How old is male fertility? What is the best age to give birth? Maximum age for childbirth

Up to what age are children considered children? This question is of interest to many citizens. But opinions on this issue are divided. Most people believe that children are citizens who have not reached the age of majority. Yes, this is true, but there are some exceptions to the rules that allow a child to become an adult before reaching the legal age. This will be discussed in this article.

According to law

According to the current regulations on the territory of the Russian Federation, all persons under the age of 18 are considered children. They have certain rights and obligations, but they cannot use them in full due to their age. And this is completely normal. All legal, property and other decisions for minors and minors are made by their legal representatives.

The rights of children cannot be infringed upon by anyone, they are protected by the state.

6 to 14

At the indicated age, children are considered young and can only make small household transactions. Their legal capacity is partial. Children under 14 years of age can:

  • make purchases in the store at the request of parents, purchase pencils, notebooks, pens, inexpensive goods, products that would satisfy their personal needs (lunch in the school cafeteria);
  • accepting and making inexpensive gifts (giving flowers to a teacher);
  • spend money issued for pocket expenses by legal representatives.

Young people cannot open a bank account and receive money there, be it a survivor's pension or just a transfer to a gift from their grandmother. They are also not entitled to buy a car or motorcycle. Due to their age, they are more vulnerable and not protected. Therefore, all transactions for them are made by their parents or other persons endowed with such rights by virtue of the law.

14 to 18

Such children are minors. Have incomplete legal capacity. They can do the following:

  • open deposits in the bank, because have a passport;
  • manage your income (scholarship or earnings);
  • personally participate in court and defend their rights, but in the presence of a teacher or parent;
  • work under a contract, but only with the permission of one of the legal representatives and in free time from educational activities.

These persons already have the ability to make independent decisions. But even despite this, minors do not have full legal capacity. Therefore, when answering the question - up to what age children are considered children - you can safely answer that up to 18 years. Indeed, according to the law, it is from this age that you can independently dispose of your rights and bear full responsibility.

Adult under 18

Up to what age are children considered children? By law, in the Russian Federation - until the age of majority, that is, up to 18 years. Until this moment, a citizen is considered a child, who must be fully supported by his parents or other persons, endowed by law with the rights and duties of the latter. Nevertheless, in our time, many citizens from the age of 16 begin to work in organizations under an employment contract. And also, with the consent of their parents, to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

Here it is necessary to say about such a concept as "emancipation". It represents an opportunity for a 16-year-old to become an adult and be legally responsible. To do this, he needs to work or engage in commercial activities with the permission of legal representatives.

This issue can be resolved by the court or the guardianship authorities if the parents apply to them with a corresponding statement. The consent of the minor is required. After a citizen is emancipated, his legal representatives should no longer be responsible for his obligations.

Criminal liability of children

According to general rules, criminal liability occurs when a citizen reaches the age of 16. This is stated in Art. 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, in some cases, citizens of 14 years of age may be held liable. These crimes include:

Intentional deprivation of human life;

Injury and grievous bodily harm;

Sexual assault;

Theft, robbery, robbery, extortion;

Participation in a terrorist act and taking hostages;



Theft of transport and damage to communication lines.

In the event that, due to the level of mental development, the minor did not realize the full danger of his actions at the time of the criminal act, he is not subject to criminal prosecution and responsibility for what he did.


Up to what age are children considered children? This question is asked by many parents, whose offspring wants to quickly become an adult and live an independent life. The answer here is very simple - from the moment a citizen reaches the age of majority. Although for parents, children always remain children.

In Russia, the age of majority is 18 years. From that moment on, a citizen can find a job at will, pass an exam and get a driver's license, purchase transport, and get married.

Before reaching this age, a person is limited in making certain transactions. Almost all decisions are made for him by his legal representatives. The exception here is emancipation - the declaration of a minor as an adult. This is possible in cases where a teenager works in an organization or is engaged in business with the permission of the parents.

And yet, up to what age is a person who works and receives a scholarship considered a child according to the law? Up to eighteen years of age, if he was not emancipated by a court or guardianship authorities at the request of legal representatives.

The concepts of “late” or “early” are completely abstract and do not have clear boundaries when it comes to the age at which a woman should become a mother. Our grandmothers gave birth successfully at 18-19, and this was considered the norm. Mothers and aunts had already spent a little time and decided to take this step at 24-25. We, representatives of the young and advanced generation, will not surprise anyone if we become parents at 35 and later.

Causes of late pregnancy

If a woman was not treated for infertility, then, most likely, conception was postponed due to her unwillingness to become a mother. For example, a girl who has just graduated from university is in no hurry to burden herself with a house and pans. She wants to go to work, make a career, become successful and self-sufficient, and only then have a husband and several kids. In contrast to her, a woman is ready psychologically and emotionally for this step: she approaches the matter more responsibly. Such a lady is experienced and calm, so motherhood will become a real joy and a long-awaited gift for her.

Other reasons for late pregnancy can also include: the availability and availability of safe methods of contraception, advanced methods of treatment of complications during gestation. A woman does not ask the question: "When can I give birth?" She is confident that modern technology will help her become a mother at almost any age.

How old to give birth?

Taking medical indications into account, the ideal age for this noble cause is 20-24 years. But often girls at this time are not yet mature enough for motherhood. Doctors call this time period a transitional period: if the physiological one falls on average by 14 years, then the emotional one comes ten years later. The girl, who has celebrated her two dozen, is just beginning to "fledge": she has a lot of ideas about work, creative plans, etc. How can you think about a child? The main thing is not to go on a spree until retirement, when it is too late and almost impossible to give birth. Although ... There were cases when women at such an advanced age became for their daughters.

Based on the above, the ideal age for childbirth would be between 28 and 33 years old. If you decide to have offspring later, the risk will increase: the number of problems associated with pregnancy is directly proportional to the number in your passport.

Arguments for

You can give birth after 40 years. Moreover, conception and gestation will even benefit a fading body. A powerful hormonal shock caused by the emergence of a new life will prolong youth, protect against the formation of wrinkles and the appearance of gray hair. The harbingers who threatened the nulliparous lady will scatter like smoke. In addition, menopause will be easier and less painful in the future.

Doctors say that it will improve the general condition of the body: the risk of stroke and osteoporosis will decrease, the level of cholesterol in the blood will decrease, and sugar will stabilize. In short, don't hesitate when to give birth. Actually it doesn’t happen late, there would be desire and health.

In addition, a lady of 30-40 years old is already a fully formed person who has a roof over her head and a stable financial income. Having attended dozens of christenings with her friends, she has nursed the kids more than once, so she will not shy away from the screaming baby and call the pediatrician every ten minutes. On the contrary, the woman will know what to do with the child, how and why.


Up to what age can you give birth? There are no specific restrictions: it all depends on the woman who wants to become a mother. The only thing in which doctors are in solidarity is the figure 35. In their opinion, it is the line after which few can boast of excellent health. Therefore, the expectant mother, having become pregnant at this stage of life, is exposed to the following threats:

  1. Miscarriage. Relentless statistics indicate that in women in 20-30 years, the risk is 10%, in 30-40 - already 17%, in 40-50 - 33% and higher. The reason is the aging of the eggs.
  2. Problems with the placenta: premature detachment, chronic failure of the embryonic organ.
  3. Cesarean section. Over the years, the likelihood of its use increases. If a woman in labor is well over 30, then in 40% of cases, surgical intervention is necessary.
  4. Freezing of the fetus. Occurs in different but older ladies, the threat increases.

In addition, late pregnancy after 40 years provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases and an increase in hereditary ailments.

Other risks

Firstly, when a woman finally wakes up and decides to continue the family, fate can play a cruel joke with her. Being completely healthy and free of contraindications, she will not be able to get pregnant. The fact is that every girl is born with a certain supply of eggs and their number decreases significantly with age. Sometimes such women, in order to conceive, need to "work" in the sweat of their brow for a whole year, or even more.

Secondly, late pregnancy after 40 years affects the duration of labor. They can be protracted and difficult. Although studies show that, on average, relief from the burden lasts only 45 minutes longer than that of young people. Another contraindication is the woman's age itself. Staying a dozen years longer on this planet, she was more exposed to the toxic effects of the environment: she inhaled exhaust gases, consumed polluted water and low-quality products. Therefore, she is more likely to "earn" fibroids, endometriosis and other diseases that can negatively affect conception and pregnancy.

Down Syndrome

This is the biggest danger that lies in wait for a primiparous woman, if she is well over 30. According to statistics, a forty-year-old lady has a 9 times greater risk of having a baby with this ailment than her younger colleague by ten years. In such pregnant women, the threat is 1%, in a woman who is 45 - already 3%. Also recently, doctors put forward a new hypothesis: a baby with Down syndrome is more often born in those families where the mother of the woman in labor was at an advanced age. That is, at one time she gave birth to her daughter, being already a mature woman. At first it seems that this is exactly the case when it is too late to give birth.

But it is not all that bad. Just think: for girls who are 25 years old, the probability of giving birth to a baby with this genetic disease is 1 in 1400 cases. Those who are 30 - 1/1000, 35 - 1/350, 40 - 1/60, 45 and above - 1/12. But since young ladies are much more likely to become mothers, then 80% of down children on the planet were born to women who are not yet 30 years old.

Other threats to the fetus

Up to what age can you give birth? There is no exact answer to this question. Some doctors say the sooner the better. Others, on the contrary, adhere to the policy of conscious, "mature" pregnancy. The choice is only for the woman, who decides for herself when to become a mother. At the same time, she must clearly understand that her future baby is trapped by other, in addition to those described above, dangers: low weight or hypoxia. The latter is a consequence of a prolonged second stage of labor, which is often observed in late pregnancy.

The following fact is interesting: if a woman already has a child who at the time of the second conception has reached adolescence, then she will give birth according to the laws of the “first time”. This means that within 15-20 years the body “forgets” about pregnancy. Therefore, such a lady and the one who really conceived for the first time find themselves in absolutely the same conditions with all the ensuing consequences.

The course of pregnancy

If a woman had headaches before conception, then they may worsen. Moreover, often ailments are associated with blood pressure, which rises and causes discomfort. When this happens regularly, gestosis develops - it manifests itself in the form of swelling. Also, after 40 years, the risk of diabetes mellitus increases. When diagnosing a disease before pregnancy during gestation, it can worsen and worsen the general condition.

When is it late to give birth? Then, when you have collected a whole bunch of ailments over the past three or four decades. In this case, they can not only progress, but also provoke complications: diseases of the thyroid gland lead to miscarriage; kidneys, heart and lungs - to premature birth. In addition, tissues and muscles are more elastic in young women. With age, fibers lose their ability to stretch and maintain their density. Therefore, middle-aged women have an increased risk of losing a child.

How to minimize the danger?

You can give birth at 45. The main thing is to follow some rules that can significantly reduce the chances of miscarriage, freezing of the fetus in the womb or the occurrence of genetic disorders in it. The first thing to do is to carefully plan your pregnancy, prepare mentally and physically for it. A woman should visit a gynecologist: let him rule out the presence of diseases and infections, and also advise.

The baby's organs are formed in the first trimester, therefore, six months before conception, the expectant mother is simply obliged to fall in love with a healthy lifestyle. Namely: give up fatty, smoked, canned food, introduce a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables into the diet, quit smoking, forget about alcohol and coffee. It is recommended to take a complex of vitamins prescribed by a doctor, play sports, walk a lot and sleep 8 hours a day - this will also increase the likelihood that a lady will quickly become pregnant, endure without problems and give birth to a healthy baby without complications.

If the doctor is annoying

This shouldn't be embarrassing. Focusing solely on age, he will not prohibit giving birth. But he will put such a lady on special account. You should treat increased attention and excessive control philosophically: additional analyzes will not interfere, but will only add confidence that the fetus is developing correctly.

It so happens that obstetricians, in order to avoid possible complications, already at first offer a woman to consent to a cesarean section. Under such circumstances, it is not worth chopping off the shoulder: the lady needs to think, discuss the situation with other doctors, and undergo a full examination. If there are no serious contraindications, then you can try to give birth on your own.

And one more thing: the offensive label "old-born" will be hung on the expectant mother at the very first visit to the antenatal clinic. From this, the mood should not deteriorate, and self-confidence should not evaporate. The health of the baby is the most important now, and as for the mothballs, they simply do not need to be paid attention to.

Prenatal diagnosis

But this is a really useful and necessary thing. Modern medicine has the highest quality drugs and equipment, with the help of which you can become a mother even at 50. Doctors say: 97% of pregnant women who are 40 years old and more, having passed many tests and laboratory studies, have gained firm confidence that they will succeed. And a positive attitude is already half the battle.

Prenatal diagnosis is:

  • Invasive. The methods are associated with a violation of the integrity of the tissue during direct examination of the fetus (cordocentesis, amniocentesis, chorionic biopsy).
  • Non-invasive. Examination of the expectant mother, her analyzes (ultrasound, fetal cell sorting, blood serum screening).

If the patient is a middle-aged woman, she is required to undergo prenatal diagnosis. It will exclude possible chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus at an early stage of its development, which allows parents to terminate the pregnancy if the pathology is very serious. When the deviations can be eliminated, they are eliminated with the help of intrauterine surgery or immediately after the birth of the baby.


Up to what age do women give birth? There is no doubt: they do it at any stage of life, forgetting about the number in the passport. And this act should not shock at all. If a lady has good health, there are no chronic, infectious and other diseases, she is full of strength, energy and optimism, then such a step is absolutely justified. Such a woman can find the happiness of motherhood even at the age of 50. At the same time, accurate planning of pregnancy, early diagnosis and constant monitoring of the process by medical personnel will protect her from possible complications.

But the most important thing is desire. When the fair sex is asleep and sees diapers, diapers and rattles, then it will be doubly easier for her to have offspring. Hope for success and faith in the future - they will become one of the guarantees of a positive result. When this is added to powerful support from close and dear people, the lady will quickly and confidently achieve the goal.

Don't be afraid to give birth. Be careful not to try. And remember: age is a punishment for boring and weak-minded people to whom you do not belong in any way.

“An old-bearing mother,” they curl their lips if a woman gives birth to her first child at 35. “Too early I tied myself to the house, I had to live for myself,” they say about 20-year-old mothers. When is the best time to have your first child?

According to Eurostat, the age of the “young mother” has increased over the past 20 years. Only half of women in the EU became mothers for the first time before the age of 29. 40.6 percent of women prefer to have children under 39 years of age. The average age of a young mother is 28 years old. Medicine has extended the duration and quality of human life, but how much can it be trusted with reproductive function?

From the point of view of science

Obstetricians-gynecologists and scientists constantly repeat: the younger the woman, the higher the likelihood that she will give birth to a healthy child and her body will not suffer much. Pregnancy is a time when a girl's body is exposed to severe stress. Therefore, the younger the girl, the faster she will recover from childbirth. With age, the number of eggs decreases - and this is an irreplaceable biological material. Considering the lifestyle of many young girls (alcohol, smoking, junk food, many sexual partners, “nocturnal” lifestyle), the quality of eggs is also declining. And if a man has the opportunity to "work" on the quality of the biological material - to give up bad habits and improve the chemical composition of the biomaterial, then women have no such opportunity.

Researchers from the University. Erasmus of Rotterdam, 30 years old, analyzed data on pregnancies and childbirth of more than 58 thousand women. The result of the study was the so-called "fertility calculator" - a table when it is best for a woman to have her first child if she wants to become a mother twice or thrice. Dick Hubbema, one of the researchers, said that his colleagues said that the study was incorrect due to its length in time. But the idea was to compile not only a "fertility calculator", but also to collect information from generations with different values, knowledge about contraceptives.

According to the calculations of researchers, the more a woman wants to have children, the sooner she should become a mother. If she dreams of a family with three children, then at 23 years old. If two - then up to 27 years.
One of the study participants, Alan Pacey, a professor at Sheffield University, argues that you cannot "wait". Those who think that the issue of childbearing can be postponed until age 30+ will be disappointed. It is necessary to talk with high school girls and elementary students so that they can start planning their lives earlier with a child in mind.

From the point of view of psychologists and sociologists
The media write materials about celebrities - actresses, singers and other famous personalities, that they had their first child after 30 years. The girl gets the idea that "I can do that too." But the media do not report on the details of this process - how many unsuccessful attempts were made, about the difficulties of gestation, about IVF, about the number of IVF attempts. In a word, the entire "kitchen" remains behind the scenes.

John Mirowski, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Austin, argues: the biologically best age for having children is 20+, but in society this is viewed from a negative point of view. If the first child was born at the age of 20 or less, then there is a high probability that he was born out of wedlock. He will also become an obstacle on the way to higher education and can become the cause of the crystallization of the negative state of a young girl.

Even if the girl is married, 20 years old is still too young to have offspring, says Mirowski. Michelle Norton had a son at 21, but when asked about her age, she says she is 25 or 27. In the Early mom blog, Michelle wrote that this way she wants to avoid uncomfortable questions from others.

Mirowski adds that in addition to the sidelong glances of others, there is another serious problem. “Many in their twenties are not responsible enough to care for a child,” says John. Professor Mirowski, taking into account the calculation of emotional maturity and biological age, argues that the best age to become a mother for the first time is 29 years. By this time, the woman will receive a higher education, be able to make a career, “live for herself” and build a strong relationship with her husband so that they can withstand the “test of the first child”.

What historians say

According to the 1897 census, more than half of the brides in Russia were under 20 years old. For a girl, this age was often 13-16 years old. An unmarried girl at the age of 19 was already considered “old-fashioned”, 20-year-old brides were even rejected as “too late in girls”, and 25-year-olds were called “centuries-olds”. According to these data, one can understand that before the girls became mothers almost immediately, as “they were physically ready for this” - that is, from the age of 13.

A woman in the 19th century, getting married at the age of 16-20, became a mother every 2 years, as long as she was able to do this. what time a woman should become a mother, there are no scientific papers on this topic. A woman could give birth to 15 children, of which not always all 15 survived. In Boris Nikitin's book "We, Our Children and Grandchildren," there is a statement: "Mom needs to be strong. The Spartans believed that only a strong mother would give birth to a strong warrior. By today's standards, if a woman in running develops a speed of more than four of her heights per second, if she raises her legs from the hang to the horizontal bar 5-10 times in a row and can pull herself up to the chin, then this promises an easier, faster and painless childbirth. It is useful for an expectant mother not only to "walk in the fresh air, but also to run, swim, and do special gymnastics." The book was written in 1978. Therefore, the sooner a woman becomes a mother, the better.

Of considerable importance for expectant mothers and fathers is the question of determining the optimal time for increasing the family; unfortunately, a large number of absurd, but extremely persistent myths are associated with this pregnancy planning point.

Give birth to 25 years old

This myth almost sounds like a slogan. Despite the complete lack of a scientific basis, it is the most common among the misconceptions about optimal age parents. The history of the appearance of this myth goes back to the middle of the last century, when in Soviet obstetrics women giving birth to their first child after 30 years (and not after 25, as the authors of the myth say!), Were called “old-born”. The term sounds, frankly, unflattering: what a woman, and besides a future mother, would want to be called old! In the days of our grandmothers, they got married and gave birth first child much earlier than now - on average between the ages of 20 and 25. Against this background, women giving birth to their first child after 30 years, involuntarily stood out from the general number of patients and attracted more close attention of doctors.

In Soviet obstetrics, it was really believed that the optimal period from the point of view of a woman's health for planning first pregnancy- from 18 to 25 years old. The logic of this opinion boiled down to the fact that at this age in most cases there are fewer chronic diseases, and the hormonal background, on which, of course, the course of pregnancy and childbirth largely depends, is in the most favorable state. However, it is obvious that there is no magic in the number 25: there are no violations or cardinal changes in the sexual sphere of a woman at this age.

Tolerate normally and safely give a birth to a baby it is perfectly possible at 25 and 30 years old, and even much later - for this it is important to take care of your health, lead a correct lifestyle and not neglect medical examinations and recommendations of doctors. Today doctors are forced to explain to their patients, who are worried that they "did not have time" to give birth before the age of 25: after this age, no fundamental changes have occurred in their bodies, they are still young, healthy and capable of giving birth to healthy children. So do not try to be ahead of this date at any cost - there are much more important criteria to consider when planning a pregnancy!

Early pregnancy

This delusion, in general, is akin to the previous one, but it is more radical - the authors of the myth are convinced that it is necessary to give birth in adolescence, since a very young and healthy mother definitely cannot have problems with pregnancy and childbirth. In fact, this is not at all the case: too early pregnancy(up to 18 years old) is fraught with no less, and sometimes even more, dangers than the "age" one. There are many reasons for this: this is not a well-established hormonal background of a young girl, and the nervous system, which is not mature enough to regulate such complex processes as bearing and giving birth to a child, and too active metabolism, and the incomplete formation of the body as a whole.

The first menstruation appears on average from 12 to 15 years, but this transformation of a girl into a girl does not mean that she is already ready for motherhood. In fact, at this age, a girl is a teenager, in whose body changes are gradually taking place associated with growing up. As you know, change is the least successful time for testing, and pregnancy in puberty, unfortunately, is no exception to this rule. According to statistics, the greatest number of complications is recorded during pregnancy, which occurred at the age of 16–17 years. The main percentage falls on the threat of termination of pregnancy; this is due to insufficient production at a young age of progesterone - the main hormone necessary for carrying a pregnancy... At a young age, pregnancy is much more likely to end in premature (up to 37 weeks) childbirth. This is due to the pathologically high tone of the uterus due to the immaturity of the nervous system and the hormonal background "uniparous".

Harder to carry the load associated with the onset of pregnancy, and other organs and systems of a too young mother: early pregnancies are more often complicated by gestosis and hepatosis - toxicosis with impaired renal and liver function. In early pregnancy, the highest number of fetal malnutrition was recorded. This term denotes an insufficient weight of a newborn (less than 2500 g) due to a violation of placental blood flow during pregnancy. The reason for the insufficient blood supply to the fetus is again associated with an excessive load on the cardiovascular system for a young age, and a significant role in this is played by the high metabolic costs for the continued growth of the mother's own body. So you should not rush too much with planning a pregnancy - everything should be on time!

Pregnancy after 30

It was believed that pregnancy after 30 always proceeds with complications. This popular belief is actually also a misconception - between the age of the expectant mother and during pregnancy there is no direct relationship. It cannot be denied that with age, the risk of developing infertility, genetic disorders during conception, and the formation of chronic diseases in the mother increases. All of these factors can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. However, it is necessary to clearly understand that such pregnancy pathologies are associated not so much with age as with the state of health of the expectant mother.

Currently, there is a significant increase in the age of primiparas in megacities: the average age of a woman, giving birth to her first child, has moved to 28–33 years. This is due to changes in the social way of life, which cannot but affect the biological age of growing up of a woman. Modern young girls study longer, later enter an independent life, build a career and get married than their mothers and grandmothers. A decrease in physical activity against the background of an increase in the comfort of life has brought unexpected results in the physiology of a modern woman: along with an increase in life expectancy by the 21st century, the age of a woman has also changed dramatically. giving birth to their first child... At the same time, the percentage of complications in the course of pregnancy did not increase in comparison with the statistics of 20-30 years ago, when first birth more often accounted for the age of 20–25 years. To date, the results of clinical and statistical studies in the field of demography have shown that the successful course and outcome of pregnancy depend on the health and lifestyle of the future parents, the level of medical care and the environment. Passport age in this matter is in the very last place.

The birth of a child: the second plan

First a career - then a child. This statement is, so to speak, the reverse side of the coin - a consequence of the change in the social order of life and the role of the modern woman in it. Today, many girls who are keen on building their own careers are in no hurry to change the status of a successful business woman to the status of a future mother, believing that this issue can be relegated to the background. The most common justification for this position is a glance at Western Europe and America, where the victory of careerism over motherhood took place back in the 70s of the last century. "Look, in the West, everyone gives birth after 40 years, and nothing!" - say the adherents of this idea ... and they are very mistaken. If we talk about the possibility pregnancy and childbirth in principle, then, of course, with the current level of development of reproductive medicine, this is feasible at 40, and at 45, and even sometimes at 50 years old. But if you look into the details, for example, to assess the ability of an elderly body to endure the stress associated with the course of pregnancy and childbirth, a decrease in the metabolic rate, extinction hormonal background, the picture will cease to seem so rosy. Especially if you think about what moral and physical costs it sometimes costs many years of painstaking construction of a successful career - such stresses, which are inextricably linked to the life of a successful woman, cannot but affect health, and it is this factor that is so important for the possibility of a successful motherhood. So do not put off for a long time the important issues of having children - so that they do not become the most difficult!

Material well-being

The main thing in family planning is material well-being... Many people believe that the most important thing in planning a pregnancy is material well-being: a separate apartment, a good salary, and so on. Of course, the increase in the family is inextricably linked with the increase in costs, so that, at first glance, the position "wealth first, then the child" may seem quite logical and justified. Parents-to-be will have to invest in setting up a nursery, buying a dowry for a baby: clothes, furniture, strollers, etc.

Taking care of health of the unborn child, many men and women are thinking about the additional costs of medical care - the conclusion of a contract for pregnancy management, childbirth and supervision of a newborn, and this also requires significant financial investments. There are also such forward-thinking parents who, even before the birth of a child, plan the costs of his further education in early development groups, school and even university. You can go even further in this matter: for example, planning a pregnancy only after money has been accumulated for additional education, a prestigious internship, the first car, an apartment, a child's wedding ...

The only problem is that most potential mothers and fathers will have to spend many years, energy, and, most importantly, health on all these financial projects. But the health of future parents is the main and most important "dowry" for a child, a guarantee of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. And, as you know, health cannot be bought for any money!

Season and conception

The course of pregnancy depends on the season of conception. A very common pseudo-scientific version planning pregnancy... The reasons for the "seasonal" approach to this important issue are variously explained: from the availability of fresh vegetables and fruits, the air temperature and the number of sunny days to the influence of the signs of the zodiac and the lunar calendar. Some authors emphasize the importance of the season (or month, or decade) of conception, others emphasize the importance of choosing the right time for childbirth... It is quite difficult to reasonably prove (or dispute) the influence of the horoscope and the lunar calendar on pregnancy planning, but as for the direct influence of seasonality on the course of pregnancy and fetal development from a health point of view ... Of course, the sun's rays, warm air and fresh vitamins from natural vegetables and fruits. But pregnancy lasts 9 months, or 3 seasons - therefore, regardless of the season of conception, the sun and vitamins will be enough for everyone!

Pregnancy after 40

It's too late to give birth after 40 years. The most common explanation for this idea is that pregnancy and childbirth are a significant burden on a woman's body, and after 40 years, the risk of developing serious diseases increases. That is, giving birth after 40 years is dangerous for the expectant mother herself. Another reason for such a categorical statement is the increased risk. genetic disorders of the fetus(first of all, Down's syndrome - the presence of an additional 21st chromosome in the fetus) in pregnant women "aged". This explanation is based on the fear of child's health.

Finally, there is another, complex fear in question. planning pregnancy after 40 years - an increase in the risk of development complications of pregnancy and childbirth... It is difficult to argue with all of the above arguments - they are all, to one degree or another, well-grounded.

Indeed, with age, the risks of all kinds of complications associated with additional loads on the woman's body increase. However, this does not mean at all that pregnancy after 40 years will certainly be complicated, the woman's well-being will definitely worsen, and the child will not be able to be born healthy. Reminding a woman of her age and advising not to postpone motherhood until later, doctors indicate the optimal time to plan pregnancy, but this does not mean at all that after this period the issue of childbearing needs to be closed.

Medicine knows hundreds and thousands of cases of favorable course of pregnancy, successful delivery and the birth of healthy children from parents whose age significantly exceeded the fatal mark "40". Of course, planning a pregnancy at the Balzac age, you need to be carefully examined and soberly assess your health - as, in fact, at any other age. It is wrong to say that it is too late to give birth after 40 years - we are not talking about the imminent threat of the development of pathology in the expectant mother and in the fetus, but only about an increase in risks.

There are many persistent misconceptions about the optimal time for conception, which, unfortunately, are often guided by couples thinking about replenishing the family. We will talk about the most common of them.

Myth number 1. You have to give birth up to 25 years

This myth of when is the best time to give birth sounds almost like a slogan. Despite the complete lack of a scientific basis, it remains very common. The history of the appearance of this myth goes back to the middle of the last century, when in Soviet obstetrics women giving birth to their first child after 30 years (and not after 25, as the authors of the myth claim!) Were called “old-born”. The term sounds, frankly, unflattering: what a woman, and besides a future mother, would want to be called old! In the days of our grandmothers, they got married and gave birth to their first child much earlier than now - on average, from 20 to 25 years. Against this background, women giving birth to their first child after 30 years, involuntarily stood out from the general number of patients and attracted more close attention of doctors. In Soviet obstetrics, indeed, it was believed that it was necessary to give birth before the age of 25, tk. at this age, in most cases, there are fewer chronic diseases, and the hormonal background, on which the course of pregnancy and childbirth largely depends, is in the most favorable state.

However, it is obvious that there is no magic in the number "25": there are no violations or drastic changes in the sexual sphere of a woman at this age. It is perfectly possible to endure and safely give birth to a baby at 25 and 30 years old, and even much later - for this it is important to take care of your health, lead a correct lifestyle and with the recommendations of doctors. Today, doctors are forced to explain to their patients, who are worried that they "did not have time" to give birth before the age of 25, that after this age no fundamental changes have occurred in their bodies, they are still young, healthy and capable of giving birth to healthy children. So do not strive at any cost to have time to give birth before the age of 25 - there are much more important criteria that should be considered when planning a pregnancy!

Myth number 2. The earlier you give birth, the better.

This delusion is more radical: the authors of the myth are convinced that it is necessary to give birth in adolescence, since a very young and healthy mother definitely cannot have problems with pregnancy and childbirth. So at what age to give birth? In fact, this is not at all the case: it is fraught with no less, and sometimes even more, dangers than the "age" one. There are many reasons for this: this is not an established hormonal background of a young girl, and the nervous system, which is not mature enough to regulate such complex processes as gestation and birth of a fetus, and too active metabolism, and the incomplete formation of the body as a whole. The first menstruation appears on average from 12 to 15 years, but this transformation of a girl into a girl does not mean that she is already ready for motherhood. In fact, at this age, a girl is still a child, a teenager, in whose body changes are gradually taking place associated with growing up. As you know, change is the least successful time for testing, and pregnancy at puberty, unfortunately, is no exception to this rule.

According to statistics, the greatest number of complications is recorded during pregnancy, which occurred at the age of 16–17 years. The main percentage falls on the threat of termination of pregnancy; this is due to insufficient production at a young age of progesterone - the main hormone necessary for carrying a pregnancy. At a young age, pregnancy is much more likely to end in premature (up to 37 weeks) childbirth. This is due to the pathologically high tone of the uterus due to the immaturity of the nervous system and the hormonal background of the uniparous. The stress associated with the onset of pregnancy is also more difficult for other organs and systems of a too young mother: early pregnancies are more often complicated by preeclampsia and hepatosis - toxicosis with impaired renal and liver function. In early pregnancy, the highest number of fetal malnutrition was recorded. This term denotes an insufficient weight of a newborn (less than 2500 g) due to a violation of placental blood flow during pregnancy. The reason for the insufficient blood supply to the fetus is again associated with an excessive load on the cardiovascular system for a young age, and a significant role in this is played by the high metabolic costs for the continued growth of the mother's own body. So you should not rush too much with planning a pregnancy - everything should be on time!

Myth number 3. After 30 years, pregnancy always proceeds with complications

This widespread opinion is in fact also a delusion - there is no direct relationship between the age of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy. It cannot be denied that with age, the risk of developing infertility, genetic disorders during conception, and the formation of chronic diseases in the mother increases. All of these factors can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. However, it is necessary to clearly understand that the “age-related” pathologies of pregnancy are not associated with the passport age itself, but only with the state of health of the expectant mother.

What is the best age to give birth? Currently, in megacities there is a significant increase in the age of primiparas: the average age of a woman giving birth to her first child has shifted to 28–33 years. This is due to changes in the social way of life, which cannot but affect the biological age of growing up of a woman. Modern young girls study longer, later than their mothers and grandmothers, they begin an independent life, build a career and get married. A decrease in physical activity against the background of an increase in the comfort of life has brought unexpected results in the physiology of a modern woman: along with an increase in life expectancy by the 21st century, the age at which the first child is born has also changed dramatically. At the same time, the percentage of complications in the course of pregnancy did not increase in comparison with the statistics of 20–30 years ago, when the first birth was more often at the age of 20–25 years. To date, the results of clinical and statistical studies in the field of demography have shown that the successful course and outcome of pregnancy depend on the health and lifestyle of the future parents, the level of medical care and the environment. Passport age in this matter is in the very last place.

Myth number 4. Career first, then children

Today, many girls who are keen on building their own careers are in no hurry to change the status of a successful business woman to the status of a future mother, believing that this issue can be relegated to the background. The most common justification for this position is a glance at Western Europe and America, where the victory of careerism over motherhood took place back in the 70s of the last century. "Look, in the West, everyone gives birth after 40 years, and nothing!" - say the adherents of this idea ... and they are very mistaken.

If we talk about the possibility of childbirth in principle, then, of course, with the current level of development of reproductive medicine, this is feasible at 40, and 45, and even sometimes at 50 years old. But if you look into the details, for example, to assess the ability of an elderly body to endure the stress associated with the course of pregnancy and childbirth, a decrease in the metabolic rate, the extinction of the hormonal background, the picture will cease to seem so rosy. Especially, if you think about what moral and physical costs are sometimes many years of painstaking construction of a successful career - such stresses, which are inextricably linked to the life of a successful woman, cannot but affect health, and it is this factor that is so important for the possibility of a successful motherhood. So do not put off for a long time the important issues of the birth of children, so that they do not become the most difficult!

Myth number 5. The main thing in family planning is material well-being

Many people believe that the most important thing in planning a pregnancy is material well-being: a separate apartment, a good salary, and so on. Of course, the increase in the family is inextricably linked with the increase in costs, so that, at first glance, the position "wealth first, then the child" may seem quite logical and justified. Expectant parents will have to invest in setting up a nursery, buying a dowry for the baby: clothes, furniture, strollers, etc. Taking care of the health of the unborn child, many men and women think about additional costs for medical care - concluding a contract for pregnancy, childbirth and supervision for a newborn, and this also requires significant financial investments. There are also such forward-thinking parents who, even before the birth of a child, plan the costs of his education in early development groups, school and even university.

You can go even further in this matter: for example, planning a pregnancy only after you have accumulated money for additional education, a prestigious internship, your first car, an apartment, a child's wedding ... The only problem is that for all these financial projects, most potential mothers and dads will have to spend many years, strength, and most importantly - health. But the health of future parents is the main and most important "dowry" for the child, the guarantor of the successful course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. And, as you know, health cannot be bought for any money!

Myth number 6. After 40 years of age, it is too late to give birth

The most common explanation for this idea is that pregnancy and childbirth are a significant burden on a woman's body, and after 40 years, the risk of developing serious diseases increases. That is, giving birth after 40 years is dangerous for the expectant mother herself. Another reason for such a categorical statement is the growth (first of all - Down's syndrome - the presence of an additional 21st chromosome in the fetus) in pregnant women "aged". This explanation is based on fear for the health of the child. Finally, there is another, "complex" fear in planning pregnancy after 40 years - an increase in the risk of complications of pregnancy and childbirth. It is difficult to argue with all of the above arguments - they are all, to one degree or another, well-grounded. Indeed, with age, the risks of all kinds of complications associated with additional loads on the woman's body increase.

However, this does not mean at all that pregnancy after 40 years will certainly be complicated, the woman's well-being will definitely worsen, and the child will not be able to be born healthy. Reminding a woman of her age and advising not to postpone motherhood "for later", doctors indicate the optimal time to plan pregnancy, but this does not mean that after the optimal period, the issue of childbirth must be closed. Medicine knows hundreds and thousands of cases of a favorable course, successful delivery and the birth of healthy children from parents whose age significantly exceeded the fatal mark "40". Of course, when planning a pregnancy at the "balzac age", you need to be thoroughly examined and soberly assess your health - as, in fact, at any other age. It is wrong to say that it is too late to give birth after 40 years - we are talking about an increase in risks, but not about the imminent threat of the development of pathology in both the expectant mother and the fetus.

Myth 7. You need to get pregnant according to the lunar calendar

A very common "pseudo-scientific" version of pregnancy planning. The reasons for the "seasonal" approach to this important issue are explained in a variety of ways: from the availability of fresh vegetables and fruits, the air temperature and the number of sunny days to the influence of the signs of the zodiac and the lunar calendar. Some authors emphasize the importance of the season (or month, or decade) of conception, while others stress the importance of choosing the “right” time for the birth of a child. It is quite difficult to reasonably prove (or dispute) the influence of the horoscope and the lunar calendar on pregnancy planning, but as for the direct influence of "seasonality" on the course of pregnancy and fetal development from a health point of view ... Of course, the sun's rays are useful for the expectant mother and baby. air and fresh vitamins from natural vegetables and fruits. But pregnancy lasts 9 months, or three seasons, therefore, regardless of the season of conception, there is enough sun and vitamins for everyone!