Paper napkins on a festive scheme table. Table setting with paper napkins. How to fold your own hands: master class

deploy in half a napkin, one fold from above and another fold up, flexing the tip

we turn the tip to the bend

we fold the napkin on the collar

half napkins bend in half

Wrap a fold with a tube from all sides

insert the devices in the resulting converter

The second way.

the second way, when we do in the first way, but in parallel with the tube two end and put the plug and knife into different pockets

Third way.

the third method is the easiest, flexion of the napkins and the received compartments insert cutlery

Fourth way.

the fourth way in the third, but implies the rejection of the ends and turning one end into the tube

Fifth way.

the fifth way is on the fourth, but to reject the ends, folding the last end in the tube add bending of the sides by a converter

Good different ways of folding napkins are also the fact that the wipes with a pattern are more expensive than whites several times. So 20 napkins can sometimes buy for almost 3 euros, and 100 whites are 76 cents. Savings, however, while maintaining diversity.
Also all these prevailing inventions help to lose weight. After all, when culinary delights on the diet are impossible, as a served table with a fantasy, a served table - with flowers, beloved dishes, each time in new folded napkins!
I use only paper napkins at home: and so much washing, so I'm not interested in the design of fabric.

And in any ways to fold the napkins that will still be offered friends, very glad!

Napkin - a mandatory attribute of any feast, and many hostesses wish to arrange these items as original as possible. This is well helped by schemes showing how beautifully folded paper napkins on a festive table. Moreover, it is not necessary to master the art of origami. In this article, we will consider visual examples, how can you use the simplest forms and correctly pick up the desired color.

Basics of table decoration

There are many options for the beautiful addition of paper napkins. To choose from them the most suitable, it is necessary to repel from the main principles:

  • Napkins need to add simply so that they do not have to unwind or deploy them before use.
  • Their form is chosen on the basis of the age of the guests and the holiday.
  • In color, they must organically combine with service objects, especially with a tablecloth.
  • They can be folded on the plate, closet or just put in a glass.
  • Before serving the table, all napkins should be folded in advance and cook.

If the hostess never dealt with this, it is not necessary to start with complex schemes from the Internet. First you can master the simplest figures: corner, harmonic or tube. Playing with coloring and having a feeling of taste, it turns out to decorate the festive table even with such impaired forms.

Consider how to arrange a paper napkin into a glass:

  • Spread the napkin completely.
  • Bend it diagonally to take the triangle shape.
  • Put the triangle based in your direction.
  • Next, you must neatly fold the shape of the tube.
  • Hold the right corner of the shape between two fingers, then simultaneously screw the napkin on three fingers.
  • The bottom edge of the tube must be smooth, and the upper - uneven.
  • The top of the tube, beaten out (approximately 1/3).
  • Put the shape into the glass.

If there will be a cloth on the table, paper napkins can be folded in the form of a corner or harmonic.

The easiest thing is done corner. To do this, you need to take a square napkin and add it diagonally - we get an equally chaired triangle, which is folded in half until the desired size is reached.

It looks much more interesting to the design in the form harmoshki. To obtain such a form, follow the following algorithm.

  • If the size of the napkin is small (25 × 25 cm), it should be fully deployed. For large sizes (from 33 × 33 cm), fold it fourly.
  • Apply the form of the harmonica. When folding, it is enough to observe a step in 1-2 cm.
  • Now bend the figure in half and place in the parcel.

Show creative approach

Often, when preparing for the celebration, it is not enough time to learn to learn complex festive table setting schemes. However, with a creative approach and competent selection of color, the hostess can achieve the original design even with the simplest forms of the addition of paper napkins.

Colors must match the holiday and surrounding items, especially the tablecloth. Consider the main examples:

  • New Year: You can connect green and golden color.
  • Halloween: The main colors of the holiday are black and orange.
  • Valentine's Day: Make the simplest shapes of red or pink color.
  • Birth of a child: If a boy was born, use a combination of white and blue; At the birth of a girl, take a combination of white and pink colors as a basis.
  • Children's holiday: Take the napkins of several colors and make them harmonica - it will be a rainbow. Additionally, you can take orange napkins, twist them with a tube (this method is considered above) and tear up with green ribbon so that the carrot is turned out.

