Andalusite is a stone with a pattern in the form of a cross. What are its properties? Crystallographic characteristics of Andalusite. Healing properties of stone

Andalusite is a mineral that is silicate aluminum. It has a glass glitter and has a grain structure. Andalusite changes his shade at different angles of inclination. At the same time no matter what lighting is artificial or natural. Thanks to this feature, the mineral is of great popularity with users. Andalusite has a few shades - yellow, dark red, olive and brown-brown.

For the first time, the mineral described Jean-Claude Deaumeterier. This happened in 1798. The stone was discovered in Andalusia. The name of this Spanish place and gave the name of the mineral.

Andalusite enjoys great popularity to users. This is not surprising, because it has not only beauty, but also magical, as well as therapeutic properties.

Andalusite in pure form is very rare. It is a colorless stone that has no inclusion. Most often occurs a mineral with shades listed above. From time to time there are stones that have purple, as well as a raspberry shade.

Andalusite has several types:

Magic properties of Andalusite

In the magical properties of Andalusite believes many nations. It has great importance from esoteric. Mages, sorcerers and shamans consider it one of the strongest minerals. They spent and spend and spend various rites today.

Andalusite enjoys extremely popular in psychics and seams. They believe that this mineral contributes to the opening of the portals between the worlds and helps to establish communication with the souls of the deceased people.

The stone is in demand and the highest clergy of the Church. It is performed from it, and it is present on various iconic objects. Preferences Representatives of the clergy give such an attachment as a chiastolit. Its cruciform drawing is associated with Christ and thanks to this, it is actively used to design religious items, creating rosary and talismans. It is this drawing of the mineral that made him popular in the knights-Templar. They always took with her Hiastolit as a talisman when they went to long-range trips.

Outows he is also available. He helps them find harmony with the world around the world, know yourself and the secrets of the universe.

In addition, he protects a person from damage, evil eye, troubles, misfortunes, bad thoughts and intentions, "evil languages" and ill-wishers. Stone protects not only the owner, but also his house. It protects against natural disasters, thieves and other misfortunes.

In addition, the mineral can be worn by doctors and scientists. He will help them succeed at the chosen field.

Therapeutic properties of chiastolitis

Stone Andalusite has not only magical, and also therapeutic properties. The ability to heal was noted by the signs of previous times and was confirmed by modern stampered specialists.

Mineral improves the state of the nervous system. He prevents the emergence of a psyche disorder, increases stress resistance, helps to cope with depression and improves sleep. In addition, Andalusite eliminates the unreasonable feeling of concern and unreasonable fears. Mineral helps to cope with chronic fatigue.

It also noted the positive effect of the mineral on the state of the cardiovascular system. Stone helps to cope with the existing pathologies of this system, and also prevents the emergence of new diseases.

The characteristic of the mineral allows you to use it hypertensive. Andalusite quickly leads to normal pressure. In addition, the stone eliminates headaches.

Mineral enhances the body's protective forces, helping it to resist various malicious microorganisms.

Andalusite contributes to the healing of pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the mineral is recommended to wear with gout, rheumatism and arthritis. The stone will contribute to getting rid of them.

Mineral contributes to absorbing the body of all useful elements that come with food. This suggests that Andalusite prevents the emergence of the deficit of vitamins and minerals. In addition, the mineral frees the body from slags and toxins. This helps to reduce body weight and improved appearance.

Such a type of Andalusite, as the Hiastolite is recommended to wear women. It increases the attractiveness of representatives of the fine sex. In addition, the stone should use nursing mothers. It is believed that such a mineral helps to increase lactation.

The stone tones, gives a "charge" of positive energy and improves the work of the brain. Andalusite as a whole improves the condition of the body and improves the mood of the owner.

To whom the stone is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

According to astrologers, each mineral affects different zodiac signs in its own way. Therefore, choosing one or another stone as a talisman, you should familiarize yourself with its compatibility with its horoscope. To which the signs of the zodiac approaches the Andalusite stone will be considered in the table.

Andalusite compatibility with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

This mineral has a strong but soft energy. Therefore, there is no such sign of the zodiac with which he would be incompatible. Therefore, any person can use the Andalusite as a talisman.

