Safe cosmetics for newborns rating the best. What cosmetics for newborns choose

The choice of cosmetics for the newborn, the future mother is asked before childbirth. After all, the minimum set of funds should wait for the house when you return with a baby from the maternity hospital. The new mommy will have so many worries with a baby that on shopping hiking and especially the choice of suitable products will not be time. That is why it is worth finding out in advance which cosmetics are better for a small little man.

What to purchase baby care?

The list of the necessary is already on the last weeks of pregnancy. It will necessarily have such items:

  • oil (they are treated with a child's skin in the maternity hospital);
  • cream (under the diaper);
  • liquid soap (to wash the baby);
  • plipping (to avoid diaperkeys).

All this will be needed by the baby from the first days of life. Then you will start using lotion, shampoo, bath foam, gel or milk for swimming.

What kind of cosmetics are needed as crumbages can be asked to ask the pediatrician, or to independently shut the topic with the help of Internet resources.

There are cases when an allergy occurs even on organic and natural cosmetics. This is due to the individual intolerance of certain types of raw materials. Make sure that the packaging is inscription - hypoallergenically. Unfortunately, to find out which ingredient was not perceived extremely difficult. After all, there are no one-component creams, shampoos and other hygiene products. If the child reacts poorly to the use of a certain means, it simply needs to be changed.

Do not hurry to buy the whole series. At first, you will bypass the minimum set. In addition, you cannot predict whether the cosmetics will take care of the infants. Any redness or rash on the skin is a sign of the non-impurity of the product.


By deciding to give preference to a firm, you must be extremely scrupulous. After all, we are talking about the health of your own child. The main rule is safety. The best option is natural cosmetics. It does not have harmful components and does not cause allergic reactions. It should be borne in mind that the skin of the newborn is very gentle and harm can be harmful, which for adults is the most harmless. Consider a list of which should not contain children's cosmetics for newborns.

  1. The most dangerous aggressive surfactants, namely SLS and SLES. Such abbreviations mean that the sodium lauryl sulfate is present in the cosmetic product. This substance is able to disrupt the natural pH of the skin and even leave it without natural protection.
  2. A controversial moment - mineral oils. The second name is technical. It is implied vaseline, paraffin, mineral, white oil. This is nothing more than the side products of the oil industry. Medikov's opinion was divided. Some argue that they are absolutely suitable as components for children's cosmetics. Others say that such components can cause harm to the sensitive skin of the newborn. In order not to expose the child at risk, it is at first to avoid funds with the components mentioned.
  3. Inappropriately presence of animal fats. Despite the naturalness of such components, they have a negative impact. A film is formed on the epidermis, which does not allow to breathe normally.
  4. Cause fear of such preservatives like parabunts. Research has proved their toxicity and ability to accumulate in the body. They are used in order to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms and extend the shelf life of cosmetics. But there are more secure analogs. For example, salicylic, sorbic or benzoic acid. By purchasing cosmetics for kids, it is worth stopping the choice on the products whose components do not cause doubts.
  5. Alcohol and alcohol is not a place in the composition of children's products. These substances dried the skin. Irritation and redness are possible. In addition, the regular use of alcohol-containing means leads to the thinning of the skin.

What else to focus on when choosing?

Before making a purchase, carefully study the composition. This will help avoid unwanted consequences. In addition to the ingredients, the packaging indicates the expiration date. Note that the numbers are clear. There should be no wiping and vague.The presence of recommendations on the age category is important. The newborn is suitable only cosmetics with the designation "0+".

An important point is the smell. If it is saturated, then there are strong fonders. Receive only neutral fragrance.

Some manufacturers of cosmetics for newborns offer products with labeling indicating high quality standards. You can see on the bottle of such labels like Ecocert, BDIH, ICEA, COSMOS, Natural, Natrue.Such an acquisition for babies is the optimal option. Certified cosmetics are really safe. However, it is worth being ready as the price respectively.

How not to make a mistake with the brand?

Combination Price - Quality is a major landmark for many parents. Not everyone can afford expensive cosmetics even for the smallest family member. Decent offers are at an acceptable cost. The main thing is not to go on advertising. It is necessary to take products not the brand, which is famous for large sales volumes, but buy a series with a safe composition.

To date, the abundance of goods on the market can lead to confusion of all without exception. Mama's task will simplify the rating of popular manufacturers.

The rating is based on the study of the ingredients of products present in the assortment of the above manufacturers. Also, when entering into a list of popular cosmetics, consumers' opinion was taken into account. Some positions that do not deserve attention from the point of view of their composition are made only due to numerous positive reviews.

What to buy funds - the choice is yours. Someone gives preference to the domestic manufacturer. And someone believes that it is better to pay more expensive and take a product of world recognition for a child. In any case, do not lose vigilance and carefully consider each bottle or tube.

Children are completely dependent on adults. The primary task of parents to ensure proper care and comfort Karapuzu. The good health of your Chad is a reward for works and care.

I hope that most of my readers have already moved to the use of safe powders after studying. Today I want to offer you to conduct a revision of the composition of children's cosmetics for skin care and its cleansing. It is necessary to make it necessary to identify the saboteurs that undermine the health of the baby's skin.

Currently, the database of cosmetic ingredients is more than 17.5 thousand positions and most of them are harmful! Therefore, I will not publish long lists with difficult words and advise to counter funds with them. This is just unreal!

I use safe cosmetics for about 4 years and I know that it is difficult to start it. First of all, I want to figure out what is really harmful and not harmful. The abundance of contradictory information leads to the fact that one day the impression is created about the harmfulness of the entire cosmetics and the lack of desire to understand this matter further. In order for this not happened, I suggest your vision of the question as a starting point. Subsequently, you, of course, form your right thing for yourself.