Examples of figures

If you want really original jewelry, you should turn to schemes with more intricate figures. Such napkins are guaranteed to decorate any festive feast. Consider several examples.

Figure "Peacock Tail"

How beautiful to fold napkins in the napkin? 46 photo How to put and put in a napkin shape, how to put out napkins for serving a table, how to put in a round closet

Napkins - an important table serving item. They perform aesthetic, and hygienic functions. Discern fabric and paper napkins. Paper products are cheaper and more practical, textiles are more expensive, but they look more festive.

However, you can give solidity to any type of napkins. It is enough just to put them in a napkin. This convenient fixture not only serves as an ornament, but allows you to take products one thing.


There are many reasons when the table must be decorated to eat. In some families it is a daily routine. It is not necessary to wait when guests come to update a beautiful tablecloth and get new plates. The same applies to napkins. People use these products daily, and they must be on the table constantly.

Before folding napkins in a special closet, you need to decide on their color. The colors of the festive table setting should correspond to the celebration.Universal option is white. It will suit any occasion.

Snow-white wipes on the same tablecloth are a classic and invariably winning option.

Red napkins perfectly fit into the table decor for a romantic evening, and golden, silver and green - for the New Year. If Halloween is noted, the use of orange or orange-black napkins will be appropriate. They can be served with candles of the same color. Bright options are suitable for decorating a children's festive table (for example, you can collect a rainbow from the corresponding colors).

Also shades of napkins should be harmonized with the color range of tablecloth and table setting items. All together they must compile a single ensemble. As for the shape of the napkin, it can be different depending on the occasion for the holiday and age of the guests.

Usually, the products are added as much as possible so that guests do not suffer, turning them before use. Especially simple schemes are suitable for paper options, as they differ in smaller size and arrange them in an intricate design it is not easy.

Depending on where the napkins will be placed (on a plate or near it, in a glass or cloth), choose the option according to which they will be folded.

How to fold beautifully?

The table setting immediately makes it clear how carefully the owners were preparing for reception of guests. Redundant or, on the contrary, insufficient decoration of the table, you can spoil all the impression of the event. And, on the contrary, tastefully decorated the table is able to decorate as a room in which there is also a celebration as a whole.

All items on the table must be harmonized with each other. Laying of cutlery and laying of glasses must comply with all the rules of etiquette.

There are many ways to beautifully put napkins in the napkin. One of the easiest options is to take products of the same size, but two different colors.Then you can put them with fan corners up. This method is suitable for a flat cloth.

You can also decompose the napkins in the form of two fans and to arrange them "towards each other." It turns out the so-called "crown". Another interesting option is to lay out a fan in different directions from the center. So you will get a "lush fan."

The "Corner" method is even simpler. Napkins are diagonally and laid into the nap fleet, alternating in colors. You can take both two, and three, and more different shades.

All of the above options can be additionally decorated with a paper rose from one or more napkins. Most likely, it will not be used directly by appointment, but will decorate the composition. Such a rose can be put and separately.

The fan can be diversified if half folded twice the napkins are lower than the first row of the veser, alternating two contrasting colors. The visual effect of chess will be created.

On the table can be combined by several types of closets. If the device has a round shape, there are two main ways to decompose napkins in it.

  1. Each napkin is folded into the tube (not thicker than a simple pencil) and put it closely alone to the other, until the entire clock has been filled.
  2. Each napkin needs to be straightened, and then fold into the harmonica. After that, the harmonic is flexing in the middle. Then you need to insert it into the napkin. The more napkins you use, the lurisa will turn out the harmonica.

If the stand is a rectangle, you can lay out the spiral napkins. For this, products fold on each other, each subsequent - with a slight offset of the angle.In cafes and restaurants, waiters are used in this way, it requires a certain skill. You need to fold all the napkins in a flat stack between palms and smooth movements carefully deploy.

You can make an interesting bird, the tail of which will become napkins. Parts simulating the head and neck of the bird should also be collapsed from this material. To do everything correctly, you can use the instructions.

  1. Wrap the napkins in the elongated trapezoids, it will be the tail of the bird (adjust parallel corners, fold the napkin in half).
  2. From the rolled into the tube, the napkins make the head and neck of the bird.
  3. The tail, the head and neck of the bird should be neatly shovel into the napkin, trying not to disturb the integrity of the structure.

