What foreigners like in Russian men. What are they? Russian men by the eyes of foreign women

"We call this Russian custom Mitz scrapping: everything is cool, you are kissing - and suddenly you report that everything is over!"

Marie, 28 years old (France)

Year lived in Nizhny Novgorod, four years in Moscow

"I ask you to change my name, but you can leave the guys' names - I will be glad if they recognize themselves and it will be unpleasant. They deserve it!

My first Russian boyfriend, Kostya, was from a famous highly educated family, and I could not understand why he behaves like this with women. Kostya could be very aggressive and constantly broke the borders - if he saw that something could hurt me, he definitely did it. For example, we agreed to meet in the restaurant at eight, I am waiting for his hour, he does not answer calls. At 10 he calls and does not apologize, but simply says that he will arrive. No, I'm not going to wait for you for two hours, I'm already at home! Then he says: "I'm going to you, cook me dinner." That is, I worked all day, waited for you, and now you want me to do you dinner?! Well, okay you, says, make me a paste, I am hungry. I decided - Ok, I don't want to fight, I will cook, and now 11 hours, it's still no, I call, and he is: "Well, you said that you do not want to cook, and so I stopped in a cafe and root. I will be in an hour. " And so constantly: some kind of stupid children's game to raise me. I hope that not all Russian men are such and only me so lucky.

In general, here you are usually in love with the very beginning - they say that you are the woman of their life, and everything develops quickly, too fast! For me, love is more loving than Love. That is, this action is something that you consciously build, and the feeling arises not immediately, and when you know a person better. But in Russia, all straight fiery, Latino Style. At first I wanted me to hit me - here we are in the restaurant, the table is full of different dishes, but we are already flying on the plane and find ourselves in Bangkok. But I do not like such surprises, a good surprise is when a person relates his gift with your life and desires. And suddenly leaving me in Bangkok, forcing everything to postpone, is disrespect for my plans.

Still Russian love to give dead flowers. I love flowers in pots, and bring torn - it's like bringing a dead kitten. It is worth finding out a person before making gifts: for example, I love chocolate, bring me chocolate if you want to please me so much. When I finally threw the costa, he came with flowers and made me make up, and after sex and breakfast said: "By the way, we break up." That is, this type he decided, it was important for him that he was going.

Then I met Misha - he was a designer, he lived right above me. We met in the elevator, the next day we have already met, after 3 days we slept together. In sex, everything was monotonous. Something was cute - a lot of brutality, a lot of tenderness, the Russians often look into the eyes, but all this was for some kind of single scheme, no small games, the same pose and discontent, if I want to change something. Both of my friend knew very little about the female pleasure. Never offered to descend down - but there are things that are not asked about (especially if you are willing to blowjob).

With Misha, in a couple of months, we went to Israel in a couple of months and there were five beautiful days there, and at the end he said: "By the way, we part." My friend and we call this Russian custom Mitcessbreika: everything is cool, you are a kissing - and suddenly you report that everything is over! Now I laugh, but then it was hurt. He said, this is because we have partnershipship instead of relationship, and even that he does not want to be with a woman who smarter him. I began to ask what I did wrong, maybe interrupted it often? But he said: "No, you just want to be always on an equal footing." Yes, and the truth, I want! I asked him to leave me alone and when he left, cried. And the next day I woke up with the thought that no more Russian men are enough. If I did not succeed not only with such a asshole, like Kostya, but even with a good guy Misha, who has an apartment over mine who speaks English perfectly and spent three years in Berlin, nothing will come with others. So I declared a boycott Russian. You know, as it happens: you meet with bad guys - and then you see these bad guys from afar, then I see the Russians from afar. All these things like "I am a real man, I will pay" and so on. No guys, it's not what you need to like me. Now I have a friend-Italian who moved to Russia because of me, everything is fine with us, and I do not feel any cultural barrier.

I want to add that our generation of Europeans has grown in a very relaxed atmosphere - without problems, war, crisis. We had the opportunity to get an education and in general everything you need, we are like spoiled children a little. Misha in the 90th almost lived on the street, his father was lying in the clinic, and he had to spend half of the salary on it, and still help his mother who went crazy. His stepfather committed suicide. Compared with all this, I had a very easy life. And then I realized that I had my own, pleasant version of the relationship. For example, I was upset by his behavior, and then it turned out that on this day his father burned the apartment, but I just did not know. Here, such as me, everything is different, good work and salary, and when you meet with a guy, you can tell him: "Oh, they went somewhere on Friday," and he does not want to admit you that he does not have Money or that he cannot go, because his mother is drunk and her sick on the carpet. "

"When our son was born, it turned out that there are a lot of rules that we must follow"

Astrid, 34 years old (Sweden)

12 years live in Moscow

"I danced Lindi Hop, and Volodya - Bogi-Vuy. We had a general teacher who put joint numbers, and Volodya once wrote me in Vkontakte and asked if I had a dance partner. Then we met to chat, we decided that we would try to dance together, and soon it became clear that it would not be just dancing, and in three years we got married. But we continued to be dance partners - and the man there on all traditions plays a leading role.

I feel a difference in cultures. In relations with Russian men, I, as in general, with Russia, a lot of difficulties, but this is interesting. In Sweden, we are afraid to say something wrong, to be immolish, not deficient, but there is nothing like this, and I don't like it at all. Even Volodya may sometimes say something that I am not approved (about gay, for example). But in general, it does not suit stereotypes about Russian men - it is much softer, he has weaknesses that he is not afraid to show, does not look like he Macho.

From women in Russia, it is not required that they are independent: they do not want it themselves and the men do not want it. All my Russian men, my independence surprised. At my desire to pay for myself in the cafe reacted in different ways, sometimes very negative. But everything was easier with Volodya: We were just the first time in such a cafe, where you pay at the checkout, and it was natural to pay everyone for yourself. I generally earn more and consider it normal sometimes to pay for both of us, we are a family, but sometimes it seems to me that it is ... not that it is ashamed, but not quite comfortable.