UPD 09/06/2018 . I update security information based on the harmfulness of the components. Those. We understand that in each gel and liquid composition there are preservatives. Phenoxyethanol is one of the most harmless preservatives.

Best cosmetics for the newborn | Solid soap - the best soap!

When I was going to the hospital I was looking for a bathing tool in a comfortable bottle with a dispenser. Found! Later I realized that I had a root incorrect approach.

Starting to learn the compositions in detail, I was horrified by how little money with harmless compositions. For some reason, manufacturers do not consider it necessary to use soft. Testing the compositions of dozens of liquid soft agents and analyzing their composition, I came to the conclusion that

The safest soaps - solid! Because they do not need to add:

  • stabilizers. Substances Hold Consistency required for buyers. For example, gel, foamy, jelly-like, etc.
  • thickeners. Substances forming Attractive consistency for buyers. For example, gel, foamy, jelly-like, etc.
  • preservatives. Substances that do not give the composition for a long time to deteriorate.

And back solid soap is much more profitable gels:

Familiar a sense of injustice and inconsistencies when you see the price of 400 rubles per 100 gram piece? Count how many of 100 gr. Soaps will get gel if the soap is dissolved in water. It seems 400 ml or even more ... But at the same time 400 ml. The gel agent for washing the same brand is 1,500 rubles. Therefore, the benefit of solid soap financially is also essential.

In general, 400 rubles for 400 ml. high-quality vegetable safety gel relatively low price. This volume for one child is enough for a year and maybe more. The only minus remains - the solid soap is not so comfortable as the liquid with the dispenser. There's nothing to do anything here, in life always falls with something. The solid form of soap is not the most terrible moment in our lives with which you can get used.

Best cosmetics for the newborn | Get acquainted with the most dangerous enemies of good cosmetics

  • In order for the skin of the baby to be healthy very important not to disrupt the cosmetics the natural protective barrier of the skin! We choose only soft surfactants (surfactants). They are the main enemies of a natural protective barrier. The most popular seals used in cosmetics - sodium lauryl sulfate ( sodium. laurylsulfate. or SLS) and his younger brother sodium. Laureth. sulfate.(SLES). You must remember this couple and avoid! They are very dangerous and present in 90% of all detergents (shampoos, gels, washbashes, soaps) and if you want healthy skin for your baby and yourself, pay time and pick up the detergent without them. Moreover, further in the article, I have already done everything for you - I collected a selection of harmless options.
  • Some sources approve the detriment of mineral (technical) oils. Their list is extensive: Liquid Paraffin (Liquid Paraffin), paraffin oil (Paraffin Oil, Paraffinum Liquidum), Liquid Vaseline (PetrolTum Liquid, Petroleum Oil), Mineral Oil mineral oil), White oil - all these petroleum products! At the same time, research can be found in which the opposite is indicated that vegetable oils are less stable and are subjected to oxidation and hydrolysis. I am loyal to mineral oils, but I still prefer to choose a means on a vegetable basis. It is worth knowing that the use of animal fats in cosmetics is unacceptable. They form a film on the surface of the skin, which clogs the pores.
  • Another controversial component - parabens (PropylParaben, Methylparaben, ButylParaben). According to some information, it can cause cancer. At the moment, this information is not confirmed, but some manufacturers have tried and have already begun to label their products "FREE PARABEN" (without parabens).
  • Dangerous components for memorization: formaldehyde, silicones, sulfates, parabens and all connections with them. If we see in the word Formaldehyde, Silicone, Sulfate, Paraben, then the product is avoided.

Best cosmetics for the newborn | We look after products with eco marking

This is the easiest way to choose high-quality cosmetics, without spending a few days to study the compositions. This is the choice of certified products with marking. The minus of this approach - certified products are usually more expensive. However, there are always exceptions that I will please you. Certified product can be distinguished by appropriate marking on the bottle.

    • Ecocert (France)- the most prestigious standard in the world of safe and natural goods. Ecocert certificate guarantees the absence in cosmetics of silicones, mineral oils, emulsifying substances, preservatives, dyes, synthetic fragrances, acids, fatty alcohols, propylene glycol and other dangerous petrochemical products. Popular brands whose products have ECOCERT certification: Green Mama for adults ( provence Bio Formula Series), All Sodasan products.

    • Bdih.
      - German Federal Association of Industrial and Trading Companies. According to standard Bdih. The use of only completely natural environmentally friendly raw materials is allowed and the use of GMOs, dyes, synthetic fragrances and petrochemical products is strictly prohibited. Products certified by Bdih.not tested on animals, as well as in products, ingredients of animal origin (except bees wax) are prohibited. Bdih.: Most products Logona. (Logon.), Weleda.
    • ICEA - The standard of ecologically and biologically clean cosmetics includes strict requirements for plant raw materials, animal, mineral origin, packaging and has a list of prohibited ingredients. Popular brands whose products have Cosmos-Standard certification: NaturaSiberica.(Some adult shampoos),
    • Cosmos. (COSMetic Organic Standard) combines the most prestigious European certification schemes into one common standard - the most demanding standard of quality organic and natural cosmetics. There are two levels of certification: Organic - 95% of the agricultural ingredients of the product are required. Natural - It takes 20% of the total product composition to be organic. Label Na
      packaging depends on the primary type of certification ( Ecocert., ICEA, BDIH). This type of certification from December 2014 displaces other types of European certification of eco-products.
      Popular brands whose products have certification Cosmos-Standard: Natura Siberica ( most of the products of the Little Siberica series are certified, as well as some adults), adult cosmetics Joli,
    • Natrue. - The youngest type of certification in Europe has been valid since 2011. Natrue sign guarantees the naturalness of cosmetic products. Natrue performs 3 levels of cosmetics certification, each of which has its markup:
      1. "Natural cosmetics",
      2. "Natural cosmetics with ingredients of organic origin",
      3. "Organic Cosmetics".
      "Natural cosmetics with ingredients of organic origin" Requires a higher minimum content of non-changed natural substances. At least 70% of natural ingredients contained in the product should occur from environmentally friendly and / or certified collection in natural sections.
      "Organic Cosmetics" Requires at least 95% of natural substances contained in the product must occur from environmentally friendly.
      Popular brands whose products have certification Natrue.: Weleda.

