Three fist diet menu. Rules for following the three-fist diet and its effectiveness. List of allowed foods in the three-fist protein diet

I suggest including it in the diet catalogue.
Power supply system in 3 variations:
- for weight loss,
- to maintain weight,
- for weight gain.
Very clear interface in pictures.

All “healthy” products, on the basis of which you can build a healthy diet, can be divided into four categories: protein foods, salads, complex carbohydrates, fruits. The list you see below displays these four categories and also lists the products that fall into each category. At the same time, it is compiled in such a way that the higher a product is on the list, the more preferable it is for creating a diet:

Protein products:
eggs, sea fish, river fish, seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels, crabs, etc.), chicken meat (fillet), poultry, rabbit, chicken liver, beef liver, chicken kidneys and heart, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheese ( feta cheese, feta, tofu), red meat, soy meat.

cabbage, carrots, pepper, cucumber, tomato, boiled beets, green beans (pod), cauliflower, broccoli;
Greens: parsley, dill, radishes, seaweed, sorrel, mushrooms, fresh/frozen green peas, canned peas, canned corn, eggplant, stewed vegetables (fresh or frozen mixture).

Complex carbohydrates:
oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, pearl barley, durum wheat pasta, wholemeal bread, beans, legumes, lentils.

apple, pear, orange, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, plum, peach, apricot, pomegranate, blueberry, cherries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries.

What else you need to know before you start planning a diet:

A serving of food from each category will be considered to be approximately equal to the volume of your fist (if you think that you have disproportionately large fists, then you can make the serving 20-30% smaller in volume). This will save you from the need to think every time about how much this or that portion weighs, to make mental calculations and other boring philosophies. At the same time, in any situation, you can easily determine the amount of food that you can eat - as you probably already guessed, it will be approximately equal to the size of your three fists. That’s why the diet is called “Three Fists”. Don’t be scared by such a formidable name in the Shaolin style - if you are a beautiful lady, you can call the “Three Fists” diet according to your beautiful fists!

There are two opposing opinions about eggs: 1) that the cholesterol they contain is extremely dangerous, and therefore it is necessary to limit their consumption to 1 egg for two to three days, and 2) that our body can produce tens of times more cholesterol than we can eat. I adhere to the second opinion and eat eggs quite often, however, if you consider them dangerous, or if you have cardiovascular diseases, you are at risk of their occurrence (you smoke, someone in your family died of a heart attack/stroke, etc. ), you have an increase in lipid levels in the blood, or you simply adhere to the principle of “God saves with the best” - eat only egg whites, separating them from the yolks.

Meat from the above list can be eaten boiled or stewed, as well as grilled. If meat is fried in vegetable fat, then it has absorbed a large amount of extra calories in the form of fat, which you will consume unnoticed, which will slow down weight loss. You should also avoid cutlets and meat in batter. The same goes for fish. Once or twice a week (but no more!), if there is no other option (for example, the restaurant you are visiting does not serve boiled or stewed meat), you can eat fried meat.

It is best to use fish, seafood, low-fat cottage cheese and eggs as sources of protein - this is a healthier version of the diet compared to a diet rich in meat, since the latter contains more unhealthy fats.

Salads should be seasoned with a teaspoon of vegetable oil; it is better to alternate olive and sunflower oil. You can also use vinegar and low-fat yogurt. You should not dress your salads with mayonnaise and sour cream if you want to get results, although you can make an exception once or twice a week.

You should try not to over-salt your food, and, if possible, reduce your salt intake as much as possible. This will make your diet even healthier.

About zigzags.

The body has a unique property - the ability to adapt to living conditions. To anyone. For example, if you are on a strict diet, then after two to three weeks your body will adapt in such a way as to minimize its impact. He does not understand why it might be necessary to reduce valuable fat reserves, and does everything to avoid this. Accordingly, in the first couple of weeks the diet works - the scales report pleasant results, but then the needle becomes rooted to the spot and does not want to budge, even if it cracks.

In order to avoid this, we came up with two tricks. The first is that the caloric content of food constantly changes throughout the week. For example, you are on a strict diet for three days, and on a non-strict diet for four. The second trick is the so-called plus and minus zigzags. Zigzag plus is when you allow yourself to eat something harmful at one meal on one dedicated day - a piece of cake, a portion of ice cream, pizza or drink a bottle of beer. Zigzag minus - on the contrary, a day beyond a strict diet. Including two such days in the weekly cycle will further speed up the weight loss process.

Don't drink calories!

You need to completely exclude drinks containing liquid calories: sweet soda, juices, alcoholic drinks, milk, beer, sweet tea, etc. In principle, you need to drink either pure water, or unsweetened tea, or, if you really want to, coffee and tea with sweeteners.

However, it is obvious that it is quite difficult to fully implement this rule - let’s say you are meeting with friends on the weekend and do not want to deny yourself a glass of beer or a couple of cocktails. There is a way out - plan a zigzag in your diet for this day. But still, you shouldn’t let yourself go completely, so that you don’t have to spend a week in the gym for two hours of gluttony.