Nevertheless, there are two signs of the zodiac with which Andalusite, according to astrologers, ideal compatibility is scales and twins. Mineral gives them wisdom, inner harmony and harmony with the outside world. In addition, he protects against evil forces and evil witchcraft.

Regardless of the zodiac sign, the stone should not use people with evil intentions. Mineral will not help them or revenge for ill-advantage. He just "leaves" from an evil person, i.e. The decoration with a stone is simply lost.

Andalusite is a mine with a strong energy that can improve the condition of the human body and give it magical protection. The main thing is to believe in his ability, care for it and not use in evil goals.

Andalusite - Mineral with an unusual glass gloss, which is named after the location

Properties Mineral

This gem is named after the edge where he was found - Andalusia, which is in beautiful Spain. Andalusite is silicate aluminum, and the varieties of gem are referred to as Hiastolite and Viridine.

Andalusite is not sufficiently strong mineral with an unusual glass gloss, characterized by a high melting point, as well as resistance to the effects of acids. Often, the mineral is used to create refractory, insulating raw materials. To create decorations, gem is used infrequently, as it is extremely difficult to process and cut. In addition, in nature there is not such a large number of crystals that would come up for these purposes.

Deposit Andalusite

Andalusite can be found in many countries of the world:

  • In Spain, however, the deposits have recently left significantly.
  • It is believed that the best of the specimens of Andalusite were found in Sri Lanka and Brazil.
  • Beautiful crystals are mined in the USA, as well as in Austria.
  • Mineral can be found in Russia, namely: in Transbaikalia, in the Urals and Kabardino-Balkaria.
  • In Germany, but these copies are not amenable to cut, so only suitable for collections of mineralogs.
  • In Australia.

Coloring Andalusite

Andalusite is endowed with the ability to change its colors under the influence of a different angle of view, so the pebbles in different directions, you can admire its diversity.

Usually, in its true form, gem is almost blunt, but a similar phenomenon is rare. Most often, the Andalusite is golden, pink, gray, yellow, brown, as well as dark green and greenish brown. Thanks to various impurities, raspberry and purple and Andalusite copies come across. However, only transparent crystals are applicable in jewelry.

Unfortunately, numerous photos will not be able to transfer all the variety of possible reflections of Andalusite, an extraordinary beauty you need to admire only one.

Scope of application of gem

Andalusite began to be widely used during the Middle Ages. The first to drew attention to the type of this mineral - Hiastolit - were not essential knights of the Templars, who were actively engaged in trade with representatives of the Cordrian state. It was from these lands that the oscillage gems of yellow-orange-colored were delivered.

The Templars constantly put on decorations and amulets with this mineral, and also used it in numerous horizons and sacraments, and all because in the context of the pebbles had a pattern in the form of a cross.

Later, such traditions were picked up by other European and world church orders and communities.

At this time, the price of gem is prohibitively large, especially if you consider that it does not belong to precious stones. However, due to the rarity and sufficiently complex processing, the price for carat pore exceeds the mark of 250 dollars. The average mass of each of the faceted pebbles is about 5 carats, they are usually represented in a drop-shaped, oval or round form.

Healing properties of stone

Specialists in the amazing properties of stones are confident that the effect of andalusite on the heart and vascular system is very beneficial, it heals the nerve and all sorts of mental disorders, establishes the metabolism, and also contributes to the speedy recovery in the diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, this gem raises the body's tone and strengthens the immune system. There is information and that mineral copes perfectly with fungal ailments.

Magic properties of gem

This mineral has always been popular with magicians and mediums, and all due to the fact that with his help can be called to the gods, comprehend the highest truth and wisdom, comprehend all the secrets of life. Thanks to the Andalusite, you can quickly immerse yourself in the state of the trance.

Wearing amulets with Andalusite is allowed to any sign of the zodiac, however, it should be remembered that pebbles will not tolerate frivolousness. Only those who want to take advantage of the help of Andalusite with good intentions will be endowed with amazing knowledge, from all mercenary and evil people, the stone will hurry to leave.

Anadalusite (Andalusite from the name of the Spanish autonomy of Andalusia) is known from antiquity and for a long time there were riddles on the origin of the name. For example, this silicate of aluminum in the people called "Alexandrite Poor", because of the external similarity with a popular precious stone. There was a more exotic name - Lapis Lucifer, meaning the literal "Lucifer stone", which symbolized belief of overthrow from the heavens of the fallen angel. On the history of Andalusite, its properties and meaning will tell below.

About names: Some forms of Andalusite, the drawing of which has the shape of the cross, was called cjastolite (from the Greek Σταυρος - cross).

There is even a romantic name "Cross of Fairy" and legends, which were about the fact that the faces we were crying for stones when they heard about the death of Jesus. Andalusite absorbed their tears in the form of crosses and drawings. This subspecies of the mineral, which today is called a hiostite, really has an unusual pattern of the cross section of the crystal. Ingrown carbohydrate or clay elements create the shapes of the cross, rhombus or chess grid. With longitudinal section, these drawings look like dark stripes on a light background.

The natural form of andalusite can be in the form of crystals, grains, fibers, sometimes radiant selections.

Its crystals look like prismatic columns giving a square in cross section. Often their length ranges from 10 to 15 cm. However, California recorded a crystal of 61 cm crystal, with a width - more than 15 cm.

Colored Andalusite crystals are able to create strong pleooting (color change, depending on the lighting), which increases its value in jewelry.

Anadalusite is officially represented in three categories:

  • Hiastolite is the most famous type of this stone in medieval Europe, which has long wearing a nickname "Cross" with the presence of natural inclusions of the carbon elements of the drawing;

  • Titanic andalusite (meaning the presence of typical titanium impurities);

  • Viridine (meaning a high level of iron and manganese), received widespread use in jewelry. When cutting the viridine, the main background may look green, with splashes resembling pieces of orange framing the emerald field. Sometimes with a circular section, there are flashes of other colors. Rare and expensive emerald green andalusite can have a bright yellow shade when viewed at different angles. Pink grade of this mineral does not give such a phenomenon of color.


Andalusite in its structure has two types of aluminum atoms - in coordination 6 and 5. Not perfect octahedra (octamians), consisting of a compound of aluminum and oxygen are parallel to the axis in the form of chains that are connected to the ribs. Covalent bond exceeds ionic.


Singonia (crystal type) Rhombic (pseudotragonal)
Class (HM) mMM (2 / m 2 / m 2 / m) - incorrect pyramid
Space Group Pnnm.
The volume of the elementary cell A \u003d 7,798 (7) Å, b \u003d 7.9031 (10) Å
Ratio a: B: C: \u003d 0.987: 1: 0.703
Single cell V: 342.44 Å 3
Duality rare
Morphology (elements) Elements are crystals and bar compounds having almost square cross sections, usually elongated parallel (up to 20 cm). Crystals can be interrupted due to intersection with external minerals.

Chemical composition

Anadalusite is a prismatic anhydrous crystal, which has a high resistance to acids.

Physical properties

Andalusite is considered a pure mineral, which is common in clay and coal-clay slate. Occasionally he comes across in slates of mica.

Transparent green andalusite is considered the most valuable form. Unlike other plea gems, where the cutters for precious stones are trying to reduce multi-colored tones and emphasize one best color, when attaching Andalusite opposite, try to get a good combination of colors.

Mining (deposits)

Mineral's deposits are often not deep, on the mountain slopes of the rivers. Since the opening and description of the mineral, a large number of deposits appeared in different countries of the world.

Finds of jewelry crystals are rather rare. In addition to good samples, the places of Minas-Jaras and Espirita Santa in Brazil are considered to be a promising field. Interest in them is kept after the find of a very large and pure crystal weighing 75-100 carat, from which an excellent jewelry was performed.

Unique dark blue crystals have already been found in India's places, Burma and Ceylon.

The most famous deposits of Andalusite in the United States (California, Maine, Connecticut and New Mexico), Canada (Quebec), Australia and Russia (Nerchinsk).

Not so long ago, crystals of excellent quality were discovered up to 20 cm long in Uzbekistan.

Green verdite crystals are mined in Sweden, Spain, Austria and China. Also, several finds of Blue and Andalusite crystals in Belgium were also made.

One of the famous Andalusites is kept in Washington in the Smithsonian Museum. This is a brown crystal, weighing 28.3 karat, brought from Brazil.