Best cosmetics for the newborn | About hippoallerity and the dangers of cosmetics in general

Often on the Internet you can find information about how any mom tried to use less harmful cosmetics and faced allergies from the baby. Usually, such a mother returns to the use of harmful cosmetics :-(. It is incorrect. Mom should choose hippallergenic cosmetics without harmful components in the composition.

It is believed that all safe (natural and organic) cosmetics should be a hippoallergenic - this is a delusion. Natural and organic cosmetics are often more allergenne, due to the use of plant raw materials.

I think I confused you a little, so I will give an example:

We all know that oranges are much more useful than mayonnaise.
We do not consider oranges harmful for being allergic cause an allergic reaction.
But at the same time, everyone knows everything that harmful is mayonnaise, both for ordinary people and for allergies due to the high caloric content and the content of harmful substances.

If your child is inclined to allergies, it is necessary to choose from safe cosmetics hippallergenic.

Witch Hunting Among the Popular Breeding Cosmetics Brands (Collaboration of Compositions)

In this section, I will consider the composition of the series of cosmetic products of popular children's brands (,). In the first positions of the list, the list includes outsiders, and at the end of the leaders in the field of safe compositions. I allocated hazardous and potentially hazardous substances, gray neutral. The review contains funds recommended from the first days of life.

Eared Nanny (Ozon, My-Shop)

At the beginning of the charts, I just can't deprive myself pleasure and once again not to criticize the folk pet - the eared nanny, there are a lot of complaints of my composition.

Representatives Structure Price (01/08/2016)
Means for swimming eared nanny "From head to legs" (My-Shop, Ozon) Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Lauryl Glucoside, Propylene Glycol, Cocamide Dea, Sodium Chloride, Parfum,Disodium Edta, Vitis Vinifera Juice, Aloe Barbadensis Gel Powder, Citric Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, TrideCeth-9, Bisabolol, CI 15985, CI 47005, CI42051
Conclusions: Means with a large content of hazardous substances.
250 ml 98 rub

Children's cream eared nanny protective under the diaper (My-Shop)
Water, EthylHeXyl Stearate, Vaseline, Zinc Oxide, Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Glycerin, Polyglyceryl-2 Dipolygidroxy Systemarate, Cerezin, Stearin, Paraffin, cyclopentaxiloxan, dimethicone Crospolimer, cyclohexasiloxane, soybean oil, extract made of calendula medicinal flowers, peach oil, zinc stearate, magnesium sulfate, phenoxyethanol (Phenoxyethanol), methylparaben, propylparaben, bookings, perfume composition.
conclusions: Used parabens,safety of which is questioned and preservative Phenoxyethanol
100 ml - 118 rubles.

Body milk "For me and mom" "Eared Nanny" (My-Shop)

Aqua, Ceteryl Isononanoate,Glyceryl Stearate, Hydrogenated Polyisobuten Paraffinum Liquidum, Prunus Persica, Dimethiconol, PropylParaben, Methylparaben, EthylParaben, perfume composition, D-panthenol
Conclusions: used parabens,
200 ml. - 136 rubles.
Children's shampoo
"Eared Nanny" (My-Shop, Ozon)
water, sodium lauret sulfate, Cocamidopropylbetain ( Cocamidopropyl Betaine), Lauril glucoside ( Lauryl Glucoside.), propylene glycol ( Propylene. Glycol), Cocamide DEA ( Cocamide Dea.) , perfume composition, denatrieval salt EDTA (Disodium eDTA) , chamomile extract, sodium chloride, citric acid, methylisothiazolinone (Methylisothiazolinone), CI 47005.Conclusions: N.effective means. Contains a large number of dangerous components! 200 ml. - 62 rubles.
Children's Cream Soap Gentle Care "Eared Nanny" (My-Shop,) Sodium tallowate, Sodium cocoate, Sodium palmate, Aqua, Glycerine, parfum, titanium dioxide, polyguatemium-7, Sodium cocoyl isethionate, Sodium laureth sulfate, Cocamidopropyl betaine, Coco-Glucoside, olea europaea (olive) fruit oil, Hellianthus annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract, Tetrasodium EDTA, Bht, Sodium Chloride, Hexus Cinnamal, Benzyl Salicylate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Citronellol.Conclusions: N. 300 ml - 79 rubles.
Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide Dea, Lauretth-11 CarBoxylate Laureth-10 , GlycereTh-2 Cocoate, Laureth-7 Citrate, Sodium Chloride ,, Hamamelis Virginiana Water, Butylene Glycol, Pentylene Glycol, Lactic Acid, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Citric Acid, PEG / PPG-15/15 Dimethicone, PEG-7M, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, MethylisothiazolinoneConclusions: Dangerous agent 400 ml. - 129 rub.

Shampoo "My Sun" (MY-SHOP)

Aqua, Lauryl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Sorbitol, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Chloride, PEG-120 METHYL Glucose Dioleate, Glycerol, Bidens TripArtita Extract, Oryza Sativa Bran Extract, Oryza Sativa Germ Oil, Sine Adipe Lac (and) Glycerin, Pentylene Glycol, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, TrideCeth-9, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, ButylParaben, PropylParaben, IsoButyLParaben, Citric Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone
Conclusions: Dangerous agent. Contains aggressive surfactant and many other toxic substances.
200 ml. - 100 rubles.
Massage Oil "My Sun" (My-Shop)

Paraffinum Liquidum, Sunflower Seed Oil, Cedar (Seedrus Sibirica) Seed Oil, Incense Cedar (Pumila Regel) Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Jojoba Oil, Hippophae Rhamnoides Extract, Bht, Bha, Propyl Gallate, Arachid Oil, Citric Acid.