In general, all these differences exist as it were in parallel and have no relationship directly to our family - we accept each other, and life is full of completely other concerns. I, too, maybe not quite such as he imagined his wife - he had a Russian wife before me, so he has something to compare with. We are together - and that's it.

But my mother-in-law is a real conservative. When our son was born, it turned out that there are a lot of rules that we must follow. Do not show a child to anyone while he is small, baptize him and so on. I can not say for sure, whether my husband believes in God, but neither I, nor he baptizes the child. At first, the mother-in-law insisted, and now often tells us: "What a pity that I can not leave a note for him in the temple, he is unresolved!" And she was still very embarrassed by the name Einar - she once objected, and now it is very important for her that emphasis on the first syllable, and not on the last, because Ein butp is some kind of "non-Russian", that is, someone who should not be. In general, all these disagreements are resolved peacefully, Volodya is very wise behaves, and we are always on one side with him.

At the same time, I can not say that in our family reigns equality. The fact is that now, when we have a child, I sit at home all the time, and I really don't like it. I, of course, I want to be with the baby, but sometimes you need a rest, and Volodya did not give any day of vacation, and he is such a responsible, which never took the sick leave (I am sure that all men do here). I turned into mom with a child who could not go anywhere, in the evenings only sometimes, but for this every time you need to ask - it creates a sense of dependency. At the same time, the husband after work can always go somewhere and simply informs me without asking whether I will sit with the child. It certainly happens by itself: I sit with him like that. In Sweden, everything would be different: he would also have a vacation after the birth of a child. And here he is at work it is believed that it should be: at home the wife, and you work, everything is correct. This is strongly upsetting me, because as a result he is distinguished from the process of raising a child, from communicating with him. When I ask him to stay, he says: "Oh, and I don't know what to do with him!" Of course, I felt so much in the first days! Did I know? The first child is generally such a thing with which it is completely unclear what to do. I acquire this experience and improve every day, and my husband is much slower thanks. Previously, he was also worried about this, but now Einar has grown - and it became easier. "

"Normal guys here too, but very little, and therefore they are all busy"

Kathleen, 29 years old (Ireland)

5 years live in Moscow

"In Russia, I immediately began to ask me, why I am not married, and I was shocked by this. I consider myself a young one: in Ireland, in this age, few people are married, and here - on the contrary. In Moscow, it is difficult to meet someone in bars or in clubs - so I have a lot of experience in dating online. With Russian guys like this: Even if they at first I like it, it is only a matter of time when they say or do something that it will upset me great or surprise: something sexist, homophobic, rude or just strange.

One guy with whom we drove in the car, so shouted on a woman, simply turned around our way along a pedestrian crossing that I decided - we meet him for the last time. But most of all remembered the case with a guy from VKontakte: We went to walk on the VDNH, he was such a superman and said that he wanted to shoot in a dash. I don't like it very much, but he insisted, and we went. He wanted me to shoot me too, I refused, but he insisted that I decided: Okay, I can do it once. I took a gun - and then he began to teach me as a child: this is a bullet, put it here. It turned out funny: I had much better to shoot than he had. And it was strong enough, it was visible.

Once on a date in the cafe, I went to the toilet and chance it closed there, I could not go out. It was so ridiculous! I thought how to be? Probably, he will decide that I ran away, and leaves, I would do it in his place. I could not get out the whole hour. When I returned, he was sitting in place and calmly continued the conversation, as if nothing was, the scene is like a comedy. That is, he did not do anything wrong, but I was surprised that a person just sat in place, without taking anything for an hour: I didn't go, I didn't try to find out what happened, and help - just sat and waited. I think it is very in the style of Russian men.

Normal guys here too, but very little, and therefore they are all busy. That's life. And the free usually with oddities. For example, the guy with whom I met here longer, two years old, I was very afraid of a serious relationship and all the time I did the idea that we had each other nobody, did not go on vacation and did not call my girlfriend. In the end we broke up.

The last romantic experience was about a month ago - we met in the company and spent a good time, got drunk, and when they were caught in the night of a taxi, he asked my phone number. That is, it seemed to me, I began to dictate the numbers, and he said: "No, not yours, and your friend, the one that was sitting nearby." It was very unpleasant, and I do not understand why he did it.

And here often give flowers. In Ireland, no one does, it is not very clear to us. I would like you to call my story "Flowers for Kathleen", I would prefer that instead of the colors gave me a little more respect. Honestly, I'm thinking of going from Moscow. I love this city very much, but it seems I am standing in front of the choice - either living somewhere in another country or stay lonely. "

"Russian men are much more polite and consistent with women"

Ashley, 24 years old, (United Kingdom)

2 years live in Moscow

"We met in the club with my Russian boyfriend. We swatched a little, and I immediately understood that I really like it. We danced, then talked to "Vkontakte" and in a week met.

In England, they often flirt in bars, in clubs and usually in the first meeting kiss or depart in bed. In Russia, much less flirting or in any case of a frank flirt. I got used to the fact that everything is open and fast, and probably it could seem Russian men too straightforward, because I'm bored for so long to wait. I like to try more and immediately understand, it turns out or not. Here people are early married, just thinking about the family, about "forever", they are afraid to waste time on someone who is not the perfect couple for them.

My new friend came very strange: he came on a date with the company of friends who spent in English better, apparently, nervous that we would not be able to communicate. Then we went to visit, got drunk, and I kissed him. In general, I rarely do that, but in Russia always did the first step, because everyone shy me.

Russian men are much more polite and consistent with women. They insist that to open the door in front of you, make sure that you will not fall in the subway, do not allow you to wear your bags, give way to the place and should always be sure that you are good, warm, you are not tired ... never so They did not appeal in England, I did not expect this at all, and I liked to feel like a princess. Now I have new standards! I understand the girls who are against such behavior, but I learned to receive pleasure from it.

But I must say that in sex I did not feel myself a princess. It seems to me that local men are not particularly careful about women in bed. Delivered oral pleasure, it seems they do not like, although they are waiting for this from the girls. I can not say that for me it is very important, and in general it was no worse and no better than with others.

