Protein diet for weight loss - her menu for the week. Protein diet for weight loss at home: menu for every day, pros and cons, features Soup recipes for a protein diet

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


The protein diet has gained many fans, both among athletes and among those who find it easier to stick to a strict diet rather than exercise. It has many advantages, for example, that on a protein diet a person does not feel constant hunger, because this diet includes meat, fish and the rest. Weight loss as a result of such a diet comes faster than all others due to the complete rejection of carbohydrate foods, which contribute to fat deposition.

The essence and description of the protein diet

A protein diet is a special way of eating in which only protein foods are included in the diet menu. The idea is to minimize your carbohydrate intake and give your body a little stress by consistently consuming high-protein foods. As a result, there is a lack of energy and instead of energy material, old fat reserves are used in the metabolic process; in the first days, weight loss occurs due to the fluid leaving it, and later due to adipose tissue on the muscles.

From the outside, everything is extremely simple, but when you are faced with the process of losing weight and maintaining your own willpower in life, it becomes incredibly difficult. No diet is easy, so it is extremely important to strictly follow all the rules and recommendations if you decide to use this diet for weight loss and expect colossal results from it.

Benefits of a protein diet:

  1. It is considered a highly effective diet program that allows you to lose about 10 kg in just one week.
  2. Although the restrictions on the amount of food consumed are significant, you will not feel hungry until your next scheduled meal (protein products take much longer to process).
  3. The diet is made up of as much variety as possible, so you won’t have a catastrophic feeling of prohibition and restrictions.
  4. Fat folds that have been building up over the years will not return to you after a protein diet.
  5. It is one of the safest diets, the only important condition is: strictly monitor the period of use (no more than two weeks), do not take long breaks between meals and follow all recommendations.

Disadvantages and limitations of a protein diet:

  1. Due to the constant consumption of high-protein foods, a significant load falls on the kidneys.
  2. Due to an imbalance in the supply of essential substances, vitamins, and minerals contained in carbohydrate foods, there is a risk of deterioration in overall well-being and health. Hair begins to fall out, nails break, the complexion becomes dull, the person feels a little unwell, and gets tired quickly. Therefore, after finishing the diet, it is important to drink a vitamin complex.
  3. People with gastrointestinal diseases may have problems because food is more difficult to digest without fiber.

List of foods that are included in the protein diet

The menu of the protein nutrition program includes more than 70 products, so after reading this section, you will see how diverse it is, like no other diet:

  1. Lean meat, dietary. For example, you can make chops or cutlets from veal, beef, horse meat, or stew a rabbit.
  2. Eat offal: beef liver, poultry liver, calf tongue, lamb, front part of beef.
  3. There are no restrictions on the variety of fish; it can be fatty, frozen, dried, smoked, canned, crab sticks.
  4. Seafood of all kinds.
  5. Poultry, except duck and goose. Please note that the skin should not be eaten.
  6. Low fat ham of all varieties.
  7. Chicken and quail eggs: you can fry them, scramble them, cook them in any way.
  8. Dairy products in unlimited variety, but low-fat.
  9. One and a half liters of liquid for one day in the form of: tea, coffee, herbal infusion, diet drinks, water.
  10. Plant proteins - tofu, seitan.
  11. Oat bran.
  12. Dried apples and pears.
  13. Sweetener in any quantity.
  14. Skim milk powder.
  15. Balsamic or wine vinegar.
  16. Salty soy sauce.
  17. Adjika, tomato sauce, tomatoes in their own juice.
  18. Cumin, garlic, herbs, onions.
  19. Spices for seasoning dishes.
  20. Gherkins.
  21. Moderate amount of salt.
  22. Lemon and its juice in dishes.
  23. Mustard, ginger, yeast.
  24. Chewing gum without sugar.
  25. Vanilla, agar-agar, vaseline oil.
  26. Sugar-free lollipops.

Basic protein diet menu

When creating your menu for this nutrition program, strictly adhere to the list of permitted diet foods, try to select and prepare foods, carefully removing fat from them. The daily frequency of meals should be at least 5–6 times and no later than two hours before bedtime. Drink more still water, stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

Protein diet menu for the week (required products

  1. Chicken fillet 150-200 grams.
  2. Low-fat fish 150-200 grams.
  3. Seafood in the amount of 200-300 grams.
  4. Beef/veal – 150-200 grams.
  5. Low-fat cottage cheese 150-200 grams.
  6. Up to five egg whites.
  • We follow a schedule scheduled by the hour;
  • Before two o'clock in the afternoon, eat a small amount (5 tablespoons) of complex carbohydrates in boiled form: buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice;
  • It is acceptable to eat a couple of unsweetened apples and citrus fruits;
  • In the afternoon, it is recommended to use vegetables as a side dish: cucumber, tomato, cabbage, lettuce.

Menu for 7 days

The first day:

  • For breakfast, boil 150 grams of beef and eat it with one slice of whole grain bread, drink a cup of tea or coffee;
  • Snack: one or two apples;
  • Have lunch with boiled beef (150 grams) with vegetable salad (200 grams);
  • Have a snack by drinking one glass of low-calorie kefir/yogurt;
  • For dinner, boil fish (200 grams) and eat with vegetable salad.