Conclusions: unsafe tool. Contains high-toxidant anti-acddans - BHT, BHA.

200 ml. - 138 rubles.

Cream under the diaper "My Sunny"

Aqua, Paraffinum Liquidum, Zhinc Oxide, Isopropyl Palmitate, Sorbitan Isostearate (and) Hydrogenated Castor Oil (and) Ceresin (and) Beeswax, Glycerin, Cyclopenthasiloxane, Talc, PEG-30 Dipolyhydroxystearate, D-Panthenol, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil , Magnesium Sulfate, Parfum, Lactic Acid, Methylparaben, PropylParaben, Methylisotiazlinone.

Conclusions: Used parabens,safety of which is questionable

200 ml. - 78 rubles.

Aqua (water) sodium Laureth Sulfate (sodium sodium sulfate), Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CocamidopropylBetain), Maltooligosyl Glucoside / Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate (Maltoolygosil Glucoside / Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolyzate), Cocamide Dea (Cocamide Diethanolamine), Decyl Glucoside (Glucoside), Laureth-7 Citrate, Sodium Chloride (sodium chloride - Cook salt), Bidens TripArtitus Extract, Calendula Officinalis Extract, Triticun Vulgare Extract, methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Citric Acid, Argentum Ionim, Parfum.
Conclusions: Hazardous substance

250 ml. - 155 rub.
"Our Mom" \u200b\u200bbaby oil for care and massage ( Ozon.
) calendula extract, sea buckthorn oil, Pine nut oil, Vitamin A (Retinol), Vitamin E (TOCOPHEROL), Vaseline oil (Paraffinum Liquidum (EU) / MINERAL OIL), flavoring
Conclusions: ingredients.
125 ml. - 140 rubles.

"Our mother"
Children's cosmetic milk for sensitive and problem skin

Aqua, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Glycerin, Hydrogenated Polydecene, Stearic Acid, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Extract, Calendule Officinalis Flower Extract, Bidens Tripartitus (Bur Marigold) Extract, Retinyl Palmitate, Disodium Edta, Methylaparaben, PropylParaben, Hippophae Rhaminoides Oil, Bht, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Citric Acid, ParfumConclusions: unsafe means. Containing regulators and preservatives of the danger of which is confirmed. And also parabens. 150 ml. - 130 rubles.

"Our Mom" \u200b\u200bChildren's shampoo for sensitive and problem skin (MY-SHOP)

Aqua Sodium Laureth Sulfate., Decyl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Chloride, Cocamide Dea, A series, chamomile, calendula and D.R.Conclusions: dangerous tool!

150 ml. - 82 rubles ..

Our mother baby soap with chamomile and a series (My-Shop)

Composition as of June 2018: Sodium Palmate, sodium tallowate, sodium cocoate, aqua, glycerin, sodium chloride, parfum, lanolin, sorbitol, palm acid, PEG 400, propylene glycol, titanium dioxid (CI 77891), plantago major leaf extract, chamomilla extract, tetrasodium EDTA.

Conclusions: unsafe means.

100 gr. - 49 rubles. Aqua Glycerin. , Bg, Isostearate PEG-40-Glyceril, Cetile-PG-hydroxyethylpalmifamide, glycyrretinic acid diquill, Gi Stearat PEG-25, hyaluronate sodium, PCA-NA, betaine, sorbitol, glycine, cerin, olive oil, lauriol glutaminat dioctuldhecila, glyceril Stearat (SE), Squalane, cholesterol Isostearate, Adhesive Alcohol, dimethicone, isostearilglyceryl, sodium stearielglutaminate, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, carbomer, propylparaben, tocopherol, butylparaben, sodium hydroxideConclusions: the level of safety of several components is incomprehensible due to the lack of information about them (highlighted in blue). Revealedharmful component - preservative Phenoxyethanol and parabenswhich are contained in small quantities. 120 ml. - 326 rubles

Pigeon Pigeon Oil Moisturizing (Ozon, My-Shop)

Capril triglyceride, OKLDODECHANOL, squalane, jojoba oil, Cetil-PG hydroxyethylpalmitamide, stearil Glycerithith, phytosterol / Okhyldodeucil Laurol Glitomat, tocopherol

Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.

80 ml. - 349 rubles.

Shampoo-foam Pigeon (Ozon, My-Shop,)

Water, dipropylene glycol (Dipropylene Glycol), cocoalalanin Tea., Laurilbetain, Polyglycyril 4 laurilsulfate (Polyglyceryl-4-Lauraate / Succinate), Ceilpropeopleglong, hydroxyethylparumide, 2-potassium glycirizic acid, polycvatenium-10, polycvathenium-7, sodium chloride, methylparaben, propylparaben, phenoxyethanol, EDIDROKAT.

Conclusions: The main detergent base is through-chur Active Gipping. ANDused parabens,safety of which is questionable

350 ml. - 655 rubles.

Aqua, Chamomilla Recutita Extract, Citric Acid, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Coco-Glucoside, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate,
Glycerin, Glyceryl Oleate, Heliotropine, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein,
Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120 METHYL Glucose Dioleate,
Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Citrate,
Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Laureth Sulfate,

Conclusions: N.effective means Although from the series "From the first days". Contains hazardous components.

400 ml. - 538 rubles.

Protective Cream under the diaper Bubchen (Bubchen) "From the first days"

EthylHeXyl Stearate, Zinc Oxide, Butylene Glycol, Polyglyceryl-3 Polyricinoleate, Glyceryl Oleate, ButyroSpermum Parkii Butter, Heliotropine, Panthenol, Zinc Staerate, Zinc Sulfate
conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.

