Affirmations for love and early marriage: the subtleties of the technique. How to compose and use Affirmations to attract Love

My good friend Olga was still unable to establish her personal life. Olga is pretty, educated, well-read, and at the same time a good hostess and easily converges with people.

All her relationships with the opposite sex come down either to a short-term romance, or to a strong friendship, when a man simply does not perceive the girl as a woman in the literal sense. For a long time, Olya simply did not dwell on her personal life and took everything that happened rather for granted. But over time, she began to think that she received an education, has a good high-paying job and her own housing, but there are still no serious relationships, and loneliness is not what she dreamed of.

Quite by chance, she stumbled upon an applied psychology website, where positive thinking and its importance for a person were mentioned more than once. Olya became interested in this topic and spent more than one hour to study the essence of the issue. On the same site, she also found recommendations for working with her subconscious, and also learned that by working with her own subconscious, she can improve her personal life.

The first results became visible a month later, when a new employee of the company where Olga worked began to accompany her to lunch, and a week later he invited her to take a walk. The dates continued one after another, and Alexei still courted Olga, without losing interest at all. Personal life began to improve.

To date, Olya and Alexei have been together for five years, of which three years have been officially married. Olya assures that her happiness is built on positive thinking, because all this time she did not stop working on her mind and personal relationships.

You can buy up the entire pharmacy, but you can't break the sticky web of loneliness, kill depression, or run away from despair. A very special medicine will help ... love. Far more people die from its absence than from starvation...

Mother Teresa

Keys to Success with Affirmations

Before you start working with affirmations, you need to understand what positive thinking is and how to work with it.

Affirmations are positive attitudes, phrases in which personal desires and aspirations are fixed, aimed at securing a specific goal by influencing our subconscious. Simply put, affirmations are positive attitudes, thoughts that all desires and aspirations will come true in the near future.

All that is required of the person himself is to translate his desires into affirmative phrases and believe that a good thought can materialize.

Reading affirmations is the consolidation of certain images, which can be both positive and negative, in our unconscious, which tries as much as possible to bring together the image we have invented and the real situation in a person’s life. P

Therefore, you should be afraid of negative thoughts that can characterize your life from a bad side. Don't complain about life. In order for everything to be good in life, you need to think only about the good.

Affirmations are a boomerang method in action, because good is drawn to good, and evil to evil. The whole world religion and philosophy, and with it psychology, is built on the perception of reality only through positive, positive images.

This also implies that it is worth abandoning negative thoughts, not paying attention to the evil deeds of people around us, and in no case complaining about our own lives.

In order for affirmations to work, you need to make sure that the following is correct:

  1. The idea is short, but capaciously conveys the meaning. The affirmation should contain your desire in full, but it should be easy to perceive and remember.
  2. All your wishes have already come true. Affirmation can only be in the present tense. The affirmation should sound like a fact. For example: "I'm happy!".
  3. A successful affirmation consists only of positive affirmations, absolutely ignoring any denial or uncertainty.
  4. Positive thinking can only work for you and for you! Your desires cannot be extended to other people!

But how do you work with positive thinking? Make a list of 10-15 affirmations. Every thought should convey your true feelings and desires.

To make positive thoughts easy to digest, you can get creative with working with affirmations:

  1. Say affirmations aloud, changing the intonation and timbre of your voice. This will help not only to practice your speaking skills, but also make your work with affirmations more successful.
  2. Listen to positive thoughts. Such work with the subconscious will be convenient for those who do not have the opportunity to be alone at certain hours.
  3. Remind yourself of your goals! Make some notes for yourself with affirmations and hang them in the places where you visit most often during the day.
  4. Try to say affirmations while standing in front of a mirror. This method will help you change your attitude towards yourself, love yourself.
  5. From the affirmations you have chosen on one topic, try to compose a short poem. This approach will help you quickly remember all the positive attitudes, even if there are a lot of them. And if you manage to compose a song, then positive thoughts and a song will also become a guarantee of a good mood.

