Angelina Jolie: "It's a lot of work to be beautiful." Happy birthday, Angelina: the rules of life and beauty secrets of the actress

The last year was not the easiest in the life of the actress - the scandalous divorce proceedings with Brad Pitt became one of the most sensational topics in the press. However, she survived all the difficulties with dignity. She never stopped doing charity work, appearing in public, working on new paintings, and even became a face. And more recently, information has increasingly begun to appear in the media that a warming has been outlined in the relationship of a quarreled star couple.

Other sources claim that Angelina is being courted by a new challenger to her heart - a 40-year-old billionaire and philanthropist from the UK, and it is with him that the star is going to build a relationship. How it will actually be - time will tell, but for now let's see what is happening in Angie's life lately.

An important event for Angelina was the shooting of her film “They First Killed My Father: Memories of a Cambodian Daughter”. It is interesting that the author of the idea for the creation of this picture was her adopted 15-year-old son Maddox, who himself hails from Cambodia. After reading a book describing events in his home country, he shared his impressions with his mother and suggested creating a film version of this work. Maddox actively participated in meetings and discussions related to filming, and made his own edits to the script. Another adopted son of the actress - 14-year-old Pax Tien Jolie-Pitt - worked on the set as a photographer.

Another discussed topic was Angelina's move to a new home. A mansion in the very heart of Hollywood is located on an area of ​​almost 3.5 thousand square meters and cost about $ 25 million. USA. The main building is built in the style of the 1913 Italian Renaissance and has six bedrooms and ten bathrooms.

As for Jolie's appearance, it also has some changes. If at the end of last year everyone was constantly discussing Angie's critical thinness (35 kg with a height of 169 cm), then this year the star is gradually returning to healthier forms. In clothes, in most cases, she continues to adhere to the total black style, but sometimes she makes exceptions. So, at a press conference dedicated to her new film, she appeared in a seductive dress in hot pink with a sexy cut on the back.

The rules of life and the main values ​​of Angelina Jolie

In honor of the birthday of one of the most famous women on the planet, we decided to recall the actress's vivid quotes regarding her life rules and values:

About divorce:

“My whole family has gone through difficult times. But all my attention is focused on my children, our children. We are a family and will always be a family, and this helps me to cope. I cope and find a way out of the situation, making sure that we become stronger and closer. "

About health:

“For the last ten years I have lived in constant fear for my health. I was afraid that something might happen to me. But now I can say with confidence that I am absolutely healthy. And it gives me a feeling of genuine happiness. After all, my children have a healthy mother who will always protect them. "

About pain and suffering:

"Without pain there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. Pain and suffering are the keys that open all doors on the path of life."

About beauty:

"When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start feeling like the most beautiful person in the world."

"I don't consider myself beautiful because I see all my flaws. Sometimes people have a very strange opinion. They tell me that I'm thin as if it should make me happy."

Angelina Jolie's beauty secrets

Jolie, considered one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, has a personal beautician. She trusts her skin to Dr. David Colbert, who has specialized in cosmetological dermatology for over two decades. He is also known for being a consultant for dermatological research for Chanel in Paris. Colbert then opened his own New York Dermatology Group clinic in Manhattan.

The favorite procedure, which makes the face of the actress irresistible, lasts only half an hour and consists of three stages:

  • Classical microdermabrasion,
  • Laser therapy,
  • Glycolic peeling.

As for the daily make-up, here the star does not overdo it with cosmetics, preferring naturalness. Jolie regularly uses only concealer, foundation of a natural beige shade and powder of a loose structure. Also, the 42-year-old beauty actively uses a cream with a high SPF level.

Other ways to maintain the actress' beauty include a healthy diet that includes plenty of vegetables, soups, soy milk and steamed fish. The actress tries to avoid sugar, not even adding it to coffee.

For many years, Angelina Jolie managed to keep the title of one of the most beautiful women of our time. Millions dreamed of the same lips, cheekbones and eye cut in the 2000s. Today the actress is 42 years old - having survived a difficult divorce from Brad Pitt, the celebrity gradually began to return to life and first of all began to rebrand her own appearance. Beauty injections, laser and hardware techniques combined with an exclusive line of cosmetics - we found out how much the Hollywood actress spends on daily care and what procedures the Hollywood actress chooses.

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By nature, Angelina has thin and dry skin that needs careful hydration. Another problem is age-related pigmentation. When choosing products for home care, the actress is guided by a simple formula: if you can't find your ideal care line, come up with your own. The celebrity turned to Japanese organic cosmetics developers, who have created for Jolie unique formulas for cleansing and moisturizing products that are fully tailored to the needs of her skin.


Angelina Jolie, like no one else, knows what the right makeup is capable of. Recently, the actress increasingly prefers pastel colors, only accentuating her eyes a little. The main role is always assigned to the ideal tone that the celebrity creates with the help of Cle de peau concealer, Laura Mercier powder-camouflage, which Angelina always carries with her in her bag, as well as the caring Hourglass foundation with a protective SPF 15 filter. Most often, a celebrity can be seen with smoky smoky or regular nude eyeshadows. The place of red lipstick is also increasingly being replaced by pastel and fruity shades or translucent lip glosses.

One of the most beautiful actresses of our time, director, producer, mother of many children and happy wife, Angelina Jolie, in her 40s, boasts perfectly smooth and radiant skin that does not need rich makeup and beauty tricks to hide wrinkles. What is her secret of youth and beauty? How does Angelina Jolie care for your skin?

It is generally accepted that the stars of caliber have an army of cosmetologists and a landing of masseurs who work almost daily to preserve the youthfulness of the actress's skin. True, but in part. In Angie's case, she has only one permanent expert whom she trusts her face - a dermatologist-cosmetologist David Colbert, member of New York Dermatology Group, a reputable dermatology group... He shares with us the secrets of the care of his famous client.

Angelina She met David Colbert, a revered beautician in New York in 2010 - since then she has become a fan of "triple care", which is also very fond of another Hollywood actress - Naomi Watts. The procedure lasts only 30 minutes and includes:

  • Classical microdermabrasion
  • Laser therapy
  • Glycolic peeling

According to David, it doesn't matter what kind of products the actress then uses, because after such a thorough cleansing, keratinized cell particles leave, the skin begins to breathe and actively absorb the care that the star will “feed” it with. And, most importantly, the effect will be excellent anyway!

By the way, the actress herself does nothing extraordinary with the skin: only a few points are mandatory in her daily beauty routine: 1) cream with a high level of sun protection, 2) extra moisturizing cream with a slight toning effect (something like a BB cream).

As for the everyday makeup, here Jolie the same ascetic as in the care: concealer under the eyes and on dark areas of the face, foundation in a natural beige shade (the star chooses a medium tone between light beige and medium) and transparent powder. According to David, she prefers to look as natural as possible, rather than like a layer cake.

But even ladies as perfect as Angelina Jolie, make mistakes - especially when it comes to, beloved by all star beauties,. This is the case when celebrities (or their makeup artists) do not know the measure of the amount of product that, when cameras flash, appears in the photo in the form of white spots on the face. A similar failure lay in wait for Jolie at the "Ordinary Hearts" premiere, when white spots from powder appeared on the cheekbones, forehead and décolleté. In any case, this proves once again that the stars are the same people as you and me, and even they have #badhairdays! =)

How much does Angelina pay for beauty and youthful skin?

When it comes to the amount that the star lays out for David Colbert's care, many will be surprised - the procedure described above costs about $ 800. Someone may say that for Angie it is dust, for others, this amount will seem too high. Why, they say, pay that kind of money "for a beautician", if today there are a huge number of professional skin care products that can be easily used at home? Be that as it may, so that at 40 years of age the skin is as radiant and youthful as that of Angelina Jolie, you cannot do without visiting the office of a good dermatocosmetologist. Only a professional can choose the best care for your skin type, prescribe procedures and perform them according to all the rules. And professionals, as you know, cost money.

Yes it's true. Angie's radiant skin owes not only high-quality care and procedures, it is also, which she has adhered to for many years. The actress's diet includes many vegetables, soy milk, steamed fish and soups. Angelina never adds a single gram of sugar to her espresso, and also tries to keep it to a minimum. She is also actively involved in sports and in a not entirely traditional way. Yes, like many Hollywood actresses, she attends Pilates and yoga classes, but like no other, she devotes a lot of time to canoeing, as well as street boxing, kickboxing and push-ups.

Oh yeah, and also about leaving. Angelina does not use many products at the same time and never experiments with skin. If an actress decides to try a new care product, then only under the supervision of an expert and only that which, she knows for sure, will actually be effective and safe for health. Also Jolie does not use solid (even natural, especially with abrasive particles) soaps and other products that dry and injure the skin.

Being a goddess is so easy

That's all Angelina Jolie's care secrets... It is so simple. As you can see, almost all points are available to us (yes, the procedure for $ 800 can be replaced with more democratic analogues), therefore: a) and protect your skin b) do not overuse cosmetics, v) visit a beautician, G) eat right e) go in for sports - and your skin will be young and radiant even at 50!

health and beauty- these are the things that are always relevant for any woman. Often there is not enough time not only for sleep, but even humanly it is not possible to have lunch. Caring for work, home, cleanliness and comfort in it, caring for children take up all our time and little by little take away our beauty and freshness.

But we are domestic women, and we practically do not lead an active public life. Therefore, looking at famous women, who, among other things, should also look 100 percent, we ask ourselves the usual natural question: how do they manage it with such a load?

Fast passage:

In addition to her career, Angelina Jolie is known for her incredibly beautiful forms. She looks amazing and many times became the sexiest woman in the world according to various publishers - this is an achievement! Despite the fact that the star gave birth to three children (and adopted three), Angelina Jolie looks as charming as ever. She has a killer smile, a sexy body that even a supermodel would envy.

With such a busy life, how does she manage to look so dazzling? Well, it is worth noting that the actress is working hard and hard on herself.

Angelina Jolie's workouts

The Hollywood star does not give preference to one sport, her workouts are varied both in the tasks that are intended to be solved, and in the styles of execution and in the intensity of the loads.

  • Kickboxing

Angelina Jolie does a lot of martial arts, in particular kickboxing, to stay slim, strong and sexy. If you have ever seen her films, then you understand what this diva is capable of. It was thanks to kickboxing that the actress's body became so strong. Such workouts help her to increase endurance, maintain flexibility, and also burn a lot of calories.

  • Yoga classes

The American actress strives to keep her body in good, if not perfect, shape. To do this, she does yoga, especially moves that help tone and stretch the muscles. It is thanks to this that Angelina Jolie manages to maintain the slimness of her figure, which has become the standard of beauty all over the world. Also, yoga classes help the star to relax after a hard day's work, full of caring for six children and public speaking. This is a great way to relieve stress!

  • She loves lunges

Angelina Jolie has great buttocks, which she got with hard work. Now she keeps them in shape with lunges. If you also want to have such awesome buttocks, follow her example. Developed by her personal trainer Gunnar Peterson, the crossed lunges have now become very popular with celebrities.

Strength Training Angelina Jolie also does strength training. To burn calories more intensely, she combines aerobics with strength training. Due to a very busy work schedule, the actress, in order to maintain the effectiveness of sports, constantly changes the set of exercises. She loves doing lunges with dumbbells, shakes her biceps and shoulders, pulls up, squats with weights and does push-ups.

Angelina Jolie's diet

As you might guess, Angelina Jolie follows a strict diet that helps her stay so sexy and dazzling. In the process of preparing for filming in the film "Tomb Raider", the actress needed to tighten her body, make it more athletic, it was then that she began to follow a special diet.

To increase muscle mass, the actress began to eat foods rich in proteins (proteins) and low in carbohydrates. The star adheres to the same style of eating to this day.

Also Angelina, she is very fond of fruits and vegetables, rich in essential fiber for health.

Water is also an important part of her diet. As you know, the correct drinking regimen allows you not only to maintain an ideal figure, but also gives elasticity and health to the skin, water removes harmful substances from the body, avoids many health problems.

The 1999 Oscar winner for her role in Girl, Interrupted could have remained just a poster girl for the rest of her days.

The daughter of actors Jon Voight and Marceline Bertrand grew up in Hollywood and from childhood got to know the taste of his many excesses ... They called her "imp". In addition, she became famous for her addiction to drugs, scandalous antics and even a tendency to suicide. She was sure that she would die young.

“It was a time when I saw no meaning in life and considered myself a worthless person,” says Jolie. “It seems to me that many people experience this feeling - a desire to commit suicide or to forget themselves in a drug stupor, because you cannot send everything to hell, or you are just feeling bad, but you don’t understand why.”

Success in cinema did little to help her. "I am always felt on the verge of collapse, - admits Jolie. - One of the most nightmarish periods in my life began after success, financial independence and love came to me. And then I thought: "I have everything that, according to them, is necessary for happiness, but I did not become happy."

But one day she read the script for Beyond Borders, the story of a privileged woman who learned about the horrific fate of millions of refugees and street children. This is how Jolie herself recalls: “I had a desire to get to know better people forced to flee from war and hunger, about whom the author of the film wanted to tell, to see with my own eyes how they live”.

For a whole year she wandered around the world with UN volunteers .

“I received amazing life lessons and became a completely different person,” the actress notes. She visited refugee camps in Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, Cambodia, Pakistan, Namibia and Thailand. What she saw radically changed her outlook on the world. She realized that this world is made up of other people, many of whom have to drag a miserable existence and whom she can help.

When the UN Commissioner for Refugees offered the actress to become a Goodwill Ambassador, she happily agreed. In addition to her new responsibilities, she took up collection of donations in favor of refugees and orphans and itself contributed 3 million US dollars to the UN humanitarian program.

(She says she makes "an unacceptable amount of money" from films.) She also adopted a Cambodian orphan, Maddox. Jolie was recently named one of the 25 most influential philanthropists in the world by Worth magazine. By her own estimation, almost a third of her income goes to charity.