75 ml - 200 rubles.

Milk for skin care Bubchen (BUBCHEN) "From the first days" (Ozon)

Aqua, Isopropyl Palmitate, Ethylhexyl Stearate, Butylene Glyco L, Polyglyceryl-3 Polyricinoleate, Glyceryl Oleate, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Heliotropine, Panthenol, Zinc Sulfate
Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.

200 ml - 284 rubles

Children's Children's Shampoo (BUBCHEN) with wheat components, aloe vera, panthenol and chamomile extract (Other Bubchen shampoos contain unsafe substances)

Aqua, Sorbitol, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Lauryl Glucoside, Glycerin, Coco-Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Panthenol, Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract, Acrylates / C10-30 AlkylAcrylate Crosspolimer, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Heliotropine, Zinc Sulfate, Sodium Hydroxide, Parfum, Citric Acid

Conclusions: means does not contain harmfulingredients. It uses one of the most soft pavs of Coco-Glucoside.

200 ml - 166 rubles

Solid baby soap
Bubchen Basic Series

Sodium Palmate, Sodium Cocoate, Aqua,Sodium OlivateGlycerin, Parfum, Sodium Chloride, Glycine Soja Oil

Bisabolol, Chamomilla Recutita Extract, Sodium Thiosulfate, Tetrasodium Etidronate, CI 77891
Conclusions: N.effective means. Contains a dangerous component in minor quantities.

125 gr. - 115 rubles


Acid, Lactic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Phenoxyethanol, Benzoic Acid, MethylParaben, EthylParaben, PropylParaben, ButylParaben, IsObutyLParaben
Conclusions: Used parabens accused due to cancer diseases. These charges are not proven, but there is a possibility that they are true.

400 ml. - 398 rubles.

Sanosan protective cream from diaper diapers (Ozon, My-Shop) Water, talc, ethylhexyl stearate, zinc oxide, lanolin, diisostroil polyglyceryl-3 Dimer Dilylolet, isoohexadecan, almond oil, zinc stearate, olive oil, fragrance, magnesium sulfate, panthenol, phenoxyethanol, gasolineol, tocopherol acetate, avocado oil, allantoin, hydrolyzed Milk protein, Potassium sorbate, citric acid.
Conclusions: regarding safe means. Contains in a small amount of preservative. 150 ml. - 290 rubles.

Sanosan Baby Moisturizing "before bed" (Ozon)

A. Qua Glycerin Caprylic / Capric Triglyceride Ceteryl Alcohol Isopropyl Palmitate Glyceryl Stearate Citrate Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter Phenoxyethanol Panthenol Benzyl Alcohol Parfum Propylene Glycol Carbomer AlllanToin Xanthan Gum Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract Sodium Hydroxide Linalool Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) oiL BISABOLOL HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN LIMONENE GERANIOL HEXYL CINNAMAL SODIUM BENZOATE Conclusions: aboutsafe tool. Contains in a small quantity Phenoxyethanol Low degree of harmfulness. 500 ml. - 398 rubles Sanosan Baby Baby Oil With Enriched Formula (MY-SHOP) Helianthus Annuus (Sun Flower) Hybrid Oil Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil CAPRYLIC / CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDE PARFUM Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract TOCOPHEROL BISABOLOL.
Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.
200ml. - 240 rubles.

Sanosan Baby Shampoo for Babies (My-Shop) Aqua, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Chloride, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Parfum, Citric Acid, Sodium Benzoate, AllanToin, Potassium Sorbate, HydroxyPropyl Guar HydroxyPropyltrimonium Chloride (Antistatic), Hydrolyzed Milk Protein, Olea Europaea (Olive) Leaf Extract.Conclusions: N.effective means. Contains hazardous components. 200 ml. - 164 rubles.

Sanosan Baby Children's Moisturizing Soap Sodium Palmate Sodium Cocoate Aqua Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil Sodium Gluconate Parfum Hydrolyzed Milk Protein Glycerin Sodium Chloride Sodium Hydroxide Ci 177891
Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.
100 gr - 75 rubles Aqua, Arctium Lappa Root Extract * (organic extract burdock), Coco-Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Glycerin *, Glyceryl Oleate, Urtica Dioica (Nettle) Extract * (organic extract of nettle), Juniperus Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (juniper organic extract of Siberian) Larix Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (organic extract of Siberian larch), Pinus pumila Needle ExtractWH (organic extract dwarf pine), Pineamidopropyl BetainePS, Hippophae Rhamnoidesamidopropyl BetaineHR, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, Parfum.(*)
Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.

250 gr - 239 rubles.

Little Siberica Children's protective cream "Under the diaper" with organic altea and yarrow extracts

Aqua, Zinc Oxide, Althaea Officinalis Root Extract * (organic marshmallow extract), Octyldodecanol, Caprylic / Capric Triglyceride, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil * (organic sunflower oil), Glycerin *, Polyglyceryl-2 Dipolyhydroxystearate, Cera Alba * (organic beeswax) , Butyrospermum Parkii (shea butter) * (organic shea butter), Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Achillea Millefolium Flower extract * (organic extract of yarrow), Sodium Chloride, Rhodiola Rosea Root ExtractWH (organic extract of Rhodiola rosea), Juniperus Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (organic Siberian Juniper Extract), Hesperis Sibirica ExtractWh (Organic Extract Siberian Extract), Tocopherol, Pinus Sibirica Seed Oil Polyglyceryl-6 Estersp, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Glycerin, Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid, Citric Acid, Parfum.
Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.
Recommended for newborns
75 ml. - 216 rubles

Little Siberica Baby Massage Oil with Organic Rosehip Oils and Evening Primories

Caprylic / Capric Triglyceride, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil * (Organic Sunflower Oil), OCTILDODECANOL, COCO-CAPRYLATE / CAPRATE, OENOTHERA BIENNIS SEED OIL * (Organic primrose oil), Rosa Canina Fruit Oil * (organic butterberry oil), Pinus Sibirica seed Oilwh (organic cedar oil), Tocopherol, Pelargonium Graveolens Oil * (Organic Gerani oil), Cananga Odorata Oil * (Organic Ilang Ylang), Lavandula Angustifolia Oil * (Organic Lavender Oil), Citrus Aurantium Dulcis Oil * (Organic Orange Oil ), CITRAL **, LIMONENE **, GERANIOL **, LINALOOL **, CITROONELLOL **, BENZYL SALICYLATE **, FARNESOL **, BENZYL BENZOATE **.

