What you need to say a man with a difficult situation. SMS, which will support in a difficult moment. How to support a man competently and efficiently

True loving his chosen one, with every opportunity to contribute to his life successes. And for this you need something complete with a lesion for the result. I present to your attention a few recommendations: what to do and what not to do to help your husband achieve success.


1. A loving wife who takes care of the success of his spouse should be tactfully and unobtrusively help him increase self-esteem and self-confidence. Of course, limitless praise is also unpleasant as aggressive humiliation. It is necessary to find a balance: supporting his confidence, tactfully remind a man that luck rarely comes by itself - most often it is the result of accumulated knowledge, experience and determination. It will not hurt tactfully between the matter to remind that the "real men" usually do not leave before difficulties.

2. Do not neglect the household component: so that the man is active, cheerful and successful, he needs to create comfortable conditions. Rational high-quality food, order in the house, timely rest - these "little things" can become not only support, but also an inspiring factor. After all, it is much easier to go to the feat, knowing that the warmth and comfort awaits you at home.

3. It is very desirable to involve your man into a healthy lifestyle, help fight bad habits (even with such a kind of "harmless", like smoking or addiction to coffee). Try to engage it in the lessons of the morning gymnastics, and even better - to instill interest in the morning jogs and to evening walks in the fresh air, and perhaps visiting the pool or gym.

4. If possible, help your chosen one to replenish your knowledge. Success without training does not happen, and in the current high-speed world adequate, useful information is great value. Do not cease: no one loves people who teach others to live. Instead of a lecture, share with a man's book for his questions you are interested in or throw a link to a useful article. He wants - read.

5. A smart life companion will be all ways to help their partner to configure good luck, victory and success. Perhaps this is the main task: permanently, but unobtrusively remind your satellite of life that there are no lucky people to do not exist - it yourself is attracting failures and create luck.


1. A smart woman will not interfere with his partner being himself. Do not customize it under the image that you like or who you consider perfect. A man should develop in itself the qualities that contribute to the implementation of its main interests is his way, keep respect and maintain his individuality.

2. Do not hurry a man, wanting to see the end result as soon as possible. The secret of success in the sequence of actions: We must go from the step to the step, not running forward, but also not behind. Remember: hysteria on the topic "All already have, and we have a full paragraph" can knock down a person from the planned path.

3. Dictatorial methods almost always give rise to a rejection in a man. Therefore, your task is, first of all, to erase the tyrant and the despot and become the one that you yourself want to see: caring and loving. Only with love, tactfully and carefully you can help a man identify their goals in life and find roads that lead to their achievement.

4. The insurrection and far-sighted woman will not stop the creative gusts of her faithful: let it seem to you that the organization of flights on a balloon over the Moscow Ring Road is not the best business plan. But sharply "chop off the shoulder" and the man criticize is still not worth it. Search is one of the stages of the implementation of success, and everyone has the right to it.

5. Do not start your home tradition to ride each other in a vest. Sympathy is a feeling that is not necessarily implemented in words. Easy, practically jokingly stead the attempts of a man to renew and be afraid that "everything is bad" and "there is no chance"! Such conversations switches the brain to justify their own failures, which may gradually become the norm. Failures is a temporary phenomenon that will soon pass, so is it worth spending the strength to whine?

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If a person is not indifferent to you, you should be near. Even the one who does not want to seem weak, waiting for a kind word. It is easier to cope with problems. Yes, not always the circumstances contribute to this. But if you are alive and healthy, did not fly to the expedition to space, then there are a lot of ways to support close without personal presence. One of the options - messengers.

In dark times, clearly visible bright people.

Erich Maria Remarque

So that these words concerned you from the positive side, we offer a complete list with examples of supporting messages that can be sent. Copy SMS and immediately send the recipient.


    In your own words

    * * *
    I want you to know that even at this moment you are not alone. Such as you, a lot. Lots of. Just you are not familiar. And it confirms the fact that it can be survived!
    * * *
    To walk to the goal, you must first go. If something happened, then you do not stand still. This is just an event that met on the way of life. Nothing just happens.
    * * *
    The biggest mistake you can do in life is the constant fear of mistake.
    * * *
    Life is not suffering. It's just you suffer her, instead of living and rejoice at her.
    * * *
    It makes no sense in finding a place where you will be fine. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere.
    * * *

    * * *
    When you get very bad - raise your head. You will definitely see sunlight.
    * * *
    When you want to hardly want anything, the whole universe will help your desire come true.
    * * *
    You can see only what you believe. Believe me and see.
    * * *
    Send to the hell of everyone who does not believe in you. Remember once and for all: faith in your strength is the main stimulus to achieve the goal.
    * * *
    If you do not believe in yourself, you will not achieve anything. Therefore, avoid those who make you doubt our own forces.
    * * *
    Do not waste your thoughts, emotions and feelings on unworthy people.
    * * *
    Helping another you improve your own life.

