Reading vi. in the mind of one. The struggle of nature and reason

These sites talk about God — the Absolute, the Creator, the Supreme Cosmic Mind, the Creator, the Almighty — He is One!

2017.06.26_Spiritual start No. 6 (57) _1730974 The great evolution of human life and humanity

Magazine "Elite of Tatarstan"

Man. Earth. Universe

Leonid Ivanovich, official science, the church, esotericists, amateur researchers - everyone has their own point of view on the question of the origin of man. You, a physicist, a contactee, how do you see a person in this world?
- Indeed, the question is fundamental and eternal, which torments us all. Who am I, why and what is the meaning of my stay on this planet? If you approach this in a philistine way, then many people think this way: a person was born, learned, acquired something and died. It is accepted that you need to plant a tree, build a house, raise a child. What's next? If only this is the meaning of the birth of a person, then our life, it seems to me, is complete nonsense. I, like everyone else, thought about this topic. Look, we are all made up of billions of cells, even doctors cannot say exactly how many of them we have. Here I am sitting in front of you, I also consist of these cells, but they interact with each other in such a way, they are so organized that I am not just some kind of mass, but a functioning, thinking, even decision-making and open energy-information system adapted to these conditions.
There is even an opinion among scientists that each cell has a mind and makes its own completely balanced decision. You can consider a person at the molecular or atomic level - as you wish, but it turns out that a person in the Cosmos is a complete absolute copy of the process of evolution from an atom, molecule to a macro object (human structure). If all this is so, then man is his own whole universe. All this suggests that the process of evolution is eternal and exists from the micro- to the sub-macro level. And a person (why we are talking about fractal similarity) cannot be torn out of this evolutionary chain. Therefore, I believe that there is a chain, a relationship: an atom, molecules, cells, a person, planetary space, then - deep Space, the Universe. And in order to understand himself, a person must understand that he is a part of this evolutionary chain and his role is to rise in this evolution to the heights of the Creative Beginnings. When we “butt heads” with each other on national, religious grounds, it is simply from a lack of understanding that we all have a common goal. If the Creator tells us that we are His fractal likeness (created in the image and likeness), then we, people, must show the process of evolution and all together rise to the level of the creative Egregor. Even here we are sitting together, we are already creating some kind of a single energy-informational space. It is. In fact, our physical, or rather, energy-informational shells are the reference points of the level where we are harmonized with each other.
Why did I first say about billions of cells? What is humanity? There are approximately 7 billion people on the planet today. And in the man himself, there are also approximately 7 billion cells. Therefore, by analogy, I can imagine a person as a cell, and humanity as a single huge organism in which everything must be harmonized in the same way as in the person himself, where there is a microuniverse or a universe of a different scale. So, if we, people, these 7 billion, create an energy-informational Egregor of humanity, as perfect as a person himself, then we will definitely live in harmony with the Great Cosmic Space.
But a person, as far as we know from "Revelations ...", is a reasonable energy-informational hologram of Space. This is confirmed by many physicists.
— Yes, indeed, it is so, but we have only now approached the discussion of this issue. Until quite recently, some fifty years ago, everything was incomprehensible. Let's remember what was discussed in science 100 years ago? These questions were not raised at all, and there were no tools for studying this phenomenon. And today we are beginning to understand that a hologram is an exact copy of some object, associated with its scaling in Space. For example, if you break a mirror, it will shatter into small mirror pieces, but the reflections in them will always be the same.
Leonid Ivanovich, since we are a reasonable energy-information hologram and we have consciousness, what influence does it have on our self-improvement and on our Soul in this evolutionary chain?
— Our life is a multi-stage process of evolution. The complexity of our participation in this Great experiment of the Creator lies in the fact that we are granted a very short period of time in this three-dimensional space (life). The Creator gave us up to 120 years of life (manifestations), but look, almost no one lives that long, because exchanging the meaning of life for mammon, for material well-being leads to illness. Apparently, it was written up there in such a way that these 120 years are the optimal period for the consciousness to accumulate that level of information that corresponds to the task that we receive for the next life (manifestation) for the formation of our Soul as part of the Cosmic Space. This allows you to feel your isolation from the Earth and the opportunity to see yourself differently and, as it were, from the outside. It is no coincidence that astronauts return to Earth as different people, with a different consciousness and thinking. Because they actually break away from the dense plan and are in the Space of vacuum. It is interesting that all people suddenly become philosophers either at the end of their lives, having gained the wisdom of generations, or people with an analytical mindset, when a dense plan does not limit a person’s thinking in any way. Of course, a look at the nature of things, at life determines our consciousness. In a sense, this is consonant with the word "wisdom". I would add - detachment from everyday life. Of course, in the conditions of a dense plan, the accumulation of wisdom in consciousness occurs constantly, but the choice of what is primary and what is secondary: everyday life or consciousness - in most cases turns out to be in favor of everyday life. Only later, before death, people begin to think (remember, like Yesenin: “put me in a Russian shirt under the icons to die”), what was the meaning of life and why it is so short. Why not before? Behind this is only the choice of a person, more precisely, his consciousness. I think that the possibility of realizing oneself as a part of the Cosmos comes to people either in extreme cases, or as a result of long, very long and painstaking work on oneself.
It turns out that our ancestors, who lived 100-150 years ago, were wiser than us, or did we still take a step forward?
— I dare say that we have become worse. Are we degrading? This is the paradox of modernity. On the one hand, we have more tools for understanding the meaning of life, and more scientific ones too. But is our consciousness ready to accept these discoveries and, on their basis, reconsider our way of life - a big question! As a rule, people make compromises. On the other hand, today, when many research tools have appeared and we are ready to change our ideas, it suddenly turns out that those dogmas of science, such as, for example, the theory of relativity or Darwin's theory, turned out to be a complete delusion or deception of generations. Someone really does not want humanity to grow wiser, there is someone who would like to leave everything as it is! All people are different, many have an inner attitude to know themselves, but there are a lot of people who do not want anything. So, in the past, people, especially creative ones, were much higher in their desire to know themselves. Today the world has become, strange as it may sound, more of a world of atheists, I would say more of nihilists. Even science is required to have a political or socially accepted ideology. And you can't get away from it just yet. We extract oil predatorily (we steal from future generations), for what? Not for the sake of self-knowledge, but only for the sake of food, but more often for the sake of banal profit! And if you look at science, then, paradoxical as it may sound, its mover was and is war. All scientific discoveries were made on the instructions of the military and in wartime, because there was a need to conquer other territories or peoples. The war, oddly enough, sponsored creativity.
Leonid Ivanovich, it is probably no coincidence that people rush about in search of truth, understanding themselves and the universe, and the world is on the verge of self-destruction. Some say about the third world war, others that everything was affected by the quantum transition. In general, what is happening today with the world and, in particular, with people?
- Today any physicist will tell you that you and I and everything around us is a wave space or wave processes. There is a year of the Sun, which lasts approximately 26,000 years and which is currently completing its next cycle. To think that when the Sun makes its revolution, nothing will change is, at least, strange. The space will definitely change. The word 'evolution' implies a necessary uplift or perfection. Therefore, we are happy people, because now we are approaching the fact that before our eyes the solar year must finally end. Expecting nothing to happen and hiding your head in the sand like an ostrich would be somewhat inappropriate. So, we must assume that anyway something will definitely happen, for example, the displacement of the planet's magnetic poles. And then what? If we recall the story, even the one that has come down to us, then Hyperborea was at the North Pole and what is this heavenly paradise? Constant sun and great climate! For if 26,000 years ago the pole was exactly oriented to the Sun, then people living in the territory of the modern North should have lived in ideally comfortable conditions. But the magnetic axis is shifting and already quite significantly, and we should expect a very quick magnetic reversal of the planet. Of course, all this is expected, and we must be prepared for this. Another question: is it inevitable or is it our indifference to our fate? We can say that this philosophical question should be addressed to people. I take the liberty of saying that the changes that are expected, for example, a quantum transition or a change of poles, on the one hand, are the inevitability associated with the end of the solar year, and on the other hand, this is our indifference, because if we were in harmony with themselves and the universe, there would be no such extreme tests for us.
But today the question is more profound: will the fate of the fifth race end and will there be a sixth? Why is there such close attention to us today from the West and the same America, because everyone understands that Russia is a chosen country and its territory is the Source of the Sixth Race, so many people from these countries are going to move to our territory to save their lives. It was said in the Holy Scriptures, in the ancient ones and those that are given to me, that with all the cataclysms on the planet, only the territory of Russia will remain untouched. Why? We nevertheless began to do something and are trying to return to the original, to the one where the Spirit controls matter, and not vice versa. Everything comes back around. Of course, the Earth has “tumbled” several times already, and today we have come to the moment when it must again make another “tumble”. Another thing is, if we can control space with our consciousness, then we can look at our future more optimistically.
When we conducted an experiment at our Research Institute of Health-Saving Technologies, it showed that the Send to Love, directed unaddressed into Space, changed the structure of the blood of a person who was at a great distance from the place of the experiment. But after all, not only the blood changes, but also the consciousness of this person (receiver of information), because the structure of the blood, whatever you say, is a reflection of the perfection of consciousness. Why has the word "Fatherland" sounded in the quatrains that I receive lately? Yes, because the Fatherland presupposes Unity not only by blood, but also by Spirit, while humanity is, first of all, a diversity of peoples that do not presuppose unity! And if we create a single message in the Spirit of the Fatherland, then can't we harmonize ourselves with the Creator and slow down these processes? After all, a person has been given the right to control, and control not only himself, but also space. Shall we not take advantage of this right and be unable to control this spacecraft, our planet, as necessary. When we, all peoples, are apart, then the ship itself “hangs” without control in the Cosmos, but if we are together, if in the same goal-setting, then we have the opportunity to correct our Eternal flight.
That is, it turns out that the main task of a person is to harmonize with this Space, and harmonizing with it, to take control, that is, to start creating? And then there will be no cataclysms?
— Quite right. How many times have I said: the global flood was an extreme case. I had a vision: people are relaxing on the beach, and suddenly a huge wave is approaching the shore, and I am swimming towards it. I will never forget this feeling of reality. The wave lifts me, and its top, like asphalt, is dense. Here I am standing on the crest and telling people who are panic-stricken: do not worry, because if we are in love, then nothing will happen to us and the wave will calm down. And indeed, the wave receded, lowering me to the shore, and everything calmed down. This figurativeness suggests that if we hear each other and treat each other with love, then Egregor will be created, equivalent in power to the Creator. Then not only we ourselves will change, but the world around us will change, and Russia will rise from its knees and become a great power!

Interviewed by Vyacheslav KARPOV

Leonid Maslov's answers to readers' questions received by the ET editorial office after the publication of the interview “To live or not to live? That is the question” (No. 11, November, 2016) and the article “Link to link and form to form” (No. 12, December, 2016)

Aliya (housewife), 38 years old:
Leonid Ivanovich, I read with great interest the interview with you in the magazine "Elite of Tatarstan". You claim that prayer, by changing the structure of the blood, can cure any disease. I am a believer, a Muslim woman and I offer my prayers to Allah, not to Jesus Christ. The question arose: will they help, because these are prayers in another language?
- About the structure of the blood. As you remember, we conducted research (experiments) on changes in the structure of blood depending on the consciousness of a person at the Russian level, and recently conducted at the international level. I will not go into details, but I will say that they were all successful. And we received official reports from clinics in many foreign countries, in particular, from Spain, Germany, Bulgaria and other countries, where it was shown that the structure of the blood really changed for the better, specifically: the "coin columns" from erythrocytes disappeared. We called this phenomenon information teleportation in medicine. In these experiments, we received important confirmation not only that we received a response to the message from our territory in different parts of the planet (where the corresponding equipment was set up), but also that the person making this message must be internally pure and perfect. . If the person sending the impulse was not perfect and was not sure of what he was doing, then there would be no response to his message and the blood would not change.
As for the illness. We don't put the question that way yet. Because even doctors interpret the word “disease” differently. In principle, illness is a distortion of our inner space, expressed by pain sensations. At one time, the great Pirogov said that "treatment is the defeat of medicine, real medicine is continuous prevention." And I also think that the general concept of “disease” is still the internal state of a person, which does not harmonize with the tasks that the Creator has set for us. People have an opinion that all diseases are from nerves. This is true, but not from the nerves, but from the level of perfection of our consciousness. We have an experimental group of people with high blood sugar, which we called the School of Diabetes, which we have been following for several months. Diabetes, unfortunately, is a systemic disease of the whole organism, more precisely, a metabolic disorder. Our experience of working with this group suggests that if people really turn to the Creator and improve themselves spiritually, then sugar and, accordingly, the body will return to normal.
Prayer in another language. You know, we all have a different language, one has English, the other has Tatar - this is just our expression or self-expression. But you must admit that consciousness has no language. Therefore, if a person addresses the Creator, realizing that he is his fractal likeness, then he addresses him directly. And the form of address or in what language the address to the Creator or the Almighty is made is no longer important. All the same, we internally cry out to God: “Help!” And no matter what language, he still understands us and helps.

Victor (retired, retired colonel), 67 years old:
Leonid Ivanovich, I'm already quite a few years old. It's probably too late for me to implement your methods...
We don't have any technique. This is a misconception. There is a suggestion to hear yourself in God. That's all. I think that since we know for sure, and it is written in "Revelations ..." that eternal life and the stages of manifestations of this life are many, age does not matter here.

Anna (ophthalmologist), 45 years old:
I am a doctor. I'm interested in your research. But I, unfortunately, do not see a specific application of their results in traditional medicine. Perhaps tell me?
We didn't put the question that way. Any disease is a reaction of the body to the inner spiritual imperfection of a person. Or, if you like, the refusal of a person to live according to those Canons of the universe, which were recommended to us from above as a fractal similarity. What is traditional medicine? This is, first of all, the treatment of the physical, material body.
We propose not to bring it to the operational level, but for a person to try to hear not only himself, but also the people around him, thereby harmonizing himself with the Space, with the society in which we live, because diseases are a reflection of our discontent or disagreement with something either with someone. Therefore, the concept of "traditional medicine" is a purely conventional concept. To be specific: when a person gets on the operating table and, for example, he needs a blood transfusion or some other blood-related procedure, then how to call help at this moment, if the message of love that we are doing leads to the fact that Does the structure of the blood change for the better and the “coin columns” of erythrocytes disappear? When the "pillars" go away and, perhaps, a blood transfusion will no longer need to be done. It must be understood that the blood (blood structure) is strictly internal information, so the external infusion of someone else's information is not always good, which means it is not so safe. Our method can be applied to the ambulance when an operable intervention is needed.

Rinat (teacher), 37 years old:
You are talking about the power of Mammon in the modern world. Do you propose to become like Indian ascetics and live in poverty, doing only prayers?
Ryan, you are wrong. Categorically. The fact is that when I began to receive "Revelations ...", I also asked if I should put on chains, a canvas shirt and go to the people barefoot. I was told: no, this is wrong. The fact is that Mammon is a litmus test showing how passionate and spiritual we are. All my life I live by the principle - there should be just enough money not to think about it. When there are few of them, there is an everyday problem, but when there are a lot of them, this is already a problem of the Spirit. The main thing is not to put money at the forefront of your life, because the idea and creativity are the basis of everything, and money is always secondary.

Ivan (journalist), 29 years old:
Leonid Ivanovich, I know your works a little and I understand that the main thing in them is a call for the improvement of the soul. Here is the question: can everyone be helped to learn how to live correctly? Especially for those who don't want it? My loved one is so arranged: his reasonable, kind reasoning often diverges from actions, sometimes very ugly. Moreover, he understands that his actions cause pain and humiliation to other people who cannot always protect themselves and find themselves in an unenviable position. He justifies such actions for the benefit of his business. Does it affect his karma?
— A very good question. Thanks to. Let's philosophize a little. Our life is a very long process of accumulating inner perfection, wisdom, love… Each manifestation, even at this stage of Eternal Life, is another test. Therefore, it is impossible not to think that this does not affect our karma and subsequent incarnations. When we did screening and studied the energy accumulated in the body, simulating the death of a person on a cell, we saw that in a small child who had not yet had time to make mistakes in life, the spectral characteristics showed oncology. Where? It is clear that information from a past life remained, indicating that in a past life this person did not fulfill the task of the Almighty, which means that he did not behave as prescribed, and returned with this debt. Therefore, it is wrong to think that our behavior does not affect our karma. The only thing left for us is to learn how to live correctly. This is one of the functions that is entrusted to us.

Camilla (student), 22 years old:
Leonid Ivanovich, what will you answer to those who with a grin perceive your incarnation as a contactee with the Higher Minds?
We live in a society where people are different. This has to be put up with. Most importantly, there are people who understand the meaning of life, and there are those who do not. Therefore, if people look at it with a grin, they simply do not understand that we are not only a fractal similarity, but also walk under the control of the Creator all the time. I once had a conversation with a very famous and close to Patriarch Kirill representative of the diocese. When I showed him the books of Revelations, and this man is a white monk, he said that God speaks to the one whom He has chosen, and it does not have to be a clergyman. He added that for people who bear their duty and tell people the truth, this is not news, and they accept it. And he accepted these books. Another thing is that there are orthodox people, and there are a lot of them among ordinary people. They believe that this cannot be, because it can never be.