Conclusions:the means does not contain harmful ingredients.
Recommended for newborns
200 ml. - 400 rubles.

Little Siberica Children's Moisturizing Milk "For Daily Care" with Organic Extracts Ops and Vasilka

Aqua, Centaurea Cyanus Flower Water * (Organic Vasilka Extract), Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil * (Organic Sunflower Oil), Glycerin *, Serearyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Avena Sativa (OAT) Kernel Extract * (Organic EXTRACT EXTRACT), Prunus Armeniaca Kernel oil * (organic oil of apricot), Coco-Caprylate / Caprate, Octyldodecanol, Aquilegia Sibirica ExtractWH (organic extract catchment Siberian), Sorbus Sibirica ExtractWH (organic extract was rowan anthrax), Cetraria Nivalis ExtractWH (organic extract cladonia snow), Pinus Sibirica Seed oil Polyglyceryl-6 Estersp, Xanthan Gum, Tocopherol, Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Citric Acid, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Parfum.
Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.
Recommended for newborns
250 ml. - 193 rubles

Little Siberica Children's soft shampoo "for the smallest" with organic angelic and soapy extracts

Aqua, Lauryl Glucoside, Angelica Archangelica Root Extract * (organic extract angelica), Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Coco-Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Saponaria Officinalis Root Extract * (organic extract Saponaria), Abies Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (organic extract of Siberian fir), Achillea Asiatica ExtractWH (organic extract of milfoil Asian), Juniperus Sibirica Needle ExtractWH (organic extract of Siberian juniper), Pineamidopropyl BetainePS, Hippophae Rhamnoidesamidopropyl BetaineHR, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Parfum, Citric Acid, Linalool **. (*) Organic ingredients
(**) Natural components of essential oils
(WH) Organic Extracts of Siberian Wild Plant Plants
(PS) Siberian Cedar Oil derivative
(HR) Oil derivative Altai sea buckthorn

Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.
Recommended for newborns
250 ml. - 287 rubles.

Little Siberica Children's Soap "For Daily Care" with birch extract and a series

Aqua, Lauryl Glucoside, Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Water * (Organic Sage Extract), Sodium Coco-Sulfate (Some cosmetic component bases consider this ingredient as dangerous as SLS), Glycerin *, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Betula Alba Juice * (Organic Birch Extract), Sodium Chloride, Coco-Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Bidens Tripartita Flower / Leaf / Stem Extract (Mark Extract), Saponaria Officinalis Root Extract * (Organic Soap Root Extract ), geranium Sibiricum ExtractWH (organic extract geranium anthrax), Achillea Asiatica ExtractWH (organic extract of yarrow Asian), Picea Obovata Needle ExtractWH (organic extract of Siberian spruce), Pineamidopropyl BetainePS, Hippophae Rhamnoidesamidopropyl BetaineHR, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium SORBATE, PARFUM, CITRIC ACID, BENZYL SALICYLATE **, LIMONENE **.
Conclusions: n)

Finish your list of popular European brand Weleda. Weleda is the quality and certification of Natrue and BDIH All products. If the budget allows you to choose the best, then Weleda is your option. Detailed product overview for the youngest brand Weleda read.

Representatives Structure Price (01/09/2016)

Weleda Baby Swimming with Calendula and Medicinal Grass (Ozon, My-Shop)

Water (Aqua), Sodium Chloride, Prunus Spinosa Fruit Juice, Thymus Vulgaris Extract, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Fragrance (Parfum) *, Silica, Xanthan Gum, Limonene * 1, Linalool * 1, Geraniol *

The tool does not contain detergent components. Designed as anti-inflammatory and soothing skin additive when bathing. Active action occurs due to the content of calendula, chablie and sage.

Natrue and BDIH certification
Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.

200 ml. - 960 rubles.

Weleda Cream for babies with calendula to protect the skin in the field of peeling

Water (Aqua), Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil, Zinc Oxide, Cera Alba, Lanolin, Glyceryl Linoleate, Hectorite, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract, Fragrance (Parfum) *, Limonene * 1, Linalool * 1, Benzyl Benzoate * 1, Benzyl Salicylate * 1, Geraniol *, Farnesol *

Natrue and BDIH certification
Conclusions: The means does not contain harmful agents does not contain harmfulingredients.

200 ml. - 1135 rubles.

Weleda Body Milk with Calendula

Water (Aqua), Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Glycerin, Alcohol, Caprae Lac, Cetearyl Glucoside, Hydrogenated Coco-Glycerides, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract, Cera Alba, Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter, Xanthan Gum , Glyceryl Caprylate, Fragrance (Parfum) *, Limonene * 1, Linalool * 1, Geraniol *, Citral *
Natrue and BDIH certification
Conclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients.
200 ml. - 1140 rubles.

Weleda Children's shampoo gel with calendula for hair and body

Water (Aqua), Coco-Glucoside, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Alcohol, Disodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil, Glycerin, Chondrus Crispus Extract, Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Xanthan Gum, Lactic Acid, Fragrance (Parfum) *, Limonene * 1)

ATTENTION! This soap from the Baby line is intended for children over 3 years old !!!

soap base - palm, coconut and olive oil; mixture of essential oils; Extracts from flowers Calendula, chamomile, pansies, root of iris; Malt and Rice Extracts
Natrue and BDIH certificationConclusions: Means does not contain harmfulingredients. The composition of the soap is flawless. The limitation is most likely due to the presence of essential oils in the composition. Essential oils are recommended to avoid up to 3 years.