Second day:

  • Breakfast of cottage cheese (150 grams of low-fat), tea, coffee;
  • Snack: one grapefruit;
  • For lunch, stew beef with vegetables (150 grams);
  • Snack of one glass of kefir with diet bread;
  • For dinner, boil 200 grams of lean fish and eat it with fresh vegetables.

Day three:

  • Have breakfast with boiled chicken fillet (200 grams), coffee or tea;
  • Lunch with one apple;
  • Lunch on boiled beans with vegetable salad (200 grams each);
  • Low-fat yogurt with diet cookies for a snack;
  • For dinner, boiled beef (150 grams) with cabbage salad (150 grams).

Day four:

  • For breakfast, drink one glass of diet kefir with diet cookies;
  • Snack on an apple;
  • For lunch, boiled chicken fillet (200 grams), wash down with apple juice;
  • Snack of one or two chicken yolks;
  • For dinner, boiled fish (200 grams), fresh vegetables (150 grams)

Day five:

  • Have breakfast with boiled turkey (150 grams), eat one apple, tea or coffee;
  • Have a glass of apple juice with a diet cookie;
  • For lunch, boiled fish with a slice of bread;
  • For a snack, a glass of low-percentage kefir;
  • For dinner, boiled beef with salad.

Day six:

  • For breakfast, low-fat cottage cheese (150 grams), tea;
  • Snack of one orange;
  • For lunch, stew beans with vegetables;
  • Kefir for a snack;
  • Dine on fish with a fresh vegetable salad.

Day seven:

  • Breakfast with a glass of skim milk and diet cookies;
  • Snack of one apple;
  • Lunch with vegetable soup with a piece of maggi cube;
  • Snack with cottage cheese (50 grams);
  • For dinner, boiled beef with fresh salad.

Menu for 14 days

  1. Breakfast: a cup of coffee. Lunch: tomato juice, salad with cabbage and vegetable oil. Dinner: boiled or fried fish.
  2. Breakfast: one cracker with coffee. Lunch: boiled fish, vegetable salad with cabbage. Dinner: boiled beef with kefir.
  3. Breakfast: see second day. Lunch: stewed zucchini, apple. Dinner: boil the beef and eat with two boiled eggs and cabbage salad.
  4. Breakfast: coffee. Lunch: raw egg (white), fresh carrot salad with butter, hard cheese. Dinner: kefir.
  5. Breakfast: carrots with lemon juice. Lunch: fish, a glass of tomato. Dinner: kefir.
  6. Breakfast: coffee. Lunch: salad with cabbage and carrots, boiled chicken breast. Dinner: two boiled eggs, grated carrots with butter.
  7. Breakfast: tea. Lunch: boiled beef and grapefruit. Dinner: see day six.
  8. Breakfast: tea. Lunch: boiled turkey, apple. Dinner: see day five.
  9. Just like day six.
  10. Just like day five.
  11. Breakfast: coffee. Lunch: raw egg with boiled carrots, hard cheese. Dinner: kefir.
  12. Just like the third day.
  13. Breakfast: coffee with crackers. Lunch: boiled fish with cabbage salad. Dinner: boiled beef and kefir.
  14. Breakfast: coffee. Lunch: boiled eggs, cabbage salad and tomato. Dinner: boiled or fried fish.

Menu for 4 weeks

First week (breakfast with one half of grapefruit/orange with a boiled egg

  • Mon: we have lunch with a choice of fruits, as much as you can eat (orange, apple, apricot, pear, melon); We have dinner with boiled beef.
  • Tue: have lunch with boiled skinless chicken fillet; have dinner with two eggs, vegetable salad; snack with kefir and toast.
  • Wed: lunch of hard cheese, tomato, bread; dinner of boiled turkey meat.
  • Thu: for lunch, an unlimited amount of citrus fruits in one form; For dinner, boiled chicken fillet with bread.
  • Fri: lunch of two eggs with vegetables; dinner of boiled/fried fish with vegetable salad; snack with one citrus fruit.
  • Sat: lunch with one type of fruit; dinner with boiled veal and vegetable salad.
  • Sun: lunch with chicken fillet with boiled vegetables, you can eat tomato, grapefruit; and boil vegetables for dinner.

Second week (breakfast same as week 1

  • Mon: for lunch, eat boiled veal with vegetable salad; in the evening, eat a couple of boiled eggs and grapefruit.
  • Tue: lunch with boiled turkey and vegetable salad; dinner with eggs and orange.
  • Wed: boiled fish with fresh cucumbers for lunch; eggs with orange for dinner.
  • Thu: for lunch, eat eggs, low-fat hard cheese, boil vegetables; have two eggs for dinner.
  • Fri: fried fish for lunch; for dinner - 2 boiled eggs.
  • Sat: boiled chicken breast for lunch, plus tomato and grapefruit; For dinner, make yourself a fruit salad.
  • Sun: for lunch, fried beef chop, tomato, grapefruit; for dinner - eat the same as for lunch.

