Do's and don'ts during pregnancy. What not to do for pregnant women: folk signs and recommendations of doctors. Why pregnant women shouldn't be in crowded places

Almost every woman in such an important and exciting period of her life as bearing a child is faced with many prohibitions and advice. So what is not, and what can you do during pregnancy? How to eat and behave properly at this time? And what is necessary and important to know first of all? We'll figure out.

What is not allowed during pregnancy?

First of all, prohibitions. They are, but, fortunately, not in such a large number. So, what absolutely should not be done during pregnancy?

Bad habits

Smoking, alcohol and drug use during pregnancy is the strictest taboo. All toxic substances contained in cigarettes, alcohol, etc., directly affect the development and life of the unborn child. It is clear that they are not influencing in the best way.

Ideally, it is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, not to mention drugs, at least a few months before conception. Moreover, both future parents.

It is important to know that the influence of bad habits is highly undesirable in the first three months of pregnancy. But in the future, their impact is no less harmful.


It is equally dangerous as active (the most pregnant), and passive smoking. Nicotine, poisonous tar and other chemicals contained in tobacco smoke can cause various abnormalities and malformations of the fetus. Also, smoking causes oxygen starvation of the unborn child.

Children born to pregnant smokers are often low weight, may be premature, and do not adapt well to the environment after birth.


Probably everyone knows about the harmful effects of ethanol contained in alcohol, as well as its decay products in the human body. Exposure to these substances can lead to abortion, fetal growth retardation, and various malformations.

You can often find the statement that 100-200 g of red wine or beer is "useful" for a pregnant woman. This is a misconception. No one would undertake to argue what toxic dose of ethanol can be fatal for an unborn child.


The use of drugs, regardless of the type and route of their receipt, is definitely detrimental to the development and health of the unborn child.

Medicines and medical manipulations

All medications should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor or after his consultation. You need to know that there are no absolutely safe drugs. And many of them have contraindications for prescription during pregnancy.

Various diagnostic and other medical procedures (even ultrasound) should also be prescribed and performed only according to indications and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Exercise and overwork

Having learned about her interesting situation, the expectant mother needs to completely abandon weight lifting. Sports, especially its power types, must also be stopped.

A pregnant woman should not bend over, jump, run, especially over long distances. It is necessary to avoid any physical impact on the abdomen, as well as the lower back.

Pregnancy is not a time for physical and emotional stress.

We have already mentioned physical activity. As for emotional overload, it is also highly desirable to avoid them during this period.

Sun, solarium, steam bath and sauna

During pregnancy, it is forbidden to stay in the open sun for a long time, as well as visit the solarium. Exposure to direct ultraviolet rays can adversely affect pregnancy and lead to termination.

Exposure to high temperatures can lead to early termination of pregnancy. Therefore, a pregnant woman should not visit baths and saunas, and the temperature of the water during hygiene procedures should not exceed 36-37 degrees.

Household chemicals

The expectant mother needs to minimize the use of cosmetics and other products that contain chemicals. It is extremely careful to use the products used for cleaning, washing, washing dishes, etc.

The above are the main prohibitions that are most common in the everyday life of the expectant mother.

However, in some cases the doctor may limit having sex, long trips, flights, etc. All these nuances must be additionally discussed during visits to him.

It should also be noted that the influence of all negative factors is highly undesirable in the first trimester of pregnancy. Indeed, during this time, the formation of all organs and systems of the unborn child takes place. And the harmful effects of one factor or another can be fatal for him.


Considering all those changes in a woman's body during pregnancy, she needs to reconsider and correct her usual way of life.

Clothes and footwear

Clothes and shoes of a pregnant woman must be comfortable and not restrict her movement. It is highly advisable to wear a bra and underwear made from natural fabrics.

The shoes of the expectant mother should be low-heeled. This nuance will allow you not to strain the spine, which already carries an additional load. It will also protect you from possible injuries and falls, which can result from high heels and the shifted center of gravity of the body.


A pregnant woman should sleep at least eight hours a night. Quite often, expectant mothers experience drowsiness during the day. If there is an opportunity to relax, you should not deny yourself this.

The place to sleep should be as comfortable as possible so as not to create unnecessary stress on the spine.


Pregnancy usually does not relieve a woman of the worries about cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, etc. However, one must try to ensure that these household chores do not cause discomfort and do not cause fatigue.

When doing household chores, you need to rest more often. And also to make the labor process as easy as possible: cut vegetables while sitting, not standing, do not wash by hand, etc.

And do not hesitate to ask your husband or someone from the environment for help.


According to the current legislation, a pregnant woman is released from work upon reaching the period of 30 weeks.

