What to dress the last bell girl. School form options for last call

Graduation evening is an important event in the life of everyone who ends with an educational institution. And prepare for it is taken in advance. This is especially true, because everyone wants to be remembered in the best form. And in case of failure, treacherous photos in the album will remind about it all life. Therefore, it is so important to know how to dress on a graduation girl, a guy, advice to parents.

Choosing that put on the graduation, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that this evening will have to move a lot, so the outfit should be as comfortable as possible.

The most common option for such an event can be a cocktail dress code, which involves a classic suit for a guy and a slight elongated dress for a girl.

Color you can choose any. It can be like burgundy and yellow dress on graduation.

In gentle shades of lilac

To beautiful, however, not quite convenient options can be attributed:
  • ultrashort dress;
  • outfit with deep neckline;
  • wedding or bald dress on graduation.

No less important, choose such an outfit that will fully convey the mood of the event, emphasizing the youth and tenderness of his main perpetrators. Based on this, a successful choice will be considered a dress made of bright and lightweight fabrics of light tones, without unnecessary decor. It does not have to be a beige dress on the graduation. It can have a blue, peach or other pastel shade.

Accents dresses

And most importantly - your clothes need to love! Therefore, you need to choose clothes on the graduation in advance. But it is not recommended to order it for half a year, since there is a chance that for such a long period, she will have time to fed.

The end of the school for the girl is a very exciting point and on the holiday each of them wants to be shine. That is why your image should be thought out to the smallest detail. First of all, it concerns what to wear on the graduation.

Selection of dresses

Each year, designers offer a huge number of all kinds of graduation dresses. Stop your choice on something concrete, it is often not easy. Consider the most popular of them, their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. With loop. They look very graceful and luxuriously, but to walk and even more so dancing in it will not be very convenient. As an option - a model with an asymmetric bee, open legs in front and closed from behind. Only owners of slender and smooth legs can stop their choice. If you do not relate to them, then it is better to find another option.
  2. Ballroom. Not so long ago, they chose most of the graduates. Distinctive features of such a model is a corset bodice and bulk hem. By choosing this option, the most important thing is not to overdo it with the frankness of the branch and the puff of the hen. Pay attention to the fabric from which the bottom will be made. The optimal option is a fatin or organza that will not lose image.
  3. Lush and air silhouettes

  4. With corset. Unlike medieval corsets, modern options are not so painful for their owners. Very romantic will look direct models with a cut and dresses in the floor for the prom, harmoniously complemented by the corset.
  5. Models with corset riding

  6. With open back. Such outfits designers moved from the star fashion, making some adjustments - the spin is open to the blades or a maximum of the waist. Cutout is deeper will not be relevant at this celebration.
  7. Variants of models with open back

  8. With open shoulders. This option may be present in classical, antique or ball models. An ideal option will be for slim girls. If you have extra centimeters, then take care of the choice of cape, which hits the armpits zone.
  9. Open Shoulders Models

  10. With long sleeve. Such a dress may look quite flirtary. Slender girls can choose lace, and those who have chubby handles - straight chiffon sleeves. At the same time, the most important thing is that lace or other material does not constrain movements.
  11. Options with sleeves

  12. Dress transformer. This is a unique option for those who wish to combine 2 in 1 and at the same time look gorgeous and feel easily and comfortable. The hem of this model is removed, and under it usually tight cocktail dress.
  13. Additional elements of the outfit

  14. Separate. This model can be called a novelty. It consists of a shortened poppy and a long skirt. In order not to look tasteless, the top of the skirt must hide the navel.

The importance of color

Choosing the color of the dress, you need to navigate first of all on your color and personal preferences:

  1. Black. Such an outfit infrequently choose graduates. However, this color sharpeningly pulls the shape, making it visually slimmer. Therefore, to choose it can full girls. And in order not to look modestly, it can be decorated with a contrasting handbag or select bright accessories for graduation.
  2. Options using black

  3. White. Such an image is more associated with the bride. Therefore, on the school graduation, it also will not often meet. Although it looks good for packs and covers in this color.
  4. Snow-white variations

  5. Turquoise dress on graduation looks very romantic. It can choose representatives of all color plants.
  6. Glond hair exceeds and will harmoniously contrast with dark.
  7. Blue shades

