What to make a gift for children. Children and gifts: What mistakes allow parents. Version: There are no good things a lot

These tips will help you do really memorable presents their childrenwho will tell them about your love that you appreciate their interests.

Gift is not the subject of the transaction

A gift is not the fact that the child must earn, but rather what you give him without any conditions. That is, a gift should not turn into a kind of manipulation of the child's behavior: "If you do lessons, I will buy you a new dress." This is a parent's attempt to get the desired, but not a gift. Ask yourself questions: "When was the last time I did a child a gift from the soul?", Did I wait for anything from the child? " It is possible that the unconditional gift you did only for my birthday and the new year, but they should be given a little more often. The psychology of relations between parents and children admits the existence of rules and conditions, for the execution of which the child receives a remuneration, but this should not change the true meaning of the gift for him.

Do not forget about the special donation ceremony

The essence of the gift is not to simply pass the subject of your hands in the hands of the child. At the moment you should feel your attitude: "I love you, you are important to me." Pay attention to the gift ceremony. It can be a beautiful packaging, a donation in a family circle or left surprise in the children's room at night, as well as the funny task system prepared by you, after having completed the child, where the gift is hidden.

Consider your child's interest

Make useful gifts, taking into account the hobbies of the child. Remember that he likes to do or ask right exactly what kind of gift he would like to get or even go to the store together. Do not buy a thing immediately, and return it to her later to make a surprise. Take a habit to write what the child says about his desires. Look for a compromise: if you want your child to led a healthy lifestyle, give him what helps him be more active, and at the same time hobbled it. Remember, maybe he recently told you about the seen bike or scooter.


In the psychology of family relations, the importance of family values \u200b\u200band traditions has been emphasized. Gifts Treasures may not have material value, but have a large emotional significance. It can be something small, but possessing a secret meaning for you with a child. For example, decoration, a book, a coin - what will be in the future remind a child about your love. With donation, it is important to explain the symbolic meaning of such an item.

A gift should not be handing

Dear and frequent gifts in the conditions of the time deficit of a busy parent will not be happy to please your child. Darite not instead of expressing love, and with it. Remember that the child can not yet evaluate the high cost of the gift, but will pay attention to how it was his thing that the words were told, whether his interest was taken into account.

Cash gifts

If you have decided give a child Money, then make it also a surprise ceremony. Tell him what he can spend them, and discuss with him options (course of classes in the dance studio, tickets for a football match or a new phone - depending on his interests). If you want, for example, pay the child a whole year of learning English, do not hurry - you can give a month of lessons, and then find out the child's relationship towards them. He is unlikely to appreciate your gift, if the whole year will walk, chanting his teeth, for hated classes.

Ideas of gifts that will forever stay in the heart.

Every parent must give something special something special, something that will always remind of his endless love.

1. Box with tickets.

So that the child always remembered the events that joy delivered him, no matter if you visited them together, or he went himself.

2. Book with recipes.

Collect all your family recipes in one notebook, so that after dozens of years, the child could prepare dishes with your help. It is best to write by hand. Do not forget to paint all in detail, marked.

For the birth of the baby, let all relatives bother on a collectible coin. When the child grows up, such a gift can significantly grow in price and, if necessary, have tangible material support.

4. Pedigree tree.

Know the story of a kind of very important. Having such a tree at hand, the child will never forget his ancestors and their achievements.

5. Audio recording.

Write down the favorite kid song in his performance. You can not imagine how fun and touching an adult will listen to your children's voice.

6. Letters "Open when ...".

Watch your life from the height of the years and think what advice would like to give your child. The main record and seal in envelopes. Sign, what a letter for which case is intended. Perhaps once parental experience will help you to avoid serious problems and protect against experiences.

7. New editions of favorite children's books.

Collect a collection of those literary works that a child liked in childhood so that he can read these books to his children and grandchildren.

8. The pendant with engraving.

Is it worth explaining how tall such a gift is touched? Order decoration with some important text, and it will always warm the soul of your chad.

9. Children's boots in the frame.

Save your favorite pair of shoes of your child, which he wore in childhood. Place it in the gift box. To make a gift even more touching, you can also put a photo of a child in the same shoe.

10. Mediator with engraving.

A gift is touched as much as a pendant. Especially relevant for those children who have long been determined with the passion and with a guitar from childhood they do not part.

11. Book of family history.

Collect in one book of the story of all your ancestors. Decorate her photos. Leave empty pages so that the child can complement the book with new stories and certainly handed it to his children.

12. Sleeping legs.

Such a simple, but such a cozy gift. Looking at the cast of his tiny leg, the child will always remember how comfortable he was in his childhood, when his parents worked in every way and solved absolutely all the problems.

13. Favorite teddy bear in a frame.

Let him, without whom the child could not fall asleep in childhood, will always be side and protects his sleep.

14. Tree.

As a child, put the village along with the child. First, it will be an important lesson on the topic of conservation of nature. Secondly, the tree is a strong family symbol. Even when the relatives won't be near, the child is suitable for him, and it will give strength.

