Hand-made pumpkin clock. The Best DIY Pumpkin Crafts (63 New Photos). Spider house with cobwebs

Hello everyone. And you have already come up with pumpkin crafts that you need to do with your own hands for school and kindergarten, if not, then take my photos for new ideas. And again I will surprise you with works from a small pumpkin, as well as from a decorative and turban.

In fact, to make a craft for an autumn festival for a competition or for an exhibition, you will have to work hard, because such work takes time and effort. Although I have easy ideas for kindergarten children, for example, you will quickly and beautifully get an autumn hedgehog with mushrooms or a bowl for sweets.

I will not torment you, let's acquaint you with photos and pictures of handicrafts from pumpkins and taverns on the theme of Autumn.

Crafts from a decorative pumpkin do it yourself photo

Vegetables, including orange pumpkin, are great supplies for fall crafts to school and other educational institutions. Now I will show you a few photos, there is no point in describing them step by step, according to the drawing, everything is clear.

Baby in the crib

See what an original pumpkin craft on the Autumn theme you can get. For this work, you will need not only a tavern, but cabbage, a little greenery, a lace and a dummy.

Pumpkin turtle - photo

Pumpkin owl

Pumpkin pig

Craft from a pumpkin with a spider

DIY pumpkin crafts for school

If you still do not know how to make do-it-yourself pumpkin crafts for school, take note of these pictures. Even a 3rd grade student can handle such work.

Funny pumpkin men




I don’t have pumpkin carriages, I didn’t offer banal options, I think these are much better.

DIY pumpkin crafts - photo for kindergarten

And these photos of handicrafts from pumpkin on the theme of Gifts of Autumn will be suitable for the competition, preschoolers will gladly make them for the exhibition.

Pumpkin snail

And here are two options for how to make an autumn craft in a garden of vegetables and pumpkins, using this wonderful snail as an example.

Gingerbread man made of plasticine and decorative pumpkin

Pumpkin man

In this work, you do not need to clean the pumpkin from seeds for crafts, you just need to attach parts of the face and a recess for the nipple.

Smesharik from vegetables and pumpkin

Craft pumpkin merry fellow

Pumpkin chicken

Simple craft - kolobok

A fun craft for the garden of a round pumpkin

Crafts from a small pumpkin

Kids with mothers for kindergarten like to make crafts from such a small pumpkin, children will create wonderful and original works on the theme of Autumn with their own hands.

Craft from a pumpkin and a tank - a steam locomotive

Beautiful animals

Spider from vegetables for the competition


Ornamental pumpkin mushrooms

Pumpkin clock

Gifts of autumn - craft in the kindergarten

Crafts from a turban pumpkin

What crafts to make from turban-shaped pumpkin for the autumn holiday, you ask, for example, quickly and easily you will get such options.

Flying saucer

Pumpkin doll

Gingerbread man

Little pumpkin kittens

Pumpkin houses

I think that step-by-step instructions are not needed here, because there is nothing complicated in the work, it is enough to cut windows out of colored paper, and then attach them to the pumpkin with glue.

Friends, see what original, new and beautiful pumpkin crafts you can make with your own hands for kindergarten and school. Any master class is suitable for a competition and an exhibition, my photos and new ideas should definitely inspire you. I wish you success and victory.

Your Nina Kuzmenko.

If in the program “One Hundred to One” the question was asked: “What can be made of?”, Then the first place in popularity would, no doubt, be the answer “Halloween mask”. What else could come to people's minds? A vase for flowers, finally - a carriage for Cinderella ... It seems that the list is not so long.

But in fact, an ordinary pumpkin can turn not only into a fabulous carriage, but also into much more original things. And even magic is almost not needed in this case - unless, of course, skillful hands and wild imagination are considered magic.

Size matters

Let's start with the fact that completely different things can be built from different types of pumpkins. To begin with, let's take the most common pumpkin, which is very often and successfully grown in orchards and vegetable gardens. By the way, in biology this species is called “common pumpkin”. The most common and familiar look is a rounded fruit of a bright orange color, often quite rather large in size. Here huge size and take our creations as a basis.

Why not build such a wonderful floating craft out of a giant pumpkin? With the appropriate skills, you can not only swim across it, but also swing on a rafting on a stormy river. Just don't forget your life jacket.

Pumpkin boats. Photo from the site

Attention attention! Everyone is invited to the opening of the "Favorite Pumpkin" mini-bar. The first visitors get a dish from the chef for free! Surely forest dwellers will appreciate the pumpkin seed:

We had a hearty lunch - it's time to rest. Tell me, what other fruit will be able to build a whole dwelling? And let only your four-legged friend fit in it, the main thing is that it is comfortable for him there.

Dog in a pumpkin. Photo from the site. Cat in a pumpkin. Photo from the site

Unfortunately, the pumpkin dwelling is temporary. If your pet needs a more solid house, look through our selections - for sure, among the ideas presented in them, you will find a suitable one: Well, if the pumpkin harvest pleased you, then you can build for the owners:

Gazebo of pumpkins. Photo from the site

And for the dear and welcome guests, we will make from an ordinary pumpkin in the garden. Only the expressions of "pumpkin faces" should be friendlier.

By the way, if your friends want to stay for a "glass of coffee", you can cool it in a pumpkin ice bucket.

Don't have time for complicated crafts? No problem! You can simply paint the most beautiful or the largest fruit - and get an original decor element.

Or, for example, a turban pumpkin. They conjured a little over her - and got fabulous mini-houses. At least as a souvenir to use them, at least to hang them.

If you have the skills of artistic wood carving, then believe that it is much easier to do it with a pumpkin, and the result is impressive.

Overseas guest

Do you know what the inhabitants of modern Peru made of dishes 12 thousand years ago? That's right - from pumpkin. But not from the usual, but from. It is also known as gourd, bottle gourd, Indian cucumber, Vietnamese squash. There are other names associated, as a rule, with the special shape of the fruit - it can be round, and clavate, and elongated (serpentine), and pear-shaped. You can generally give the fruit any appearance if you place the ovary in a wooden mold of the desired configuration.

In addition to their unusual shape, dried fruits of lagenaria are distinguished by their strength and lightness. They do not allow moisture to pass through, so for a long time in many countries they have made not only dishes, but also musical instruments, and children's toys, and even smoking pipes. Remember at least the famous calabash - the Indians made it from gourd gourds.

How about making a pumpkin chandelier? You can bet that no one else will have such a lighting fixture!

Of course, lagenaria is a southern plant. But it is quite possible to grow it in the middle lane. You just need to choose the southern side of the site for planting or plant the "tropicana" in the greenhouse. Having collected the coveted harvest, get down to business - creating a real masterpiece! Here are some more ideas for inspiration:

Products from lagenaria. Photo from the site

As you can see, our old "familiar stranger" - the pumpkin opens up a wide scope for creativity. The main thing is to turn on the imagination, connect skillful hands to it and not put off the plan "on the back burner."

Autumn is a wonderful time, which pleases not only with bright colors, but also with a rich harvest. Needlewomen look forward to collecting natural material for making a variety of handicrafts. In this article, we are going to talk about pumpkin. It is not only rich in useful vitamins, but also has a very beautiful color. Pumpkin crafts are durable and bright, so they can decorate the interior for a long time.

How to prepare a pumpkin for crafts

Due to the large number of shapes and various colors, pumpkin fruits are convenient to use for making a variety of crafts, from a flashlight to original vases and houses. The pumpkin can be not only orange, but also white or green, solid or interspersed, so there can be a lot of ideas for crafts.

In order for pumpkin fakes to retain an attractive appearance for a long time, it is necessary to properly prepare the fruits. First you need to choose a beautiful pumpkin and come up with an idea for a fake. After that, rinse it thoroughly with water and wipe dry. Then remove the top of the pumpkin with the stalk so that it is convenient to take out the pulp. This can be done with a regular spoon.

Learn how to make DIY pumpkin crafts from the video:

The inner walls of the pumpkin must be rubbed with sandpaper, as the remnants of the pulp can lead to rotting of the finished craft. You will need to put paper in the prepared pumpkin so that moisture is absorbed and leave the fruit to dry for several days. Try to avoid direct sunlight to avoid cracking the surface of the pumpkin. Do not rush to quickly use the pumpkin in needlework, sometimes it may take several months to prepare it. If the pumpkin is not dried, then such a craft will last only a few days.

Crafts from pumpkin photos

Round or oval fruits can be used to make a candlestick or an original lantern. The easiest way is to cut off the lid with the stalk, cut out the pulp and put the most ordinary candle inside. You can even herself make a candle from a pumpkin... To do this, you will need to install a homemade wick and pour aromatic wax into the prepared pumpkin body.

If you have a little skills in cutting vegetables or are familiar with, then the pumpkin craft will become a real masterpiece. Print a suitable design on paper and attach it to the pumpkin. After that, with an awl, start punching holes along the contour, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. Carving will create a lantern with diffused light. Finished lanterns can be painted or covered with glitter.

Pumpkin has long ceased to be exclusively "raw material" for culinary specialists. Today it is a design material from which, with minimal skills, you can make a lot of beautiful and original ones.

The decor made from this bright vegetable adds autumn flavor to the house, and the process of creating it captivates and uplifts the mood!

We propose to arm yourself with orange-sun pumpkins and transform your home so that you can feel the breath in it, and not only in parks and squares, which are gradually covered with yellow foliage.

Why pumpkin?

- a versatile vegetable that is equally useful for a culinary specialist and a designer. By the way, according to some characteristics, this is not a vegetable, but a berry, like a watermelon or a melon, but in any case, the botanical features of this plant do not affect its aesthetic value.

Why pumpkin is convenient to use for crafts:

  • she will persist for a long time even without special processing, the pumpkin decor will “please the eye” all autumn;
  • the pumpkin has a dense, hard and smooth surface from which easy to work even a novice decorator;
  • decorative varieties have a spherical shape, on which it is convenient to apply drawings or ornaments.

