Meat rings. How to determine the size of the ring: three faithful ways

Under the size of the ring is meant the diameter of its inner part, the indicators are determined in millimeters. It often needs to be necessary how to measure the size of the finger for the ring in the same magnitude. At home, you can conduct a manipulation by several popular methods. Consider them!

Methods Measure your finger size for the ring

If we consider the diameter according to the standard row, it varies in the range of 15-24 mm. Step - 0.5 mm. Women are characterized in size 16-18.5 mm. In the male half of the population, the fingers are larger, so they are inherent in all other sizes. Let's look at how to find out the finger size for the ring. All methods are ideal for realization at home.

Method number 1. Rule

1. You need a triangle ruler, in which there are usually round holes that differ in size.

2. Alternately try to insert your finger into each circle, picking up your size. No need to drink the phalange too much.

3. When you find, in which hole, the finger feels most comfortable, it will only remain measured the diameter of this circle.

Method number 2. Clothing size

1. There are many ways to determine the size of the ring. It is enough to know your clothing size at home. Then you do not have to go to the jeweler.

2. This technique provides only an approximate result. It is impossible to guarantee accuracy, because the figure and the physique of all are different.

3. So, the size of "S" corresponds to the Ring indicator of 15.5-16.5 mm. If you wear "M" clothes, the finger will be about 16.5-17.5 mm., "L" is equal to 17.5-18.5 mm., "XL" - 18.5-19.5 mm.

Method number 3. Segment of paper sheet

1. So how to measure the size of the finger for the ring can be a primitive way at home, let us use it. The method is accurate, so it makes sense to consider it.

2. Cut the long sheet band with a width of about 1 cm. Wrap her finger at the site of the usual arrangement of the ring. Make a note with a handle where the beginning and end of the segment coincide.

3. Now measure the value obtained by the ruler, then divide it by 3.14 using the calculator. That's how you get the size of the finger.

Method number 4. A thread

1. The principle is simple. You need to know what size has a finger when picking up, then the diameter of the ring is calculated directly.

2. To perform a measurement, prepare scissors, ruler, felt-tip, calculator, thick thread (it should not stretch).

3. Circle the thread around your finger in the place where the ring is usually located. Mark the area of \u200b\u200bconnecting two edgester strips, cut.

4. Attach a segment to the ruler, divide by 3.14 ("PI" value). You will receive an indicator that matches your size.

Method number 5. Jewerely store

1. Thinking how to measure the finger size for the ring, it would be nice to visit the nearest jewelry boutique or workshop. In such places, people will gladly help you.

2. At home may be inaccuracies, which cannot be said about such establishments. The master will define and says everything you need to know.

3. If you often order jewelry through an online store, it is recommended to purchase a professional device - Palcheter.

4. Sites that are engaged in selling such products can offer you the most common (plastic) Palicians in just 150-200 rubles. This is a one-time purchase.

Method number 6. Other Ring

1. How to determine the size of the ring on the finger? Very simple, just take the second decoration from the box and try. Classic decoration can be outline on the leaf at home.

2. If the product has no bizarre form, the procedure is quite simple. Measure the delineated diameter and you will get the desired value.

3. If the ring is complex, try to attach a ruler. You need the internal distance of the maximum width. Such a simple way will help in an urgent question.

Method number 7. Finger width

1. The method is considered to be practically the most effective. Take advantage of a clean album sheet. Put the palm on it.

2. Outline the desired finger on both sides in a place intended for the ring. It is enough to measure the distance between the marks.

3. The value obtained you will need. Consider the outlined finger you need a thin handle, holding it vertically. Error is unacceptable.

To understand how to properly measure the size of the finger for the ring, it is important to take into account the width of the decoration. This feature depends on how to round the final result at home.

1. If the ring has a small width, then the value is rounded in a smaller side. In the same way, we act with a wide ring, only rounding will be to a greater value.

