White bride horror. Amazing - Near. Where in the Ryazan region to see the ghost of the White Bride and the estate in which the members of the Imperial Family were located? Shilovo. Drunk forest and manor with ghost

The ghost is a white bride.

# interesting @ vkscry

Hello, gentlemen and ladies. With you, I am Sergey Romanov. For years, three, as I do such a science as parapsychology. This science studies the exterior world and the phenomenon associated with it. Today I want to tell you about the fact that the Ghost is a white bride from the point of view of science. So, let's begin...

White bride - a ghost of a young girl who died at her wedding in any way. As this fact, mostly violent way (getting into a car accident, rape and further killing a girl or just murder). According to the classification of ghosts, the White Bride is the most dangerous otherworldly creature. What is the white bride? The ghost of the bride is a semi-human and semigel creature (two in one). As a rule, it lives in almost all geopathogenic zones in which the girl could ever die. It may be a car accident or death elsewhere where the wedding took place. As a rule, sometimes the white bride is looking for a soul of his groom.

Question: How to contact when meeting with the Ghost White Bride?

Answer: Despite the fact that the ghost of the bride is one of the most dangerous creatures, sometimes she does not pay attention to the seals. Sorry guests are ordinary living people. As a rule, the White Bride itself is trying to remove away from meetings with people. If you unexpectedly wandered into the territory, "guarded" with such an overworldly creature and fell to a meeting with the ghost, in no case cannot be escaped. Remember that ghosts are moving much faster than the bullet when the gun is shot. It is necessary to behave adequately, try not to show your fears. Fears are something that "eat" ghosts. White bride, like any ghost, scans a person for fears. It may rush to a person if something does not like something, or asks for help, or he will help this help. White bride should withdraw on a calm conversation. Talking to her calmly and adequately. Any incorrect movement or word may entail crying results.

Question: What does a white bride look like?

Answer: Its species can be frightened (especially it applies to eyes that look like a depression), but on the other hand, the ghost of the bride is a very beautiful lady. So, the white bride looks like this: a luxurious white wedding dress, a white veil, pale leather, sometimes white gloves are visible on the hands, black eyes, similar to the depressions, sometimes you can see the place with blood (this suggests where the wound was applied).

Question: What is the classification?

Answer: The white bride is divided into two subspecies:

1) A white bride with a veil - a more dangerous subspecies, on the hands of white gloves are visible, the eye view is blocked into the floor, the hair is black and dissolved. In the hands sometimes holds a bouquet of red roses.

2) White Bride without Fata - It is usually inhabited on the street. Less dangerous view, hair short, eyes are visible as ordinary people.

White bride is never blonde. It is a myth. The ghost of the deceased bride usually has only dark hair color. No more no less.

Question: What is the White Bride come for?

Answer: White bride usually comes to ask for help from people, herself can have a person to help if he was in trouble, comes to warn about trouble (as a rule does not say, but simply appears several times in this place), or make a long-standing revenge on his So far, still a live opponent.

Question: What are the ways to combat the ghost?

Answer: There are no means if you insulted, or they themselves committed a crime that caused the death of a failed future whose spouse. The only way to get rid of: Listen to the white bride, to assist, if asks and can continue to stop everything.

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Night, deserted track ... And suddenly some blurred white spot arises in front of the windshield. On the moment, the driver seems to be a black-haired girl, dressed in a wedding dress. Sharp braking - and drives from the road ... This is the plot of numerous legends about the "Death Dear" in Lytkarino.

Such an unofficial name wears the site of the track "Lyubertsy-Lytkarino" at the entrance from Ryazan. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Village Pekhorka . Stone asphalt highway is laid along a coniferous forest. Until recently, there was a car accident here.

Around - wreaths on trees, crosses on the roads and the core of broken cars ... They say that under the track in this place is an ancient burial or pagan capital. And yet - that the road here goes to the mountain, although it seems straight, from here and an accident.