It’s difficult to call this nutrition system a diet, rather just a balanced diet, very varied and healthy, you’re unlikely to feel like you’re on a diet)))

When choosing a nutrition system for weight loss, many people have difficulties with the complex procedure for calculating calories and organizing the diet. Such people will like the simple and understandable “Three Fists” diet. Its creator is Oleg Tern, a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and sanologist from Kharkov, who completely devoted himself to studying health issues, including proper nutrition. Later, the “Three Fists” diet received another name - “Fifteen” for the ability to replace the main blocks of the diet. Today, the doctor continues to consult those losing weight remotely.

Rules and principles of diet

Oleg Tern positions his system as rules for a healthy lifestyle, the observance of which will help normalize weight. The Three Fists Diet is a solution for those who want to get rid of extra pounds and those who want to gain missing body weight. It's all about a rational menu and the nuances of eating behavior formulated by the doctor:

  • food should consist of natural products, there is no place for semi-finished products and canned food;
  • the diet should not contain sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);
  • It is necessary to drink liquid - clean water is better, give up sugary drinks;
  • do not overload the body, take time for rest and normal sleep;
  • give yourself physical activity regularly;
  • completely give up alcohol;
  • optimism is an important rule of the weight loss system.

Three fist diet for weight loss

The main idea of ​​the weight loss system is that one meal should be equal in volume to three fists of the person losing weight. It is important that the diet includes proteins, fiber, complex carbohydrates, fruits or berries. Dishes can be prepared in different ways - baked, boiled, stewed, steamed and grilled. The exception is frying, which increases the fat content of foods. The author of the method has compiled a list of foods preferred for consumption, and a list of dishes that are allowed in moderation.

How to properly plan a diet

Oleg Tern divided all products into four groups - proteins (meat, fish, eggs), vegetables, complex carbohydrates (porridge) and fruits. Every day, a person losing weight should include dishes from all four categories. In this case, one variety can be on a plate in a volume equal to the fist of a person sitting at the table. You can choose the number of meals per day at your own discretion, but it is better to have at least four. One meal can be a protein product, carbohydrates and vegetables. For fruits, it is better to set aside your own time - an afternoon snack.

The proportions of food on the plate are always the same - 1 part protein, 1 part vegetables and 1 part carbohydrates. Fruits and berries are consumed separately from main meals; their volume should be equal to the volume of a lunch or morning dish. If proteins and fiber (vegetables) can be almost anything, then carbohydrates are cereals or durum wheat pasta. Soups can be present in the diet, but in limited quantities (a couple of times a week), since the calorie content of these dishes is high. It is advisable to regularly drink water or unsweetened tea with lemon and ginger.

List of approved products

When creating a menu, it is important to remember which dishes can be consumed and which cannot. Authorized products include the following categories:

  • Proteins:
    1. fish, seafood (shrimp, mussels, scallops);
    2. dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, milk);
    3. eggs (chicken, quail);
    4. poultry (chicken, turkey);
    5. protein mixtures, sports nutrition;
    6. meat (beef, veal, lean pork);
    7. soy (meat, tofu, milk.)
  • Vegetables:
  • raw – tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, cabbage, seaweed, radishes;
  • greens – dill, parsley, celery, lettuce);
  • mushrooms (champignons, porcini, boletus, chanterelles);
  • processed vegetables (zucchini, broccoli, green beans);
  • frozen corn, peas.
  • cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, pearl barley, wild rice;
  • beans - beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils;
  • flour - whole grain, rye bread, pasta made from premium flour, thin pita bread, lasagna sheets).
  • apples, pears, pineapple, oranges, grapefruits, apricots, peaches, pomelo, kiwi, pomegranates;
  • plums, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, currants, blueberries.
  • Carbohydrates:
  • Fruits and berries.

These categories contain almost the entire necessary range of microelements and vitamins. If you make sure that the menu is varied, the body will receive calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, zinc, vitamins B, PP, A, C, E. The doctor notes that some foods are recommended to be consumed in moderation - they are healthy, but high in calories:

  • seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds;
  • vegetable oil, olives;
  • persimmons, bananas, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes).

What to give up

In order for the diet to be balanced, it is important to ensure that there are no prohibited foods on the table. Among the dishes that fell out of favor with the author of the diet are the following:

  • rich pastries, products made from premium flour, desserts with whipped cream;
  • alcohol;
  • fried foods (potatoes, meat, vegetables);
  • “liquid” calories – sweet drinks, fatty rich soups;
  • chips, ice cream;
  • semi-finished products – sausages, sausages;
  • fatty meats.

What is “zigzag plus” and “zigzag minus”

By strictly adhering to the Three Fists Diet, you can quickly lose weight, but soon the weight loss process may stall. This is due to the slowing of metabolism, which will certainly occur if there is a lack of calories. To speed up your metabolism, you should periodically arrange a kind of “swing” for yourself - increase or decrease the nutritional value of your daily diet.