However, according to the law, the expectant mother should not work at night and overtime, not lift weights, avoid exposure to vibration, excessive noise, potentially hazardous substances (poisons, chemicals), etc.

The employer is obliged to eliminate all these harmful factors in the labor process from the moment the fact of pregnancy is established.

Physical exercises

As already mentioned, a pregnant woman should not lift weights, do strength exercises, sharp bends, jumping, etc.

But this does not mean that one should absolutely completely abandon physical exercise. Depending on the course and duration of pregnancy, you need to choose a set of activities that will help prepare the body of the expectant mother for further pregnancy and the upcoming birth.

It is useful to do morning exercises by doing simple exercises. You should be outdoors more often. Walking should be every day and last at least 1-2 hours. At the same time, for walks, you need to choose places rich in green spaces.


This point should be discussed separately. After all, the correct development and growth of the unborn child largely depends on how and what a woman eats during pregnancy.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to eat properly during pregnancy. And for this you need to follow several principles:

  • Don't pass it on! You do not need to eat for two during pregnancy. This causes excess weight and potential problems during pregnancy.
  • Food is best eaten boiled, steamed, stewed or baked. Avoid fried foods if possible.
  • Significantly reduce or even eliminate smoked and pickled foods from the diet.
  • Salt food in moderation.
  • Do not abuse sweet, fatty, salty foods. As well as bakery products and pastries.
  • You should eat often and in small portions. Ideally, the daily amount of food can be divided into 5-6 meals.

There is no need to forcefully eat unloved food. For example, if cottage cheese, despite its usefulness, is not included in the list of favorite dishes, then you can replace it, for example, with yogurt or cheese. Or make a cottage cheese casserole, cheese cakes, etc. from it. More imagination!

What to exclude?

There are also "no" in the diet of the expectant mother. Such prohibitions must also be taken with full responsibility. So, what you can't eat and drink:

Drink plenty of clean water. Fluid intake rates are approximately 2 liters per day. But for some conditions during pregnancy, your doctor may increase or decrease the amount of fluid you drink.

Early pregnancy

Good nutrition early in pregnancy is essential. It is during this period that absolutely all organs of the fetus are laid. And a lack of some nutrients or exposure to hazards can negatively affect its development.

That is why some doctors draw up an approximate weekly nutrition schedule in early pregnancy.

1-4 weeks

It is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition from the very first days of an interesting situation.

As a rule, a woman should start taking folic acid at the dosage recommended by her doctor two to three months before conception. This vitamin significantly reduces the risk of the formation of various congenital pathologies in the unborn child.

Folic acid is also found in grains and herbs - lettuce, parsley, etc.

From the third week of pregnancy, it is necessary to include in the diet calcium-rich foods: dairy (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, etc.), green vegetables, fruits. Also necessary at this time are trace elements, especially zinc and manganese. They are found in bananas, nuts, lean meats, oatmeal, eggs, and carrots.

5-8 weeks

Often, starting from the second month of pregnancy, expectant mothers begin to complain of manifestations of toxicosis. To alleviate its manifestations somewhat, you can temporarily replace meat products and eggs with vegetable protein - legumes and soy. It is useful to eat carrots, nuts, cheese. You cannot force yourself to eat junk food during this period, however, you should not eat potentially dangerous foods either.

It is useful in the morning, without getting out of bed, to have a light snack - eat a crouton or cracker. Before going to bed, you can also satisfy your hunger, for example, with a handful of raisins.

During the day, you should drink a sufficient amount of liquid - at least eight to nine glasses.

9-12 weeks

In the third month of pregnancy, you should especially listen to your gastronomic desires. However, you should not forget about foods that should not be consumed during pregnancy.

From 13 weeks onwards

After the third month of pregnancy, the increased growth of the unborn baby begins. Therefore, you should enrich your daily diet by about 300–400 kcal.

You should also eat red and orange vegetables and fruits, which are rich in beta-carotene. This will allow the organs of sight, hearing and other senses in the unborn child to develop correctly.

What else do you need to know?

Finally, it is necessary to recall the conditions in which you need to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance team. These include:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract of any intensity.
  • An increase in body temperature even in the absence of any other symptoms.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid, which has arisen at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Lack of fetal movement. You should also consult a doctor if the baby's movements have become much less frequent or, conversely, more often than usual.
  • Tinnitus, flashing "flies" before the eyes, intense headache.
  • Swelling. Especially if they are growing rapidly.
  • Sharp pain in the legs (especially if there are varicose veins).
  • Short-term loss of consciousness (fainting).
  • Vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy, more than twice a day, profuse salivation.
  • Low back pain, especially when accompanied by frequent and painful urination and / or fever.