Third week with a summary description for the whole day:

  • Mon: eat fruits in the first half of the day, without limiting yourself in quantity.
  • Tue: Boiled vegetables are also offered in unlimited quantities, but without potatoes.
  • Wed: eat all day, alternating fruits with vegetables, make salads, eat the whole thing.
  • Thu: steamed lean fish with boiled vegetables, add cabbage vitamin salad.
  • Fri: boil or fry turkey meat, eat it with boiled vegetables.
  • Sat, Sun: unlimited fruit only.

Fourth week with a list of specific products for each day:

  • Mon: 200 grams of boiled chicken breast, the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomato, canned tuna without oil, one piece of bread, grapefruit.
  • Tue: fried veal (200 grams), the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomato, bread, apple or pear.
  • Wed: a piece of hard low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables, a couple of cucumbers and a couple of tomatoes, bread, an orange.
  • Thursday: boil 200 grams of turkey, the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomatoes, bread, grapefruit, pear.
  • Fri: boil two eggs, eat 3 tomatoes a day, a salad with vegetables, an orange.
  • Sat.: boiled turkey breast, canned tuna, boiled vegetables, two cucumbers and tomatoes, bread, apple.
  • Sun: a portion of low-calorie cottage cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, two glasses of kefir, grapefruit.

Other protein diet options and their sample menu

Because the variety of nutrition in this dietary program is large, there are many varieties of the diet and its menu. The products used are practically the same, it’s just that the method of use and combination differs in some places. The two most common protein diets are the Dukan diet and the second one according to Dr. Robert Atkins. Therefore, see below - the protein diet menu in an approximate version using both methods.

The protein diet is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason: protein in food is truly essential for a healthy diet. The protein diet is dominated by certain foods of both animal and plant origin. Find out which foods are rich in protein and how to prepare them.

Functions of proteins in the human body

In the body, proteins break down into amino acids, which are involved in all life processes. Each protein contains up to 20 amino acids, and about half of them the human body cannot produce on its own - they are irreplaceable, so they must be obtained from food.

Among all the body processes in which proteins are involved, the most important are:

  • Cell structure. Proteins are the main component of any tissue, so they are most needed by pregnant women, children, athletes and those recovering from physical injuries.
  • Metabolism. The absorption of nutrients at the cellular level is carried out by enzymes, which mostly consist of proteins.
  • Normalization of hormonal levels. Almost all hormones are also proteins. These are mainly hormones produced by the pituitary gland, as well as parathyroid and insulin.
  • Protection of the body. Proteins make each tissue individual, specific in its type. This is the basis for the functioning of the body’s immune system; when the structure of the tissue changes, protective antibodies are sent to it.
  • Transport of nutrients. Proteins are necessary for the normal transport of oxygen, vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, medications, minerals and other compounds through the blood to other body systems. It is proteins that allow these substances to reach intracellular structures.

Protein foods ensure proper functioning of the body. It will not be possible to exclude it from the diet without harm to health, but increasing the amount of protein in the diet is very useful.

Proteins of plant and animal origin

The value of proteins is determined by the number of amino acids they contain. The more there are, the more healthy protein foods are. Proteins in animal products are usually more valuable and contain more essential amino acids than plant proteins. But this does not mean that you should forget about plant foods. The best option is to combine them correctly.

To obtain a balanced amount of amino acids, it is advisable for women to include 60% animal proteins and 40% plant proteins in their diet. Men, especially those involved in intense physical activity, require at least 75% of their protein from animal products.

Vegetarians should take dietary supplements to obtain all the necessary amino acids, since plant foods do not contain some essential compounds.

Animal proteins in what products

This protein is found in all products of animal origin, but a protein food is considered to be one that contains at least 10 g of protein per 100 g. What foods are considered protein foods? A protein diet should include:

  • meat (beef, veal, rabbit, pork, poultry);
  • offal (liver, tongue, heart);
  • fish and other seafood;
  • eggs, milk, caviar;
  • dairy products (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, hard cheeses).

However, do not forget that for a protein diet you need to choose not just protein-rich foods, but also those that are stingy with fats. Animal foods are usually full of saturated fat, which will not help with muscle gain or weight loss. It is necessary to select a diet with either a minimum amount of fat or a content of unsaturated fatty acids.

Vegetable Protein Sources

  • soybeans and products made from it;
  • lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas;
  • flour and pasta;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • green vegetables;
  • pumpkin, flax, hemp seeds;
  • algae (spirulina);
  • bran and wheat shoots.

The absorption of products containing vegetable protein is slower than that of animals, and the value is lower. However, they are still required for proper nutrition, since animal food alone cannot especially keep you in shape - there is too much fat.

In addition, to maintain health, it is necessary to ensure intake of other nutrients, which are more abundant in plant foods.

The most protein foods

Products of animal origin are considered to be the most complete in terms of protein content, namely:

  • poultry – goose, turkey, chicken, pheasant;
  • seafood - lobster, tuna, anchovies, mullet, pollock;
  • dairy products - cheddar cheese, edam cheese, condensed milk, sheep and cow's milk;
  • eggs – chicken and quail;
  • meat - beef, rabbit, veal, pork.

There are leaders in protein content among plant foods as well. These are legume products, primarily all soy derivatives. This is followed by red and white beans and lentils.

Dishes made from protein products

The key to a protein diet is variety. You cannot eat the same foods all the time, otherwise the vitamin and mineral balance in the body will be disrupted, problems with metabolism and many other dangerous consequences will arise. Protein dishes for weight loss are very numerous. We list several recipes that are useful for a protein diet.

Protein shake recipes

Protein shakes are best consumed in the morning, before and after a workout. They are prepared according to the same scheme - mix all the ingredients using a mixer or blender. The following cocktails are suitable for gaining muscle weight:

  1. 300 g cottage cheese, 200 ml low-fat milk, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, 100 ml mineral still water.
  2. 400 g cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. paprika, 200 ml water.
  3. 300 g soy milk, 300 g cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 10 walnuts.

If a protein diet is aimed at losing weight, then the following cocktails are suitable:

  1. 300 ml soy milk, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 200 ml 1% kefir, 1 kiwi.
  2. 200 ml low-fat yoghurt without sugar, 200 ml milk, 100 g raspberries.
  3. 400 ml soy milk, 2 tangerines, 150 ml 1% kefir, a little flaxseed oil.

Protein recipes for weight loss

Chicken fillet in kefir.

Cut 100 g of meat, add salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Pour everything with a mixture of kefir and water (50 ml of each). Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then simmer.

Roast pork with soy sauce.

Rub a piece of lean pork with a marinade of salted and peppered juice of half a lemon and bay leaf crumbs. Bake in the oven, periodically pour the juice over the top of the dish. When serving, pour over soy sauce. A rice or vegetable side dish will do.

Spinach puree soup.

Remove skin from turkey breast and boil. Cool the broth, chop the meat, then boil the chopped spinach in it. Pour the resulting mixture into a blender and beat, gradually pouring milk and spices into it to taste.

Bean dishes

Lentils with dried apricots.

Sort out, rinse and boil a glass of lentils. Soak 50 g of dried apricots, chop them and 1 onion, fry everything in vegetable oil, season with salt and pepper. Place the roast into the boiled lentils, add 25 g of chopped walnuts, and finally mix everything.

Cretan bean stew.

Bring 0.5 kg of beans soaked for 12 hours to a boil and drain the water. Finely chop the onion, carrots, 4 tomatoes. Chop 5 cloves of garlic with a bunch of celery and a couple of sprigs of parsley.

Fry the onions and carrots, after 3-5 minutes add the garlic and herbs and keep on the fire for another 5 minutes. Pour the beans and tomatoes into the dish, pour in cold water so that it covers the beans, and close with a lid. Simmer for about 1.5 hours, salt and season before serving.

Fish dishes

Baked fish.

Pour lemon juice over high protein fish and sprinkle with seasonings to taste. Place foil on a baking sheet, pour a little water, bake the fish. It is advisable to serve with a side dish of vegetables or cereals.

Fish cutlets in sauce.

Grind the fillet and a quarter of the onion in a blender or meat grinder. Make small cutlets from the minced meat and place in a hot frying pan with a little oil.

When the cutlets are slightly fried, pour the sauce over them - a mixture of low-fat yogurt, a teaspoon of mustard and dry basil. Simmer for 3-5 minutes with the lid closed.

Daily protein intake

Children, teenagers and pregnant women need the most protein as their bodies build new cells. For others, the daily norm is lower, but with physical activity it also rises.

On average, people of different builds require:

  • Children – 60-80 years.
  • Teenagers – 70-90 years
  • Women – 70-81
  • Men – 80-95
  • Women engaged in physical labor - 80-100 g.
  • Men engaged in physical labor – 95-120 g.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women – 95-115 g.

Proper nutrition and exercise allow the body to develop correctly and maintain good shape. The main thing is not to forget that all our tissues consist of proteins and the body needs their constant replenishment. Eat protein-rich foods and stay healthy.

Protein, or as it is often called, protein, is an organic compound consisting of amino acids. Protein is a builder of human muscle mass. Proteins obtained from food are involved in the synthesis of other proteins that are not produced by the human body, and are also converted into energy during breakdown.

The functions of proteins in the body are quite diverse, for example, there is a transport protein that transports nutrients in the body, as well as a protein that fights infections, being an antibody.

Protein food in the human body should account for at least 15–20% of the total share of nutrients.

However, it also happens that a person’s need for protein may decrease due to certain circumstances, such as:

  • elderly age;
  • in summer time;
  • for diseases associated with protein digestibility.

There are also many factors that contribute to an increase in the need for protein foods:

  • during intense physical activity, for example, before and after strength training, competitions;
  • during illnesses, during the recovery period after them;
  • in cold weather, when the human body has to expend more energy to maintain optimal thermoregulation.

Foods High in Protein

When consuming food from our daily diet, we do not think about the ratio of organic substances, about the quality of food, about its usefulness; we eat, satisfying exclusively our taste whims.