    In verse

    * * *
    While we are alive, you can fix everything ...
    To realize everything, repent ... forgive.
    Enemies do not take revenge, do not eat beloved,
    Friends, which pushed, return ...
    While we are alive, you can look back ...
    See the path from which you left.
    From terrible dreams waking up, push off
    From the abyss to which they approached.
    While we are alive ... many lies managed
    Stop your loved ones that went?
    We did not have time to forgive them,
    And ask for forgiveness, - could not.
    When they go to silence,
    There, where is exactly no refund,
    Sometimes enough for a few minutes
    Understand - Oh God, how are we to blame ...
    And the photo is black and white cinema.
    Tired eyes - familiar look.
    They have already forgive us for a long time.
    For being too rarely near
    For not calls, not meeting, not warm.
    Not face in front of us, just shadows ...
    And how much it was said not that
    And not about the phrases are not the same.
    Tight pain - Wines Last barcode -
    The scraper, originates with a cold skin.
    For all that we did not for them,
    They forgive. We ourselves - we can not ...
    * * *
    When a tear drips from pain ...

    You're sitting quietly in silence ...
    Close your eyes, and realizing that tired ...
    Self say alone ...
    I'll be happy! No matter what!
    * * *
    Yes, all something is missing ...
    Then the snow for some reason quickly melts,
    Then the morning it is late
    It lacks warm days.
    Always something lack.
    But, living days the rest,
    Suddenly I see - there is no shortage
    Nothing ... only not enough years
    To stop angry
    To live and enjoy it.
    * * *
    Do not need to live to get to the paradise,
    And you need to create a paradise!
    Do not slander, do not betray
    And the life of others does not steal.
    It happens that atheist,
    According to its conscience,
    Closer to God than the artist
    What's in Ryas for people ...
    Once in the heart of God, the paradise in the soul!
    And if there is dark,
    Then do not get into paradise already
    Alive as a blat ...

Loss of a loved one


    * * *
    Hold on! In memory of mom. She would not want to see you in despair.
    * * *
    The death of a close man is irreparable Mount. I understand how hard you. Be strong in spirit.
    * * *
    Bright memory of it forever in our hearts. She was a good man, you need to continue to carry her mission.
    * * *
    Sincerely mournful and we condemn to this bitter minute.
    * * *
    Light and good memory of him will carry through all his life.


    * * *
    Accept my condolences! It was more expensive and there was no closer and never will be. But in yours, and in our hearts he will remain young, strong, full of life by man. Everlasting memory! Hold on!

    * * *
    Sobolent to you! It is necessary to find the strength to survive these the most difficult moments and hard days. In our memory, he will remain a good person forever!
    * * *
    Let me express the most sincere condolences on the occasion of severe, irreparable loss!
    * * *
    For all of us, he will remain an example of life. And let his love for life will highlight your emptiness and grief of loss, will help experience the time of farewell. We grieve with you in a difficult moment and we will remember it forever!
    * * *
    It is very bitter to lose your loved ones and relatives, but it is doubly harder when young, beautiful and strong are leaving. Lord his soul!
    * * *
    I would like to find words to at least somehow facilitate your pain, but there is such words on Earth at all. Hold on for light memory. Everlasting memory!

    Husband / wife

    * * *
    Love does not die, the memory of her will always light your heart. You just believe in it!
    * * *
    Favorite man does not die, but just next to be stopped. In your memory, in your soul your love will be eternal! Fight!
    * * *
    Being not return, but the bright memory of this love will remain with you for life. Fight!
    * * *
    I mourn with you in this difficult moment. But for the sake of children, for the sake of loved ones, you need to go through these sorrowful days. It will always be invisible nearby - in the soul and in our eternal memory about this bright man.


    * * *
    Sweese! It hurts to think about it, it is difficult to talk. I sympathize with your pain! Everlasting memory!
    * * *
    Weak consolation, but know that we are next to you in the loss of loss and sincerely empathize your entire family! Everlasting memory!
    * * *
    Accept my sincere condolences! What a person! As lived modestly and quietly, it was gone humbly, as if the candle was extinct. Kingdom to her heaven!


    * * *
    I know that he meant a lot for you. It is said that heaven take the best. Let's believe in it and pray for his soul!
    * * *
    You were like sisters, I understand your feelings. I want to share this grief with you. How can I help you? You can always count on my support.
    * * *
    He was a good man. I understand how difficult to you now. Time treats wounds, you should be strong in the name of your best friend. He would not want you to risks.
    * * *
    I am very sorry that it happened. I'm sincerely sorry! You hold on. Your friend looks at you from the sky. Make it proud of you. In the name of your friendship.