In 2003, by order of the governor, a warning sign "Dangerous region of the road!" and "lying policemen." Drivers began to slow down the speed, and the number of accidents began to decline. However, in 2005-06. Let's go about ghosts that suddenly served in front of the windshield of the car. Some believed that these were ghosts of those killed on the highway, others - that these are the souls of the dead, buried on an old cemetery under the asphalt at a great depth.

Another version states that in the era of Stalinsky terror on local quarries worked asks. Because of the difficult working conditions, many of them were dying, and the corpses buried in a forest career near the road ...

Eyewitnesses say that silhouettes of small growth in hoods sometimes come out of the forest, similar to the gnomes ... They say, "go" on such a "gnome" is considered to be very bad admission: Soon someone from loved ones will die.

Especially often see the ghost of a girl in a white wedding dress ... It is associated with one day the tragedy occurred in these edges. The fact is that there is so-called "Polyana Brides" Where along the tradition come newlyweds. There is a belief that if "noted" on this glade, family life will be happy. All trees are taken there with colored ribbons and bottles from under champagne.

But there are those who believe that such a custom is not good. Like, the ridiculous souls dwell on the "Polyana bride", and, giving them tribute, "guests" tie them to themselves forever ... Therefore, by visiting a mystical place, it is necessary to go to church and put a candle.

It is said that one day a wedding tuple hit an accident, the bride died. Indeed, on one of the roadside trees hangs a sign and wreaths in memory of the newlywed, who died in a car accident ...

About the ghost (video with his image, by the way, posted on the net) they tell different things. Someone simply sees a blurred light silhouette, and someone - a translucent girl in a white dress with black hair ... Sometimes some kind of crossing the road ... Sometimes the driver and passengers see a completely real girl who stops the car and asks to pass, and it turns out Most often near the quarries ...

At one of the forums dedicated to the Anomalist in Lytkarino, I discovered a lot of stories about meetings with this "girl in white", and many respondents reported that after they encountered it or brought a stranger, they got into very serious accidents - for example, crashed In a tree ...

Sometimes, people did not see anything unusual in this place, but mysterious shadows and even foggy people were subsequently appeared on the pictures made by the camera or mobile phone. In addition to the "bride", there was still some "man in white", "a man in a black suit" (possibly, the bridegroom?) And spherical objects, and the latter were observed, as the locals assure, not only in the area of \u200b\u200b"Death Roads", but And in Lytkarino itself.

It is still rumored that in 1812 the road was cursed by retreating French soldiers. But residents of Lytkarino consider this version of the insolvent.

Several years ago, the expedition of the research association "Cosmopoysk" carefully examined the area of \u200b\u200bLytkarino. Researchers "Cosmoposisk", headed by V. Chernobrov, were interested in strange funnels near the "Death Roads", which the local resident of V. Kornekov reported. The diameter of one of the craters was about 100 m, the depth is about 5 m. The trees were seen near the trees, obviously thrown out by the outside of the explosion. Inside the crater and soil shafts grew pine and ate. It was found that trees - at least 150 years. According to scientists, the funnel itself originated from 150 to 1000 years ago.

Inside the pit, the rusted metal fragments were found - presumably, the fragments of an unknown body mass in several tons, exploding here in time immemorial times.

Most likely, this is a meteorite. Metal fragments were transferred for research to the laboratory. V. Chernobrov and his colleagues do not exclude that it was the fall of the meteorite that the abnormal glory of this zone was the cause of the abnormal glory of this zone - there are emptiness underground, on top of which they laid the highway. And in such zones there are often various physical fields affecting people, for example, causing hallucinations.

An abandoned building at the peak of Andreevsky Pass (on seven winds), everyone knows in Novorossiysk. People go to admire: by the sea, ships, and the beauty of Novorossiysk. Visit these ruins a mandatory point in the program of any local wedding. Newlyweds come taking pictures here. And it is with weddings that are associated with many strange and mysterious stories.

Old-timers of Novorossiysk say that marriage celebrations here often ended the tragedy.

Today (05/30/2015) on the TNT channel in the release of the battle of psychics showed a series dedicated to a mysterious place in Novorossiysk called a restaurant on seven winds. Shooting were held last spring (in May). On this occasion, we will discuss the most interesting aspects collected from both this issue and those discussed by many residents of the city.

Legends and rumors that took place on seven winds:

  • Legend of white bride. In 50 years on seven winds, a restaurant rattled. There was a wedding at the daughter of the official. In the midst of the wedding entered the lover of this bride and stabbed the bride in front of all people. Since then, the ghost of this girl goes here. Looking for that Hazard himself, who stabbed her and wants to revenge.

    Sergei Novikov (Chairman of the City Historical Society) is not allowed in principle. He argues that in the 50 years it could not happen here, because there was no one for anyone. And no wedding by definition here could not be

  • Noted the wedding of newlyweds. They took the horses with a chariot, and suddenly at some point the horse was told inadequately. The chariot turned over, the husband remained intact, the bride died. This happened at the end of the nineties.
  • Around 2000. The bride was standing on the top of the hill. At some point fell and swollen hitting the stone head. She died.
  • In 2013-2014, a taxi driver on Bright Lada Kalina stopped at the site of seven winds. Having posted personal belongings on the parapet, drives, keys. I passed back, dispersed, knocked the parapet y flew to serpentine. He died not immediately. He fell out of the car, and he pressed it. And he was still lying time for some time.

Let's wonder out of the above that you think it was actually, and what can be considered legends and rumors. Leave your conclusions in the comments.

Anomalous cases occurring near the restaurant on seven winds:

  • Guys late at night returned home from work. 50-70 meters from the restaurant, on the right side of them appeared silhouette of a white girl in a wedding dress. Spends three she stood, then disappeared.
  • Machines here behave extremely unpredictable. Also here they often break.
  • Very often in the area of \u200b\u200bseven winds, accidents occur.
  • Very often, the pressure in the car is felt on the turns, as if someone specially tries to pull the car from the mountain.

Upon completion of its extrasensory pieces, experts announced their conclusions.

The verdict of the shamans seek Akhmetzhanov: all the place must be washed off with the blood of a black cow, and then to curse from the restaurant on seven winds will be removed.
Verdict medium Alexander Sheppsy: to demolish the building on seven winds, and build something new, round. It is no case in any case should have some sharp corners. And remember, with the words of Alexander, bringing with them children for seven winds is contraindicated, as there are a large number of dead here, which react very much to the child's energy.

There are amazing places in the Ryazan region, which have long been the folk protopants, or rather, tourist trails. Famous museums, manors and reserves, where at any time they are ready to take guests, tell and show, and at the same time - to drink and feed ... but much more in our region where they are narrow, uncooked trails. But from this they, these places do not become less amazing.

It is a pity, of course, that those objects, which are not taken to carry tourists, often appear to random guests in an unsightly, and sometimes in a dilapidated form. But the appearance of vintage temples and abandoned messages still fascinates. And how many secrets and riddles they store in their walls!

This article is a kind of "guide" for those who are one of the free days want to discover the little-known places of the Ryazan region, to get unforgettable emotions and unique photographs. And helped us make up Ksenia Panacheva, the author of the tourist and educational project "I'll show you!"

Shatsky district. Wooden manor Naryshkin

In the place where the River of the End on the territory of the Shatsky district merges with the valuable, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Nikolaevka, there is a borgon, which has been reminiscent of a bullish hump, hence the name of the town - Bykov Mountain. Here, on the shore of the Tsnya, the unique landowner estate Naryshkina. A huge two-storey manor house, completely built of wood.

In this intricate sample of wooden architecture, everything is interesting: and a turret, attached to the left wing of the house, and intricate the fittings, and the covered gallery, leading from the main house to the brick workshop, where once engaged in sewing beads ...

The owner of the estate was Emmanuel Naryshkin, the ceremonium of the courtyard of his imperial majesty, a valid secret advisor. Once here a lively secular life was carried out: called dinners, festive evenings were arranged. In September 1886, the estate honored high-ranking officials: their imperial highness Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich with his wife's great princess ElisAwente Feodorovna and his imperial Highness Pavel Alexandrovich Romanov ...

In the Soviet years, a pioneer camp was placed in the estate on the bull mountain, then a tuberculous dispensary. Currently, the estate refers to the property of the Church, but in fact - abandoned.

Tum. Church with unique frescoes

The village of urban-type Tum Klepikovsky district - seemingly unremarkable village, which is driving, following Ryazan to Casimov. Meanwhile, there is one attraction, which is necessary to see -thetsky Church. The stone church was built in 1841 on the means of parishioners, and painting inside were completely completed in 1910.

These muffins are church and unique. We are talking about unique frescoes, made according to the sketches of the Russian masters of the XIX century: Vasnetsova, Nesterova, Ivanova, and others. On the walls, you can see the paintings "the phenomenon of Christ to the people", "Christ in Russia", "Christ in the House of Martha and Mary" and others. Some frescoes exactly repeat the design of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev.

In addition, a unique bunkting iconostasis from Italian white marble and a wooden sculpture of Christ has been preserved in the temple - such first were distributed in the Russian north.

The temple is striking and a height, atypical for a small village: the bell tower attracts the cross about 80 meters.

In the late 1920s, the Trinity Church, like many others, was closed. It would be possible to demolish it, but among the locals began the so-called "Tumian Bun", during which he managed to protect the temple from destruction and ruin. Currently, it acts. Father Mikhail, who serves here, welcomes guests with great pleasure and is ready to talk for hours about this unique place.

Shilovo. Drunk forest and manor with ghost

On the outskirts of the Shilovsky District, in the forest massif near the village of Tarnovo, there are unusual fishing razes, which many heard about. Pines here are smoothly curved the lower part of the trunk in one direction, as if frozen in a single rush of the dance. There are quite a few versions of this anomaly: sin and on the incredible strength of the hurricane, and in the miscarius of the unclean strength. The most convincing scientific hypothesis. In the late 70s, when the tree was planted, for several years in a row, the weather was abnormally wet: the rainy summer was replaced by snowy winter. The sandy soil site simply "slid" slowly, and with the soil clone to the West and young pines, crying trunks. From about 1980, the process stopped, and pine treated with top to the sun. But this will repeat, only one of the versions that does not explain some mystical things. They say, for example, that technician and electronics behave in a drunken forest unpredictable.

If you go to a drunken forest alone, refer to the Ethnocultural Center "Zaryna" in Shilov. Here you can tell a lot of interesting things about local old folk customs. For example, about the rite of rewinding the child. Did you know that the fairy tales about Baba Yaga, who puts the boy on the shovel and sends it to the oven, have a real population? In the old days, if the child was born sick and weak, the furnace was shot in the house, and when she cooled to an acceptable temperature, the baby was put there. The baby warmed up, after which many rivers really retreated. So it turns out that the fabulous Baba Yaga is actually a sign, who treated the child ...

Director of the Ethno Center "Zaryana" Andrei Gavrilov will not only help organize an excursion to a drunken forest, but also will show the estate with the ghost in the village of Lunino, which is not far from Shilova. The locals argue that there is no massive house with the columns, and the mysterious girl flashes in white. The legend says that the daughter of the last manager of this manor fell in love with a groom, but her parents were not allowed a pair to bore the union, and she hanged himself in one of the halls of the second floor. Perhaps and you "lucky" to see her ghost, who has become another Shilovskaya attraction.

P.S. To be continued...