2. At the finger measurement, the procedure must be carried out several times a day. Depending on the time of day, the phalange may have a different volume. You will need a value measured in the middle of the day.

3. It is forbidden to measure after intensive loads, the use of fluid in a large amount and during the disease. Also, the temperature is also affected, it should be 22-24 degrees.

To carry out measurements, you should take advantage of cinema methods. For more accurate results, be sure to consider some factors and possible errors. So that there are no problems in the future, acquire the simplest Palcian.

When going to buy a wedding ring, men often try to take decorations from the box's bowls and purchase the product of the same size. The fact that the different fingers are unequal in their width, the strong floor knows.

However, gentlemen often do not suspect that the fingers of the same name differ in different hands. Annamed finger on the working hand of right-hander about 0.3 millimeters thicker than on the left. The left-hander, on the contrary, is less than the width of the nameless finger right hand. Therefore, the grooms, and indeed everyone who needs to determine the size of the rings at home is better to resort to accurate calculations. Here are some formulas for success.

Cut off the paper strip, wrap around the finger. Place the connection to note, and cut off excess. Measure the length of the workpiece. The resulting digit is a finger circle. Find it and the amount corresponding to the size of the product in the table below.

Finger circle length in mm.

The corresponding rings size






















Paper strip width should approximately coincide with the ring indicators that are planning to purchase. The fact is that wide products require a larger space between them and the finger, otherwise the decoration will be difficult to dress and crush. Thin rings are always on ј, ѕ size less than its massive fellows.

Check that the paper ring passes through the joint, slightly shooting on it. This requirement is relevant for true perverse. If the decoration will dress with ease, it can easily and subsides.

Take into account the season in which you take the measure. In winter, the fingers are slightly losing. In the summer, on the contrary, the size is slightly more true, due to the expansion of the tissues in the heat.

Hurry up fingers and pregnant women at any time of the year. If the decoration is intended for a future mom, it is better to choose a solid model, but with separated edges on the back side. Such a product can be shred when the edges are closely adjacent to each other, and can stretch when the gap remains between them.

Print using a printer a narrow line. Cut the blank and wrap around the finger. So you do not have to separately engage in the measurements of paper tape. On the Internet there are ready-made schemes for printing. An instruction is attached to each of them.

Take a dense cotton thread (preferably for knitting crochet). The surface should be smooth, and the length is approximately 50 centimeters. If the thread is shorter, calculations are inconvenient.

It is necessary to make five revolutions around the finger, cut up more unnecessary, measure the length of the billet line. To take a digit in centimeters, and millimeters. It should be divided by 15.7. The resulting number and will be the desired size of the perverse. The indicator should be rounded up to half a millimeter in the biggest. For example, if the result is 17.3 mm, the product should be purchased by 17.5 mm.

Sizes 17.3 or 19,7 does not happen. Pacal, provided in jewelry salons, are crushed only at half a millimeter. By the way, the size of the ring, there is nothing but its diameter. It is this figure that the store sellers are interested.

If it is decided to buy a set with a bracelet, then it will probably need it size. It is determined even easier than the rings. The size of the bracelet is not the diameter of the inside of the product, but the wrist girth in centimeters. It is enough just to use a centimeter tape or ordinary thread.

You should take measurements in the place of the hand, where it is supposed to wear a decoration. Now fashionably wear bracelets above the elbow. Some love products hanging on the wrist. Others, on the contrary, samples, tightly adjacent to hand.

Note travelers

In Milan, Paris, New Yor ride not only for outfits, but also jewelry. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is worth getting acquainted with discrepancies between the Russian sizes of the same rings and overseas. In addition to domestic, there are two scales - American and English.

In the first designation, as in Russia, digital. In the second - letter. Below is a sizes table for all three systems. Since, in the United States allocate more standards for perverse, the list added non-standard domestic dimensions with the fourth lines of millimeters.