At the initial stage, use no more than fifteen affirmations. The main thing is that they should touch on the main aspects of life - career, success, financial situation, relationships in the family and with colleagues, health, personal development. Repeat affirmations at least twice a day. Auto-training classes can be carried out more often, but not reduced to one time.

Affirmations for love, happiness, early marriage and family

If there is no loved one in your life, and your heart asks for simple female happiness, try using the following positive thoughts:

  • I am open to love!
  • I am a magnet for love!
  • I love the world around me, he loves me back!
  • I'm ready for a serious relationship!
  • My relationship with my loved one is harmonious!
  • I am close to my loved one!
  • I'm happy!
  • My relationship is based on love and passion!
  • Relationships give me tenderness, warmth and protection!
  • I'm ready for a serious and open relationship!
  • I am grateful for my happy relationship!
  • Love and mutual respect is the basis of my relationship!
  • I'm ready to scream about the feelings that overwhelm me!
  • Loving and being loved are the most natural feelings!
  • My relationship is built on trust and respect!

And the following affirmations will be an excellent like-minded person for those who want to successfully marry and live a happy family life:

  • I am ready to give my heart to my beloved. Our hearts beat in the same rhythm!
  • I met a man who will always be with me!
  • Our relationship is idyllic!
  • I am sure that soon I will become his wife!
  • Today is the day when he will receive a proposal for marriage!
  • I am the most caring and loving wife!
  • I need my man, and he can't imagine his life without me!
  • Our passion will be our companion throughout our life together, which will be long and happy!
  • I save my feelings for him, and he will save our relationship!
  • I am the happiest woman, because I am loved and love myself!
  • I am a loving and happy wife!
  • I deserve a better man!
  • I myself make my family happy, and the house warm and cozy!
  • Peace and harmony reign in my family!
  • I love my family and they love me back!
  • I'm loved, which means I'm happy!

When working with affirmations, remember that everything depends on a positive attitude and believing in what you desire with all your heart.

Psychological techniques, although they seem unreliable to most skeptics, nevertheless, as practice shows, they are actually effective. It is unlikely that they will solve all problems only through simple persuasion, but a number of issues can be dealt with. Affirmations, which are a kind of internal commands, do a good job of changing the perception of the surrounding reality, which is important for building harmonious relationships.

How to use affirmations to attract love?

It is important to understand that affirmations are exclusively positive thoughts. You can’t build them in an indefinite form: for example, “I am proud of myself, but the situation of last year ...”. Even if there were some mistakes in life, albeit serious ones, even if you are not perfect (and who is perfect?), you need to learn to accept yourself. In addition, you can not build phrases with denial: for example, "I'm not afraid to be alone." The subconscious immediately discards this small particle, and the mood goes directly to the opposite. Therefore, you can only work with clear and precise phrases.

There are several ways to “implement” them in your subconscious, and for a better effect, of course, it is desirable to embody everything. First, say the selected phrases daily. It is recommended to do this in the morning, when a kind of programming of a new day takes place. It doesn't matter whether you will pronounce affirmations loudly or barely audibly: it is only important to maintain confidence in these words. The number of statements also does not play any role. Speaking through a mirror, referring to your reflection, is considered an effective way.

Secondly, you can conduct visual activation: print the selected affirmations on a piece of paper, stick it where your eyes often appear - at the computer monitor, on the refrigerator, on the wall opposite the sofa, etc. As soon as the statement comes into your field of vision, you need to linger on it in order to read it to yourself.

Thirdly, psychologists advise not only to read and pronounce, but also to prescribe positive statements. To do this, you can get a separate notebook, or you can use a new blank sheet each time, but they are not burned, but stacked and put away first at night under the pillow, then in any secluded place.