15. Family photos of the book.

Surely in your family archive a lot of pictures. So why not choose the best of the photos and once a year not to make a memorable book?

16. Visit the master class along with the child.

The main thing to choose an interesting topics. And the experience of joint study of anything will not be forgotten, believe me!

17. Bracelet with charm.

Let every suspension symbolize some important event from your child's life.

Gary Chapman, the author of the book "Five Languages \u200b\u200bof Love," says that a gift is one of the languages \u200b\u200bthat helps to show and feel love. And for children and adults. Should I give gifts? Sometimes people say "We have not given gifts for a long time, you need something - went and bought." But the gift is not only a thing as such, but also attention, surprise, unknown, waiting! Especially on the holiday.

When we give thing, it immediately becomes special, and not one of the 10 standing on the shelf, it binds to emotionally with the donor and with pleasant emotions from receipt. Very often, children remember who and when gave this toy or this thing.

How to give?

You can give a gift to a child in three ways: personally, leaving in a certain place (under the Christmas tree, under the pillow, send in the form of a parcel) or bring a "transmitted" from someone, for example, from your favorite hero, Santa Claus or toothpieces. Gifts can be given for holidays, and just like that. Do not be afraid to spoil the child with gifts, give how much you want, you can not spoil love. But at the same time other manifestations of love cannot be replaced by a gift: attention, communication and help. In this case, the gift loses its significance, devalued and with a large number of gifts, the child feels unloved and deprived.

It is impossible to deprive the child's gift for a feast as a punishment. Punishment, like misconduct, is a situational moment, and a gift, especially if a child is waiting for him, much more significant. Gift deprivation is too harsh punishment.

What to give?

Choose a gift based on the age of the child, interests and wishes. Already a three-year-old child can say that he would like to get as a gift. Do not choose a gift much older than a child or very expensive things, which are not essentially toys that the child can break through 5 minutes of the game. Clothing and decorations can be gifts if the child perceives them accordingly, although it is not necessary to present the necessary clothes as a gift. A holiday gift may be more valuable, and a gift "just so" is small, but significant. It can be a machine, doll, or a figurine of a cartoon hero.

Little children as a gift you can give toys, books, sets for creativity, clothing objects or accessories that are not necessary, but very welcome (for example, sneakers with lanterns in the sole, an interesting backpack, handbag), items complementary collection or hobbies related - i.e. A gift that can be taken into hand and immediately do something with him.

Senior Children can give tickets for some event, special master classes, i.e. What can not be used immediately, but the child is already able to appreciate this gift. Such a gift "extends" a holiday: joy directly from obtaining, waiting and finally implementing.

You should not give money to children. If you do not know what to give someone else's child and do not want to make a mistake with the choice of a gift, then it is better to choose an inexpensive thing, and give money to parents. If you gave your child to your child, giving him in hand, do not take it easy, but help choose a gift and buy it, even if you personally think this is something unnecessary.

Encourage the desire of the child to give gifts. Let it be an exercise for grandparents, selected with dad a gift for mom and on the contrary, attract a gift for a friend from kindergarten and school. It develops kindness, generosity, skill and desire to give joy.

Often, children who are just needed from us that a little attention, perceive gifts as an apology for the fact that parents have a whole day at work.

Every day, we go home not with empty hands: then the pastry is a favorite, then Kinder, then. Already a full house of these baubles, and the child is waiting for new ones, and we are fascinating his desires. Give me - it means you love! So consider many children and confirm adults with their actions.

Gift instead of attention

This is the most common model of the behavior of a modern parent. We disappear all day at work, and then in the kitchen and the TV. And there - it's time for the child. So I want to compensate for a lack of attention with something material. So our children feel: Mom and Dad did not forget about me, I need them. Gradually, it begins to seem that, the more gifts, the more they love them.

We recommend:look in yourself. Perhaps you feel your fault for being constantly busy or do not fulfill your promises to come early. And the gift in this case is only a way to calm your own conscience. Parental heat cannot be replaced with toys, expensive consoles or sweets.

If you have no time on weekdays, we will definitely dedicate the child . Find a joint lesson, for example, go to the zoo, a movie, bowling, bake together, and then eat them together. Most importantly: Completely dissolve in the child at this time, no conversations on the phone or distractions on working moments (no matter how important they are). Having more hug your baby, kiss, say that you really miss him - it will be better than any toys will show your true love.

Daria Quailov, psychologist: "In my practice there was a case when a man had a child from the first marriage, and there was no opportunity to meet them often. Dad loved his son very much and was very shattered that he would give him little time. So the child appeared a lot of expensive toys on the first request, and were given such gifts even at the cost of the necessary things for the dad itself. When a man realized that the child loves him not for gifts, and just for the fact that he was a loving dad, the gifts began to acquire another character. They were more played football on the weekend, their hobbies were chosen bowling or air coils. Such events bind people much more closely than material things that then dust in the corner. "

You - I, I - You!

Very often, parents use gifts as a "gingerbread" in child raising. We promise encouraging good studies, calm behavior or such a long-awaited "excellent" in mathematics. This is a kind of manipulation: parents love their little schoolboy, give him gifts, but under the condition of proper behavior . So the child understands that everything, including good actions, can be the subject of trade. And soon we can already hear the requirement of a gift even for the execution of any little things. "If I am going for bread, will you buy me a new doll"?

There is a lot of toys

An individual value system is formed by each person from an early age. If you introduce it in the form of a staircase, then on the highest step will be the most significant thing for a person: family, love, work or material security.

What will this value will be depends on our environment . For a child, this is a family. And if you basically talk about the salary, buying new things, and quarrels occur only on the material level, then the child is formed by consumer morality. It is only focused on receiving benefits. Therefore, do not be surprised by the requirement of gifts: it is not bad education, but the familiar form of communication in the family.

We recommend:do not try to prepare a child to the stringent conditions of modern material dependent life. Much more achieving desired goals will help the mind, purposefulness and creative potential. The value hierarchy consists of a person only for youthful age, so you have a little time to change the situation for the better.

Teach the child to rejoice in intangible gifts . For example, today to the question: "What did you bring me?" Answer intriguing "I brought you absolutely new and completely stunning ... a fairy tale!" Tomorrow come up with an idea for a new game or leisure, funny riddles or perky chastushki. We understand that enthusiasm to this type of activity will manifest itself from the child. Disappointment in children's eyes for a while is provided to you, but then the games will give him a lot of pleasure.

Olga Mom, Olga asks advice:"I recently read that gifts could not make a child without reason. So we spawned it at all and generally bring up. But I doubt this statement. These are gifts, not chosen in the store toys. Maybe it is sometimes worth doing a pleasant child just like that? ".

Mom Christina thinks like this:"You can pamper a little, because it is still unclear what tests will fall into the share of the child in the future. I still remember the parents made me unexpected gifts, just so, without reason. In the end: What is bad to be a little spoiled by a child? By the way, I am very grateful to my parents, which saved me from many problems and facilitated the life start. With my children, too, sometimes make gifts, especially when they do not expect at all. After all, so nice to do surprises to your loved one! Of course, this happens not every day, and I give it mostly useful things. It is important to be able to stop in time so that the child will then not demand gifts. "

I want for all grandmothers who like to sympathize with their unfortunate grandchildren who, of course, nothing. After all, they are hungry or undressed and no poor things see, and all these parents are guilty. Well, I want to post a list of what you can't give to your grandchildren for such here. If you do not want this gift in the end, it turned out to be in the trash can, where he is the place.

Dear grandmothers understand that you, of course, love our grandchildren and wish only goodness for them, but our dear, let's respect each other and be adequate in the choice of gifts.

So if you are going to go for buying a gift for your granddaughter or granddaughter, please look at the list of prohibited gifts for children.

What can not be given to the child

Hefty two-meter toy

No need to buy these bully. You know that most children in modern times do not like huge toys at all, at least soft, although rubber. Probably, only sellers in the store and attract these louds. After all, the fate of such a hefty toy is quite predictable, it will be lying somewhere in the corner, and dust up to infinity there. Praise toy.

Children's clothing that is intended clearly not for children

Yes, it is for some reason that it is so loved to give grandmother to her poor grandchildren. If you look at such a thing immediately begin to climb different bad thoughts, about whether to break this thing immediately on the rags or just throw out. Although, probably, it is better to do that, and that no one can wear this horror. To such clothes, I think you can safely attribute a dress with lace or tights of terrible acidic colors from a cheap Chinese product, as well as shameful colorful socks or Turkish shirts with embroidery, which will not serve and weeks. And you do not need to buy it even to the cottage.

Candy in gift wrapping

Of course, buying candies in gift wrapping, you think about how your granddaughter will be happy to them. After all, he will be able to get these candy on one every hour and gently eat them. And, of course, at the same time remember your favorite grandmother. But this is an idealistic thought, a native grandmother! This simply cannot be in reality. After all, your favorite child, just opening this box, plumps immediately half the one, if not all, here it all depends on the number of candies and believe me, it's hardly at this time, it will neatly open every candy and admire the beautiful packaging.

Designers with small detail

Well, what you say here. Every parent will understand me when I say that the designer with small details do not need to give. After all, getting in the morning from bed, the first thing that we will come are and there are these small detail of the designer.

Chinese lots

These toys can not be attributed to the category - children's. After all, they are impregnated with different chemistry, which is so harmful to children. Moreover, these creations of Chinese labor breaks very quickly, not time to live and weeks.

Highly loud sound toys

Sound toys, of course, have some charm in themselves. Here, for example, you go to the toilet at night and must for some reason you will run such a toy. Well, if it's just a doll speaking, exclaiming something like "Mom" or "I want to walk." Worse, if you get machinery or tanks, which will definitely die in the first jamb, while making some simple unbearable squeaky sound.

In general, this list can be continued. But let's do it every parent for his grandparents, since he probably can stretch out one article.