In general, any change in the well-being of a pregnant woman is a reason for consulting a doctor. After all, the sooner the pathology is revealed, the easier, faster and, most importantly, the safer for the expectant mother and child, it can be cured.

What can pregnant women do, and what not, and what can be the result of non-compliance with well-known recommendations? They are given by gynecologists and familiar experienced mothers, there are also popular councils, it should also be noted that sometimes they are not bad. There are restrictions on what pregnant women should not do in the early stages, but are allowed later. More about all this.

1. Douching. This is a previously widely used therapeutic action that was used for various gynecological diseases affecting the vagina. With the help of a syringe, women irrigate the vagina with a medicinal agent and receive a therapeutic effect. Moreover, the effect is local, not on the entire body, which is also often a plus.
However, it is impossible to do douching to pregnant women, since this procedure has a side effect - with a stream of liquid, an infection can be injected into the uterus, and this will most likely end in a disruption of pregnancy. Not to mention the fact that careless and inept actions can damage the walls of the vagina and the cervix. Doctors prescribe vaginal suppositories and tablets as a treatment for expectant mothers, it is much safer and more convenient.

2. Be stressed. A strong nervous shock can even lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, expectant mothers are not advised to read scary stories, watch crime news. Pregnant women should not go to funerals and cemeteries, at least if possible. But if everything is clear with the dead, the expectant mother should not really look at them, then why do they say that she should not go to the temple of God? Some superstitious people argue that this is a bad omen. Remember, it is not true that pregnant women should not go to church.

3. Fasting, eating an unbalanced and low-calorie diet. Losing weight for the mother is also dangerous for the child, as he may not receive additional nutrients. And as a result of this, to lag behind in its development from the terms of gestation, to be born weak and low in weight. Especially in the early stages, pregnant women should not limit themselves to natural vitamins. Since the lack of, for example, folic acid can provoke the most severe, incompatible with life malformations of the embryo. You need to eat varied. A pregnant woman's menu should include cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat every day.

4. Smoking and drinking alcohol. Pregnant women are absolutely not allowed to do this. A woman, even during the planning period of pregnancy, must abandon bad habits so dangerous for the unborn child. But if the pregnancy came unplanned and, for example, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, it should not be interrupted only because of fear of the child's health. Since the ovum is not yet developing, it is not connected with the maternal organism by the circulatory system, most likely, everything will go well. If the embryo is damaged, then in the very first weeks of pregnancy, the ovum will stop developing, or a spontaneous miscarriage will occur.
Drinking alcohol by a pregnant woman, even in small quantities, reduces the intelligence of the child. Smoking is less dangerous, but also almost always leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the child, delayed weight gain.

5. Pregnant women should not take medicines, biologically active additives, vitamins, if they have not been prescribed by a doctor. Ideally, the less a woman takes any "chemistry" during pregnancy, the better. Only folic acid and potassium iodide are needed, according to indications in the second half of pregnancy, calcium and iron supplements.

6. Undergo some examinations. For example, in the first trimester of a pregnant woman, an X-ray cannot be done, especially if more than 2-3 weeks have passed after ovulation - conception. Ultrasound is considered a safe test, but nevertheless it is better not to undergo it outside the screening periods and without a good reason.
As for gynecological examinations, they are safe and will not provoke a miscarriage. There is no need to be afraid of them. Even colposcopy - examination of the cervix using a special optical device is safe, although it should be performed only on strict indications, as it can cause discomfort and hypertonicity of the uterus in a pregnant woman.
It is possible and necessary to treat the teeth of expectant mothers. Untreated infection can even lead to intrauterine fetal death. Do not be intimidated by dentists. They use only safe, approved drugs as anesthesia during pregnancy.

7. Pregnant women should not lift weights, as this can provoke at least hypertonicity of the uterus or even termination of pregnancy. In the early stages, detachment of the ovum may occur. And after 16 weeks, strong stress can provoke a rupture of the fetal bladder and a late miscarriage.

8. Do gymnastics not intended for expectant mothers. Here are some exercises not to be done by pregnant women, for example:

  • to strengthen the muscles of the press;
  • slopes;
  • any exercises that are performed while lying on your back (raising your legs, for example); - jumping;
  • and any others that can provoke hypertonicity of the uterus - pregnant women should not raise their arms with various weights, for example, with dumbbells.

9. Eat food that can cause poisoning or intestinal infection. That is, you cannot eat meat with blood, raw eggs or cooked soft-boiled, soft cheeses. Poisoning or intestinal infection is very dangerous, especially in severe cases, when dehydration sets in, and it becomes necessary to take strong antibiotics.