The problem was that I wanted equality and independence. I was warned that the Russian men want to pay for everything (in the restaurant, cinema, a store - everywhere), and I was ready for this, but I was always somehow not in my own, because I earn money and I want to participate. I do not mind if I pay for me on the first date, well, it may be on the second, but, in fact, I want to pay for myself, I am otherwise raised and I do not believe that men should something. My boyfriend earned much less money, but was very proud and always wanted to pay. He paid even for a cake for my friend's birthday, where I went alone. Nevertheless, I often paid myself, because he really lacked, but I wanted to go somewhere, - that it was completely normal for me, but it was clearly given to him.

The very unpleasant was that in one day everything could be wonderfully, and the next one completely changed: once he decided to stop everything - completely suddenly for me. It turns out that he thought very much and decided. I do not think that the case is only in the difference of cultures, but sometimes it really seemed that we were from different planets, too different to continue these relationships. "

"A woman in Russia is always responsible for all sexual hygiene"

Louise, 31 years old (France)

Lived in Voronezh, 4 years in Moscow

"I taught Russian still at school and always dreamed of going to Russia. My mother claims that this is due to the fact that I liked the tennis player Marat Safin. And when I arrived and told it here, everyone said: "Safin?! He is not Russian!"

When I just arrived, I was surprised that here women do not hise the hand at the meeting. Then I also began to file with all my hand, and they giggled, said that they were not accepted. Voronezh students, when they found out that the Frenchwoman came to the hostel, came to specifically look at me. And I wore jeans and a scarf on my head - they were very disappointed! I had a lot of trouble with this stereotype about the French women - if the Frenchwoman, it means, you can immediately grab the knees and make some impudent hints. Men did not pay attention to the fact that I clearly don't like it - "Well, and what, you're in a short skirt!"

As for the clothes, it seems that the Russian woman is obliged to be beautifully dressed and often change outfits - all the time remember that she should like a man ... It happened that a friend looks at me and says: "Again? Again the same dress? " I say: "You look at yourself, do you all wear the same jeans all the time, why should I dress up for you?"

It is often said that Russian men should always pay for you, but since I hung with students and artists who usually have no money, there was no such question: "Do you want to pay myself? Okay!"

And another woman in Russia is always responsible for all sexual hygiene - for example, if some infection has discovered, then this woman is to blame, it should have thought that it was necessary to use a condom. One Russian partner said: "Why didn't you say that you need to protect, you know, you feel, you are a woman!" But now I know that Russian women have supersila: they are doctors and predictors at the same time!

With a man with whom we have been living together for several years, Dima, in addition to the difference of cultures there are also the difference between generations - and I can say that he is a Soviet man, authoritarian. At some point I noticed that he was waiting for all household I would do. I said that I can't cook, but he says: "I'll show you, and then you do." And often everything criticized, then the eggs were not so cooked, then something else - I say: "Well by Okay, do myself."

It was the most unpleasant when some Dimini Friends began to call me on his last name - Bulnygin. That is, I come to a party without him or saying goodbye after the evening, on which we were together, and people say: "Oh, Bullnigin came" or "So far, Bulnygin!" To remember this to me is still disgusting - they know how my name is, we have repeatedly talked, why do they identify me through it? You see when you came from another country, do not know anyone, it is important for you that you are also perceived somehow. The second time I even looked around when I heard "Bulnygin came." The man who said that was actually kind, did not even understand, probably that there is an offensive. He apologized later. I told him that the next time I know what to answer him - I will call him the name of my wife. But in fact, it will not be at all that effect, rather will just be strange. In general, I can't imagine this in France, it seems to me that it is very tough.

And when I tell my mother, she says: "And what are you, Louise, I wanted to arrive in Russia, living with a Russian man, - what to complain about now?" We have such an expression - "ENFONER DES Portes Ouvertes", "dug outdoor doors", - that is, doing something deprived of meaning, fighting air, - and so she says to me that I embroider open doors. Maybe she is right, I do not know ... "

"It seems that the guys in Russia do not understand the word" no "at all

Tanya, 29 years old, (Germany)

I lived half a year in Moscow, half a year in Tbilisi, 2 years in Minsk

"I lived in different countries of Eastern Europe and I can say that the Western women belong here biased, it is believed that they are open, free and with them you can treat differently than with the rest. I do not like the generalization, but in general I had an unpleasant experience in Russia: I came across several times with situations when the men did not perceive the refusal. When I was 18 years old and I came here for the first time, at the wedding of friends I met a guy, we flirted a little, it was completely non-serious, and I did not expect any continuation. Then I returned to Germany, those my friends called me and said that he was calling and asked about me very insistently, he wanted to meet me and all that. I said that I was not interested in me, but he still forced them to give him my number, began to regularly call and said that he wanted to marry me. For some time, he left me alone, but when a few years later I went to live in Moscow, he found me in Vkontakte, began to write and actively tried to meet me - that is, in fact, this man pursued me for several years. There were other similar situations, but the most unpleasant happened in Rostov-on-Don, where I was in language courses and lived in a hostel. There was an ordinary party, we drank, and I began to kiss with a guy who began to move the borders and rudely touch me. When I said that I was unpleasant and hurt, he did not want to stop, as if I play with him. He continued and said that it likes to all the girls, it was violence. Finally, I could drive him out, but the strangest thing in all this, that he also began to write me and even sometimes writes, although it was five years ago. It seems that for guys in Russia, this is normal, they do not understand the word "no" at all. These people believed that only because they were, they should like me, or rather such a question was not there - I like it, I do not like - the most important thing is that they are men, and therefore they have the right to choose themselves. It must be said that everything, of course, is very dependent on the circle of communication. In Germany, I spent more with classmates, with like-minded people, and traveling, meet different people, we also have everything inherently. Nevertheless, in Germany, it is difficult to meet a guy as self-confident as in Russia.