Affirmations for self love

Oddly enough, but in order to finally have the one who can go through fire and water with you, embody all your thoughts about a personal fairy tale and become the only one, you should initially think about loving yourself, and not looking for love from the outside. surrounding. No matter how it is denied, but the energy of a person that he spreads around him works better than any external attractiveness: a feeling of comfort and disposition towards oneself is often decisive. And this applies to absolutely all aspects, up to the attitude of a woman to herself. If she is clearly convinced that everything is wrong with her, her life is of no particular value and is not filled with bright colors, and she herself cannot arouse interest in a man, and not superficial, but turning into a deep feeling, so be it. And not because the stronger sex has suddenly lost all positive qualities, but because a woman will be perceived exactly as she perceives herself. For this reason, it is necessary to start with affirmations for self-love.

For example:

  • "Every day I get better and better"
  • “I am absolutely happy and satisfied with my life”
  • "My inner and outer worlds are in harmony"
  • "I can do whatever I want"
  • "I have every reason to get what I want"
  • “I am unique and deserve special treatment”

It can be seen that each of the statements in some way has a selfish particle - as it should be. This does not mean that you will be so filled with love for yourself that you will stop hearing and feeling others, giving love to them. But your task is not to divide yourself by meeting a man, but to maintain integrity, at the same time merging into a new and happy “we”. Therefore, a little selfish note of this very “I” will not hurt.

Affirmation for the love of a man

After you have dealt with gaining confidence and accepting yourself with all the negative and positive sides, you can enhance the effect by turning to affirmations for love and early marriage. The main point in composing such phrases is to use only the present extended tense. By putting the words in a future form, without specifics, you can turn the waiting period into infinity. It is better to make these settings yourself, since everyone creates their own happiness, but you can also use existing ones if they suit you.

  • "I'm next to the man I was looking for"
  • "I love and am loved, having found a home and a heart"
  • “I am interested in men, they are comfortable with me, they want to give me their love”
  • "I am marrying the one who was meant for me"
  • “I am grateful to fate for meeting the one in my heart”
  • “Men have the deepest feelings for me”
  • "My man wants me to spend my whole life with him"

How often to repeat affirmations for love and early marriage? There is no single recommendation. You can voice the phrase only 1-2 times a day, but do it with full awareness and pure faith, or you can at least constantly repeat the same thing, but at the same time think about rising prices and traffic jams on a weekday. Of course, the last option will not work. Sincere conviction in the correctness of affirmations is the guarantor of their effectiveness.

Love is the greatest force that makes it possible to feel the world a little differently, and experience many positive emotions. It is not surprising that each of us strive to know this feeling. True, some have to reap it for quite a long time. It's good that there are ways to fill your life with love. One of these ways are affirmations for the love of a man. Just do not confuse them with magic, they will not lead you to the threshold of the "prince", but only change your attitude to life, give you the opportunity to act in such a way that. Therefore, just repeating affirmations to attract love is not enough, you will need to act on your own.

Affirmations to Attract Love

  1. My heart is open to new love.
  2. I am a magnet that attracts love into my life.
  3. I enjoy love and intimacy.
  4. I find the perfect person for me, passion and love between us.
  5. I love men and my life is open to them.
  6. I attract love because I deserve it.
  7. I give and receive love easily, effortlessly.
  8. I feel loved.
  9. I love and I am loved. This is amazing!
  10. I allow myself to love, it's perfectly safe.
  11. My heart is open to tenderness and mutual love.
  12. I am truly worthy of love.
  13. I radiate love into the world, and it returns to me.
  14. I allow myself to be wanted and loved.
  15. I love myself as the most precious person in my life.

In addition to affirmations for love, you can use an equally effective method of sending love. It is based on the immutable law of retribution, as the saying goes, "as you sow, so shall you reap." Therefore, if you want to receive love, then you need to give it. Moreover, you need to give it not only to the world, but also to yourself.

Affirmations for a man's love and happiness in a relationship

It is not enough to bring love into life, you also want to keep the relationship that has arisen for a long time. To do this, you can use affirmations of the following content.