Industrial extraction of Andalusite for the production of refractory materials exists in Italy, Germany, Sri Lanka and Brazil.

The exhibit of the current open exhibition of the US Smithsonian Museum - Andalusite with Quartz, Musobit and Biotite.


Even until the 18th century, a stone was met in Europe, which was called the "Cross", because of its characteristic features after processing, showing a simple cross on the surface. It is not excluded that it was his alchemist Nostradamus in the form of an amulet on the suspension. Similar descriptions exist about the "Cross" in the legends about the Order of the Knights and Monks. You can count this stone by Andalusite, allows a characteristic pattern and color palette.

The first scientific mention of Andalusite refers to 1754, when the Spanish author of Torrybia in the book "The Natural History of Spain" described the "crosst", as a kind of chrigolitis, not giving him a unique name.

Later, the presence of natural andalusite in rocks was recorded by a German geologist, the founder of the diagnostic classification and descriptive mineralogy by Abraham Gotlib. He described the mineral and indicated the location of him in Andalusia (Autonomous Region of Spain), but studies have shown that the field was really in the Al-La Castillo-neighboring Autonomous Region near the city of Guadalajara. This location is not accidental, since the name of the city (distorted Arabic means the river stones). Verner's mistake about the place of origin of the "Cross" repeated the demeter, which for the first time lied the name of the province and the name of the stone. In 1798, he assigned to him the name andalusite.

Sphere and scope

Andalusite has a fairly wide range of applications in steel, glass, aluminum and cement industries. As a rule, its type of aggregate with titanium is used. One of its features is the formation of a synthetic Mullite (refractory silicate). Andalusite is transformed into Mullite at a temperature of from 1200 to 1500 ° C. At the same time, it transmits its natural qualities:

  • resistance volume;
  • large resistance of creep and refractory under load;
  • high heat resistance;
  • susceptibility to chemical attacks, slag and metallic punching resistance.

All these characteristics are made by andalusite very useful for refractory lining.

On its basis it became possible to industrial production of glass furniture or for a furnace, as well as spark plugs for mechanisms.

Foundry production with the participation of Andalusite produced refractory flour for foundry coatings. Due to excellent thermal stability, high fire resistance and low thermal expansion, such flour is used to cover steel and cast iron.

Another Andalusite processing product was a special sand combined with quartz and having volumetric density of 1.7g / cm 3, while it does not contain a significant amount of crystalline silica. Foundry sand is used in ferrous metallurgy as molding sand to prevent steamers and casting steel. It is mixed or used clean to improve the quality of any casting (green sand, coated sand, chemically associated and accurate castings).

Andalusite is also involved in the production of ceramic products. Aluminum and Mullite oxides (received from andalusite) are used with accurate control of physical and chemical properties when creating ceramics. Due to the very thin distribution of particles in size, the natural source of oxide has become an alternative to zircon silicate and is effectively used for ceramic glaze.

Zodiac sign

Andalusite, as a natural mineral is associated with the zodiacal constellation of the Virgin and is consistent with the number 7. It works well to support chakras of solar plexus. It can also help signs of scales, twins and fish.

It is important for wearing Andalusite as an amulet to remember that it is a stone associated with God, and you have to choose nonsense products in the form of rosary, perverseas and suspension for daily use.

Medical properties

Andalusite without cutting is used in traditional medicine for:

  • enhance immunity;
  • improving vision;
  • the need to hold in the body of calcium and iodine
  • reducing oxygen fasting with ICC and dehydration.

These qualities of the mineral can be used under stressful situations, as well as assistance with a weight reduction to hold the nervous system in the equilibrium state.

Magic properties

Anadalusite helps the preservation of life balance. Stones without cutting stabilize the nervous system and help keep a sober mind in a stressful situation. Mineral symbolizes the rationality of thinking, helps to look at the problem from different sides and do not make rapid decisions.

Virgin (the Emerald View of Andalusite) contributes to self-realization and clear definition of its path. He will help to detect the problem in the heart chakra and cope with fear.