100 gr - 410 rubles.

To check the security of the compositions, I used two sources:

  • (substances, the harmfulness of which is questionable, this site determines how dangerous. The search is carried out by one ingredient)
  • (English-speaking site. Substances, the harmfulness of which in question determines how neutral. You can check the security of the component group at a time).

I draw your attention to the fact that the means of the same brands recommended for use in other age groups have more harmful compositions.

UPD 07.12.2015 I have long had to write this supplement, but before the hands did not reach. I take myself in my hands and write why I still have it possible to pay attention to more expensive Weleda cosmetics. The basis of most Little Siberica tools is used washing base - Cocamidopropyl Betaine. Despite the fact that it relates to safe components, in some cases can cause dermatitis, dryness and skin irritation. Cocamidopropyl Betaine is a significant safer detergent, which is used in the eared nanny and cosmetics like him, but it is not perfect. Weleda cosmetics use the safest components, so those who can afford it is better to pay attention to it. For hunters for the super-safe compositions of other brands when choosing detergents for body and hair, I would recommend choosing funds in which Coco-Glucoside or surfactant surfactant on plant bases. For example, surfactant from the active components of soap nuts.

If you use another harmless cosmetics for the baby, tell us about it (me and blog readers), we are very interested! 😀

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Why are special hygiene and cosmetics need kids? The baby's skin is so gentle and thin that any friction can cause irritation and itching. Due to the weak function of the sebaceous glands, the skin of newborns land than in adults, therefore needs additional nutrition. It has almost no own acid protective layer, it is easily exposed to harmful bacteria.
Therefore, it is worth paying particular attention to the choice of cosmetic tools to care for gentle, capricious children's skin.

Children's soap
The solid soap is better not to use for a bathing of newborns, as it contains alkali and can be quite aggressive to influence child skin, thinning its protective film, causing dryness and irritation. Therefore, cream soap or liquid soap with a neutral pH is more suitable for sensitive baby skin. It can be used to arrange a child or during bathing.
Liquid soap is part of some cosmetic children's series: "Our mother" offers liquid soaps with extracts of a series, cleanliness and chamomile, Chicco.- With chamomile and hawthorn. Cream-soap two types are in the range of the series " Eashable nurse. "

Means for bathing
To ensure the right child's skin care during bathing, it is better to stop your choice for means designed specifically for children. They act gently, protect the skin of babies from cutting, retain its water-fat balance, do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes. The optimal means for swimming a newborn are special gels and foams based on surfactants (surfactants), without alkaline components. They carefully cleaned the baby's skin. A little tools are added to water before bathing for the formation of a light foam, and several drops are applied by massaging movements to the skin, then thoroughly wash off with water. Dermatologists recommend using a bathing tool no more than 1-2 times a week.
Many manufacturers produce funds 2 in 1, which can be used both as shampoo, and like a body gel (for example, a bathing agent " Eared nurseThe composition of which includes an aloe vera extract, toning and softening skin, as well as an extract of white grapes, accelerating the regeneration of new cells). A good bathing tool not only cleans the skin from pollution, but also carefully cares for her (so children's vitamin foam for baths " Eared nurse Contains provitamin B5, which eliminates irritation and cracks, as well as sea buckthorn extract, saturating the skin with vitamins). Means for bathing does not require rinse with water, since it contains natural active ingredients of herbs - tensides that actively act directly on skin contamination.

The baby's guns and hair carriers are much thinner and weaker adult hair, and the forming upper epithelial layer of the head of the head is still very gentle, wound and can easily be irritated. This means that the care of toddler's hairs requires specially developed funds. Children's shampoos do not dry the skin and do not remain on the hair, do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye, contain a neutral pH level. Shampoo intended for newborns can be used when the baby will turn two weeks. But they, as well as a bathing agent, it is better not to abuse and apply 2-3 times a week (it depends on the number of hair in the baby). The rest of the time it is better to just wash the baby's head with water. Children's shampoo brand "Eashable nanny" Suitable for frequent use contains chamomile extract with anti-inflammatory and softening effect. For softening and exfoliation of seborrheic crusts, foam shampoo is suitable for newborns MustelaTo maintain the softness and silkiness of the baby's hair, you can use shampoo AVENT. With dairy proteins.

Children's cream
When choosing a children's cream, it must be remembered that it must meet several requirements: protect the skin, eliminate and prevent irritation and inflammation, moisturize and nourish. The modern market offers creams with different structures: like oil / water emulsions, where the oil droplets are located in the aquatic environment and "water / oil", where water droplets are weighted in the oil environment. Both types of creams are needed. After all, light creams ("oil / water") are superbly coped with the task of moisturizing and nutrition, quickly absorbed into the skin; While fat ("oil / water") perform a protective function.
Moisturizing cream can be repeatedly used during the day, then the kid's skin will be soft and smooth. This is especially necessary to do after the adoption of water procedures and in the hot season to fill the loss of moisture, since the children's skin loses moisture much faster than adult. Cream with thick consistency is more suitable for the care of very dry skin and to protect against dying in the cold season. Children's creams possess additional properties: anti-inflammatory and antiseptic (children's cream "Eashable nanny" With calendula and chamomile), healing (children's cream Sanosan with olive oil and dairy proteins), nutrient (children's cream Chicco.with vitamins A and E).

Body Milk
After swimming, the kid's skin can be moistened with the body for the body. According to the consistency, it is more liquid than cream, so it is easier to distribute and absorbed. Milk can also be used to purify the baby's skin: apply a child and wipe the child. For the prevention of irritation and redness, the milk for the body will fit "Our mother" with chamomile extracts, calendula and turns, for cleansing and moisturizing - body milk "The world of childhood", "Eared Nanny" or BUBCHEN..

