What are the umbilical wound in the newborn. Rules for processing umbilical wounds in a newborn green. How to process and care for wound

After birth in the maternity hospital, the baby is cut off the umbilical cord, through which the nutrients from the mother came to the crumb, as the disintegration products were displayed. After this procedure, a newborn navel is an open and rather deep wound, which needs to be carefully monitored to prevent ingestion of pathogens causing inflammation.

Many mothers by virtue of inexperience are very afraid of such a procedure as the processing of umbilical wound in a newborn. But sooner or later it will have to start this and the faster you master the basics, the faster he will heal a bunch of pounding, and you will become more confident in your actions. From the first days, crumbs will put on the navel of the bracket, then it will disappear along with the residues of the umbilical cord. During this process, we will tell you how to handle the wound, what can be done, and what is not recommended.

In the maternity hospital, your task will change the newborn diapers and follow the hygiene navel. After discharge, you will spend these procedures at home. When leaving for the umbilical wound of a newborn, it is not recommended to water it. But without swimming, at first could not do, so take important measures to reduce the risk of infection. To do this, buy your own small bathtub, wash it with the household soap and proceed to use.

What should I have at hand? Funds for disinfection of water, clean and soft towel, sterile wool, hydrogen peroxide, pipette, cotton wands, green.

When to handle umbilical wreck? Best after bathing. When the skin softens in a newborn, the care of the umbilical wound will be more efficient.

How to bathe? Only in boiled water. You can dissolve manganese, but just watch the water be a pale pink color, and the crystalline manganese was dissolved without a residue. Undoubted manganese can cause burns, so in concerns, strain the water through the gauze. Such a bathing is especially necessary if the umbrellas will slowly heal. In more detail what to add to the water when bathing a newborn baby, read.

How to prepare a wound? After bathing, we look at the newborn with a towel and then proceed to care for the umbilical wound. Put the cap, so as not to shock the head, getting blocked the calf and gently the navel itself. Next, bite the newborn, leaving the navel open. This simple action will help to dry it well from the remaining moisture droplets.

How to process? Drip pipette pile of hydrogen peroxide and let it go. If this does not happen, it is possible that the expiration date of the means or the wound has already healed (7-10 hours of care). In the absence of a pipette, wet cash with abundantly peroxide and squeeze it directly in the navel to protect it from bacteria to the newborn body. Before drip, move the skin of the navel so that the peroxide fully filled the space of the wound. Leave for a minute.

Next, take a cotton wand and remove very neat all your crusts. If they do not succumb, do not remove them, but wait until they disappear. After that, abundantly apply the green, without leaving the lumen. Jump the diaper, leaving the navel open.

Important! The key to successful healing of the navel is its constant dryness!

Ranker Tools

How is it recommended to handle umbilical wound when care for a newborn? In today's time, there are a lot of funds, so any mom may choose what it seems necessary to start leaving for the umbilical wound. Perhaps you read that the border of the navel is not treated. However, why do you need unnecessary experiences - will heal or not? It is better to rebuild. So, list best tools for care for the umbilical wound of a newborn:

1. Zelenka.
2. Hydrogen peroxide.
3. Manganese for swimming.
4. Alcohol calendula tincture.
5. Chlorophyllipt or Baneocin for healing.
6. Furaticiline solution.

Tools for handling umbilical wounds of a newborn
Problem 1: Moknet Basic Rank

What to do if you are newborn processing the navel, and he will mock instead of dried up? If you notice that liquid is distinguished from the umbilical wound, it says that you are incorrecting for her. In this case, the healing process does not occur. You may have a wet wet after swimming, or skip the processing of umbilical wrecks in a newborn after bath procedures.

Sometimes the baby does not fit the selected tool. Change the green on the alcohol tincture of calendula. But before this, it is better to tell about the problem of the pediatrician. Often the healing process is complicated and granuloma appears, in which case surgical intervention is prescribed.

Problem 2: long does not heal the umbilical wound

Sometimes the umbilical wound does not heal and inflammation is formed. It received the name ommalitis. In this case, you can see the selection of rings or redness. Unfortunately, it is not always over the layer of greenk, you can see the inflammatory process on the skin, so try rinse with greenakes peroxide and view the zone around the navel. The umbilical wound, who did not exourn in time, is a serious problem. Do not postpone the visit to the pediatrician.

Problem 3: Blood Bedroom

If blood droplets appear from an unemployed umbilical wound episodically - it is not scary. During the restoration of fabrics, this happens often. Basically, the bursts of the umbilical wound because of the tension of the abdominal muscles. It arises due to crying or defecation. Try to immediately treat the umbilical wound when the blood droplets is highlighted. If it flows constantly, then do not postpone the visit to the doctor who will say, what you disrupt the processing of umbilical wounds in a newborn.

Healing of umbilical wound

How to find out that healing is successful? If during the processing of umbilical wounds, it is not highlighted in a newborn liquid for more than two days, we can talk about what you did everything right. Healthy skin around the navel is smooth, smooth, without redness and swelling.

To achieve this, it is necessary to ensure care for navel of the newborn Once a day after bathing. Sometimes peroxide can not be used. But only if there is no blood or pus. At the healing umbilical wound when processing the peroxide does not foam.

Dates of the healing of the umbilical wound

The stages of the healing of the umbilical wounds from each kid are different and does not always depend on the departure.

Stage first: nodes. The baby was discharged from the maternity hospital and a nodule is noticeable on the navel, which independently disappears after 3-5 days. During this period, you do not need to take care of the umbilical wound.

Stage Two: Failure. After 3-5 days a piece of cord suits and falls off independently.

Stage Three: healing. There is a healing of the umbilical wound, for which it is necessary to take care of every day. Dates - from 1 to 2 weeks. With light bleeding, you should not be afraid, continue the usual care with disinfectants. If, after 10 days, blood oozing, immediately consult a doctor.

The stages of the healing of the umbilical wound are clearly presented in the picture.

Consequences of improper processing of umbilical wound

Sometimes parents think that they are engaged in the processing of umbilical wounds in a newborn in all rules. But they can make mistakes.

1. Have you noticed redness when processing umbilical wounds and swelling? It can talk about the inflammatory process of moisture. If the pus is also released, in inflammation you can not doubt - urgently to the doctor!

2. So that inflammation has not passed into peritonitis, also ask for medical care. Perhaps you make mistakes in cauting behind the umbilical wound and it will mock.

3. Do not handle the umbilical wreck more often once a day in order not to damage it in a newborn.

4. Do not use several different means in one reception, so as not to achieve an unexpected chemical reaction. The best tandem is green + hydrogen peroxide. The processing of umbilical wounds in a newborn by these means allows you to achieve a speedy healing.

5. Do not stick the plaster, otherwise you will break the fall of oxygen and the umbilical wound in the newborn will be for a long time.

A newborn, which has a bunch of wound at the healing stage, needs to be careful. Try to make all the clothes you wear, from natural fabrics. Wear it and endure before you wear. Watch that the diaper does not rub the treated umbilical wreck. Pants and diapers should not cover the navel, leave it open.

The well-being of the baby largely depends on how parents care about his hygiene. How to properly implement these procedures?

Until the birth of the baby and his mother binds a particular education that the name of the umbilical cord is called. Its value for the intrauterine life of the fetus is enormous. But the child was born - and the umbilical cord was cut. To speed up the healing of the umbilical wound and minimize the risk of infection, it is necessary to carefully care for it.

Pupovina is an association of three blood vessels - veins (according to it arterial, rich in oxygen and nutrients, blood comes from the placenta to the fetus) and two arteries, according to which the "waste" venous blood flows in the opposite direction - from the fetus to the mother. These vessels are surrounded by a centered substance that prevents them from possible damage.

After the child's birth, the need for the mission of mom and baby through umbilical cord disappeared. The child acquires the ability to breathe independently, to receive food in the form of maternal milk, extract unnecessary substances through the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, almost immediately after the extraction of crumbs on the umbilical cord is superimposed by a special clamp, and it takes it. The blood flow through the umbilical vessels is stopped.

Navel treatment in the hospital

While the baby with the mother is in the maternity hospital, the residue of the umbilical cord is additionally processed. As a result, only a small section of about 2 cm remains from the umbilical site. There is plastic or, less often, metal clamp on the residue.

In some maternity hospitals, an open way to maintain a cord residue is now used. This means that the bandage is not superimposed on it, simply daily before the deposit of the baby and moms from the maternity home of the umbilical residue (and after its deposition - the wound) is processed by antiseptic solutions (as a rule, it is a potassium peroxide and permanganate - the so-called "manganese") .

Every day, the umbilical residue above the bracket becomes more dry, in other words - it is mummy, drying the residue of the umbilical bodies contributes to the daily processing. As a result, the fourth-fifth day in most babies ukraovina look like a plot of dry dense inanimate fabric. Soon, together with the clamp, this fabric "disappears." There is a wound, which is called the umbilical. In kodys, with an initially more "thick" umbilical residue, it can be filled for quite a long time, within 6-7 and even more days.

In many maternity hospitals, another tactic of maintaining a cord residue was adopted, when usually on the second day it is cut off with a blade or sterile scissors. When surgically clipping, the healing of the umbilical wound flows faster. In order to avoid bleeding, the gulling bandage is imposed, which weakens usually after 1-2 hours and removed the next day during the processing of the umbilical wound.

Some kids have the so-called "skin" navel. With it, the skin, moving from the front abdominal wall, covers the plot of the umbilical cord, and the impression of the "long" navel is created. It should be noted that after the deposition or removal of the umbilical remainder of the tissue of such a navel is drawn and, as a rule, the umbilical area is no different in the future.

The umbrellas gradually heals, covering the hemorrhagic (dense "bleeding") crust. If the child continues to be in the maternity hospital at this time, then the umbilical wreck is treated in the same way as the umbilical remainder - once a day. With a wide umbilical wound, more frequent processing can be assigned to the doctor's possible non-sucrie discharge. As in the case of any wound, the hemorrhagic crust formed on the umbilical rink gradually disappears. If healing proceeds safely, then after disappearing a dense crust, there are no discharge from the wound. Sometimes, when the big crust is disappeared (it happens with a wide umbilical wound), the discharge of blood droplets, the "submits" can be selected. Usually, in such cases, it is sufficiently additional (2-3 times a day) processing solutions of hydrogen peroxide and permanganate potassium, and sometimes a special hemostatic (hemostatic) sponge, which in most cases is enough to impose on the wound one time.

Processing navel at home

At home, the umbilical wound is processed within 7-10 days before its full healing daily 1 time per day after bathing. If the umbilical residue in the maternity hospital was removed by surgical path, it may be necessary to need a smaller time to process the wounds of the house. Sometimes, for example, during the slow formation of the crust, the presence of small discharge from it ("Moknutiya") is recommended to process the wound twice a day or even more often. The wound is lubricated with an alcoholic solution of diamond green - "green". "Zelenka" at home is preferable compared, for example, with "manganese" due to the lack of need to prepare this solution. It is sold on any pharmacy.

A 1% alcohol chlorophyllip alcohol solution containing a mixture of chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves can be suitable for processing the umbilical wreck. This solution is blunting, which allows you to identify signs of inflammation, as the wound is not painted.

In order to avoid unnecessary traumatization of the skin with a chemical preparation (up to the skin burn!) It should be avoided by the solution to the skin around the wound.

If there is a crust in the wound, which has already begun peeling and keeps it indefinitely, it is better to pre-remove it, smiling with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The prepared drug of hydrogen peroxide can be bought at the pharmacy. It must be borne in mind that its shelf life is limited! It is not necessary to engage in the preparation of a hydrogen peroxide solution at home, since in this case it is difficult to achieve the desired concentration, and the sterility of the prepared preparation will be dubious.

The crust, as a rule, after swimming, it becomes softer, and it is easier to remove it from the wounds. Of course, if it is just the resulting crust on a wide risk, then efforts to remove it certainly not worth it. Upper house baskets are conveniently handled with cosmetic chopsticks. When processing the wounds with large and index fingers of the left hand, pressed on the tissue near the navel so as to the maximum "reveal" the navel area for inspection and more thorough treatment.

When there is a long "mocking" of the wounds, the bloody, purulent or other nature of the selection of it, it is necessary to consult a doctor!

If you doubt the correctness of the baby's navel processing, consult a medical sister, which should visit the newborn daily in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Many maternity hospitals are now practicing the early state of newborn children. And by the time the kid will be at home, the umbilical residue can not yet disappear. If the pediatrician did not give other individual recommendations at discharge, then bathe a child with the "uncompressive" umbilical residue, as with an umbilical wound, is possible on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Before the dumping, the umbilical remainder of the house is treated 1 time per day with a alcohol solution of diamond greenery.

For swimming baby you need to use a children's bath. During the first two weeks, water used for bathing the baby is better to boil better, and then cool up to a temperature of 36-37 ° C. Until the full healing of the umbilical wounds, the solution of "manganese" is added to the water to the weakly pink water color. Remember that "mangartage" first need to be completely dissolved in a separate dish, such as a cup, to avoid burning the baby's skin grains of potassium permanganate.

What you can not do with the navel

No need to be afraid to touch the umbilical remainder or umbilical wound when processing them! The kids, of course, may experience a certain discomfort, but it does not hurt it. Caring for the umbilical wreck should be especially thorough, as it can serve as an entrance gate for infection, as a result of which the catarrhal may occur first, and then purulent omphalitis - inflammation of the tissues near the umbilical wound.

In cases where there is a long "mocking" of the wounds (more than 2 weeks), the bloody, purulent or other nature of the selection of it, it is necessary to consult a doctor! Do not try to treat the baby yourself: it may be unsafe for him.

The wound should not be under a gauze or disposable diaper, as it makes it difficult to dry the crust, provokes a mock and thus prevents the rapid healing of the wound and contributes to the possible accession of infection. Sometimes there is an additional irritation of the skin of the octopup region. To avoid this, it should be flexing a one-time diaper's belt so that the lamp area remains open.

Supernina Anna, Neonatologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Neonatology and Perinatology
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk


So the doctor advised us, and better ask the doctor

02/06/2016 14:53:56, 245Pir

We smeared Magnesia, we were walked and applied and fixed the plaster, I did it several times a day and so 2 days and everything went

02/06/2016 14:51:35, 245rrr

My silence is 8 days old. Two Dena Back Kagda We bathed the child of his Tordokok began to tick herring but a little. Please tell me to make us, we have already made a browse and greenhouse for 1 day, but pedaling to tick the root but very small

04/24/2015 20:47:24, Suzana

Comment Article "Attention - a navel! Processing the navel of a newborn in the maternity hospital and at home"

How to heal a navel. Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. Care and child education up to year: nutrition, diseases, development. How to heal a navel. Girls, share, who had difficulty with navel. In the maternity hospital, they were ruthlessly rejected by the navel, there was blood, then ...


I would unscrew the hands to those who unscrew the navel. I'm serious. The younger son gave birth in Noginsk, so there the babies of the navels straight down, in some crumbling blood is concretely whipped, mammies in a semi-sorting condition. His depressed and did not let him go. My whole all fell off and problems zero. But I processed the peroxide anyway.

After the "new-fashioned" recommendations from the middle a little began to fasten the naughty. The familiar ordinary uch came. The pediatrician "old hardening", said:
1. Bathing in mangartee or in boiled water. My skin was not dry, so for a couple of days. Manganese.
2. After the bath, when the navel "boiled", pour the navel peroxide, abundantly, to massate. Remove the mud of gauze (without fanaticism).
3. After that, alternate the green and ... streptocid in powder.
The greenstock is directly pouring, slightly massage (to penetrate all folds).
Powder pour plentifully, also slightly massage.

After a day, my son still dried out and began to "heal."

Health and patience, all "swear")

The navel of the newborn baby does not heal for two weeks, redness, crust, when you fight the crust. Attention - navel! How to properly care for the navel of the newborn. Print version. 4.2 5 (772 ratings) Rate article.

Again about the navel. Doctors, clinic. A child from birth to one year. Care and child education up to year: nutrition, diseases, development. I suggested an umbilical hernia, a pediatrician when they were 2 months at the reception confirmed my fears. The baking of the navel approved and advised ...


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The small hernia was also the size of a five-core coin, even a little more, I was going to buy a bandage, but I didn't get together, literally during the week (it was about a month ago, he had just grown up), she fell independently and so far It did not appear, how much umbilical expanded, but there is no hernial protrusion. So maybe you will be lucky to selfie, this is by the way, it's not so rarely and happens. And this is the reason for the "success" grandmies that hernia speak))

Processing the navel of a newborn in the maternity hospital and at home. How to properly care for the navel of the newborn. Print version. As in the case of any wound, the hemorrhagic crust formed on the umbilical rink gradually disappears.


On the 12th day, we had a clothespin, bathed from the 3rd day, then rubbed a lightly napkin alcohol or a cotton swab with a cotton swab, after it disappeared, I swung a week (oozing) navel.

We had a clothespin in the hospital. And the crust dropped in 2 weeks. It is necessary to move it cautiously and flush with a cotton wand with alcohol, and from above dry.
Wait, there is a point of view that it is not necessary to process - but if you swapping, it is necessary. Bathing really impossible.
A few days before the "outpad" can bleed a little, it is not scary.

Section: Care for the child (the mock of the navel in the newborn). Moknet navel in the baby - what to smear? Tell me, pliz, what do you treat navels from kids? We are green and the peroxide does not help us. A hole inside a navel some kind of wet and red. There are specials. Plockers ...

The first procedure for processing the underbound basic wounds will be held by an obstetrician back in the maternity hospital, a few seconds after circumcision of the umbilical cord. But then the care of her mom will have to be independently. And may not be afraid of the concept itself - "wound", with proper care, it heals literally in front of her eyes.

My Kroch - "Earth PUP"

The fact that the new Mom sees from his crumbs in the field of the navel in the first days after childbirth, in fact, still little reministers normal, standard, human navel.

After circumcision of the umbilical cord, the doctor who took the baby leaves him a small poucher rope - long literally a few centimeters. After 4-10 days, this "tail", driving, will disappear independently. And God forbid you try to get rid of it with any auxiliary means! Do not hurt your own child with your own hands.

Actually, by itself, an unexpensive inappropriate base and there is a fundamental difference that highlights newborns from the general mass of babies.

In medical science, under the term "newborn", it is customary to understand the child in the first 28 days of his life. Just so much is required that the baby's navel is completely healed.

After the umbilical rope falls off, it is still necessary to systematically care for the wound, namely: to process it with disinfectants, do not wet the water (swimming the newborn crumbs differs from), once again not to touch her hands and try not to injury clothes or. As a rule, on average, the nuclear box of the newborn completely heals in 3-4 weeks.

An umbilical "tail" usually disappears by itself about $ 4-5 after the birth of a child.

Tools for handling umbilical wounds of a newborn

After three weeks, the wound must completely heal. If you doubt whether the desired effect is achieved - consult your pediatrician. He will tell you in a moment, whether it is worth further to continue the daily processing of the umbilical wound, or your baby has already safely converts the status of a newborn ...

Each mom when discharge from the maternity hospital, and sometimes already in it, it is necessary to deal with the processing of the baby's umbilical wound. Well, if such manipulations conducted a doctor. However, in the walls of the house, the responsibility is assigned only to the parents of the crumbs.

How to carry out umbilical wound processing

Usually, after discharge from the maternity branch and the infants disappears a poodure residue. Sometimes it happens in the maternity hospital. In place of such a residue, a small wound is formed, into which a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate. To this not happen, the wreck must be processed. For processing umbilical rackand the newborn will require the following items:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • zelenka single-leak solution;
  • sterile cotton wands;
  • sterile gauze napkins.

Manipulations are pretty simple And do not occupy a lot of time. Over time, the young mother will learn them without difficulty.

The procedure must be carried out daily until the wallary of the wound one or twice a day. It is better to do it in the morning before taking food baby, and in the evening after water procedures. On average, two weeks take place on the processing of the navel. It is during this period that it usually completely heals. During this period, it is better that the newborn will take water procedures in boiled water, where a solution of manganese can be added before procedures. Next, the following steps are performed:

The very first processing of the newborn

When a child is only born, his mother is taken away for a while to process it and conduct an inspection . First Care for Crook is extremely important. After all, despite the fact that the child is still completely small, he also needs hygiene, like any adult. What happens after the birth of the baby? All the processing of the newborn is made to divide into four steps.

Step one - He is the most important and responsible.

The newborn is carried out aspiration of the oral cavity and nasopharynx. This is necessary in order to remove the remains of the accumulated mucus. It can interfere with the normal breath of crumbs.

Step second is preventing gonorrhea. At this moment, the infant is wiped With a dry sterile cotton swab.

Step Three - prevention of umbilical sepsis and bleeding, which may arise from the umbilical cord. For this purpose, two clamps are superimposed on the umbilical cord on its defined area and cut it with sterile scissors. Then the resulting wrecks are treated with alcohol 96%.

Step fourth is prevention of pyodermia. At this stage, the baby's skin is treated cotton tampon, pre-dipped in vaseline and vegetable oil. Such a procedure helps to clean the skin of the baby from raw-like lubrication and other contaminants.

What else needs to be aware of the processing of the navel of the newborn

If the woman was born only the first child, she is unlikely to know the information about how to care for him. However, there is nothing complicated. It suffices to comply with certain rules that will be told in the maternity department. Below are some tips and information that can be useful in caring for a small child, the algorithm of which is pretty simple.

It should be noted that when the doctor is cut off the umbilical cord, the wound is formed in her place. A few days later, it is covered with a crust, but sometimes it can be selected in the form of sucrovitsa. This is considered a normal phenomenon. Over time, the umbilical wound heals, and in its place is formed a completely ordinary navel.

For full healing crust on average Requires a couple of weeks, but it may be tightened for a while, in case the navel is lowered a little deeper than the usual one.

Sometimes you can see that the baby's navel began to mock or began to appear suppuration. This, of course, needs to pay attention. This may occur from improper dressing of sliders or diapers. It is better if the diaper will not close the navel area or close to it closely. If Mom notices that redness has appeared in the navel area, either suppuration is required, it is necessary to show the crumb to a doctor as soon as possible, which will consult how to handle the navel and what needs to be done to avoid unpleasant consequences.

The first thing you need to do is not to have trouble - it is to learn how to make care of the newborn. Competent treatment of umbilical wounds is a very important component and mom just need to know this algorithm.

Hydrogen peroxide can be drunk straight in the navel. For this, a clean pipette is used in which several drops of peroxide are recruited. Then you need to wait a minute and remove the splashing crusts along with the foam using a dry cotton wand. It is necessary to get a dry rut a little a little. If the suppuration is not removed, then the procedure can be repeated until it stops the leakage of residues. It is necessary to get rid of the new rutka again.

When the processed navel snacks, it needs to be treated with green. Make it with a cotton wand from the center of the navel to the edges. It is better to engage in a similar procedure twice a day, until the wound is completely lit. Understand it is very simple - when the wound will be fully healedth, hydrogen peroxide on it will stop foaming.

Some kids happen to protrusion navel outside. There is nothing terrible in this, over time it will come back to normal, the laid out of the crumbs on the tummy can help.

Processing the navel of the newborn, on which the clothespin remains

Sometimes it happens that the newborn is already discharged home, but the navel has not yet disappeared, and it turns out to be at home with a clothespin. This is also there is nothing terrible, however, young mom needs to know some rules for the care and hygiene of their baby to avoid infection of the navel. For mummifying cord residue without problemsThe following rules must be followed:

Parents should pay special attention The process of healing the navel, and if redness, suppuration or some changes appear in this area, then it should alert parents. In this case, the crumb should show a doctor.

Any woman knows that during the period of intrauterine development, the child is connected with his mother's umbilical. In this "coffery" there are veins and artery, which are transported to the fetus necessary for the life of the substance and remove unnecessary. After the birth of the baby, the cord is cut off - from now on it becomes a completely independent organism.

To stop bleeding on the umbilical residue, the crumbs wear a special bracket (in the old days, for this purpose, it was simply tied to the navel). After several days, the bracket together with the cord residue disappears - and the navel of the newborn begins to form. But that this process passed safely and without complications, behind the umbilical wound of the baby should be regularly careed.

How to care for the umbilical wound

Care for an umbilical wound of a newborn is one of the most important and obligatory procedures that can be repeated daily. This is usually done after bathing the baby.

By the way, about swimming: Very often, parents are wondering if it is possible to bathe a newborn, until the umbilical wound healed? Pediatricians say that the injection of fluid in the wounder is very undesirable, but it is definitely possible to bathe a child, but not in general, but in a separate, private bath baby. To do this, it is necessary to use boiled water, it is possible to add a little manganese to the pale pink, barely noticeable water color.

After swimming from the umbilical wound, it is necessary to remove moisture residues. To do this, it is enough to accurately attach a cotton disk to the navel or a piece of sterile bandage and soak water. The navel of the newborn in no case is it impossible to rub the dirt out of it and generally try to climb or touch it.

In order for the umbilical wound to heal faster and better, it must constantly "breathe", that is, nothing should prevent free access to her air. In this regard, the diapers should be converted to a navel or scissors to cut a hole here so that the navel always remains open (more precisely, before the period until it does not lie. On top of it can be located only a pure retreating sputum or boding made of natural fabric.

Any pathogenic bacterium, inhabiting in the air or on the hands of a parent, can penetrate the umbilical wreck and lead to its infection. Therefore, care for the navel of the newborn should always be performed very clean hands.

What is better to handle the umbilical wreck?

Probably, in most foreign hospitals, maternity hospitals do not give any recommendations regarding the processing of umbilical wounds of a newborn or advise nothing to handle it. In Russian maternity hospitals, there are already such principles, but still more often the nurses in the old manner recommended to process the wound on the arrival of home with an alcohol solution.

As an alcohol solution, obstetric or patronage nurses advise something else every time. Most often, it is recommended to use a solution of a diamond green (green) or a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (manganese). You can hear advice on the use of alcohol, calendula, chlorophyllip, iodine, etc. What to choose?

And choose not easy. Because, on the one hand, still physician students, and then the practitioners say that Zelenka causes a moat that, in the case of an umbilical wound, it is completely unacceptable. On the other hand, many pediatricians and parents are accustomed to prescribe and use it for processing a navel that, and practice shows that it is often green well helps.

Nevertheless, most children's doctors converge in the opinion that it is better to use manganese for these purposes: it is well drying, which is necessary to achieve, treating the umbilical wound, and the intolerance of the greenfish is much more common. Only it is necessary to properly prepare a solution of potassium permanganate - to the complete dissolution of crystals, to strain it before applying and prepare fresh every day.

So, you reached the crumb and got intoxicated moisture residues in the navel. If the umbilical wound is blooded, now it is necessary to process its peroxide. To do this, gently slide the skin into the fold so that the navel is inside, and drop the drop into it or blot the battle disk and attach to the navel. Then the dry disk is neatly, but carefully remove the foaming contents, then treat the wound with an alcohol solution or manganese. It is better to do the same - drop a drop into the navel inward, wait until it gets up, and remove the residues of the liquid.

Very often, pediatricians say that the abuse of peroxide impairs the healing of the navel, and therefore do not use it too often.

Underground wound mock

A sign of a good healing of the umbilical wound is her stay in a dry state. If you notice the release of a liquid from the navel of the newborn baby wound, it will die, all the time is wet and wipe, it means that the healing process does not occur.

Analyze what exactly you may do wrong. Maybe the navel "does not breathe" or after bathing in the umbilical day, water remains. Perhaps the baby does not fit the selected solution to handle the umbilical wound: Change the greenhead on the manganese or try the alcohol tincture of the calendula. Much quickly and effectively helps the powder xeroform, but it should be consistent with the doctor.

If you see that the umbilical wound does not heal for a long time, then you will certainly show the Pediatric Pup. In exceptionally rare cases, the navel can mock and bleed for other reasons requiring surgical treatment. In addition, there are cases when vascular and connecting tissue inside the navel begins to grow, forming granuloma. Such complications are treated with flakes of Lyapis - a special pencil with soaked silver rod.

Long does not heal the umbilical wound in the newborn

Up to the full healing of the navel remains an open wound and free entrance for any infections. It is warm and wet here, and therefore the pathogenic microbes feel very well and quite quickly begin to multiply. The inflammatory process in the navel is called ommopalitis, and, depending on its severity, the doctors are distinguished by several types of omphalitis.

Usually the inflamed navel swells, becomes swelling, reddish, which may not be visible under the colorful solutions (green, manganese) - which is why doctors prefer "transparent" processing of the umbilical wound.

The skin around the inflamed navel can be hot, the penetration smell is felt from the inside, or the liquid is fired, the pus is highlighted. If you notice something similar, then you need to call a pediatrician to the house or go to the site.

Why Blood Bedroom

In contrast to the pus, the blood from the navel of the newborn stands out not only when inflammation. Very often it happens that after the apparent healing after a few days the navel again begins to bloody ... There is nothing terrible, if such cases are episodic and do not go into constant wetting and blood.

Most often, the umbilical wound begins to bloody at the tension of the abdominal muscles tension - after a fitting during a crying or defecation. When the navel is completely lit, the blood leakage will stop. But if it repeats regularly, then you need to say this to the doctor.

How long to handle umbilical wreck

It should be said that not all parents handle the umbilical wound, and even in such cases healing often happens quickly and without problems. But if you started to process the navel, then it should be done regularly, although not abusing: it will be enough once a day, and the peroxide is optionally applied each time.

Navels are considered to be healing if no liquid is distinguished from it and it remains dry for a long time, and the skin around the navel does not differ from the fabrics around it - smooth, smooth, non-afflative, unrevented. An indirect feature of this may be the absence of foaming after instillation in the navel of hydrogen peroxide.

It is believed that the handling of the navel can be discontinued if it remains completely dry more than two days, but the child should have at least 2 weeks at this moment.

After how many days a bunch of a bunch

In general, the navel of all heals in different ways: in the duration, and according to concomitant features. There are parents who have not come across any problems associated with umbilical wound. And others try, diligently fulfill all recommendations for processing and care - and the umbilical wound does not stick up.

The main thing, do not miss the moment when children's navel must show the pediatrician:

  • the skin around the navel is red, inflamed, hot;
  • underfloor base of the Blood over 10 days in a row;
  • from the inside the pus, sucrovitsa stands out;
  • the appearance of rotten smell from the navel;
  • the navel mocks longer than three weeks.

In all other cases, if there is a positive dynamics or at least there is no deterioration, you can not panic. The umbilical wound in all children heals in different times: some lucky people a week after birth no longer have no concerns with the navel, others continue processing up to the month and even more. But consultation with a pediatrician is superfluous in any case.

Especially for - Elena Semenova