  1. My earthly marriage is a reflection of the union made in heaven.
  2. Every day my marriage gets better and stronger.
  3. I create romance and love in my life.
  4. I have an irresistible attraction to my partner.
  5. I have pure, unconditional love for my partner.
  6. My partner and I love each other very much.
  7. My partner is loyal to me.
  8. My partner is the love of my life and he treats me the same way.
  9. My partner and I are perfect sexually.
  10. I have a wonderful partner, we are happy.
  11. My partner and I are a perfect match spiritually.
  12. My partner and I are a perfect match intellectually.
  13. I am grateful to my relationship for the lessons taught.
  14. All is well in my marriage.
  15. We are ideally suited with a partner emotionally.
  16. I have a happy sexual relationship with a person who really loves me.
  17. All changes in my married life are positive, I am completely safe.
  18. I always keep a sense of humor about events in our marriage.
  19. I sincerely admire my husband.
  20. My partner respects my point of view, and I respect his opinion.

You do not need to repeat all the above affirmations to attract a loved one, choose only those that are found in you. the greatest response, and even better, come up with your own statement. Since it will be much more effective than other people's words, your personal affirmation will reflect your state, will be charged with your energy, and therefore will work better. It is also worth remembering that it is not only specially pronounced affirmations that influence, but also the rest of your thoughts and words. Therefore, if in the morning you tell yourself a couple of times that you are worthy of love, and for the rest of the day you will torment yourself with thoughts that nothing shines for you, since the figure is not the same, and in general you are a loser, then you should not expect any positive effect from affirmations. costs.

The real story of how Anastasia, being in love with a colleague, regularly read affirmations to attract him

The story of how my friend found her love is an example of how affirmations to attract a soul mate really work.

We learned about this technique while being frivolous students: they wanted to attract a cute boy, and not to overwhelm the session. Then abandoned and forgotten.

Nastya remembered affirmations for a man's love, when nothing else helped to capture the attention of the most important handsome man - Dmitry.

She walked in front of him in revealing outfits, learned to drive in order to park next to him and talk about the weather on the way from the car to the office. She guarded him near the bookstore, thought that he liked to read, and gave him certificates for the purchase of books. Later it became known that he was chasing the saleswoman of this store.

Affirmations are on the way.

God, Nastya, it worked in my youth, because only guys lived on our floor in the hostel ...

No, you just don't believe in me. And I believe.

And she believed in herself, and in the action of affirmations to attract a loved one. Anastasia muttered them under her breath all day, convincing me that they would definitely work.

From her parted lips one could hear “Next to me is the man I dreamed about. I am married to the perfect man. My man loves and appreciates me.

What was my surprise when she married just like that. But it was not Dima, but a prince really worthy of Nastya, who meets her every Friday from work with a bouquet of flowers, which makes the entire beautiful half of the office wildly delighted.

The example of Anastasia proves the effectiveness of affirmations to attract a loved one and happy events. We see how the power of the word and the correct formulations are backed up by faith and self-confidence.

The unconscious repetition of memorized phrases has no power. The main condition for success is faith in what you say.

Affirmations to attract a loved one require regularity. Don't skip days, let alone weeks. Consciousness will not perceive the meaning of the correct program and will continue to live according to the old one.

The mirror principle works. Be what you want to attract. If your goal is an attentive and successful man, do not forget about yourself, your development. If you want to love and be loved, learn to love yourself. Otherwise, strong affirmations “I am a magnet for men” or “I attract love” will turn out to be an empty sound.

The affirmation technique does not tolerate negative words and formulations. The text of the program should not contain words with the particle “not” and “neither”, the words “never”, “no one”, “no one”. Avoid uncertainty: "somewhere", "someday", "anyone". Instead, use words that convey your emotions: "great", "I'm happy", "extraordinarily happy" and others.

You must understand exactly what you want. Focus your mind on the character traits, life principles of the future chosen one. Avoid listing external features if you want to create affirmations for the love of a particular man: handsome, tall, blue-eyed, pumped up.

Repeat settings in a calm voice when you are in a good mood. If there is no psychological barrier, that is, you fully believe in the strength of the program, then the session may take 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, give it more time.

Experienced users are advised to repeat the settings in the morning after waking up and before going to bed, but repetition during the day will not be superfluous.

The most successful affirmations for attracting a man are the ones you make yourself. When you use other people's programs, change the order of words, choose words that are convenient for you to pronounce.

Make your affirmation a talisman that makes you the happiest woman.

List of affirmations to attract a loved one

  1. I am open to love, feelings and new relationships.
  2. I forgave rude men, let go of my past relationships, broke frivolous ties, said goodbye to pain and resentment.
  3. I am ready for a serious relationship with a man.
  4. I am feminine and beautiful. My body is flexible and sexy, I give tenderness and affection.
  5. I love and accept myself.
  6. I let love into my life. I can create the perfect relationship. I am ready to love and connect my fate with a man. I'm sure I deserve better. I meet a man with whom I create a family.
  7. I was created for a happy and strong marriage. My true role is to be a wife, burnt, mother. I build my family life with my chosen one on mutual trust and care.
  8. I am incredibly happy that I met a man dear to my heart and will keep our mutual feelings.
  9. I attract love with magnetic force.
  10. My life is filled with romantic deeds and happy events.
  11. My world is made of love.
  12. I trust my body and soul (name and surname of a loved one) and feel reciprocity. Our hearts beat forever in unison.
  13. I found a person close to me in spirit. I feel like this is my half.
  14. My spouse is smart, witty, attentive and interesting (and other qualities of a man - what is he like?).
  15. My relationship is developing, love fills me more and more every day. I receive from the chosen one an offer to become his wife and with pleasure and joy I accept it.
  16. I keep the family hearth and harmony. We easily find a common language with a partner and always agree, make joint decisions.
  17. I feel an emotional connection with my spouse, it is easy and comfortable for me to spend time with him. We are close at the level of bodies, we have great sex.
  18. We are made for each other. And so be it!
  19. My personal life and relationships are based on mutual understanding and support, I respect my man. All my feelings are mutual. I deserve it!
  20. I am grateful to the Universe for giving me a spouse, a happy marriage and love.

End affirmations to attract a man with gratitude to the Universe, God, Cosmos, when your work with the subconscious began to bring even small results.

List of affirmations for the return of a loved one / improved relationship

Affirmation for the return of a loved one - should reflect your ultimate goal. This should be the text that you would say if the wish came true. To do this, use verbs in the perfect form, past or present tense.

Such a tragic event as parting with a loved one will help to solve affirmations for a husband’s love with the following content:

  1. My loved one has returned to me.
  2. I attract my loved one like a magnet.
  3. Me and my beloved are close and happy with each other.
  4. My loved one is devoted to me.
  5. My husband is faithful and honest with me, he sincerely loves me.
  6. My destiny is (name of the chosen one), we are together forever.
  7. There is a strong bond between us.
  8. My life is filled with happiness and love.
  9. (Name) loves me.
  10. My beloved is happy only with me, I am his destiny..
  11. We have a common future with (name).
  12. Our family is bypassed by betrayal and distrust.
  13. I love and feel reciprocity.

Conclusion: how does it work?

You need to understand that programs work only on the consciousness of the person who pronounces them. To reinforce the power of affirmation words for the return of your beloved man, connect visualization (imagine only a positive result), work on yourself. Look at yourself with different eyes, from the outside.

Another case is the weakening of the emotional connection with a partner. Affirmations will help here to improve relationships with your loved one:

  1. I feel the love, respect and care of a partner.
  1. I support my beloved, trust and appreciate his closeness.
  1. I am in balance of my own needs with the needs of my partner.
  1. I am full of positive energy of love.
  1. I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude for my relationship.
  1. I deserve to have a healthy relationship.
  1. I do my best to nurture love in me and my partner.

Affirmations to attract the man you love is your way to a happy relationship. You are fighting for your half if you are constantly improving.

Your subconscious will tell you the right path to love, and affirmations to attract a man will be the first step to a successful life.

There is a big difference between the need for love and the lack of love. You experience a lack of love when you are deprived of the love of the most important person for you - yourself. Perhaps you are involved in a fruitless, routine relationship for both partners?

You can never build your love by talking and thinking about your loneliness. The feeling of loneliness and deprivation always pushes people away from each other. You cannot fix your relationship by talking or thinking about its shortcomings. This will only draw your attention to the fact that there are problems. Abstract from problems and start thinking in a new way, believe me, this is what will help you find the right solution. When you blame your limited ability, you unconsciously resist, resistance is just a delaying tactic. It's like saying, "I'm not good enough to have what I'm asking for."

First of all, you must establish a relationship with yourself. When you are happy, relationships with others get better too. A happy person is very attractive to others. If you want to be loved more, start loving yourself more. Say "no" to criticism, complaints, whining, accusations, feelings of loneliness. For now, choose to feel completely satisfied with yourself and think that will make you feel happy.

There is no one definition of love, everyone understands and accepts it in their own way. For some, love is a tender hug, for others it is important to hear the words of love, and others prefer proof of love in the form of gifts or flowers. We prefer to be shown feelings of love, tenderness, respect in the way that we ourselves prefer in relationships with loved ones and close people.

I think that you should constantly work on yourself: feel free to show love for yourself, treat yourself with love and tenderness, indulge yourself, prove to yourself that you are an extraordinary person. Buy flowers yourself home, surround yourself with your favorite smells, flowers, cute little things. Life is a mirror image of the inner state. Be sure, when your inner world turns into a sea of ​​love and romance, your soulmate will be attracted like a magnet.

If you want to get away from thoughts of loneliness, you need to direct your thoughts into the mainstream of creation - create mentally, inside and around you, an atmosphere of love. Let all negative thoughts about love and romance disappear. Make a choice in favor of joyful thoughts: about the opportunity to share love with another person, gratitude for the ability to love and for the happiness of being loved.

If you yourself are able to satisfy your needs, you will not feel disadvantaged and insecure, but it depends on how much you love yourself. If you sincerely love the person you are, feel calm and confident, then you will get along well with family and colleagues. You will notice that you react differently to the situation and others. Those worries and affairs that previously seemed extremely important will no longer seem vital. New people will come into your life, and those around you in your old life may have to disappear. Scary? Yes, perhaps, but at the same time wonderful, new, emotional.

As soon as you feel the strength in yourself to start a new life, when you determine for yourself what you expect from a new relationship, feel free to make acquaintances. Don't wait for Prince Charming to knock on your door. For dating, choose places where you yourself like to visit, then you have the opportunity to meet a person with similar interests and worldview. It's amazing how quickly you can meet new friends. Be open and not indifferent, the Universe will answer you with the highest good.

Remember, when you make a choice in favor of joyful thoughts - you are happy, when you are happy - people are drawn to you and any relationship is getting better.

Letters to Louise Hay: questions about love, affirmations

Dear Louise!
I am a woman, I am forty-three years old, still unmarried. I've done affirmations about my amazing, loving husband coming into my life, I've attended numerous singles groups, etc., but so far no results. I've decided to stay a virgin until I find my best friend, but the last four years have been the longest and loneliest of my life. I have never been hugged or kissed, but I honor the sacred nature of my sexuality by remaining a virgin. I wonder if God hears my prayers or if I will have to get used to being alone forever. The thought of this possibility makes me cry and I can't imagine how I can bear it. Should I stop repeating my affirmations for love relationships? Maybe I should just give it all up?

Dear Louise!
I am almost fifty years old, I have been married for thirteen years, and now I have been divorced for fifteen years. I am currently in a relationship with a loving, beautiful woman who we have been dating for three years. Although I love her, whenever she raises the issue of marriage, I feel incredible resistance - both to the thought of any obligations, and to the thought of a legal union.
The thought of being financially responsible for someone else "forever" scares me. However, I feel that my friend is expecting an answer to her marriage question in the very near future, and I don't know what to do. I'm afraid that I'll lose her by initiating a breakup that I don't really want (it hurts her terribly) and that she'll eventually lose her patience with my indecision. Can you help me deal with my inner conflicts?