Baby oil
Baby oil is a versatile agent that can be useful immediately in several situations. It can be applied to the skin of the baby after bathing or when changing the diaper, also oil is used for massage, cleansing the nose and ears of the child. The newborn often forms seborrheic crusts on the scalp. To remove them, the skin of the baby's head is lubricated with baby oil an hour before swimming, and after taking the bath, softened crusts are combed. For massage you can use baby oil Johnson's Baby.which provides a good slip and leaves the toddler's toddler on the skin. Easy oil-spray is suitable for sensitive skin care "Our mother", To relieve irritation - oil Sanosan.

Cream under diaper
In order for the baby to be comfortable in disposable diapers, it is necessary to take care of the right skin care - to protect it from redness, porrights, irritation. When changing the diaper, give the child the opportunity to take an airbag for 10-15 minutes. Then apply special protective cream on the skin and dress the diaper. The composition of the creams under the diaper includes antiseptic, adsorbing, softening and moisturizing components. For example, cream brand "Eashable nanny" It contains peach and calendula oils, as well as zinc oxide, which suits the skin, relieves irritation and inflammation. Convenient to use is a protective cream under a diaper with a pump-dispenser Mustelawhich contains zinc oxide and vitamins B5 and F.

Wet wipes
It is convenient to use wet napkins when changing the diaper both at home and for a walk, visiting. Napkins are usually saturated with lotion, butter or cream. The first thing to pay attention to when choosing wet napkins is the softness of the material from which they are made. Also, when buying first wet napkins, you should not experiment with the smell, it is better to buy napkins with a neutral aroma or without fragrances. Children's wet cleansing wipes brand "Eashable nanny" contain chamomile extracts and calendulas, thanks to which they have a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, soothe skin, and cream cleansing napkins "Eashable nanny" Provide additional kid skin care thanks to cream impregnation. Daily care can also be used wet wipes "Our mother", soaked in children's lotion with chamomile extracts and aloe vera, and for care for sensitive and inflamed skin, on which there are diallos or a peer, wash wipes are suitable BUBCHEN..

In addition to cosmetics for every day, there is a category of funds whose task is to protect against impacts. The toddler skin is quite thin, so those factors for which adults do not pay attention can affect children's skin.

These funds include:

  1. Sunscreen.
  2. Winter.
  3. Anti-inflammatory and healing.


Summer, the skin of the baby needs special care. The effect of sunlight can cause a burn.

To prevent this are used funds with SPF protection from 15 to 50.

The components of these products must contain only natural moisturizing components, preferably the absence of fragrances. Apply needed 20 minutes before going out.


In winter, as well as in the fall, with strong wind, irritation and redness of the skin are possible.

Special attention It is necessary to give the cheeks, lips and hands.

For leaving in winter is used bold cream. It creates a protective film on the skin. It is a barrier preventing the tempering and frostbite of the skin.

When buying carefully examine the composition. Buy cream without dyes and parabens.

Anti-inflammatory and healing

When a child becomes moving, then without abrasion and bruises can not do. Inexhaustible energy and lack of "brakes" makes its business.

For speedy healing You can use anti-inflammatory and healing cream. The components included in its composition kill bacteria on the surface and accelerate cell regeneration.

Such creams create with rashes and dough on the skinwhich are particularly often occurring in newborns.

What are the requirements of children's cosmetics

Requirements to all children's products, including cosmetics are similar. These include:

When choosing cosmetics, see not only the brand fame, but also carefully examine the composition.

The product that perfectly approached one child may have the cause of the strongest allergies.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing

Now there is no shortage of goods, so to successfully sell manufacturers go to many tricks and tricks.

This list, in the first place, includes bright packaging and promise of a fully natural product written by large letters.

Where to buy?

Often parents because of the complete absence of free time, make purchases by plates, and absolutely not paying attention to the store. It is not right.

Choose proven points. BUT better buy in specialized stores and pharmacies. This will protect you from the negligent sellers, which sometimes rub the shelf life to only sell the goods.


Carefully examine the composition. It is desirable that there are no Funny, dyes, mineral oils, as well as oil refining products that are hidden under the simple name paraffin oil (Vaseline, Cerezine, paraffin).

Shelf life

When choosing a means you need not only to watch, is not suitable shelf life To its end, but also on its duration. The more, the wider the list of preservatives in the composition.

Smell and color

These factors should not hint at their chemical origin. Let it be better white or transparent color and light unobtrusive smell.

Age of the child

When choosing a cosmetic pay attention to agespecified on the package. If you see the characters "0+", then feel free to take for any age.

This means that the product can be used for newborn children. Its composition is the most soft and safe.

Popular manufacturers

Among domestic producers are the most demanded:

It is impossible to build a specific hierarchy, since the popularity of the manufacturer's ratios is not the same.

Perhaps, the brand "Eared Nanny" is the largest selection of goods: from cleaning and detergent to personal hygiene.

The price of products of domestic producers is most affordable. And focused on a wide range of consumers. For quality, many products are not inferior to the means of Western origin.

Most of Western manufacturers cannot be attributed to the category of budget.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy an expensive means, study the composition. Perhaps a decent tool can be found from the domestic producer and at an affordable price.

But there are cases when it is better to overpay and buy a good remedy with a safe composition.

Popular Western manufacturers:

Each mother wants to give his baby the best. No one doubts this. Carefully treat the choice of children's cosmetics.

Pay attention to the composition. If you doubt, it is better to give up this product. Check cosmetics on a small skin area.

If the slightest suspicion of a negative reaction occurredBoldly throw out the product in the trash can. The health of the kid is the key to his bright future!