10. Sit cross-legged, stay upright for a long time- all this can provoke puffiness and venous congestion. And if you practice this often, then symptoms of varicose veins may appear. An expectant mother, especially during a long period of pregnancy, needs to rest more, and when resting lying down, it is advisable to raise her legs a little higher than head level.

11. Visit the bathhouse, sauna, take a hot bath. Here's what pregnant women should also not do in order to avoid termination of pregnancy. There are many stories of women bleeding after visiting a bathhouse, for example. A hot bath can lead to fainting by rapidly lowering blood pressure.

12. Sleep on your back. For long periods of time, this is not only inconvenient, but can also lead to a lack of oxygen in the fetus, since with this position of the body of the expectant mother, her inferior vena cava is compressed.

14. Do not communicate with young children if you have not previously tolerated chickenpox (chickenpox) and rubella and have not been vaccinated against them. Rubella infection in the first trimester is an indication for artificial termination of pregnancy.

15. Do not go to public places. If possible, limit your visits to the clinic, shops, travel by public transport. Everything in order to avoid infection with infections transmitted by airborne droplets.

These are all self-evident recommendations. But there are very ambiguous and incomprehensible ones. For example, it is not clear why pregnant women should not shop before the baby is born. After all, then it will not be at all before. And every woman wants to choose a stroller, crib, bath and other baby things to her taste. However, there are well-known folk signs for pregnant women, what cannot be done - it is impossible to buy baby things before the birth of a child, as this can bring misfortune on him. This is a bad omen. Of course it's nonsense. And it is much more pleasant and calmer to buy everything in advance and without haste.

Another incomprehensible sign that pregnant women should not cut their hair. Allegedly, in this way, the mother shortens the child's life. This is superstition. It is harmful for a mother-to-be not to look after her appearance.

There are also very ambiguous signs on the topic of needlework. Allegedly, a pregnant woman should not sew, knit, embroider, etc. In fact, this pastime has a very positive effect on the nervous system. And you don't need to drink valerian to calm down, you just need to occupy your hands with needlework.

From all that has been said, it follows that you need to listen only to the recommendations of your doctor, and the rest, which are given by people without appropriate education, should be ignored.

Of course, pregnancy is one of the most important stages in life for every girl. Throughout the entire time of bearing a child, a flurry of various advice and warnings falls on a woman. Interestingly, for each of them there is some supposedly real incident. Fortunately, most of them are nothing more than ordinary myths that are picked up and spread by not very literate people. To know how to distinguish wheat from chaff, you need to fully study, what is possible during pregnancy and what is not.

Consider the main points of what can be done for girls in position:

  • Having sex. If you and your beloved man do not give it some kind of discomfort, then. In addition, it can give even more incredible emotions. Of course, you first need to consult a doctor.
  • Get a haircut. Whoever says what, however, cutting and dyeing your hair during pregnancy is not contraindicated. A woman has every right to look great at all times. The only thing that needs to be avoided is certain toxic substances.
  • Swim. Doctors recommend swimming as often as possible during pregnancy. Also, do not forget about special aqua - aerobics. After all, it significantly relaxes and relieves stress.
  • Do needlework. It is not known where it came from that pregnant girls are strictly forbidden, for example, to embroider. If you want to entertain yourself, then why not.
  • Delicious to eat. Yes, most of the usual products will have to be eliminated. However, it is enough to correctly form your own - and everything will be in order.
  • Physical exercises. If the doctor does not prohibit physical activity, then it is quite possible to do this in moderation. Mostly yoga will be of great benefit.
  • Travel. If you wish, go where you want and on what you want. This is not forbidden. However, the closer the birth, the more it is recommended not to go far from your own apartment.

Now you need to understand what is strictly forbidden for a girl to do when she is carrying a child:

