Congratulations on 15 years of marriage. Congratulations on the Crystal wedding (15 years of marriage)

Congratulations on your crystal wedding! Let your relationship be as pure, transparent, resonant, amazing as crystal. We wish peace, prosperity, good luck to your family. May your home be full of happiness, smiles and warmth.

Gently pours the chime of glasses,
Each glance is filled with tenderness.
Gently "yes" to her beloved said
You are fifteen years ago.

He carried your tenderness these years,
Carefully and reverently keeping
Flying free today
Tenderness rings like a wedding from crystal.

And let the chime be cheerful
Excite your senses again!
And at a new stage of life
Love will thunder!

Congratulations on the 15th anniversary of your family, on a crystal wedding. May your feelings always remain crystal clear and bright, may your life be filled with happiness and goodness, may there always be joy and prosperity in your home, may your love forever remain strong and great.

Your wedding with crystal -
You've been together for fifteen years.
There were joys and sorrows
But there was also a lot of happiness!

We want to live long
Treasure your marriage
And love each other more
To make it easier for you!

To understand each other
Never offended!
congratulations with a rhyme
And, of course, congratulations!

Beautiful crystal ... Sparkling in the light,
It goes into different shades.
Feeling fifteen years long
In the radiance of that finds a parallel.

Fifteen years of sparkling love
What did the groom give to his bride.
They spend their days in harmony
The two who want to be together forever.

Fifteen more fifteen times
Live together as a friendly family.
Let sorrows not touch you
Let life be only a bright streak.

Let the bright light always shine
Filling my soul with great love,
So that in tens of years
It gave me a feeling of paradise.

Crystal is priceless, fragile and beautiful.
Love is more valuable, more fragile and more beautiful.
You lived, keeping the consent,
Fifteen years in love and quiet happiness.

I wish you in the fast run of days -
I'm not afraid of this beautiful phrase -
Shine with love with the sun on a par,
After all, the crystal shines like diamonds!

Love puts on crystal chains,
You have a crystal wedding today,
Friends, congratulations - you have enough of everything,
But I'll read mine now!

May the sun of joy be above you
And the wind of hope carries away sorrow
And the path of your life is strewn with flowers,
And your marriage will be - hardened steel!

Let there be enough time for hugs,
And you will not forget the word love,
And passion, as before, boils in the hearts,
Your hopes and dreams come true!

crystal wedding date -
Family anniversary!
Fifteen years married
And love - stronger!

Eyes are burning in love
The house shines with light!
For you newlyweds
We drink champagne.

You are happiness and love
Warmed up the whole world!
We wish you health.
Let there be a feast today!

We know that crystal is beautiful,
And that he is so fragile.
But let troubles rush off into the distance,
We prophesy happiness to you!

Happy Crystal Wedding! Let love
Blooming like before
Excites the soul, heart, blood
And gives pleasure!

Fifteen years - what a date!
So your faces shine with love,
How happy we are for you guys
May your happiness last forever!

Hand in hand you go through life
Not noticing petty insults.
Live happily and selflessly
And fate will bestow upon you in full.

The crystal is transparent, like a tear.
It will be stronger than glass.
Let life be successful
You have now and always.
You guard your comfort
Never quarrel.
Let the birds of happiness sing to you.
Trouble leaves the house.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
You are so good today.

Today is fifteen years old
How we are together, my dear.
We had shadow and light
But still - I'm behind you!
We are like a ship sailing into the distance,
From happiness, joy, kindness.
But remember, dear, that crystal
Silver will be worse.

Yes, there are crystal castles,
Crystal thoughts and even souls,
There are vases and crystal weddings,
And you guys are the best!

Love, family - everything is in your power.
Save the crystal vessel!
The gift of heaven is your happiness!
Carry it carefully in your hearts!

The family is fifteen years old. And it's a date!
You are together in sorrow and joy, in everything.
Love became our payment to each other,
And difficulties are easy to endure together.
Our gift, of course, is made of glass.
So that our relations are also pure,
But our life, we wish it was not fragile,
Flowed without sorrows, insults and regrets!

Astrologers say that crystal gives strength and hope, protection from evil forces and drives away grief. When we hear the crystal bells chime, we say, "The angel has arrived." Maybe this is so, or maybe not, but for some reason it becomes lighter in the soul. So let crystal, like a guardian angel, protect you and your home from all evil! Let the crystal ring! Bitterly!

A decade and a half
Many or few?
There were many notes
Anything happened.
But love led in everything
main path,
And she was alone
God and judge.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish again:
Let nothing break
Wall of native shelter.
Let it continue
One Love
Leads you along
Gifting again and again
Bright destiny.

The family is again drunk with love -
Where in the world to get more happiness
After all, the wedding is sonorous, “glass”!
Happy fifteenth birthday, dear son-in-law!
Be loving to each other, dear,
Keep comfort in two hearts:
Envy will "bend" the enemies,
Friends - sing for joy!

On the day of the crystal wedding, we will raise our glasses,
So that life loves you, so that happiness caresses
And so that neither grief nor anger finds you,
May we meet again in forty years!

fifteen years have passed since the wedding day,
And it seems like it was only yesterday.
And now elegant glass -
Life gives you a sweet "Bitter!" Guys! You were doing well
By the standards of the most important, the most strict:
And twice became a mother and father,
And they did not turn off the chosen road. They managed to build a beautiful house,
Warming him with cordiality.
May God bless your union
Now and forever and forever and ever. Live happily in advice and love,
Protecting and protecting each other
May joy warm your days,
Bride and groom, husband and wife!

You lived fifteen years
And we wish you again:
Live happily for a hundred years
Advice to you, happiness and love!

I give you a glass gift
So that at the wedding dear,
Cheerful and ruddy
Grog and juice flowed like a river.
So that entering the day to come,
Not sad and not sad
We only loved more
I cherish the wondrous feeling.

Today we are celebrating a crystal wedding. Some people still call it glass, but we won't believe him - there are so many rainbows, joyful chimes and champagne today! There are too many of them for glass, but for crystal - just right.
So let's drink to the fact that the life of the anniversaries will continue to be clean and transparent, like worthy glass, beautiful and festive, like magic crystal!

There is a reason for arrogance -
Fifteen years of family joy!
May the happiness of marriage continue in the future
Passes all dashing, gloomy,
So that it every day and year
It grew and grew stronger.
Live - live
Make good
Meet the holiday
Treat your guests!

My dear and my beloved!
Crystal ringing of past years
Didn't run past without a trace
It is the secret of our happiness!
I'm not happy in the world!
Let our children grow up
We give them love
And maybe we'll give birth!
Accept my congratulations
And don't forget my words!

You have a family anniversary -
And every year it gets stronger
I wish you to love. Let the glass break for happiness
You don't need to feel sorry for him.
May you succeed in everything in life
After all, you just have to want it!

Having met love, you can be speechless; having met passion, you can lose your head; meeting pleasure, you can lose the sense of proportion.
So let's drink to the spouses who for 15 years now, meeting these three ladies, receive happiness from them as a gift!

