The 7 commandments of Dr. Chopra's success. Chopra Deepak - Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (beginning)

Ecology of life: If you had all the money in the world and endless time, what would you do? Deepak Chopra Recommends Writing Two Questions Listing All Possible Answers

Success and happiness come to those who know the spiritual laws and apply them in their lives. This is the secret of happiness and success.

Here are excerpts from the book "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra. Some points are simplified, some are explained in understandable words.

Knowing and applying spiritual laws can change our whole life. All you need to do is to study these laws, understand them and apply them in your life.

The first spiritual law of success and happiness is the LAW OF UNITY

Everything is One, everything manifested has the same nature (essence), and everything consists of energies emanating from this essence, from this Single Source.

It is also your nature, which you can still try to describe in such words: pure consciousness, eternity, bliss, knowledge, joy and happiness. Although words distort the truth, since we still have to use them, the above definitions more or less fit the description of the true nature of man.

Your true "I" has nothing to do with the "I" that you think and feel about yourself, and which is based on false identifications with the body, mind, and role-playing with society. The same is the case with the true "I" of all other people, and with the true "I" of all creation. It is the same true Self, which is the Source of everything, and which is often referred to as God, Creator, or Lord.

Deepak Chopra's first law of success is called "The Law of Pure Potentiality" and reads as follows: "The source of everything is Pure Consciousness, pure potentiality, which, being implicit, expresses itself through the explicit. Therefore, when we know ourselves as Pure Consciousness, as pure potentiality, we become a force that manifests everything in this world.”

To gain an understanding of the first spiritual law of success, Deepak Chopra recommends:

More often to be in nature in solitude

The practice of silence, immersion in inner silence (the inner dialogue falls silent)

daily meditation

Non-judgment, no judgment

Such a spiritual practice, according to Chopra, opens the door to pure potentiality, or, in other words, allows you to know yourself as pure consciousness, that is, to know your true "I", from which all desires, opportunities and energies come to achieve the desired. This is the connection with the Higher Power, which creates everything that manifests in this world, and this is the first step in achieving the desired.

The second spiritual law of success and happiness is the LAW OF EXCHANGE

Exchange means giving and receiving. Everything in this world comes from the Single Source, everything is closely interconnected and interdependent. Life, in fact, is a constant interchange of energies of various kinds. The whole world exists thanks to the dynamics of exchange - giving and receiving.

Harmony in a person's life occurs only when both streams - giving and receiving - are balanced.

To receive any energy, you need to give it away. Only then is energy circulation possible. Withholding any energy (not giving it away) leads to its stagnation and difficulties in receiving new flows of this energy.

Giving and receiving is what any relationship is built on, and in the realm of relationships one can trace these energy flows and what happens to them when the balance is disturbed. Everyone for himself must see and analyze these phenomena in order to understand the law of exchange.

As for money, it is just one of the many vital energies that people attach too much importance to, which leads to senseless accumulation and stagnation of this energy, which, in turn, prevents the inflow of new energy of money.

The law of exchange in Deepak Chopra's book is called "The Law of Giving", and its essence is as follows: By giving what we want to receive ourselves, we open the door to the incoming flow of what we want.

What you give is what you get. The more you give, the more you receive. But you need to give correctly, that is, reasonably. This still needs to be learned.

If we want attention, we must give attention to others.

If we want a positive life, we must bring positivity to others.

If we want success, we must contribute to the success of others.

If we want love, we must give love to others.

If we want wisdom, we must help others to receive wisdom (study, read, work on themselves).

If we want trouble and trouble, we must create trouble and trouble for others.

If we want happiness, we must make others happy

This is how the spiritual law of exchange functions.

Separately, it should be said about money. If we want money, we must learn how to give it correctly, that is, donate it to good deeds. Charity is a separate topic worthy of careful study, since most people have no idea what charity really means. Wrong (unreasonable, not benevolent) charity will not bring success and happiness.