International rings size conversion




Ring size

15 ,5



6 , 5

17 , 25



19 ,5



20 ,75

11 ,5




So, buying a ring outside of Russia, it is worth remembering the difference in size. With domestic they coincide only in Germany and neighboring countries. There are also non-standard parameters. So, people occur, the width of the fingers of which does not allow to use the finished products. They have to refine them. The service is available in almost all jewelry and workshops. At the request of the client, the ring can increase, or reduce.

By purchasing decoration, it is necessary to try it. In fact, the size of the finished rings sometimes fluctuates. Instead of 18.5, the product may have an indicator of 18.6 or 18.7. This is the cost of production, especially manual. Comply with standards up to a millimeter is difficult. Therefore, if you buy for yourself, it is better to be restrained. Discrepancies are usually minimal. But, sometimes it happens enough for the ring a little pressed or, on the contrary, it fell.

Ring - very symbolic decoration. And it is difficult to convey words to those feeling that a person who has become a happy recipient of such a gift. Watch the manifestation of joy, probably nice and to those who make this gift. And it is not necessary this wedding ring. After all, each, for example, daughters, sister, mom, may give a ring. But how to determine the size of the ring, not everyone knows.

If you buy a ring for a gift, it is very important not to guess with the size

How to determine the size of the ring

At a certain point, everyone has to fall into a situation where you need to choose the right ring. If this is for yourself, then, perhaps, no special problems will be foreseen - came, I remembered and bought. But when it must be chosen on the finger of another person, who is not yet near, then you will think about it - where is the line that measures the volume of the finger. After all, the value here does not have a finger diameter, as many consider.

Jewelers determine the size of the ring along the length of its circumference from the inside. That is, this size corresponds to a finger girth, which is purchased by the ring. Well, it is not difficult to measure it: either a sewing ribbon or a simple thread, wrapped once around the finger at the site of the rings. The resulting thread length is subsequently measured by an ordinary ruler. But the problem lies not only in the search for a method of measuring a finger girth.

Determining the size of the ring using thread

You can use a special measuring tape

The fact is that there are several standards of the sizes of the rings. The most common is Russian, Italian and American. Their ratio of each other is provided in many tables of such sizes. They demonstrate how this numbering of dimensions differs in different countries. Why do you need to know the ordinary buyer? Just imported from abroad goods has different marking and, accordingly, gradation of dimensions. And knowing what is the tick of a finger intended for the future ring, with the help of such tables you can even order a ring without fitting or buy it during your stay abroad.

Different ways and nuances that need to be considered

Of course, it is better to just take the ring before buying. At the same time, it will be necessary to wear and remove it several times. Moreover, it is even better to go closer to noon, because in the evening and in the morning the fingers often swell, which is why the ring is tightly tapering to the finger. The air temperature from which the fingers can also become thicker will also play the role. But in the jewelry salon, there is sure to have a palmist consisting of a set of rings of different diameters, according to which the size of the decoration is selected. But there are many and other ways.

In the Soviet jewelry tradition, the size corresponds to the diameter of the ring in millimeters

You can print such a template and define the size, applying already available rings

If the purchase is done without a person for which the ring is selected, then its size, albeit approximate, can be measured on the glove or knowing the size of the clothing. For example, if the size of the clothes vary in the S-M range, then, most likely, the ring size will be within 15.5-17.5. With a larger clothing, the ring must be searched for more than 17.5. It is important to remember that the larger ring of jewelers can reduce, but on the contrary, it will not always be possible to do. No less important in this choice is the width of the ring. After all, the wide ring is needed free space near the finger, which is not required for a narrow ring. It is not necessary to release the fact that on the left hand width of the fingers, which means the size of the ring, can seriously differ from the same data of the right hand. Therefore, you do not need to risk, but it is better to measure the finger's girth, on which the ring will be worn.