The effect of Andalusite on the mind is very beneficial. He encourages Knight's aspirations, moderation and equilibrium. Often, Andalusite is called a "seamy stone", as it helps to make the right judgment of people without bias. Many use this crystal to meditate when the body needs harmony.

For spiritual development, the species of Andalusite Chiastonite (Hiastolitis) is most suitable. It will not only protect against the negative, but also will help develop communication skills. It will be most useful for people related to horticulture and communication with plants, veterinarians and animal people, as well as for extroverts whose activities are in numerous communication with people.


Once the most popular and most famous chipper crystals were cut into several parts and were used as amulets. Sometimes, in the presence of a unique drawing and a small size, the stones did not limit, but only polished (Cabocche technique - Cabochon, from the French head). Such stones were given a smooth texture and only small scratches could be eliminated without changing the monolith of its structure.

Today, the Andalusite products can be found not only in jewelry stores and in museums, but also to choose an option on the famous E-Bay Internet playground. The price will vary from modest few dollars:

44 $

up to several thousand for a full jewelry:


Stone and name

First of all, the Andalusite, in its formation of the council and the integral name "Cross", is associated with the name of Christina or Christian, which means dedicated to Christ.

The semantics of the Word resembles a rough, natural, without fake. People who wear such names can be idle and clean. Quite often, the natural timidity may interfere with their frank relationship. Some of them can completely devote their lives with important charitable missions.

Combinations with other stones

Faceted Andalusite works well as an accent, in jewelry products combining lazulics, carnelian or peridot. Andalusite (or his famous species believes) will always look great like a central stone in any artistic ornaments (rings, pendants, brooches, cufflinks or necklaces). Due to the ability to change the color - Andalusite will always work on bright light, since the constant dynamics of color effects will affect the viewer.

How to distinguish from fake

In order to distinguish from the counterfeit, such a kind of analusite as chryryth, it is enough to consider through the magnifying glass characteristic drawing of the cross, rhombus or chess grid. A sign of the authenticity of the stone will be the symmetry of the pattern and a smooth transition from the dark stripes of the pattern, to a more relaxed brownish of the total tone of the stone.

If necessary, check the authenticity of the jewelry, such as viridine, is enough to turn the stone several times, since the properties of pleochorism will change its color without changing the lighting.

The Andalusite stone belongs to the group of silicates and is silicate aluminum. This mineral is quite widespread worldwide. Like other silicates, the andalusite properties have the same - high melting point, acid resistance, and so on. Therefore, in most cases, it is used as raw materials to create refractory and insulating materials of fine-ceramic type. It also applies as decorations, but very rarely - the stone is hard enough to cut, and there are very few crystals in nature that are suitable for processing.

Andalusite has been known for a long time. Another knights of the military-church orders loved the decorations from one of the varieties of this stone -, in the context of had a drawing in the form of a cross expanding at the ends. For the first time, such stones were found in Andalusia - one of the capitals of the Cordovsky Caliphate, disheveled by Mavrov. More detailed mineral was studied only in 1798, the French geologist and mineologist Jean-Claude Deaumeter, who was a map of the minerals of Sierra Moreno. He gave this stone name Andalusite. Also, the mineral is known under the names of the Hiastolite, the Cross, the Maltese cross, Viridine, PRIR, Kuzeranit and solid sword.

The physico-chemical properties of Andalusite

The properties of Andalusite have long been well studied:
  • Color - wide color gamut, mostly warm tones: gray, yellow, red, brown, orange, golden, brown, pink. Colonless and dark green samples are also found. The peculiarity of the mineral is that he has pronounced pleochroism - that is, the color may vary depending on the angle of lighting.
  • gloss glass;
  • transparent, but some varieties are completely opaque;
  • black trait;
  • municipal hardness 7.5;
  • density 3.12-3.18 g / cm3;
  • broke uneven, fragile;
  • singonia rhombic;
  • Luminescence is weak;
  • it is found in thick and columnar crystals, as well as in the form of radial-radiant and parallel-sixth aggregates;
  • crystals have a diamond-dipyramidal symmetry;
  • clear Software (110), imperfect for (100);
  • related minerals - Corundum, Diaspora, Muskovit, Topaz, Pyrothillitis, rutile;
  • similar minerals: Alexandrite.
Chemical formula: Al2SiO5. Often, the mineral includes FE2O3, Mn2O3, as well as a carbonate or clay substance, especially in the Hiastolite.