Then I lived in Georgia, and there was a very similar setting, I had a lot of trouble, but the situation that shocked me most happened at work. I had two married colleagues who had very little children, and I was familiar with their wives, we talked a lot, I asked how things were in children and everything in such a spirit. And a few days before my departure there was some kind of party, and one approached and asked if I didn't want to go to the mountain with him: "You will soon leave and still have not seen a beautiful view from the mountain." There was a late evening, and all the intonation of this proposal was obvious, I replied that I was not interested, but he was not at all embarrassed, but I began to insist - so I had to leave. And then the situation repeated with the second colleague, which came to me the next day at the next event and asked if I didn't want to go to the lake with him to see a beautiful view. In general, it was even funny, although I was not to laughter - I was shocked and could not believe that they really led themselves, and even so self-confident, as if they had no doubt that I was here only for To sleep with them. Then I complained to another general colleague, which was my age, and he said that these two from the very beginning discussed what I need to fuck. At the same time, they talked cute all the time, led a cultural, intelligent conversation. This story was for me the last straw, and I realized that I don't want to live in Georgia. The situation in Russia was also not the last reason for which I decided not to remain there.

Now I live in Belarus for two years already, and I did not have such an unpleasant experience. I come across sexism at work: Sometimes you speak with some elderly colleague and it felt that he considers you some kind of stupid girl, does not perceive seriously. It annoys me, but aggression on the street and in public places I never felt. Only in Belarus, it seems to me it is difficult to find a person with whom it would be possible to be together, and not immediately married and some huge plan for life. It is interesting because there are a lot of modern liberal people here, but in family matters they remain extremely traditional. I am surprised by my peers, who are already ten years old in marriage: in Germany, I have a couple of such friends, and here everything is almost. I respect this choice, but it is difficult for me to understand whether they make it because they really want, or because they just think that it is necessary and has long been decided for them. "

Ficks appreciate ours for hijess, and Japanese - for size

Ficks appreciate ours for hijess, and Japanese - for size

Recently talked with a friend who has just returned from Germany, where the third year is already learning. I am interested in his personal life, and Lescha issues: "Foreign girls are crazy from our guys. Think why? Because we are real! " Climbing online forums and blogs. And it came across a huge number of "imported" young ladies, which will be rummaged with Russians. And most of them are in the most advanced delight from ours.

* FrenchwomanAll to one, allocate generosity in our men and "a unique ability to throw the whole world to the legs". But ... not everything is so perfect.

For Russian men, the appearance of their chosen is important. My drove me on the pathoral boutiques on the Champs Elysees, where he left a ton of money. Interestingly, what are the salaries in Russia in Russia, if mine worked only by the manager in a small company? - reported Catherine from Strasbourg. - Alex shared when I wore shoes on a flat sole. I reproached, if in the shop beyond the baguettes ran in sports pants and a T-shirt. With all this pathos, he often knocked to the state of the pig and began to buoy.

My Russian husband is generous as the king, - notes Parisian Ivanna. - And very straightline. It can say that the dress is full of or dinner tasteful. At first, such words were offended, but now I understand that this is the most valuable quality in it. The French will never tell the truth in the face.

* Canadaours are also delighted. For the year, lived in Moscow, Daphne Poire of Vancouveri managed to enjoy novels with three Russians of different ages. Yes, so she liked everything that, returning to his homeland, she managed to find Russian.

With these men, you need to try to meet at least for the sake of interest, "said Daphne. "When you meet with Russians, you become his" baby. " He will tell you to dress well, if it's cold outside, and will call every two minutes to find out if you got home with classes. Russian guys will surprise you with beautiful bouquets completely without reason. And they also have funny emphasis - a sort of Russian gangster.

* Finches They consider our attractive.

I am married to the Russian fifth year, and Vladimir is the best for me in the world! - reveals the lady under the nickname Red_ stokkie.. - He always replaces the broken thing, will bring the bedside table, replace the tires and pull out the car out of the dirt. Finnish men were used to contacting specialsaws. They can almost anything with their hands.

Not only are Russian - handsome (you know, such a purely male beauty: bristles, big hands, massive back), so also turn your life on a holiday, "writes in the Internet community Helga Stein (According to her, she is married to the Russian seventh year, born two children from him). - Russian man adores fun and draws. My current often joking on me: it will throw into the bed of rubber beetles, then because of the door in the mask will pop up. He is able to make spontaneous actions and knows how to do it nice.

* Asian Russians are also somehow. Translator Tatyana Kim. I lived in Japan for 11 years and noted the following:

Japanese women attracts Slavic appearance - big eyes, high growth, protruding nose, blonde hair. Russian men are asserted and are not shy of the first to start a conversation with a girl. While the Japanese will stand aside. In Japan, conservative attitude towards women. Even the food in restaurants serve at first a man. Therefore, Japanese women attract their halanery. They are shocked when they serve as a hand or tear down the door, passing forward. Moreover, the Japanese is accepted that alcohol pours lady. Imagine how Japanese is amazed when the Russian asks: "More Wines?"

Russians are considered to be japanese sex giants. It is not only in size, but also in ferventness. For example, my friend Yuko For 26 years of life never experienced orgasm with the Japanese. Only Russian was able to satisfy it. And it happened, do not believe in the plane!

Many Japanese women were increasing with Russian partners in infidelity. And almost always forgred.

Specialist comment

Lyudmila Lyubina, Swaha in a marriage agency:

- The demand for our men among foreigners is now huge. Fashion on Russian beauties went six years ago. Asians appreciate the Slavic appearance, the Americans love Russians for the soul, Grechany - for a positive and easy attitude to life, and the Spanish find common features in temperament. Not always this relationship last long. Although Norwegian, which I learned a few years ago with the Russian, happy so far. Spouses raise her son.

How much I read and communicated with foreigners, they all mainly celebrate the generosity of Russian men. And, of course, the courtship from our beautiful and always with a scope. Notice, only in Russia such an insane number of round-the-clock flower stalls.

Music related

Remember the American singer Joanna Stinger? Such a liberated girl with a strange hairstyle, which in the late 80s Tusyl with St. Petersburg Rockers. In essence, she was the first foreigner, having chanting all the delights of the Russian man. A special passion of Joanna fifth to Boris Grebenshchikov:

He conquered my will and mind. Leaving in Los Angeles, I just thought how to return to Russia again. Flew here every three months. I loved all the guys! In America, there are also many good, interesting people, but they are very simple and predictable. But this Russian soul has become a real drug for me, "the singer admitted more than once.

In the early 90s, Stingray married the drummer of the Center group Alexandra Vasilyev.

Not all the Chinese are small

But what our girls think about overseas princes. It is clear that all this is a private opinion that may not coincide with the experience of others, but the conclusions can be done.

Inna, 28 years old:

I had sex with the Chinese. They glued very unobtrusively and shy. In bed, fireworks do not have to wait. But the eyes shine. And they do not have microscopic sizes, as many consider. There were specimens - wow! It's nice that the Chinese thoroughly wash "to" and "after". Therefore, the spontaneous sex outside the house does not recognize - this is nonhygienically. Romantics. Two of the three ones after the first sex, in full, offered to marry and immediately move to them to live.

Tatiana, 35 years old:

I got the most brutal (biceps-triceps, two meters in tall) and a discrepanied Italian emotion. So do not believe those who say that they are all new, as their lives failed, gesturing eloquently and during the orgasm, the Mamma Mia! " For six months of my novel with Ricardo, I can't celebrate some kind of crazy generosity on his side. And there were no unforgettable romantic surprises. But the ability to choose your favorite 100 percent of a suitable thing as a gift, a wonderful sense of humor, slightly careless (but such a feeling that absorbed with the Mother's milk) is gallantry and attention to the interests and preferences of the girl - all these features have made Italians for me for an honorary place of the pedestal for me . For honorable, but not on the first ... all, of course, different stories, but my personal experience shows that no one will understand the woman better than a man in love with her talking to her in the same language and having a similar social perception .

Italians are the biggest lovers of delicious and fresh meals. They and in the head will not come to press the cutlets, and then there are them, heated one, for a whole week. Once I decided to surprise my boyfriend "herring under a fur coat." Rica shocked the appearance of the dish, but a third of the impressive sizes of the Salantica he squeezed with pleasure. Remains removed in the refrigerator. The next day I put a dish on the table and I read misunderstanding in my macho. He, of course, twisted the plates, but you would see, what spiritual and physical flour fell at the same time!

Alina, 32 years:

Two years I lived in Tallinn. Contrary to stereotypes, all my Estonians were hot guys. Loved to do this in clubs, public toilets, cinemas. Protocate categorically refused. If romantic meetings happened for the whole night happened, then it seemed that the batteries had a partner would never sit down. One minus - to the process of Estonians approach somehow without soul.

Polina, 41 year:

The French are very spoiled by an easy life, well educated, sophisticated, are fused, love the classics, opera, art. They adore beautifully and stylishly dress. Because of all these "national features" are often perceived by the surrounding as gays. But, believe me, a person who lived in France is almost 20 years old, the blue among the Frenchmen!

Sex for them is not as important as a prelude. She is necessarily accompanied by a campaign to a restaurant, where the girl must admire how skillfully Cavalier chose dishes and drinks. If you refuse to try from his fork any "yummy", know: you will not have a second meeting with this person!

Valeria, 24 years:

For three years of my habitat in London, I would say that the English men are very educated, restrained, cultural, not the most generous - it is not customary to care for a woman, since it is too emancipated. Costs are divided by half. You can rely on the Englishman, it will be soft, caring. But you can't wait for special emotions. With frankness, too, not always easy.

Kielsti (27) from Norway and Gleb (32)

TOGETHER 3.5 years.
Get married July 23, 2012.
Met In a filmmaker of the Norwegian school of management in Oslo.

Our daughter is 6 months old. My homeland has children at home, but do not get married. I also did not bother on this topic - while Gleb did not make me an offer. The idea with the wedding seemed romantic me. How to refuse?

At the beginning of our novel, it seemed to me that I met with the hero of the films of the 60s. Singing Opera Aria, Walking under the Moon, compliments ... He opened the door, served his hand, helped carry a bag. Norwegians do not do that.

At first I was afraid that Gleb would not treat me as equal. And then he began to enjoy - so nice when a man takes care of you. And I was surprised that Gleb always supports my point of view in discussions. My compatriot would not defend his wife's position due to the fact that she is half a half! Yes, and the dedication of feminism you have apparent. Gleb in words does not accept his ideas, but in fact, always supports my career aspirations, ready to move to another country, if my job or study will require.

In Norway, it is not customary to meet with foreigners. So that Gleb accepted well in my town, I spent a whole PR campaign. Even wrote an article in a local newspaper about the competition, in which Gleb ranked first. So he deserved respect from my countrymen.

We have a calm life. In Russia, everything is different. At first I did not understand why Gleb so often tells me: "Good luck!" Why is it possible to desire good luck, I thought, I predict every day. Only in Russia, I realized that such fortune: here you do not know what awaits you tomorrow, - default or revolution. Every day you can bring a meeting or an event that will turn your life. Russians - passionate people with ambitious designs and ambitions. Without this, they would not flew into space, would not win in World War. With people such an appetite is never boring.

And here's another: you value the family. I am happy that for my Gleb, my wife and child always coming first. In Norway, it is not.

Juliet (28) with Cuba and Alexander (29)

TOGETHER 2.5 years.
Married 1 year and 3 months.
Met, Dancing Salsa.

Before exploring Alexander, I never considered Russian men as a groom. They even caused fear and dislike. There are many stereotypes about the Russians on Cuba, they say, all of them are real alcoholics, gangsters, in relations with people are cold and rude.

It is not surprising that, after going to work in Russia, I was afraid of all the first time and not in a hurry to get acquainted with the local. And in order not to feel lonely in a completely unfamiliar country, found a "corner of Cuba" in Moscow - a Latin American cafe, which hosts hispanic-speaking parties. I settled there to teach Salsa and soon met Sasha. He was just interested in my favorite dance. We began to communicate literally on the fingers, because in Spanish Sasha then did not know a word, I had the same successes in Russian. They corresponded by SMS, which were translated into the Internet translator. For 2-3 months, Sasha began to be more or less understanding and speak Spanish. We began to dance together - and I fell in love with him! In his softness, friendly, sincerity.

Unlike my compatriots, he does not hesitate to ask for forgiveness, if not right. With him, I feel like a real woman, because he really matters what I think I want. Cubans like to always be leaders, command women. And although we speak with them in the same language, we can never come to consent. Everything needs to be done just as they want. Alas, the Cuban man will never agree with the girl, even if he really loves her.

Of course, my relatives were shocked when I learned that I would get married Russian. And still surprised to some things: for example, the soup eating on Cuba, and they end up, and the Russians eat the soup first, then rice or buckwheat with a kitlet, and then tea with candy. Cubans are strange to see it.

Often, with Alexander, with Alexander there are amusing misunderstandings due to the "translation difficulties". For example, once I received such an SMS from him: "Ochen Po Tebe Skuchaju, Moe Solnyshko, Pomni Chto Bez Tebia Ya Nichto Moia Ducha." In Spanish Ducha - this is a "shower", and I first thought that I was just something like a bath entertainment for him, but when I realized that he had in mind, he burst into tears ... here for such sentimental moments I am insanely grateful Husband! He taught me deep sincere feelings. With him, I became happy, confident woman.

Patricia (26) from Poland and Boris (27)

TOGETHER 2 years.
Married 1 year and 1 month.
Met In a nightclub in Moscow.

I always dreamed that my children were "Bilingwa." But it could not imagine that my husband would be Russian. At the same time, the prerequisites were still: my great-grandfather from Russia, I studied in Warsaw on the translator of the Russian language - I wanted to better understand my roots ...

Having ended in Moscow internship, I was going to return home, but a few days before the departure met Boris. We both celebrated the birthdays of our friends in a nightclub, were suitable - Boria did not even immediately realize that I am a foreigner. I felt at first glance: this is my man and decided that I would get it.

Soon I flew to Warsaw, but we managed to appoint a date to "halfway" from each other - in Kiev. On the appointed day I arrived in the Ukrainian capital, and then I realized that my mobile was discharged, there is no charger, and I am without a connection in an unfamiliar city! Most likely our love story would have ended, if I hadn't to pester to passersby help me. Fortunately, we then found each other. But it was not the last test on our way. The next date was appointed in Moscow, and again a nuisance: my departure was canceled due to the eruption of the volcano in Iceland. But I bought a bus ticket and got two days on it to Moscow. I arrived tired and dirty, but I saw Bouri - joyful, with a large bouquet of yellow roses, and fatigue was shot as a hand!

Perhaps the thing is also that I am not used to getting flowers, - we have not very accepted. Europeans generally build relationships in a different way, they are much more egoism, self-love. All they do, they are doing only for themselves. Polish girls enjoy great success in Western Europe, foreigners were cared for me, but I was tired of such a relationship - there are too much freedom in them, everyone lives with his own separate life. I also did not create the Poles. In my opinion, they are all the Mamienikins of Sons.

And with Borea we have so much to talk! I like his romanticism (probably, this is the feature of all the local men - nowhere in the world will not meet so many round-the-clock tents with flowers, as in Moscow), determination, attitude to family values. Quite quickly, we got married and did not hesitate with the child - recently we had a daughter of Zose.

By the way, once my Russian praprabablushka married the Pole, so in my family often jokes that Poland returned to Russia what he took many years ago.

Alice (28) from Australia and Roman (31)

TOGETHER 8 years and 6 months.
Married 8 months.
Met In a nightclub in Australia ...

... More precisely, in my native Brisbane. I was 19, we both students could chat until four in the morning about everything in the world. There was no linguistic barrier, and therefore I was surprised when a few years later the novel admitted that at that time he understood English well. What it is - with difficulty to understand what they are told you, I myself felt only when I arrived in Russia, I began to communicate with the family of Roman and relatives from Chelyabinsk and the Bryansk region.

Then I noticed how Russian women differ from Australia. Most of all in Russian women surprised me ... Nails! Long, overlaid or extensive, with bright varnishes, rhinestones, patterns. In Australia, women try to look more naturally, we have more important to "be ourselves" than "be beautiful."

In Moscow, I had to get used to wear fur coats and heels. Fur is generally a separate topic, in Australia they are not approved, and not needed - the real winter does not happen, we spend most of the time on the beach. Buying fur coats for me has become a significant event, and not to shock friends, I chose a rabbit fur and foxes - they are considered pests in my homeland ...

According to my observations, if you compare Russian men with Australians, Russians are clearly more attention to appearance. They use cosmetic products: creams or gels after shave, deodorants, perfume, etc. Australians are usually limited to a deodorant and occasionally gel for hair.

But in general, it is difficult for me to compare, I didn't have a serious relationship before the novel, he was my first love, "Roman for life." I appreciate him for confidence, nobility and masculinity is something typical Russian, as it seems to me. For example, it never allows me to pay for myself in a restaurant, whereas in Australia, a man is twisted only on the first date. However, hiking to restaurants, as well as in museums, theaters and movies in my country are not so accepted as you. Family couples spend most of the time at home. As a rule, everyone lives in their own homes, at a fairly large distance from the neighbors. About the same house dream and we are a novel, it is a pity that in Moscow it is impracticable.

Sometimes we have a political debate. But we learned how to smooth all conflicts and find compromises. As I understood eight and a half years of relationship, one love is not enough for family happiness. It is important that the husband and wife be friends, and I am insanely glad that Roma is my best friend. When we spend time together, having fun, drank each other, I understand that this is 100% my person, and I don't care what nationality is it.