Ring with a stone is better to pick up fit, otherwise the stone will hang out and cause discomfort

Determine the size of the finger for the ring can be several elementary ways. You can wind a simple thread on your finger, making 5 turns, then deploy, fold twice, measure the length of this section of the thread, and then divided by 15.7. This result will become an estimated size. You can also wrap a piece of thin paper around the finger, but not bend it on the joint to get a circle. Then you should measure the length of the unlocked strip and verify the result with the table. And it is possible and a school line, named after an officer, on which there are various-caliber circles, pick up a hole suitable for a finger and so to determine the dimensions of the finger, and hence the rings. Then, again, the table is determined by the table.

Table of conformity of finger parameters and ring sizes in different countries

By the way, foreign standards, unlike Russian, is a bit more convenient, because they have greater gradation. And when placing an order in the online store, it is better to navigate the American sizes of the rings, which will make it possible to more accurately pick up the decoration. At the same time, you just need to properly translate inches into centimeters: 1 inch is 2.54 centimeters.

For all types of jewelry, there are uniform standards and rules for determining the size. And it does not depend on whether they are made of silver or gold, without stones or with them, are thin or big. According to our standards, you can determine the size of the ring in the diameter inside the product filed in millimeters. But in most European countries, as well as in Canada and the United States, the ring size is determined by the time the circumference of the phalange of the finger. Compliance is determined easy. From geometry, we all remember that the circumference length is equal to the diameter, which is multiplied by Pi (a number equal to 3.14). Or by the formula: L (circumference length) is D (diameter) multiplied by 3.14.

How to easily determine the length of the circumference of the finger without any formula

It is impossible to forget such important factors:

When measuring the diameter of the finger, we should not forget to make a stock, otherwise the ring will compress the finger. Therefore, it is better to take it a bit "on the grow out", because the finger changes the thickness under the influence of the factors of the external environment. For example, in very hot weather hands swell, increase in size. However, if the reserve is too big, then when cold weather, the ring will hang out, and maybe even get lost. That is, it is necessary to observe the golden middle. And even if the mistake nevertheless embryed into the calculations, then also do not need to worry. The current jewelers are fully capable of both increasing and reduce the diameter of the rings up to one and a half size.

If you take the ring "backdrop", then when expanding your fingers it will harm

In how to determine the size of the ring of a man, it is necessary to take into account that their standard bulky rings, more than 8 millimeters width, should have a greater supply of free space. And more subtle, respectively, do not need such a reserve and fit to a smaller volume. When choosing the desired size for a thin ring (for example, wedding) and size for a wide ring, it is necessarily taken into account as they will fall into hand. It is also necessary to take into account that thickness, for example, the nameless finger on the left hand is always different from the right hand. And this despite their visual similarity. Therefore, it is necessary to measure a finger on which the ring will be wearing, and it is necessary on the hand that will subsequently "ring".

Despite the rule, to designate the sizes of decorations in different ways, there is nothing difficult in that the standards table will help, besides, almost in Europe, the employees of jewelry stores will show the length of the ring circumference in millimeters. What will the buyer stay? To reconcile the finger circumference of the one who will be made surprise, provide the figures to the consultant in the store and rely on its competence. And let the gift be happy and you, and a person close to you!


The size of the ring corresponds to its internal diameter. Therefore, if you have a ring and you just do not know its size, it is enough to measure the diameter of the ruler.

Method 2.

Another option to find out the size with the help of the existing one. Save and print a picture and attach decoration to circles. The one that coincides with the inner diameter and tells the size.

Important: Print all pictures in the original size (without fitting them into the size of the sheet).

Method 3.

Take a thin strip of paper or ordinary thread. Wrap around the bottom phalange of the finger, closer to the joint. Act easily, without push, so that the paper or thread can slide on the finger.

In the case of paper, mark the place of the joint with the handle. Then cut the strip by label.

If you use thread, turn it out several times, and then cut the resulting thread ring.

Print the picture below and attach the workpiece to the control line. The length of the paper or thread should correspond to the length of the color strip.