Food can be not only tasty, but also very healthy if you select the right ingredients and monitor the quality of what you consume.

List of foods rich in proteins:

  • chicken meat, mostly breasts, turkey meat, rabbit meat;
  • legumes;
  • cheese, cottage cheese;
  • fish, caviar;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables fruits.

Protein obtained from food, as a rule, takes a long time to be digested by the human gastrointestinal tract, with the exception of vegetables and fruits, they are quickly and easily digested.

Protein diet

By consuming protein foods in your diet, you guarantee yourself not only the growth of muscle mass, but also create all the conditions for losing weight. Losing weight on a protein diet will provide excellent results in less than 2 months.

Many people exhaust themselves with exotic diets, completely giving up fat, flour and sweets. A protein diet allows you to not eliminate fats completely; only the ratio of organic substances changes. Fats usually account for less than 10% of the total diet. If in the diet of an ordinary person the majority are carbohydrates, and protein occupies 15–20%, then in the diet of a person adhering to a protein diet, this ratio changes radically. If possible, it is necessary to exclude or minimize the content of animal fats in the diet; if fats are consumed, then only of plant origin.

When adhering to a protein diet, it is necessary to increase the usual number of meals from three to five, significantly reducing portions.

Another useful trick for those who want to lose weight faster is to drink a glass of clean drinking water before meals, thereby creating the illusion of saturation of the body.

Protein breakfast recipes

1. Protein omelet.

To prepare you will need:

  • several eggs;
  • milk;
  • flour;
  • a little salt;
  • fresh herbs;
  • tomato.

Pour the eggs into a clean container and beat them well with a whisk. Add a small amount of milk and mix. Carefully add the flour, stirring all the time to avoid the formation of lumps. Bring the mixture to the consistency of low-fat sour cream. Salt, add chopped herbs and pour into a well-heated frying pan with olive or corn oil.

2. Cheesecakes.

You will need:

  • skim cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • flour.

Grind the low-fat cottage cheese into a sieve, add an egg, vanilla sugar, and a little flour. Knead a soft dough with the consistency of rich sour cream. Next, we form the cheesecakes themselves, roll them in flour and fry them in a frying pan with the addition of olive oil.

Protein dinner recipes

1. Chicken breast steak with asparagus.

You need to take:

  • chicken breast;
  • low-fat sour cream;
  • salt, spices;
  • garlic.

Cut the skinned, washed chicken breast into two parts and beat each on both sides. Coat the breasts with low-fat sour cream, add salt and spices to taste, squeeze out a clove of garlic. Leave for 30 minutes. After the meat has been marinated, you need to decide whether it will be fried in a frying pan in olive oil or steamed in a double boiler.

2. Pink salmon baked in the oven.


  • fish;
  • sour cream;
  • greenery;
  • seasoning for fish;
  • lemon juice.

We clean the chilled fish from fins, scales, and entrails. We wash the fish well and cut it into medium pieces. Prepare the sauce: add chopped herbs, fish seasoning, and a little lemon juice to low-fat sour cream. Place pieces of fish on a greased baking sheet, pour sauce on top and sprinkle with herbs again. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the fish for 40 minutes.

Protein Dinner Recipes

To prepare, take:

  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • tomato;
  • carrot;
  • canned corn.

Boil the rice until half cooked, drain the water, and rinse. At this time, fry peppers, tomatoes, cut into semicircles, as well as onions, carrots, and canned corn in a frying pan. When the vegetable mixture is almost ready, do not forget to pour rice into it, pour all the contents with a small amount of water and simmer over low heat for another 10 - 15 minutes.

2.Dumplings with cottage cheese.

For the test:

  • egg;
  • flour;
  • water;
  • salt.

For filling:

  • skim cheese;
  • egg;
  • sugar to taste.

Everything is mixed in such proportions to form a stiff, pliable dough. Roll it out with a rolling pin, take a glass with a large rim diameter and use it to cut out blanks for future dumplings. Prepare the filling immediately or in advance; to do this, take low-fat cottage cheese, mix it with an egg and add sugar to taste. Using a teaspoon, measure out the filling and place it on the workpieces; pinch the edges of the dumplings with your fingers as tightly as possible so that the filling does not spill out during cooking and the dumplings do not become soft. Place a pan of water on the fire, bring it to a boil and place the prepared dumplings in the boiling water. Using the dumpling principle, we wait until the dumplings float to the surface. After they float to the surface, boil them for another 30 - 40 seconds. Then put it on a large dish, grease it with butter and sprinkle a little sugar on top. You need to place them on a large dish so that the dumplings do not stick to each other, otherwise after they cool down their shape will become deformed and they will lose their original appearance.

3. Chicken noodles.

for this you will need:

  • chicken breast for broth;
  • greenery;
  • sour cream.

For the noodles:

  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • flour.

Boil salted broth on chicken breast. While the broth is cooking, prepare homemade noodles. To do this, knead unleavened dough from eggs, salt, water and flour. Roll out the finished dough into a layer, let it dry a little and cut it into strips with a knife. Then cut the strips into noodles of the required length. Pour the finished noodles into the boiling broth, cook for 10 minutes and add fresh herbs a few minutes before turning off the noodles. Serve with low-fat sour cream.