Dear friend!
Tell the truth. Explain exactly how you feel and why. Show her the letter if you find it difficult to explain everything in words. You must find a way to communicate if you want to keep a good relationship. If both of you can't communicate with each other, then you're in a quandary. If you are sure that you love this woman, then perhaps you are ready to take some advice. Ask an experienced person to help you deal with all these complex issues. There is much more to your case than you realize.
You are doing what many people do. You look to the past to see what the future will be like. It seems that the first marriage was not successful, and you were glad to leave. You are no longer the person you were, and this is not the situation.
Make the affirmation: "I RELEASE FROM THE PAST AND LIVE IN THE PRESENT." Bless your last relationship, and so be it!

Dear Louise!
I have an affair with a man I'm in love with, even though I can't call it a love relationship. He knows about my feelings for him, but claims that he is not ready to be with a woman, because of his "former experience with a woman," as he puts it. In addition, when we are alone or in company, he behaves as if we are a couple. He has many good qualities, but he is also quick-tempered and sometimes harsh and rude to other people and to me.
I would really like to find a way to communicate with him, not only because of my feelings for him, but also because I just enjoy being in his company. I would like to deal with him in a relaxed, pleasant environment, but I am confused and do not know how to behave.
I temporarily suspended my relationship with him of my own free will after his "rough period". What should I do to keep this relationship, but give it a better shape than it is now?

My dear!
The first thing you need to do is read Women Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood. It describes the perfect picture of what you are doing. What you call "love" is a painful addiction to abuse. You fell into the old trap of thinking that you can change a man if you love him enough. It never works. The next step in this relationship for him will be the use of physical violence against you.
You still need to do a lot of work to love yourself and create a foundation for self-respect. Probably, your childhood experiences made you feel insufficient self-esteem. “NOW I DEVELOP A DEEP FEELING OF VALUE AND SELF-RESPECT” - such an affirmation can be good for you. I know that you can do much more than you think.

Dear Louise!
A month and a half ago, I told my fiancée that I couldn't handle the pain she was causing me and I wanted to cancel our wedding and end the relationship. From the very beginning, I did not expect anything good from our relationship, and I just wanted her to release me from obligations.
However, after not seeing her for a month and a half, I can't go on with my life and, for some unknown reason, want to get her back - even realizing she's not right for me. She was left with a lot of bitterness and resentment from her previous marriage, feelings that she was completely unable to shake off. At times she pours it all on me and I can't stand it when she does it.

Dear friend!
The end of a relationship is hard to take almost always and by everyone. We often give our strength to another person, feeling that he or she is the source of the love we experience. Then, if that person leaves us, we feel empty. We forget that love is within us. We have the power to control our feelings. Remember, no person, place, or thing has power over us. Bless her with love and leave her alone.
Some of us are so hungry for love that we are willing to endure the most joyless relationships just to be with someone. We all need to develop self-love to the point where we only attract people who are sent for our highest good.
We must all refuse to accept cruelty in any form. If we accept this, then we will tell the Universe that we deserve what we believe in, and as a result, even more will descend on us. Make an affirmation for yourself: "I ACCEPT ONLY GOOD AND LOVING PEOPLE INTO MY WORLD."

Dear Louise!
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the relationship between a man and a woman, and I began to think about it. Why do some men like women who treat them like trash? Regardless of the fact that there are good women around them, these men find an excuse to refuse kindness and love. It is said that ill-treated women lack self-respect, but so far the question of male self-respect has seldom come up. How do you look at it?