The author named the days when the calorie content of dishes changes - “zigzag plus” and “zigzag minus”. Once a week you can treat yourself - eat some of the prohibited foods, but not more than one serving (one fist) - a bag of chips, a cake or drink an alcoholic cocktail. “Zigzag Plus” will give you the opportunity to stay on a diet, prevent breaking the rules and breakdowns, and balance the hormonal levels in the body.

“Zigzag minus” can be organized as a fasting or low-calorie day. A fasting diet involves eating the same foods as always, but in a volume reduced by half - that is, 0.5 fists. The low-calorie menu is formed from protein foods, vegetables and fruits, carbohydrates are completely excluded. One meal can contain one fistful of protein and two vegetables, and there can be two fruit snacks.

Menu for the week

To lose weight using the Three Fists Diet, you need to properly plan your diet. Possible menu options may include maintenance, low-calorie, zigzag plus and zigzag minus. Rules for creating a weekly diet for weight loss:

  • two days – a maintenance diet (one meal – three “fists” of foods);
  • three days low-calorie (no carbohydrates);
  • 1 day – “zigzag plus” (you can supplement the menu with one portion of a prohibited dish);
  • Day 1 – “zigzag minus” (fasting, with a reduced diet).

It’s not difficult to create a menu based on diet rules. Sample diet for a week for weight loss.

Day of the week

Monday (to maintain weight)

Oatmeal, two boiled eggs, cabbage and tomato salad, coffee.

Steamed chicken fillet, stew (broccoli, zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, herbs), buckwheat porridge, tea.

Three apples or oranges.

Wholemeal bread, feta cheese, fresh vegetable salad, compote.

Tuesday (low calorie)

Cottage cheese, raw vegetables (2 servings), compote without sugar. After an hour, you can eat 2 apples or oranges.

Baked fish, 2 servings of raw or steamed vegetables, green tea.

Three servings of fruit (apple, grapefruit, berries, etc.)

Steamed turkey cutlets, 2 “fists” of fresh vegetables, tea.

Wednesday (“zigzag minus”)

Half a serving of cottage cheese, vegetable salad, whole grain bread, coffee with milk.

Half a portion of boiled chicken, buckwheat porridge and vegetables, compote.

Two apples or oranges.

Half a serving of wholemeal bread, cheese, one tomato, tea.

Thursday (supportive)

Barley porridge with omelette cooked in a dry frying pan, radish salad, coffee.

Wild rice with seafood (2 servings), vegetable stew (1 fist), green tea.

Three servings of fruits and berries

Liver pate, rye bread, seaweed, tea.

Friday (low calorie)

Lavash with tofu and lettuce (half portion each), coffee.

Vegetable puree soup with lean pork meat balls (1 serving), half a serving of buckwheat porridge, tea.

2 servings of fruit (apricots, peaches, plums)

Half a glass of yogurt, bread, coleslaw.

Saturday (low calorie)

Cottage cheese, oatmeal and vegetable salad (all 0.5 volume).

After 1-2 hours, 2 servings of fruit.

Half a serving of roast turkey, steamed vegetables, durum wheat pasta

Fresh pineapple (2 servings)

Half a serving of bean paste, a piece of roast turkey, lettuce

Sunday (“zigzag plus”)

Cottage cheese casserole (2 servings), raw vegetables

Thick pea soup with meat (2 servings), vegetable salad

2 servings of fruit, 1 serving of high-calorie food (chips, cake, chocolate, etc.)

Yogurt, whole grain bread, vegetables.

Diet effectiveness

Oleg Tern's nutrition system does not imply rapid weight loss, but it guarantees improved well-being. According to the nutritionist, you can lose up to 3-4 kg per week on such a diet if you strictly adhere to the recommendations. At the same time, such nutrition gradually becomes the norm, and soon the person losing weight, unnoticed by himself, easily distributes food for the meal. You can stick to the diet for 2-3 weeks, or you can stay on it for the rest of your life. It is only important to correctly regulate the proportions of nutrients using recipes to maintain the achieved weight.

The benefits and harms of losing weight from Oleg Tern

To make a decision to lose weight using Oleg Tern's system, it is worth weighing the pros and cons of the diet. Benefits of the Three Fists diet:

  • weight loss occurs slowly, which does not harm the condition of the skin and does not affect the appearance;
  • the diet is useful for accelerating metabolism - by alternating low-calorie and weight-maintaining days, metabolism is not inhibited;
  • the large amount of fiber provided for in the nutritional rules helps the intestines work, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • The “Three Fists” diet helps you get rid of the habit of overeating;
  • nutritional rules do not harm general health, which serves as additional motivation for losing kilograms;
  • in the process of losing weight, there is no need to count calories - creating a menu is not difficult, following the rules;
  • After finishing the diet, the achieved weight remains for a long time.

At the same time, the “Three Fists” power system also has disadvantages. Such a diet can harm the body:

  • The diet includes the consumption of a minimum amount of carbohydrates. This is especially noticeable on low-calorie days. Such a restriction can lead to energy deficiency and weakness.
  • Not everyone on such a diet has enough fatty acids - most of them are found in vegetable and animal fat. If you constantly limit the consumption of fatty meat, fish, oil, your hair will become dull, your nails will begin to peel, your metabolism will slow down, your memory may deteriorate, and problems with brain activity will arise.
  • Banning sweets is not for everyone. Lack of glucose can cause depression and headaches.
  • The breakdown of protein releases toxins, so on protein days you need to drink a lot of water. Otherwise, intoxication of the body may occur - the skin color will turn gray, nausea, and dizziness will appear.


The Thorn diet is not recommended for everyone, so the Three Fists nutrition system can only be followed after consultation with a doctor. Due to the peculiarities of the diet, the following contraindications can be identified:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. For some heart problems, the Three Fists nutrition system can cause an exacerbation.
  • Some gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis with high acidity). Eating sour fruits as a separate meal may cause stomach pain.
  • Gout is a condition that requires limiting protein intake, which is not compatible with the diet according to Oleg Tern.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus). Restricting the caloric content of dishes can provoke disruption of the thyroid gland and change hormonal levels.
  • Hard physical work. In this case, adequate nutrition is required to meet the body's needs.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis. To treat this disease, you need a diet with increased energy value of foods and fats.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.


The “three fists” diet is an eating regimen that will allow you to get rid of those hated kilograms without feeling a constant feeling of hunger and without exhausting your body with increased physical activity. By following simple rules, you will establish your metabolic system, which will lead to the necessary results.

The essence and principles of the “three fists” diet

This food consumption pattern was developed by nutritionist Oleg Tern. He is of the opinion that any nutritional plan should be simple, understandable and adapted to a person’s taste preferences. The author offers simple rules that can be followed without wasting time counting calories and without struggling with the debilitating feeling of hunger.

The main goal of this nutritional system is to normalize metabolism. With the correct course of metabolic processes, the body independently reaches optimal weight, losing or gaining the necessary kilograms. The emphasis on following healthy principles is the main difference between this system and other methods of losing or gaining weight. In addition to the silhouette, following the author’s recommendations, you can acquire a beautiful body contour, since this diet promotes the formation of muscle mass.

The program is based on two simple principles:

  1. maintaining a balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
  2. limiting the amount of food consumed.

There is no need to use scales or calorie calculators to stay on target. You should follow a simple rule - the amount of food eaten at one meal should not exceed your three fists.

  • Squirrels– it is a building material for muscles, connective tissue, and nerve fibers. A deficiency of this element entails a loss of general tone, increased vulnerability to various diseases and other serious problems.
  • Carbohydrates are suppliers of energy resources for the body, and also maintain a feeling of satiety.
  • Fats provide health to many internal organs. Therefore, these elements should also be present in the human diet.

It should be noted here that there are different types of fats and carbohydrates, and not all of them are equally healthy. To make it easier to navigate, Oleg Tern identifies four main groups of products, by combining which you can achieve quick and effective results. Based on these groups, new ones are often created by expanding the list of products.

Main product groups of the “three fists” scheme

  • eggs (chicken, quail);
  • sea ​​fish fillet (cod, tuna, mackerel);
  • river fish fillet (pike perch, perch, pike, carp);
  • seafood delicacies (shrimp, mussels, squid);
  • meat (chicken fillet, any parts of rabbit, wild poultry, red meat);
  • offal (chicken and beef liver, chicken heart);
  • low fat cheese and cottage cheese;
  • soy products (soy meat, tofu).

Second product group represented by vegetables and includes:

  • carrot;
  • greenery;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • beet;
  • green beans);
  • peas and corn (canned);
  • leaf lettuce (cress, romaine, iceberg, asparagus);
  • cabbage (all types);
  • eggplant;
  • mushrooms (any type).

After an amendment by the developer, items such as zucchini, zucchini, and daikon (a type of radish) were added.

IN third group includes carbohydrates of the slow (complex) type:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • pearl barley;
  • wholemeal bread products;
  • legumes.

Here you need to be careful and not confuse this category with simple (fast) carbohydrates. A nice bonus is that according to this nutritional plan you can also eat pasta of any kind, as long as it is made from durum flour. In the second version of the diet, brown and wild rice, pita bread, and barley were added. Potato lovers can occasionally include this baked vegetable in their diet.

Fourth group(fruits and berries) contains:

  • apples (unsweetened varieties);
  • pears;
  • citrus fruit;
  • pineapples;
  • peaches, apricots;
  • plums;
  • pomegranate;
  • cherry;
  • blueberry;
  • strawberry;
  • currants (all types);
  • gooseberry.

After the amendment, pomelo, melon, watermelon and cherries were also added to this category. Bananas and dried fruits can be added to the menu with caution. Flax seeds, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), pumpkin and sunflower seeds are not excluded in limited quantities.

In addition to products, there are also recommendations for their preparation. Meat and fish should be boiled, stewed, grilled or steamed. Vegetables are consumed raw or stewed, fruits are consumed mainly raw. It is better to dry bread products before eating, and steam porridge.

Based on the basic list of products, the diet should be compiled depending on the goals you are pursuing. This can be not only standard weight loss, but also “drying” (gaining muscle mass while simultaneously reducing body fat). This system will also be useful for those who want to maintain or gain weight, but at the same time maintain their shape. For each goal, this diet offers a special principle for creating a daily diet.

Diets of the “three fists” food system

Low calorie diet

Designed for weight loss. There should be five meals during the day, the last of which is two hours before night rest. One meal includes three servings (one serving – one fist). The low-calorie line provides two menu plans. The first consists of one serving of foods from the first category (protein) and two servings of foods from the second category (vegetables). The second scheme includes three servings from the fourth category (fruits and berries). The daily menu should include three meals according to the first scheme, and two meals according to the second.

Example of a reduced calorie diet:

  • breakfast – two eggs, tomato and cucumber salad;
  • lunch (brunch) – an apple and two handfuls of berries;
  • lunch – fish steak and stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack – fruit salad;
  • dinner – chicken fillet with mushrooms.

The volume of food for one meal, as noted, should be the size of three of your clenched palms.

Maintenance diet

Designed for those who need to maintain their weight loss results. It also consists of five meals, but there are three food lines.

  1. The first line includes three servings of products from the fourth group and is used to create menus for two meals a day.
  2. The second line assumes one norm of products of the first group and two norms of vegetables. It serves one meal.
  3. Along the third line, which contains proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables in equal parts, two meals are made up.

Example of a maintenance diet:

  • breakfast – two-egg omelet, porridge and carrot juice;
  • lunch – banana and strawberry smoothie;
  • lunch – pasta with chicken fillet and mushrooms;
  • afternoon snack – baked apples;
  • dinner – boiled fish with vinaigrette.

Fasting diet

It involves cutting the portion in half - that is, not one, but half a fist. All five meals should include a full protein meal and two apples (can be replaced with one carrot).

High calorie diet

Designed for those who need extra kilos. The daily menu includes four meals, three of which consist of the first, second and third groups in equal quantities, the fourth is based on fruit.

Example of a high-calorie diet:

  • breakfast – bran, cottage cheese, carrots;
  • lunch - omelette with vegetables and toast;
  • lunch - soup in meat broth with vegetables, grilled meat and buckwheat;
  • afternoon snack - tofu, pita bread and green beans;
  • dinner - fruit salad.

Additional ration (“zigzag plus”)

It is compiled by analogy with the supporting principle, but you are allowed to consume any type of food once, without limiting the serving size. This could be sweet pastries, candy, ice cream, dumplings, pizza or any favorite dish.

Power grid

Proper food consumption according to this system involves alternating diets with each other according to a certain grid.

The weekly weight loss regimen includes:

  • Monday – according to the fasting principle;
  • from Tuesday to Thursday inclusive - low-calorie system;
  • Friday, Saturday – weight maintenance diet;
  • Sunday – “zigzag plus”.

To maintain weight:

  • Monday – low-calorie regimen;
  • from Tuesday to Friday inclusive, as well as Sunday - maintenance diet;
  • Saturday – “zigzag plus”.

To gain body weight:

  • Monday, Saturday – “zigzag plus”;
  • from Tuesday to Friday inclusive - nutrition for weight gain;
  • Sunday – maintenance diet.

Drinking regime and prohibited food groups

To remove toxic substances that are formed during the breakdown of adipose tissue, you should drink about two liters of liquid per day. Preference should be given to non-carbonated mineral water and tea without sugar. It is recommended to reduce the amount of coffee to a cup per day.

According to not only this program, but also the rules of healthy eating, the diet should not contain such food groups as salty snacks (chips, crackers), mayonnaise-based sauces, fast food and fast food. You should also avoid sugar, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

By adhering to this concept, you can get rid of two to seven kilograms per month without causing harm to the body. Those who have set themselves the goal of increasing volume will add from one and a half to two kilograms of muscle mass over the same period.

Oleg Tern shares additional tips about the developed system and its features in this video.

The “three fists” nutrition plan is based on the principles of healthy eating. The main goal of the diet is to normalize metabolism. With the normal course of the body's metabolic processes, you will achieve your goals and acquire beautiful forms.

Text: Olga Chernova

The nutrition system for losing weight, known as the “Three Fists,” is no longer like a diet, but like a fascinating construction set: categorizing foods and making the necessary combinations is difficult only at first. But everything is in order, everything is under control, and, most importantly, fists are clenched not from impotent anger at hunger, but only in order to measure new portions - you can eat five times a day, and once a week - even forbidden foods. Not a diet - a resort!

“Three fists”: why don’t you count calories?

The author of the “Three Fists” diet is Kiev nutritionist and healthy eating ideologist Oleg Tern. In his opinion, a diet should exist for a person, and not a person for a diet. Therefore, in order for healthy eating to be a joy, a person should navigate the quantity and composition of food easily and naturally.

Oleg Tern offers a simple and understandable view of food, confirmed by personal and professional experience. In his opinion, one of the most essential places in our diet is occupied by proteins. They cannot be qualitatively replaced with fats and/or carbohydrates; they maintain body temperature and metabolism, and are also responsible for the formation of muscle mass. Fats and carbohydrates are also necessary for life support, but it is very important to carefully control their sources. In this, Tern’s opinion is similar to the opinion of most nutritionists in the world - not all fats, just like not all carbohydrates, are healthy and safe for humans.

