, and subconsciously want to see it again. A young man gives you some kind of clothing or jewelry - by all means try on this thing, periodically wear it on dates with your beloved. 2) Sometimes in conversations with your loved one, mention that you dream of buying some thing, specifying that you will do it when you receive a salary, find yourself in the area of ​​that store, etc. Let the guy know that you really want something, but for some reason you can't afford it yet. It is possible that he himself will want to present you with such a gift. 3) You can also use your example to show the importance of gifts and bring such a tradition into your relationship. Make surprises for him regularly - give the necessary things souvenirs for the holidays and for no particular reason. 4) If you want to receive flowers as a gift more often, post photos of beautiful bouquets on social networks, admiring their beauty. Of course, you shouldn't go to a group dedicated to flowers. Similar pictures are often found in public pages with quotes and many others. Also, in order not to make the guy jealous and at the same time show your attitude to flowers, meet him with a cute bouquet in your hands. Say that before the date you saw a friend who congratulated you on some important event (salary increase, name day, completion of repairs, etc.). During the whole date, periodically throw an admiring glance at your bouquet, handle it with care, sometimes smell the flowers. Of course, this should not look theatrical or annoying - the guy will quickly notice how positively your friend's gift has affected you.

How to achieve the desired intimate caresses

Of course, the easiest way to initiate a frank conversation is by choosing the most appropriate time for this. Organize a romantic dinner and bring up the topic of sex with a glass of wine. In a confidential tone, ask the chosen one, he would like to somehow diversify your intimate life, and what kind of experiments he would like. After his answer, you will also have the opportunity to voice your own desires. Perhaps you are hesitant to tell the young man exactly what you want from him in bed, then you need to show it. When he begins to approach with hands or kisses to the "desired" area of ​​the body, begin to breathe more often and in every possible way demonstrate that you really like his actions. You can invite the young man to watch some erotic film. When you see a scene that you would like to repeat with your beloved, tell him that you found this moment in the plot very exciting, and it would be nice to "recreate" it someday.

What to do to get a man to propose

You have long been ripe for marriage, and the chosen one is in no hurry to make you his wife? You can "push" him to this step. Family films. Start with the little things. Choose movies that show happy family relationships for sharing. You can also opt for films where a guy proposes to a girl - as a rule, these scenes are very cute and set in the right mood. Thrift. The man should see that you are ready for family life. It is important for many young guys that their beloved can cook deliciously and keep order in the house. Coming to visit you, and seeing exactly how you live, he can roughly imagine what his life in marriage will be like. More often treat the guy with your own cooked goodies, periodically mention in conversations that you are going to start household chores. Talks about the future. Periodically initiate conversations with the guy about how he sees his future in a year, in five years. By his answers, you can determine what role in this future he assigns specifically to you and whether he is going to marry. Ultimatum. If your relationship is already several years old, and your lover does not heed your hints, then it makes sense to bring him to a direct conversation. Tell the man that you understand that you want to be his wife and live a family life with him, and are already a little tired of uncertainty and want clarity on this issue. However, when initiating such a conversation, be prepared for the man to admit that he is not in the mood for marriage. Then you will have to either agree to his terms, or break off the relationship. If you're not ready for the second option, it might make sense to wait a little longer.

How to make a young man jealous

It seems to you that the beloved does not value you at all and is not afraid to lose? Try to make him jealous in this situation, which will not be difficult at all. How to do it? In a conversation with your beloved, mention your classmate, colleague or co-worker - praise him, talk about him with delight. Your enthusiasm will clearly confuse the young man and make him nervous:
    Heading to a meeting with friends in a cafe, dress as effectively as possible - tight-fitting outfits, loose hair, bright makeup. Demonstrate that you are in a good mood and that you are looking forward to a wonderful evening. You can also give your boyfriend a reason to worry. Periodically tell your lover that someone wanted to meet you on the street or in a cafe, but you refused. Send yourself a bouquet to work or home, furnishing everything as if an unknown admirer is interested in you. Spend more time on social media than usual.

How to get a guy to dump a girl

Do you really like a young man, but he is already in a relationship with another girl? You can try to "beat off" the guy from the opponent. However, keep in mind that it is better not to get involved in this if the couple has been living together for a long period or is preparing for a wedding. ... Find out more about his girlfriend and what he generally likes about girls. After examining your opponent, identify her weaknesses and try to play in contrast - show the guy your superiority where she loses. Try to become him a real friend, an integral part of his life. Take an interest in his hobbies, try to support in everything, do not openly set up against your beloved, but on the contrary - try to give "wise" advice when they are at odds. Also remember that guys love with their eyes, so pay special attention to your appearance.

What to do to make a man think of you even at a distance

If you are constantly in touch with him, then it makes sense to sometimes neglect this rule. For example, you agreed to write or call in the late afternoon. Do not go to VK at this time, and at night write that there were problems with the Internet or were very tired after work and dozed off. Of course, fades like this shouldn't be overused because it will look suspicious, and also keep in mind that most guys are visuals. Therefore, periodically send him your new photos, in which you turned out most effectively.

How to hint a guy to ask you out

Many girls, having started communicating with the guys they like, for example, on social networks, sometimes note that the correspondence ultimately does not lead to anything - young people do not invite them on dates and remain in the status of “virtual friends”. Why is this happening: First, the guy may decide that you are fine with this state of affairs, and that you are of little interest as a potential boyfriend. To dissuade the interlocutor of this, flirt with him more often, show interest in his affairs, mood, make compliments. Having established fairly close contact by correspondence, mention that the premiere of the film that you have long wanted to see is expected in theaters soon. If the young man does not catch your hint, then, seeing his general interest, you may well take the first step by simply writing “Will you be with me?”. Surely, even if he cannot go to the cinema, he will offer you an interesting alternative. If this does not happen, then, unfortunately, he is unlikely to long for real meetings with you.