My dear!
If you Your mother treated you like a nonentity, you would associate such treatment with love. As we grow up, we envision a woman who will treat us the way our mother did. Nice women would make us feel uncomfortable and even unloved. The same thing happens to women who were abused by their fathers as children. They often unconsciously yearn for men who will continue to abuse them.
This is why working on forgiveness is so important. It cannot be said that what happened in the past was good, but you need to free yourself from the prison of resentment and bitterness. I know I have lived too many years in self-pity and resentment. It was only after I forgave the past that I was able to start creating a good life for myself. Resentment, self-pity cannot bring joy into our lives.
So you see, we all have comfort zones in our relationships with others. Comfort zones are formed while we are young. If our parents treated us with love and respect, then we adopted this kind of relationship by being loved.
By nature, women tend to be vulnerable and as a result are more willing to believe that their lives are not going well. This, however, could change if more men were willing to adjust to their vulnerability. Affirmation for all of us: "I OPEN MY HEART TO LOVE."

Dear Louise!
About a year ago, I suddenly found out that my husband was dating another woman. She has since moved to another location, but the whole situation caused me a lot of emotional pain and I lost faith and self-confidence. My husband now claims that I am "not his type" and thinks he is trapped in our relationship. (The fact is that our religious beliefs forbid divorce). Sometimes he clearly shows me that the other woman is more suitable for him, and he does not want to continue the previous relationship with me. I worked on myself, but when I'm with him, I always feel like I'm not good enough, I lose everything that has been achieved before. Do I need to consult with someone? My husband does not accept any books about marriage or positive thinking and does not show interest in counseling.
I cannot say about myself that I am not beautiful, I have many positive traits, and I know that other men would like to see me as their wife.

My dear!
Among all the problems that you have faced, the main issue is that you must continue to work on yourself. You are the only person who needs to change. At the same time, develop self-confidence. Know that you are a perfect being. Don't try to win anyone else's love - it won't work. Stop seeking approval from your husband. Love yourself, and love will come to you in all the aspects you need.
When you yourself begin to change, people around you will see it and begin to change themselves. It is possible that your husband will change, or maybe not, if he notices changes in you. Everything depends on him. It doesn't make him a "bad person". You are just not meant for each other.
Regarding the fact that you are “bogged down in a hopeless situation”, I will say the following: as children, we do not have the right to choose religious beliefs. However, as adults, if we look at other religions, we will find those that are more individualistic, and those in which the rules for restricting people are very strict. If you had to choose a religion today, would you choose one that condemns you to stay with someone who doesn't want to be with you? Isn't it better to find spiritual support to become what you want?
Sure, go for a consultation. There you will be helped to guide you in your spiritual development, and they will also teach you to hear what you have not heard before. Once you make your inner choice, you will notice that people react differently to you, including your husband. A good affirmation for you would be: "I AM BEAUTIFUL, FULL OF LOVE, AND EVERY DECISION I MAKE IS GOOD FOR ME."

Louise Hay affirmations for love

From time to time I ask those I love, "What can I do to love you even more?"

I want to look at the world through the prism of love, I love everything I see.

Love exists! I free myself from the feeling of an acute lack of love, I allow it to find me at the right time for it.

Love surrounds me, joy fills my whole world.

I came into this world to learn to love myself more and to share this love with others.

My partner is the love of my life. We adore each other.

The principles of life are very simple - what I give out comes back to me. Today I give love.

I am happy in love. Every day is marked by a new acquaintance.

I look in the mirror with pleasure, saying: "I love you, I really love you."

Now I deserve love, romance and joy - the blessing that Life should give me.

Your and my love is power. Love brings peace to earth.

Love is everything that surrounds us.

I am surrounded by love. Everything is fine.

My heart is open. I speak the language of love.

I have a wonderful loved one. We live in love and harmony.

Deep in the center of my being lies an inexhaustible source of love.

I have a wonderful intimate relationship with a person who truly loves me.

I come from the most loving corner of my heart, I know that love opens all doors.

I like my appearance, everyone loves me. Love meets me wherever I am.

I build only healthy relationships. They always treat me well.

I am very grateful for all the love in my life. Love meets me everywhere.

Long-term beautiful relationships make my life brighter.

An excerpt from L. Hay's book "I Can Be Happy"