  • Drinking alcohol... It is under the strictest prohibition. Even a few glasses of red wine can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. Moreover, alcohol can provoke a long and difficult labor as well.
  • To smoke... Scientists have proven that a child's dependence on smoking can arise even at the stage when a girl is pregnant with him. Plus, immunity is weakened, and the lungs become not fully developed. If you are planning a pregnancy, it is recommended that you quit nicotine a few months before its expected start.
  • Eat the wrong food... First of all, for the next nine months, you can forget about both raw eggs and scrambled eggs. Boiled milk is now prohibited. Also, you cannot eat sushi, sausage, minced meat, blue cheese and raw meat.
  • Eat for two. The body needs only 200 more calories during pregnancy. Overeating can lead to diabetes during pregnancy and make childbirth much more difficult.
  • To drink coffee... During pregnancy, a taboo is imposed on coffee, as well as on strong black tea. Caffeine is a substance found in both drinks and can be very harmful to an unborn baby.
  • Self-medicate... Since the immunity is significantly reduced, the girl begins to get sick more often. Self-medication is strictly prohibited at this time. Only a doctor can prescribe all the necessary medications. And even more so, there is no need to look towards traditional medicine.
  • Take hot baths. If the water temperature is more than +39 degrees, then this can negatively affect the formation of the fetus.
  • To engage in the gym. Heavy physical activity is now prohibited.
  • Cleaning the litter box. There is a high probability of contracting toxoplasmosis.
  • Walk in high heels. Thus, an excessive load is placed on the spine. After giving birth, you may start to suffer from back pain.
  • It is strictly forbidden to tell anyone about the upcoming appearance of the child.... In fact, you can do whatever you want. Nothing will happen because of this. The myth has gone back since the days when almost all people were terribly afraid of the evil eye. A kind of "silence" was the only way to deal with this problem.
  • Forbidden to cut hair... Some girls still believe in him. The ancient peoples had many legends regarding hair. It was believed that if the girl cuts her hair, then she will destroy all the strength of the baby. Modern science does not support this myth.
  • The shape of the belly indicates whether you will have a girl or a boy. There are various theories about what shape a girl's belly should have in order to determine whether a son or daughter is born. In fact, only with the help of ultrasound is it possible to understand what gender the child is.
  • You will lose a tooth if you give birth to a child. This myth has partial confirmation. And dentists agree with them. During pregnancy, the gums become inflamed and dental problems appear. Therefore, visits to the doctor should be made more often.

Video about prohibitions during pregnancy

We offer you to watch a video about the main taboos during pregnancy, what lies behind them. What delusions are.

Many women who have already become mothers recall with nostalgia those happy months when they were in a position. Oddly enough, they start to miss some of the prohibitions! Dear readers, how was your childbirth going? Share your experience with others!

Reading time: 7 minutes

A woman in a position changes culinary preferences, lifestyle, attitude towards others. The expectant mother deliberately tries to limit herself from everything that can harm her child. This applies to diet, actions, bad habits. Knowing that it is impossible for pregnant women at an early stage is necessary not only for newly-made parents, but also for loved ones who also want to ensure a favorable course of pregnancy.

What is not allowed during pregnancy

There are many myths and facts about this period of a woman's life: some believe that she cannot cut her hair, paint her nails, actively move, etc. You should take a closer look at this. Due to the change in hormonal levels, it is better to refrain from curling and dyeing hair, as a result of which their condition may worsen. If you belong to the category of women who constantly dye their hair, opt for gentle options. The expectant mother is also prohibited from wearing synthetic underwear. During pregnancy, you must not:

  • take baths (hot);
  • visit the sauna and solarium;
  • take medications without consulting your doctor;
  • give vaccinations against rubella, tuberculosis, mumps;
  • conduct x-rays or fluorography;
  • clean the litter box (a cat is a carrier of a disease such as toxoplasmosis).

What pregnant women should not eat

A conscientious woman during pregnancy revises her diet with particular care, some even hang a list of prohibited dishes in the kitchen. During this period, food addictions or aversion to certain foods are formed. It may turn out that you are not attracted to healthy food, but more want to eat what is not allowed, therefore it is important to study the list of foods that are dangerous to the health of the developing organism.

Action on the body


Fatty, fried, peppery, spicy

They affect the liver, kidneys and gallbladder, which are already displaced during pregnancy.

French fries, lard, steak, chili, Korean salads, adjika

They have a detrimental effect on the entire human body, for example, the carcinogenic additive E211 can contribute to the development of oncological diseases.

Chewing gum, candy, confectionery, chips, croutons, seasoning, sauce

Canned food

Influence the synthesis of proteins, which are the main building blocks of a developing organism

Canned fish

Some seafood

Tuna, mackerel, shark, crab, shrimp, swordfish.

Raw eggs

May cause salmonellosis infection

In the early stages

The development and health of the baby depends on how the first trimester of pregnancy goes, so the expectant mother should carefully approach the issue of her nutrition. It is advisable to give preference only to natural products prepared in compliance with all sanitary standards. At this time, there are no significant changes in the woman's condition, but you still need to limit or exclude the following products:

  • Sweets and flour products. They contribute to rapid weight gain, so in the early stages it is important to adjust your diet in order to feel good at the end of pregnancy and not suffer from edema. This category includes all kinds of confectionery and refined sugar, which do not contain vitamins, but are full of carbohydrates.
  • Foods that can cause allergies, which can result in a child's abnormal development or even a miscarriage. These include red vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, honey.
  • Beans, beans, peas can cause increased gas formation, which will result in increased tone.
  • Chocolate, being a powerful stimulant, has a detrimental effect on the mental and nervous system of a little man. The measure is important here, a couple of pieces will not harm anyone, therefore it is allowed to allow yourself such a delicacy once a week.