  • protein products
  • vegetables, mushrooms and herbs
  • complex carbohydrates
  • fruits.

By combining products from these lists with each other, a person can easily and safely control his weight depending on his needs: he can lose weight without harm to health, or vice versa - increase weight by gaining muscle mass.

Basic foods on which the Three Fists Diet is based

It is allowed to eat meat, chicken, fish and seafood in the following forms: boiled, stewed, baked without fat, and grilled.

It is better to eat vegetables and herbs mainly raw, in the form of a salad, but they can also be stewed. Complex carbohydrates - and these are mainly cereals - are best consumed steamed or boiled. Fruits, accordingly, are mainly in raw form.

All that remains is to add that portions of food are measured by the size of your own fist - hence the original name of the diet. As a rule, at one meal you are allowed to consume a volume of food not exceeding the size of three of your fists. Agree – these are almost “royal” portions!

Diet "Three fists" - version 2.0

Taking into account the popularity of the nutrition system and the first experience of its adherents, over time the author added an additional list to the basic table of products, designed to diversify the diet. For example:

  • Lean pork and protein powder (sports nutrition) were added to protein foods;

  • Vegetables and herbs were joined by leafy vegetables (spinach, arugula, lettuce), daikon, zucchini and zucchini;

  • The “company” of complex carbohydrates included: brown and wild rice, barley, lasagne sheets, pita bread, and, with caution, baked potatoes;

  • The following fruits were added: pomelo, cherry, watermelon, melon, with caution - persimmon, banana, dried fruits;

Dietary additions such as seeds, nuts, seeds (in moderation) and salad dressing (virgin oil, vinegar, olives, etc.) were also “allowed.”

What the Three Fists Diet can do

Using the “3 fists” weight control technique, you can completely control your own weight, namely:

  • lose weight
  • maintain existing weight
  • To gain weight.

It is important that when choosing the third option, we will be talking about gaining muscle mass, and not rapid fat deposits. Judging by the reviews, athletes successfully use Oleg Tern’s “Three Fists” technique for the so-called “drying” - improving muscle relief while reducing the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer.

How to create a menu for a diet

Depending on the goal of the diet (you want to lose weight, or maintain your current weight, or gain a little), combinations are formed from the lists of listed products, which can be roughly represented as four basic diets. From these diets, in turn, like building blocks, an individual weekly nutrition plan is compiled that meets your goals. We will tell you how this is done a little lower, but for now let us tell you more about the diets themselves:

Low calorie diet

This diet is suitable for those who are trying to lose weight through a diet. In total, there are five meals per day at approximately equal intervals. The amount of food consumed per meal is equal to approximately three of your fists. It is advisable to take your last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

One day on a low-calorie diet looks something like this:

  • Three meals are made up of one serving of food from the “Protein foods” column and two servings from the “Vegetables, mushrooms and greens” column. For example: 1 fist (in other words, a portion the size of your fist) of grilled fish + 1 fist of salad + 1 fist of stewed vegetables or mushrooms.

  • Two techniques - from the “Fruits” column. Each move is the volume of three of your fists. For example, in one fruit meal you can eat 1 large apple and 2 handfuls of berries.

Maintenance diet

This diet is suitable for those who have already lost weight and want to keep the weight in a static position. There are also five meals per day, which are distributed as follows:

  • Two meals a day - fruits (3 fists per meal). For example: once a day you can eat a large orange, the second time - a cup of strawberries or currants (the volume of berries is about 3 of your fists).

  • One trick - 1 fist from the “Protein products” column, 2 fists from the “Vegetables, mushrooms and greens” column. For example: steamed chicken (volume - one fist), accompanied by a salad of fresh vegetables (volume - two fists).

  • Two receptions - 1 fist from the “Protein products” column, 1 - from “Vegetables, mushrooms and greens”, 1 - from “Complex carbohydrates”. That is, one reception may look something like this: 1 fistful of seafood, accompanied by a side dish - a fistful of boiled green beans and a salad of fresh vegetables of your choice.

Fasting diet

It resembles a low-calorie diet, but - which is extremely important! - it uses only half portions (that is, instead of the serving size of one fist, we take portions of ½ fist).

The entire fasting diet consists primarily of protein foods (five meals a day, each of which consists of ½ serving from the “Protein foods” list + 2 apples (if you are tired of apples, they can be replaced at the rate of 2 apples = 1 carrot).

Please note: in the weekly Three Fist Diet plans you will find so-called “Zig Zag Minus” days. This means that you will have a day of strict diet based on one of two ascetic diets - “Low-calorie” or “Fasting”. However, the existence of “Zigzag minus” implies that there probably also exists “Zigzag plus” - a kind of indulgence in the diet that allows you to satisfy your gastronomic desires. And she really is! However, about “Zigzag Plus” - a little later...