Always give gifts to others; a gift can be a kind word, a smile, a mental wish for happiness or a blessing, a compliment or a prayer, or some material object, be it a flower, a postcard, or something else that is pleasant to a person, causing joy and gratitude. It should not be considered that the intangible gifts listed above are worse than material ones. Spiritual gifts are precisely the true value, since they bring more benefit to both the giver and the one who gives.

To accept from Life its gifts - whether it be the singing of birds or sunlight, treats of friends, various kinds of gratitude, tangible and intangible gifts.

The third law of success and happiness is the LAW of fate

Among the people, the law sounds like “What you radiate, you will receive”, “What you sow, you will reap”, and this law means a causal relationship. The law is closely related to the previous law and is its continuation and addition.

According to the law of fate, every deed - good, bad or neutral - will have its own consequences, which, of course, will affect the future of the person who committed it. Thus, a person himself creates his future - by his actions.

Therefore, before committing any act, Deepak Chopra recommends thinking: what will it lead to? The author of the book also gives an easy way to determine whether it is worth doing this or that act or action or not. Asking yourself the question “Will this action bring happiness to me and my surroundings, or not?”, You need to listen to the sensations of the body in the heart area - there is a feeling of comfort or discomfort. If the heart responds with a feeling of comfort, then this action is worth doing.

In fact, a person deep down knows what is good and what is bad, but this reasonableness is often blocked by unreasonable egoism and ignorance of material existence, and a person follows his emotions and desires, which makes him suffer in the future.

To understand how the law of fate works, the first thing to do is to observe our own choices that we make when deciding to act in one way or another. You need to be aware of the moment you make a decision. Then you need to watch what it leads to. When a person does good, he immediately feels better - it's hard not to notice. By doing evil, a person feels worse.

Feeling like a good person (when done good), a person radiates "high vibrations" and attracts people with the same high vibrations. This has its positive consequences, life improves - in one way or another.

The fourth spiritual law is the LAW OF HARMONY

In his book, Deepak Chopra calls it differently - "The Law of Least Effort", and its essence boils down to the fact that the more a person makes an effort, the less harmony remains with him. Making excessive efforts, a person only wastes his energy, it goes in the wrong direction, which brings happiness and success.

Almost all the efforts made by a person in the material world arise from egoism, and everything that comes from egoism naturally destroys harmony.

Many sages have said, "Acting out of love, you will achieve more." When a person acts out of love, he does not feel effort, he does not feel tension, there is no fatigue, there is harmony. But as soon as a person begins to make excessive efforts (because the ego always wants more, especially in material terms), then there is less harmony, and everyone can feel it - there is less happiness, peace, satisfaction.

The law of harmony does not mean to stop making any effort, it means that one should try not to lose the sense of harmony.

A lot of energy is expended in maintaining a sense of self-importance, obtaining approval from others and satisfying one's endless material desires, for which one pays in one way or another.

Deepak Chopra points out the three components of the law of harmony: acceptance, responsibility and openness. Acceptance means accepting everything as it is. Responsibility means not blaming anyone, including yourself, but considering the problems that arise as opportunities, and acting on this basis. Openness means to stop defending your point of view, not to try to convince someone, to be flexible, thereby not wasting time and effort. These three components of the law of least effort allow you to maintain harmony and not waste energy.

The Fifth Spiritual Law of Success and Happiness - THE LAW OF ATTENTION, DESIRE AND INTENTION

What we pay attention to acquires meaning, power and influence. Without attention, nothing exists, or, to put it simply, has no effect on us. What we stop paying attention to, gradually disappears for us.

Wanting something, we, first of all, pay attention to it, attach importance, give importance. But in order for the desired to come true, intention is needed. One desire is not enough. Just dreaming is not enough.

Deepak Chopra says that if we follow all the other spiritual laws of success, then the intention itself ensures the embodiment of the desired. Intention, falling into the fertile ground of attention, is the strongest creative force that organizes the fulfillment of desire, and we do not even need to think about the details.