Instead of the cloth, you can use a bowl or an original cup. In such a dish, you can serve the napkins with an interesting two-way waterfall. This option is even simpler than the "Corner" method. Each product must be deployed, then folded in half. After that, we should put all the folded parts on each other, bend the pack in half and put into a cup of "lochmata" part up.

If the cloth has a fantasy form (for example, made in the form of a girl, the "skirt" of which are just napkins), you can distribute several such "girls" on the table. In such napars, the layout is even easier to produce, as their segment is provided for each napkin.

You can consider the option in which the role of the cloth plays a vase or a glass. In this case, the methods of laying, in which the middle of the napkin is inside the glade, and the ends hang freely. It is acceptable when the number of guests does not exceed ten peopleAnd on the table there is a place to put next to each of them a personal closet.

Of course, options for creating beautiful paper figures are much more, especially if you are going to place them not in the napkin, but place one on the plates. There are ways that are suitable for both options. For example, the hat with the title. Below is step by step tells how to do it.

  1. The napkin is folded in half into the invalid side.
  2. The product is once again folded in half. It turns out the square.
  3. The left upper angle is rejected, 2-3 cm remains to the vertex.
  4. Next, you need to wrap the side angles inside, covering them with each other.
  5. The resulting figure is installed straight, sharp angle up.

If it is in stages to perform the proposed sequence of actions, the result will be the design that resembles a hat with a tit.

In a wide low vase, it will be spectacular to look at the lotus from the napkins, especially if you take one color napkin to create it, but different tones.

How to make such a flower, told in the instructions below.

  1. Take 96 wipes of the desired color.
  2. Make 96 blanks for petals.
  3. Fold every fourly folded napkin diagonally.
  4. The resulting triangle from the top corner to the center bend down.
  5. Turn over and break small corners up.
  6. In the center fold the product outward. Preparation is ready.
  7. Next is the lotus assembly. Two petals of corners are connected to each other. Thus collect eight rows.
  8. Petals straighten up.
  9. Lotus ready. If you wish, you can make a stand from 12 billets of green and place the lotus on it.

In more detail about how to fold the lotus napkins, see the next video.

Napkins need to be folded and stacked only with clean dry hands, the napkin itself must also be washed and dried. The fat stain can spoil the most spectacular composition.

The more people are present at the celebration, the easiest of the decor must be folded.

If the holiday is not too formal, for example, a children's birthday or a big family dinner, there is no need to thoroughly observe etiquette. It is enough to maintain the color of the napkins only the shade of the tablecloth (or tablecloth track). For the children's event, you can attract children to design a festive table, including the folding of napkins.

If the reception passes through all the rules, then the table setting must match them. Using the oilbox is not allowed. Only the immaculately clean and carefully an unwanted linen tablecloth will be able to make a proper impression.

Tableware and devices should be thoroughly washed and dry wiped. They should also be absolutely the same for each guest. The number of cutlery near the plate must correspond to the number of dishes served. Sal cameers should be available to everyone who wishes them to take advantage.

For the autumn celebration, all shades of leaffall will fit, and for the spring - the entire palette of pastel colors will be. For the summer holiday, motley patterns are suitable, and monophonic bright colors. In winter, the combination of green, red and gold is appropriate during the New Year holidays and Christmas, and later - blue, blue, white, as well as other "snowy" prints.

For convenience, it is expedient to combine two types of napkins in a serving: fabric and paper. Then some (textile) will lie on the guests of the guests, while others (paper) will serve for hygiene of the hands and mouth.

Successful examples and options

Below are examples of table serving, in the design of which various ways of laying napkins in the cloth are used.

Any festive table will look more attractive if you decorate it beautifully and original paper or linen napkins. Right and skillfully made figures will make an indelible impression on guests and make an event unforgettable. There are many options as folded napkins so that they look peculiar and unique. For their manufacture, it will take some time, effort and minimal knowledge of Origami technology.

South Cross

This strict and concise form of addition of napkins in the finished version resembles a cross, therefore has such a name. It is more suitable for drawing lunch or dinner in a circle of close friends than a luxurious solemn feast. To fold the South Cross:

  1. Take the material and put the outstand up.
  2. All 4 corners bend alternately to the center.
  3. Turn the resulting square.
  4. Connect the corners in the center again.
  5. Turn over the workpiece.
  6. For another 1 time, maintain the edges of the napkin. Put it with any sharp end up to get rhombus.
  7. Pull the right corner out.
  8. Make the same with the rest of 3 angles.
  9. Scroll through the figure.