What absolutely can not be eaten by pregnant women

The diet of the expectant mother should not harm the developing body. Some dishes can be limited during this important period of life, their single use will not lead to negative consequences. However, there are foods that need to be blacklisted for gestation and breastfeeding. Do not eat for pregnant women:

What is better not to drink

If a cup of morning coffee has become a daily ritual for you, you should give up this pleasure for the sake of the health of your unborn child. This drink has an adverse effect: it increases blood pressure, provokes the threat of miscarriage, causes insomnia, removes vitamins and minerals from the body. You also need to remove caffeinated products from your menu, you should not drink energy drinks and cola.

It is permissible for black tea lovers to sometimes consume this drink, which should be weak. The reason for this is the same caffeine that penetrates the placenta and can harm the baby. Carbonated water must be discarded due to the content of chemicals and dyes.

Any drinks containing alcohol put a strain on the kidneys, which already work in an increased mode during pregnancy. Even if you decide to indulge yourself with a glass of beer, it can negatively affect the intellectual abilities and the formation of the unborn baby, especially in the first trimester. Therefore, drinking alcohol is prohibited. It is also better not to drink kvass at this time. These tips for early pregnancy can help you avoid many unpleasant moments.

What can not be done by pregnant women

During this special period of life, new habits, rules appear and the perception of the surrounding world changes. Sometimes a woman thinks that she is capable of turning the world upside down, and sometimes she does not even have the strength to brush her teeth. It is important to treat this with condescension and observe a set of measures that will ensure your safety. According to these rules, it is prohibited:

  • To carry out general cleaning with household chemicals. In extreme cases, you need to protect yourself as much as possible by wearing gloves and airing the room.
  • Sit in a motionless position at the computer or work you love. When doing embroidery or any other creative process, do not forget to do active physical 15 minutes.
  • Walk in high heels (more than 4 cm). If you do not want varicose veins or flat feet to develop, you cannot.
  • Sit cross-legged. In this position, the veins in the popliteal fossa are pinched, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs slows down. The result can be fetal hypoxia.
  • Smoke. This leads to a poor blood supply to the placenta due to its vasoconstrictor action. There is a possibility that the baby will be born prematurely or with low birth weight.
  • Forget about parties and discos. The smell of cigarette smoke, alcohol and loud music are not conducive to a healthy pregnancy.
  • Put off extreme sports. Adrenaline negatively affects the mental activity of the baby, so you should avoid stress, anxiety and be less nervous. The mom-to-be should provide herself with a calm and positive environment.

In the early stages

It is not recommended to sleep on your stomach during the first trimester. In this position, pressure is exerted on the uterus, which can damage the embryo. It is possible to be in this position on rare occasions, but at no time should it become a habit. However, when the tummy has already noticeably increased, it is advisable to heed the recommendations of doctors and exclude rest on the back. Blood circulation may be impaired due to the fact that the grown belly will put stress on the deep veins.

In the first trimester, the girl's hormonal background changes, the result of which is a change in mood and emotional outbursts. During this period, for some, intimate relationships are a necessity, while for others they are undesirable. According to doctors, a pregnant woman is allowed to have sex, moreover, it also has a positive result, since endorphin is produced. A nice bonus is the training of the pelvic muscles.

However, there are contraindications in cases where the tone of the uterus is increased, there is a risk of miscarriage or the presence of an infection in a partner. It is better to refuse intimate relationships so that there is no termination of pregnancy. In other cases, the expectant mother is allowed to have sex throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the main thing is to avoid deep penetration, pressure on the abdomen and too long an act.

What movements should not be done during pregnancy

While waiting for a baby, a woman should exclude work that involves lifting heavy objects (more than 3 kg). The permissible weight, in exceptional cases, is 5 kg. It is also contraindicated for pregnant women in the early stages to rearrange furniture in the apartment, to make sharp and impulsive movements. This can lead to premature birth. Do not do repairs and hard physical work. Let someone else paint the walls, knock out carpets, or wash windows.


Pregnancy is the most important moment in a girl's life. The responsibility falls on the shoulders already at the planning stage. And the goal of the expectant mother is the birth of a healthy child. For a successful pregnancy, it is recommended to unswervingly listen to the advice of doctors, read thematic literature and follow the recommendations of experienced mothers.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to eat right, appear in the fresh air more often, monitor your health, pay attention to sleep and rest, minimize physical activity and be patient. As a result, childbirth will be successful and less painful. In order for a future child to develop normally and appear healthy, you need to know what pregnant women can do. We will analyze this topic in an article where we will answer 20 popular questions.

1. Drink coffee

Drinking coffee in reasonable quantities will not harm the child, and the expectant mother will invigorate and reward with an excellent mood. Therefore, you can not refuse coffee. The main thing is that the daily dose does not exceed two cups of a weak drink.

However, some doctors claim that drinking coffee during pregnancy, even in small amounts, reduces the weight of the baby. Drinking in liters increases the risk of stillbirth. The drink contains a lot of caffeine, which increases blood pressure and excites the nervous system. Drinking it is advised taking into account the characteristics of the organism.

2. Drink tea

Drinking tea during pregnancy is not prohibited as long as reasonable amounts are involved. In position, the daily rate of weak tea is two cups. It is allowed to add honey or lemon slices to the drink. The beneficial elements contained in such an amount of black tea are sufficient to protect and strengthen teeth, increase the permeability of blood vessels.

Handle with care when it comes to dietary supplements in tea. Contrary to their naturalness, some of them tone the muscles of organs, including the uterus. In an unfortunate combination of circumstances, a miscarriage will occur. Therefore, it is better to refuse additives.

3. Drink beer

Frivolous use of alcoholic beverages will lead to the appearance of mental disorders and developmental disabilities in the child. Having knocked over a small glass of beer once again, the mother will reward the baby with addiction. The abuse of beer and other alcohol-containing drinks leads to such dire consequences.

It is not only the alcohol contained in beer that is dangerous. The drink contains phytoestrogen - a substance that resembles hormones in structure. The intake of "third-party" hormones in a woman's body badly affects the hormonal balance and is dangerous for the child.

4. Drink milk

There are no prohibitions regarding the use of milk during pregnancy. A woman in a position is allowed to consume liquid or powdered milk, and the choice of goat, cow, baked or fresh milk depends on preferences, usefulness and frequency of use.

If after a glass of milk a rash appears, an upset stomach or other negative reactions appear, it is better to refuse the product. Homemade yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese would be a worthy substitute. These products are rich in protein and calcium and are able to take care of the health of the expectant mother and baby no worse than milk.

5. Get vaccinated

Doctors base their decisions on whether to be vaccinated on a benefit-to-harm basis. Vaccination is carried out in the presence of an increased likelihood of contracting the disease. Pregnant women are not advised to travel to certain countries due to the need to get certain vaccinations. In case of contact with a sick person, vaccinations are welcome.

Vaccinations are different vaccinations, and each of them can lead to complications. Vaccination with live viruses is not allowed during pregnancy. As for vaccinations based on inactive viruses, in some cases they are allowed. In this case, the antibodies contained in the injection are transferred to the baby and provide protection.

6. Do inhalation

According to the unanimous opinion of doctors, inhalation is a necessary remedy for the treatment of pregnant women. They, unlike medicines, do not affect the functioning of organs. Coughing fits in the mother bring discomfort to the baby, and with a runny nose, the placenta does not receive enough oxygen. Therefore, inhalation therapy is a safe solution.

Inhaled steam is useful in the early treatment of dry and stubborn coughs. But if the ailment is accompanied by a temperature, inhalation is prohibited. Better to breathe in essential oils. Inhalation during pregnancy is allowed an hour after eating.

7. Do fluorography

Fluorography is a low-dose research method. The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy. Women in position are exempted from routine research. Doctors resort to any X-ray research methods only in case of serious clinical indications.

In some cases, fluorography is done for girls in position, but on condition that the benefits of the study for the expectant mother are higher than the risk for the child. In all other cases, research methods are used that do not involve ionizing radiation.

8. Make epilation

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use epilation techniques that are performed at home and do not affect the woman's body. These include waxing and removing unwanted vegetation with an electric epilator. It is risky to resort to other methods during pregnancy. It is better to refuse them.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to fight hairs by shaving. Set aside more effective methods of depilation until the application is safe for the child.

9. Make shellac

Doctors did not agree on this issue. Some argue that the shellac manicure technique is safe, while others see harm in it. Cautious masters believe that it is not worth doing shellac during pregnancy, since the reaction of the female body to chemistry is unpredictable.

Girls in position are very sensitive, capricious and have a heightened sense of smell. It is possible that during the procedure, a pregnant woman will develop severe toxicosis. It is better to exclude shellac for a while and think about the health of the child.

10. Make a tattoo

Tattooing during pregnancy is a demanded procedure, as it facilitates self-care. After tattooing, you do not need to tidy up your eyebrows. There is no consensus on whether it can be done while in position.

One thing is safe to say that a master who is building a career in this area will not want to make a tattoo for a girl in position, since there are many nuances that are impossible to predict. We are talking about painful sensations, spoiled mood when the color does not match the wishes of the lady and other points.

11. go to the cemetery

Church representatives argue that pregnant women should visit the cemetery and commemorate those who have passed away. God blesses people who remember their ancestors. It is only recommended to do this at will. Do not forget about the superstitions that pregnant women should not visit the cemetery.

Once near the grave of a loved one, a woman can be overwhelmed by negative emotions and strong experiences, which will affect the health of the mother and baby. Stress is the main cause of ailments. Therefore, it is better to refuse to visit the cemetery.

12. Go to church

The answer of popular customs to this question is negative, and the church welcomes. Let's figure it out. According to the church, the unborn child is God's blessing. Therefore, the representatives of the church do not see reasons to refuse to visit the temple.

For many, pregnancy is associated with the menstrual cycle, within which church attendance is prohibited, but it is incorrect to compare these states. According to the priests, the expectant mother should go to church and pray. It is also not forbidden to confess and receive communion.

13. Go to the bathhouse

If everything is in order with the health of a pregnant woman, it is allowed to visit the bathhouse after consulting a doctor. Remember that going to the bathhouse in the early stages is contraindicated.

In all other cases, a visit to the bath trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens the immune system. Bath procedures are an excellent prevention of colds. If a pregnant girl has not previously visited the steam room, it is not advised to start during pregnancy.

14. Go to the funeral

A funeral is a powerful source of stress that can lead to the loss of a child. If a pregnant woman is afraid of attending a funeral or worries about comfort, it is better to stay at home. If a funeral of a loved one is being held and there is a great desire to attend them, it is recommended to listen to the inner voice. When you are confident that everything will be fine, go.

There are often cases when there is no desire to attend a funeral for other reasons. In this situation, it is possible to argue the refusal by pregnancy, no one will condemn anyone. You can say goodbye to the one who has left the world on the mental level.

15. Walk in heels

Sexy, beautiful and fashionable shoes are contraindicated for girls in a position for all three quarters. Shoes with heels are allowed to be worn in the first half of pregnancy, although do not forget about the state of health.

Even if you feel well, it is better to refuse to constantly wear heels, otherwise it will increase the tone of the uterus. If you can't imagine life without shoes, limit yourself to wearing such shoes for a few hours and, having fun, massage your feet.

16. Go to the pool

Some mothers-to-be find regular visits to the pool useful, while others are afraid of catching an infection. In any case, consult your gynecologist before visiting the pool. In the absence of complications and objections from the doctor, visit the pool at the moment. It was not for nothing that I added the phrase "this moment". It is allowed to visit the pool after the formation of a mucous plug and until it comes out.

17. Go to the solarium

Prolonged sun exposure is undesirable for a pregnant woman. Doctors recommend that pregnant women temporarily forget about artificial tanning and not go to the solarium.

Under the influence of lamps, the hormonal background will change, which will lead to the appearance of age spots. During pregnancy, the skin is sensitive to external factors and the risk of burning is great.

18. Dye your hair

During pregnancy, the hormonal background of the body undergoes changes that affect the structure of the hair. Increasing progesterone levels help reduce hair loss, resulting in thicker hair.

Research results have shown that paints are safe for pregnant women. But do not forget that a woman's body is individual. Medical representatives claim that the chemicals that are part of the paints adversely affect the scalp and the state of the body. Therefore, consult your doctor before using hair dyes.

19. Smoking during pregnancy

In the second trimester, cigarettes negatively affect the condition of the child and increase the likelihood of violations. Smoking often leads to disastrous consequences, including: premature birth, miscarriage, premature placental abruption or bleeding from the uterus.

It is recommended to quit smoking before conceiving a child. At the same time, it is not necessary to fight the habit after learning about pregnancy. The woman's body is used to receiving a dose of nicotine. It is best if you reduce the dose in the first trimester. As a result, the body prepares itself to quit cigarettes.

20. Fly an airplane

There is no unequivocal opinion about flying during pregnancy. During the flight, the female body is exposed to stress, but they pose a danger to a pregnant woman only in some cases.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, there are no contraindications to the use of air transport. But if it is possible to get to the desired place by another means of transportation, it is not advised to take risks. You can enjoy the comfort of air travel after the birth of your baby.