It turns out that protein foods are not only extremely healthy, but they are also very easy to prepare, and the taste of protein dishes will appeal to even the most sophisticated eater.

Protein foods are indispensable when you are losing weight, because despite the fact that the body does not receive the proper amount of carbohydrates and fats, the metabolism in its body is not disturbed, the protective functions of the body remain normal.

Video - Recipes for protein dishes for weight loss

Protein diets for quick weight loss- effective and at the same time controversial diets of our time. Their essence is to consume increased amounts of protein and limit foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. A lack of carbohydrates in the body leads to increased breakdown of fat in the body. At the same time, a protein-rich diet helps you feel full and maintain muscle mass. Protein nutrition allows you to lose up to 5 kg of excess weight in a week. At the same time, the result of weight loss lasts for a long time.

Protein diet recipes for quick weight loss products with a high protein content and low fat content are included: beef, chicken, low-fat fish, egg whites, low-fat dairy products (milk, yoghurt, cheese). The menu also includes vegetables, which allows you to saturate the body with fiber, vitamins and minerals.

A protein diet is devoid of the disadvantages inherent in many diets: a debilitating feeling of hunger, loss of muscle mass and the effect of quickly gaining kilograms after finishing the diet. Thanks to this, it has gained wide popularity among those who want to lose extra pounds quickly.

However, such a diet is not without its drawbacks. Excessive amounts of protein in the diet can aggravate certain diseases. To find out if this diet is right for you, read all the indications and contraindications for the protein diet.

You can start following a diet if your excess weight does not exceed 5 kg. If there are large deviations from the norm in weight, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an examination and to eliminate the cause of excess body weight.

The diet is not indicated for older people. For this age category, it is dangerous due to increased blood clotting and thrombosis, and increased blood pressure.

Also, people with diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive system and joints should abstain from a diet containing mainly proteins.

Pregnant women should completely forget about any weight loss diets and follow the principles of healthy eating recommended by their gynecologist.

Protein diets for quick weight loss are suitable for you if you play sports and not only want to get rid of excess fat, but also increase muscle mass.

Protein-rich foods help achieve this goal. Protein is converted into amino acids, which are important for muscle growth and maintenance of vitality.

The protein is easily tolerated by meat lovers. But fans of sweets will most likely face depression and the return of kilograms after finishing the diet - there will be a desire to compensate for the lost carbohydrates.

Let's weigh the pros and cons

A quick weight loss effect is the main advantage of protein foods. The kilograms melt quickly and if you don’t indulge in sweets after the diet, the effect of following such a nutritional system lasts a long time.

The diet for a protein diet is varied. This eliminates the constant desire to snack on something. Protein products take about 4 hours to digest, while the diet requires split meals at intervals of 3 hours.

However, the diet contains mainly products of animal origin, and accordingly, the body does not receive many vitamins and microelements contained in carbohydrate plant foods. In addition, excess protein in the diet leads to the removal of calcium from the body. If you do not supplement your diet with multivitamin complexes, then there is a risk of developing a dull complexion, peeling nails and hair loss.

The disadvantages are increased stress on the kidneys and the risk of urolithiasis. To reduce this risk, the diet must be accompanied by aerobic and strength training.

During a diet, fluid is actively removed from the body, which can lead to dehydration with accompanying lethargy and apathy.

Protein diet recipes for quick weight loss

During protein meals, fried foods are excluded from the menu. When preparing dishes, you must use the methods of boiling, baking, stewing, and steaming. The amount of vegetable oil (preferably olive) should be limited to 4 tbsp. spoons per day; Butter is not included in the menu.

Drinking enough water per day is the key to good results. The volume of fluid consumed depends on body weight, lifestyle and temperature climatic conditions.

The most important thing is that all types of confectionery, sugar and products containing it are excluded from the menu. A limited amount of bread, cereals and potatoes is allowed on the menu.

An example of a diet for 7 days.

Breakfast: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, green tea;

Lunch: 150 grams of boiled chicken, sauerkraut with green peas and adding 1 tbsp. spoons of olive oil.

Dinner: 150 grams of lean boiled fish, beet salad with low-fat sour cream, a glass of apple juice.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with spinach, green tea or coffee;

Lunch: grilled beef, vegetable salad (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers);

Dinner: salmon fillet with beans.

Breakfast: Sandwich made with whole grain bread, lean chicken and greens;

Lunch: lentil soup, vegetable salad;

Dinner: mussels in tomato sauce or boiled beef with vegetable salad;

Breakfast: a glass of kefir and 2 diet cookies;

Lunch: stewed beef with carrots, cabbage salad, one piece of black bread;

Dinner: 150 gr. boiled white fish, vinaigrette.

Breakfast: omelet, vegetable salad, 50 grams of low-fat cheese;

Lunch: 150 grams of lean grilled lamb, sauerkraut with peas;

Dinner: salad of 200 gr. tomatoes with onions, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Breakfast: 50 gr. low-fat cheese, green tea, 1 apple;

Lunch: 150 gr. baked chicken breast, vegetable salad;

Dinner: fish soup, vegetable salad.

Breakfast: 150 gr. boiled beef, beet salad with olive oil, green tea;

Lunch: 100 boiled beans, carrot salad;

Dinner: 100 grams of lean fish, boiled egg, glass of apple juice.

There should be 6 meals a day with an interval of 3 hours. Break the proposed breakfast, lunch and dinner into 6 meals.

Try to eat at the same time every day. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. These tips apply to general principles of healthy eating, but following them is especially important if you want to lose excess weight.

Don't forget to drink. The amount of liquid you drink is at least 1.5 liters per day, but this indicator is strictly individual for everyone. Remember that a diet with a high protein content threatens dehydration, and, consequently, a deterioration in well-being and overall health.

A protein diet involves physical activity. The gym will enhance the effect and reduce the risk of side effects.

It is difficult to fit six meals a day in combination with physical activity into the modern rhythm of life with a full-time working day. Therefore, the best time for a diet is vacation or long holidays.

Recipes for protein diet for weight loss

There are many options for protein diets. You can choose your favorite dishes from a variety of dishes and use them in your diet. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules, excluding foods high in carbohydrates and fat. Below we present several recipes for dishes that meet the requirements of the protein nutrition system.

Salmon soup with milk

Ingredients: 500 gr. salmon, 4 tomatoes, onions (1 piece), 1 carrot, 500 ml low-fat milk, herbs, salt, pepper.

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a fine grater, peel the tomatoes and chop finely. Fry onions and carrots, then tomatoes. Place the fried vegetables in a saucepan and add one liter of water. Cook vegetables for 6-8 minutes over low heat. Next, add salmon cut into medium pieces and milk, cook for 2 minutes, then add herbs and spices and turn off the heat.

Cutlets with cheese

Ingredients: minced chicken and beef (1:1), egg, hard low-fat cheese.

Mix the minced meat with the egg, form cutlets, put a cube of cheese inside, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Julienne with chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients: chicken fillet 500 gr., champignons 200 gr., 50 ml kefir, 1 onion 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.

Fry the champignons with onions, add finely chopped chicken fillet and simmer for 5 minutes. Place the chicken with mushrooms in baking dishes, add kefir diluted with 2 tbsp. spoons of water, sprinkle cottage cheese on top. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 100 gr. cottage cheese, salt, spices.

Mix cottage cheese with egg whites, add salt and spices to taste, place the resulting mass in a mold and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Ingredients: chicken fillet, tomatoes, onions, white cabbage, bell pepper, green beans in any proportion to taste.

Fry finely chopped onion with chicken fillet, after 5 minutes add chopped cabbage. After 10 minutes, add chopped tomatoes without skins, bell peppers and beans. Simmer over low heat for half an hour.

Ingredients: 2 squid carcasses, champignons, onions, 2 eggs, low-fat cheese, herbs to taste.

Boil the squid for a minute, fry finely chopped onions with champignons and add soy sauce and chopped herbs to the frying. Place the filling inside the squid carcasses and fry them on both sides for 2 minutes.

A variety of protein diet recipes help you build a meal plan in advance without spending a lot of time preparing them. They include both budget and more sophisticated options that will help you lose weight in a short time.

Homemade cocktails for weight loss

One of the universal ways to include protein in your diet is cocktails - they can be a complete replacement for your usual meal, since they contain the necessary proportion of protein products. They are convenient to take with you to work in a glass bottle or drink during a break between workouts.

Cinnamon protein shake

Peel the ginger root (2-3 cm thick) and grate it. Add 10 grams of cinnamon powder (for this you can grind a cinnamon stick in a blender), a pinch of cayenne pepper. Pour the ingredients into a glass of low-fat kefir.

Protein shake with dried fruits

Flax protein drink

The combination of orange and protein speeds up metabolism, and flax seeds remove waste and toxins faster. Peel the orange, place half of the citrus in a container, add a glass of natural unsweetened yogurt, pour into a blender bowl, and grind.


This dish belongs to the classic protein breakfasts. If desired, while on a diet, it can be consumed every day, diversifying it with additional components. Recipes can be prepared both on the stove and in other household appliances.

Omelet recipe in a double boiler

Break 4 eggs into a double boiler bowl (pre-greased with olive oil). Add half a glass of milk. Add a little salt and pepper. Beat with a mixer. Place the container in the device, set the normal mode for 20 minutes. As soon as it is ready, sprinkle fresh dill on top of the still hot dish.

Omelet recipe in a slow cooker

You can solve the problem of lack of time using a multicooker. She is often an indispensable assistant in preparing dishes for a protein diet. Pour 4 raw eggs into 100 ml of milk, lightly salt, beat with a mixer (you can mix thoroughly with a spoon). Pour the protein mixture into the multicooker bowl. Set the “Baking” mode.