Recorded Inna Makarenko

Frederick, 45 years old, France

We have an idea that women from Eastern Europe, and therefore the Russians, a little slave. My husband is missing in everything, they will not retell him, jump out to remove from the table, and so on. I do not know what about other countries there, but the ladies from Russia are exactly the others. Proud, timely and character.

Your women are great oriented in high technologies, much better than the Frenchwoman. They are always in touch, actively use numerous applications, masterfully search for information. And at the same time, they have completely archaic views on some things. I heard himself like young Russian girls (25-27 years old) reflected on the "female" and "non-kind" professions, that the main thing in life is to successfully marry, to be a good wife and follow the man everywhere. Moreover, they arrived in France themselves, independently developed the route, easily booked and rejected train tickets for a cup of coffee. They were greatly educated, read, traveled Polimyr ... There are no such thoughts in the younger generation, it is characteristic of women for 70. And the attitude to sex minorities at your ladies is also this ... last century.

Russians strongly bother about appearance. Very much. Someone is increasing the eyelashes, and someone does not use cosmetics, but manicly monitors the combination of flowers in clothing. We also have such ladies, but their smaller. The dissonance is that from people who are so concerned in their own way, usually wait for coldness, closedness, selfishness, self-love. But in the case of Russians every time you understand what was wrong: they turn out to be spiritual, warm and open. True, it seems to me that you are more disturbing and less confident in yourself than Frenchwomen. The very fact that you are so important to make a good impression, testifies to this.

With Russian, everything is not like with others: you never know what to expect from them. You are not allowed. You seem to "know Limit". Thinking is like "maybe everything", and it does not matter, in what area: open a restaurant, go to swim in the lake at night, gather two hours on the journey, get a job not in the specialty and make a career, write a book, make a film. You all the time at a low start and are always ready to wave across the barrier. And also, as it seems to me, Russian women are less pruded than, let's say, Frenchwomen. If they like the food, they will eat more than need; If you come to the party, easily exceed the reasonable portion of alcohol. I am not too clear that they make them make it all.

Slavs are attributed to sadness and melancholy, but here I agree only partially. Yes, the Russians are more worried, "where he is, that with him, why not calls, but suddenly something happened." Frenchwomen calmer and do not spoil the mood of themselves what has not happened yet. But on the other hand, the Russians are cheerful, sincerely show emotions, they know how to have fun. And in general, optimisticly look at the world.

I heard that Russian calculating and mercantile, they say, keep the Ear East, otherwise you will go to the world. I have not met such women. On the contrary, I communicated with those for whom material values \u200b\u200bare not important. With those who, with great difficulty, agreed to pay the bill in the restaurant. Who preferred to give gifts and confused, getting them. People are different, and you can not judge everyone equally.

"I easily recognize the Russians on the street, and the point is not in light hair. The main thing is a blush like your dolls. This is a sign of health. "
Frederick, France

Opinion Australian about Russian girls

Robert, 37 years old, Australia

Women in Russia are very beautiful, and first of time I fell in love two or three times per trip in the subway. You definitely know how to look great always and everywhere, but it does not go out for nothing. And I am not about the monetary side of the question, although I understand that everything is not suiced. Somehow during the lesson (I teach English) I went about the word "narcissism". A student asked what it means. I explained that this is a negative concept, and Narcissus is a person who cannot calmly go past a reflective surface and constantly checks what it looks like. The girl looked at me puzzled: "And what's wrong with that?" My jaw dropped. I looked at others - and everyone had the same question in the eyes.

Once I went on vacation with my Russian girl, now former. Whenever I tried to draw her attention to something interesting, it turned out that she did not notice anything - then the hairstyle straightened, then makeup (listen, the ladies, nothing happens to them so quickly, if, of course, you didn't get under Tropical shower). Or mounted selfie in "Instagram". It upset me: she missed everything with us what was happening and more took care of what looks like in the eyes of others, and not in my. I appreciated her beauty, but much more important was the moments that we lived together.

As for sex, the women here seek to fulfill the desires of the partner. Almost every girl asked about my fantasies (I had to even invent new ones) to immediately implement them. Russians are confident in themselves and their physical form (still, they spend so much time to maintain it). So games in front of a mirror or intimate selfie - no problem, rather, it is perceived as the highest form of praise. I confess, in general, sex is beautiful and full of enthusiasm. But unfortunately, you will not build one relationship on it.

I was told that Russian women are very independent and know what they want. With the second part, I would agree, with the first - more difficult. In Australia, relations are regarded as a partnership. Both participants share their duties. In Russia, judging by my experience, more and more old-fashioned. One day after the party, I decided to help remove from the table and wash the dishes. My then girl and her friends looked at me with amazement: You shouldn't do that, better sit down with other guys. Not that this is a problem for me, but you feel like a little egoist and a woman's laminate. In Australia, homemade troubles are engaged in everything regardless of the floor - just to quickly get better with them.

Once during the lesson, the conversation came about gender roles. Surprisingly, the majority of students of Yaros defended the traditional patriarchal system. Girls were louder than everyone, and their men were supported. There were several foreman who spoke to equality, but their ladies wishing to keep the status quo from the 1950s were quickly stuck. I met in Russia of independent beautiful feminists with a wild, unacceptable soul, no one like. But in general, I believe the girls here exactly as I described. Stereotypes are imposed on them from early childhood and affect their self-perception and self-suspensation. Sometimes for the benefit, sometimes not.

Russian women are frank and directly tell you what they think - is it well, or bad. I like that they are always ready to support you and help with the Council (and they are surprisingly astounding). They are generous and caring. I have many female friends, and I hope to support our communication when I leave.

Opinion american about Russian girls

Jeff, 29 years old, USA

Russian women are great, it's true. Once in the morning in St. Petersburg, on the banks of the Neva, my American girlfriend met two very elegant girls - studs, short bright dresses, catchy makeup. They looked aliens. My companion, accomplishing their gaze, said: "They are dressed as if they gathered in a nightclub, but it's just a morning walk!" In general, the Russians more often dress beautifully. On the one hand, it takes so much time that I sympathize with them. On the other, obviously, they are enjoyed, so ... Respect!