The melting point is 1380 degrees, so it does not melt under the soldering tube.

Types of Andalusite

In addition to traditional Andalusite, there are two more widespread varieties:
  • Hiastolite is an opaque mineral whose crystal structure is aggregated with coal or clay substances. As a result, in the cross section there is a clear division into four sectors divided by a black or dark cross. In the longitudinal section, the dark stripes are clearly visible with the entire length of the crystal.
  • Viridine is an andalusite, which contains a large number of manganese Mn2O3 - up to 7%.


Most often, the Andalusite deposit is both metamorphic shale, as well as clay and coal-clay shale. In addition, sometimes the Andalusite stone is found in mica slate and secondary quartzites, places and some pegmatites, contact corneals.

Good crystals suitable for jewelry processing are found in the Houdgen South Australia field. Also, jewelry crystals are mined in Espirita-Santa, Brazil, Sri Lanka and Azau-Goethegetheet-Karabashi, district of Elbrusya. Interesting stones, unsuitable for cutting, but used for mineralogical collections come from Bodenmyis, Germany and Semis Buga, Kazakhstan. Of the Spanish revenues, there are already practically no income, with rare exceptions.


Mineral Andalusite is widespread since the Middle Ages. For the first time on this mineral, more precisely, the chiastolitis drew the Knights-Templars, who were actively trading with the Maurmi Cordovsky Caliphate. It is from there that yellowish-orange stones were supplied, in the context that had a drawing of an expanding on the ends of the cross, which was the same symbols of the Order. It is not surprising that among the Templars very quickly spread the tradition of wearing rings and amulets with Andalusite, as well as to use it in their sacraments. Albigians, some church orders and Knights of the Maltese Order were picked up behind the temples. In the photo in our gallery depicts such an andalusite with a cross-shaped core.

Currently, the price is very high on andalusite, given that it does not apply to precious stones. Nevertheless, its rarity and difficulty in processing, as well as brightly pronounced pleochroism, have a significant impact on the cost of felling stones. For example, the cost of Brazilian Andalusites with an interesting pink-green color is currently about $ 250-300 per carat - this is a very high price comparable to high-quality chrysoberllams. On average, the mass of the bounded stones does not exceed 5 carats - they are treated with emerald cut round, oval or drop-shaped shape.

Therapeutic properties of Andalusite

According to people's healers, the therapeutic properties of Andalusite are very well manifested for the treatment of upper respiratory tract. It is also recommended to use such stones for the treatment of nerve and mental diseases, stimulation of the cardiovascular system, as well as to raise the common tone of the body.

Magic properties

Despite the fact that the stone does not apply to the number of precious or semi-precious, the magical properties of Andalusite stand on a par with the properties of many more famous minerals. The biggest fame This stone enjoyed among the mediums and magicians who communicated with otherworldly forces - it was used to more quickly enter the trance, strengthen their abilities and so on. Also, Andalusite used predictors and prophets - according to the statements of contemporaries, Nostradamus was a big fan of this mineral and constantly wore decorations and talismans with him.

It was believed that this stone helps and those who are trying to comprehend the secrets of being, the universe to comprehend the sacred knowledge, go to a new and higher level of thinking.

Patronage signs of the zodiac and profession

Andalusite is perfect for any zodiac signs. But those who are going to use the properties of this stone for their own enrichment or in order to cause someone harm, it is not recommended to use decorations and talismans from Andalusite - it will simply be lost.

Talismans and amulets from this gem are suitable for those who are associated with mental activities - doctors and scientists, as well as theologians, monks or priests. Also patronate stone and military, but only those who are currently fighting - in peacetime it is better not to wear it.

A good talisman will turn out of stone called Andalusite, the magical properties of this mineral were known in the Middle Ages. In addition to magical, the stone has a wide range of medicinal properties and is actively used in lithotherapy.

A little about Hiastolite

Variety of Andalusite - Hiastolite (crossed). It is also called the Maltese cross or a crossed. After grinding in the cross section, the chiastolite clearly awakes the dark cross. That is why he enjoyed great popularity from Christian monks and priests.

