Why and how is the chemical peeling of the facial skin carried out in the salon? Median facial skin peeling: varieties, main indications, price

In the field of cosmetology, there are many different procedures to make our skin beautiful. Among them, it is worth noting exfoliation or chemical peeling, which involves deep cleansing of the skin and removal of dead cells from its surface with the help of an exfoliant.

There are several options for deep cleansing of the skin:

  1. Peeling, during which abrasive particles are used. It is also often referred to as mechanical.
  2. Purification, in the process of which acids of various concentrations and compositions are used, often having a name.
  3. Cleansing with a laser or ultrasound is often referred to as physical peeling.
  4. The process of cleansing the skin using fish or biological.

All the presented types of skin cleansing help to achieve the highest effect in the process of rejuvenating and preserving the freshness of its surface.

Despite the fact that the presented process helps every woman to maintain the beauty, freshness and youth of the skin, there are several rules that must be followed to reduce the risk of side effects.

Indications for use

The main rule for choosing one or another method of cleansing is the type of skin. It is he who must be taken into account when choosing a tool.

  • For dry skin types it is necessary to use either AHA acids. This type of acid will not only cleanse the skin, but also activate the process of its regeneration. In addition to regeneration, these substances will leave your skin soft and delicate, as well as exuding a great fruit scent.
  • When used independently, the concentration must be strictly observed: use only 10% fruit acids or lower percent.
  • When applied to oily skin, it is necessary to use acids of the BHA group, the most popular of which is salicylic acid. The result from the use of this acid will be overwhelming: it not only cleanses the skin, but also removes the cause of acne. In addition to removing dirt, its effect extends to the health field: it serves to heal wounds, small cuts on the surface of the skin. However, this is not all. There is a last plus of using this group of acids, namely, reducing the risk of an allergic reaction in the form of a rash. BHA acid will allow you not to be afraid of irritation on the skin and cleanse it of dead epidermis.
  • In the case of application to problem skin, which is particularly sensitive, it is necessary to use hypoallergenic substances. In their composition, it is desirable to have only natural ingredients, since the surface of the skin may react unfavorably to one or another component. During the cleaning process, it is necessary to apply a gentle peeling without glycolic acid, which increases the risk of allergen manifestations.

Summarizing all of the above, we note that each type of peeling allows you to deeply and qualitatively cleanse the skin, making it smooth and soft, lush with purity, youth and freshness.


In addition to useful tips, we will indicate the warnings that you need to take into account so as not to harm your body. There are 4 rules that are undesirable to break in order not to increase the risk of harm to the skin:

  1. Do not exfoliate if your skin is inflamed and severely wounded. In such cases, it is necessary to use agents that are unable to worsen the inflammation.
  2. Do not start the process of cleansing the skin in a dry state: it is necessary to moisturize the skin and, if possible, steam the skin;
  3. Do not clean the skin near highly sensitive areas of the face: eyes and mouth;
  4. It is advisable to stay in a darkened area to give the skin a rest after cleansing of dirt and dead cells.

If you follow all these rules, you can protect your body and make your skin clean and healthy again.

What are the results after the procedure

According to numerous reviews, the most important result after the described process is clean, smooth skin that will breathe health and beauty. Also, at the end of the cleaning process, the skin will begin to renew itself faster, and the withering process will be invisible and will not damage your beauty.

The price of beauty

Peeling prices vary from 500 rubles to 15 thousand. The cost depends on the substances that will be involved in cleaning and on the type of cleansing.

For example, cleansing with a scrub is the cheapest, as it costs about 500 rubles.

The most expensive is a deep chemical peeling - about 15 thousand. The cost depends not only on the substance, but also on what suits your skin and what you need.

Finally, we point out that we examined the most classic options for exfoliating the skin of the face and indicated what the positive and negative aspects of this process can be.

Be healthy, young and beautiful!

Facial exfoliation: getting rid of the stratum corneum

Everyday hygiene procedures that we perform do not allow the skin to completely get rid of the accumulating stratum corneum. Every day its amount increases, there is a violation of oxygen access to the cells, and creams applied to the skin surface are practically not absorbed. This problem should be addressed with special exfoliators called exfoliants. We will tell you about the features, actions and secrets of this manipulation in our article.