Method 4.

The case when you are useful. As you remember, to find the diameter (ring size), you need to divide the circumference length by the number π.

How to apply these knowledge in life

Repeat the first advice from the previous method, then using a ruler, measure the length of the paper strip or thread in millimeters. Divide the resulting number by 3.14. The result or the nearest value to it (in accordance with the Russian measurement system) and will be the desired ring size.

If the division is difficult, simply check with the table. The length of the thread or strip is indicated on the right - the corresponding size. Do not forget to round your result to the nearest value.

Length, mm.

Ring size

47,12 15
48,69 15,5
50,27 16
51,84 16,5
53,41 17
54,98 17,5
56,55 18
58,12 18,5
59,69 19
61,26 19,5
62,83 20
64,4 20,5
65,97 21

Method 5.

Print the picture, cut off the workpiece, make an incision on it and insert the end of the line into it. There should be a paper ring. Adjusting it on your finger, you can find out the size.
  1. If you define the size for a narrow ring (up to 5 mm in width), then the result obtained when measuring can be rounded to the nearest value. For a wide ring (from 6 mm), round or add a half-way.
  2. The thickness of the fingers can change during the day. Therefore, it is better to make several measurements at different times of the day. Or once in the middle of the day: as a rule, at this time the person is at the peak of activity and the balance of fluid in the body is optimal.
  3. Do not measure after using a large amount of fluid, physical exertion or during illness. Also, you should not do this if indoors are very hot or cold.

Do you know other ways to determine the size of the rings at home? Tell us about them in the comments.

The size of the ring corresponds to its internal diameter. Therefore, if you have a ring and you just do not know its size, it is enough to measure the diameter of the ruler.

Method 2.

Another option to find out the size with the help of the existing one. Save and print a picture and attach decoration to circles. The one that coincides with the inner diameter and tells the size.

Important: Print all pictures in the original size (without fitting them into the size of the sheet).

Method 3.

Take a thin strip of paper or ordinary thread. Wrap around the bottom phalange of the finger, closer to the joint. Act easily, without push, so that the paper or thread can slide on the finger.

In the case of paper, mark the place of the joint with the handle. Then cut the strip by label.

If you use thread, turn it out several times, and then cut the resulting thread ring.

Print the picture below and attach the workpiece to the control line. The length of the paper or thread should correspond to the length of the color strip.

Method 4.

The case when you are useful. As you remember, to find the diameter (ring size), you need to divide the circumference length by the number π.

How to apply these knowledge in life

Repeat the first advice from the previous method, then using a ruler, measure the length of the paper strip or thread in millimeters. Divide the resulting number by 3.14. The result or the nearest value to it (in accordance with the Russian measurement system) and will be the desired ring size.

If the division is difficult, simply check with the table. The length of the thread or strip is indicated on the right - the corresponding size. Do not forget to round your result to the nearest value.

Length, mm.

Ring size

47,12 15
48,69 15,5
50,27 16
51,84 16,5
53,41 17
54,98 17,5
56,55 18
58,12 18,5
59,69 19
61,26 19,5
62,83 20
64,4 20,5
65,97 21

Method 5.

Print the picture, cut off the workpiece, make an incision on it and insert the end of the line into it. There should be a paper ring. Adjusting it on your finger, you can find out the size.
  1. If you define the size for a narrow ring (up to 5 mm in width), then the result obtained when measuring can be rounded to the nearest value. For a wide ring (from 6 mm), round or add a half-way.
  2. The thickness of the fingers can change during the day. Therefore, it is better to make several measurements at different times of the day. Or once in the middle of the day: as a rule, at this time the person is at the peak of activity and the balance of fluid in the body is optimal.
  3. Do not measure after using a large amount of fluid, physical exertion or during illness. Also, you should not do this if indoors are very hot or cold.

Do you know other ways to determine the size of the rings at home? Tell us about them in the comments.