Fifteen years together - "Glass wedding",
Bohemian chimes of crystal glasses,
But you, anniversaries, should not forget: Fifteen years of happiness is not much, but not enough!
Fifteen years together - a milestone, not otherwise!
And to you, who pulled to the "highest measure",
We wish you great luck
And happiness in especially large sizes!

glass wedding,
desired wedding,
Five-year-olds huddled -
Three at once.
God bless you good
To the fairy tale of the past
Continued again
Until the dawn of the earth.
To trouble with storms
Eyebrows did not frown
And framed the shoulder
Friends in difficult times.
For the light to come true
The most cherished
Relatives pleased
And the family grew.

And again Mendelssohn sounds,
The sound of crystal and bright light,
Fifteen years passed without boredom,
Live like this for another hundred years!

Fifteen years and dawn again
The same as then, for the first time.
And there's just no distance
And you are "young" today.
God forbid you break the glass
Your love, fate and honor.
Let it be clear and bright
Always when you are together in everything!


Days and years fly by,

But I do not want absolute freedom.
We are connected with you by a single chain,
I'm so glad to be your wife. Let our life be easy and carefree
Let happiness come to the house freely.
I wish you patience, my dear,
It's hard work being a family.

More than once we will meet
At this friendly table.
Although many years - fifteen
It's already gone its own way.
Glass is fragile and beautiful -
Keep an expensive vessel.
We wish you many happy years
Without hardships and mental turmoil.

Everything in this world is fragile, like glass,
And the fate of two, alas, is no exception.
But to forecasts, and to hell out of spite
May joy and luck be with you.
15 years later, like the first time,
Let there be only a call of love
And with its purity caresses the eye
The transparent glass vessel is beautiful.

Congratulations to our anniversaries! We wish you to live together ten more times for 15 years in peace, harmony and love. Continue to share with each other all the sorrows and joys. We wish you great happiness, joy, good luck and good health!

Our dear spouses!
15 years is not a date yet
But it's still an anniversary.
You were young once
But the years go by faster and faster.
You spent a little time together
And on that day we shouted to the bride:
Scold less husband and children.
And you lowered your eyes
And gently caressed the groom ..
So we wish you to the sound of chimes:
Live to see the wedding of diamonds!

Don't believe that love is gone
Replacing yourself with a habit
She's still alive
Putting all of yourself into care,
In the warmth, sincerity of the hearth
And you created comfort,
In children (the family is strong with children!)
And in faith that they will not betray.
For a decade and a half
You felt the fragility of feelings.
A secret is hidden in a glass wedding
Preservation of family ties.

But what is a congratulation without the ringing of crystal?
It becomes dry and familiar.
Let the wine flow like a river, amusing spouses,
And the world becomes beautiful, unusual for them.

Loving each other and (names of spouses)! Congratulations on fifteen years of marriage. You have lived together so little, you still have a very difficult road ahead of you. The time is not far off when your children will have children of their own, as it once was with you. We wish you to live in full understanding with each other, patience to you for another 100 years of marriage together! Good health to you, which cannot be bought anywhere and never for any money!

Dear anniversaries! It's your turn to celebrate fifteen years of marriage. We wish that on your faces we see not grief, but only happiness and joy! And we wish you great success!

Why is it glass?
No, not because I'm careful
She, fragile, must be treated,
Because you can see through the glass
If you look into the light in it,
Your life for all fifteen years.
All fifteen years in transparent glass
Your family years are the best, that means!
This is if you look back.
But the past is already known.
If we look to the future -
What will we see there, I wonder?
Now I can tell you that:
I see the distance, it is bright, beautiful!
Only quite far away - a piece is obscure,
Somewhere in about a hundred years.

Happy anniversaries! Congratulations on fifteen years of marriage. We wish you a clear sky over your head so that you never know misfortune and grief, may only good luck and happiness accompany you, and your children and true friends will always be by your side!

Dear (Names)! Today marks 15 years since you've been married. I am insanely happy from the realization that you have lived all this time together without getting divorced, without dropping the high title of a spouse and carrying high the proud banner of love and devotion. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you and wish you even more happiness, love and longevity!

It's already been 15 years
Tapping off the crystal years.
The family grew up and matured -
The one that was created forever.
Helping each other every day
You travel alone on the road.
Tenderness, warming love
Your family comfort and peace.

Anniversaries (names of spouses)! Congratulations on your little anniversary! For family life, 15 years is a small date. We wish you to live until the big - diamond wedding. May only happiness accompany you, and sincere mutual feelings and great strong love walk in step next to you. Remember, if something happens, you always have a soul mate and true friends who should not be forgotten!

Bring all the gifts today to your home!
Congratulations ringing with expensive crystal!
Fifteen years lived together -
So many bright and sad days!
Today let the fountains flare up again
And tenderness, and passion, and fire, and love!
Let beauty reign in your house,
Let the dream inspire again with hope!
Let there be prosperity, good income!

A glass or crystal wedding is celebrated when the couple have lived together for 15 years. Transparent, sonorous, clean material, all this is about crystal, which is strong enough, because the spouses who have lived together for so many years can boast of their strong family ties. But, all the same, do not forget that the crystal is also beating, so you need to continue to treat your family carefully and carefully, listen to the interests of your soulmate, give in if possible and where you need to find compromises.
On the date of the wedding anniversary - 15 years, be sure to gather at home or if finances allow in a cafe, all your close relatives, it is desirable that the witnesses of the marriage and friends who were at your wedding be present.
On the wedding anniversary of 15 years, crystal gifts are usually given, as a sign that the relationship between husband and wife should be transparently clean, like crystal.
With even more care, you need to approach the choice, choose the appropriate one in our section, it can be cool or vice versa instructive, the main thing is that your congratulations be from the bottom of your heart, read it sincerely and with expression at the wedding anniversary celebration.

Don't believe that love is gone
Replacing yourself with a habit
She's still alive
Putting all of yourself into care,
In the warmth, sincerity of the hearth
And you created comfort,
In children (the family is strong with children!)
And in faith that they will not betray.
For a decade and a half
You felt the fragility of feelings.
A secret is hidden in a glass wedding
Preservation of family ties.

More than once we will meet
At this friendly table.
Although many years - fifteen
It's already gone its own way.
Glass is fragile and beautiful -
Keep an expensive vessel.
We wish you many happy years
Without hardships and mental turmoil.

glass wedding,
desired wedding,
Five-year-olds huddled -
Three at once.
God bless you good
To the fairy tale of the past
Continued again
Until the dawn of the earth.
To trouble with storms
Eyebrows did not frown
And framed the shoulder
Friends in difficult times.
For the light to come true
The most cherished
Relatives pleased
And the family grew.

Our dear spouses!
15 years is not a date yet
But it's still an anniversary.
You were young once
But the years go by faster and faster.
You spent a little time together
And on that day we shouted to the bride:
Scold less husband and children.
And you lowered your eyes
And gently caressed the groom ..
So we wish you to the sound of chimes:
Live to see the wedding of diamonds!

Fifteen years and dawn again
The same as then, for the first time,
And there's just no distance
And today you are "young".
God forbid you break the glass
Your love, fate and honor.
Let it be clear and bright
Always when you are together in everything!

Today is a crystal wedding anniversary,
You have been together for a decade and a half!
Love is beautiful like a ballroom dance
Living together is a happy secret!
You are also kind to each other,
It will never stop
After all, your life partner and friend -
Love in the hearts that has no end

Fifteen crystal stars
Heaven has given you.
And your union of two crystal souls
For all and pride, and beauty!

Let it shine brightly above you
Night high sky!
And the happy stars will not subside
Crystal clear chime!

You don't need a crystal house
You have your own, cozy in it.
We will bring you crystal today,
Let's break a glass of happiness.
15 years old family, big and friendly,
And every guest is considered necessary here.
May you continue to be enough for everyone,
Health and love does not decrease.

The family is fifteen years old. And it's a date!
You are together in sorrow and joy, in everything.
Love became our payment to each other,
And difficulties are easy to endure together.
Our gift, of course, is made of glass.
So that our relations are also pure,
But our life, we wish it was not fragile,
Flowed without sorrows, insults and regrets!

Don't let the crystal break
And shines like a star
And the song pours through the house
May your love always!
Let today congratulate you
The whole big family
Let happiness not leave you
Not today, never! Everything in this world is fragile, like glass,
And the fate of two, alas, is no exception.
But to forecasts, and to hell out of spite
May joy and luck be with you.
15 years later, like the first time,
Let there be only a call of love
And with its purity caresses the eye
The transparent glass vessel is beautiful.

It's been fifteen years now
Your happiness lasts
Two hearts one secret
Tenderly kept!

You are lucky with each other
Know and appreciate
Like thin glass
Take care of your feelings!

The family is again drunk with love -
Where in the world to get more happiness
After all, the wedding is sonorous, “glass”!
Happy fifteenth birthday, dear son-in-law!
Be loving to each other, dear,
Keep comfort in two hearts:
Envy will "bend" the enemies,
Friends will sing for joy!

Cool congratulations on a glass wedding

At the wedding on the crystal
Crystal chime? -
With a banal metaphor
Poet, get out!

Fresh and true
What is in this crystal hour
From unparalleled booze
The lens of the eye swollen.

But we do not grumble at all
And praise the young!
Glasses to the touch
Buldykh! Buldy!! Buldy!!!


Today you will probably buy
Glasses, vases or sconces;
But for those who love each other so much,
Don't need this goodness:
Love is always crystal clear
Rise above the hustle and bustle!
Fifteen years! .. Well, well, with crystal!
And at least - to gold!

Love is a striped phenomenon:
Warmth and intimacy impeccable
Replace quarrels creepy
And disagreements in families are eternal!

But your couple is not banal:
Problems do not interfere with feelings!
And with the anniversary of the crystal
Congratulations to everyone today!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years old husband

Congratulations on your glass wedding
You today, my beloved husband!
I wish you all the best
Do not be afraid of the winds, do not be afraid of the cold,

After all, we have family luck,
Which keeps 15 years,
And everything that means a lot in this life
Let him talk about love today!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years to your wife

15 years with you lived,
And we never grieve
Congratulations to my wife today
And I wish you a lot of joy

Always stay beautiful
Dear, smile more often
Always be by my side
Let's walk a path worthy of life!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years old girlfriend

My dear friend, congratulations
With a crystal wedding to you from the bottom of my heart!
May every year, may every day, a moment
They will be full of beautiful tenderness!

Let your husband and children obey you,
Let mutual understanding reign!
I wish you happiness, kindness, comfort!
May the table always be generously set!

You are happy for 15 years
There is simply no doubt about it
You are so beautiful, good
What smiles the soul!

You always love each other
Take care of each other with your husband
Raise worthy children
And never be discouraged!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years old friend

15 years old, my close friend,
You live family life
Accept the applause!
You bring confidence to life

Family values ​​good,
And positive - over the edge!
Let it be warm in the soul
You never lose heart!

Crystal or glass wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

Wish the anniversaries health, prosperity, understanding and love for many years to come. And after congratulations and the first toast, the spouses must definitely say “Bitter!”, After which they count to 15.

Dear “crystal” spouses! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - fifteen years of marriage. We wish your relationships to be as transparent and pure as crystal, and quarrels to be fragile, so that they break on the floor, and only peace and tranquility reign in your house!

Congratulations, dear spouses, on a crystal wedding! Let only ringing laughter be heard in your life, spilling into your heart with a crystal ringing! Let luck not leave you, and happiness will become a faithful companion. You lived 15 years hand in hand and more than proved to everyone around you that you can be called an excellent couple, which for many can become an example to follow. So let harmony and love never leave your burning hearts!

You have lived 15 years in a wonderful marriage, you are great fellows! Congratulations on your crystal wedding. Let the crystal of your life be strong and strong, clean and bright, ringing and unbreakable. I wish you, dear ones, long years of health, love, understanding, peace and prosperity!

Congratulations! We wish you to live together ten more times for 15 years in peace, harmony and love. Continue to share with each other all the sorrows and joys. We wish you great happiness, joy, good luck and good health!

People are very unpredictable creatures, but if two people live together for 15 years, it says a lot. For example, about love and tender feelings that hold their destinies together. Congratulations on your anniversary! May many more years pass, and your feelings remain the same, and your family will increase several times! Happy holiday, our dears!

I congratulate you, dear ones, on the 15th anniversary of family life, on a crystal wedding! I wish you with all my heart crystal clear love and happiness, stable well-being and prosperity in the house, sincere feelings and good luck, good health for the whole family and happy holidays!

A wonderful married couple, who have been happily married for 15 years now, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary, on your crystal wedding. I wish to live like in a fairy tale, I wish my wife to be a sweet and kind Cinderella in glass shoes, a caring and wonderful hostess, I wish her husband to always remain a faithful and courageous Prince, protecting his family and giving warmth to his beloved!

Dear (names of the spouses), with sincere affection, we congratulate you on the anniversary of your couple! For 15 years, in love and harmony, you have been building your extraordinary family. Today you have a crystal wedding! Let your love delight with its purity and tenderness, be beautiful like crystal, and not break during bad weather. We wish you to celebrate your golden anniversary with pride, and we will come to raise a glass to your amazing family! Bitterly!

Joyful 15 year wedding anniversary visited our married couple!

We gladly congratulate the anniversaries and sincerely wish them good health, prosperity, happiness, joy, good mood and well-being in the family.

May the Lord God grant you long and happy years, and may love, trust, tenderness and harmony flourish forever in your hearts! Bitterly!

Congratulations on the 15th anniversary of your family, on a crystal wedding! May your feelings always remain crystal clear and bright, may your life be filled with happiness and goodness, may there always be joy and prosperity in your home, may your love forever remain strong and great!

The biggest test for love is time. You have been in love for 15 years! And so let's drink to your love, because only such a real feeling as yours can conquer years!