To fulfill a desire, it is important to know and apply three important points:

The intention should be for the benefit of all

We need to stop being attached to the result.

No need to reject the here and now

Only the moment is now real, since the past is memory and recollection, the future is the anticipation and fantasies of the mind, and the present is the awareness of what is. Here and now is also a field of potential opportunities. The forces that create reality are not in the past and not in the future, they simply are - in this field of potentialities, right here and now. And these forces are attention, desire and intention.

The attention must be in the present, the intention must be in the present - you must be in the moment now. The present does not need to be fought or rejected.

Although the intention is for the future, you don't need to be attached to the result, because by focusing on the result, you miss the moment now, you start fantasizing, and the intention loses its power.

1. “Enter a pause”, which means to focus attention in the gap between thoughts. In other words, plunge into silence, return to the center of your being, abide in your nature.

2. Being in a pause, realize your desire and create an intention. You plant your intention in the fertile soil of pure potentiality, and then everything will happen by itself - just like a seed sprouts itself, planted in fertile land.

3. Continue to be aware of your true Self, your connection to the field of pure potentiality. Don't try to judge yourself or see yourself in terms of others. It is also not recommended to share your desires with those who do not share them completely.

4. Relinquish attachment to results. You don't need to give up the result, you just need to not be attached to a specific detailed result, allowing the power of intention to fulfill your desire in such a way that it will benefit everyone. Often our ideas about the ideal common good are wrong. It is better to be in ignorance and uncertainty about the specific result that the intention you created will achieve and enjoy every moment of life than to be disappointed later when you see that the details do not match the desired. This point is difficult to understand for those who wish good only for themselves, and for such people this method may not work - due to the fact that spiritual laws are not understood or are used for purely selfish purposes.

5. Having created the intention, let go of the desire and do not think about the details of the implementation of the desired, the universe itself will organize all the details in the best possible way.

The sixth law is the LAW OF DETAINMENT TO RESULT

According to the law of detachment, in order to get what you want, you need to give up attachment to what you want - to what you want to achieve. You do not give up desire and intention, you give up ATTACHMENT to what you want to receive.

The Higher Self is the source of everything that only exists and can exist in this world. Attachment to anything, including attachment to the result, reduces confidence in the omnipotence of one's higher self, thereby reducing its power and creative ability to create and attract what is desired.

Attachment is based on ignorance of one's true nature (the nature of the soul is pure unidentified consciousness), a feeling of insecurity and fear. Without knowing himself, a person does not have solid ground under his feet, he is subject to fears, worries and insecurity, therefore he begins to chase after external things - money, material objects, power, comfort, fame, believing that these second-rate substitutes for happiness will give him confidence and stability. So he becomes attached to all these fleeting things, losing the creative ability and strength of his higher self.

Seeking certainty and stability in the outer world (the material world) is a futile exercise that also hinders development because it is attachment to the known. The known is the past, and thus a person who is tied to the past (i.e., to the known) acts according to the patterns of the past, thereby losing many new possibilities.

The way out is the wisdom of uncertainty, or ignorance, which means being in the unknown, being in the field of all possible options. This is detachment from the past and the future, and this detachment opens up a lot of new opportunities for getting what you want.

In order to find yourself in the field of all possibilities (in the space of options), you need to take a step into the unknown, remove attachment to the past and future, that is, cut off attachment to the known. This is easier for those who are engaged in self-knowledge and research into the spiritual laws of life.

When you act out of attachment, your intention is limited by rigid mental patterns, lack of flexibility, spontaneity and creativity, and this greatly interferes with the creative process of creating what you want. By setting certain limits (details and routes to get what you want), you thereby lose many other possible routes and details, thereby reducing the likelihood of getting what you want.

When applying the law of detachment, one should try to avoid ideas and notions of how things should be as a result, and in what way desires should be realized.

The Seventh Spiritual Law of Happiness and Success - THE LAW OF DESIGNATION

Each person on Earth has his own purpose, each has some unique talent or ability, along with a unique way of expressing it, and this purpose and talent must be discovered and developed in oneself. There may be several talents. No two people are the same and there are things you can do better than others.