The dark cross in the chiastolite is formed as crystals grow. Black carbonal substances and clay particles from the rock in which mineral is formed are distributed along its ribs. Cross visible during cross-cut. After the longitudinal cutting of the nuggets, black stripes are formed. The cross is always the darker of the basic color of the chiastolite, which is light yellow or light brown.

Hiastolit helps to rapt the members of the team, facilitates the entry of new faces into him. Amystolite amulet will help reveal or maintain secrets, protects against obsessive attention and unnecessary gossip.

Therapeutic properties of Andalusite

Lithotherapy considers Andalusite one of the most useful minerals. With it, it is possible to normalize the work of the central nervous system, getting rid of:

  • different neurosis;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • consequences of stress and nervous shocks;
  • children's phobias;
  • pessimistic settings, depression, suicidal sentiment.

With the help of andalusite, you can cure such diseases of the cardiovascular system as:

  • hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • low blood coagulation;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • extensive stroke.

Since Andalusite strengthens immunity, it will help to avoid infectious cold respiratory diseases:

  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • lung inflammation;
  • flu.

Andalusite improves the memory, stimulates the work of the brain, logical thinking, insight, intuition.

Magic properties of Andalusite

In the Middle Ages, the Templars were actively used by andalusite when conducting special rituals to help gain power and wealth. The Knights of the Maltese Order called his blood drops of Jesus Christ. Albigians with this stone worshiped Virgin Mary.

It has long been noticed that this amazing stone protects warriors during battles and battles, helps alchemists, philosophers, travelers. Church servants appealed to the highest forces with the help of Andalusite. The predictors used a stone in the decorations to realize their abilities and be able to enter the astral. For example, the famous Oracle Nostradamus wore a big beautiful pendant with Andalusite and a few risen with this gem.

Andalusite helps in the disclosure of various secrets and tangled life situations. With it, you can find an accurate answer to many questions. Illumination will necessarily come to the owner of this stone. In addition, Andalusite will help strengthen the barely burned love and will make a constancy in love relationships. But it should be remembered that the stone helps only good people, alien to bewildered, envy, deception. The frivolous appeal to the Andalusite, the use of it in harm to the sake of his own profit is unacceptable. This host stone will definitely leave - will be lost forever.

Many people who have made owners of decorations from Andalusite felt craving for various types of creative activities.

Magic properties allow you to use this stone not only in a wide variety of rituals, but also during meditation or transit states. Andalusite due to the characteristics of its structure makes it easier for its owner to achieve modified states of consciousness in case of occupation of necromantion, prophecies or with association with astral entities.

The mystical stone andalusite will help to master esoteric knowledge. With its help, an ordinary person will be able to accept and understand the signals of the Universe.

The resonance properties of the stone are not manifested immediately, in order to use andalusite as a conductor into the world of the dead, for entering the astral or to achieve the effects of foresight and clairvoyance, it is necessary to "configure" the stone on the owner by long-term meditations. During meditations, the stone can be kept in hand, hang on the chest or attach to the forehead.

Andalusite will become a reliable keeper and guard for its owner. He will save from fears, will strengthen the spiritual forces, it will help to achieve their goals, no matter how difficult they seem.

To do this, you need to make an amulet or mascot from Andalusite, inserting a stone into a ring, pendant, earrings or diadem. As the magical practices are performed, the amulet or the Andalusite mascot passes a subtle setting, as it would be in resonance with his owner, allowing you to significantly increase the effectiveness of thinking, achieve maximum concentration in the trance, to obtain a steady result when communicating with the dead or with the highest forces.

Andalusite practically does not relate to any zodiac sign, in connection with this, people of any zodiacal binding can use it. The most effectively use the magical properties of Andalusite can healers, predictors, clairvoyant and necromancers. The impact of the mineral on the owner is quite soft, but long. It concentrates mainly in the area of \u200b\u200benhancing intellectual abilities, improve attention and memory, telepathicity.

The therapeutic properties of Andalusite can be considered secondary, but they must be considered to be counted when working with a stone. The concentration of attention on the stone, touching it to the skin forms a small healing effect, in particular, the Andalusite contributes to the general strengthening of the body, stabilizing the psyche, normalizes the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.