For decoration, choose fruits without damage and spots, with a peel of a uniform color and a stalk of 5-10 cm.When you prepare the pumpkin and remove the pulp from it, proceed carefully, leaving 1-1.5 cm of the peel. It will not be superfluous to process the inner surface of the vegetable with sandpaper and disinfect it with alcohol. Be sure to let the fruit dry in the sun.

Pumpkin decoration workshop

What autumn pumpkin crafts can you make?

The number of home and garden decorations that are made from pumpkins is limited only by the flight of imagination and the abilities of a decorator.

The easiest way to do painting on pumpkin marker, acrylic paints or make crafts such as:

  • flashlight;
  • a box with a lid;
  • candlestick;
  • figurines of animals, for example, cats, owls;
  • pumpkin vases for autumn bouquets.

Pumpkins of different shapes and sizes with peels of various shades of orange are good on their own: put them in a wicker basket or put them in a box, supplementing them with dried flowers - and a simple decor for ennobling gazebos, courtyards, flower beds is ready!

And if you preliminarily decorate the vegetable using the technique, supplement it with burlap, make a "spider web" of ribbons or simply stick lace napkins on the pumpkin - the delight of households and guests is guaranteed!

Found on AliExpress / Decoupage Napkins

Multi-colored pumpkins look interesting. The easiest way to completely color a vegetable is with a spray paint. The fruit prepared in this way can be painted with an indelible marker (used for signing CDs). We recommend that you first make a sketch with a simple felt-tip pen, at the same time erasing the unsuccessful lines or curls, and when the drawing is completely satisfactory - draw it out with an indelible marker.

Found on AliExpress / Sequins

Start with simple ornaments: stripes, cells, zigzags. Gradually, you will fill your hand and be able to decorate pumpkins using the ombre technique, apply ornate unusual patterns to the fruit. Introduce children to decorating pumpkins - this joint creative activity relaxes, sets you up for a positive, and as a result, you get a unique author's decor.

How to decorate an autumn bouquet in a pumpkin?

The pumpkin will be an excellent alternative for compositions of autumn flowers: asters, chrysanthemums, ears of corn, gerberas, dahlias, rudbeckia, zinnias. As well as succulents and other plants growing on your site. Compositions in a pumpkin are suitable not only for home decoration, but also for terraces, gazebos, patios.

For a vase, it is better to use small rounded fruits - the most aesthetic and most often used as decorative material.

A pumpkin vase is made simply and quickly:

  • cut the top of the vegetable and remove the pulp from it, which is suitable for culinary purposes;
  • inside the fetus place a bowl or flask with water;
  • "Vase" fill in available flower material as tightly as possible, so that in the center of the composition there are taller flowers and low on the sides.

Found on AliExpress / Creative Materials

You can complicate the vase by pre-painting it with acrylic golden paints, covering it with "sugar" crumbs, gluing threads of beads or rhinestones along the longitudinal stripes of the fruit.

More complex techniques for decorating pumpkin vases are curly carving and burning.

Found on AliExpress / Autumn Decor

Yard autumn pumpkin compositions

As we have already noted, the pumpkin itself is a ready-made decoration of the living space and yard. Just hang small fruits at different heights in the gazebo, write “Welcome” or “Hello, autumn” on the pumpkin and place them near the entrance - guests will appreciate this autumn props.

Small pumpkins are used to create a curb near a garden path or decorate flower beds. An interesting garden pumpkin craft - a house for fairies, a gnome, an owl. To create them, use cones, dry leaves (they will become an alternative gnome beard), sunflower seeds (you can make owl eyes from them).

Also, the pumpkin is suitable for decorating a festive autumn table. Place the main autumn vegetable on a high-footed platter and refine the composition with dry leaves, burlap pieces, grapevines, small flowers, viburnum or mountain ash twigs.

DIY pumpkin crafts are a great option for any autumn holiday. They are distinguished by their durability, long shelf life, a variety of shapes and a wealth of options.

We place the animals in the pumpkin and glue the handle. Autumn pumpkin basket - ready!

Another wonderful autumn craft is a pumpkin house. To make it, we take a small pumpkin, mark a large and small hole on it, cut through the top layer and carefully take out the pulp.

Decorate the large opening door with pumpkin seeds.

We decorate a small hole-window with twigs and leaves.

The pumpkin house is ready to receive residents from cones, twigs and acorns.

Watch the children's show, which clearly shows how to make a pumpkin house.

Crafts from pumpkin for decor

You can place a pot of flowers in the pumpkin.

These are the original pots you can make for garden flowers. Pumpkin lantern with moon and stars

Pumpkin is an indispensable attribute. Initially, this holiday meant the end of the harvest season, the completion of all autumn gardening work.

In farm families, pumpkin has always been more than enough, so due to its absolute unpretentiousness and very high yield, it was grown as feed for livestock. Therefore, Halloween crafts were made from pumpkins, which later became symbols of this holiday.

A huge advantage of such crafts was the fact that even after a few days after All Saints Day, the pumpkin remained edible and was fed to pets.

Each pumpkin is not like another, so you can create the most unimaginable creatures from them, you just have to stock up on imagination and improvised materials for creativity.