You also have unique needs, and if these are met through the creative expression of your talent, this leads to abundance, success, and happiness.

The Higher Self assumes the form of a person in order to reveal and use its talents to satisfy its needs, and one of the most important needs of the soul is to bring good to all (“to all” means “including oneself”).

Therefore, according to the spiritual law of destiny, you need to discover your talents and use them for the benefit of all living beings. Since everything is one (see the first law), only activities for the benefit of all can bring happiness and success.

The Law of Destiny has three components:

1. Each person must know his true Self, realize himself as a spiritual being, manifested in the material world. Without this, there can be no happiness and real success.

2. You need to discover and use your talent. There is something you can do better than anyone else on this earth. The use of this talent gives you true satisfaction and brings happiness not only to yourself, but also to those around you.

3. Service to humanity. Your abilities and talents should be of benefit to this world. The question "what will it give me?" should be replaced by the question “how will it benefit everyone?” or “how can I be useful to this world?” In this way you move from selfishness, disappointment and suffering to success, spiritual satisfaction and happiness.

When you know who you really are, discover your talent and use it for the benefit of all mankind (or at least for the benefit of your immediate environment), you fully realize the law of destiny. This is the only way to achieve success, happiness and abundance.

  • “If you had all the money in the world and endless time, what would you do?” And if you answer, "The same thing I'm doing now," you are already using the law of purpose.
  • Then you need to answer the second question: “How can I serve humanity in the best way?”, And then use your answer in real life.
  • You need to discover your true Divine nature, use your talent for the good of the whole world, and this will bring success, joy and happiness.
  • When you benefit others by meeting the spiritual needs of your fellowmen, success, wealth, and fulfillment will come into your life.
  • You begin to see Life as a wonderful manifestation of the Divine - constantly, from moment to moment. Every moment is filled with beauty, joy and triumph of the spirit, and only then you will know the true meaning of life. published

Chopra Deepak

Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents

To my children


Gautama and Samantha


I am infinitely grateful to my family, who have always supported me and taught me to understand the true meaning of success; staff at the Health Centers I run in La Jolla, California, and Opportunity Limitless in Massachusetts; my extended Harmony family, especially Peter Gazzardi, Patty Eddy, Tina Constable and Chip Gibson; and finally, Muriel Nellis, who was the godmother of all my literary endeavors.


The publication of my book "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" caused an immediate and wonderful reaction: after reading it, thousands of people began to apply in their daily lives the principles that Nature uses to materialize everything that exists in it.

Over time, requests began to come to me also from those who happened to become parents. These requests could be expressed in a variety of forms, but they all boiled down to one thing:

“Following these spiritual laws has brought me so much benefit that I can only regret that I did not know them many years ago. Now the value of such principles as giving, openness and faith that the Universe has satisfied my desires seems quite obvious, but this did not come immediately. It took a struggle at first to get rid of the destructive habits I grew up with.

I have kids and I don't want them to adopt the same bad habits and then have to go through the same pain to change them.

How to make sure this doesn't happen?" In response to all these requests, I have written a new book, where I provide an expanded description of the Seven Spiritual Laws especially for parents. For anyone who would like to interpret spiritual laws for children, I want to show you how to do this so that children can understand and use them. I came from the belief that all parents need a tool to help raise their children to a true understanding of how Nature and consciousness work.

Everyone in the world wants something, every person has some desire. From the very beginning, children should know that desire is the main driving force of human nature. This is the energy of the Spirit. When we grow up and begin to search for answers to difficult questions or solve life's challenging problems, we have to deal with the same natural desires that once turned us into curious children, and nothing more.

The one who seeks is just a child who has grown from the need for parental love to the need for the love of God, from the desire for a toy to the desire for endless creation.

In this book, I will try to show parents how their children can better satisfy their desires and successfully achieve in their lives what they want to achieve. And I will try to explain spiritual concepts in a way that children can understand.