What information will you learn:

What is the technique

The main task of exfoliation is to remove horny cells

The procedure for exfoliating the superficial stratum corneum of the epidermis using chemical compounds is called exfoliation.

The main tasks of this technique are the removal of dead keratinized epithelial cells, as well as deep cleansing of the pores.

One of the most important stages of quality facial care is its correct and regular cleansing, which accelerates blood circulation, metabolic and regeneration processes in cells, and increases tissue oxygenation.

The appearance of the skin after such a cosmetic procedure is noticeably improved by eliminating the accumulated layer of dead cells, which prevents its renewal.

What is the benefit of the procedure

There is a misconception that exfoliation is harmful, does not bring positive results, but rather traumatizes and damages the integrity of skin cells.

This is a misconception, since the procedure for high-quality cleansing of the facial skin promotes its rejuvenation and slows down the aging process. Among its advantages are the following:

  • alignment of the color and relief of the face;
  • acceleration of the processes of cell regeneration (renewal);
  • deep cleansing of pores from sebaceous plugs, blackheads, acne and blackheads;
  • normalization of sebum production;
  • an increase in the amount of oxygen entering the cells of the epidermis;
  • deep penetration under the skin of any cosmetic formulations, the effectiveness of which increases significantly;
  • removal of pigmentation;
  • increasing the degree of hydration and nutrition of cells.

Exfoliation procedure helps with facial hyperpigmentation

In what cases is the technique prohibited?

The procedure for chemical exfoliation of the skin is not allowed for everyone. The acids in these products can cause irritation, allergic reactions and other complications. The risk category includes:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • women under 22;
  • patients with warts, large moles, dermatological diseases and violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • people prone to allergic and inflammatory skin reactions;
  • everyone who has undergone surgery, chemotherapy, as well as those who have cancer;
  • patients whose skin has been exposed to the sun for a long time or to radiation in a solarium.

Only a cosmetologist has the right to decide on the possibility of exfoliation for each specific patient, depending on the condition and type of his skin.

Home exfoliation rules

You can perform this procedure yourself only after consulting a cosmetologist, who will determine the percentage of active acid that is suitable for your type of epidermis.

The technique should be carried out in strict compliance with the following rules:

  • it is allowed to use high quality exfoliants, the concentration of active ingredients in which does not exceed 9%. They should be designed specifically for the skin of the face;
  • for dry epidermis, preference should be given to products with AHA-fruit acids, and for fatty ones with BHA-acids (salicylic);
  • be sure to check the expiration date of the product you have chosen and refuse to use it if it turns out to be expired;
  • always test the skin in the area of ​​the inner elbow for an allergic reaction before applying the composition to the face;
  • apply the exfoliant on a pre-moistened skin surface of the face along massage lines, with light movements, excluding the areas around the lips and eyes;
  • keep the product on the face for no longer than a quarter of an hour. If a strong burning sensation arises, as well as other uncomfortable sensations, immediately wash off the composition from the skin, regardless of the amount of time passed.

If the exfoliation time is exceeded, burns and excessive dryness of the skin are possible!

  • if you did not get the desired result after the manipulation, the next procedure is allowed to be carried out no earlier than a week later;
  • during the manipulation, the sun's rays should not fall on the skin;
  • at the end of the procedure, you should thoroughly rinse the composition from the skin of the face, and also apply a layer of cream that has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.

Exfoliants are any scrubs and peels for the face.

Exfoliation is the process of cleansing the skin of the face, body and scalp from dead cells. Thanks to this procedure, the skin is freed from the upper stratum corneum, the pores are cleansed of impurities and sebum. The exfoliation procedure is performed using exfoliants.

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    Benefits of the procedure

    Exfoliation of the skin of the face, whole body and hair is a necessary procedure in caring for your appearance. A well-performed exfoliation is capable of:

    • Smooth out the surface of the skin. When dead cells are removed, the epidermis is renewed more evenly;
    • Unclog pores, reduce blackheads. Simultaneously with the improvement of the condition of the skin, the supply of oxygen to the cells increases.

    Cleansed skin better absorbs nutrients from masks and creams that are applied after exfoliation, which stimulates the regeneration of epidermal cells.

    Types of exfoliants

    An exfoliant is a substance that quickly exfoliates dead skin particles and leaves skin looking fresh and youthful. Preparations with exfoliants do not violate the integrity of the skin, do not leave traces, and the stratum corneum dissolves or splits. First, this effect of exfoliants was applied in dermatology to solve various skin problems. However, subsequently, cosmetologists also became interested in exfoliants with the aim of using them for rejuvenating and cleansing the skin. Substances are found in cosmetics for the face, body and even hair shampoos.

    Exfoliants are:

    • Mechanical (scrubs). They contain large abrasive particles. A scrub can be compared to sandpaper, which removes the top layer of the epidermis without speeding up the process of cell regeneration;
    • Enzymatic. They contain enzymes. They act like scrubs, but they rejuvenate the skin better, since they accelerate cell regeneration;
    • Acidic. They contain two types of acids: AHA and BHA (alpha and beta hydroxy acids). ANA - acids that are soluble in water. These are lactic, glycolic, malic and tartaric acids. BHA - salicylic acid. This component is insoluble in water. However, it penetrates well through the sebum to the deep layers of the epidermis. These acids can be used both individually and in combination. It all depends on the type of skin and the planned result. The concentration of the acids themselves is important;
    • Acid-free. They work the same as acidic ones, but less aggressive. For example, cereal and plant extracts gently cleanse the epidermis. This is especially true for mature skin, which over the years becomes more sensitive and prone to injury.

    Correct application

    There are some rules for using funds with these substances. Cosmetologists recommend adhering to them in order to avoid unpleasant consequences:

    1. 1. Before using any product, you need to conduct an allergy test;
    2. 2. Do not use acid creams more than twice a day. They can even be applied around the eyes, avoiding the eyelids. Before applying such a cream, wipe your face with tonic or micellar water. This will cleanse the face and help the active ingredients of the cream penetrate deeper. There may be a slight tingling sensation;
    3. 3. Watch your reaction. If, after applying the cream, the skin begins to redden or irritate, then it is better to choose another product with a lower concentration;
    4. 4. Instead of regular masks, you can use pasty products with exfoliants. They cleanse the face in deeper layers;
    5. 5. Exfoliants for the face can be used in the summer. However, a measure is needed. If young skin is stripped of the upper layer of the epidermis, it will become more vulnerable to UV radiation.
    6. 6. Before the procedure, it is better to steam your face. This will make the active substances work better. The exfoliant is applied to the face and neck strictly along the massage lines.
    7. 7. When using exfoliants with acids, you need to know that their concentration should not exceed 9%.

    Indications for exfoliation

    The main criterion for choosing an exfoliant is the type of skin.

    • For the dry type, it is better to use fruit or AHA acids. They cleanse the face more delicately and activate the process of cell regeneration.
    • For the fatty type, salicylic acid is suitable. This tool not only cleanses the face of dead skin cells, but also eliminates the cause of acne. In addition, the acid heals wounds and small cuts, and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.
    • If the skin is sensitive enough, then it is better to use hypoallergenic products, which contain only natural ingredients. They should not contain glycolic acid.

    Regardless of the composition of the exfoliant, the skin will look smooth, soft and refreshed.

    Significant contraindications

    However, despite the presence of many beneficial properties, skin exfoliation is not allowed for everyone. Exposure to acids can cause irritation and skin problems. Exfoliation is prohibited when:

    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • Presence of warts or moles on the treated area;
    • Various inflammations and lesions on the skin;
    • Tumors in the body;
    • Allergies to incoming components.

    It is not necessary to carry out the procedure:

    • Under the age of 22;
    • After a tanning bed or prolonged sunbathing;
    • After surgery or chemotherapy;
    • On dry skin. It must first be steamed;
    • On sensitive areas around the mouth and eyes.

    In some cases, after being examined by a beautician, gentle procedures will be allowed. However, only a specialist should perform them.

    Exfoliation for body skin

    Exfoliation for body skin is also quite popular. However, the body area is much larger, so the peeling will be slightly different. Most often, fruit acids or scrubs with large particles are used as an exfoliant for the body. Scrubs come with natural and synthetic abrasives. Natural abrasives are crushed coffee beans, sugar, salt, nutshells. Synthetic are microcrystals of aluminum or polymer balls.

    The composition is applied to the whole body or only to problem areas to get rid of cellulite and tighten the skin. This is done through massage and improved circulation.

    It is easy to use scrubs - after taking a bath or shower, the body needs to be cleansed and the chosen product applied. Wait for a certain time, which will be indicated in the instructions, and rinse with warm water.

    With regular use of exfoliants, the skin becomes healthier and its appearance improves.

    Beauty salons also offer body exfoliation in the SPA program. It includes body peeling, body wrap and massage. Exfoliants include sea salt, sugar, coconut, volcanic rock and ground coffee. SPA procedures rejuvenate the body, enrich the skin with vitamins and microelements, and activate metabolic processes.

    Effects on the scalp

    The scalp also needs cleansing, nutrition, hydration. The exfoliation process is able to cleanse the skin, while removing dead particles and cosmetic residues that block the hair follicle and interfere with hair growth. At the same time, the exfoliating shampoo improves blood circulation, prevents hair loss and dandruff.

    To cleanse the scalp, you can use ready-made shampoos, or you can prepare them yourself at home. To do this, you need to mix 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil and a few drops of any essential oil (tea tree, rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, jasmine, or lavender). Moisten the roots a little with warm water, apply the ready-made mixture on the head with massage movements for several minutes. Then rinse your hair with shampoo. For oily hair, you can use this tool once every 2 weeks. With normal and dry hair type - once a month.

    Exfoliation is a pleasant and beneficial procedure not only for the face, but also for the whole body. Exfoliants will leave your skin revitalized and refreshed.

The skin of women of all ages needs care. Recently, many of the fairer sex are concerned about preserving her youth for the longest term.

Modern cosmetology offers several ways to achieve the desired effect. Most of them are various types of peels.

Today, this service is available to almost everyone, moreover, there are methods for its implementation at home. These include, for example, chemical peels.

This procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but it also carries a certain risk. To avoid possible troubles, you need to know how to do deep chemical facial peeling at home.

To do this, it is necessary to carefully study the technology of the procedure, the necessary cosmetics, preparation for peeling and contraindications to its use.

What is chemical peeling

Peeling is the removal of the upper layers of the skin and their subsequent restoration.

The effect on the skin is carried out due to chemical compounds that exfoliate the upper scales and stimulate natural cell renewal.

It is worth visiting a dermatologist before home peeling. He will tell you if there is a need for a procedure, and which type to give preference to.


Peeling is necessary not only for mature women, but also for quite young girls. This is due to the fact that the procedure solves a wide range of skin problems:

  • elimination of age spots;
  • alignment of the skin relief;
  • restoration of the protective barrier;
  • rejuvenation;
  • elimination of scars and stretch marks;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes.

An experienced dermatologist will be able to determine if there is an indication for the peeling procedure and the appropriate composition of the necessary chemicals.

Types of chemical peels

There are three types of chemical effects on the skin according to the depth of cleansing:

  1. Surface... It acts on the upper layers of the dermis, cleanses it and smoothes wrinkles, but the result of such a procedure will not last long.
  2. Average... Has an effect on acne and eliminates acne, unclogs pores.
  3. Deep... It gives the most long-lasting effect, but requires observation by a dermatologist and a stationary regime after it.

The last type of peeling can be performed only in specialized institutions. It is simply impossible to do such a procedure at home on your own, since it is performed under anesthesia.

Home procedure

Before proceeding directly to the process of chemical peeling for the face at home, it is worth studying the recipes and understanding the means necessary for this.

The choice of such drugs is huge, they are usually sold in specialized stores and pharmacies.

There are several chemical compounds that are the basis of peeling products:

  • fruit acids;
  • calcium chloride;
  • alpha hydroxy acids (ANA);
  • salicylic acid;
  • retinolic acid;
  • lactic acid.

Peeling by means of each of these substances has its own characteristics not only in the stages of carrying out, but also in skin care in the post-peeling period.

Fruit acids

For such a procedure, you do not need to buy special products; mashed potatoes from fruits or berries, which you need to prepare yourself, are suitable as it.

For these purposes, fruits rich in acids are best suited: citrus fruits, apples, pineapples, kiwi, currants, gooseberries, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries, apricots. Several ingredients can be used to achieve the best effect.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. The skin must first be cleaned with a mild product, such as baby soap.
  2. The fruit puree is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then it is removed.
  3. Wash off the remnants of the mask with cool water.
  4. Lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

Such peeling will not only make the skin healthier, but also saturate it with essential vitamins. At the same time, there is no effect on the dermis with harsh chemicals.

Recipe in the piggy bank:

  • Step 1- Mix 2 tablespoons of cane sugar and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice, then add yogurt to a bowl. These foods are sources of glycolic, lactic and citric acids.
  • Step 2- On cleansed face (with fingertips) apply the resulting paste in a thick layer.
  • Step 3- Leave the paste on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.

Calcium chloride

Chemical peeling with calcium chloride can be carried out both at home and in the salon. Professionals use drugs with an active substance concentration of at least 20%.

Don't be in the sun after peeling!

For home use, calcium chloride can be bought at the pharmacy, but its percentage will be within 10%.

Calcium chloride peeling proceeds as follows:

  • the skin must be cleaned with a tonic, then washed with cool water and allowed to dry;
  • apply the preparation with a cotton pad on the face, hold for about a minute, then apply again - we carry out these actions until the ampoule of calcium chloride ends;
  • letting the skin dry;
  • roll up the top layer of skin with palms smeared with baby soap;
  • wash off the resulting pellets with water.

Such cleansing should be performed no more than once every two weeks. After peeling, you should not expose your skin to the sun for several days, and you must also lubricate it with moisturizers.

ANA acids

Preparations with alpha hydroxy acids are sold in pharmacies and specialized stores, even in beauty salons that do peeling.

Before using such products for cleansing the skin, you need to carefully read the annotation that is attached to them.

It specifies the procedure for the procedure. All recommendations must be strictly followed, usually they are as follows:

  • cleansing and degreasing the skin;
  • treatment of the skin with a preparation;
  • removal of the drug with a neutralizing agent after the time specified in the instructions after application;
  • applying a nourishing cream.

Salicylic acid

It is an excellent cleanser and is found in many preparations for acne, acne and other diseases. Chemical peels with salicylic acid give excellent results.

After purchasing the necessary drug, as in the case of alpha hydroxy acids, you need to carefully read the annotation. Usually, the recommendations for the use of salicylic peels are the same as those for the use of AHA acids.

The only difference in the procedure is the final stage - in this case, the skin is treated with a regenerating cream.

During the cleansing process with salicylic acid, a burning sensation may occur. To protect your skin, skip make-up and tanning for a few days.

On a note!
Before using any peeling, be it pharmacy or homemade, it is imperative to test the elbow bend for susceptibility to the components of the composition.

Retinolic acid

It is necessary to purchase an exfoliant retinolic acid solution and a 5% glycolic acid solution. This peeling is called yellow. It takes place in 5 stages:

  1. Cleansing and degreasing the skin.
  2. Treatment of the dermis with glycolic acid. This measure will soften the skin and facilitate the penetration of the main active substance into it.
  3. Application of a preparation based on retinolic acid.
  4. Wash off the drug after the time indicated in the instructions for it with a neutralizer.
  5. After 8 hours, wash off the neutralizer with water.

This type of peeling is quite traumatic, after which the skin gets a superficial burn, which can be seen by the characteristic redness and a feeling of tightness.

Peeling with retinolic acid is very traumatic!

It is necessary to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream three times a day, otherwise the skin will be covered with cracks. After a few days, active exfoliation of the skin will begin, during this period itching may occur.

Despite the rather lengthy rehabilitation after retinol peeling, the effect of it is quite impressive and lasts for a long time. This type of procedure cleanses the skin as deep as possible at home.

Lactic acid

Peeling with lactic acid is a non-aggressive way to cleanse the skin. To carry out it, a solution of lactic acid is applied to the cleansed skin and washed off after a few minutes. The procedure is extremely simple.

A feature of this technique is the time of its application: weekly in the autumn-winter period. The acid concentration should be gradually increased from 20% to 80%..


The procedure for cleansing the skin with chemical preparations is effective and useful, but not everyone can do it.

There are the following contraindications:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • acute inflammation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological lesions;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • adolescence;
  • allergic reactions, pre-apply the drug to the skin of the elbow, if there is no redness, then there is no allergy.

If you are not sure about the possibility of peeling, then contact a specialist. The beautician will examine you and select the procedure that suits you.

Despite the obvious benefits, you should not get too carried away with peeling. It is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures only if necessary and only with the permission of a dermatologist.

Strictly observe the time frame: do not overexpose the preparations on the skin, maintain the required time intervals.

When using natural materials, such as fruit puree, this requirement is not as important as in the case of chemical solutions.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

One of the best rejuvenation tools is exfoliation or exfoliation of the outer, already dead layer of skin cells. How does this happen? What types of exfoliation are there? Can exfoliation be done at home? At what age can this method of rejuvenation be applied?

What happens during exfoliation?

Our skin is made up of several layers. The cells of the basal layer, when dividing, give rise to cells of the surface layer (epidermis). These cells, gradually moving into the upper layers and falling off the surface layer of the skin. With age, this period of "cell turnover" increases to 40 days or more. The skin thickens. Gradually, it loses its flexibility and freshness, as the number of such keratinized cells increases. Exfoliation breaks down the bonds between old cells. Dead cells are quickly exfoliated, exposing the fresh layers of the skin. The result of this method of rejuvenation is visible almost immediately. The skin becomes lighter, fresher and more elastic.

Exfoliation is mechanical, enzymatic, based on fruit acids, as well as professional using phenol.

Mechanical exfoliation.

A mechanical exfoliant is a scrub that acts on the principle of friction. These are usually creamy preparations, to which an abrasive is added. For this, crushed shells of nuts, fruit seeds, eggshell shells, silicone abrasives are used. But one of the most effective scrubs is considered to be crushed almond shells. This scrub is applied with massage movements, avoiding the area around the eyes, as the skin there is very thin and delicate. In this case, the layer of dead cells is erased without side effects. But the skin needs support to restore the chemical and biological balance, so in addition, you need to use tonics, balms or moisturizing masks.

Enzymatic exfoliation.

This method is not recommended for skin rejuvenation before the age of 30, as at this age the skin functions better in its natural mode. Enzymatic exfoliants (collagenosis, elastase, bromelain, etc.) are added to some creams and face masks. They are quite safe because they do not penetrate too deeply into the skin, but only affect the upper layers of the skin. Enzymatic exfoliants dissolve dead cells biologically. They destroy the outer membrane layers of old skin cells. But their action can cause allergic reactions.

Exfoliation based on fruit acids.

In this case, exfoliants chemically dissolve the substances that are responsible for the attachment of the dead layer to the young substrate. This method accelerates natural exfoliation, and its intensity depends on the concentration of acids. At home, it has been used for a long time, adding apple or fruit vinegar, milk whey, sour wine to face masks. After using them, the skin becomes light and smooth. But it is interesting that fruit acids act not only as exfoliants, but also as stimulators of the formation of elastin and collagen, which make the skin not only youthful in appearance, but elastic to the touch. Thanks to their effect, wrinkles are smoothed out, and age spots become lighter. But the best results can be achieved with repeated skin care sessions. Irregular use does not give such results.

Professional exfoliants with fruit acids and phenol.

At home, such drugs cannot be used, since the concentration of such acids is quite high and, if used ineptly, can cause serious harm to the skin (severe irritation, light burns). Phenolic exfoliants are used extremely rarely, since the effect of phenol on the skin is very strong, unfavorable, even in small doses. It is used in beauty salons for the treatment of gross skin imperfections and on the recommendation of a doctor. Phenol penetrates to the deep layers of the skin and therefore after its use, a recovery period of approximately one week is required.

With the right and skillful approach, exfoliants can rejuvenate the skin without surgery, preserve its youthfulness by stimulating natural processes.