Microwave recipe

3 raw eggs (for a more dietary diet it is recommended not to use yolks) mixed with 50 ml of milk. Add finely chopped spinach and dill. Beat thoroughly and microwave for 3 minutes. It is better to cover the omelet with a lid.

Protein breakfasts

The first meal on a protein diet should be as nutritious as possible. It is this meal that should include a small proportion of carbohydrates per day in order to provide the body with the necessary energy and speed up the metabolism. In addition to these recipes, you can also cook rice, buckwheat, and pearl barley.


A traditional component of any diet is oatmeal. Porridge made from it is also suitable for a protein diet. It is better to prepare it by steaming - this method allows you to preserve more nutrients. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of rolled oats into a glass of boiling water for half an hour. As a protein supplement, add nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts) or pour kefir instead of water, but it will take longer to infuse - at least 40 minutes.

Shrimp sandwiches recipe

Soft cottage cheese is spread on a piece of whole grain bread. Boiled shrimp and a slice of avocado are laid out on top (this is the required daily share of healthy fat). You can also add arugula or spinach.

Curd mousse

Beat 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese in a blender along with fruit slices or nuts. Orange, kiwi, grapefruit, peach, apple are ideal as a fruit addition, you can take berries. Sprinkle ground cinnamon on top if desired.

Delicious protein dinners

A late meal of a protein diet should also be nutritious, but not fatty, so it is better to prepare dishes according to recipes without adding oil, baking the cutlets in the oven on parchment. It is also useful to replace frying with grilling or steaming.

Chicken cutlet recipe

Grind 0.4 kg of chicken breast through a meat grinder. Add 100 grams of grated cheese and a raw egg to the minced meat. Add some spices (marjoram, thyme, black pepper, salt). Form cutlets and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. They can also be cooked in a slow cooker using the “Steamer” mode - it will take a little longer, but the steamed dish will be much healthier.

Liver in sour cream

Separate half a kilo of chicken liver from the veins. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion into half rings. Fry vegetables until golden brown. Add raw liver, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and a little water. Simmer until tender, stirring constantly - 15 minutes.

Baked chum salmon steak

Marinate the fish in lemon juice and spices (coriander, tarragon, sage, salt) for 20 minutes. Place the tomato cut into rings, grease with natural yoghurt, sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Bake in the oven for half an hour.

Protein salads

In a protein diet, salads can be eaten with a side dish or used as a snack.

With tuna

Mash canned tuna (you only need to take it in its own juice) with a fork, add spinach, arugula, and fresh cucumber to it. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Meat salad recipe

Boil 100 grams of beef. Chop the meat into small pieces. Cut 100 grams of champignons into thin slices, fry in olive oil with onion (small cubes). Grate 50 grams of cheese. Mix the boiled meat with the remaining ingredients and season with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.

Salad with shrimp

Boil 300 grams of shrimp, peel. Add arugula, cherry tomatoes (halved), lettuce. Lightly salt.

Low calorie protein soups

Soup recipes for a protein diet are also quite simple, but at the same time they can be a complete meal.

Spinach cream soup

Boil the chicken breast in 0.5 liters of water until tender. Do not drain the broth, remove the meat, let it cool and cut into small pieces. Chop the package of frozen spinach, pour into the broth, and cook for 5 minutes. Add the chicken, pour in a third of a glass of milk, and beat with a blender. Add spices - basil and nutmeg.

Chicken soup in a slow cooker

Chop the chicken fillet into small pieces, grate the carrots, and chop the onion. Pour into the multicooker bowl, pour in the required amount of water, salt and pepper. Set the “Soup” or “Stew” mode, cooking time - 40 minutes.

Cheese soup

Boil meat (beef, chicken or turkey). Cut into pieces. Pour 50 grams of cheese and 3 diced egg whites into the protein broth. Cook for 10 minutes. Finally add the meat.

Protein snacks

Intermediate protein meals should be small in volume, but satisfy the feeling of hunger due to satiety and optimal protein content in recipes.

Nut butter

Grind the hazelnuts through a meat grinder, adding a handful of dried apricots. This sweet snack can be spread on whole grain bread or eaten 3 small spoons throughout the day.

Protein drink

Combine a spoonful of protein powder and 250 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice. In summer you can add ice cubes. Beat in a blender.

Fruit curd

Add chopped fruit (optional: orange, grapefruit, kiwi, apple), berries or nuts to low-fat cottage cheese.

Protein desserts

During a protein diet, you can treat yourself to delicious desserts. They will be a useful replacement for unhealthy sweets and will not allow you to break down while on a diet.

Oat pancakes

Mix half a glass of milk, 4 tablespoons of oatmeal (to make it, you need to grind rolled oats in a coffee grinder), egg, salt. Bake in a non-stick pan - it avoids adding oil.

Jelly recipe

Boil half a liter of milk in a saucepan. Add 5 chopped strawberries before boiling. Dissolve 2 small spoons of gelatin in hot milk and stir thoroughly. Pour into molds and place in the refrigerator to harden.

To prepare a delicious dish that fits a high-protein diet, you don’t need fancy ingredients or a lot of time. All recipes are easy to follow and no less tasty than dishes from the usual menu.