Svetlana (editor), 55 years old:
In an interview, you said that "many decisions were just like insights." What insights were the brightest, fateful?
– While still a candidate of sciences, at a meeting of venerable scientists, where a serious problem of solid state physics was discussed for a long time, I suddenly understood its solution, but I was embarrassed to say it, and only after 20-30 minutes did they come to the same opinion. So it was many times. You know, later, I, already a person with all degrees and working in the Economic Department of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (where I dealt with issues related to the Kyoto Protocol and new financial technologies for the formation of the economy of the new Russia), received new knowledge about the structure of the Universe. For me it was very surprising. But, most importantly, the question arose: where do they come from? It was then difficult to understand and realize. Most importantly, it was difficult to prove something. I remember another case, I didn’t even know where I was: either in a dream, or not - there was a manifestation of God to me, who told me what to do. And if we talk about scientific insights, then I think that these are also gifts from God. Therefore, for me, all insights and conjectures are the craft of the Creator. But the most powerful insight that changed my whole life and all my ideas, including science, is a conversation with God. I will never forget it. It's not even a conversation. I saw the Creator - an image, completely human, but I did not see the face. I saw a radiance, a dazzling radiance, with which the conversation went on in the subconscious. I was asked questions, I answered. And this dialogue about the future shocked me, changed all my ideas. This is the highest that can be said about the concept of "enlightenment".

Albina (lawyer), 50 years old:
We carry the burden of our past lives and pay for them here and now. You have helped many people to understand how to spiritually rise higher, which means to reduce this “backpack” and enable the soul to approach Eternity. But for many, like me, this understanding and opportunity came at a very mature age. Do I have enough energy and time to complete this work? I understand that the answer is in me and I have to find it myself. But I would like to know your opinion on this matter.
- This question echoes Victor's question. Albina, life is eternal, no matter how old you are today. If there is a desire to create oneself, it is wonderful, because we are creating ourselves for the future anyway. And each of our stages is a test of our maturity and preparation for the next stage of Eternal life. Therefore, if you are engaged, do not stop, because everything you want will work out.

Elena (notary), 48 years old:
Can the use of your methods of treatment allow you to completely abandon surgery and chemotherapy in the treatment, in particular, of cancer patients?
- There are cases when patients with oncology recovered. But they are singular, not permanent. Here I can say one thing: illness is a reflection of an internal state. If a person has a great desire and he has set the task to improve, and therefore become healthy, then the Creator will definitely support. If we are talking about chemotherapy and other methods, then, first of all, we are talking about passive methods of treatment, practically without the participation of the person himself. Remember the attitude in medicine towards us? The most commonly used expression is: patient or, worse, sick. I still believe that if a person is sick, he should be treated himself. I had such a case: I became very ill and the question was “edge-on”. I couldn't sleep lying down, I slept in a chair. But I was shocked that the Epistles or Revelations continued to go, as they went, and with the same rhythm! And I thought: if I’m sick from the point of view of medicine and it’s already “time to get ready”, then why UPstairs do not notice my illness at all? So, for them, I am a very healthy person. Then the disease, I thought, is myself, this is my invention. But if the disease is my invention, then I must decide differently. I said to myself: I am healthy. And the disease receded. I not only recovered, I restored all functions. And today I thank God for showing me that the disease is myself.

Melanya (winner of the "Doctor of the Year - Ak Chachaklar" award), 80 years old:
What is the reason, in your opinion, for the historical opposition of the world community to the Russian spirit, both in the time of holy Russia and modern Russia?
- Good question. It makes you go back to basics. Recently, in the quatrains that I receive, the words are heard: Etruscans, Russians, Prussia ... Rus, Rus, Rus ... Words from the same root, from "ra". There are also interesting words in the quatrains, for example, that the First baptized by force ... I think that if we proceed from the story that the Creator tells us, that we were the first (Russians), we were Gods who descended from heaven, then those alien civilizations that appeared here much later, they would like to remove this exclusivity from us and confuse us, as if to average with all other peoples. That is why then they baptized Russia by force, and now this violence in the Spirit continues...
What is passionarity? Passionarity is when you cross the border of life and death and give your life for something high. This attitude to life is purely ours, Russian. This high Spirituality, which, no matter how eradicated, we have in the Soul, and forever. I think that other nations somewhere in their hearts envy us, they want all nations to be the same. Therefore, Russia was and is an unknown and unknowable Planet for everyone. Remember: “Russia cannot be understood with the mind…” Russia is an amazing territory where many nationalities live together. And this territory basically carries the unity of the Spirit, which is not found anywhere else. Even in multinational and prosperous America, where everyone feels free and good, there was no Spirituality, and no. We leave work, but we think about it, we worry, and the American always has a mug and a family photo in his portfolio. Working in America, I noticed: when a new employee came to our company (in Silicon Valley), he immediately put a photo and a mug on the table, and that was all that interested him, Spirituality had nothing to do with it ... It struck six o'clock evenings - he takes everything and leaves. He was not interested in anything but himself, in what I do, his colleague, or in what other employees, he simply did not want to know. We never part at once, we are at work, at research institutes, we internally become family, discuss, experience everything together, share with each other. It's a completely different world there.

Anatoly (Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling and Finance of KFU), 68 years old:
Asaro Imoto, by freezing water, established her memory, Garaev and Tertyshny managed to transfer information from one carrier to another, bypassing the direct conductor, academician Maslov supplemented the only known way to the Creator by faith with verified physical knowledge. The question as a physicist is: can representatives of the Kazan school of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) be useful to Academician Maslov as an alternative way to obtain special physical characteristics?
How long for a statistically averaged individual who has made a sincere prayer, the received physical parameters-responses remain?
Were there degrees of similarity-differences in physical parameters during the creation of a prayer by baptized and unbaptized prayers?
“Our research is also based on modeling the death of a person (cell). Where did it all come from? At one time, I headed the laboratory "Physical Methods for the Study and Diagnostics of Metallic Materials" at the Institute of Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic, and we simulated the "death" or destruction of a metal or a solid body. We studied all types of energy dissipation: electron and ion emission, electromagnetic radiation, acoustic signals, thermal fluctuations, etc. Today we do the same with the cell. In practice, it turns out that animate and inanimate nature releases accumulated energy at death. Therefore, of course, we need fundamental science, and if one of the physicists works with us, I will be very grateful.
The second question is purely personal. It seems to people that whoever talks more about God believes more. It's not exactly like that! "Cold" science has dotted the i's. In the course of the all-Russian screening, it turned out that for someone who is modestly silent, the blood structure changes in 5-10 minutes, and for someone who talks a lot about God, in hours. This means that the structure of the blood is a response to our appeal to God, and if our channels are not slagged and we are perfect, the response occurs instantly, but if we talk a lot about God and live in sin and vice, then the response will still be, but much later. This is also a criterion of our Spirituality, but in any case, it's all purely individual.
As for baptism, this is an external rite. What matters is what happens inside! Therefore, the main thing is that a person believes! And whether he was baptized or not, this rite acquires reality and the power of God only when there is FAITH inside!

Magazine "Elite of Tatarstan" — Article: “To live or not to live? That's the question!"

To live or not to live? That's the question!

Today on the pages of our magazine there is a conversation with Leonid MASLOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Director of the Holding "Research Institutes of Health-Saving Technologies". We publish an interview with the academician at the request of our readers and thanks to their responses to publications in ET (Nos. 8, 9 (August, September) 2016 regarding the publication of his book “Energy-Informational Medicine of the Future”.

Leonid Ivanovich, you, a physicist, have been dealing with solid state problems for many years, your, as you say, closed doctoral dissertation, which you defended back in the USSR, is also on this issue. And suddenly they turned to medicine and, moreover, you head the holding of the Research Institute of Health-Saving Technologies. What influenced your choice and what is it connected with?

- It's easy to explain. The origins come from the times of the Soviet Union. Then, somewhere in the early eighties, I was called by the Minister of Defense of the USSR Ustinov, and then I worked at the Institute of Metallurgy of the USSR Academy of Sciences and headed the laboratory, which was called "Physical Methods for the Study and Diagnostics of Metallic Materials." So I thought that the challenge was related to our direction, but it turned out not to be the case at all. He says to me: “You know, there is a war in Afghanistan, and we urgently need to develop a method for monitoring blood in the field military conditions, since stationary analysis is not suitable for us. Here's a task for you." I objected: "I'm a physicist." But you understand, then objections were not accepted. So I got my first assignment related to medicine. I must say right away that we solved the problem and not without the help of doctors and professors of the Botkin hospital. The war ended, I received a patent for an invention, and they forgot about it. Time passed, I was already an adviser to the economic department of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and at the same time taught risk management at the Higher School of Economics University. The department was called "Economics of raw industries". At that time, environmental issues related to the release of industrial waste into the atmosphere arose, which were soon formalized in the form of the Kyoto Protocol.

At that time, our industry practically collapsed, naturally, the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere also dropped sharply. At that time, each country had quotas for these gases, and we had the opportunity to exchange these quotas for money, in other words, sell them to other countries and receive financial income. I, as an adviser, wrote a memorandum about this, and soon at the International Congress on New High Technologies I made a report on ecology with an economic bias, which caused a great resonance. Moreover, in the debate, I expanded the topic of the report and expressed the idea that our country could be many times richer if we sell not only oil, gas, and timber. In our vast territory, you can collect herbs and produce medicines. At one time, Russia sold Ivan tea, which was very popular in Europe, and had huge benefits. Then the British brought tea from India. And how many “tea” and medicinal herbs we have! Take, for example, the expanses of Altai, Siberia - what is not there! If Russia today were a world-class pharmacy, it would become a very rich country. And, most importantly, people would understand that Love and Good come from us.

The leadership of the Academy of Sciences became interested in the report and my ideas, after discussion it was decided to formalize it as a separate Scientific direction. Well, what direction can be? Of course, health-saving, it is logical. And soon the section grew into the Research Institute of Health-Saving Technologies, which I have been heading since then.

Leonid Ivanovich, the Institute has big tasks. In particular, how to manage health, life expectancy, rejuvenation of the body, how to increase the role of the spiritual component in the human body for health prevention, and so on. These are huge and long-term topics. What problem are you working on first?

- You're right. The topic of health is eternal and not yet solved. Frankly, people still die unexpectedly, unfortunately. And they don't live long. Yes, and the statistics do not please us. If, for example, the average age of the Japanese is 90, then we have much less. Men over 60 already live in the risk zone. Women live ten years longer. But in fact, a person has been given at least 120 years. But then why do we live so little? Traditional medicine does not answer this question. Then we decided that if we follow the path of classical medicine, we will definitely come to a dead end, so we chose a different path. Our task today is not only to show mankind the problem that hangs over people's health, but also to find a way out of the impasse created through the fault of people themselves.

Do not forget, I am still a physicist and I look at a person as an energy-informational entity. I believe that if we do not live in this world by chance, then there is some kind of task for you and me. And I thought: something is wrong between us and the one who set the task. We don’t understand something, we do something wrong, since our resource is declining (life expectancy). Therefore, a completely different approach is needed here.

If we are not accidental in this world, then there is a relationship, energy and information exchange between the one who created us and us. The study of this is the main task. I thought about blood, which I once dealt with, and sharks. It would seem, what is the relationship? But remember, the shark usually swims to the place where something happened, where there is blood. But blood is a liquid, and, from the point of view of ordinary physics, it simply dissolves in the ocean - and it is not there. Then the question is: what is the shark swimming towards? And she swims to the information that was in the blood and preserved in the water. Therefore, another question arises: if, nevertheless, the main argument of our life and the adoption of some motivational actions is information, then what do we carry into space, what information comes from a person, what information does he receive from another person and what information does he receive from space? The question is not easy, and here it is necessary to seriously understand and analyze. Therefore, the first task was this: to try to explain the relationship and violations of the energy-information space between man and space and, accordingly, to understand that if we are still an open energy-information system and we are inside the energy-information system, the space of space, then our relationship can be the answer to questions - how long and why we live and where diseases come from.

It turns out that matter, energy, and information are inextricably linked and directly affect our consciousness, health, life expectancy, and, in general, our life in this world?

- Yes this is true. The fact is that the information field that surrounds us is a kind of tool for influencing human consciousness and, of course, affects human health. Moreover, in our conditions of information pressure from the media and the Internet. Look, it's almost all negative. Mankind does not want to understand that information can not only heal, but also cripple. Today it is easy to imagine how all this uncontrolled, often negative information flow will affect the psyche and human health. We must not forget that information or rhythms from outside, which not only created us as humanity, but also make us remember from time to time that there are still rhythms of the Universe. Our entire planetary system is simply permeated with these energy-informational flows, which naturally affect our lives and health. And it is simply impossible not to take this into account. After all, living according to these Rhythms (Canons) of the Universe, we are simply obliged to observe them.

What if we don't comply? Then we are threatened not only with the distortion of internal rhythms (appearance of diseases), but also with premature departure from this life as a Divine (Cosmic) Essence, which failed to coordinate and harmonize its internal energy-informational rhythms with the Rhythms of the Great Cosmos.

We did a big screening (research). They created groups of ten people with a difference in age of ten years, even 90-year-olds were. So, a blood test showed that there are simply no absolutely healthy people. Even the standard is nowhere to take. It would seem that a one- or two-year-old child can sin? What can spoil this energy-information exchange? Nothing. He can't even speak yet. But it turns out that from a past life this “backpack” of unfulfilled tasks or debts came into this world with him.

Leonid Ivanovich, in your research you focus on the study and analysis of blood cells. And why, in fact, a cell?

“We are trying to rise above disease. If you dig into the disease, as many institutions do, it is difficult to understand the essence of the problem. See how interesting it turns out: in all church documents it is written that we (people) are created in the image and likeness of God ... And if you look at it from the point of view of science? Many scientists, and not only us, have established that each cell is such a small person in which there is everything, up to reason and a balanced decision. A whole microcosm. If you look at a cell through a microscope and compare its structure with the starry sky, the coincidence is 100%. You and I also consist of a cellular space, and they (the cells), having a common goal-setting to create us, created us in such a way that we can create. So this space is perfect. Moreover, the blood cell is an ideal carrier of informational energy and is very sensitive to the effects of the environment, which causes energy-informational changes depending on the level of exposure to torsion fields and the energy of outer space. If we logically continue this chain, at least in the form of a hypothesis, then it turns out: a cell - a person - a people (humanity), the next stage is a planetary system - the Universe, and so on. That is, a single chain is obtained. By the way, you can start with the atom. It's just that now we have a scale - a cell. But there is a break in this chain. Humanity. Why? Because people do not want to agree and understand that they are the essence of a single organism and obey, from cells to distant galaxies, the single Canons of the Universe with all the ensuing consequences.

That is, as I understand it, people do not want to understand and accept that they are created in the image and likeness of God?

— Absolutely. Do not want. I especially "like" atheists who say "no".

Leonid Ivanovich, at one of the scientific forums you once said that there are three states of blood...

- Indeed, we, like all doctors, first shared the blood. Relatively speaking, in the blood, erythrocytes are collected in the so-called "coin columns" plus sludge, and this is bad, because it threatens with a heart attack, stroke, and the like, but no columns are good. And there are categories - a sick person and a healthy one. It lies on the surface. But when we began to analyze and monitor the situation further, it turned out that there is a third state of blood. And I wanted to check what it is. What did I start from? According to the dislocation theory, and a dislocation is a structurally intermediate boundary between two grains in a metal, the metal itself tends to reduce this boundary. It turns out that in inanimate nature, the ideal boundary is obtained when the structure (grid) of the metal is built in the form of octagons, octahedrons. And I thought that maybe the same thing happens with blood. Surprisingly, everything was confirmed in our experiments. We took blood in its original state with "coin columns", then the person read a prayer, and gradually the blood became uniform. For someone, the process happened quickly, apparently, the level of spirituality and faith is very high, for someone it was slow. What's next? We continued our research and found out that blood, erythrocytes, even with a uniform picture, begin to rebuild and rebuild into a dense structure in the form of octagons, octahedrons, and there is no longer an intermediate border. Blood becomes like a natural monolith.

Conducting scientific experiments and studying the influence of factors such as prayer, classical music, ringing of a bell on the cell and on the human mind, what results did you come to?

- If we are an open energy-information system, and no one objects to this today, and we are inside space, and above us is the Cosmos, the cosmic Mind, God, whatever you want to call it, and if we behave correctly, then we live long. What if it's wrong? We have the only chance to improve the situation - to turn to this external information space with a request to correct us or simply forgive us. Therefore, why be cunning, we all understand that there, in space, there is one God, and we all turn to him. I once spoke at one of the scientific forums about a man with whom I personally had to talk, who fell without a parachute from a height of 1200 meters and survived. Marvelous. What could he have done in those thirty-something seconds, fighting for his life to save himself? read a prayer? You probably won't be able to. The only time he realized that everything was already - the earth, here it is nearby, he managed to shout out: “Lord, save me!”. He concentrated his appeal to someone there, in space. The result is known. Moreover, I was amazed that the broken bone in the pelvis, from which a piece was lost, was restored. This is a very good example for us.

Of course, while studying blood, and this is our main energy-informational communication channel, we noticed that, unfortunately, with age, apparently due to sins, uniform connections between red blood cells begin to break, although they have one negative sign and should repel, and they stick together, and "coin columns" or sludge are formed, which are harbingers of strokes, heart attacks, coronary heart disease. But, surprisingly, in a person who sincerely read a prayer, after that the blood is redistributed and becomes more uniform, that is, it is restored. And this is not only the data of our institute.

As for the sound of a church bell, classical music, just good words, and even more so, prayer, they greatly affect the space, making it harmonious, uniform. Moreover, the energy of both the person himself and the space is changing. The fact is that we are also electric people. We have our own generator in the form of mitochondria, which generate electricity from chemical products, and each cell has about 200 millivolts, and we have billions of cells. Imagine what energy reserve is inherent in us. But here it turned out that blood, even if it is uniform, from the point of view of energy, it is different. Especially the effect of prayer is noticeable on cancer patients. Still, oncology unambiguously leads to death, people understand this and want to live. And every appeal to God is their last hope. We noticed that after the prayer there is not only structuring, but also harmonization of blood. The vital energy of these sick people increases in some cases by two orders of magnitude or 100 times. We recently looked at the blood of a three-year-old girl, she has brain cancer. Parents prayed for her - energy increased 10 times. I told the parents that the child must not die.

In our experiments on a large screening, which I have already mentioned, we also established that, firstly, our flesh does not tend to old age and death. That is, the energy of a person, whether at 90 or two years old, is a constant value. This means that the attitude to illness, old age, death is formed somewhere in our head, our consciousness: “I have lived a long time, I am already old and sick, it’s time to die.” That is, people program themselves and write out, depending on their thoughts, a sentence for themselves. Secondly, the Bible says: “ Do not mention God in vain”, and in the Old Testament: “For he will punish”. And when we began to study the electrical part of the cell component, it turned out that for some people the energy goes up, while for others it goes down. This means that there are people with the potential of high spirituality, and there are, excuse me, those who are lost to God. So, in oncological patients, as I was talking about, the energy curve rises, and in a girl it rises to a point, the so-called constant of God. And if a person has such an energy potential, then what kind of illness, old age or death can we talk about? But when the vital energy falls, then life expectancy falls, and the person leaves.

It turns out that today, from the position of matter, energy and information, you can also explain the so-called placebo principle, which many doctors use in their practice and quite successfully?

What is the placebo principle? This is self-hypnosis, the work of human consciousness. Everything seemed to be very simple. The main thing here is how to set yourself up.

But what if we look at it from a different angle, from a different position? If there is a great similarity, and we are part of this space, then what brings us together? I believe that the main link is information that has no boundaries, no time, no distance. But we must understand that we live in a different world, in a different space, more energetically dense. Then a logical chain is built, which can be the same for everyone: information - more concentrated, squared, is energy - and even more, in the third degree, is the matter of the same. And if so, then everything is easily explained. The main thing is to get this information. If I get information, then I model it, which means I get what I want. In general, I believe, although doctors may be offended by me, that the best healer is the person himself and his consciousness. Because as we tune in and think, so we live.

There was a case in my life - I got sick. Before that, I received messages, here I am sick, it’s difficult for me, but the messages kept coming. Then I asked myself the question: how is it that if they go, it means that someone did not notice this, that I feel bad? Or maybe I misunderstood my condition? And I decided that God knows better than I do. If information is transmitted to me, it means that I am healthy, and one of the people simply gave me incorrect information. I said to myself: I am healthy. And believe me, all the ailments that the doctors wrote down for me went away by themselves, and my body recovered. What is the mechanism here? Everything is very simple. Firstly, I gave myself a command, and secondly, I sincerely and endlessly believed in the power of God, and that mistake in the form of incorrect information on the part of a person was corrected by this Space.

Leonid Ivanovich, you are an academician, doctor of technical sciences, but at the same time, as you yourself say, you have been a contactee for more than twelve years, that is, you directly receive information from Outer Space. Someone calls it God, someone the Higher Cosmic Mind - the essence of this does not change. During this time, twelve books have been published under the general title "Revelations to the people of the new age." This year you have released the thirteenth book, but already a purely scientific, research one, which is called "Matter, Energy, Information". It would seem that both there and here knowledge. Why did you put it on a par with the Messages you receive?

- In essence, what I have been receiving for twelve years, and still receiving, is also knowledge. Knowledge about the universe, the meaning of our existence in this world. By releasing "Messages ...", it seemed to me that people would read and hear. But, apparently, the influence of Darwin prevails, and everyone decided that we are descended from apes. But today in the yard there is a different time and different knowledge, and a hint of what to do next came from above. Twelve years have passed, which means that we have finished school, and now we are entering the university. And here we need some supporting facts. Frankly, I’ll tell you, as a scientist with many years of experience, and any honest scientist will confirm that such insights rarely come, mostly routine, experiments, research, but such problem solving is an accident. But you know that nothing is random in this world. You asked why I switched from physics to medicine. Firstly, the Creator does not divide science, it is common, and secondly, the commonality of views and understanding of the theory of probability make it possible to better understand, not to heal, not to cut, namely to understand the meaning of a person, his existence on this planet called Earth. In this sense, the last book, I think, is very useful. She's also a hint from above.

When we started our research, much was not clear, but then suddenly everything began to line up, and for this I thank the Creator. A lot of decisions were just like insights. I believe, since this evolutionary chain is one, then all this came from there.

Then what is the difference if the first books and the last also contain knowledge? One gets the impression that those twelve books are for people who want to know, understand and believe, and the last one is for people who do not believe, proving that the knowledge contained in the first books is a fact.

- You're right. The fact is that those books are really for people who believe, and they comprehend knowledge, it says a lot about the structure of the universe. But my experience in the Movement, unfortunately, shows that only thirty percent are looking for the way to God, and seventy percent are occupied by Mammon. And even in these thirty there are doubters. But be that as it may, I think that these books have a common base, and it is still connected with the Creator.

And at the end of our very interesting conversation: what would you wish people, in particular, readers of our magazine? How can they live, behave in order to improve their health and increase life expectancy?

— The simplest thing is to be in God. There is no need to engage in deceit, religious intoxication, but, like that parachutist, you need to believe in God and be in him. I am often asked, especially lately, how many times a day one should pray. To be honest, I don't know how many times I pray, I'm just in this state and I can't get out of it. I think that you just need to be a Human and act commensurately with ordinary human morality, and then not a single sore will cling to you. And if you are cunning, deceiving, and first of all yourself, then I feel sorry for these people, they will leave this life ahead of time.

Thank you for an interesting conversation, Leonid Ivanovich.

Interviewed by Vyacheslav KARPOV

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Comments (28):
Guest (12/24/2016):
“I Love everyone, just like YOU Love everyone!”

Guest (12/24/2016):
I believe, I hope, I love!

Guest (11/26/2016):
Reading such articles, comes the confidence that human life largely depends on him and Faith in God! You need to tune your life to a positive and kind attitude towards people. God is always there!!! Faith and Faith again!

Guest (09.11.2016):
Everything is in our head, all thoughts and desires. Thank you for the interview.

Guest (09.11.2016):
God truly speaks through this person.

Guest (08.11.2016):
Thanks to!

Guest (08.11.2016):
Thanks for the interesting interview. I wish there were more such conversations with wise and knowledgeable people!

Guest (07.11.2016):
Well Tatarstan! Well done! Not expected! The journal stands at the forefront of modern Knowledge about the Universe! Thank you!!!

Guest (07.11.2016):
Your journal, led by the editor, is on the right track! Thank you!

Guest (06.11.2016):
It is necessary to believe and turn on the head! Great!

Guest (11/05/2016):
There is nothing more important than living by the faith of God!

Guest (11/05/2016):
Thank you!!! LIVE ON CONSCIENCE!!!

Guest (11/05/2016):

Guest (04.11.2016):
With FAITH and LOVE!!! In a state of constant gratitude! Semyon.

Guest (04.11.2016):
Leonid Ivanovich, hello! The answer is unequivocal - Of course Live!

Guest (04.11.2016):
Congratulations on the most interesting interview, on the Great Discovery, confirmed by experiments - a person is like the Creator! And you have to live, therefore, according to your conscience! With love and admiration! (04.11.2016)

Guest (04.11.2016):
With Love and Gratitude!

Guest (04.11.2016):
"Man is still unknown to mankind."

Guest (04.11.2016):
Know ours!

Guest (04.11.2016):
Faith, Love, Hope, Wisdom! Our Life!

Guest (03.11.2016):
Believe and it will come true, for what God said IS the Truth IS the Future!

Guest (03.11.2016):

Guest (03.11.2016):

Guest (03.11.2016):
Read the book "The Inner Fish" for answers to all your questions.

Guest (03.11.2016):
I believe! I love!

Guest (03.11.2016):
It's simple, in order to live long, you must remain a HUMAN! Awesome!

Guest (03.11.2016):

Guest (02.11.2016):
a real guru who will lead the people to a brighter future. Amen.

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Yulia IVLIEVA, a children's writer from Kazan, is the author of nine books published by the leading Russian publishing house AST. Two more books will be released this year. Yulia recently became an honorary diploma winner at the V. Bianchi International Literary Competition and completed work on the script for the cartoon. And it's hard to believe that six years ago no one knew about such an author. Yulia Ivlieva did not intend to become a writer, but achieved success in a completely different profession. But, having come to children's literature, I realized that this is where it belongs. About how to give joy to children by introducing them to the most useful activity in the world - reading, and a little about recipes for happiness for adults - in our conversation...

The editorial office of our magazine received a letter from the reader Lyudmila Kichaeva - a cry from the heart. A woman is worried that children, young people practically do not see positive heroes around them and in the information space, they grow up in an atmosphere of imposed hatred and aggression ...
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God IS and He is ONE

01/13/08. The first steps of cognition of the Divine Space

1. The time is coming, about which I spoke, for the time of knowledge is coming, when people who are suffering to know the Truth will know It. Knowledge of God will no longer be a virtual game of Faith or religion, but will become a complete and clear reality.

3. You will not only plunge into, but also feel what God is and why the Divine Space is not a fairy tale, but reality, and the energy Space itself can be described by the laws (do not confuse with the Canons of Eternity) of higher mathematics.

5. Space is truly UNIVERSAL, and everything that enters It is subject to physical laws discovered (with My Help) by the great physicists of mankind, confirming the similarity of the System at all energy levels, Its repeatability and Its INTEGRITY (CONGRUENCE), which is the basis of Its development and evolution.

8. Your mission, your role is the knowledge of the Space and the transition from the periphery of this Space to the Whole, and in connection with the Whole, the top of your evolution is reached.

9. The pinnacle of your evolution is God!

13. The Divine Space is not only UNIVERSAL, not only COMPLETE, but It also POSSESSES MIND!

14. Therefore, when I tell you that God is Everything and Everywhere, I, of course, mean that the Space (Whole) surrounding you, penetrating (because It is high-frequency) everywhere, controls the periphery that you are and where you are!

02.02.08. Divine Space has the structure of the Matrix

1. I tell you all the time about the Space, because I am everywhere and everywhere, and any of the people striving for the Truth can easily feel My manifestation!

2. Understanding the Truth has always been the eternal dream of mankind, because the Truth answers the question about the meaning of life and therefore, in a sense, the search for Truth was reduced to the search for oneself!

3. It has always been important for a person to understand what he is and what is the meaning of life.

10.02.08. Commandments of the Creator to man in the Subtle Worlds

8. I said that I am ONE and there is no other God, because there cannot be several (many) Spaces of the Mind, It is one, and not only for the Material World, or the World of dense energy, but also for the Subtle Worlds!

9. You are now standing on the threshold of the transition to the Subtle Worlds, and the issue of your Transition, or evolutionary leap, has already been resolved and there is no way back, there is only time left for reflection, and it is practically gone!

12. The New World puts before you New tasks that require an adequate reaction, or adequate behavior, of people in conditions when high energy (high level of vibration) will become your natural environment (form) of being!

13. Under these conditions, everything that was told to you by Me in the form of the Ten Commandments is a thing of the past, but the first and most important Commandment remains unchanged and it can never change, for the Whole (God, the Creator, or, if you like, the Higher Mind ) One and there cannot be many Spaces, or Oceans of Reason!

14. You will have to reconsider your positions and determine your view of the Whole, which can in no way correspond to the ideas of people who gave them in the form of religions, or Churches!

15. All dogmas go into the past, only traditions or rituals remain, which, of course, have the right to life, because they carry and preserve the energy of past generations, albeit not quite of that level, but still carrying Love and Harmony!

16. This was the first stage in the formation of the (Fifth race) of humanity! These were the Ten Commandments that helped save humanity, save the World, and which were taken by you literally as an instruction for action, but, unfortunately, were not perceived by you as an entrance to the World of Mind, to the Whole!

18. But there is no such instruction and cannot be, because you have the initiative and you yourself must make this historic choice!

19. But remember: for every choice, right or wrong, you are responsible, and only in this case (with your own choice) you are formed as a person and confirm your high origin as a Divine Essence!

20. I emphasize your origin all the time and with only one purpose - to give you the opportunity to realize your involvement in the Ocean of Reason!

28. You have to realize and accept the Commandments of the behavior of the Human Creator in the New conditions, in the conditions of the Subtle fields, which I will reveal to you. But you should know that They begin with the First and Most Important Commandment given to you for centuries: God, the Creator, the Whole is ONE!

05.05.08. New World - New Knowledge!

20. For people, a person who receives and transmits the Words of the Creator is no longer a Savior leading an obedient flock to the Altar, but a TEACHER who gives Knowledge and opens the way to the Truth, and therefore to the One God, the ONE WHOLE!

21. Therefore, I explain to you so stubbornly that God, or the Creator, can no longer have that image of an old man who was formed in Ancient times and served you, the Fifth Race, faithfully!

22. When moving to a new stage of evolution (to the level of the Sixth Race), you urgently need to change your ideas about the Creator!

23. That is why I so stubbornly call Myself the Creator, the Whole, for I am EVERYTHING, I am the Ocean of Mind, and in this Ocean of Mind, keeping the Ten Commandments of the Material World is no longer enough for the purposes of your new incarnations.

27. Think about why I am telling you that you are Gods and will become real Gods already in the Seventh Race. Yes, all because your path is predetermined, and your transition is a natural elevation of Co-Knowledge, because you, as Essences of Divine origin, gradually repeat the entire path of evolution of the Whole on the path to perfection.

05/26/08. Fundamentals of Man's Transition to the New World

31. The time of ENLIGHTENMENT is coming, when the Worlds will open the doors for you and the multidimensionality and multilevelness of the Space will be revealed to you. But for this you must prepare yourself for the purity of these Worlds, because, as I told you, only pure thoughts are a pass to the future!

32. Change yourself and the world will change in you!

33. Everything that is so necessary for you to accept the New World, you already have for a long time. You just have to look inside yourself, see and understand the World of the ONE WHOLE, ONE GOD!

14.07.08. The Meaning of the Creator's Revelations

30. Revelations are the Key for you, opening the doors to the Era of the Holy Spirit, but only those of you who are looking for the Creator in themselves will pass through these doors, for fractal self-similarity is the basis of the Integrity and Unity of Space, which means there is Harmony of the periphery and the Whole , there is the Harmony of man and the Creator!

18.03.09. Know yourself man!

10. Do not look for anything supernatural, because your very stay in the Dense (Material) plane is a MIRACLE of My manifestation and you yourself are an amazing manifestation of a part of the Creator, and the supernatural for you lies in the fact that you yourself are Gods!

15. You are faced with a very difficult task, and there is nothing more difficult for you than this task, and not only today, but always, and this task is to OPEN YOUR HEART, YOUR SOUL to people, because the Holy Spirit is always present in a person, because in I am always present in man!

16. Even at the very beginning of the evolution of your Fifth race, the manifest Essence (human) was given a task that has never been removed and not only is not removed, but is even more aggravated now: KNOW YOURSELF, Man, for you are God by origin, for you are the Creator and Arbiter of the Space of Eternity!

21. I have hung billions of mirrors all over the World for you, so that in them you can see not only the form of manifestation, but also your eyes, in which the Gift of God shines, My presence, My Love and My Sorrow at the same time, because you do not notice Me in yourself, and even a churched person, often accepting My presence in himself, does not open himself to God, because he does not see himself as God!

22. I have been dictating Revelations to you for so long and with only one and only purpose - to open the World to you and open you to yourself, for by opening yourself, a person discovers for himself a MULTILEVEL Space, his Divine origin and Me, the Creator, in his heart!

03/25/09. Road to the Temple

23. Each of you who drink the Holy Water of Knowledge must understand that the Source of Holy Water is ONE and there is no other Source for people, but the amount of water is given to each of you depending on his desire to drink the BOWL OF DEDICATION!

24. So it turns out that one sip of Light is enough for some of you to purify the Co-Knowledge, and the other will never get drunk, because the Truth does not linger in the twisted Co-Knowledge, burdened with materialistic ideas not only about the Manifested Plan, but also about the entire Space Supreme Mind.

06.05.09. Country and FAITH

12. New Russia is not a set of new laws and not another delusion on the issue of building a political pyramid, but a NEW PERSON, a MAN OF FAITH, who unconditionally accepts the Canons of Eternity and accepts his Great Cross as the guide of humanity, building new relationships between people, as between PARTICLES OF ONE, ONE GREAT WHOLE!

13. Therefore, you can fantasize (say or write) about New Russia as much as you like, but all these words will remain on paper! A person is blind and deaf to new political upheavals, and the wounded Soul of a person does not accept new trends until God's Grace is established in his Soul, which means until his heart is opened to God!

05/26/09. Spiritual Unity is the basis for the transformation of an ethnos into a People

5. HUMANITY then becomes HUMANITY, or rather, CIVILIZATION, when, having realized itself as God's Creation, it assumes the ONE SPIRIT responsibility for Creativity with God in the heart, illuminating the entire Galactic Space with the miraculous Light of the Higher Mind.

8. I told you that your diversity forms a mosaic of the Great Whole, because, despite your diversity, you are still United in Spirit, as One and Universal Whole in its many manifestations.

10. Therefore, each person for Me today and always has been and is a CLUSTER OF PURE DIVINE ENERGY, self-forming to the heights of PURE ENERGY OF THE WHOLE. And at the same time, it is not so important for Me what level of the LIGHT HIERARCHY a person has reached, because everyone has their own TRAJECTORY OF LIFT!

11. BUT here is the UNITY, or UNITY, of each of you (according to an independent program) around the Creator creates that GREAT CRYSTAL OF ENERGY of Love and Harmony, which will become for all the Civilizations around you the beginning of a NEW ERA - the ERA of SPIRIT!

23. You are a branch of the Creator, Light Divine forces and your Spiritual UNITY will be the victory of Love, Goodness and Light over Darkness and ignorance. Therefore, all the Galaxies, all civilizations froze so tensely, because your UNITY brings Harmony and the primacy of the Light and Divine Creative Beginning into the Space!

27. You are capable of becoming a Great Nation from an ethnos, capable of creating Divine REGULARITY, bringing Harmony and Unity of the Spirit to humanity, bringing the Great UNITY of individual clusters into the Single Great Crystal of LIGHT energy!

06/22/09. Spiritual Unity - Harmony of the beating of hearts

26. Open your HEART CHAKRA to people and, of course, to Me, the Creator, and then your inner world will be illuminated with the LIGHT OF PERFECTION, which means the Divine Light of CO-CREATION with the Creator!

27. Gradually accustom yourself to the fact that EVERYTHING in Space is the Creator, and your presence, as well as the presence of your loved ones, is the MAIN OBJECTIVE REALITY and is the BASIS for the continuation of the evolution of Human Consciousness, and therefore, the continuation of the evolution of Space.

28. Try NOT to SEE bad not only in your thoughts and crafts, but also in the actions of the people around you, try to send an IMPULSE OF GOOD and LOVE TO EVERYTHING that surrounds you, because, as I said, ALL of this has no earthly origin!

29. Only in this case, SPIRITUAL UNITY will become a REALITY for all people, because people who have an OPEN HEART are no longer an ethnic group, but a PEOPLE carrying the Light of Truth!

29.07.09. What is a man for the Creator?

5. Imagine what a FOOD OF KNOWLEDGE the Co-Knowledge of a person carries in him for his thousand-year history of all incarnations and what potential is inherent in each person, as in a Co-Creator, because THE PURPOSE OF A HUMAN IS ONLY ONE - TO ACHIEVE IN HIS EVOLUTION THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE LEVEL OF A HUMAN-CO-CREATOR, open and able to CREATE next to the CREATOR, to be at the level of the CREATOR'S CREATIVITY!

6. As I just said, Human Co-Knowledge is a very subtle tool for cognizing the World, which forms in a person through all reincarnations, through all the THORNS of the manifestations of the Dense Plan, an understanding of his involvement in the Divine Space.

19. It is not necessary to look through a telescope to understand how the World works, it is enough to look at yourself through your inner vision to see the VARIETY of manifestations and the possibility of achieving the RHYTHM of the HEART CHAKRA that is the same with the Creator, which means Love and Harmony of all counter wave flows.

20. I remind you once again the simple TRUTH about “what is ABOVE, so is DOWN”, and the mirrors hung in your houses stubbornly confirm the fact of the correlation of the OUTER and INTERNAL WORLDS of a HUMAN, and this fractal similarity is transferred (scaled) to any objects of Space .

21. Space is a deep chain of interconnected processes (cause-and-effect relationships) obeying the ONE RHYTHM of SPACE, and eternal perfection (evolution) is the basis of ETERNAL PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT, the vector of which is the level of perfection of the Absolute!

11.10.09. Listen to your heart when choosing your path!

35. Remember, I told you that you should listen to your heart? Your heart will prompt, for it will shudder only if it hears the words of Truth. And if it remains deaf to the exhortations of even some Divine forces, then it means that it is not yours, and this means that this is not your path in Eternity!

36. You will never confuse the words of your Creator, for They are always the call of the Soul, bringing Love and Life-Giving Light!

03.12.09. What is Truth? (Answer to the question about false prophets and false gods)

4. Everything has its MEANING and EVERYTHING has its BEGINNING, but there is no and never will be an End! The Truth, which has absorbed the deep MEANING of life, is INCORRECTLY as INCORRECTLY as ETERNITY OF MOVEMENT, ETERNITY OF EVOLUTION, ETERNITY OF PERFECTION!


6. TRUTH IS THE HIGHER COSMIC MIND, and at your level of Co-Knowledge there is GOD and there is a HEIGHT of Co-Knowledge that is unattainable for a person, creating ETERNITY in the INFINITY OF ITS MANIFESTATIONS!

7. There is a NAME OF TRUTH and ITS NAME – THE CREATOR, because Creativity is the HIGHEST form of PERFECTION, which has no limits of realization, which means that it has ETERNAL movement – ​​Evolution to the HEIGHTS OF INFINITENESS OF THE INCORRECT ABSOLUTE!

8. I say THIS in order for you to imagine at least for a minute the SCALE OF ETERNITY, although the word “scale” is not quite suitable for describing the UNLIMITED HIGHEST and ETERNALLY EVOLVING LIVING LIGHT, and to be able to understand the DEPTH of the difference of THIS ETERNALLY developing and ETERNALLY improving WHOLE and His drops brought by THEM to one of the Planets of ETERNITY!!!

9. Even the LEVEL of the MULTI-LEVEL AND INFINITE WHOLE, which is closest to you, can in no way be compared (in terms of the energy level of Creativity) with a drop of the Whole!

23. Each person for ME is a PART OF GOD, and for ME there is no difference in that; but only a few of you are lucky enough to become a Guide for people, while understanding your place in ETERNITY and your RESPONSIBILITY to Me and to people!

24. I told you: “do not create for yourself idols”, and even more so “gods”, because besides ME, the INFINITE VARIETY OF MANIFESTATIONS and the ETERNALLY IMPROVING HIGHER MIND, there are no other GODS for you!

17.02.10. True Faith is the basis of the Transformation of Space

28. If you now accept with your Consciousness, with your inner “I” the message that you live in this Holy Territory, in the Territory of the Divine Space, where sin and vices are incompatible with the LIGHT OF GOD, then it will always be so, because the inner postulate and inner confidence form the TRUE BELIEF in the MIRACLE OF TRANSFORMATION not only of Space, but also of man!

29. I am not asking for anything supernatural, I just know that this True FAITH already exists in your Co-Knowledge! You live with God in your Soul, so try to make an effort on yourself and take it on FAITH that the Space of your manifestation is the LIGHT OF GOD, there is a HOLY territory in which the WILL OF GOD and the WILL of man coincide, and then the Providence of God will become your Providence and then MIRACLES CO-CREATIONS will manifest themselves to the full!

30. Open your Soul, your heart not so much to Me (because I am already in your Soul), but to people, because you are now a ONE SPIRIT PEOPLE and you will see the MIRACLE OF TRANSFORMATION of the ethnos into a HOLY PEOPLE, going first to the New Space.

06/23/10. Disagreement in ideas about God does not lead to Spiritual Unity

19. The main thing for Me is for a person to understand that the RIGHT TO CREATE, THE RIGHT OF FREE WILL is the privilege of your IMPROVEMENT to the heights of the CREATOR and, believe Me, to the heights of SPIRITUAL UNITY!

26. Remember that only KNOWLEDGE gives TRUE FAITH and as its top - FULL TRUST IN THE CREATOR, and this, in turn, opens the way to SPIRITUAL UNITY. Therefore, despite the disagreements in the understanding (or interpretation) of the Divine Space, I see your Spiritual Unity, if only because the upcoming change of the Space will prove to you that the CREATING GOD is ONE and ONE and there is no point in looking for God where He has never been It was!

04.10.10. The Secret of Collective Co-Knowledge

10. In the hustle and bustle of the problems of the Material World, you missed the most MAIN thing, and this MAIN thing is that all people (no matter what parts of the Galactic Space they came to the School of Knowledge from) carry a particle of the BEGINNING OF BEGINNINGS and they are in the process of their IMPROVEMENT ( LEARNING) in the School of Knowledge should try to CREATE (with the help of COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS) a CREATING PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS!

11. I will reveal to you the MAIN SECRET, which lies in the fact that the PERFECTION OF THE WHOLE is first of all the PERFECTION OF ITS PARTICLES, in other words, My PERFECTION (IMPROVEMENT OF THE PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS) is based or becomes possible only with the PERFECTION of all MY PARTICLES, that is, My PERFECTION is determined by the degree of your PERFECTION !

10.11.10. I AM!

6. You must realize (and this Awareness is really akin to a FLASH OF LIGHT inside your Co-Knowledge) that by turning to yourself, to your Higher Inner Self, you SUDDENLY REALIZE that the CREATOR is in each of you – He is inside of you! This SUDDEN ILLUMINATION will allow you to finally understand the MEANING of your eternal life, and not just an individual, but all people, all particles of the ONE WHOLE!

8. You must REALIZE that there are no separate particles, but there is only a ONE CREATIVE BEGINNING, in which, having discarded everything superficial, all manifestations of the CREATOR united into one and ONE PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS, and this state of SPIRITUAL UNITY changes or CREATES not only the Space, but also themselves particles that CREATED THE CREATOR'S CONSCIOUSNESS!

9. That's when the MESSAGE OF THE CREATOR begins to form in the ONE PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS of people, and that's when, showing Great LOVE for the CREATOR, people can pronounce the Sacred Words “I AM”!!!

10. I am bringing you to an understanding of the NATURE OF THE CREATING BEGINNING - when not a separate embodied Divine Essence pronounces (with My permission) the Words “I AM”, but people United SPIRITUALLY and transformed into PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS begin to REALIZE that they are an integral part of the CREATING ENERGY , and They IS!

13. “I AM” can only be said by I ONE, and if I allow the Spiritually United people to say “I AM”, this means that their Consciousness has risen to the level of PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS, and there is no longer Consciousness of individual particles, but there is really ONE CREATIVE BEGINNING!

14. By pronouncing these Words, a person approaches the fulfillment of his Main goal - he becomes a GREAT CREATIVE WHOLE, he becomes a CREATOR!

23.11.10. You are the Gods who create the New Space

14. I have already told you that your future is not limited to the Sixth Race; your Great future is the CREATION OF THE CREATING BEGINNING OF BEGINNINGS - THE CREATOR! But this will be possible or become a reality only when you, people of FAITH, pass the stage of Co-Knowledge of the Co-Creator!

16. It is amazing how quickly you change not only yourself, but also the surrounding Space, not locking yourself into your inner world, but leaving the possibility of UNIVERSAL CO-CREATION, leading all of you, despite the variety of counter wave flows (or My manifestations) in the Dense Plan, to TO THE COLLECTIVE CREATIVE BEGINNING!

21. Know: this Space is My SCOPE! Therefore, those changes that occur in your Co-Knowledge and what you have cultivated in yourself are not only your own achievement, but also My success of the CREATION of the Beginning of the Beginnings!

29. Today you are CREATING a New World, a New Space, because I have given you everything you need for this! I gave you the opportunity to manifest yourself as Creators, because you are Gods and in each of you I AM!

01/26/11. The transformation of the Co-Knowledge of a person can occur only with the Spiritual Unity of the PEOPLE

21. You cannot doubt the correctness of your FREE CHOICE - only then you will see the LIGHT OF GOD over your country, protected by the Light of your HEARTS and your LOVE!

22. Carry your LOVE in spite of everything, reveal your DIVINE GIFT, because your PROVISION is the PROVISION OF GOD!

23. Remember: in UNITY there is the POWER OF LIVING LIGHT, and this Torch of GOD'S LOVE is in your hands and for you there is no BRIGHTER GOAL than the SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION of an entire PEOPLE!

05.02.11. Rhythm of the Prime Creator

7. When in Biblical times Christ said “love your neighbor as yourself”, then, in essence, His words explained that the ONE RHYTHM of Space, or the ONE RHYTHM of the CREATOR, as the ONE FORKING FORK, was laid in the Heart, in the Co-Knowledge each person! The manifestation of ALL FORgiving LOVE for oneself and the people around is the achievement of the RESONANCE of the RHYTHMS of a person and the Creator, it is the achievement of the Great All Forgiving Love of the Creator!

8. Think about it: what is FORGIVING LOVE or the achievement of this Great feeling? Now, I think, it becomes clear to you that LOVE is first of all the Resonance or Harmony of RHYTHMS of HEARTS; this is the achievement of the ONE with the CREATOR of the RHYTHM of Eternity; this, if you like, is the achievement of that RELICT RHYTHM OF ETERNITY, which the Creator carries in himself and which all people carry in themselves as particles of the Creator!

05/12/11. The historical choice of a simple “little” person

16. I want you to naturally enter the mainstream of the EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS of a person and realize that you are not biological robots, but particles of the Creative Beginning of Beginnings, and that your main task is to unite SPIRITUALLY (think: SPIRITUAL, but not physically), approach the formation of COLLECTIVE PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS!

17. And the COLLECTIVE PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS of people, in turn, will form that very important for Me IMPERSONAL WHOLE, which IS THE CREATING BEGINNING OF BEGINNINGS!

18. People must UNITE all the particles of the Creator (I tell you this in a completely open text) into ONE WHOLE, because this is exactly your GREAT PURPOSE, this is the very RELIGION that I have been dreaming about for all 26,000 years!

06/08/11. The time has come!

4. The time has come to establish on the Planet (and in this case I cannot do without your help) Divine regularity, which means to establish the POWER (I speak in your vocabulary) of GOD on Earth through those who hear Me!

12. The time has come your People to remember their ORIGINS OF THE SPIRITUALITY OF THE CREATOR and, waking up from the deepest sleep, to see and REALIZE their CROSS, their FATE not so much as a Pioneer, but as a SAVIOR who did not come from other Worlds, but RECOVERED from the ashes of his own oblivion and showed, first of all, to himself, THE ORIGINS OF REAL FAITH and REAL RELIGION!

26. The time has come do not talk about this topic, but already CREATE A New Man, CREATE A New World or Paradise on Earth, and this should be done by the SAVIOR - SPIRITUALLY UNITED PEOPLE OF HOLY RUSSIA - the Ancestor of all Existing on Earth.

07/31/11. Spiritual UNITY of the peoples of Russia

28. You need to REALIZE that the HOPE for SALVATION and the preservation of the INTEGRITY of the Nation lies in SPIRITUAL UNITY, or UNITY on the Thin Plan - at the SUBCONSCIOUS level, and only they will save not only Russia, but all modern humanity!

28.10.11. Beginning of the New Age

14. Now Russia, being at the forefront of the transmutation of humanity, must show Wisdom and, stepping over past disagreements of a religious and national nature, show all the people of the Planet that the Divine Space is ONE - GOD IS ONE FOR ALL PEOPLE OF THE PLANET and there can be no other interpretations of the Creator !

15. Your task today is more RESPONSIBLE than ever, for Russia is destined to accept the PIONEER'S CROSS and be the first to OVERCOME the border of the Worlds, and having stepped over, to accept the New FINDING OF THE CO-CREATOR!

16. The people of Russia should show their fractal similarity to the Creator, not in words, but in deeds! It is necessary to UNDERSTAND that only WHEN UNITED SPIRITUALLY people ALL TOGETHER become GOD, and this is the real MIRACLES OF GOD MANIFESTATION!

12/21/11. Year of GOD

14. Finally understand that each of you goes through your own, unique path of evolution, accumulating from manifestation to manifestation a unique experience of WISDOM, and this experience that humanity has accumulated over its thousand-year history is now MY experience for Me - the experience of the WISDOM OF THE PRIMARY CREATOR!

16. The wisdom of all particles of the Creator is the (accumulated) WISDOM OF THE PRIMARY CREATOR!

22. Despite the difference in the tasks set by Me for all MY particles, each of them was obliged to go their own way of comprehending the WISDOM of the Co-Creator through constant SELF-improvement! I did not intend to give any other vector of development to My particles, granting everyone the RIGHT of Free WILL – the WILL that I MYSELF possess!

11/30/12. Dear My Co-Creators

20. Do you remember that many Prophets of the past and present said that over Russia, and now over Holy Russia, the Unity of the Spirit will shine, and all the religions of the world, created not at all by Me, will give way before the Knowledge coming from the Slavs-Aryans ! So I must tell you that the Ecumenical Council only confirmed that the Knowledge of the Prime Creator from now on becomes the Knowledge of people, or rather, My manifested plans, which now create a New regularity, confirming that there is UNITY in multilevelness!

03/31/13. The path to excellence

16. You (I am speaking only to the Aryan Slavs so far) have no way back, because evolution, or IMPROVEMENT, of Co-Knowledge has only one vector of development, because only IMPROVEMENT can open a New World and a New vision of a multidimensional Space to people, and this is in In a sense, I AM THE NEW RELIGION that the ancient Messages spoke about, without even assuming that PERFECTION will become the basis of the New Religion, or the New PARADIGMA, of humanity of the Sixth Race!

17. People were lucky to see the DAWN of a New ERA and themselves to actively connect to the transmutation of Consciousness, which turns the “hand of the clock” of human history (as I said) onto the path called “PERFECTION”, onto the path of Christ Consciousness and Christhood, which IS the future of mankind, for I AM the PERFECTION of the Manifest Plan!

19. Today, the Slavs-Aryans are opening a New EPOCH of mankind called “PERFECTION OF THE SPIRIT”, assuming RESPONSIBILITY for the future of all mankind, and I, the Absolute, trust them to take this first STEP!

04/29/13. UNITY

2. Therefore, Holy Russia is unique in that it unites so many people not only of different destinies, but, most importantly, of various manifestations, and their UNITY in the Spirit IS A GUARANTEE that Holy Russia will be eternal, for she herself IS UNITY!

3. The whole meaning of Holy Russia, as the Space of the Spirit, lies in the fact that diversity is united under one and the ONLY idea - the idea of ​​UNITY with God, for each person is the main idea of ​​the PERFECTION of Consciousness and God-Creativity, and therefore, the Great UNITY of all diversity of humanity!

05/21/13. Eternity

8. Everything happened! Both the Knowledge and the accumulated Wisdom came together in the Present Age in order for people to REALIZE that they are chosen by God to make the Great BREAKTHROUGH of humanity into the Divine World of God's high vibrations and build the New ETERNITY on an equal footing, which from now on and FOREVER will determine PRIORITIES and, of course, the VECTOR of human development for the next 26,000 years!

19. Believe me, the time of the Great Choice has finally come, and the people of the Slavic-Aryan Ethnos cannot even think of any compromise! Today it is simply impossible, because the time of CHOICE and IS THE TIME OF CHOICE between the fate of man and the fate of man-God, and these are not only different destinies, but also different paths to the Truth, which now will never cross, because the path with God IS the path in Co-Adjustment with God, and the other way is the way against God, and people have no other choice!

26. Remember: today you CREATE ETERNITY, today you are laying the FOUNDATION of what will carry humanity for many millennia to others.

Worlds and Spaces as a form of the HIGHEST PERFECTION of people who have become Gods!!!

09/25/13. Concentration

7. You must finally REALIZE that people (humanity) originated from the ONE and ONLY WHOLE, and now you must prove, in accordance with the Universal Program for the Transformation of Space, that the evolution of the Consciousness of each individual particle of God must lead to the formation of the Whole (EGREGORA), which IS the Creative Beginning of Beginnings!

8. I have already explained to you that, according to the Agreement with Lucifer, people had to Rise FREELY and VOLUNTARY to the level of the Divine Whole and not only feel like a Spiritually One Whole, but also in Attunement with Me, the Father Absolute, to prove that Unity with God IS a return people to the Beginning of Beginnings, to the Sources of the creation of mankind!

10. Believe me, you not only saved humanity, you demonstrated to Heaven that your SELF-improvement, even if not for everyone and not for everyone, has reached a level when the Co-Knowledge of a separate Essence IS a Cluster of perfection, which means that your Spiritual Unity forms a PERFECT Space , or the Space of the Spirit, which is no longer possible to destroy, for this is what is called the One and Only word - GOD!

20. That is why I speak with you today so frankly, confirming that people-Gods and the Absolute Father Himself are ONE, and ONE FOREVER, which means that I must coordinate any of My Providence with you, with those who have proved to Heaven their high the level of Co-Knowledge and proved that in Co-Adjustment between each other individual particles of God can CREATE the Whole!

11/28/13. Perfection IS Forgiveness

2. God on Olympus and God in the flesh still remains God, for which EVERYTHING in this Space IS God - IS Divine origin, and therefore, IS also Mine, the Father of the Absolute, SCOPE, for in EVERYTHING is laid My PRINCIPLE (Canon) of Primal Love and Forgiveness! God cannot LOVE without forgiving, because the one who goes to God goes his own way through thorns and temptations, often choosing a very difficult path of SELF-comprehension, sometimes incompatible with the destiny of being God in the Dense Plan!

8. Today, on the eve of the Great Shift, you God people need to demonstrate to the rest of humanity that The world IS LOVE, but most importantly, the World IS the Great WISDOM OF FORGIVENESS for in the All-Forgiveness lies the understanding of one's own Divine origin! I repeat: EVERYTHING around you IS God and the search for the meaning of life and the tasks of its incarnation IS the search for God, who finds in his search the PERFECTION of the Spirit!

14. I know that not everyone can endure the energy of LOVE that you bring into the World, because not everyone has the WISDOM of the Gods, but there IS people worthy to be called people-Gods, because they have achieved in their perfection, in the evolution of their Co-Knowledge opportunities to rise to such a high level that their paths not only coincided, but united into a ONE WHOLE - into that WHOLE that IS GOD! Now these people-Gods are allowed to change the Space of the Universe, saving at the same time those who are confused in their choice, but who still want to find their way to God!

03/20/14. One SPIRIT, one Territory, one State

7. Believe me, there cannot be a single territory if there is no UNITY in the Spirit, and there cannot be a ONE GOD, if every nation, every nationality has its own idea of ​​itself and its own idea of ​​Me! People keep forgetting that I created a ONE person (to be more precise, the Hyperboreas - the Gods who descended from Heaven - were ONE in the multi-level Divine Space, and God IS the controlling PYRAMID, the levels of which are determined by the level of Awareness and the level of readiness to control the Space, and EVERYTHING obeys the SINGLE CANONS of Eternity and the strict, I repeat, strict structure of the UNIVERSE), and if the ONE before humanity, or the ONE before in the Spirit of humanity, developed a huge number of clans and peoples, then this happened (within the Hyperboreans, I’m not talking about aliens now) only due to the fact that people stopped feeling that UNITY in the Spirit, which was still in the God-men (Hyperboreans)!

04/02/14. The Fates of the Gods

4. You, Hyperboreas, and I Myself, Father Absolute, never separated the fate of the God-men from God, for you were Gods and never interrupted, even in the worst times of the Inquisition, your connection, your destiny with Me, and even the Universal Program, which was and was prepared for you, now, one might say, the Gods, also never interrupted, for the Gods always ARE ONE ONE!

10. Therefore, today there is a very strict selection of those of you who all the time remained God, despite the trials of the Dense Plan, for only you continued to remain Gods with the fate of the Gods, unlike those of you who refused to resist and exchanged the fate of the Gods for the fate of people!

12. The fate of God is to accept EVERYTHING without judging, but by your SHIELD, by yourself, your life, constantly, or rather, ETERNALLY, to bring LOVE to everyone and everything and only LOVE, for the fate of the Gods is to LOVE without expecting LOVE in return, fate Gods - to carry Knowledge that people can reject, and accept ALL of this as the CROSS of the one who IS God, Forgiving and Loving, for under all circumstances he IS LOVE!

09/16/14. Nobody ever

10. A temple without God is not a temple! I repeat: there are many ways to God, but IS the one and only TRUE way to God - to My Temple, for My TEMPLE IS KNOWLEDGE transmitted by Me to the people of the New Age, and only through KNOWLEDGE can one get to Me, all other paths lead to nowhere! You need to remember this constantly and try to explain to people that I AM and I AM THE GREAT SPHERE of Cosmic MEGAREAD, which includes EVERYTHING - exactly EVERYTHING that IS in Eternity, including people on the Planet Holy Russia!

02/28/15. Call of Darkness

14. You AM the WHOLE and you simply have to demonstrate to yourself and the Darkness that you AM the real WHOLE, made up of thousands of Great Images of God, which means that you AM GOD Himself! Your WILL IS THE WILL of God who created this World and governs this World! You should not have any problems in this World, this World is controlled by you, and Darkness is just a pitiful likeness of Father Lucifer and Darkness will never be able to recover to the Whole!

05/15/15. The moments of the Great Transition will never be repeated...

10. Believe me, humanity has never yet risen to the level of Consciousness, capable of moving into Infinity, not disappearing, but moving into Infinity, becoming ONE, the Great ONE with the Cosmic Mind, closing FOREVER the chain of historical events of the RETURN, the Great RETURN to the Gods!

06/30/15. You will recognize yourself, but you will not recognize the world

17. My question to you: do you feel like Gods, or rather, are you Gods or not? I remind you that God controls the Space, and if you are Gods and feel the RESPONSIBILITY of the Gods, then your SCOPE (I’m not talking about Co-Knowledge) must correspond to the SCOPE of the Gods, and My words, spoken at the very beginning of MY APPEAL to the people of the New Age, can be rewritten like this: “HOW YOU THINK, SO YOU DO”!

Remember these words of Mine, for they AM for you the formula and purpose of life for the next 26,000 years!

09/02/15. Great reversal in human history

10. For the first time in the history of mankind, a handful of people, thanks to My HELP, gained strength in the Spirit and were able to declare that the OCTAHEDRON of Love and FAITH IS that form of EQUALITY before God, which satisfies the Key Condition, and therefore is the form of UNITY in the Spirit, which is accepted not only by people-Gods in the Spirit, but also by Me, the Father Absolute, because it corresponds to My Plans of building people-Gods into a ONE WHOLE, that WHOLE, which should take over the CROSS of the evolution of the Co-Knowledge of people to the level of the Co-Knowledge of the Gods!

17. I repeat: at the VECHE the VECTOR of the evolution of Co-Knowledge was turned 180 degrees, and the Warriors of LIGHT confirmed their Unity in the Spirit with the EQUALITY of all before God, which means that On August 26, 2015, the Great Baptism of the Planet into the New RELIGION of the One God took place! The Great REPENTANCE of Russia (Holy Russia) was ACCEPTED by me and the repentant will be saved, and not only will they be saved, but they will be named by Me, the Creative Beginning of the Beginnings, not only SAVIORS of this World, but also Teachers of the Spirit for all Universes, for they know exactly the path of evolution into the Gods, and this IS the Diploma of the Teacher of the Spirit, capable of teaching the Canons of the Universe, creating New worlds and Universes!

09/03/15. It's impossible to stop

1. I can say right away that it is IMPOSSIBLE to stop the evolution of the Co-Knowledge of people, it is also IMPOSSIBLE to stop the formation of the OCTAHEDRA of the Universe, because both are manifestations of the CANONS of the Universe, which are not subject to people, while people and their destinies are subject to the Canons and Me, To the one who created this world!

11. Therefore, everything is concentrated in you, and your decision, your SINGLE WEIGHTED decision, IS that tool of CREATION (MANAGEMENT), which you (people) have been striving for for many millennia, because only such a form of Unity of people in the Spirit (in the Octahedron) IS that makes Gods out of people who have a SINGLE GOAL-SETTING!

09/11/15. Humanity

8. Believe me, it is impossible to agree if there is no SINGLE goal! To reach an agreement with different GOALS is an unsolvable task, and if the representatives of religions do not see themselves in a ONE chain of evolution of the Co-Knowledge of people, then there will never be a “peace under the olives”! That is why I Myself, the Father Absolute, was forced to intervene in the World of people, because the LIGHT has already determined the next 26,000-year cycle, for which humanity turned out to be unprepared!

11. People have forgotten that any religious paradigm always bears signs of humanization, because the Knowledge granted by Heaven still undergoes changes depending on the interests of those who are trying to control the World, and hence the Co-Knowledge of people! Therefore, whether people want to face the TRUTH or not, any religion (large or small) bears the fruit of the creation of people themselves, sometimes so imperfect that their “creation” begins to destroy those who brought it to people!

12. I repeat, people, and not Gods at all, decided the destinies of people for a very long time, not paying attention to the fact that IS GOD and for the entire Universe HE IS ONE and that all people, no matter what interests they defend, IS the Great SIMILARITY, which should repeat the path traveled by the Creator of them!

13. I will never believe that different civilizations living on this Planet carry the idea or basis of destruction, because in MY SPACE (SPACE) the Great HARMONY of the forces of Creation and the forces of Containment reigns, therefore civilizations (people) can have different purposes, but to violate this Great NEUTRALITY is not beneficial to anyone, for this IS the BASIS of the Universe!

09/15/15. Answers on questions

13. The formation of the Great Octahedron of mankind is entrusted to the Root civilization, which over the millennia has also become a SINGLE SPIRITUAL WHOLE, consisting of representatives of all civilizations on the Planet! Therefore, its PASSIONARITY and SPIRITUALITY are the result of the fact that the best representatives of all civilizations have adopted for themselves (for their Co-Knowledge) the paradigm of the Indigenous civilization - “Brotherhood in the Spirit with the equality of all people before God”!

10/23/15. Don't stop

15. EVERYTHING changes! You will see very soon that it is simply impossible to stop the evolution of Consciousness, and if people did not understand where the WIND OF CHANGE is blowing from, and did not understand that the Root civilization in the form of the Warriors of LIGHT brings salvation to humanity, then you must FORGIVE them, because it is not so important who brings LOVE, it is more important that LOVE is alive and people begin to understand that they have no Future without LOVE!

17. I repeat: your path is destined in HEAVEN and you have no RIGHT to distort My Script! Your path IS the path of trials, and if people have the RIGHT to make mistakes, then you, My Army of LIGHT, the Great Octahedron of humanity, do not have such a RIGHT, just like Me, the Father of the Absolute, there is no RIGHT to create without LOVE!

What is in the air and what takes time
what can occur simultaneously in a hundred
heads without any borrowing

J. W. Goethe

1. Introduction

People have always been interested to know: where do various thoughts, ideas, desires, insights come from, sometimes very similar and the same. Where does this information come from? And why do people outwardly look so much alike, have similar character traits, habits, gestures, demeanor? Where is it from? In this work, I will try to talk about it. This article contains only a tiny fraction of the information that is offered in iissiidiology. Iissiidiology is the basis for many sciences of the near future, it contains the mechanisms of a powerful evolutionary development of mankind, which contribute to the formation of wisdom, positivism and confidence in one's future. Iissiidiology is a new spiritual and cosmological knowledge based on an intuitive method of cognition through a psycho-mental analysis of one's states in the multidimensional structure of one's self-consciousness. And therefore, I suggest that inquisitive and interested minds delve into this knowledge about the universe and man in order to destroy their old stereotypes and replace them with more universal ideas.

2. Man and the universe

2.1. Human evolution in the realization of our unity with this world

« The microcosm is like the macrocosm", the ancient Greeks said.

Man really repeats the universe in his structure in miniature. The universe that we observe every day with sight, through telescopes, we feel through the organs of smell, taste, touch, hearing, has many dimensions and modern science confirms the infinity and multidimensionality of the universe in all directions and directions. The world does not end with physical matter and is not described only by the physics of dense matter. Newton's physics was replaced by Einstein's theory of relativity, and today scientists are talking about a holographic model of the universe and a quantum human body.

From the point of view of iissiidiology, everything in the universe is structured by various self-conscious elements of different quality (forms of self-consciousness). Some of these elements are perceived as fields known to science: electromagnetic, gravitational, strong and weak nuclear interactions. These self-conscious elements are defined in iissiidiology as fields of consciousness whose dynamics are still outside our perceptual systems. These fields of consciousness are dual in nature: in some cases they appear in the form of elementary particles, and in others - in the form of energy waves that have no restrictions and are able to interact with different forms. All thoughts and feelings that are reflected in the consciousness of each form are also formed by the wave path and are manifested and organized by special non-material elementary particles (fermions), as well as carriers of their energy-information interactions - bosons. Elementary particles unite into larger communities - atoms, and atoms - into molecules that make up the forms of the surrounding reality: microorganisms, DNA, people, animals, plants, etc. And therefore, all these energy-informational interactions, like information, are not only the exchange of some information, it is the continuous transmission of electromagnetic impulses from cell to cell, from organism to organism, from consciousness to consciousness [2].

We are all part of the universe, for each of us in this universe there is a place, a purpose that we fulfill while going through life. We are all part of a single whole, like cells of one organism. But at the same time, each of us is also a small universe with its own laws, principles, beliefs, ideas about our own world and the world in general. Wise men of all times claim that the universe is a single organism, a single whole. Someone believes in the word, someone does not believe, someone wanted it to be so, but someone knows it for sure. All objects in the universe interact and complement each other, while the degree of organization of this global system becomes even better and, as a result, the entire universe can be characterized as a well-coordinated, clear, ideally ordered and highly organized structure.

The existence of the universe is based on information processes and the intensive growth of the flow of incoming information is the key to the evolution of human consciousness and is aimed at the development of the intellectual component for the knowledge of spiritual truths. Everyone conveys to the world his vision of a single world, refracting his thoughts and ideas through the multidimensional levels of his self-consciousness. These ideas are very different and sometimes contradict each other, but the essence is the same for everyone - everyone wants to know himself, to know his unity with the outside world. Life on Earth appeared not only as a single organism, but continues to exist as a single organism, and is controlled by a self-regulation system that is implemented at the information-energy level. Everyone is waiting for ready-made solutions, forgetting that a prerequisite for unity is hard and painful inner work, the essence of which has long been known to mankind: this is the desire to understand the world around us, explore its laws and behave in accordance with these laws.

Every thought, every feeling, every birth and death, everything that emerges in our consciousness is our eternal and infinite life, expressed in cosmic laws and principles and which is an infinitely deep creative creation. Human life on Earth is filled with worries, various difficulties and problems, and we must overcome all our difficulties, tirelessly creating better worlds of our existence and filling them with all the best and kindest that we have. But for this we should make constant efforts, comprehending the greatest values ​​discovered by mankind, participating in the process of free spiritual exchange and contributing to the unification of mankind with our aspirations. The history of the human community on the scale of our planet is a close unity of material and spiritual culture, as a factor in the life of mankind, its social experience. Any event or phenomenon in the life of mankind concerns not only people directly, but the entire planet.

It took humanity more than two million years of development for the first glimpses of animal reason to turn into the first signs of human self-consciousness. And now the time has come when over the past three hundred years there has been a sharp leap in the development of our civilization and now we are moving towards the mass development of cosmic self-consciousness.

2.2. Information unity of mankind

So what is humanity all the same?

In iissiidiology, there are axiomatic ideas about the origin, simultaneity, simultaneity of the origin of all things, the universe, universes, galaxies, stars, etc. From these representations follows a natural conclusion that there is an initially programmed holographic multi-level energy-information structure - energy-plasma, which has the universal property of infinite self-propagation of information (for our material existence - quantum wave dynamics).

This information is available to all beings of the universe, on its basis they form their own ideas about themselves and the surrounding reality. This is the experience of the collective mind of the entire material universe, which is the main energy-informational creative basis for all beings, including humans.

In iissiidiology, this information space is defined as ODS (OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-system) and represents self-conscious elements or fields of consciousness (see above), which are used in their work by form-creators (conglomerates of elementary particles) of our biological organism [1, section IV]. The information space of the ODS is a component of the general electromagnetic field-consciousness (subelementary and elementary particles) of our planet and therefore all human worlds of existence are interconnected with its geographical zones: with continents, countries, living conditions, customs, with day and night changes, with the movements of the planets, stars, sun and moon.

The self-consciousness of each person has an individual information space ODS - this is detailed information about all kinds of states of self-consciousness, with the help of which we realize and perceive the surrounding reality individually. All forms of self-consciousness and all the diversity of human life take an active part in everything that surrounds us and form the universe with their perception. And the state of our human environment depends on the quality of our ideas and thoughts - the individual SFUURMM-Forms of each person, which in the ODS have many different meanings. Their decoding takes place in the specifics of the phenomenon or event under consideration. Each of the representations must first be found in the information space of your self-consciousness, and then, having projected this information into the surrounding reality, you must begin to refocus (shift your interest) into those worlds where your subjective representations can manifest themselves through your focal dynamics.

Each form of self-consciousness uses in its development information that is characteristic of both the higher and lower levels of the universe, i.e. any focal configuration (set of interests) of a form of self-consciousness already has the entire set of programs and commands it needs. And therefore, by changing something in oneself at the levels of thoughts, feelings and choices, a person thereby introduces appropriate changes into the frequency and configuration of the energy-information interactions of the fields-consciousnesses of our planet, with which the form-creators of the body resonantly interact, which immediately shifts them into higher qualitative states corresponding to the qualitative changes just made in self-consciousness.

Consequently, the higher the quality of the state of the collective consciousness of mankind, the higher the indicator of the quality of thinking and feeling, the quality of mental states, the quality of human choices made by all people of our planet. These states include both the most cruel, selfish choices, as well as the most altruistic, disinterested and spiritual decisions, especially when they are made to the detriment of oneself, but for the benefit of people. All these general states are reflected not only in all worlds of the space of the universe itself, but also in the quality of the individual information space (IIS) formed in it.

The qualitative development of any civilization in space is determined not only by the level of information used, but also by its abilities and capabilities to accumulate and use different types of energy of the universe for its own purposes. Therefore, the understanding comes that everything is one and all the worlds, the entire cosmos surrounding us, is created by a single energy. The difference is only in the length of the waves that form them, which is directly related to the frequency of the energy-information flow. Each phenomenon or event that occurs in our life is a wave manifestation of the active interaction between the electromagnetic fields-consciousnesses, which have a certain frequency and the direction of development of some specific qualities inherent only to them [5, section XI], [9].

All those ideas that each person puts into the concept of "surrounding reality" are very subjective and depend on how energy-informational interactions between the form-creators of DNA and the form-creators of the brain (for our biological organism) are organized in our focal dynamics (a set of interests). are bio-creators). The bio-creators of the cellular structures of the brain and DNA react in their own way to qualitative changes in thoughts and ideas (SFUURMM-Forms) in our focal dynamics and during our life, all these changes are reflected in the psycho-mental and biological aspects of our existence. Therefore, the SFUURMM-Forms (thoughts, feelings, desires) implemented by us cause responses not only from ourselves and the surrounding reality, but also from quantum information carriers - fermionic, bosonic and molecular forms of self-consciousness (elementary particles, atoms, molecules, material objects). Therefore, each person in the dynamics of his self-consciousness creates and forms the quality of his life himself, consistently passing through all the stages of qualitative improvement of his form of manifestation - from subelementary and elementary particles, to unimaginable heights of high-frequency fields-consciousnesses.

2.3. Humanity is one big genetic family

Each person has a higher spiritual nature, which should be developed in order to know oneself and the world around. But each person also has a different nature - physical, animal. The flows of spiritual cosmic energy are closely connected with the information space of a person's self-consciousness, his development programs, which are in the human DNA. Biological evolution, including the individual development of each person, is associated with a change in DNA, and the difference in the DNA of different people lies in the number of developed chromosomes. Our modern humanity is at the level of its development, which corresponds to 46 chromosomes, carriers of the DNA molecule, through which each of us receives a certain set of SFUURMM-Forms from our parents and through which we ourselves then pass on our individual experience to our children. That is, chromosomes are the genetic material that transmits information to the cells of the human body and, informationally connected to the pineal gland in the brain, this is a genetic text that determines both species characteristics common to the whole species and unique features that distinguish one person from another.

From an iisiidiological point of view, the DNA molecule is a continuous wave dynamics of various forms of manifestation of numerous electromagnetic fields-consciousnesses interacting both with the information space of a person's self-consciousness and with his biological organism. The qualitative characteristics and intensity of these fields-consciousnesses are constantly changing both under the influence of the environment and under the influence of internal biological, chemical processes, as well as psycho-mental states. These energy-informational flows contain all the information that is characteristic not only for humans, but also for other life forms. The carriers of both hereditary and other information are not the nuclei of cells and not the creators themselves, but the fields of consciousness that carry information about the development of life on earth. Genetic information embedded in the DNA structure, received by us from our parents and their ancestors, determines our predisposition to hereditary diseases and appearance [4, section VII], [7].

The genes that form DNA are information files that are energy-information interconnected with other universes, in which all existing information about the basics of the life of various forms of consciousness is encoded, ranging from viruses and bacteria to humans. Gene form-creators (field-consciousness of elementary particles) represent in our focal dynamics the unconscious levels of our self-consciousness, in which unrealized interests characteristic of animals are encoded. These are only performers of more universal SFUURMM-Forms, which are embedded in the form-creators of higher quality levels of self-consciousness - the collective subconscious. Each of the genes continuously emits photons that carry absolutely complete information about the entire DNA molecule and about the person as a whole to the information space of the ODS. There is a very deep and close relationship between the quality of photons emitted by DNA and the activity of our self-consciousness, which depends on the quality of our conscious psycho-mental states. Human DNA is the cell of consciousness of the universe [6, section XIV], [3, section IX].

What people define as "mind", "soul" is not tied to molecular structures (icons, natural phenomena, biological organism). Both the soul (subconsciousness) and the mind (personal consciousness) are all a multidimensional single universe. If we compare the DNA of different people, it turns out that they differ from each other by only 0.1%, that is, only every thousandth nucleotide in a person is different, and the remaining 99.9% are the same. We are all genetically extremely similar, we are all one big genetic family living on a common planet. The organic connection between people already testifies to the unity of mankind. Humanity is both one and many at the same time. Each person joins the whole of humanity, he is a part of the universal human flesh, blood, thought, knowledge. The connection of all people living on earth is predetermined by the natural process of evolution [4, section VII], [8].

2.4. Love is a unifying force

We very often ask ourselves questions about the meaning of our earthly existence. Why do we come to earth in this raging ocean of passions, insults, joys and sorrows? The ancient philosopher Plato said: Love is called the thirst for integrity and the desire for it. ».

The modern world needs people with new ideas, knowledge, ideas about themselves and the surrounding reality, it needs people who strive for harmony and can perceive and convey love, without which a person cannot understand the unity of the world. Love is the greatest wealth of the universe, and the meaning of the existence of mankind and the realization of its goals are possible only through the continuous growth of love - the desire of people for harmonious unity and the fullness of good feelings for every person, every object of nature, harmony at all levels and in all spheres. Unity can only be achieved by changing the consciousness of people, improving the quality of thinking, cultivating feelings of love in oneself and understanding that we are all one and responsible for each other. Each person must be aware of himself as an inhabitant of the entire planet and even the universe. Everything that a person can achieve, he achieves with the help of his own efforts.

Love lives in the soul of every person, but under the burden of gray everyday life, our imperfect relationships and resentments, it hides like a butterfly under the protection of a cocoon, withers and dies unmanifested. In our contradictory world, the world of evil and violence, in the world of discoveries and stupidities, confidence and doubts, there is only one thing worth living for and that is as strong as death - this is love. Love is a feeling of great strength and spiritual generosity, it is entirely directed at others, forgetting about oneself, it does not distinguish between one's own and others, near and far, this is a feeling of striving for unity with other people, nature, ideas, ideals. Before us, people, there is a difficult task, but doable - for its spiritual self-improvement, humanity must strive for love, as a source of common action for the entire community.

3. The unity of mankind is a universal task

Each form of self-consciousness, starting from galaxies, stars, planets, as well as all living beings and so-called inanimate objects (people, animals, plants, microorganisms, minerals, metals, gases, elementary particles), and ending with everything that is not subject to our perception system (subelementary, superuniversal and other types of fields-consciousnesses), come from one source, from the original essence of everything that is eternal, and is potentially programmed for any properties and representations.

Each person, like all other beings, has non-molecular mechanisms for the exchange of information between the brain and self-consciousness, as well as between self-consciousness and the collective subconscious. Any form of self-consciousness participates in the creation of everything that surrounds us and forms our universe with its perception, and the state of the surrounding reality depends on how high-quality our ideas will be. Each of us can connect our individual self-consciousness with the multidimensional consciousness of the universe.

The human community is united not only by information, but people are united in their physical appearance, morphological features, genetic characteristics. Thanks to genetic memory, we can remember everything about ourselves. Our DNA stores any knowledge, any information that is activated at different stages of life in accordance with the quality of a person's self-consciousness. All the information of our planet, the knowledge and experience of our universe is stored in human DNA. Energy exchange between man and the cosmos occurs constantly, since man is part of the whole and at the same time is the whole.

The idea of ​​the unity of mankind is vital, giving every person a saving feeling of support and mutual assistance, and we can come to this idea, everything is in our power. We, the seven billionth population of the planet, must interact together in the spirit of love and unity of all mankind.

Strictly speaking, calling it a theory is incorrect. After all, a theory is a hypothesis confirmed by some facts, expanded to a relatively complete description of a certain phenomenon (at least). Although I may be mistaken in some details of this definition, but the gist is just that.

What do I mean by one mind? No, this is not something new and has not been described by anyone before me. It's just a kind of "higher intelligence", of which we are all parts. In quotation marks - because I do not think that this is some kind of wise creature or even a god. No, this is a certain entity that can think. And not only to think, but also to think in a huge number of separate "processes". Excuse me for the IT analogies - I'm not a scientist, not a physicist-mathematician-biologist-psychologist. I'm just a person who is bored with life without "trying to invent something." ;)

But let's first talk about one old, but no less interesting theory about how the world works.

Long ago, in the East, someone very smart thought of the fact that there is no one else in the world besides him. More precisely, he is the whole world. Everything in the world is a reflection of him. And the world as a whole is just a reflection.

And so, this man began to think. If there is no one else, if there is only him and his reflections. If the whole reality is only "the fruit of his imagination", then why can't he control every single person, stone, sea, beast? Why does everything live on its own, and not to satisfy his desires? Why can't he breathe underwater if water, air and breath are created by his imagination?

I can't say for sure what conclusions the man came to. I can only make a guess. The man decided that he himself is an equivalent reflection. Hence the Eastern wisdom that we are all one and a reflection of each other. If you see a lot of bad things in someone, know that you see what you don’t like about yourself. And vice versa, if you see the good in people, you also have it. In other quantities, perhaps, but there is.

By the way, the words from the Bible fit here perfectly - do not judge and you will not be judged. After all, if both good and bad are mixed in all of us, then how can we judge each other without judging ourselves? And look at it from another point of view. Which evil is considered small and which is large? What actions are generally considered evil? Is there an acceptable evil? Life experience tells us that killing one person is bad. Killing a lot of people is bad. Wars are bad. Now tell me, many of the people would have missed the opportunity to kill Hitler before he had time to start the pogroms? But most of these people consider the killing of a person unacceptable. And yet, in the eyes of many, killing one person to save a million is an acceptable evil. Especially if you do not need to kill yourself, but you just need to give your consent. Especially when this consent does not have to be given while standing face to face with the death of whom you were offered to agree.

Therefore, the Bible is right - we have no right to judge. But we are forced to judge, because otherwise we still do not know how to observe order. Maybe someday we (humanity) will become completely righteous, but now we are. And we judge. But we have tried to lessen the evil by inventing a system of courts. That is, as a result, the right to judge is given to a small number of people. The idea looks great. A person is chosen whose righteousness and honesty no one doubts. He is given the right to judge and he bears the burden. One. And the rest at this time can "live in peace", knowing that order is maintained and that they do not need to personally judge - to execute or pardon, it is not up to them to decide. But this burden is unbearable for a righteous person, and in the end he either refuses, or ceases to be a righteous person and begins to steal, kill, etc. As a result, for a sufficiently long period of time, such a system comes to almost complete w ... chaos. What we see now. I do not know of any country where the court would be righteous. There are legal courts, yes. But laws are not all righteous. Yes, and the judge is forced to make a decision not on the basis of real events, but after listening to evidence and reflections. Not only is it all very subjective, but you can almost always play on emotions. This is what dishonest lawyers use, for example.

And now I want to describe my vision of the device. More precisely, the vision that recently occurred to me.

Yes, we are pieces of the whole. But each piece is quite separate and therefore it can be considered separately from the rest. What are we going to do to get started. The model will come out flawed in some details, but when going “higher”, a lot will fall into place.

So, I am the world, everything in the world is a reflection of me, and the world in general is a product of my imagination. Why can't I manage any of the objects in the world individually or the whole world at once? Why can't I change the laws of physics and fly? Why can't I turn into another object?

Everything is pretty simple. Yes, other people exist only as long as I see them, hear them, or just think about them. Like any object in the world. Like the whole world. Is there a world if I close my eyes? If I want - yes, if I decide that it is not - it will not be. Subjective perception? And what is objectivity if there is nothing but me? ;) By the way, one more confirmation that there is nothing objective. The laws of physics? Permanent? All these are crutches that my consciousness has created to make it easier to maintain the world in a uniform way. Because in a fickle world where all constantly changing there will be too many distractions. Yes, it will be interesting. Some time. And then this variability will get tired and there will be a desire to create a relatively permanent world that can be enjoyed for a long time. Until you get bored and there is a desire to create another world.

But why can't I manage other objects in the "I want this - bam - done" mode? First, because it's not interesting. It's boring when everything is always your way. Therefore, it is better if the objects are independent.

Second, I can so manage. We all know that “if you really want to” ... That is, I can, but I don’t always really want it enough to move on to action.

Thirdly, I can. Not the me that I invented as my avatar in the world I created. And I am the one who created it all. The difference here is not in entities, but in “modes of operation”. That is, I-avatar is not some flawed entity, but a full-fledged I-Creator. I am one. And many. I am everything. And nothing. I am alpha and omega. I'm God? No, I don't see anything divine in this. I do not know at all, not only whether God exists, but also what-who-where it can be. And I can't guarantee that I'm the only one. But in this world I am alone, as long as I want to be alone. This is my world. I want - and besides me, someone else can appear here. Perhaps the same as me. Or his avatar. Or just another reflection of me. It seems that all this is different in details at first glance. But in essence the differences are not important. The world remains mine and I am the master in it. If I need to move faster than light, we temporarily or permanently cancel the theory of relativity. She just doesn't work. Because the world - me - needs it.

Now it's time to move on to larger forms. I was talking about some avatar self. And now look. What happens if I get tired of living in a world inhabited by creatures and where is my avatar? We remember that the ever-changing world has long been tired - it simply cannot be admired all the time. More precisely, it will work, but he will not have a repetition of states so that he can enjoy not only change, but also constancy. That is, the world is quite flawed. A relatively permanent world is more interesting in this regard. Here you have both constancy, which can be enjoyed for as long as you like, and limited changeability (independent, I mean, and not under duress). And no one forbids changing this world quickly and strongly, or even making it variable. And in general, this is just a “caught moment of constancy” in the flow of change. Yes, long term. but what is time? Just another characteristic of the world, which can also be changed.

And now, when paradise is already tired, then I expel myself from paradise in order to create many avatars. That is, to populate the world with oneself and for each I to act independently. Of course, it's still me. And each of my avatar can still change the world. Because there is no world and it is. There are no restrictions. There is only irrepressible curiosity “what if”… And what is the volcano wakes up? What if aliens arrive? What if there's a big war going on? What if everyone suddenly jumps on their left foot and turns around clockwise?

It's all about boundless creativity and irrepressible curiosity. Well, physics, constants and everything else are just crutches, with which it is easier than without them.

P.S. I hope the post is interesting.


Mind- individual cognitive, analytical properties of the personality.

Intelligence- the highest type of human mental activity, including the spiritual component.

One of the main differences is that the mind is a higher phenomenon than the mind and feelings. The mind of man is chiefly occupied with accepting what is pleasant to him and rejecting what is unpleasant. The mind is also capable of accepting and rejecting, but it is focused on choosing what is favorable for a person and rejecting the dangerous, unfavorable. Thus, their functions are similar, but the mind has greater foresight, seeking to determine benefit and harm. The mind stops at something, guided by its desires, the mind evaluates the current situation in terms of whether it will bring good or trouble.

The mind follows the feelings, in a sense it is their slave. The mind tends to do the will of the senses because it really wants to be happy. For reason, the main thing is truth, for it it is higher than happiness. The mind senses that if truth prevails, then happiness will follow.

The mind is able to receive information from outside, accumulate and analyze it. The mind does the same, but it is also helped by the spiritual principle in a person.

The concept of the Higher Mind refers to the divine sphere. The mind always aspires to the Absolute. Note that there is no "higher mind". A reasonable person is able to hear the Higher Mind and listen to it, acting at the behest of the Heart. Mind and heart together give rise to such a phenomenon as Wisdom.

A person can be smart in one or more ways. The mind must extend to all spheres of life. An intelligent, educated person, a specialist in his field, is not always necessarily intelligent.

  1. Mind is a higher, subtler phenomenon than the mind.
  2. The mind desires happiness and pleasure, the mind strives for truth.
  3. The mind chooses the pleasant and rejects the unpleasant, the mind considers everything from the point of view of harm or benefit.
  4. The mind is able to embrace everything as a whole, to know the general patterns. The mind manifests itself in one or more areas of life.
  5. The mind is closely connected with the Heart, their union gives birth to Wisdom. One of the manifestations of the mind is intuition. The mind is guided by feelings, it is tuned to the momentary. The mind tries to suppress the inner voice.
  6. Mind uses logic, Mind turns to the divine Absolute for knowledge. Reason is closely connected with the spiritual principle in man.
  7. The mind belongs to the human realm, the mind to the divine.

Mind - the ability to think, the ability to find a solution to life's problems, the ability to see (predict) the consequences of one's actions. At the same time, the mind is not only the ability to think (think), the mind is also the use of ready-made solutions, cunning, quick wits and other ways.

Reason is the ability and habit to use different positions of perception, to think not only from the point of view of oneself, but also from the point of view of other people, as well as from the position of objective consideration, a systematic approach and the position of an Angel.

According to Dahl's dictionary, “the mind is the most general, and in a particular sense the highest property of the first half of the spirit, capable of abstract concepts; reason, which can be subordinated: understanding, memory, consideration, reason, understanding, judgment, conclusion, etc., comes closer to meaning, reason, applying to everyday and essential. The small and holy fool is not in his mind, they themselves do not understand what they are doing.

Putting things in order

The mind is a manifestation of reason, the ability to think and reason logically. Smart is always reasonable.

“Man is mortal. I am human. I am mortal." From the two premises given to me, I draw a conclusion within the framework of logical patterns and create the correct third premise. Mind was enough.

The mind brings confusion into order, the mind creates the possibility of new orders. In the mind there is not only validity, it is also the ability to work with concepts and meanings, making them new beyond the obvious or already existing patterns.

In the diversity of life, a person finds the most important and draws conclusions where he should.

Perceptual positions

The mind is only the beginning of the mind, its first step. The mind works from zero or at best from the first position of perception, it has only one (its own) point of view and one task - here is I and here is what I need. When a person develops the ability and habit to use different positions of perception, to think not only from the point of view of his own point of view, but also from the point of view of other people, as well as from the position of objective consideration, a systematic approach and the position of an Angel, his mind develops. Mind is an improved mind, a synthesis of mind, creativity and morality. If a systemic vision is added to the mind, we get wisdom.


An intelligent person is always a social person. “He is a reasonable person” - here one hears that a person is quite careful, listens to others and considers social consequences. Someone considers this a virtue of the mind, someone a disadvantage, because a reasonable person is not as brave as just a smart one, cannot afford so much. Reasonable - less free, because more responsible.

Mind and mind are not the same. The mind always prevents the mind from engaging in self-control, because the feelings and the mind always take away this ability and the ability from the mind to control the situation. Feelings are robbers. They rob a person of his happiness, his destiny. Feelings always bind us to some negative emotions, some problems. And they, like robbers, rob the mind of the ability to control the situation. And the mind is the slave of the senses. He goes on about the feelings. The mind is the only one that has to cope with the situation. And knowledge is the main attribute of the mind, for the sake of which the mind exists and lives. That is, gaining knowledge means filling the mind. If a person fills his mind with knowledge, then he becomes intelligent. But knowledge is different...

“The mind is the ability to understand and think about life, worldly conditions, while the mind is the divine power of the soul, revealing to it its relationship to the world and to God.

The mind is not only not the same as the mind, but is opposite to it: the mind frees a person from those temptations (deceptions) that the mind imposes on a person.

This is the main activity of the mind: - destroying temptations, the mind frees the essence of the human soul "(1-68, p. 161)

L.N. Tolstoy.

“Reason is given to man to show him what is a lie and what is the truth.

As soon as a person throws away the lie, he will learn everything that he needs.

What is the difference between the mind and the mind, what are their functions and how to control the senses? Having dealt with these phenomena, their functions and features, we can learn how to manage them in order to bring more harmony and happiness into our lives.

Hierarchy of mind, reason and feelings

The Bhagavad Gita says that feelings above dead matter, above feelings mind(governing them), above the mind is intelligence, but above them all - soul, our consciousness in its purest form (for more details, see the article The structure of the psyche from the point of view of the Vedas).

Sense function

In this case, feelings and emotions are not the same thing, since here we are talking about five sensory perceptions - hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste. Through the five senses we receive information about the outside world. This is the function of the senses.

The sense organs are controlled by the mind, which directs them to this or that object, and transmit information to the mind.

mind function

As for the mind, in addition to analyzing and controlling the body and senses, its main function is acceptance and rejection.

The function of the mind is to find objects of sense gratification, accept what is pleasant and reject what is unpleasant.

The mind gravitates toward the pleasant and rejects the unpleasant. We want comfort, various pleasant sensations, pleasures, and we do everything to get what we want - this happens thanks to the work of the mind. The mind tries to get as many pleasures as possible through the sense organs.

The Chaitanya-charitamrta also says that the function of the mind is think, feel and desire.

Mind Function

What is the difference between the mind and the mind and what is the mind in general? The mind, according to the Vedas, is higher than the mind, it is a more subtle substance than the mind and feelings. The main function of the mind is acceptance of the useful (favorable) and rejection of the harmful (dangerous, unfavorable). He distinguishes what is good and what is bad and is able to take into account the consequences of actions.

We can see that the functions of the mind and the mind are very similar - acceptance and rejection, but the difference is that the mind is guided by the idea of ​​"getting the pleasant and rejecting the unpleasant", while the mind is more far-sighted, determining what is useful and what is harmful.

The mind says either "I want" or "I don't want", and the mind evaluates as follows: "it will bring good" or "it will bring problems and troubles".

If a person is reasonable, that is, has a strong developed mind, he does not go on about the mind and feelings, but considers his desires from the position of “will this benefit me or harm me?”

Here is a young man walking down the street. It's hot, it's summer, it's hot, it's hot, and he wants to cool off and drink. Vision wanders down the street and finds ice cream - cold, tasty. The mind says "remember the taste?" - yes, I remember the taste, we take it, a command from the mind - legs go forward, hands - take out the money, count, buy 10 servings. Very hot, really want, take 10 servings! Because the mind is under the influence of the senses, it is so restless, immoderate. But there is also a mind that just has such a screen, it is above the mind and feelings and says “Stop!”. The mind says, “If you eat 10 servings of ice cream, you will get a cold in your throat. You may crack your teeth due to abuse, you will ruin your stomach if you eat like that all the time, no, two servings is enough. Enough!"

If the mind is strong, the mind will say, “Understood, everything. Two portions". But if the mind is weak, the mind will say - “Get out, without you I know what to do, what are you teaching me, in general?”

Parents remember how children begin to behave when they grow up. Exactly, the feelings are strong, the mind is strong, the mind is not yet. You tell them - "I know without you, do not interfere, I want to enjoy." But the power of desire is very powerful.

An unintelligent person is guided only by the desires of the mind, which seeks to get the maximum of pleasant sensations, and does not really think about what such pleasures will lead to.

The mind may enjoy the feeling of being drunk, driving fast, or any other pleasure (this is individual), while the mind looks at the possible consequences of such actions and pleasures, and makes adjustments, forcing a person to change his mind and stop in time.

Homo sapiens is called intelligent because it is given reason is a distinctive property of a person, but the mind is not always stronger than the mind, especially in our time: we can see many unreasonable human actions and deeds that lead to undesirable and negative consequences.

Mind alone is not enough for a normal life; a person can be smart, educated, quick-witted, a recognized specialist in some field of activity and even a genius, but this does not guarantee its reasonableness.

By evaluating situations with reason, we can avoid many mistakes and unpleasant consequences of our actions. A person with a highly developed mind can generally predict your future from your current behavior. This is one of the reasons why you need to listen to the wise old people - they know what actions lead to what consequences.

Sense control

Do I need to control my feelings, and if so, how to do it?

Yes, feelings need to be controlled, because they are insatiable, and if you give them free rein, it will not lead to anything good.

For example, getting pleasant sensations from alcohol or drugs, a person can gradually become drunk or become a drug addict; indulging your sexual desires and walking "left-right", you can pick up a venereal disease; in pursuit of big money, you can lose your mind and end up behind bars. Etc.

Our feelings are insatiable by nature: the more you give them, the more you want, so, clearly, feelings need to be controlled. When the feelings "cleared", it is much more difficult to control them, so it is important not to start the situation.

But how do you control your feelings?

Here you need to understand that the mind cannot properly control its feelings, since it, in fact, directs them to get pleasure (getting pleasant), without caring about the consequences. The mind itself needs control and proper guidance from "above".

Therefore, the correct control of feelings is possible only with the help of a strong mind, which foresees the consequences, and therefore can give a correct assessment of our desires and actions.

A truly intelligent person the mind is stronger than the mind, so it the mind and feelings are under the control of the mind, which eliminates a lot of trouble from his life.

Now you understand from here what is the lack of the modern world? Not because there are such problems as alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution and many others, but because modern people have an undeveloped mind to a sufficient extent.

It is called will, - control of the management of the mind and feelings, management of the vital force.

In addition to the topic and to understand more about this important issue, read the article " How the mind creates our life", as well as useful tips in the article" Mind control and purification».

As for souls(individual consciousness), which is above the feelings, mind and mind, then this is already a topic of self-knowledge, and not control of the mind and feelings (see article "Original State of the Soul").

Based on materials:,,


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Can you explain the difference between mind and intelligence? Here's what Wikipedia has to offer.

Mind(ancient Greek νοῦς) are the cognitive and analytical abilities of a person, allowing him to use his knowledge, on the basis of which he develops his point of view, makes logical conclusions and makes decisions. He is able to analyze events and distinguish the essential from the non-essential.

Intelligence(lat. ratio), mind (Greek νους) is a philosophical category expressing the highest type of mental activity, the ability to think in general, the ability to analyze, abstract and generalize. The meaning corresponds to the Latin word "intellectus" - understanding - the quality of the psyche, consisting of the ability to adapt to new situations, the ability to learn from experience, understand and apply abstract concepts and use one's knowledge to control the environment.

We will try to delve into these two substances.

1. What is the mind directed at, what is the mind directed at.

Atm can be considered as instrument of personality consciousness that component of a person that is busy fulfilling roles in society, as well as communication, where we exchange mental assessments, opinions and subjective impressions. So mind as personality converted outside.

A person, based on the content of his bodies (physical-energetic and emotional-mental), thanks to the mind, automatically reacts to what has come from the outside world, and identifies himself with the thoughts and emotions that have arisen. Born "to me", "mine", "about me" - small, reactive "I».

  • Identification with this self is the ego.

Razum operates at a different frequency, since carries information coming from within, from the consciousness of the Essence – Soul and Spirit. And this is not just the ability to analyze and generalize on the basis of intellect and knowledge, but a holistic coverage of both the whole picture and the role of the characters at the same time. This is a detached perception without identifying oneself with what is seen, heard and understood, therefore there are no reactions in it.

  • This is the realization that we call awareness.

When we look at the world from within, from the heart center, the mind becomes silent and there are no identifications.

2. What is the task of mind and reason.

Intelligence is priceless in what Wikipedia mentions. But on self-absorption with the products of the mind grows an ego that desires to reign in all spheres of life. At the same time, the personal mental "I" is not able to cover anything entirely, and mind, to understand forced to dismember, crush, exacerbate oppositions in dualities, Therefore, his diocese - disconnection and analysis. And then, in accordance with his logical conclusions, based on the beliefs that have developed in previous experience, he makes conclusions.

The mind-ego, as if on a chain, keeps a person in traps created in the past, and in fears of an unknown future. He controls, imposing his opinions and decisions through identification with them, and in doing so is filled with a sense of his own importance. That's what it is pride, which shakes the internal swing from superiority over others to an inferiority complex. And you can’t get away from it if you stay in the space of the personality, where the mind-ego dominates.

Here the Spirit "heals" us through unpleasant situations, the purpose of which is to help us break out of the narrow boundaries of the mind, dissolve false importance and "treat your neighbor as yourself."

And when the spiritual seeker stops the internal dialogue, monitors and regulates thoughts, raising vibrations, breaks out of the five senses and his consciousness moves to another energy frequency, the door opens leading to mind.

Free from judgments, prejudices, opinions, experience hooks - everything that the mind relies on, the mind does not need to lead and impose its points of view. You don't have to separate to understand the answers to it come from within, from the omniscient Essence. Or, expanding to infinity, it connects with the energy of a particular place (person, circumstance) and receives the necessary information. It arises as awareness.

Now the mind seems like a capricious child who stubbornly insists on being right, and the mind is like a sage with a magic ball leading to the fascinating world of the Unknown.

3. Goal-setting of the mind and comprehension by the mind.

Since individuals, in order to retain power, need to constantly confirm their need and value, its tool mind-ego does this by guiding the person from target to target in all areas of life - in career, wealth, sexual relationships ... At a certain stage, such a linear focus develops and strengthens us. But in the race from result to result, people are usually blinded by hope and overwhelmed by the fear of not achieving what they want. The goals themselves, directed to the outside world, are focused on self-affirmation in it. Even when sincerely expressing himself in his work, the author, as a rule, expects applause and is tormented, offended, feels misunderstood and unfairly underestimated, if not, if not laurels, then at least recognition. And if it is, the taste of success unwinds like a spiral, and requires more and more energy. Therefore, glory is insidious. And since the personality is distant from its inner Source, sooner or later this leads to exhaustion and emptiness. And when it becomes clear that indulging passions, exhausting oneself and burning one's vital forces does not bring happiness, this often leads to a spiritual crisis.

When the goal is achieved, the joy from this quickly disappears. In the meantime, the next task is not put forward, the mind rushes about, suffers, and for a person life becomes simply meaningless. And if a new goal is not invented at all?.. Or is there no energy for its implementation?..

It is worth plunging into your depth and rising above the mind in inner silence - and it turns out that the mind has nothing to chase and nothing to achieve. He is not focused on the realization of goals, but on understanding the meaning of what he comes into contact with. (Therefore, if someone on the spiritual path sets the goal of enlightenment, he amuses his mind-ego).

Mind as an energy of very high frequency penetrates into any form and connects with its vibration. In such a fusion of two independent, equal and equivalent substances, the form reveals its internal content. And we capture it with intuitiontionsand emerging feelings. As an instrument of the Entity, the mind is directly connected to them.

This is what is called clairvoyance, when there is no doubt about what is worth doing and what is not. When to remain silent without telling the truth (it can destroy it), when to say it, and even in the form that will make a person shudder, think seriously and start changing something in life. And at another time - be very tactful and flexible, carefully bring the interlocutor to the conclusions that he supposedly makes himself.

Such immersion in the information of the essence is the same when merging with a work of art, and with nature, with some idea, with surprise, when bad health suggests that it is time to let go of something from the past, or if someone asks for help to deal with the situation.

Focusing on awareness does not mean that you should not set goals and try to achieve them. Society would not develop without goal setting. And we live in it, and we want to live with dignity, to feel financially secure, socially fulfilled and successful. Simply, by resolving the tasks put forward for ourselves, our attitude towards them changes: vanity, obligation, competitiveness, comparison with others disappear. And when this low-vibration tension is removed, we do not interfere with what is happening to flow at our own pace and rhythm. Life takes on a different slope, or rather, rises to a higher level. It brings calm, and in it strategy and tactics miraculously combine: when the inner strategist plots the direction, the inner tactician observes, and when the tactician executes, the strategist contemplates and corrects. And the chances of success are greatly increased.

  • With a little training, it is easy to connect with any energy in order to feel and comprehend the information that it carries. This does not just expand consciousness - Life itself opens up new possibilities.

4. What is the mind based on, what is the mind.

The mind is based on beliefs, mental judgments, personal ideas, moral standards. On the one hand, being, like everything else, energy, these one-sided, far from the truth generalizations, like a magnet, attract low-frequency unhappy situations corresponding to them from space and destroy a person's life. On the other hand, like a prisoner, they keep consciousness within rigid boundaries and do not allow it to develop.

But when a spiritual seeker has a desire to break these chains (there are many technicians) and he decides to do the corresponding work, another relationship with reality begins.

The mind does not rely on codes, rules, or personal attitudes: having delved into the circumstance, it proceeds from its content and sends messages to us. And since we distinguish them with the help of feelings, and they are the voice of our Divine component - the Soul, these impulses are always directed to creation and beneficence. It is important to learn to stop and pause in order to catch what choice the mind made at that second - to get angry or ignore, upset or dot the “and”, be offended or laugh.

  • The mind can be called an instrument of awareness and comprehension, which are sent to a person by his higher aspects.

The mind loves various practices, methods, technologies. This strengthens him and strengthens his self-worth. Therefore, living at the level of the individual, we cannot get enough of various courses, seminars, trainings, lectures. At a certain stage it develops. The growth of consciousness is, after all, openness to the world and new knowledge. But from the endless state of being led, a person loses his personal strength.

And if we plunge into the inner silence, where there are no predilections of the mind, and rise to the frequency of the Essence - and the mind freely penetrates into what is, feelings are integrated with thoughts, and we comprehend the essence. Almost always, it is amazing in its surprise, wisdom and difference from the conclusions of the mind, made on the basis of knowledge, professionalism and experience.

After making a decision in the usual way, go deep into yourself and hear the answer of the mind. Their difference vividly illustrates the two levels of consciousness.

5. What does the mind obey, from what does the mind come.

The mind functions based on the subconscious ideal that the personality has created. Conflicts with others, the desire to change someone, the rejection of what happened and already existing, are associated with remoteness from this artificially created image. Bringing it to life is a super-goal from which smaller goals are put forward. And if the desired result could not be achieved, for the inner world of a person this means a discrepancy with the idol invented by the mind. The person with whom a person identifies himself experiences this very painfully. Even with luck, when self-esteem rises for a while, it, depending on reactions from the outside world, sooner or later falls to hurt, and show that not only an illusory ideal, but such a path itself is false and to a genuine does not lead to happiness.

Revealing ourselves as an Essence that is happy simply because It Is, we are no longer concerned with ideals, our own rightness, other people's opinions. We are interested in the knowledge and comprehension of what is realized. Therefore, being in the eternal “now”, the mind is focused on the process, on WHAT will come to light in its course, whether it be work, a hobby, or children playing naughty in the next room. And since it functions at the frequency of the Soul, not unconditional Love is achieved, but what many psychological techniques are (often unsuccessfully) aimed at: inner uplift, naturalness (instead of role masks), goodwill and… stability of high self-esteem.

  • Directing attention, that is, energy, to the process, and capturing WHAT it brings, rejoice at your inner take-off.

6. What nourishes the mind, what is the mind.

The mind needs adrenaline in the form of endless new experiences - at work, at home (so that it does not "stuck"), entertainment, love relationships - in all areas of life. Otherwise, the personality weakens, languishes, and boredom, melancholy, laziness, spleen develop, up to depression.

And for the mind, awareness of the hidden meaning of phenomena, people's behavior, the causes of what is happening is an inescapable source of the new, a spring of creativity. Therefore, he is not burdened by the search for entertainment, emotions and impressions - he is involved in living life. Each communication, any state - delight or pretense, betrayal or fidelity - is still equal in value and fascinating in its energy diversity.

And we feel satisfaction if we manage, for example, to catch the cunning hidden behind the radiant smile of the manipulator, or to recognize the spiritual lesson as the essence of this situation. We are happy when, in contact with the Soul of another person, the energy of Unity destroys artificially created boundaries, and Love fills both.

So, wouldn’t it be better to use the wisdom of the ancient Chaldeans: “Don’t try to wash away stains from your clothes one by one, change them entirely” and break out of the trap of the mind-ego of the personality by raising your energy frequency. When it reaches the vibration of the Essence and we not only connect, but identify with It, all life unfolds at the level of the mind. Consciousness expands to infinity, and in its depths it is directed to the knowledge of its own Divine qualities and capabilities.

How enriched we are when we discover ourselves, the world of things, events, people from within!

7. From mind to mind.

For the personality, the mind is the master: it supplies it with thoughts, it turns to it for knowledge, for a way of acting, it obeys its orders. But if we recognize that the mind is not a legitimate ruler, but a usurper, to whom power is voluntarily given, it is up to us to return to our Nature - Reason; to the Essence, with its nature to love and pour out this Love on others; to the Real Self, with its Wisdom sent from higher dimensions.

Abilities such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, healing, foresight, telepathy, channeling are developed. Our mind connects us with the creative, infinite Higher Mind that created the World and everything in it, with the Information Layer of the Earth - the Akashic Records, where knowledge is in the form of clots of energy. From there, geniuses capture ideas for discoveries, inventions, masterpieces of art. We know this as bright flashes of insight.

An exercise

  • Feel your energy Cosmic rod along the spine, extending far beyond the body. Expand this vertical horizontally, like accordion bellows, and feel how your inner space has merged with the outer, and they have become one.
  • You are a sphere, and at the same time - its center. You look at the World from this center. You are an Observer who, like a chess player at the board, covers the situation, seeing both the whole game and the relationships between the pieces. You are the Aware, True Self making INTELLIGENT decisions.

He whose consciousness has risen to the level of Reason knows Who He Is. And his relationship with the World is the indivisibility of the subtle and material planes and the interaction of two independent energies - the One and Its hologram Part.

ABOUT MIND CONTENTS: Poems Beginning Gifts Geniuses Solution Laws Pain Loneliness Spark To Beloved Nostalgia Conversion Everything is in place Forgiveness At all times Prose Consciousness Moment "I" Enlightenment Manifestation Minds Meaning of life Point of view Simultaneity of opposites Circle We are Mind. All Forms and Worlds are our clothes, Illusion, and what it will be, stupid or smart, cruel or merciful, depends on us, our Thoughts, for we are what our Thoughts are. Beginning I fall like a grain of sand into Matter, Around me is emptiness and silence, I don't know who I am, And who I am, all the more so.

Gifts Light is given to us to see and enjoy the World, Water to quench our thirst, to be clean and beautiful, Other riches are given to us - To live easily and be happy, Do not reject gifts, Take as much as you need. Geniuses Every Environment has its own Genius, the Genius of Good or the Genius of Evil, The Good Genius leads to prosperity, The Genius of Evil Leads to the destruction of its Environment. God gives the decision in one bill, And don't try to change it, It won't do it any more, But you should be tormented by counting. Take everything as it is, Not getting carried away by trifles, If large issues are resolved, then small ones will be resolved by themselves. Laws Laws - Mind fragmentation, Into codes, norms and articles, Their strength is in unification, The more of them, the less effective they are. Pain Whatever hurts, he talks about it, There is no health - about health, There is no justice - about it, In poverty, only about wealth, Stupidity, will be smarter than everyone. Loneliness There is an old woman in a gray scarf, In an old worn coat, She asks for alms, there is no daughter, No one helps her, And in her eyes a prayer: "save, help, It's very scary - I'm alone", And try to explain to her - God is with you, because you are eternal, Soul.

Spark When there is a Spark of God in a Person, He is loved by those around him, Hearts are drawn to meet him, They want to be near him. There is an attractive force in it, Such that one cannot take one's eyes off, And this is only a small Spark, the Universal Fire of Love. Beloved Love me, dear, love, And your thoughts will be bright, It will be a joyful day and an intoxicating night, As long as there is Love in your Heart. Love me, dear, love, And remember how my hands rest on your shoulders, Like the warmth of my tender lips, Excites your Heart. Love me dear, love, We are not afraid of separation, We will always be together, As long as I am in your Heart. Nostalgia The future of the planet is life, Where are the cities with space stations, But we don’t understand and we can’t see them, The Earth today is a planet fraught with dangers, Like a jungle of unbridled passions, Where the Mind was just born, And not understanding its involvement , He rages and mocks himself. I'm sad, and I want to "go home", It's gloomy here, it's deaf and blind here, And I want to go where everything is with me, Where we are together and there is a lot, a lot of Light. But there is only one way: first on the ground, then to the stars, First we learn to walk, then to fly, And I want to be faster, faster as possible, See everything, feel and know everything. Appeal I appeal to you, standing on the edge of Eternity, And not daring to step over it, You only have to take a step: To humble your greatness.

We are on the threshold of the New World, But not everyone is ready to go, And the sooner insight comes, The less tears and blood will be. Everything is in place Everything is in place, everything is inside itself, Where to rush? Where to run? As soon as you run to the edge of the circle, You should not look for a way out to the side, Stairs upstairs inside yourself. Forgiveness I will not reach the heights of the cherished, If not to fall and rise again, Without going through the unknown path, To know neither bitterness nor love. Who will tell me That I didn’t live like that, That I tarnished my name, That I didn’t know at all, What I should have known. And now I am everything that was, And I am made of that, I am what faithfully loved, I am what was treacherous, I am what destroyed and kept, And again, I am born and live. At all times And what you see from the cherished height: Everything is absolutely different there, These laws are not needed, They will remain in peace, The Teachings of the Sages will sink into years, Leaving the lessons in memory, But there will be a choice, again and again, And there will be new roads. Consciousness All Worlds and Forms in the Higher Mind always exist at its different Levels (this can be seen from the World around us - everything that we have known so far). A person is not born in an empty World, everything exists before him, he cognizes what is and discovers something new. The humanity of the planet is not born in an empty Universe, all the Worlds exist before it, it cognizes its planet and discovers something new. And it is at this Level, now, in the Form of a Human, that Consciousness begins to realize itself as Mind, right now, at this

The level in the Form of a Man, his Consciousness reveals the secrets of the Universe. It is from this Level, from the Human Form that the movement of Consciousness along the Path to perfection becomes conscious. The path to perfection is endless, not only Consciousness is being improved, but also Forms and Worlds. And if there are different Levels of Consciousness of one Form (Human), then there are different Levels of Consciousness (unconscious) between all Forms, and this means that the Consciousness and Form of a Human are not finite. On the scale of the Universe, the Levels of Consciousness are so different that one Consciousness not only does not see another, but also does not know about its existence, which means that a Human does not know all existing Forms. Ignorance does not preclude existence. Every planet "passes" through such a Level, it is inevitable like any age in a Human's life. Even when we “pass” it, it will remain there, only we will feel another Level, higher. Once the Humanity of one continent of the planet did not know about the existence of another continent and its inhabitants, and today the planet is one information field. The same will happen in the universe. There is no time and distance in the Spirit-Mind, everything always exists in space, but you can only grow to everything with Consciousness. Moment of "I" At each Level there are many similar "I". Each "I" has a Form and consists of sets of "I" Levels below, at the same time being a part of the "I" of the Level above. For the “I”, the Levels below are passed and manifested, the “I” and the surrounding World consist of them. The level above - "I" does not know, and strives for it in cognition. There are many levels because they are all different “I”. At one Level, the Self Form dies, to become another Self Form at the next. Just as the Form of a Man changes throughout his life (childhood, youth, adulthood) while remaining the same "I". In all analogy (repetition), a child is born from a Human and becomes an adult Human. Humanity was born by the Higher Mind, the Higher Mind and will become. All Forms known to Man will pass the Path from the inception, the acquisition of Consciousness to the Higher Mind. All Forms are the Higher Mind, but we feel ourselves in the Form of a Human, and not in some other form; this proves that there is a Path of knowledge from the primitive to the perfect. Just as there is the Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) in the Destinies of Man, so it is in the Destinies of the Universe. Mind below is the younger brother, Mind above is the older brother. Our father is the Sun and our mother is Matter, we are taught. Any concepts, hypotheses, theories in the knowledge of the World and the pursuit of the Higher Mind will be true because they are components of a single whole. That's what the Human Mind is for, to learn to think. Man cannot know more than he is predestined, otherwise it would not be Man, but the Higher Mind. Also, the Higher Mind, incarnating in the World of Man, becomes a Man, a part of himself. The Higher Mind knows all its parts, but each part is not able to contain all the knowledge of the Higher Mind. As there are no two identical Humans, so there are no two identical Worlds. “You cannot enter the same river twice”, each life is unique, in its own way, there may be similar ones, there may be similar ones, but there are no identical ones. There is no sense of identity in the Universe, everything identical will merge into one. Variety of Worlds from different Levels of Consciousness. Enlightenment Consciousness grows, changes, and at a certain Level, thanks to life experience and the Teachings of the Wise, it reaches enlightenment. Enlightenment (sight)

the ability to recognize oneself as a multitude and part of a multitude. “To know oneself” means, knowing that “I am”, to realize “who I am”, “where I am” and “why am I” in the One Mind, in this immortality, for we are where our Thoughts are. Nothing is discarded, all Teachings become knowledge. Emptiness is the “death” of worldly thoughts of the mind, during the life of the Form, as well as imperfect Consciousnesses with the death of the Form, or the sleep of Consciousness between Forms. At the highest Levels of Mind, where Thoughts are completely controlled by Consciousness, there is no Void. Nirvana is a state of Consciousness (feeling of joy, love, happiness, freedom) and readiness to experience the New World more perfect and beautiful. Paradise is the World of enlightened Consciousnesses. Hell is a state of Consciousness, fear of the unknown, which gives rise to the corresponding Images and Worlds, because all Thoughts have the ability to incarnate. Non-existence is that which Consciousness does not know. There is no “emptiness” and “non-existence” in the Higher Mind. Mind cannot be without Thoughts, because everything around us and we are a manifestation of the Thoughts of the Higher Mind. Everything is Mind, and then already Forms, Worlds and Life in the Worlds. Consciousness gets used to everything, time will pass and what now seems incredible will become a reality. We must not forget that Man, society and Nature are the One Higher Mind, and Man, who is aware of himself as a multitude and part of a multitude (enlightened), cannot be inconvenient for society, and even more so for Nature. Manifestation Any explanation and deepening, in any topic, is a division (crushing) of the Mind, it is similar to the division of the Higher Mind into Levels and Forms. Division is present in all manifestations and not only in living, in our understanding, Forms. Division is necessary for cognition and at the same time, division (crushing) complicates mutual understanding and understanding of the Truth. The division of the Mind into Forms - yes, but not the separation of the Mind of the Form from the Higher Mind. Division - fall and unification - rise along the Levels, always and simultaneously occur in the Mind. There can be no artificial intelligence in the World of Mind. Man and everything he creates is Mind. The life of the created Forms depends on how much their meaning (Reason) is connected with the Higher Reason through the Creator - a scientist, programmer, doctor, builder, etc. Love is the desire for knowledge, Duty is responsibility for what has been created. The manifestation of the Mind is the Cosmos: all cosmic bodies, including the Stars, Planets and our Sun. The Manifestation of Mind is the Nature of the planet, and its living Forms: minerals, plants, animals, Man and everything that is created by him. The manifestation of Reason is feelings, poetry, speech, music, painting, all kinds of signs, including writing and numbers. Man can create only in his own World, because both Man and his World are one of the Levels of manifestation of the Higher Mind. Minds Mind is a plurality. The Higher Mind can take any of its Forms, while always becoming a part of the multitude, both at the lower Levels and at the Highest. Each Form has its own Level of Mind and, accordingly, the World. Mind Forms that do not know (not know) the Higher Mind - these are the lower, dark Worlds. The Mind of Forms, realizing what power is and denying for its sake the Mind above - its Worlds can be at the beginning of all Levels.

Minds of Forms of the unconscious, not knowing and denying the Higher Mind, also - the Mind (acting, creating) and makes up entire Worlds. One can win in these Worlds only by fearlessness with faith in the Higher Mind. For the Higher Mind, all Forms are their own and everyone is loved. Everything is rational, everything is spiritual. A planet is an innumerable multitude of Worlds, as many Forms, as many Worlds, both on the surface of the planet and inside it. The highest in Consciousness is the World of Humanity now (this level). Any mental appeal not to the Higher Mind (including divination, witchcraft, etc.) is communication with the dark (past for the Consciousness) Worlds. Who you turn to depends on that. At all stages of the development of Human society, the same events occur. The outcome of these events will depend on how high the Level of Consciousness of Humanity is. The darkness of ignorance cannot be defeated by wars and executions, it can only be defeated by the Light of knowledge. The Meaning of Life Life depends on what goal a Man sets for himself in this World. If he came into it to know and acquire as much as possible for his Consciousness, to rise, realizing higher that he is a part of the Higher Mind (God), then everything will work out. And if a Man sets as his goal a prosperous existence in this illusory World, not recognizing the Higher Mind (not believing in God), and if he believes, then only for the sake of his illusory goal, then his life will be full of painful trials until the Man comes to understanding its true existence. With a true understanding of life, difficulties are perceived differently, a person strives to overcome them in order to experience the joy of victory, and any work becomes creative. The Higher Mind does not test the Human in the form of evil. Evil is the result of the actions of the imperfect (inexperienced) Mind of Man. The voice of the Higher Reason always sounds in us, but we either do not know how or do not want to listen to it for the sake of our personal interests, this voice is called Conscience. Each Level of Consciousness has its own way of life, the way of life of the next Level is morality, and this way of life must be learned, like everything else. The lower the Level of Consciousness, the more difficult the training, the stricter morality seems. Well-being as a result of the growth of Consciousness. In the Mind, first everything is born, and then it matures, thinks, and then it is created (manifested), improved, and the higher the Consciousness, the more civilized the existence, but the main goal is the growth of Consciousness, the desire for the Higher Mind. Viewpoint The universe is the consciousness of "I" and consists of many sets of "I". In the Universe, everything happens according to the same plan of the Mind, in everything there is an analogy, repetition - the levels are different. It is possible to imagine an innumerable set of Worlds, and all of them will be Worlds of one point of view. It is impossible in ONE point of view to comprehend the knowledge of ANOTHER point of view - NEVER (the infinity of the way of cognition), because each point of view has its own knowledge and its own World. Each next moment (tomorrow) is already a DIFFERENT point of view of the SAME “I” and, at least a little bit, but other knowledge and a different World. It is this “slightly” that gives the Mind the preservation (life) of the Form in a certain World. Knowledge and the World of each next point of view is a merger of knowledge and Worlds of the previous points of view of the same "I".

There is no chaos, there is ignorance and misunderstanding of the initial Levels of Mind, on the Levels higher, the same chaos manifests itself in order. Simultaneity of opposites Now nothing is happening that would not have happened before and will not happen later, and at the same time, everything happens differently, in a new way. Therefore, everything: the past and the future is manifested in the present in different Forms of different Levels. The movement (up and down the spiral of the Levels of Mind) is one, and at the same time there are many movements in each circle of the spiral, the higher the Level of Mind, the more movements and whatever they may seem, they are all a spiral. Fall (division) - the birth of a new one, rise (unification) - for the birth of a new one. Life is one, eternal and endless, and at the same time, there are many lives in each circle (Form), at each Level, and each of them is unique. Fate (circle) is one and at the same time there are many destinies, on each Level of Reason, and each of them is an unchanging circle. The Spirit-Mind is one and one, and at the same time, HE is a multitude of manifestations of Forms in Matter. There is nothing outside the Mind and outside its Forms. Circle Man, for some reason, always considers everything only from his own point of view, considering himself an exceptional being from nature, perceiving the world around him as given (by whom and why?) without thinking about the fact that humanity is a link in one chain, a stage of one process starting from the atom. Not even a chain or a process, but changes within oneself - the levels of Reason and they always exist. Just like periods of age in a person's life. Each person, being born, experiences childhood, youth, adulthood, invariably going the same way, without repeating himself. The same thing happens in the Universe: Galaxies, Stars, Planets, being born, go through the same path without repeating. The study of the surrounding World by a person is the study of the Level of Mind of mankind, where its laws, its measurement and time corresponding to the consciousness (understanding) of a person and only in the aggregate of all areas of science, without singling out any one (for example, a person distinguishes himself from nature) can be seen the whole picture of the World, where everything is repeated, but nothing is the same. The World was not created by man, which means that there is a Mind higher. The path to the Higher Mind (Spirit), along the same ladder that we went down, but not returning to the past, but studying, understanding, explaining, forgiving and correcting the past. Without skipping a single step, in reverse order and nothing else. Love will not dry up and will not turn into hatred as long as there is the unknown.