What struck me is the absolute indifference of your women to feminism. The mass of the Americans do not consider themselves feminists. But if you meet an educated girl from a major city, most likely, she will support this system of views or, at least, a positive response about it. Meanwhile, some of the liberal, reasonable and strong Russian women think that feminism is some kind of stupidity and "not for them." For me, this is a normal and obvious system of values, so it is not easy.

It is difficult not to love Russian women for their kindness and attention to others. Whether it is a grandmother blaming you for the lack of a cap in the frost, or an effort to help (though, after a few requests), or girlfriends, manually make gifts and beautiful postcards for you. And I want to say that they are not obliged to make all these wonderful things, but every time the heart melts. Women with whom I am connected at work, at home, in stores, always make me happier. I even feel a little energetic vampire. But it is difficult not to experience sympathy for people who are truly miles with you and heartlessly good.

Your conservativeness does not amusing me too much. I'm not at all against "being a man", wearing heavy things and all that. But when a friend says something like "I am a typical woman: I drive a car like idiot" or "I'm just a stupid girl," I want to take her by the shoulders, shake and say: "Never say so, you are smart!" A couple of times I slept with a girl who called me "girl" for the fact that I soap dishes after the dinner cooked by her.

In many ways, Russian straightforward Americans, and usually it is great. But when it comes to relationships and sex, you start talking to riddles. The girl can undergo your words with an excessive analysis or say something incomprehensible, and then wait from you the wonders of the deduction. It sometimes seems to me that I was inside the Russian drama, where to invite a young lady to a party or help with English suddenly means that I am in love with her and want children from her, although I just wanted to be a good friend. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, not understanding what the girl wants from me in fact.

Russian women are very generous in terms of sex. But their conservative side is manifested here. Blowjob enters the mandatory night program, but at the same time, about half of the girls is extremely surprised (sometimes frightened) when I propose to make a cunnilingus. I try to be attentive to the partner and take care that it reaches orgasm. But with some sex more like a show for me one. Once I asked a girlfriend: "Do you want me to help you finish?" (After I did it myself, and it is clearly no, because it was too fascinated by incredible acrobatics). She replied: "stupid question." Okay. I understood it as "no, but thank you."

"They rest on with studs in the ground and fight for the fact that they mean a lot. This is a special Russian stubbornness. "
Jeff, USA

And we heard that ...

"... Russian girls are too fond of intimate haircuts. Shave there all. What for? This is completely unnatural. "
Kataldo, 39 years old, Italy

"... they are too worried about the trifles. I understand that the 1990s were a difficult time in Russia, and in England, for example, at all, we had a different childhood, from here and problems. Let's say I'm a transcription, and my Russian wife is extremely driving, and sometimes we argue about this. But I really think that you have long time to stop worrying about everything. "
Jason, 31 years old, United Kingdom

"... The average Russian woman is much more signed in fashion matters - and male, including the usual European. As for sex, I personally did not notice serious differences, although your girls probably more passionate. Stereotypes? I heard that there are two categories of Russian women. The first is rich spoiled sexy dolls that have not worked as a day and burning money parents. The second is cold as a stone, ready to post all on their way, just to get what is required. So, I did not see first, but I truly believe in the existence. "
Lucas, 31 years old, Switzerland

In Europe, there was a demand for Russian men

Prague, March 26th. The Czech newspaper "Louis Novini" reported that Russian men became popular in Europe. Until now, the Internet and marriage agencies have earned the sale abroad of Russian brides, but now the quotes of representatives of strong sex from Russia began to grow, writes BFM.

European experts wanted, it was confirmed by domestic matrimonial experts. Indeed, fashion on Slavic heroes with a Hollywood smile who can arrange a lady holiday began since September last year. But for now, not a single official marriage. Many foreigners are too romantic ideas about Russian men, the director of the marriage agency "Tet-A-Tet" Irina Sweded said. As a rule, they are looking for a beautiful taut blue-eyed macho, in shoulders - oblique sage, in the garage - "Ferrari".

According to Irina observations, foreigners are waiting from Russian men of generosity and halanery: "Our men are more emotionally - beautifully they care, expensive and beautifully. They come - and the whole world to the legs. Very fond of the French men, because the French are all -taki are misfortune. Well, Canada, - this is understandable, the Spaniards like Russian men, because they are less devout, like their shower latitude. Temperament Spanish and Russian are close. "

As a rule, foreigners are judged about all Russians on individual successful representatives living abroad. However, if you compare Russian and foreigners, the latter are more suitable for a serious relationship. They are soft, sentimental and caring. And Russian generosity is no more than a fashionable myth, says Lilia George, Russian, director of the London "Art Stream Company": "I can say that foreigners are more attentive, more kind and more generous. They care for a long time and, as a rule, They help in everything and practically fulfill any desire. "

Russian men are aggressive in mass, unhappy with life and rely on Avos, says Lilia George. However, they have both strengths: "more readable, more educated, I wonder with them, you do not know what to wait, they do not get tired of talking with them, and on any topic. This is what they can conquer."

But still for the family of this little. European does not tolerate alphony. The Russian husband must, at least, have a job to provide his wife and children, and funds to buy a house. When divorced, he usually leaves the property to the spouse and descendants, continuing to share earnings with them.

By the way, the most desirable husbands according to statistics are representatives of the Mediterranean region. Women attract their temperament and beautiful courtship in conjunction with the ability to cook and deal in wines. In addition to Internet sites, future spouses get acquainted, as a rule, in nightclubs, and those who are older - in theaters, galleries and on horseback walks.

Previously, scientists from the University of Warwick in England found out that representatives of the strong and beautiful half of humanity related to the general origin, choose partners for life among their tribesmen. A group of researchers conducted an experiment among people of different races. It turned out that most often marriages were among the persons of one nationality, the head of the work was told by Professor Patrick Malcolm.