Diet for weight gain

The daily menu of this diet is reduced to 4 meals, which are distributed as follows:

  • Three meals consist of 1 fist from “Protein products”, 1 from “Vegetables, mushrooms and greens”, 1 from “Complex carbohydrates”. In other words, one similar meal may, for example, look like this: a piece of grilled rabbit meat (about the size of a fist) + a salad of fresh and/or leafy vegetables (again, the volume is about the size of a fist), and with them - a portion of buckwheat porridge with water, or baked potatoes, or a portion of pasta.

  • One technique - 3 fists from the “Fruits” column. For example: a cup of fresh strawberries (serving size is about 3 of your fists) or one large pineapple, or 3 pieces. kiwi, etc.

“Zigzag plus” - zigzag of luck

So, the happy opportunity to include any of the obviously non-dietary, but beloved foods in the diet is called in the “Three Fists” method the promising concept of “Zigzag Plus”.

This concept implies a special daily diet, which exactly repeats the “Maintenance” diet scheme. With just one exception:

  • One of the five meals looks like this instead of the usual: 1 serving (that is, 1 fist) of a protein product (for example, boiled turkey or lean grilled pork) + 2 servings (that is, the size of two fists) of vegetable salad + 1 serving of your favorite product from the “non-dietary” category: beer, ice cream, a piece of cake, fried potatoes, a piece of pizza, etc. The exact volume of this portion is not measured with fists and remains on the conscience of the person losing weight.

Why do we need Zigzags at all? “Zigzag plus” and “Zigzag minus” play the role of a so-called “swing” in “Three Fists” - a similar technique is used in other diets. Sharp, but regular and controlled jumps in the calorie content of dishes stimulate metabolic processes and prevent the body from getting used to the diet.

Meal plans: weight loss, weight maintenance and weight gain

It would be ridiculous to hope that after living on any of the diets for just one day, you will achieve your desired weight. Alas, no. For each of the nutrition plans that correspond to a specific goal (lose weight, maintain weight, gain weight), there is its own “grid” of nutrition, combining different diets with each other. If we take a period of time per week, the meal plans would look like this:

A week to lose weight on the “Three Fists” diet:

  • Day 1 - “Zigzag minus” (according to the Fasting diet type)
  • Days 2, 3 and 4 - Low calorie diet
  • Days 5 and 6 - Maintenance diet
  • Day 7 - “Zigzag plus”.

A week to maintain weight:

  • Day 1 - “Zigzag minus” (like a Low-calorie diet)
  • Days 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 - Maintenance diet
  • Day 6 - “Zigzag plus”.

Weekly meal plan for those who want to gain weight:

  • Days 1 and 6 - “Zigzag plus”
  • Days 2, 3, 4 and 5 - Diet for weight gain
  • Day 7 - Maintenance diet.

What can you drink on the Three Fists Diet?

Liquid occupies an important place in the Three Fists nutrition system: you must drink at least one and a half liters of pure still water per day, preferably at more or less equal intervals and in a volume of about 150 ml at a time. This way, the liquid will be optimally absorbed, and you will not have to experience discomfort due to a full bladder.

You can also drink unsweetened tea and, in moderation, coffee. If you are used to drinking these drinks with sugar and find it difficult to immediately adjust your receptors to the new taste, you can use sweeteners as a transitional measure.

It is better to avoid beer and other alcohol on normal days of following the diet, but there is a trick - you can drink a bottle of foam, a cocktail or a glass of wine as part of the Zigzag-plus diet, without fear of being branded a bore among your friends. Consider this loophole when planning your leisure time!

Prohibited Products

Despite all the diversity of the diet, it makes sense to irrevocably and without regrets give up the following products (an exception can only be made within the framework of the “Zigzag-plus” diet, and then only one!):

  • Sauces based on mayonnaise and sour cream (and, accordingly, mayonnaise and sour cream themselves);
  • Meat fried using any fat;
  • Chopped steaks and cutlets, as well as any semi-finished products;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Battered and breaded products;
  • Sugar and confectionery;
  • Sugar-containing drinks (especially carbonated): including juices, nectars, industrially produced fruit drinks, as well as fermented milk drinks, tea and coffee with sugar;
  • Any alcohol;
  • Foods high in sodium (salted nuts, chips, preserves and canned goods).

Duration and results of the “Three Fists” diet

Since Three Fists is not a diet, but rather a nutritional system, there are no limiting recommendations for its duration. Knowing the basic principles, depending on your current goals, you can select the appropriate type of diet to gain, maintain or reduce weight - and measure food portions with your own fists for the rest of your life. According to reviews, following the “3 fists” system for weight loss, you can lose from 2 to 7 kg per month. If we talk about weight gain, then Oleg Tern’s method promises a monthly increase due to the growth of muscle tissue by about 1.5 - 2 kg.

Despite the name, no one is going to beat you for extra pounds. The Three Fists Diet is designed to help balance weight. With its help you can both lose weight and gain weight.

In this article, we will look at a special version of the Three Fists diet menu for weight loss.

Diet Three Fists Oleg Tern for a week

The founder of the Three Fists diet is Kiev psychotherapist Oleg Tern. It was he who introduced into dietetics a nutritional system that included the amount of food taken per day, the size of three human fists.

This method of dieting for weight loss is very convenient, since you do not need to calculate calories and distribute the amount of food consumed in grams.

This diet is not intended for rapid weight loss, but it is effective in terms of normalizing the functioning of the digestive system and mental stability.

Before we begin to observe the Three Fists, let us consider the basic principles of nutrition.


  • Protein-vitamin diet for weight loss
  • How to stick to the egg-grapefruit diet for 4 weeks?
  • How to lose weight on an acting diet in 4 days?
  • Striped diet: principle, menu, results

Principles of weekly nutrition

The Three Fists diet for weight loss includes 5 meals a day. At each meal, the amount of food should not exceed the size of your three fists.

To create a menu correctly, there is several diets:

Low calorie

  • the first meal should contain only proteins;
  • in the second and third - vegetables, mushrooms and herbs;
  • the last two meals should include only fruit.


  • the first two meals are fruits;
  • third meal - proteins and vegetables;
  • the last two are proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates.

Zigzag minus

  • resembles a low-calorie diet;
  • instead of a whole “fist”, only half is used;
  • the entire diet consists only of protein products.

Zigzag plus

  • the first two meals are exclusively fruit;
  • third meal - proteins, mushrooms;
  • the last two are proteins, mushrooms, vegetables and carbohydrates.

If you follow the zigzag plus diet, one meal may consist of your favorite non-dietary product:

  • pizza, hamburgers;
  • cakes, pastries;
  • fresh white bread, pastries;
  • fatty meat and fish.

The break between meals of this diet for weight loss should be O the same interval. The last one is no later than two hours before bedtime.

The principles of the weekly menu are:

  • Monday - zigzag minus;
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - low-calorie diet;
  • Friday, Saturday - maintenance diet;
  • Sunday - zigzag plus.

Power supply in swing mode, moving from a minus zigzag to a plus zigzag, intended so that the body does not get used to the diet. After all, it is known that if you get used to something, it will soon cease to affect you as much as before. For example, if you take the same sedative medications for a long time, over time their effectiveness will decrease, and a little later they will stop helping altogether.

  • eggs;
  • chicken meat;
  • fish in any form;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • porridge;
  • grain bread;
  • fruits;
  • water;
  • tea and coffee without sugar.

With the Three Fists diet for weight loss, you need to eat only healthy foods, get enough sleep, drink a lot of water and lead an active lifestyle.

Abstain costs from the following:

  • mayonnaise, sour cream;
  • sauces;
  • grilled meat;
  • semi-finished products;
  • confectionery;
  • alcohol-containing products;
  • smoked meats

Menu for the week

Based on the list of acceptable products, an appropriate weight loss menu for 7 days is drawn up. So, Three Fists diet - menu for the week:


  • Breakfast: fried eggs and green tea;
  • Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: chicken with cheese, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: fried fish;
  • Dinner: omelet and a glass of low-fat warm milk.


  • omelette and herbal tea;
  • mushroom soup with herbs;
  • zucchini and tomato stew;
  • kiwi and pineapple;
  • fruit puree, orange juice.


  • fried fish, kefir;
  • carrot puree;
  • fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, herbal tea;
  • pineapple and berry jelly;
  • strawberries, banana and kiwi, green tea.


  • omelette with cheese, juice;
  • cabbage and cucumbers;
  • mashed potatoes, carrot juice;
  • apple or pear;
  • 250 grams of cherries.


  • applesauce, compote;
  • kiwi and bananas;
  • 250 grams of chicken meat, cucumbers, cabbage and tomatoes;
  • fried fish, tomatoes and buckwheat porridge;
  • cottage cheese, carrot juice and oatmeal.


  • bananas and berry jelly;
  • fruits;
  • omelette with herbs;
  • chicken meat combined with tomato and bread;
  • boiled egg, cucumber and beans.


  • omelette and tea;
  • banana puree;
  • grilled meat, kefir;
  • stewed eggplants;
  • chocolate cake.

Delicious recipes

To prevent the Three Fists diet menu from becoming “boring,” we’ll diversify it with recipes.

So, recipes for the Three Fists diet:

Buckwheat bread

Ingredients: 250 grams of buckwheat, 200 grams of cauliflower, 150 grams of kefir, 5 eggs, baking powder.

  • boil buckwheat and cabbage and beat with a blender;
  • separate the yolks from the whites;
  • add proteins to buckwheat and cabbage;
  • also add baking powder and kefir;
  • form the resulting mass into a bread shape and place in a baking dish;
  • cook in the oven for 25 minutes at 160 degrees.

Dessert dish for the Three Fists diet:

Pumpkin puree

Ingredients: 2 apples, a kilogram of pumpkin and the same amount of zucchini, half a kilogram of plums, 250 ml of low-fat yogurt and 200 grams of cottage cheese.

  • remove pits from plums;
  • cut all the fruits and vegetables and place in a baking dish;
  • bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees;
  • Mix the prepared baked ingredients in a blender;
  • add cottage cheese;
  • pour yogurt over the dish.

Potato substitute