  8. Peach will be the perfect option for the golden of the skin of the skin.
  9. In peach tone

  10. Blue dress is better to choose brunettes.
  11. In dark blue tones

  12. Pink color is associated with glamor. For a prom evening, the pale pink tones will be suitable. A bright outfit in this color may look too daring. It may be lace dresses on graduation or model from other fabrics.
  13. In pink shades

  14. Beige shades emphasize elegance and nobility. Best of all, such a dress will look at the tanned beauties. But the blondes should be delayed to such an alike.
  15. In color beige

  16. Emerald dress on graduation looks good, both on blondes and brunettes.
  17. Many are associated with the holiday. Tanned girls you can choose a saturated yellow, but the blonde blondes will be better in the shampen.
  18. Red color will always help stand out from the crowd. A warm shade is suitable for dark graduates, and a cold scarlet can be advised for the owner of porcelain leather.

  19. Choosing shoes

    For such an event, shoes assumes the presence of a heel. But experimenting with its height is not necessary, especially if you are not used to wearing a heel daily. The optimal option will be shoes with a stable heel of medium length.

    Boats with a neat sharp nose will be harmonized with any fit of the dress, making legs visually slimmer.

    Lines and silhouette

    Spectacles will look and sandals. But do not forget that any jumpers visually shorten the silhouette. Therefore, sandals with a horizontal strap can be put on only with a long dress, or nude shades.

    Shoe options for girls


    Any accessories can be chosen, both in the tone of the dress and contrasting with it. If you chose a simple style outfit, bright and bulk earrings or a chic necklace will be able to supplement it. If there are rhinestones and another decor on the dress, then the maximum that you can afford is a refined pendant or pearl thread.

    Models from lace

    Hairstyle, makeup and manicure

    Choosing a hairstyle, it is necessary based on the features of your hair.

    If your hair from nature is beautifully crowded, you will fit gentle curls. Straight strands can be folded into a neat shell or bundle. Photo of the best graduation hairstyles can always be found on the Internet. Do not forget about the fresh neutral manicure.

    There is an opinion that pick up the outfit on the graduation guy is much easier than the girl. In part it is. But still there are some nuances and aspects, how to dress on this day, which every man should know.

    Options for men's graduation sets

    Choice of costume

    We noticed that the costume that looks perfectly on the mannequin, it may not look very carefully. To immediately choose the option that will sit on you perfectly, you need to adhere to some secrets:

    1. Check that the jacket shoulder perfectly coincide with your own, otherwise you will look ridiculous.
    2. After you fasten all the buttons on a suit, the seams on it should not crack.
    3. Often, guys face a problem when they are suitable pants and jacket of different sizes. In this case, feel free to ask the seller to compose for you a suit according to your parameters.
    4. The floor of the jacket should be like a brush assembled into a fist.
    5. Pull your hands forward and sneeze. At the same time, you should not feel any discomfort.
    6. The length of the trouser depends on the selected style. For example, the classic style involves the length of the trouser until the middle of the heel. But it is always better to choose a slightly long pants, which can then be asked. If they turn out to be short, you can't do anything with them.

    Do not give up the vest in the costume. In the midst of a party, you can remove the jacket and tie, roll the sleeves and unbutton the gate shirt and vest. The image will turn into a more relaxed.

    Color solution

    The difficulty can cause the color of clothing to the graduation for the guy. Do not be afraid to try different options, until you find what you will be perfect:

    Choosing a shirt

    What to wear a guy to graduation with a suit and how to choose a shirt to it?

    1. The fabric from which the shirt is sewn should not be shifted.
    2. Button all buttons and try to insert your finger between the neck and the gate. If you do it problematic, then you need a different size.
    3. Put on top of a jacket and lower your hands. At the same time it is necessary that several centimeters of the shirt sleeves were visible from under the jacket.

    It is necessary to choose not only the size of the shirt, but also its color:

    • For a black suit, choose classic shades shirts (white, blue, pink, etc.).
    • Shirts of all shades are suitable for gray alongside, with the exception of beige.
    • With blue, it will be nice to look at the blue, pink or shirt of a gentle dairy shade.
    • The choice of option for a light suit is quite large and here you can pick up like light (white, blue) and dark (blue) shades.
    • By choosing a brown suit, you can safely fantasize and choose not only classic options, but also more bold, such as orange, salad and other shirts.

    Choice of shoes and accessories

    In conclusion you need to pick up shoes. You need to do on the basis of reasons of convenience, because you have to spend all night on your feet. Today at the peak of popularity are the Lofer.

    If you talk about accessories, you should not stop only on the tie. On the graduation guy can wear a stylish butterfly.

    It should look good on graduation not only students, but also their parents and teachers. Choosing an outfit mom, which goes to graduation daughter, some designers recommend sticking to the same style in which the dress of the conviction of the celebration is made. So they will look stylish and harmonious. However, it is not necessary to achieve full copying of the outfits.

    Choosing a suitable outfit to parents and teachers, designers recommend complying with some rules:

    1. It is necessary to make a choice based on the features of the figure and the appearance of the parent or teacher. Therefore, each of them needs to be approached individually.
    2. The style of clothing must be strict and at the same time elegant.
    3. You need to pay attention to the material and the style of the outfit.
    4. Hair must be neatly laid.
    5. The number of jewelry should be minimal.
    6. The handbag should be small and neat. Perfect option - clutch.
    7. There are no restrictions on the choice of shoes. The only one should be comfortable and approaching your alongside.

    Modern school fashion is extremely diverse. The rules on which a graduate must necessarily appear on the last school line or evening in a strict black suit with a white shirt, there is no modern. However, there are certain items of clothing that are not very relevant at a grand evening. Sports suit on this day is better to leave in the closet, like your favorite jeans and T-shirts. Do not go to the last call in or sneakers.

    What suit and shoes choose

    Quality - the thing is quite expensive. Not all families can afford to buy a son even in a year of release from school several costumes. This is not trouble. Buy one, but such that you can wear it "and in the feast, and into the world." Color can be any - black, gray, blue, dark burgundy. For a single suit, dark tones are preferable. If the costumes are two, you can buy dark and light.

    You can diversify the wardrobe at the expense of shirts and ties. Remember that in a male dress, even if it is an outfit of a young man, there should be no more than three colors. With a black jacket, you can wear a white, beige, pink, blue or striped shirt. With brown, a beige, light brown, pink shirt will look good. You can wear one shirt on the last call, the other, and then your boy will look like these celebrations in different ways.

    The shoes play an important role in creating an image. On the celebration it is appropriate to wear only shoes, and nothing more. Of course, that your young man looks like a true dandy, he must be able to wear such shoes, and teach it from childhood.

    Alternative to Suit

    Not everyone young people like jackets. If a graduate does not want to wear a strict evening or business suit, it will make it difficult to make it. However, the jacket can be replaced with a suitable jumper with a v-neck or even knitted jacket. They will help look no less elegant. You can do and in general, especially if it is hot on the street. A light elegant summer suit at a graduation party can also be appropriate. Light trousers, polo shirt with short sleeves - what is bad? By the way, to a similar along, it is not necessary to buy classic shoes. Suitable, for example, moccasins and even sandals.

    So-actual cocktail dresses in recent years as it is impossible to suit the evening events (hiking in, discos, etc.). But the long evening outfit is to save for especially solemn cases.

    In search of an outfit for a celebration worth stopping your choice on a more modest evening dress, otherwise his owner risks look vulgar and inappropriate.

    For official events (diplomatic techniques, international meetings, cultural events, economic or scientific symposias), there are a number of strict regulations regarding the cut of costume and possible accessories.

    So, the costume for the celebration must necessarily match the white shirt, and black socks. The required attribute is the corner of a white handker, which looks out of the chest pocket of the jacket. Although in the summer time of the year, the concept of strict costume and related attributes are slightly simplified. A black suit can be replaced by light with shoes selected in the tone of the costume. Combined options for costumes are usually also put on a white shirt with double and tie to the tone of the jacket.

    Of course, for less official techniques, it is not so strict. There are no special requirements in the choice of color shirt and suit, it all depends on the taste preferences of a man. But many remain true always, which comes to any costume and any celebration.


    • suit on a celebration

    For some reason, the teenage fashion is always on the side of girls. Fashion collections, sites dedicated to how to dress at school, women's magazines with interesting lucburs - at their disposal, everything from where you can draw ideas for appearance. But the boy will come up with something to go to school, much more difficult, and he does not have such powerful fashionable support.


    The problem is solved by itself if the form is provided. The form can be both the same for all students and allowing options. The same sews to order immediately all, it differs only in size. For this is usually a jacket or a vest, but a shirt and pants need to be chosen on their own. The only requirement for them is a classic and tidy look.

    If the charter of the educational institution simply establishes some of the restrictions in appearance, it grants fantasy much greater space. For example, in the requirements, a classic costume is indicated - this means that you can choose a style, coloring, and so on, the main thing is that the costume begins, business character - no bright colors, fabrics and other things. But even in this situation, you can choose a very stylish and beautiful outfit. And for younger guys, and for adult young people, fashionable magazines and sites remain assistants.

    Perhaps the form is not provided. However, this does not mean that you can come there as it fell. School in any case implies a somewhat official form. If jeans are allowed in the educational institution, they must be classic, combined with elegant sweaters and jackets. By the way, jeans, shirt and jacket - a very good option. If you are a commitment to any subculture, remember its attribute and appropriate clothing are not categorically suitable for school. However, any details are quite permissible - after all, to express their inner world, many are simply necessary.

    What is completely unacceptable at school - it is a tracksuit. In the lectures of physical education - yes, but the rest of the time a tracksuit is a catastrophic behalf. No matter how comfortable in it, no matter how practical, remember that a tracksuit is a taboo outside the gym. And just sports pants with a T-shirt, especially in combination with classic shoes, will also make you similar on the comic character of the series, which will clearly play not in your favor.

    Video on the topic

    The last call is an important event in a schoolboy's life. He symbolizes the end of the school year and is celebrated annually on May 25. Especially this day is important for those who finish and leaves school after passing exams. Therefore, to choose a clothing to such a solemn event should be approached with all seriousness.


    When choosing a dress on proceed from the fact that it will be held at school. And this school, in turn, still implies a certain style that excludes a transparent, short and other causing clothing.

    Stop your classic option - skirt, trousers, beautiful blouse or strict shirt. Black and white colors do not need to choose, but they will look more festive and winned, especially if they are diversified with color accessories. The latter will make your image original and unusual by highlighting you from the crowd, and at the same time saved school style.

    Saleswomen were overloaded and began to wear outfits. At the tenth, I was knocked out.

    - You see, I wanted something like a pioneer form - a simple skirt-Plears, a white blouse ...

    - You know what! - exclaimed Katya. - Go to the first floor, the elevator left, the "sex" store, there is exactly what you need.

    - Are you sure? - I asked, surprised in the shower, that the department selling children's clothing, wears such a strange name.

    - Go-go, - told the light, - only there, Katyukha right.

    We have come the way back, found a pavilion with a master door, entered inside, and I Oboml.

    Everything is clear - foolishly educated saleswomen, deciding to make fun of unprofitable buyers, sent us to sex shop.

    "Let's go," I told Miranda, "we didn't go there."

    - There, there, - jumped out due to the counter of the parenchy with the Beijik "Consultant Victor", - Do not hesitate, say what you need.

    - No, no, we are clearly not to you, I wanted to buy clothes for a girl, like a pioneer form.

    "Please," said Victor and threw a dark blue pleated skirt on the counter and a simple white blouse. I am amazed:

    - Well, it is necessary! This is what you need.

    "I told you, I have everything," the guy smiled, "you still have a golf, shoes and tie, you think, are you alone, amateur?"

    "The tie is superfluous," I mumbled, looking like Miranda, rushing in the dress, goes to the fitting room.

    "Many people like," Victor grinned, "take the caprochy bows then, too, it turns out."

    After half an hour, Miranda began to look like my classmates looked at the seventh year of learning ...

    Daria Dontsova, "Bouquet of beautiful ladies"

    Small excursion in your own photo album

    There is a version that the school form of Soviet times was trading with maid wardrobe in decent pre-revolutionary homes. It is possible, because the requirements for presented the same: look modestly; It is neat (if necessary, it was possible to quickly change the apron, and not to wash the dress), finally - denote the social status of your hostess, so that none of the guests of the lacquer did not confuse a pretty maid with the young lady and did not start care of her.

    Already in the eighties of the last century (when the older generation of Sibmam, including the author of these lines, studied at school) the form for girls is hopelessly outdated. There was a need for apron - no one risked to overturn the inkwell. In the cold in the dress was difficult to "warm", and it is impossible to achieve comfort on a warm day and is impossible at all. A half-walled dress was difficult to wash, and even more difficult to dry out for the only output, because the washing machines with centrifuger were not in every family, but there was no drying and at all. Forced uncertainty masked, sewing white cuffs and collars to a stupid dress, on which any dirt was visible even better ...

    Perhaps now many readers are clearly , sighed with relief, remembering how the school dress was put on the last time - to the "last call." More aprons and collar! Theer is more important that after 20 years, the Soviet school form perceived from non-existence in the form of a "tradition" - strange, ugly, and sometimes obscene.

    School dresses for the last call and the school uniform of the USSR: Novosibirsk Factory "Elite Classic", Moscow Factory "Excellent"

    Girls "Film"

    Now it is simply impossible to determine who of the girls nor the days who did not carry a famous brown half-walled dress, came to mind the thought of rummaged in the storage room and dress up in the mother's form. The matter is another - modern schoolgirls really did not wear it. For them, this is not clothes, but a game attribute. The "last call" from a solemn day turns into a theatrical idea where the schoolgirl plays the role of a schoolgirl. And many, we will be frank, it turns out from the hands bad.

    When the school form was a form, and not a carnival costume, she was not shortened to super-mini! Did not wear with straile shoes! She didn't have a neckline!

    Last bell at Sverdlovsk School, 1968 and at the school of Abakan, 2010. Wikipedia

    Click on the photo to enlarge

    Trying to portray "diligent students" the girls turn out to be the heroines of a completely different role-playing game: golfiki and disproportionately lush bows, more suitable first grades, hints at innocence and inexperience, attractive for men, hairpins and decollete - ready to spread immediately and with innocence immediately, and inexperience.

    It turns out, stupid and awkward. Will remove the hairpins and mini? Well, it turns out just stupid and awkward. "Modesty, tidy, asexuality" turned into their opposite.

    Arbitrary selected photos of graduates from the Internet. Click on the photo to enlarge.

    Mamino dress

    Perhaps girls are still not experienced enough and insight to feel the inappropriateness of such carnival. But their mother can not not see the daughter dressed at all as she herself once. It can not not understand that its self with such makeup, in such shoes and with such a fourth century's skirt and the school threshold would not be allowed.

    Why am Mom agrees to this adventure? Mysterly sees not a daughter, and himself: young, in a muster mini, in the center of attention of all men on the street?

    No opportunity to influence a 17-year-old daughter? Perhaps, but you can influence the parent meeting! A negotiated in the class that the "last call" is elegant, but not dressed up - this is different things. Try to make those, then insists on the "traditions".

    Yes, we take even our site: here (there is a 46th size, height 170), but also : The apron was put on a line once on the line, and the cuffs with a collar did not be sewn at all (I would carefully believe, the thing is troublesome).

    "This is youth!" - Perhaps someone will say. When and walk in short skirts and high-heeled, as not at 17 years old! But even in youth, it is not necessary to dress up everywhere, not always and not in everything. Let's leave the aprons in old photo albums. There they are the very place.

    Photo of unknown origin from the Internet. 70s.

    The last call is the most exciting time for any schoolboy. The guys of younger classes are anticipating future summer holidays, and graduates are forever forgive with the school. However, those and others cares what to wear on the last call.

    The School Uniforms for boys and boys look like the simplest: they are only worth putting a suit, consisting of shirt, trouser, tie and jacket. In hot weather you can remove the jacket. The most difficult for girls, especially graduates: they have to decide what to wear on the very last call in their lives.

    For junior classes

    Preferences in school uniform depend on the school and style it provides. For little girls, the school form includes a dress, apron, a sundress, a skirt with a blouse - any combination of the taste of student and her parents. The color of the clothing is also defined by the school: in some of them are quite freely looking at the styles of school uniforms. The only restriction may be the length of the skirt.

    For graduates

    Graduates choose an outfit for a holiday much more difficult. Sometimes girls come, putting the evening dress, but for the morning celebration it is not always appropriate. The so-called retro form is now acquiring great popularity, or the usual form of Soviet times. Putting on school dress in the Soviet spirit, girls give a tribute to school and express hope for a good future.

    What is the school form of Soviet times? As a rule, it is a dress in several colors to choose from: black, blue or brown. Also girls - schoolgirls put on guipure, lace or satin golfs and aprons. An indispensable attribute is white kapron bows, woven in pigtails or tie tilt.

    On high school students, this form looks not quite familiar, rather, as a special costume for the last call. And the Soviet school form herself became rare. True old samples can be found only from stocking grandmothers or mothers. In stores, including on Internet portals, a school uniform is put up for sale, but it sews specifically for such solemn cases on the Soviet model. You can order tailoring form, but it will cost much more expensive.

    Thanks to this decision of the school form, a romantic image of a naive graduate of the last century is created. It is not clear why this form today causes associations with a school, but the retro tradition is becoming increasingly popular. White aprons became a dream of any graduate, the sign of something far and romantic.

    The only danger that can exist here is the length of the skirt. In modern educational institutions, in different ways can look at this fact, therefore, making an order for a school form, it is best to immediately clarify this moment. High school students should not wear too short skirt, wanting to be attractive for young men. All the short mini will not look beautiful, but vulgar.


    How to be the girls who decided not to follow the Soviet tradition?

    They have a huge selection of outfits, which suggests today's fashion. These are bright blouses of various styles, and a dress, a color and style of which can be chosen depending on the preferences of the school, pleated skirts, sundresses and even pants.


    Graduation celebrations usually pass in two stages: first the last bell, and after exams already a prom. For eleventh gramen, it is a great reason to dress up twice: first in a cute girl who says goodbye to childhood, then into a charming young lady on the threshold of adulthood.

    Sometimes graduates are trying to combine two of these images in one dress, and this, alas, can end like this:

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    What is wrong with these girls? Why are their innocent golfik-apron bows look as if they were bought in sex shop? Not the length of the skirt, not the depth of the neckline, not the height of the heels and not at all, not the maiden, figure and habits - it turns out clean water provocation, laughter and bullying on the Internet.

    And I wanted to look like graduates, probably like this:

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    To beautifully dress on the last call, you need to know three secrets:

    1. The last call is an event from among the official, so the outfit must be restrained and more or less formal (all "gorgeous" and "spectacular" leave for the graduation);

    2. The last call is a morning or daytime holiday, so evening attributes (high hairstyles, bright makeup, heels, necklates, abundance of decorations) on it are inappropriate;

    3. Since all girls by graduation come to varying degrees of maturity, it is worth considering when choosing a dress. Overchard in the figure ladies do not need to dress in the dresses of first-graders or costumes of Japanese cartoon schoolgirls.

    A graduate in something is akin to the bride: modesty, cleanliness and freshness - the best decorations on the last day of childhood. So makeup - discreet or even Nude, manicure - french or in pastel colors, simple laying, invisible underwear. After 10 years it will be possible to watch the graduation album without dying from awkwardness.

    On this photo traditional outfit for the last call. True, the dress lacks white cuffs and a collar, the sleeves in May could be shorter (to the elbow), and the apron in honor of the holiday could be made lace. However, there are other options.

    Three stylish images for graduates:

    . Black skirt and white blouse.A win-win, but a little boring option. Make it more interesting, however, is not difficult. Try to change colors in some places (dark top, light bottom), replace black on blue, and white on light pink / beige / mint, add a bright jacket, a vest with a print, play with accessories - Overhead collar, female tie or butterfly, colored boats ...

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    Little dress. The classic of this genre is a black dress-case with a jacket or without it. For the young girl, both blue and white, and a dress of one of pastel shades. Optimally, if the style of the outfit will be associated with the school, and not with a cocktail party.

    Suit prepper. The spring style preppy is one of the most fashionable (and in the previous two options its effect is very noticeable!). It allows the girl to look sexy, relaxed, but at the same time elegant and elegant.