But this is not just a book meant for children, because what children need to know is only a modified form of what adults should also know.

In their worship of material success, society has forgotten the basic truth that success depends on who you are, not on what you do.

The source of all achievement in life is Being, essence or spirit - call it what you like. But the concept of Being is too abstract, so people see it as an idea rather than something real and useful. And yet, when we turn to the oldest traditions of human wisdom, we find some unchanging, recognizable, trustworthy principles, following which the spirit from the eternal Being is revealed in everyday life.

It may be difficult for some to understand how it could happen that spiritual laws, having such value in everyday life, were forgotten for centuries.

One can draw an analogy with electricity, which did not enter the consciousness of people until light bulbs appeared, although the entire Universe has been permeated with electricity since its inception. Being (spirit, essence) in the same way remains invisible, although it has a huge impact on everyday life.

Behind the visible universe, the invisible mind works based on the Seven Spiritual Laws. To use the same analogy: if the laws governing electrical energy were not discovered, its practical application would never be possible.

Now, in an age of violence and unrest, parents are required more than ever to take on the role of spiritual guides to their children. The laws by which Nature works are not of a private nature. They apply to everyone and everything. Therefore, understanding these laws is not just a way to help a few people, it is vital for our entire society and even for our entire civilization.

If the number of children raised in the observance of the Seven Spiritual Laws reaches a critical mass, it will have an impact on the entire civilization. Love and compassion, which are often so vulgarized today, can become a vital necessity for every person living on Earth.

I am sure that it is our duty to ensure that as many children as possible grow up with the knowledge of what this spiritual reality is.

Capturing the spirit has always been difficult. One ancient Indian source states that a knife cannot cut it, water cannot wet it, the wind cannot blow it away, the sun cannot dry it. Every molecule of our universe is saturated with Being, every thought that you have, every bit of information that you receive with your five senses is nothing but Being. But Being is impossible to watch because it is completely silent, like a choreographer who choreographs a dance but never takes part in it. From Being we always get support, every breath is saturated with it, and yet it is something that our parents should teach us a little.

We cannot be judged for not knowing anything about the spirit, so that we ourselves can take up the study of the Seven Spiritual Laws with the same enthusiasm with which we teach our children. It was this thought that guided me in the first place when writing this book.

Part one

The Role of Parents and the Gift of the Spirit

And yet, who is God? Eternal Child, forever playing in the eternal garden.

Sri Aurobindo

The deepest desire of any parent is to see their child succeed in life, but how many of us understand that the most direct path to success is through the spirit?




A practical guide to making your dreams come true

This book should be read by anyone who missed Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet.


"Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" is a set of virtual reality tools for the spiritual travelerXXIcenturies.

Peter Gaber, Chairman and PresidentSonyPicturesEntertainment

Of all Deepak's books, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success provides the most in-depth description of how to take your life to a higher and more holistic level. It's great.

"Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" can serve as excellent guidelines for anyone who is trying to build a life or a human organization that is productive and fulfilling.

Deepak Chopra is a world-renowned leader in mind-body medicine and human performance. He is the author of many best-selling books, including "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind", "Quantum Healing", "Creating Abundance", "Way of Magic"Nika", "The Way to Love", as well as numerous audio and video programs that promote health and well-being. Deepak Chopra's books have been translated into more than twenty-five languages ​​and he is a regular lecturer in the Americas, India, Europe, Japan and Australia. He is currently the Executive Director of the Institute for Psychiatric Medicine and Human Performance at the Emergency Medical Center in San Diego, California.

His devastating books combine physics and philosophy, the practical and the spiritual, time-honored Eastern wisdom and polished Western science, bringing to life results.


Based on the laws that govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, careful planning, or ambition.

AT "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" Deepak Chopra paints a life-changing perspective of success: once you understand your true nature and learn to live in harmony with it, wealth, health, relationships with people will easily and effortlessly rush to you, which will bring you satisfaction, energy and enthusiasm, as well as material well-being.

Packed with timeless wisdom and practical steps you can take immediately, this book will make you want to read it over and over again.

You are your deep desire that drives you.

What is your desire, such is your will.

What is your will, such are your actions.

What are your actions, what is your fate

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5


I would like to express my love and gratitude to the following people:

Janet Mills for lovingly supporting me from the moment I conceived this book to its completion.

Rita Chopra, Mallika Chopra and Gautama Chopra for following the Seven Spiritual Laws in their lives.

To Ray Chambers, Gaylee Rose, Adrianna Ny-know, David Simon, George Harrison, Olivia Harrison, Niomi Judd, Demi Moore and Alice Walton for their courage and commitment to an inspiring, uplifting, noble attitude towards life, an attitude that will transform that life.

To Roger Gabriel, Brent Bekvar, Rose Bieno-Murphy and all my staff from SharpCenterforMind-BodyMedicine(Centre for Psycho-Bodily Medicine) for being an inspiring example for all our guests and patients.

Deepak Singh, Geeta Singh and all the staff « QuantumPublication» for their unflagging energy and dedication.

Muriel Nellis for her commitment to complete honesty in all of our endeavors.

Richard Pearl for being a wonderful example of living in harmony with oneself.

Deepak Chopra. 7 spiritual laws of success.

(Quotes from the book.)

You are your deep desire that drives you.
What is your desire, such is your will.
What is your will, such are your actions.
What are your actions, what is your fate

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5

Although this book is titled The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, it could be
also called the "Seven Spiritual Laws of Life" because nature uses
the same principles for everything that finds a material embodiment

Success in life can be defined as the continuous expansion of happiness.
and gradual achievement of the set goals. Success is
the ability to satisfy your desires without much effort. And yet
success, including wealth creation, is always considered a process that
requires hard work, and people usually believe that achieving success
only possible at someone else's expense. Knowledge and application of spiritual laws
will allow you to live in harmony with nature and do whatever you want
taken carelessly, joyfully and with love.

Success has many aspects, material wealth is only one of its
components. Besides, success is a journey, not a destination .

Material abundance, in all its manifestations, becomes one of those aspects
which make this journey more enjoyable. But success also includes
good health, energy and enthusiasm, relationships that would make you
satisfied, freedom to create, emotional and psychological
stability, a sense of well-being, a calm mind.
But even with all this, we remain unrealized until we
Let's grow in ourselves the sprouts of the Divine.
So real success is experiencing a miracle. This disclosure
Divine within us.
That feeling of wonder everywhere you go
whatever your eyes fall on - in the eyes of a child, in the beauty of a flower, in
the flight of a bird.
When we begin to perceive our life as a miraculous manifestation
Divine - not from time to time, but constantly - only then we
understand the true meaning of success.
The physical laws of the Universe are, in essence, the whole course of development
Divine in motion, or consciousness in motion. When we understand these
laws and apply them to our lives, we can create whatever we want
wanted, because the same laws that nature uses to create a forest,
galaxy, star or human body, can also force
fulfill our deepest desires.

So, Laws of Success.

Here's a great pattern I found on this site.

7 spiritual laws of success.

1. The Law of Pure Potentiality.

2. The Law of Giving.

3. Law of Karma.

4. Law of Least Effort

5. The Law of Desire and Intention

6. Law of Attachment

7. Law of Dharma. .

At one time, the book of the Indian scientist Deepak Chopra "7 Spiritual Laws of Success" made a splash in the world. After it, many books were published that spoke about the same in other words, and even now bookstores are simply bursting with an abundance of literature in the style of “how to attract wealth (health, love, success - choose what you need) into your life” ... So what is it all about these books and what are these laws?

"The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success"
they are laws of nature applicable to human experience.
These are the laws of manifestation of the implicit,
the laws of the transformation of the spirit into the material Universe.
Deepak Chopra

1. Law of Pure Potentiality

According to this law, everything in this world is pure consciousness. Consciousness generates thoughts, feelings and actions. In Pure Potentiality everything is possible. As applied to life, this law says the following: learn to refrain from judgment. Start each day with the words: “Today I will not evaluate anything that happens,” and turn to the idea that self-acceptance is the source and goal of life. If you constantly make judgments, including in your address, divide everything into good and bad, then you generate streams in your mind that block your access to pure potentiality.

2. Law of Exchange

According to the Law of Exchange, the activity of the Universe manifests itself through dynamic exchange. Life is a stream of elements and forces that make up the field of everything that exists. When the flow of water in the river stops, the water stagnates and blooms. That is why you should not close yourself, but you should constantly give and take, because only in this way will you keep the life force circulating in yourself. Do not change the intention to give, to give something to everyone with whom you enter into communication during the day. It can be a kind word, a smile, a compliment or a small gift. Likewise, do not reject the gifts that the day brings you!

3. Law of Karma (cause and effect)

Every action we perform generates a release of energy, which, one way or another, returns to us. If we consciously choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, our karma will reward us with the same - we ourselves will know happiness and success. Like it or not, everything that is happening right now is the result of multiple choices you made in the past. By making more conscious choices based on calm observation, you are making choices that are free from karma.

4. Law of Least Effort

According to the Law of Least Effort, natural intelligence manifests itself with effortless ease. Watch the ebb and flow of the sea, the blossoming flowers - you will not notice that nature is straining. The Law of Least Effort teaches us that by doing less, we accomplish more. Consciously adopt an attitude of non-resistance. Don't waste your life energy defending your point of view or trying to convince others of anything. Be open to any opinion and don't stick to one rigidly.

5. Law of Intention and Desire

Be aware of your intentions and desires. Take time regularly to make a written list of what you would like to see happen in your life. Rewrite your list as your desires come true or change, and note how your intentions and desires are transformed. By fixing the aspirations of the mind and heart on paper, you will thereby speed up the process of fulfilling your desires.

6. Law of Dispassion

The sixth law is the law of Dispassion, which reveals the great paradox of life: in order to achieve any thing in the world, you must loosen your connection with it. This does not mean that you give up the intention to fulfill your desire. Just achieving a result does not absorb you completely. Commitment and attachment to something arises from fear and insecurity. Instead of controlling the course of things, you give yourself up to the mood of adventure and immerse yourself in the mystery of life.

7. Law of Dharma (or Life Purpose)

Let your inner voice not be silent, calling you to help and serve people. If behind your every action there is an intention to hold on to dharma, or life's purpose, your actions will not meet with obstacles, on the contrary, they will be rewarded with success.

I can't say for sure how much these laws really help you succeed in life, but what you will really achieve by applying them is a more relaxed attitude to everything that happens. Proven in practice. After all, this is the law of dispassion! So the next time a little tragedy happens in your life—you get fired, for example—you can say out loud to their faces, “Great! So it's time to get you out of my life and open up to something bigger.

1. Law of Pure Potentiality

This is essentially what is said in the films Secret 2 and Secret 3 - the deepest level of being - the field of potentialities that everything consists of.

But we must have access to it. In daily life, mind modifications, constant preoccupation with the future, and anxiety prevent us from feeling connected to the field of pure potentiality.

“Complete silence is the first requirement for the manifestation of your desires, because it is in it that your connection with the space of pure potentiality lies, which can open all of its infinity to you.

Imagine that you have thrown a small pebble into a pond and are watching how ripples spread across the surface of the water. After a while, when the ripples calm down, you throw the next pebble. This is what you do when you enter a space of pure silence and bring your intention into it. In that silence, even the slightest intention will cause ripples on the surface of the universal consciousness that binds everything together.

But, if you have not achieved stillness of consciousness, if your mind is like a stormy ocean, throw even the Empire State Building there, you will not notice anything.

2. Law of Giving

Well, everything is clear here, a whole film was made about this (The Code of Moses). The more you give, the more you receive.

“In fact, everything that has value only multiplies when you give it away. That which does not multiply due to giving is not worth giving or receiving. If you feel that by giving you lose something, then giving It wasn't real and it won't grow in. If you give reluctantly, there is no energy behind your gift.

The most important thing about your giving and receiving is intention. The intention should always be to make both the giver and the receiver feel happy, because it is happiness that sustains life, and therefore generates growth."

3. The Law of "Karma" or the Law of Cause and Effect

This law could be briefly expressed by the well-known phrase: "As you sow, so shall you reap." Karma is both the action itself and what follows from it.

"You can use the Law of Karma to create money, wealth, and all sorts of things whenever you want. But first, you must fully realize that your future is determined by the choices you make every moment of your life."

That is, in order to consciously create the future we want, it is necessary to monitor and be aware of the choices that we make every moment, and also ask ourselves the question: “How will this choice affect me and others? What will be the consequences?

4. Law of Least Effort

“The least effort is spent when you are driven by love in your actions, because everything in nature is united by the energy of love. When you are looking for power and the ability to control other people, you waste your energy.

Even when you are pursuing money and power for your ego, you are wasting energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying the happiness of the present moment. If you seek money only for personal gain, you cut off the flow of energy to yourself and interfere with the expression of the mind of nature. But when your actions are driven by love, there can be no wasted energy. When your actions are driven by love, your energy accumulates and multiplies..."

Deepak Chopra identifies three components of the Law of Least Effort:

a) Acceptance (we talked about it in the article The Cure for All Diseases). Acceptance of real events as they are, because by not accepting, by resisting the present moment, you are fighting the entire Universe.

b) Responsibility. Taking responsibility means accepting the current situation and realizing that it was the result of our elections in the past.

As well as the ability to be creative. Then any most frustrating situation turns into an opportunity.

c) Openness, non-resistance. It means refraining from defending your point of view and allowing other people to have theirs. When you do not defend, do not defend your point of view, you do not meet resistance and do not waste energy.

5. Law of Intention and Desire

"This law is based on the fact that energy and information exist everywhere. In fact, the level of the quantum field is nothing but energy and information. The quantum field is just another name for the field of pure consciousness and pure potentiality. And this quantum field is affected intention and desire.

Deepak Chopra identifies two components inherent in our consciousness: attention and intention. Intention is directed to the future, attention is in the present.

Intention is desire without concern for the end result.

"Intention, combined with detachment, leads to present moment awareness focused on what matters most. And when action is carried out in present moment awareness, it is most effective."

That is, all our attention must be concentrated on the present, then we let go, do not become attached to our desires, and they are carried out with the least effort.

6. The Law of Detachment

"The moment you give up your attachment to the result, by combining precisely directed intention with detachment, you get what you want. Whatever you desire can be achieved through detachment, because detachment relies on absolute confidence in the power your true self."

When we are not attached to the result, we leave the Universe itself to dispose of all the details of the implementation of our intentions. And the Universe itself knows the least costly and fastest way.

Thoughts about how our desires are realized squeeze our intention into a rigid framework, flexibility is lost. In this case, it will take much more energy to implement the intention.

7. Law of Dharma or Destiny

"The Law of Dharma states that we manifest in a physical body in order to fulfill this purpose. The field of pure potentiality is Divine in its essence, and the Divine takes on a human form to fulfill its purpose."

The Law of Dharma has three components:

a) Awareness of the divine essence in oneself. We must discover our true, spiritual self.

b) Unique talent. Each person has some unique ability. Something he can do better than anyone else.
When you discover your unique talent, you lose track of time.

c) Service to humanity. When you combine your unique talent with the service of humanity, you fully utilize the Law of Dharma.

To learn how to serve humanity, it is enough instead of asking: "What will this give me?" start asking yourself the question, "What can I do for those who cross my path?"

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Based on Deepak Chopra's book Seven spiritual laws of success
Tags: Seven spiritual laws of success, rules of life, Deepak Chopra.