    * * *
    God does not send such tests to a person whom he cannot survive. So you can, and be sure to cope with it. I believe!
    * * *
    Listen to the advice of doctors and take care of yourself. For the sake of a happy future and people who are worried about you.
    * * *
    I'm sorry about what happened. Remember, you can always count on me.
    * * *
    The soul would not have a rainbow if the eye would not have tears. You will cope.
    * * *
    Everything will be fine. You will recover and life will be filled with bright colors, remember: after the black band always goes white!
    * * *
    Believe in your recovery, because good mood and optimism will be able to play an important role. Everything will be fine! Otherwise, can not!
    * * *
    Let it be bad now, but then everything will be fine. Everything will change and the pain will retreat. God will give strength to all move, do not lose hope, hold on.
    * * *
    Think of good, believe in recovery, do not give up the disease, fight! It is difficult, but you need to stay! We love you and believe that together will definitely overcome the disease.

    Near man addressee

    * * *
    He (she) will necessarily recover, you just need to believe and not lose hope.
    * * *
    Everything will be fine! We are always there. If you need help - contact.
    * * *
    Think only good! The disease will pass, he (she) will recover. It will always be bad. Just you need to wait.
    * * *
    We will pray for him (her), and you hold on!
    * * *
    God does not send tests that a person cannot survive. And she can! We are confident! If you need our help, contact. We make every effort and all get better!



    * * *
    Everything in life for the better, only we understand it over time. The pain subsides, and you look at the world with other eyes. And then there will be much more worthy people.
    * * *
    Dear, everything will pass, everything will work out. I know you are a strong woman, you can cope. He was not worthy of you. Find the strength to survive this pain. And believe, everything is good ahead!
    * * *
    Everything will be alright. You are self-sufficient and smart woman. Collect the pain in the fist and throw out with all the memories.
    * * *
    Start your life from pure sheet, do not think about the past. This can be learned. You can do it!

If a similar situation is near a friend, for example, find out, and help her with akin advice.


    * * *
    A woman does not change the body, she changes the soul - remember these words. Why do you need a person who betrayed? Find in yourself the strength worthy to survive it. And the faster you do it, the faster it will knock something good.
    * * *
    Leaving, you need to leave! Finding the forces not to return to where you were betrayed once. If you need moral support, you can always contact me. I think you are worthy of a better attitude towards yourself!
    * * *
    Respect myself and understand that with this person you are not on the way. She does not deserve respect. Forgive her, let go and free the place near himself for a more decent woman.

Learn and help a man take the right decision.


    Life filters people who are not worthy of. Be grateful to the highest forces that they care about you and clean out of your life those who will not make you happy. Now it is difficult for you, this is normal. But over time you will be convinced that everything is just for the better.
    * * *
    Do not worry, this is not the last man on Earth.
    * * *
    He does not deserve your sufferings, be strong.
    * * *
    You are beautiful, interesting and clever, so therefore you are not threatened with loneliness.
    * * *
    I always support you, you deserve the best. Remember this, and do not humiliate yourself.


    * * *
    Consider that thus the forces are more filtered by the people you do not need. The head is higher and forth, on it the light of the wedge did not come down.
    * * *
    You are a strong guy, you will find it out of life. I always support you!
    * * *
    You are a good guy, she herself is to blame that he did not value you.
    * * *
    Everything will be fine, the girls themselves will hang you on the neck, you are Macho!

    In verse

    * * *
    As the life of people filters. Noticed?
    But she is smarter and wise,
    Yesterday in one bed slept,
    Today, there is not even among friends.
    * * *
    In someone else's gland string.
    Chest more from someone else's wife.
    When to the abyss of half step,
    We are no longer needed.
    I understood one of the truths
    That dirt will find a pig everywhere.
    Not enough bullets shoot along rats,
    What run away from the ship.


    * * *
    Do not blame yourself for what happened. A person has to make mistakes. Let this error teach you a great lesson: each sunset is the beginning of a new, bright dawn.
    * * *
    I do not blame you, and I do not support. After that, you did not become a bad person, you just made a mistake. Do not try to correct the problem, try to correct your thoughts, and then I am sure the problem will solve itself.
    * * *
    You can't forget it. But you can stop to blame yourself, and then you will remember it less often.
    * * *
    Everyone has its own reasons, and I'm sure you have them too. Do not blame yourself. The one who is really important, will not reject you even after what happened, and will give the opportunity to explain. It is important that you sincerely regret it, and made the right conclusions. There are many examples in the world when people really begin to appreciate each other and are afraid to lose stronger than those who remain faithful. The first collided with the forehead problem in the forehead, and can evaluate all the risks. I wish everything to work out!



    * * *
    A man who betrayed love can find an excuse, but a man who betrayed friendship - no! Make the right conclusions, and learn to live without this person.
    * * *
    Take yourself in the hands and understand that the real friend could not do this with you! Wash tears and start singing!
    * * *
    It is said that real friends can not be replaced, your friends are easily replaced. Conclusion - there was no "real". All ahead, believe!

    * * *
    It is interesting that now your former best friends do, probably talking about you nasty with those that they used to say nasty. You do not need such people. You're better and communicate with the best!


    * * *
    Life provides us with experience in the form of communication with different people. Weemed and not very good or bad. I will learn from this lesson, and live on. Now you are more experienced for one situation! And this is a plus!
    * * *
    Let it be for you only a good lesson, not suffering. Make conclusions about this person and communicate with him only at work.
    * * *
    The main thing, stay in this situation by man, do not make any actions called.
    * * *
    Do not go to someone else's level, and do not let other people pull you on the bottom.


    * * *
    You will calm down now, because you have already issued a complete measure of our sincere sympathy. And now I have no time, it's waiting.
    * * *
    I understand that it is hard to realize his betrayal, but now you see who surrounds you. And you can change it, communicating only with decent.


    In your own words

    * * *
    Each finish is a start for something completely new.
    Everything will be as it should be. Even if it is different.
    * * *
    I understand how difficult you are now. But you hold on, you're strong (s), you will succeed.
    * * *
    If you want to discuss something, you can always count on me.
    * * *
    Everything will definitely be fine. Everything will end well, and if not yet good, it means that this is not the end.
    * * *
    You are a good worker, you still have everything ahead!
    * * *
    Everything will work out, you will find the work of your dreams, the main thing, take care of health.
    * * *
    I can't survive it instead of you. But I can live it with you. And together we can all.
    * * *
    Chaos and troubles are preceded by great change - remember it.
    * * *
    Most likely, the problem will not disappear in 24 hours. But in 24 hours you can change your attitude to this problem. Let's change it together. You can always count on my help.

    In verse

    * * *
    "She has no chance," circumstances said loudly.
    "She is a fault" - people shouted.
    "She will succeed in her," God said quietly.
    * * *
    You will win - I know for sure.
    You will all go through - I believe it.
    And not bent, and do not break
    You blows and loss.
    Let smoothly only on paper -
    Although tests and a lot,
    Overcome step by step
    All them! No matter what!


    In your own words

    * * *
    Cute, you will recover and will soon run on the disco :)
    * * *
    Everything will be fine, no one is to blame for what happened!
    * * *
    The guardian angel protects you, because he gave you a chance to live.
    * * *
    Nothing terrible happened, all alive, and this is the most important thing.
    * * *
    I will come to your tea, I will bring cookies and heales you :)

    In verse

    People value every day
    Valine every minute.
    On earth alone we live,
    Rejoice, again came the morning!

    God gave life and blessed us
    To go righteous expensive.
    After all, it was not for nothing that he was a soul in us
    To ask later, the threshold.

    Live, loving, to help each other
    We must, can not be otherwise.
    And for this - God's grace,
    And you will become spiritually richer.

    We are unnoticed by the year,
    Rejoice and enjoy life!
    Not a bold words
    I am glad everyone and more often smile!

The death of the animal

    Briefly in your own words

    * * *
    Sorry. It is like to lose close. I understand you. Everything will be fine, hold on.
    * * *
    Just believe that your dog is - invisibly near.
    * * *
    I understand that you feel, it will take time and it will become easier for you.
    * * *
    You had situations and worse. And nothing, you are a fellow! And here you can cope, I'm sure!
    * * *
    Everything will be fine! We will survive it together.
    * * *
    I see how the roads was for you, but keep living on.

Find out and help a person who is bad. For him, this is the same as losing close.


    In your own words

    * * *
    Believe the word that is for what to live. Just now you are closed to this. It will take time, and life will gain paints. Believe me, faith will help this fact to happen faster.
    * * *
    Remember, it will always be so. We will laugh at that together.
    * * *
    Life is not suffering. It's just you suffer her, instead of living and rejoice. Remember this, as soon as sadness wants to master you.
    * * *
    Most people are so happy as they allow them to be allowed. Let yourself be happy.

    In verse

    And maybe just stand on the other legs,
    And instead of coffee take and drink juice ...
    And turn your usual steps
    In the side where there will be more proc.

    And on this day it is not done like this:
    Put from the end to the beginning of the number,
    And the most insignificant trifle
    Fill a good and high meaning.

    And do what no one is waiting for
    And laugh where so much cried,
    And the sense of hopelessness will pass,
    And the sun will stand there, where the rain of the drip.

    From the circle, headed by fate
    Take and jump off at the station's strata ...
    You will be surprised - the world is completely different
    And unexpectedly life, and more interesting.


    In your own words

    * * *
    The fate of a man who sits Sydney, not moving from place. Dare, I believe in you!
    * * *
    You can't change the direction of the wind, but you can always lift the sail to achieve your goal.
    * * *
    It makes no sense in finding a place where you will be fine. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere ...
    * * *
    Remember that when you want something hard, the whole universe will help your desire come true.

    In verse

    Look into the eyes again.
    Fly forward again.
    Just back - it is impossible.
    Everything that has passed does not count.

    And let go easily.
    Believe: Movement - Life.
    The past is far away
    Just do not turn!

Beloved Girl / Female

    In your own words

    * * *
    My beloved, everything will be fine, you are strong! I'm always there, remember it!
    * * *
    Cute, you can always rely on me!
    * * *
    Remember: We ourselves invent problems, barriers, complexes and frames. Free ourselves - breathe life and understand that you can do everything. I love you, and this is the main thing.
    * * *
    You are the best woman for me all over the world, remember this. Smile, and never kiss.

    In verse

    * * *
    Native, suffer a little!
    Everything will cost, faithfully believe!
    Wait forced anxiety
    And in happiness turns out the door!
    And nothing, baby, do not be afraid!
    Forget about the past, about everything!
    And do not worry about anything
    We will survive everything together!
    * * *
    Calm down, does not happen
    In this life, everything is "five",
    But my love takes off
    And the alarms drive back.
    You believe, love delicate

    * * *
    If only, cute, I could
    In a moment, when you are so hard,
    Rap to substitute two wings
    Under your tired wing.
    If I got me
    Tuchi over tool to disperse,
    So that you forget all the alarms of the day
    And peace returned so that again.
    Sorry, but I'm only a woman - not God,
    My heart is with you, and you hold on.
    To be able to stand in a storm
    I pray quietly life.
    * * *
    Who is that so low nose hung?
    Who is sad without visible reasons?
    So I want you to have fun again,
    Foolish do not come up with Crucine!
    Let your mood possess
    Paints in life again consider!
    Ahead after all, happiness expects
    Well - Smile Fight Dari!
    * * *

    There is no point in any turn.

    And the glass is for success ahead.

    * * *
    When a tear drips from pain ...
    When the heart beats the heart ...
    When the soul hides from the light ...
    When burning life is all rhat ...
    You're sitting quietly in silence ...
    Close your eyes, and realizing that I'm tired ...
    Say yourself alone ...
    I will be happy! No matter what!
    * * *
    Each of us has a breakdown point,
    When it becomes hard,
    When it seems to us that we fall from the cliff,
    And life becomes like a black spot ...
    Each of us has a ray of hope,
    And someone very close and native
    Will not give you to fall into the puchin of the abyss,
    And say: "You are not afraid, I'm with you!"
    * * *
    Smile! No place for sadness
    In such a beautiful and young soul.
    After all, it is honest to be sad
    There is no point in any turn.
    Every day, new happiness is filled,
    And the glass is for success ahead.
    You are capable of much in life,
    Just believe, do not give up and wait!

    * * *
    Score on everything, do not fall low
    Be bold, rejoice, dream
    Do not take everything too close
    And do not take at all.
    Words are just someone's opinion,
    They do not mean anything.
    Be strong you are in battle, and change the solven
    According to the call of his heart.
    * * *
    There were problems, there will be
    Do not suffer because of them,
    There are films, books, people -
    There is something to occupy.
    Learn to learn mistakes
    (Of course it is better on other people's).
    And do not be shaking stuffed cones,
    Life is such, where without them
    Be a positive person
    Love people love yourself
    Fill life with a cheerful laugh,
    Breathe deep and ... live!
    * * *
    All our life is only a mig one,
    Depending on us.
    And from diaper to wrinkles
    There is a bridge length in "Now".
    And we, then remember yesterday,
    Then we want to wait tomorrow ...
    But heaven has his own game ...
    Seven rules and reasons.
    Live without breaking them
    To keep the soul.
    When the war ends -
    You will begin to appreciate ...
    No need to search for logic
    After all, you can not have time,
    People relative to kiss
    And the song of the heart sing ...

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The pledge of strong relationships in the family is the mutual confidence of spouses, as well as friendly support in a particular life situation. The unfavorable events are experiencing every person in their own way, and only the closest member of the family can be supported at such moments, which is in the course of negative events and knows the character of a loved one.

Oddly enough, it is most often in psychological support that men needed. Bursts and falls, which are an integral part of the active life of a person, nervous tension, fatigue and poor well-being are quite a strong emotional shock. It is at such periods that the help of his beloved woman will be indispensable. However, it should be remembered that not all actions aimed at stabilizing the male emotional background may have a positive effect.

When it may be necessary for female support

Communication with a man of girls teach parents from childhood. Laying the basics of education, Moms gradually form a family life from their daughters. Mutual support, attentive attitude towards each other help to maintain strong family relations for many years. However, in the case when the guy or husband occurs in trouble, not every woman can react to the current situation and say the necessary words in a timely manner.

The main mistake of a woman is that she believes that a man can cope with his problems independently. However, being a strong floor, he never needs a difficult moment in supporting a loved one. If you cannot resolve the negative situation in a timely manner, then the gradual increase in nervousness and irritation can lead to groundless quarrels, which as a result will cause a divorce.

Quite often in life there are very vulnerable men who need the most rest in need of reliable support. Entering family relationships, support becomes a duty of a woman. Such a peculiar creation of a person helps to identify the strengths and positive qualities of the spouse and strengthen them with their attention. An intelligent woman is able to give the minuses a positive accent. However, you should not limit the support of the usual praise.

How to determine that man needs help

Due to secrecy or with reluctance to exercise weakness, many guys or husbands prefer to wear problems in themselves. Therefore, the question of when and how to support a man in a particular difficult situation is in full competence of a woman.

In order for psychological assistance to be the most efficient, a woman should comply with certain communication rules:

  • If negative experiences have become visually visually, you should not arrange a favorite person to interrogate with addiction. Each carelessly said word can be dangerous. Excessive pressing can lead to the opposite result. A man just won't want to tell about his problems, and the conversation will go to a dead end. In the matter of psychological support, it is very important to withstand the pause, which will be an indicator of sincere complicity.
  • After the reason for the disorder will be installed, the woman needs to find the right way out of the current situation as carefully. The foresight of the female mind and the view of the events from the side will certainly help find several solutions formed problems.
  • Featuring the right moment, it is necessary to tell the possible ways to solve difficulties in simple form, however, it is not necessary to insist that this path will be the only right. A man must make a decision independently.
  • After the output is found, to raise self-esteem, it will not be superfluous to praise your loved one for the adoption of such an important decision. If the solution to the problem is delayed, in no case should not be lost in despondency, since the depressive state of the woman will only strengthen the negative of the man. The spouse should always feel reliable support for his wife.

In the question of how to properly support a man so that he did not have a desire to hide the whole negative in himself, first of all, a woman needs to create an atmosphere of sincere complicity. A loved one for a minute should not doubt that the decision will be found. The right to error has everything, also no one is insured against trouble. The tasks that at first seem to be unbearable, over time, always become insignificant.

Support during illness

Health problems bring a lot of unpleasant moments to any person. In the question of how to behave with sick and what words to use to raise the emotional state, it is very important to prevent the visible manifestation of pity. It is such sympathy that is particularly negatively perceived by the sick. The most correct will be a positive mood. The man can be cheered in a comic form, set up for a quick recovery.

During the period of the disease, a woman must switch the attention of his beloved person on what he will do after he recovers. It would be nice to plan a trip to an interesting place with him, ask what his plans he had. You can also discuss his favorite hobby, for example, fishing, watch a movie or read the book.

A friendly person needs more care and love, so it is necessary to tell him pleasant words as often as possible, to discuss the events that take place, building joint plans. Such a behavior surrounding is shown to the hospital that he is not indifferent and nothing terrible happened. A man must be sure that his beloved would not leave him and under any circumstances will be with him. With such an emotional setting, recovery comes faster.

How to support the distance

The test, in which you have to temporarily break up with your loved one, in itself is a stress event. And if negative events occur during the separation period, the development of the depressive state becomes the most likely.

Solve life troubles at home is much easier than in separation, therefore a man who has happened during his departure, most often needs to be supported by his second half.

Modern means of communication greatly facilitate communication at a distance. In order to support your loved one, just call and discuss the situation. Naturally, it is necessary to comply with the rules for delicate communication.

You can output from the depressive state using regular SMS messages that will contain only positive information. Also, periodic forwarding of various photos will help to quickly cope with emotional disorder and tune in to positive way. Moral support provided by any ways always has a positive effect. Warm words spoken by the beloved woman will help a man to restore their inner confidence.

What should I remember

Obtaining a man moral support, it should be remembered that such assistance should do it stronger. A woman should not independently solve the situation. Do not constantly "wipe" his tears and push to unconscious actions. This behavior will not affect further events.

It is very important to remember that psychological support should not have anything to do with pity. A woman should always perceive her beloved most courageous and strong.

When searching for exit from negative, you should not hope for a quick result. A woman should not lower his hands if during a certain time there was no positive dynamics. In such cases, you need to exist and not forcing events. Helping your beloved person sincerely and disinterestedly.

In life, we often come across various obstacles. It may be a loss of work, a disease, the death of a family member, financial turmoil. A person at such a moment is hard to find strength and move on. He is so lacking support at this moment, friendly shoulder, warm words. How to correctly choose the words of support that can really help a person in a difficult moment?

Expressions that do not use

There are a number of familiar phrases that are the first to come to mind when you need to support someone. These words are better not to pronounce:

  1. Do not worry!
  1. Everything is formed! Everything will be fine!

At the moment when the world collapsed, it sounds like a mockery. The man faced the fact that he does not know how to solve his problem. He need to think about how to establish everything. He is not sure that the situation will turn into his favor, and he can resist afloat. So, how will the empty statement help that everything is formed? More than blasphemous words, such words are heard if your friend has lost a loved one.

  1. Do not Cry!

Tears are a natural way of the body to cope with stress. It is necessary to give a person to spoil, speak out, give will to emotions. It will be easier. Just hug and be near.

  1. No need to bring in an example of people who are worse

A person who lost his job and he has nothing to feed the family, absolutely the same as children are starving somewhere in Africa. One who has just learned about a serious diagnosis is not very interested in cancer mortality statistics. Do not also give examples that concern common acquaintances.

Trying to support a loved one, remember that at the moment he is morally depressed with his problem. It is necessary to carefully select expressions to accidentally not offend and not affect the sick theme. Let's find out how to support a person.

Words to help experience a turning point

When our loved ones find themselves in difficult situations, we are lost and often do not know how to behave. But, the words they say at the right moment are able to inspire, console, return faith in yourself. The following phrases will help to feel your support:

  1. We will survive it together.

In a difficult moment, it is important to know that you are not alone. Let a close person feel that you are not indifferent to his grief and, you are ready to divide all difficulties with him.

  1. I understand that you feel.

When you get into trouble, it is important to be heard. Well, when there is a person who understands you. If you find yourself in a similar situation, tell us about it. Share your thoughts, emotions at that moment. But it is not necessary to tell how you were heroically coped with the situation. Just let it be on the place of your friend. But you survived it and he will also cope.

  1. It will take time and becomes easier.

Indeed, this is a fact. About many vital nonpects that happened to us or two years ago, we will not remember. All troubles remain in the past. Sooner or later we find a replacement to a betrayal friend or unfortunate love. Financial problems are also gradually solved. You can find a new job, pay a loan, cure the disease or facilitate its symptoms. Even sorrow from the death of a close person passes with time. It is important to survive the moment of shocks and move on.

  1. You had situations and worse. And nothing, you coped!

Surely your friend has already come across life obstacles and found out of them. Remind him that he is a strong, courageous man and is able to solve any problem. Private it. Show him that he can survive and this difficult moment.

  1. You are not guilty of what happened.

The feeling of guilt for what happened is the first thing that prevents soberly look at the situation. Let us understand the close person that the circumstances have developed and, any other could be in its place. It makes no sense to look for guilty in trouble, you need to try to solve the problem.

  1. Can I do something for you?

Perhaps your friend needs help, but he does not know who to turn. Or he is inconvenient to say about it. Show the initiative.

  1. Tell me that admire its exposure and spirit of the Spirit.

When a person is morally depressed by severe circumstances, such words are covered. They are able to return to man faith in their strength.

  1. Do not worry, I'll come now!

These are the most important words who want to hear each of us at a turning point. Everyone needs someone close and understanding next. Do not leave an expensive person alone!

Help a friend treat with humor to the situation. There is a little comedy in any drama. Detach the situation. Make together over the girl who threw it, or over the sprayed director who fired him from work. This will allow you to look at the situation in a more optimistic key. After all, everything can be solved and corrected while we are alive.

The best support is to be near

The main thing we say not in words, but by our actions. Sincere hugs, in time a donkef's handkerchief or a napkin, a glass of water can say more than you think.

Put on the household issues on yourself. Remote full assistance. After all, at the moment of shocks, a person is not able to even cook dinner, go to the store for products, pick up children from kindergarten. If your friend has lost a family member, help the funeral with the organization. Make the necessary orders and just be near.

Smoothly switch the attention of a person to something landed, not associated with its grief. Take it in some kind of business. Invit to the movies, order pizza. Find a reason to go out and stroll.

Sometimes silence is better than any, even sincere words. Listen to a friend, let him speak out, express your emotions. Let him tell about his pain, about how he is confused, depressed. Do not interrupt it. Let him say out loud to his problem as many times as needed. This will help to look at the situation from the side, see the solutions. And you just be close to a close man in a heavy moment for him.

Olga, St. Petersburg

Support is an important moment in the life of everyone. When there is a person who is capable of stretching his hand in a difficult moment - it costs dear. In a relationship between a man and a woman, one of the main components is how they help each other in life. Despite the fact that the guys are considered a strong floor, it is very important for them to have a reliable rear. A partner who knows how to support a man in a difficult situation, he will appreciate. This will be discussed in this article.

How to support a man in a difficult life situation?

If you see that the sad Duma was lying on the face of her beloved, he refuses meals and prefers loneliness - in his life there were trouble. And what nature would they be - competent behavior of a loved one He is needed now.

The strategy of your actions will depend on its temperament, but try to adhere to the following rules:

You cannot solve other people's problems, but you are able to set up a person to the right way. When he is relaxed and calm - thoughts become in a row on the right places.

How to do this at a distance?

Being far from your beloved, it is difficult to understand the situation, from it hard. Knowing that he has trouble and he needs support, and you can't be nearby. But it's not right. More precisely, you will still be sad, incorrectly show your excitement.

Sometimes you can bring more benefits to a person than being close. It all depends on like that You will tell him to say:

  1. If something out of a series of outgoing, the main thing is not to panic. Listen to calmly and also calmly and judge. Showing him his fright intonation with a telephone conversation or in a letter, you will support his sadness, and speaking confidently - calm;
  2. It is necessary to help him look at the situation from the side, so try to describe the problem, as you see. Give a couple of positive arguments and offer ways to solve;
  3. Some guys do not like to talk about their difficulties. In this case, even knowing about the troubles, communicate to the distracted topics. Tell us how you are going to do. Maybe he needs to be forgotten now to relax.

And do not allow sarcasm, all sorts of jokes. When a person is burned with emotions, he can understand them wrong, especially at a distance.

How to support a man when he is bad?

The art of being a reliable girlfriend lies in the ability to raise men's self-esteem on time. Studies have proven that guys together with self-esteem drops testosterone in the blood. And this is the most important hormone for them, he is responsible for the strength and attraction, including.

At the moments of reducing the level of this hormone, there are often divorces, as the husband thinks that unable to drag on himself a family or makes a mistress to raise the tone. But if he knows that they are waiting for both at home and believe in him, he will never leave such a woman.

Therefore, when your friend or husband is depressed, it doesn't matter what occasion - do it with self-esteem.

To do this, you need to be able to feed his male start:

  • Speak him compliments;
  • Praise, mark the progress;
  • Create situations where he can prove himself.

Helping him, you will help yourself. After all, when the husband has difficulty, he will give you little attention. You can serve as a source of positive energy, which he will later return to you.

What errors should be avoided?

Wanting to help, girls often remove and resort to forbidden techniques. Provide them, otherwise you risk aggravate its condition:

  • Distinguish two concepts - pity and affection . Worse there is no impact on his pride - than fighter views and conversations. It is impossible to hint that he is weak or powerless. The guy should know that he is considered strong and reliable, able to overcome difficulties. But it is necessary to climb slightly - to prepare a delicious dinner, rub the back;
  • Do not cost try to cheer. Your loud laughter and jokes may seem inadequate and become annoying;
  • Do not be offended by his bad mood. Let him wrap up, one will come - do not give;
  • Do not impose help. Yes, I want to be loyal and reliable friend, but you do not need to become a "caustic mom." He is an adult, your "fuckier" will give him the feeling of insolvency.

Of course, these rules are not suitable for everyone, someone needs and impose help, maybe he is waiting for it. Therefore, focus on the setting and temperament of the partner.

How to support a man in endeavors?

The success of a friend depends on your position. The guy is difficult to believe in itself to the end, and you must become for him to the wind. Much, of course, will not get. But when he does something and laid out - support is necessary:

  • Believe in it. Words and behavior, show that you do not doubt his success;
  • If possible, attract familiar;
  • Do not criticize in case of small failures, try to be performed into the essence and offer options for further actions;
  • Accompany it if necessary. Come on events together.

But in order to not explain for a long time, we give an example of one athlete, he was engaged in triathlon. His wife, preparing him food during the races, attended all points of replacement of equipment at competitions, and the last kilometers rose to the mountain with him as accompanying at one of the distances.

Phrases that can be effective

Use these phrases to remove a man from depressive stupuses, raising his self-esteem and softening:

  • Favorite, you are the best (smart, sexy, strong, calm, well done);
  • I am proud of you;
  • Near you I'm calm;
  • You're talented;
  • I believe in you;
  • You will cope;
  • I'm near, you can count on me;
  • It is not your fault;
  • I appreciate what you are doing.

Saying something to a partner remember what he wants to see in you:

  • She listens to me, but does not condemn;
  • Cares, but in moderation;
  • Talks, but does not interrupt;
  • Nearby, but does not break a personal space;
  • Knows the shortcomings and knows how to notice them;
  • She trusts, will not check.

Of course, this is an ideal option, such it is impossible, because everyone has a different character. But you can adhere to some rules, especially when he needs help.

So, we tried to understand how to support a man in a difficult situation. This is not such a simple lesson - finding suitable words when a person is concerned about something. But now it became clear that it is sometimes better to climb and show restraint, and sometimes you need to act confidently.

Video about male support in difficult situations

In this video, psychoanalyst Tatyana Tolstova will tell why not you should touch a man who is experiencing a crisis in life: