Day of national unity of romania. Holidays in Romania National Holidays in Romania

Music traditions are strong in Romania. They are expressed in original folk music, with a specific modal-melodic structure and rhythm. Romania is a multinational country, there was a mixture of Moldovan, Gypsy, Hungarian and other cultures. Musical culture has absorbed the characteristics of all peoples living on the territory of Romania. For Romanian folklore, a variety of modes are typical - from the simplest 3-5-step to complex multi-step systems. The songs are monophonic, there are elements of heterophony. Folklore is represented by ritual, lullabies, shepherd's, comic, lyrical songs, epic ballads, crying, etc. One of the most complex and distinctive genres is lyrical doina. There are various folk instrumental tunes, often of an improvisational nature, with rich ornamentation and whimsical rhythm.

There are numerous dance genres, more often these are collective dances - chorus, sirba, bryu, invertita, hacegana. For a long time, festivities with songs and dances (jock) have been widespread in folk life. Among the musical instruments are winds and strings.

In some places in Romania, New Year is called "Little Christmas" As soon as the sun goes down, a candle of pure wax was lit in front of the icon of Christ in every house, which was supposed to burn all night. Doors and thresholds in the house, in the premises for livestock, in grain storages were coated with garlic and all sorts of melted fat. With the same composition, they put the sign of the cross on pets and smeared themselves and all family members. According to popular beliefs, in this way it was possible to protect oneself from the wiles of the devil. This evening, like Christmas Eve, was rich in all kinds of carols. One of the most ancient and colorful New Year's customs among the Romanians was the plugusorul. In those areas where it was performed, only the poor and smaller boys took part in caroling. After pronouncing carols and congratulating the owners of the house, the latter presented plowshares, like at Christmas: rolls, nuts, apples, money, etc. So they went from house to house until midnight. And then, having divided the gifts as brothers and wishing each other happiness in the new year, they dispersed.
In Romania, not only religious or national holidays are celebrated, all kinds of festivals, fairs, etc. are held on its territory. In February, Romania hosts the Sfintu Gheorghe Winter Festival. In April, the International Festival of Contemporary Art in Brasov, the National Spring Festival in Hoteni-Maramures. In May, the Daffodil Festival is held, as well as the International Photography Festival and the International Jazz and Blues Festival in Brasov. In June, the Transylvanian International Film Festival in Cluj-Napoca, the traditional Crafts Fair in Bucharest and the Virgin's Fair in Gaina Hora take place. In July-August, the National Festival of Popular Music in Mamaia, the August festival in Tulcea, folklore holidays "Tyrgul-Fetelor" Fair of Girls, takes place on the day of St. The Golden Deer "in Brasov and the Days of the Middle Ages in Sighisoara. In September, the International Carp Fishing Competitions and the Sibinium Music Festivals are held in Sibiu. In October, Wine Festivals are held throughout Transylvania, and in Cluj-Napoca, the Musical Autumn Festival. In December - the traditional Christmas festival in Brasov. In the 15th century, oral folk art arose, and writing in the Romanian language began to develop around 1420. In the 19th century, modern literature began to take shape. Hundreds of tribes that passed through the territory of Romania during the era of the Great Nations Migration passed on their culture and their distinctive traditions to this land. There are long beaches of the Black Sea, the picturesque Carpathian Mountains, the unique Danube Delta, and many historical sites.
Romania's national holidays and festivals:
January 1,2 (New Year), March-April (Easter Monday),
December 1 (Day of National Unity),
December 25,26 (Rogacy).
In summer, a large number of festivals take place on the coast. One of the most famous is the August festival in Tulcea and the Golden Deer in Brasov.
Numerous music festivals are held in Transylvania in autumn: Cibinium in Sibiu (September), Musical Autumn in Cluj-Napoca (October), etc.

Easter is traditionally celebrated for three days, but only Sunday and Monday are non-working. The 1 of May Ziua muncii Labor Day December 1 Ziua naţională (Ziua unirii) Day of unification of Romania Day of the unification of Romania and Transylvania in the year - the foundation of modern Romania. / December 26 Crăciunul Christmas Christmas is celebrated in Romania for two days.

Other public holidays

date Romanian name Name Notes (edit)
June 26 Ziua Tricolorului Romanian flag day
July 29 Ziua Imnului naţional National Anthem Day The day on which the anthem was first sung in the year "Deşteaptă-te, române!"
8 december Ziua Constituţiei Constitution day The day on which a referendum on the Romanian constitution was held in the year.

Traditional holidays

date Romanian name Name Notes (edit)
March 1 Mărţişorul Martisor Spring Festival

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Excerpt from the Holidays in Romania

Rostov kept thinking about this brilliant feat of his, which, to his surprise, acquired the St. George Cross for him and even made him a reputation for being a brave man - and could not understand anything at all. “So they are even more afraid of ours! He thought. - So only that is all, that which is called heroism? And did I do this for the fatherland? And what is he to blame with his hole and blue eyes? And how scared he was! He thought I was going to kill him. Why should I kill him? My hand trembled. And they gave me the St.George cross. Nothing, I don't understand anything! "
But while Nikolai was processing these questions in himself and still did not give himself a clear account of what had embarrassed him so much, the wheel of happiness in the service, as is often the case, turned in his favor. He was pushed forward after the Ostrovnensky case, they gave him a battalion of hussars and, when it was necessary to employ a brave officer, they gave him instructions.

Having received news of Natasha's illness, the countess, still not quite healthy and weak, with Petya and the whole house came to Moscow, and the whole Rostov family moved from Marya Dmitrievna to their house and completely settled in Moscow.
Natasha's illness was so serious that, to the happiness of her and to the happiness of her family, the thought of everything that was the cause of her illness, her act and the break with her fiancé passed into the background. She was so ill that it was impossible to think about how much she was to blame for everything that happened, while she did not eat, did not sleep, noticeably lost weight, coughed and was, as the doctors made it felt, in danger. All I had to think about was helping her. The doctors visited Natasha both separately and in consultation, spoke a lot in French, German and Latin, condemned each other, prescribed a variety of medicines for all diseases known to them; but none of them had the simple idea that they could not be aware of the disease that Natasha suffered, just as no disease that a living person is possessed by can be known: for every living person has his own characteristics and always has a special and new, complex, unknown to medicine disease, not a disease of the lungs, liver, skin, heart, nerves, etc., recorded in medicine, but a disease consisting of one of the innumerable compounds in the suffering of these organs. This simple thought could not come to doctors (just as a sorcerer cannot come to the idea that he cannot conjure) because their life's work was to heal, because they received money for that, and because they spent the best years of their lives on this business. But the main thing is that this thought could not come to the doctors because they saw that they were undoubtedly useful, and were really useful for all the Rostovs at home. They were useful not because they forced the patient to swallow mostly harmful substances (this harm was not very sensitive, because harmful substances were given in small quantities), but they were useful, necessary, inevitable (the reason is why there are always and will be imaginary healers, sorcerers, homeopaths and allopaths) because they satisfied the moral needs of the patient and people who love the patient. They satisfied that eternal human need for hope for relief, the need for sympathy and activity that a person experiences during suffering. They satisfied that eternal, human - noticeable in a child in its most primitive form - the need to rub the place that was bruised. The child will be killed and immediately runs into the arms of the mother, the nanny, in order to be kissed and rubbed at the sore spot, and it becomes easier for him when the sore spot is rubbed or kissed. The child does not believe that the strongest and wisest of him do not have the means to help his pain. And the hope of relief and the expression of sympathy while his mother rubs his bump consoles him. The doctors were useful for Natasha in that they kissed and rubbed the bobo, assuring that it would pass now, if the coachman went to the Arbat pharmacy and took seven hryvnia of powders and pills in a pretty box for a ruble, and if these powders would certainly be in two hours, no more and no less, the patient will take it in boiled water.

Today one of the main national holidays is celebrated in Romania - every year on December 1, Romanians celebrate the anniversary of the unification of the country in 1918 and the formation of the Romanian state within its present borders.

The history of today's holiday - Day of National Unity of Romania(Ziua Marii Uniri / Great Union Day in Romania) - dates back to December 1, 1918, when representatives of the Romanians from Transylvania and Banat voted to unite with the Kingdom of Romania.

The First World War turned into a terrible disaster for the European peoples. Millions of people died and were mutilated in a monstrous meat grinder, tens of millions became refugees. The countries along which the front lines passed suffered enormous destruction. Romania was among the states caught in the epicenter of the disaster.

A small people courageously took the side of Russia and the Entente. As a result, after a year and a half of fierce fighting, the country was occupied. The victory of the allies was achieved far from the Romanian territory, but it was a common great victory of the peoples who stood for peace and justice against the cynical "struggle for a place in the sun."

Thanks to this victory, the Romanian people were able to fulfill the dream of their great thinkers - to find national unity! Enormous creative energy, hopes and a burst of enthusiasm from all walks of life have led to a qualitative breakthrough.

Romania traditionally greets this day with military parades and official speeches of popular political leaders in Bucharest. The national flag is hoisted over the buildings. Most citizens have a rest on Unity Day; this day is also a day off in schools and universities.

Today May 12

  • The second Sunday in May is the Day of the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus and the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus. This public holiday is celebrated in the country annually in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 157 of March 26, 1998. Symbols of the Republic of Belarus ... congratulate

  • Every year on the second Sunday of May, many European countries, the USA, Canada, China and Japan celebrate one of the brightest and kindest holidays - Mother's Day. This holiday is more than a hundred years old. Although the origins of the celebration of Mother's Day may be to be found in the holidays ... congratulations

  • Today, May 12, the world celebrates the professional holiday of a nurse - International Nurses Day. The profession of a nurse is very important and necessary, because it is they who are irreplaceable assistants to doctors, a link between doctors and patients. Professional ... congratulations

  • On May 12, Russia and the countries of the former USSR celebrate the Day of Environmental Education. The holiday, the purpose of which is to update environmental knowledge in all sciences and all spheres of human activity, was established in 1991. On this day, various ecological ... congratulations

  • The Day of Remembrance of St. Andrew the First-Called, the enlightener of Georgia, is celebrated twice - on December 13, and since 2003 - also on May 12 (this day is declared a day off in Georgia at the state level). This decision was made by a resolution of the Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church ... congratulate

  • On May 12, Finland celebrates Snellman's Day or Day of Finnish Identity (Finnish Suomalaisuuden päivä). On this day, the national flag is raised over Finland every year, and it is an official day off in the country. Johan Vilhelm Snellman (May 12 ... congratulations

  • The Army Day is celebrated annually on May 12 in the Republika Srpska. On May 12, 1992, at its regular meeting, the then Assembly of the Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, at a meeting in Banja Luka, decided to form the army of the Republic of Srpska BiH, as the RS was then called, and on the basis ... to congratulate

  • At the end of the 3rd century in the city of Cyzik (Asia Minor), nine martyrs were tortured and killed for their faith and preaching. Their incorruptible relics heal from diseases. It is believed that this is the happiest day for treatment. A special conspiracy is read over the seriously ill, in which pagan beliefs are combined ... congratulate

  • Saint Basil of Ostrog is one of the most revered saints in the Serbian Orthodox Church (to which Montenegro belongs). The famous Montenegrin monastery Ostrog, carved into the rock, rests the relics of St. Basil of Ostrog, who is considered the patron saint of Montenegro. To...

Thu 1 January
New Year in Romania is celebrated on January 1 and 2. Romanian Santa Claus is called Mosh Krachun. According to legend, the family of the shepherd Krachun gave shelter to the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary gave birth and Mosh Krechun presented the Virgin Mary and the child with milk, sour cream and cheese. Since then, Saint Mosh ...

Tue 13 January
January 13-14 - Old New Year. He is met more often in a narrow circle of family, less often with friends. Festive table, smart clothes, candles, fortune-telling and carols. Little surprises are baked on New Year's pies: coins, porcelain figurines, rings, ...

Sat 14 February
February 14 - Valentine's Day - a holiday for lovers. During the reign of the Roman Empire, Claudius 11, the romantic priest Valentine lived in the Roman city of Terni, who patronized lovers, reconciled quarrels, helped write ...

Sun 1 March
In Romania, there is a wonderful spring custom: on the first of March, people give their loved ones, relatives and friends a small present - Martisor. This is a red and white wicker decoration that is worn on the chest all March, and in April it is tied to a blooming ...

Sun 8 March
International Women's Day (8 March) is a date celebrated by women's groups around the world. It is also celebrated in the United Nations, and in many countries this day is a national holiday. When women, from everyone ...

Wed 1 April
Romania does not officially celebrate April Fool's Day on April 1. But, most likely, Romania does not need April Fool's Day to be officially celebrated, since here humor and laughter are organically merged with the national one, and April 1, all the more, is not complete without jokes and laughter ...

Wed 8 April
For centuries, Roma have tried unsuccessfully to fight for their rights, and purposeful attempts to create an organization that would protect their interests were made only in 1919. On April 27, 1919, the General National Assembly of the Roma was convened ...

Sat 11 April
Easter holidays in Romania, as well as throughout the Orthodox world, begin on Saturday, which marks the Resurrection of Lazarus. In Romania, the Saturday of the resurrection of Lazarus bears the same name as the Sunday following it - "Palm". However, in ...

Sun 12 April
The most severe period of Great Lent begins on this day. This week ends the 40-day fast and marks the moment of the need to share the suffering of Christ. She was and remains (but, for the most part, in Romanian villages) herself ...

Sun 19 April
Even church ministers admit that in Romania Easter is not only a Christian holiday, but, due to the fact that it falls during the transition from cold weather to warming, it combines and carries over many pre-Christian practices, customs and ...

Fri 1 May
May 1 is labor day. In the period before the 1990 revolution, May 1 in Romania was marked by demonstrations and demonstrations. Festivals and concerts were held. But I must say that in Romania this holiday has never been as solemn as it was ...


Sun 13 September
The collection of wine grapes has been considered a holiday for a long time. So, among the Romans, the harvest began with a celebration in honor of the future harvest. The grapes were crushed by young slaves to the sound of songs that were called "songs of the press" or "songs of wine". V...

Tue 1 December
The First World War became a terrible disaster for the European peoples. Millions of people died and were mutilated in a monstrous meat grinder, tens of millions became refugees. The countries along which the front lines passed suffered enormous destruction. In list...

Fri 25 December
Orthodox Romania celebrates Gregorian Christmas with Western Christians. On Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - young people and children with a star on a pole go around houses, carol, praise the owners, wish them well, health, ...