Our dear anniversaries! You have lived together for many years. The time is not far off when your children will have children of their own. And the years fly by like an avalanche, but is it worth it to grieve about the past. You lived together for only 15 years. In this short time, you had everything: joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, good luck and disappointments, peace and quarrels. We wish you in your future family life to have only happiness, health, wealth and that your children are always with you!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your crystal wedding! You were able to successfully overcome a joint route at the age of 15 and still remain in love with each other. I sincerely wish you crystal clear feelings of the soul and the most faithful love of hearts! I wish you material wealth and prosperity!

Of course, marriages are made in heaven! And today is proof of that! You have been together for 15 years! So, we wish you that in your family life there is only happiness and many, many fun days! Walk together along the road of life for many more long, happy years! Happy holiday to you, because this day is only for you!

Today we raise crystal glasses for the purity of your relationship, which you managed to keep for the celebration of 15 years of your family life! Let the most sincere, warm, good wishes sound for you today, because you are not only a wonderful married couple, but also true friends who know how to share joys and sorrows with others! We wish you and your children success, health, prosperity and may your family hearth always be the brightest and most reliable corner on earth!

Dear newlyweds! I am not ashamed to say these words to you, because 15 years of family life have made you even happier and younger. You are an example of love and mutual respect, of raising smart, sensitive, kind children who value their parents. Thank you for the love, happiness and joy that you give not only to each other, but also to those around you. Let as much pleasure and positive come into your life as possible!

I congratulate the most beautiful and happy couple on the 15th anniversary of their life together, on your crystal wedding, dear ones. May failures and troubles bypass your home, may sincere happiness and love reign in it, I wish you joint victory in any business, everywhere and in everything! Be always loved by each other, health and good to your family, peaceful sky, prosperity and good luck!

Let your happiness be crystal clear and your success be just as sonorous. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the 15th anniversary of family life, on the crystal anniversary. I wish peace outside the window and good in your home, unfading love in your hearts and good joy of life!

Congratulations, dear guys, on your crystal wedding. You have successfully and happily walked together for 15 years. May the sun of joy always shine for you, may there be peace and harmony in your family, may every day be a holiday in your house, and every moment be a miracle! I wish you to take care of each other, like the most expensive crystal, I wish you never lose your bright and sincere feelings!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your 15th anniversary, on your crystal wedding! Dear ones, I wish you that the joy in your home is ringing like crystal, that you are always loved by each other and happy, that your family remains strong and friendly, that there is always good luck and luck on your way!

Congratulations, dear ones, you have overcome the joint path together at 15 years. Happy crystal wedding. I wish you a cheerful clink of glasses and warm congratulations, a happy life and unquenchable love, stable prosperity and mutual understanding, a friendly family and great luck ahead!

Be eternal newlyweds! We wish you to live in full understanding with each other, patience to you for another 100 years of marriage together! May your path to happiness continue to be smooth and beautiful! Keep the holy law of love! Bitterly!

I congratulate you, dear ones, on the 15th anniversary of your family, on the crystal wedding, on the anniversary of the youth and flourishing of your relationship. I want to wish you a peaceful sky and wonderful weather, good hopes and happy events, funny stories and endless love!

Loving each other and (names of spouses)! Congratulations on fifteen years of marriage. You have lived together so little, you still have a very difficult road ahead of you. The time is not far off when your children will have children of their own, as it once was with you. We wish you to live in full harmony with each other, great patience to you for another 100 years of marriage together! Good health, which nowhere and never for any money can be bought! Bitterly!

I congratulate you, dear ones, on the crystal wedding, on the 15th anniversary of family life! I wish that your happiness and love always remain crystal clear, so that, despite the passing years, the husband always remains a beautiful prince for his wife, and the wife for her husband - a wonderful Cinderella in crystal shoes!

Fifteen years is a long time. For fifteen years of a happy married life, husband and wife have no secrets from each other. There is no one in the world closer than the spouses who have lived together for so long. No one will understand each other the way they can understand. Nobody helps each other the way they can. If, knowing all the secrets, they still want to get to know each other, to become more and more closer, then these years were lived with benefit for them. This means that there is still that spark between them that ignited hearts fifteen years ago. They still love each other. You can't even dream of more! Happiness to you and good luck! Love each other!

You are 15 years old today, congratulations on your crystal wedding. With all my heart I wish, if tears, then only from joy, if memories, then only bright and kind, if fun, then for the whole family, if happiness, then crystal clear and indestructible!

I congratulate you, dear ones, on a wonderful event, on a joint achievement, on the 15th anniversary of family life! You were able to carry through the years the tenderness of your feelings and the fidelity of love, you managed to save all the most precious things, preserving the good of the family, like crystal. I wish you to continue to live a happy life, blowing dust off each other, drawing smiles on your faces and filling your family with the light of joy, fun and good miracles!

Our dear anniversaries! We are glad that on this sunny day 15 years ago, the solemn event that you dreamed of took place. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. We wish you success in everything, good health, so that all troubles and bad weather bypass your home! Happiness and peace to you for many years!

Congratulations to your couple on achieving a crystal clear, bright anniversary, when the length of your marriage has become fifteen years. Let nothing overshadow the brilliance of your love, enjoy each other, let your love from your youth enter the period of your maturity with dignity and beauty!

Dear ones, you have already been married for 15 years, but I want to note that today you have become better and wiser. I want to wish you: always improve your senses, walk through life holding hands so that none of you can afford to step aside. Give each other kisses to spend less on gifts! Smile more often so that extra wrinkles do not form on your face!

As life shows, if spouses take care of each other, then their feelings will certainly turn into a sweet habit, and ardent passion is replaced by tender love. (Names of the young), you have been protecting each other for 15 years, so I raise this glass for you, with wishes to continue in this spirit!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! You have been together, shoulder to shoulder, soul to soul, for 15 years! I wish you that your life together be filled with all the colors, like the play of brilliant crystal in the sun. So that caring for each other brings joy and warmth. Let the family hearth burn bright and hot! Love to you - eternal!

The smart one knows what he will do today; a wise man knows what he will do tomorrow, but a happy man remembers what he did yesterday. So let's raise our glasses, they are glass, like the wedding we celebrate today, and drink to the lucky ones who are so smart that they are not afraid to become wise! I raise my glass to the anniversaries! Let happiness shine on you in the facets of these glass goblets!

Anniversaries (names of spouses)! Congratulations on your little anniversary! For family life, 15 years is a small date. We wish you to live until the big - diamond wedding. May only happiness accompany you, and sincere mutual feelings and great strong love walk in step next to you. Remember, if something happens, you always have a soul mate and true friends who should not be forgotten!

Congratulations on your crystal wedding! Let your relationship be as pure, transparent, resonant, amazing as crystal. We wish peace, prosperity, good luck to your family. Let your house be full of happiness, smiles and warmth!

Dear anniversaries! Congratulations on your 15th wedding anniversary. We wish to be for each other always the only and desired. So that you always miss each other and dream of a golden wedding. We also wish you to be happy and always stay young at heart!

Crystal or glass wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

We wish our newlyweds

So that their path in life is successful,

So that at their silver wedding

We would sing and dance.

Live better every day

Let your house be a full bowl.

Pour glasses and glasses fuller,

Let's drink to the crystal jubilee!

Family is like a crystal vase

However, more expensive than diamonds!

Take care of family peace

Protect crystal from cracks!

Fifteen year date

Sounds so beautiful and rich!

Live happily and long

Protect your family from adversity!

Crystal chime, glasses clink ...

Fifteen years is a crystal jubilee

And you are not tired of loving each other,

Only every year closer and dearer!

Have not lost joy over the years,

She is in our hearts and souls forever!

And let everything that you dreamed come true

And only a tear will shine from happiness!

Congratulating you on a crystal wedding today,

We wish you, dear, with all our heart,

So that your relationship sparkles

Everyone was impressed with the impeccable cleanliness!

15 years! After all, this is a long time!

And let it happen again and again!

We give you crystal glasses,

Keep them as fidelity and love!

And youth is still raging!

And look at many things one!

Even the children have grown up

Gifts have been given to you.

Parents don't worry

Because they are young!

We wish to live and not grieve!

15 more years to live

So that we can congratulate again

And give you pearls!

Crystal glass on this day

Shines bright and shiny!

Such an anniversary today

And you have long been the bride and groom!

Although many years have passed,

Love breathes your union ...

And to spite all the envious

May the age of family ties last!

Today you will probably buy

Glasses, vases or sconces;

But for those who love each other so much,

Don't need this goodness:

Love is always crystal clear

Rise above the hustle and bustle!

Fifteen years! .. Well, well, with crystal!

And at least - to gold!

glass wedding,

Fifteen years have passed

In sorrow and in joy - together, together!

Glass is different

Let in your case,

Neither a bullet nor a stone can penetrate it!

We wish you -

Be happy

May true love be your companion,

Be successful

Be healthy

Your marriage is ready for any test!

You have a family anniversary -


And every year it gets stronger

I wish you love!

Let the glass break for happiness

You don't need to feel sorry for him.

May you succeed in everything in life

After all, you just have to want it!

15 years of your family,

Crystal Anniversary!

It's such happiness

Live soul to soul

happy to be

Every day!

Appreciate, take care

Try to multiply

Like in the first year you love

Stay family!

Happy Anniversary

You are unrecognizable today!

Awesome man

And his wife to match!

Years have strengthened your marriage,

Hardened like steel!

We wish you to be

Feelings are purer than crystal!

May the children adore you

Their happy laughter sounds

And let the heart warm

The sun's bright rays!

Crystal wedding -

Fifteen long years!

Love your beautiful

Light illuminates us!

We've been through a lot together

We've been through a lot together.

And today on this holiday

We will sing an ode in your honor!

15 crystal stars

Heaven gave you!

And your union of two crystal souls

For all and pride, and beauty!

Let it shine brightly above you

Night high sky!

And the happy stars will not subside

Crystal clear chime!

Crystal clinking glasses

Radiant ringing laughter!

Happy wedding to you Crystal!

You are the best couple!

Keep your love

Never quarrel!

Take care of each other

For many years!

Your life is always transparent

There are no dull spots on it.

Like in the newlywed period

Everything is clean, everything is without shadows.

Let only that remain

What so gently reflects

Crystal glass for you!

We know that crystal is beautiful,

And that he is so fragile.

But let troubles rush off into the distance,

We prophesy happiness to you!

Happy Crystal Wedding! Let love

Blooming like before

Excites the soul, heart, blood

And gives pleasure!

It's hard for me to find the words now

To convey how happy I am with you.

We share all the hardships in half,

And we multiply joy with love!

When we started living together

Everything seemed new, unknown,

We created our cozy home

And they were looking for common interests.

And on the anniversary of the wedding, I will say:

We succeeded and even very much.

I'm sorry, I can't find more words

And as a sign of love I will put an ellipsis

Our family holiday made of crystal,

Our family has been living for fifteen years!

And we are happy that we have created our union,

We have become closer and dearer to each other!

May our house be bright and beautiful,

Very loved by friends and children,

Let the feelings of goals help to achieve,

We should be proud of each other, admire each other!

Let your life be bright and clear

Let it shine with beautiful love!

Let what you have learned in everyday life

Will never lose its beauty!

And so dazzling is the brilliance of crystal,

After all, the family is celebrating its anniversary!

Let there be a distinct trace of happiness

After all, your love is already fifteen years old!

15 years live soul to soul!

Happy crystal wedding! Good luck to you, friend!

May your dreams and plans come true!

May there be peace, peace and quiet around!

May your happiness illuminate every day!

Let success accompany everything!

Live happily, live carefree!

Love even harder every day!

Crystal is priceless, fragile and beautiful!

Love is more valuable, more fragile and more beautiful!

You lived, keeping the consent,

Fifteen years in love and quiet happiness!

I wish you in the fast run of days -

I'm not afraid of this beautiful phrase -

Shine with love with the sun on a par,

After all, the crystal shines like diamonds!

Crystal wedding and the reflection of the rings,

They will remind you that once, loving,

With hope in your heart, you walked down the aisle,

Giving yourself to each other forever.

Fifteen years have passed since then,

And the years have long since turned off the corners.

I wish you sincerely live without troubles,

So that they do not know sadness, forget insults.

So that love, as before, is strong!

So that loyalty does not know reproaches!

So that in sadness a hand lies on the shoulder

And gently caressed!

Crystal wedding ringing glass,

Let it fill your house

And your happiness will not be crystal

Will not break glass!

Together you endured many difficulties,

It wasn't easy at times

Only the truth has been verified over the years,

Where there is love, there is warmth

You still look at each other like that,

Like fifteen years

Since your wedding day has not passed at all,

It's like there's no time!

Like crystal you cherished feelings,

And love carried through the years!

We are proud of your family

May peace and tranquility reign in the house

Let the kids respect, cherish!

May they grow up happy and healthy!

Let them give you reasons for pride

And five only carry home!

Today is a very necessary holiday:

In your house there is light in the windows,

The sound of plates in the kitchen is friendly

It's been fifteen years now!

Yes, family is your capital:

Feelings imperishable purity.

Like wine flows into a glass

So the lips slip to the lips!

For love! For the light in the window -

Our feast with honey on the mustache!

May the sun shine on you forever

Eyes glow with happiness!

Crystal wedding - sounds unusual!

You lived pretty well together.

Fifteen years of life, and different holidays,

Fifteen years of happiness and wonderful life!

Be happy, take care of your family

Give each other your care.

Forget the insults that you are not worthy.

Live in harmony, peacefully, calmly!

Let the crystal break into smithereens for happiness,

Shattering into thousands of shiny pieces.

May you live comfortably together as always,

And happiness smiled, starting again.

Take care of each other for fifteen years

Laughing at adversity and problems after.

And if you ask, you definitely won't lie,

That you want to be together for many years!

Fifteen years you are together, congratulations!

Your marriage is secure. It is pure as crystal!

We raise crystal glasses,

We wish to make plans, looking into the distance.

Hold tight with four hands

Those feelings that arose between you.

Believe me, the main thing in life is to love!

You have been together for fifteen years, your family is like that,

That even a happy person marvels, dying.

Children, loud, sonorous laughter, let it surround you,

And let everything that you lack appear.

And so much tenderness in the family! She has no end.

So let the fire of love burn, not extinguished, not burning!

Fifteen years is such a date!

In a word, anniversary!

For everything that once lived,

Must hear from guests

Joy, happiness wishes,

And some friendly advice:

Do not hold back confessions,

Feelings after many years

As before, speak back!

Can't believe it's been fifteen years!

They went insanely fast!

May you always love each other!

I wish you both tenderness and passion,

So that feelings only grow stronger, like steel!

And, of course, human happiness,

And so that your crystal is strong!

Let the crystal glasses clink!

You have been one family for 15 years!

We wish you much happiness!

Loyalty, love, kindness, warmth!

Rejoice with each other and the kids!

May every day bring success!

Good health, many years to you,

To celebrate a hundred years together!

15 years in the family - a great occasion

Gather friends and wait for congratulations!

You bring us together again

And we are ready to congratulate you again!

This time the crystal rings so clean!

And we are glad to say how gentle you are!

We wish - let life be picturesque!

And you need each other again!

Fifteen years together lived -

So many bright and sad days!

Today let the fountains flare up again

And tenderness, and passion, and fire, and love!

Let beauty reign in your house,

Let the dream inspire again with hope!

Though the past does not sink

In the stream of new news

Nobody remembers anymore

How were you not together!

Married, I'd like to know

Probably right from birth?

With your crystal wedding

Accept congratulations!

Like crystal clearest mountain sonorous

There was a wedding after 15 years.

You know every gesture is subtle,

What is in each other is a secret for others.

May happiness be endless!

Love bound you forever!

So much sweetness in those eternal bonds!

Never leave them!

Congratulations on your anniversary

Fifteen years you've been together

Let your feelings not fade away

And your life will be like a song

Let the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness swirl you

We give you the purest crystal,

You love each other more,

Good luck to your couple!

The radiant crystal is ringing,

sparkling champagne light

Of course you're not sorry at all

Fifteen living years!

Crystal of never-fading love

And I wish for now

So that happiness does not suddenly fail!

Fifteen years of marriage

And not a second of reproach.

Let them say it's easy to break

Or crystal or glass

Like a family at 15 -

I do not believe! I'll give you one piece of advice:

Take care of your happiness

Get away from bad weather

Help you each other

Be there for you everywhere!

Crystal wedding - you've been together for fifteen years!

Under the clink of glasses, smiles do not melt,

We will drink for you, happy family!

You have experienced a lot, but still saved

Transparent those feelings that are akin to crystal.

We wish you prosperity, and most importantly love,

To soul to soul, sweet, sweet,

And so that without quarrels and without resentment!

You've been together for 15 years

And we hurry to you with crystal,

And there is no more beautiful bride

He sits in an embrace with the groom.

Even though you are no longer young

And the kids have grown up

You are still so naughty

And saved the spark in life.

And we wish you good luck

Family, to grow stronger every day,

We decided that all tasks,

Love commanded all!

Like rock crystal in the sun shines,

So your eyes play with happiness

May the joy in your soul not fade away.

We wish you warmth and peace,

So that the star of love shines,

Less life hassle

May every day bring you joy

So that you are always together

Now and tomorrow, forever!

Fifteen years and dawn again

The same as then, for the first time.

And there's just no distance

And you are "young" today.

God forbid you break the glass

Your love, fate and honor.

Let it be clear and bright

Always when you are together in everything!

You are such a beautiful couple

The sun is shining in your eyes!

And the poets sang not in vain

The feeling that lives in heaven.

I raise a crystal glass

Young red wine.

May all sorrows pass you by

Well, drink happiness to the bottom!

Happy crystal wedding, my dears!

What a beautiful anniversary you have today!

And let your feelings be

Love will play in the hearts with renewed vigor!

Keep each other warm with warmth,

Do not spare care, support in everything.

And no matter how many difficult periods

You will overcome them together!

Your family is celebrating its 15th anniversary

We wish longevity and prosperity, friends,

Let the hearts ring in the chest like pure crystal,

Always look into the future together!

Let congratulations pour from everyone from all people,

Celebrating the holiday together is more fun,

May marriage be like the sweetest nectar

Love is given to you as a precious gift!

Today is a crystal wedding anniversary,

You have been together for a decade and a half!

Love is beautiful like a ballroom dance

Living together is a happy secret!

You are also kind to each other,

It will never stop

After all, your life partner and friend -

Love in the hearts that has no end!

Crystal wedding date -

Family anniversary!

Fifteen years married

And love - stronger!

Eyes burn with love

The house shines with light!

For you newlyweds

We drink champagne.

You are happiness and love

Warmed up the whole world!

We wish you good health!

Let there be a feast today!

For 15 years you have managed everything -

Those years have gone by fast!

But this is no reason to be sad!

Will play with a crystal wedding

Your holiday! And again you two

Your feelings as a wedding song

Take it to your cozy home!

Listen to the clink of glasses...

It is clean, pleasant, melodic.

For your union! For many years,

Yes, he is still romantic.

For this crystal

But he is a symbol of this wedding,

The whole earth is spinning.

About your feelings all the poets

The beautiful will write odes

And we want you to love.

Relatives do not count the years

Know how to appreciate love!

Today's wedding sparkles with crystal,

For this wonderful occasion, today we will pour,

Crystal glasses will rise more than once,

And we will honor, today only you.

We wish you prosperity and love,

So that you spend your honeymoon in Cyprus,

And then they returned to their wonderful home,

And you lived very amicably and happily in it!

Crystal wedding holiday -

It's not just a phrase

This is a reminder

Not everything in our life is a holiday.

Love each other tenderly

So that your marriage does not become

An ice floe in the snowy desert,

Fragile as crystal!

The crystal is transparent, like a tear.

It will be stronger than glass.

Let life be successful

You have now and always.

You guard your comfort

Never quarrel.

Let the birds of happiness sing to you.

Trouble leaves the house.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

You are so good today!

Fifteen years that we lived together

The people call "crystal wedding"

For the fact that these years are also valuable,

And the experience of the past is also cherished.

Let wedding anniversaries only rise in price,

After all, you have both silver and gold ahead of you!

Let trembling feelings do not leave you,

And let your union be an example for us!

Crystal glass filled with wine

And the whole house is filled with crystal light,

We have a reason to congratulate your union -

"Crystal" today is your anniversary!

Fifteen years together - not so little,

Problems in your life, no doubt, enough,

But by the power of love and faith in each other

You have overcome everything, husband and wife!

So let this day ring with crystal,

May your home be rich and generous,

May your union be happy and strong,

In everything - impeccable, always - abundant!

It remains only to take a glass in hand today

And shout: - For the crystal wedding! Bitterly!

Your love grows stronger with age

You look great together

It's been fifteen years now

And you live like in a movie!

And happy crystal anniversary to you,

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

I wish you happiness for no reason

Love, take care of your family!

I wish that dreams come true

So that you do not know the problems

In each other so as not to doubt

Wish me this is not too lazy!

Nobility of crystal

Your family glows -

Fragile but strong

Proud of beauty.

Unearthly beauty:

Husband and wife next to him.

Full of joy, fun

And a love hangover.

We wish you only happiness

Only together - through bad weather.

Live in friendship and harmony

And love your children!

The family is fifteen years old. And it's a date!

You are together in sorrow and joy, in everything.

Love has become your payment to each other,

And difficulties are easy to endure together.

Our gift, of course, is made of glass.

So that your relations are also pure,

But your life, we wish it not to be fragile,

Flowed without sorrows, insults and regrets!

The table is set, crystal glasses,

Full of champagne, they ring.

Fragile and transparent day, perhaps -

The wedding is also made of crystal.

Congratulations on a wonderful date!

May the days pass only in happiness!

You've been married for fifteen years

But still young, in love!

We want to wish your couple

Light, endless warmth,

So that you are always on the beat,

So that life flows serenely!

We'll get up early today

All in pre-holiday affairs:

Pair of crystal shoes

Fate gave us.

May we have fun

Guests will not burden

Let a crystal drop

The years ring merrily.

We will now apply force

So that in the coming years

Our wedding didn't crash

For nothing and never!

The same gesture, the same look,

All the same feelings as then.

Fifteen exactly years ago

You said to each other "Yes!"

And it's impossible not to congratulate

After all, this is the date, no doubt.

Even though it was difficult at times

You saved your duet!

Let your souls create

Love, and tenderness, and comfort,

Nobody will forget each other

Even for a couple of minutes!

Your wedding with crystal -

You've been together for fifteen years!

There were joys and sorrows

But there was also a lot of happiness!

We want to live long

Treasure your marriage

And love each other more

To make it easier for you!

To understand each other

Never offended!

Today is a special day for you

You've been together for 15 years!

Congratulations on your crystal wedding.

I wish you happiness, warmth!

Let the fire in the soul not go out

Keep your bright hearth!

Let love always help

You survive resentment, fear.

The family is a great treasure

You understood this a long time ago.

As the years go by, the feeling only gets sweeter

Like aged wine!

The young don't give up

Glasses of wine are pouring

And glasses of crystal

Congratulations, friends!

Date, being, solid,

Promises a plentiful table,

From guests gifts, toast:

“To live to the fullest!

To avoid problems

Don't touch these walls

Neither ailments, nor enemies,

After all, love conquers everything!”

Crystal wedding magic!

Glasses clink.

How lucky you are with each other

Life has bound you.

And in your joy and in your sadness

You be together.

Relationships are like crystal

You don't forget.

Fragile and happiness, and love,

They need to be protected.

There are two of you, you are blood.

Live together!

Please accept my congratulations

On such an important day of happiness for you!

You are so joyful - there is no doubt

There are no shadows on the faces.

Love each other until eternity

Among the stars, let one shine -

Light of hope and kindness.

Drink the tenderness in full!

Today crystal glasses are ringing

Distributed throughout the universe!

He calls about the happiness of the spouses,

He speaks of love beyond measure!

15 years have passed today

Since you got married

And there is no more reason to be sad

During these years you lived happily!

Today we wish you a celebration

That lasts forever!

Health, luck and magic,

And endless joy!

The sacred vessel became crystal,

15 years already family,

I congratulate you on a glorious date,

Love for both husband and wife.

May the sparkle in your eyes always flicker,

Let your passion not subside

Let the union only flourish

May you have prosperity!

I wish to cherish tender feelings,

Do not let resentment into your house,

Let it always be comfortable

You even keep quiet together!

Happiness honestly deserved -

We have lived together for so many years!

Sparks of wine are beating

About a glass of crystal.

He is evidence of

What a celebration today!

Be transparent as well

Happiness to you! Your marriage is a success!

Today is a crystal date!

How would you like to wish

Love is very bright, rich,

Crystal to protect.

You've been through a lot together.

And how much more to come!

The love that sunk into your souls,

All life carefully bear!

Crystal, tender feelings

For all anniversaries

Try to invite us!

Crystal clinking glasses

heard throughout the hall.

On your anniversary day

Let's have a big ball.

After all, through the years we could,

You carry love

And fifteen years of life

Pass the family.

Enjoy each other

Dive into love

And reliable support

Be on the go!

15 years with you lived,

And we never grieve

Congratulations to my wife today

And I wish you a lot of joy

Always stay beautiful

Dear, smile more often

Always be by my side

Let's walk a path worthy of life!

Crystal wedding today!

Beloved husband, congratulations

With the fact that 15 years have passed together,

You have found your hearth and a cozy home!

Let our feelings give warmth

We will nurture forever

Let the beauty of new days rejoice,

Happiness together and loud laughter of children!

Days and years fly by,

But I do not want absolute freedom.

We are connected with you by a single chain,

I'm so glad to be your wife.

Let our life be easy and carefree

Let happiness come to the house freely.

I wish you patience, my dear,

It's hard work to be one family!

Congratulations on your crystal wedding,

Fifteen is not five or ten,

So always be inseparable and together,

Crystal shining with love and happiness.

Let the wine play in crystal glasses,

And everything will come true, for which it will be drunk,

And let fate carry on a crystal platter

As a gift, the keys to the family paradise.

And, looking at you, let everyone believe, no doubt,

The fact that love only grows stronger over the years,

And let us once again take a walk

At all your weddings up to the crown!

We are our crystal wedding, my love,

Let's celebrate in the family circle.

I know how much you need me

And I can't live without you.

What was, was, passed and sailed away,

But I keep everything in my memory.

I only want to be with you, my dear,

I can not live without you.

You always know how to understand and console

You won't leave me alone

With your kiss you warm me

Because I can't do it without you!

You have been my wife for fifteen years,

You are not more beautiful in the whole world!

You are the most desired, beloved,

Beautiful, worthy and strong!

I bow to your wisdom

I will do everything for us and for the children,

I will throw the whole world at your feet,

Just to love, to be loved by you!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

With your anniversary date - a crystal wedding,

We wish you love pure, bright, like crystal,

But let your union be strong, nevertheless, like steel!

Gently pours the chime of glasses,

Each glance is filled with tenderness.

Gently "yes" to her beloved said

You are fifteen years ago.

He carried your tenderness these years,

Carefully and reverently keeping

Flying free today

Tenderness rings like a wedding from crystal.

And let the chime be cheerful

Excite your senses again!

And at a new stage of life

Love will thunder!

At the crystal wedding we

Toasts must be spoken!

We came to congratulate you

And they brought gifts!

Live in peace and love

Do not grumble at the bad

Appreciate what you have

You will be praised and honored!

Don't be sad, don't be sick

And get younger with happiness!

Love puts on crystal chains,

You have a crystal wedding today,

Friends, congratulations - everything is enough for you,

But I'll read mine now!

May the sun of joy be above you

And the wind of hope carries away sorrow

And the path of your life is strewn with flowers,

And your marriage will be - hardened steel!

Let there be enough time for hugs,

And you will not forget the word love,

And passion, as before, boils in the hearts,

Your hopes and dreams come true!

Like a brand new crystal glass chandelier

This date has caught up with you today!

Gathered friends, colleagues, "bitterly" to shout!

So let me, young people, read congratulations!

We wish you health, what you can’t buy in the store,

And hourly questions: "dear, do you love me?"

Let peace and inspiration reign in relationships, as before,

Every day, let only your mood be cool!

Let children grow up for joy, give happiness and a smile,

And let them catch, like in a fairy tale, a goldfish in the net!

And let the ringing of a crystal glass be fragile and fragile,

We wish that this does not interfere with your passion!

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is called crystal. The anniversary got its name recently, and earlier, 15 years of marriage were called a glass wedding. The crystal wedding got its name due to the fact that by this time the relationship becomes transparent, beautiful, like crystal, but at the same time remains fragile, capable of breaking from the slightest misconduct. Celebrating the anniversary of 15 years of marriage is a must, and the main question remains: how best to celebrate?

Customs and traditions of a crystal wedding

A crystal wedding is the fifteenth anniversary of marriage, it has its own customs, traditions, to adhere to which or not is up to you. Traditionally, all relatives, friends, friends are gathered for this holiday, not only those who were present during the announcement of the couple as husband and wife, but also those whom the couple met, made friends over 15 years of marriage.

It was considered an ancient tradition for a crystal wedding to break old mirrors into which previous generations looked, which in its lifetime has seen sorrows, quarrels, tears of disappointment, as well as a sincere smile. It is believed that in this way the family gets rid of the difficulties of the past years, negative energy, leaving only pleasant, bright, cheerful moments in memories and in life.

How to celebrate the wedding anniversary of 15 years?

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is an important date in the life of the spouses, so it must be celebrated on a grand scale. Moreover, age allows you to spend time the way you want. How to do this, where it is better to hold a celebration, whom to invite, how to cheer up guests - questions that are relevant for many on the eve of the celebration.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

A crystal wedding is a significant event that you certainly want to celebrate to the fullest, so that this day will be remembered no less than the wedding day. An ideal venue for a celebration is a restaurant, an ordinary cafe, a banquet hall. It is beautiful when the tables are used in a round shape. Decorate the hall with flowers, decorative balloons, balloons, various decor.

It is worth choosing a small hall, but such that all guests are accommodated and feel comfortable. The atmosphere should be cozy, it is better that the colors in the design are light, delicate, unobtrusive. To amuse the guests, it is necessary to hold small comic contests or games. And in order not to be bored at all - invite a toastmaster with musical accompaniment, he will cheer you up, stir up your guests, make your holiday truly fun.

What to wear spouses

The fifteenth anniversary of marriage is a real holiday for spouses, so the heroes of the occasion should look the best they can. What is better to wear on the 15th anniversary of family life:

  • For the wife, an elegant dress in light colors or a trouser suit is ideal. A light chiffon blouse with a skirt narrowed to the bottom will look good (if it fits the figure). In the case when the spouse has magnificent forms, it is better to pay attention to loose dresses of the evening style, which will emphasize the dignity, hiding the flaws of the figure.

  • A suit similar to the one he wore on his wedding day is ideal for the spouse. If the celebration falls on summertime, then a light suit made of natural fabrics (linen, silk, etc.) in light shades is perfect.

Who to invite

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is a family holiday, to which you should definitely invite friends, relatives, relatives - parents, children. Parents symbolize respect for the older generation. A child is a continuation of the clan, a family tradition to create a family and live in love, harmony, fidelity, therefore, children should not be left unattended.

Friends are also irreplaceable people who in some moments help and support more than relatives, so without them the celebration is simply impossible. Yes, with whom else is it possible to have fun, share happiness, if not with your beloved friends at the fifteenth anniversary of the family?

What should be on the table

Anniversary wedding is a holiday for the whole family, with dancing, fun, delicious snacks on the festive table. Which dishes you choose for the celebration depends on your taste preferences and wishes. It can be traditional salads, cold appetizers and hot dishes, or you can organize an original themed party, for example, in a sushi restaurant.

The table should be served with crystal glasses, symbolizing the date for which all the guests have gathered. Crystal salad bowls and salad bowls, traditional for Soviet times, will also not be superfluous at the holiday. Glassware, which has recently been very popular, also looks good.

Do not forget that no anniversary is complete without a cake, so it must be ordered in advance. Dessert design ideas vary, modern confectioners are ready to offer one large cake, many small cupcakes, and personalized cookies - all so that the heroes of the occasion and their guests are satisfied with the final chord of the banquet.

Crystal wedding script

A crystal (glass) wedding is a special day when you celebrate your family's birthday. 15 years is almost the age of family when you are already firmly on your feet, leaning on each other and supporting your partner. This day should be celebrated with fun, with a good mood. To do this, you need to plan events by writing a script. For such a holiday, the standard scenario of the anniversary is quite suitable, only instead of the hero of the day there will be a family and there will be two heroes of the occasion.

What to give for 15 years of marriage

A glass wedding is different in that you don’t have to think much about a gift, because they are easy to coincide with the symbol of the anniversary - glass, crystal. Giving various crystal items is a sign of good manners, because today manufacturers offer a wonderful selection of things - dishes and souvenirs, interior items made of crystal. If you go to visit where a crystal anniversary wedding is celebrated, then it’s quite suitable: sets (plates, cups, coasters), a set of elegant crystal glasses, glasses, as well as vases, figurines, and other trifles.

It is not difficult for a spouse to choose a wonderful gift, rock crystal jewelry, a new chandelier with durable crystal crystals in your bedroom, perfumes in original, faceted packaging are perfect. If you want to stand out, make a beautiful engraving (for example, the name of your beloved, the date of the wedding), thereby showing that the gift was made with all your heart and soul. And do not forget about the bouquet, not a single celebration should be without this sign of attention, because your spouse deserves it.

For a spouse, choose a beautiful ashtray as a gift (if the husband smokes), beautiful candlesticks with candles, under the glow of the flame of which you can organize a beautiful romantic evening, drinking expensive champagne from crystal glasses. You can also choose a picture under glass or a bottle with a boat or car inside.

Congratulations on a crystal wedding

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is a real holiday for a married couple, so it cannot do without congratulations. You can easily find and choose a beautiful congratulation on the topic “crystal (glass) wedding” in verse or in prose. If it is not possible to congratulate in person, it is possible to send a beautiful or cool SMS message.

You can also make an original congratulation yourself using a computer, beautiful postcards from the Internet and a couple of photos of the heroes of the occasion. An example of such a congratulations look at the video:

Crystal wedding (15 years, glass wedding) is the last annual date, then the countdown will go in five years, so the final anniversary should be celebrated with dignity. It is worth remembering that crystal is a clean, transparent, sonorous material, but fragile. So is your relationship - they have already been established, they have become a little stronger, but they remain fragile and vulnerable, therefore it is worth taking care of each other, appreciating the family and keeping the family hearth. Everything will definitely work out if it is done together with love.

Are you planning your 15th wedding anniversary? Or have you recently attended such an event? Share your impressions, thoughts, emotions, ideas by leaving a comment or feedback.