Vividly see how this photo can be done.


The original and pretty figure stylized under the flower of the artichoke can also be decorate a festive and casual table. The sequence of its execution is as follows:

  1. Put the napkin face down. Two all corners to the middle.
  2. Get off the corners to the center again.
  3. Turn the square.
  4. Repair the corners again to the middle.
  5. Take from the center of the square any corner and pull on yourself.
  6. Then do the same with other angles.
  7. Pull the edges that are located on the back of the figure.

That's all. Artichoke flower ready.


Beautifully folded the napkins in the form of a shirt. To do this, you will need a piece of material at least 30 cm in width and length. In order to make a figure, follow these items:

  1. All square corners are connected in the center.
  2. Wrap it to the middle 2 of its direct sides.
  3. Turn over the workpiece and bend the upper edge to 2 cm down, join the fold with your fingers.
  4. Put the rectangle face to yourself and get the edge of the "collar" together.
  5. Expand the bottom halves of napkins to the sides.
  6. Wrap the bottom edge up to half, and then wrap again and bring to the "collar".
  7. Put the finished figurine on the serving plate.

To do everything right, look at the photo.

French envelope

For the manufacture of an envelope, a linen napkin is the size of at least 50 by 50 cm. Step-by-step execution instruction is presented below:

  1. Fit a piece of fabric in half from left to right, and then once again in half down.
  2. The resulting rhombus fold twice from left to right.
  3. Then return the left part into place, take the topmost corner and move to the center.
  4. Fold it again in half.
  5. Get the edge on the left side of the workpiece.
  6. Again, take the top right corner and generate to the middle.
  7. Fold him twice.
  8. Turn the rhombus.
  9. Bend both edges of the square so that they come together in the center.
  10. Turn the rectangle to yourself.
  11. Envelope put on a serving plate and put a knife and fork in the "pocket" like this photo.

Bon Appetit!

Christmas tree

New Year's table can be decorated with a napkin in the shape of a Christmas tree. To do this, make the following:

  1. Fold the cloth twice 2 times.
  2. Alternately, in place each of its layer up so that between them the gap remains about 2 cm.
  3. Turn over the workpiece.
  4. Get the corners to the middle to come out the triangle.
  5. Press it with your hand and scream to keep it better.
  6. Turn the triangle to myself.
  7. Beat up each layer and move the edges under the previous one.

Put the "Christmas tree" on a plate and decorate with a snowflake or a bow.

You can also make a Christmas tree in the bulk version, as shown here.


It will be unusual to look at the Origami-Fish Table. To fold it, take a conventional square napkin, and then:

  1. Fold it on both diagonals, deploy, take the edges of both parts exactly in the middle and in the resulting lines, twist them together so that it turns out a triangle.
  2. Both parts alternately fold on the transverse axis and return them back.
  3. Right edge Bring to this line and return back. Do the same with the opposite part.
  4. Right corner Get to the left diagonal.
  5. Shoot it with the left edge of the triangle.
  6. Turn the triangle with the other side to yourself.

For the same principle, do so many "fish" as required.


Here is another option how to decorate the table with napkins. This time for its design you can make a beautiful flower Astra, for what:

  1. Put a paper or fabric square on the table and bend its lower half in half.
  2. Bend the top in half.
  3. Turn the rectangle face down and bend the top half on yourself.
  4. Bend the lower half in half.
  5. Expand them.
  6. Take a rectangle for the lowest edge and bend to the nearest horizontal line.
  7. Bend the whole billet "accordion".
  8. Take it for the left upper edge and alternately refuel the edges into the edge, so that it is triangles.
  9. Connect the most extreme triangles on both sides.

Put the "Astra" to the plate.

A heart

For a wedding feast, the napkins are suitable in the shape of a heart. For this:

  1. Bend the square diagonally and turn it up.
  2. The right corner of the triangle fold up the transverse axis.
  3. Do the same with the other part.
  4. Right upper edge. Bear inside.
  5. Left corner. Inside.
  6. Turn over the workpiece.
  7. Be the top up.
  8. Turn the figurine.

Put the "heart" to the plate next to the cutting devices.

Royal Lilia

Another simple flower for decorating the table is a royal lily. For its manufacture, do the following:

  1. Put a square piece of matter on the table.
  2. Connect together all corners in the center.
  3. Turn the square.
  4. Move the leftmost edge to the middle.
  5. Connect the remaining 3 edges in the center.
  6. Put a small glass up.
  7. Remove the left left corner.
  8. Do the same with the rest of the edges.
  9. Remove the glass.

Place lilies near the cutlery of each guest.


This is another origami figurine for decorating a festive table. Step-by-step instructions for its manufacture are presented below:

  1. All 4 corners of the canvas connect together in the center.
  2. Both parts of the square are also connected via the transverse axis.
  3. Turn the rectangle to yourself and the bottom bend in half.
  4. Bend the top in half.
  5. Swipe the top right edge.
  6. Swipe the left triangles top.
  7. Get the bottom right angle to the right.
  8. Free the remaining corner.

The turntable can be put on the plate both facial and invalid side.

Video instruction

Festive table is a whole art. Starting from the beauty and taste of dishes and ending with the design and serving. To decorate any feast, you need to learn not only correctly, but also tastefully serve the table, in particular, learn how to fold the napkins.

Of course, you can simply fold the paper napkins in the napkin, but then you will not be able to surprise your households and guests. Also very popular is the assembly of "harmonic". For this method, it is enough to fold the material in the form of a harmonica, and then bend in the middle into the ring. But there may be very creative options, for example, as in the photo below (this option is timed to the new year, for example).

How beautiful to fold paper napkins in the napkin?

Napkins on the table most often put either under the napkin, or put in the napkin. And here there are also several options that will allow your festive table to make a special look. In this case, it all depends on what form of the cloth.

If you have a round cloth, then it is worth thinking about large napkins. Each of the napkins must be deployed and then folded, but already in the form of a triangle. After that, we get the resulting figure, find the middle and bend in half, in this form insert into the napkin.

Also beautiful will look at the napkins, folded as follows: unfold, fold into the harmonica. The resulting harmonica needs to be bent in the middle and insert into the napkin. The more such napkins are in it, the magnificent and brighter will look like a composition.

In case you use a flat standard cloth for the table, then it is best to fold them in such a way that each looks out of the corner. Moreover, it is permissible to displace no more than one centimeter. By the way, you can connate the wipes in colors.

Unusual design of a table

From paper napkins, you can make flowers that can be put into a glass or in a vase. You can simply fold the napkins from the paper. For this, as in the previous example, we put the napkins by the accordion, we make the middle and tie a piece of napkins. After the composition is ready, put it on the table and cut off the upper layers. So it is necessary to cut until all layers are expanded. When the work is completed, the composition should be like a rose.

Also for the festive table, which you, for example, cover the spring, can be made of lilies. To do this, it will be necessary to stock up with monophonic napkins, as the flower must be saturated. Pestry and bright shades will not be able to emphasize the shape of the flower. We add one napkin diagonally, then the left and right angles are connected, the right is invested in the left. The resulting figure you need to turn the other side and the upper extreme parts pull and straighten up to the sides.

Well, of course, who did not hear about the famous fan. How to do it is shown in the photo:

1. We take a napkin and fold in half from top to bottom.

3. Mix the napkin and bend it from top to bottom.

4. That part that is not folded, fold down from top to bottom diagonally so that it can come between the folds.

5. It remains to install a napkin on a plate so that it rests on the stand.

How beautifully folded paper napkins in the form of a Christmas tree

There are many holidays, but the most beloved almost every third in our country, the new year. Therefore, it is relevant to make decorations for the New Year's table from the napkins.

In order to make a Christmas tree made of napkins, you need to purchase such that have several layers. We put the folded quadbile so that the open corners are at the top.

Now the corners we relax and bend them in the center.

Once all the corners are minimized, the napkin needs to be turned over.

Once again I turn over and flexing all the corners to the top. The tips of the subsequent corner will bring under the previous one.

After completing the creation of the last corner, wrap back the remaining part of the napkin.

To create beautiful decorations for the desk for holidays, you need to see the video: