Etiquette: rules of behavior on the stairs. Methodical recommendations "Organization of safe movement on stairs in an educational organization

In various cases, we have to be in a variety of institutions. The rules of etiquette when visiting these places are simple and based on a common culture of behavior. Nevertheless, some of the behavioral features are not bad to remember. They will help you be at an altitude in any institution or other public place.

How to behave in the elevator?

If the entrance to the elevator is a man and a woman, then she enjoys the right first to enter the cabin, and if there are several people, they are the first to come close to the doors.

One of the men always stays from the panel with the buttons, and if he accompanies the woman, it is even necessary.

If you do not reach the panel to press the desired button, ask for it to do one who stands closer: "Be kind, I have such a floor!"

In the elevator is considered rudeness and inactive to look at the faces of passengers, and even more so in the emphasis.

In the elevators do not remove hats, but if a man welcomes anyone, he can raise a hat.

A brought up man will not interfere with other incoming and leaving the elevator passengers, and will be resounded and will give the opportunity to enter and leave the wishing.

Rules of behavior on the stairs

If a man goes up the stairs with the lady, then she exactly goes, and he should be a little behind.

If a man with the lady go down the stairs, then he goes first, and she is a little behind.

A man goes first if the staircase is narrow, dark or cool.

Woman following the stairs, must prefer the side that with the railings. If she meets with a man, it is not obliged to move away from the railings, even if it contradicts the right-sided movement.

In general, a man must give way to the railing of women, old men and children.

If you go with things and clutter the staircase, think about those whom you interfere with, stop on the staircase and allow them to pass.

If you have lost the road on the stairs, do not be lazy to express my gratitude once again.

How to behave in the doorway?

Skip the person ahead - the traditional gesture of courtesy. A man always misses a woman in front of himself, the youngest in age - the older subordinate - the boss.

If the door is massive, on the springs, then the man goes first, sticks the door and misses the woman. The top of inapplication is to shut the door from someone in front of the nose.

Phrase "no, only after you!" It is meaningless in communicating between people of approximately equal age or social status.

How to disperse in a narrow space?

When meeting in a narrow corridor with the boss or lady, a brought up man is obliged to stop or will be sent, missing going with a slight bow or say hello.

If a man meets with a colleague, a man who is approximately equal to him by age or social position, both make an effort to disperse in a narrow space, not taped each other.

If you are in a hurry, refer to a leisurely going ahead of you to a person with the words: - "Let me go."

In a close place with a lively stream of people, it is unacceptable to stop to spread the word with a friend. To do this, choose a staircase or a place for smoking, where you will not interfere with others.

Rules of safe behavior in corridors (recreation) and on stairs

1.1. When in the corridor (recreation) and on the stairs, students are obliged to comply with the rules of the internal schedule of students.

1.2. Dangerous and harmful factors in the corridors (recreation) and on the stairs are:

Lack of fences on stairs and in the places of the height difference;

Floor cover defects.

1.3. About every accident The victim or an eyewitness is obliged to immediately inform the duty teacher or the administrator.

1.4. Students who allowed failure or violation of these Rules are held accountable in accordance with the rules of the internal schedule of students.

2. Security requirements before entering the corridor (recreation), at the entrance to the stairs.

2.1. Explore the content of this rules.

2.2. The door to the corridor (recreation), to open the staircase carefully, so as not to inflict the injury to other people.

2.3. Make sure that it will not occur with other students (adults).

2.4. All selected disorders, faults and breakdowns immediately report to the teacher or administrator.

2.5. It is forbidden to go out into the corridor (recreation), enter the staircase in case of detection of their inconsistencies established in this section of the requirements.

3. Safety requirements when found in the corridor (recreation), on the stairs.

3.1. While staying in the corridor (recreation), the student is obliged on the stairs:

Comply with these Rules;

When passing by the doors, carefully be careful to avoid injury to the opening door;

When walking on the stairs to adhere to the right side;

Strictly fulfill all the instructions of the duty teacher and the administrator;

Constantly maintain order and purity in corridors (recreation), on stairs.

3.2. Students are prohibited:

Run along corridors (recreations), stairs;

Pushed, arrange scuffle;

Leave in the aisles and on stairs portfolios, bags and other items;

College into groups in narrow places of corridors and on stairs;

Use stairs without fences;

Be near the height drop in the absence of fences;

To bear in the corridor (recreation), on the staircase and from the corridor (recreation) any items (furniture, equipment, etc.).

4. Safety requirements when leaving the corridor (recreation), going from the stairs.

4.1. It is necessary to leave the corridor (recreation), to go from the staircase, by observing the order, passing forward the younger, adults and without creating shortness.

4.2. When a malfunction of furniture, equipment, fences, inform the duty teacher or administrator about this.

Staircase in the house: safety equipment.

Own home always seems to us a reliable refuge, where you can hide from any adversity. Especially if, when designing and building a house, its creators thought about the convenience and security of its inhabitants. It seems that injuries are most dangerous for construction or business work in the country. In fact, the first place among the injuries at country life is occupied by falling. Including drops from stairs.

According to American insurance companies, payments for injuries obtained as a result of falls, firmly occupy a second position in expenditures, leaving only insurance compensation for injuries in road traffic accidents. Most of all falls at home occur on stairs. In the United States in different years is registered from one to two million such injuries. People fall on any stairs in the houses: at the entrance staircase, on an inter-storey staircase, in attic stairs. More falls occurs on short staircase marches - up to 10 steps. Such stairs people usually relate without proper attention, thinking that the staircase is shorter than it is safer.

Who and when most often falls on the stairs?

Most often fall on the stairs when descending down. Falls happen more often at the first steps. At falls, older men and women aged from 65 years are most suffering. Therefore, if you build a house in which you plan to live all my life, elderly parents will live with you, pay designing stairs Maximum attention or think about the construction of a one-story house.

Most drops on the stairs can be prevented. The prevention of falls begins with the well-thought-out design of stair marches and high-quality construction of stairs. However, even the most convenient and beautifully built staircase is not able to prevent falling. In addition to the design errors, the ladder of the fall may be caused by the features of the situation on the stairs, poor-quality maintenance, the inattention of people, their unsafe behavior and human health factors.

Why do people fall on the stairs?
Researchers identified common elements of the causes of falling on the stairs.
Direct reasons for falling on the stairs are:
Foot slippage on steps,
commence the steps
support a heel or toe to the edge of the stage,
hook of one foot for another
confusion of legs in clothing,
Heading shoes flying from her legs (most often slippers),
Head for foreign objects left on the staircase march.

Constructive Risk Factors with Stairs

The study conducted by the Department of Design and Environmental Research of Cornell University in 68 New York Houses, made it possible to identify the most common constructive dangers that lie down on the stairs. In 80% of houses, at least one of the risk factors was discovered, and in 55% of cases, at least two risk factors or more were revealed. The main revealed risk factors of the risk of falls on the stairs are presented in the diagram:

What technically good ladders are most dangerous?

First of all, the most dangerous stairs located in unexpected places in the absence of visual or tactile warning signs: for example, immediately behind the door. Dangerous stairs are not highlighted visually: for example, having the steps of the same color and texture as an outdoor coating. Architects recommend to allocate visually both the steps and edges of the steps to create clear spatial benchmarks for a person walking around the stairs.

If the staircase is covered with a carpet, then it should be well fixed. It is not recommended to lay separate mats for each stage or at the entrance to the staircase - the risk of falling in this case will increase significantly. Smooth steps of polished materials (stone, ceramic granite, lacquered tree) look beautiful. However, the smoother surface of the steps, the more slippery. Matte surfaces provide better grip. Stone steps can be decorated with a patterned pattern that will provide a better clutch with a footwear. On wooden stages, you can apply a relief by milling or handling with a hand tool. If a ceramic tile is used - it must be special, with a matte surface and anti-slip bands.

An irregular step on the stairs is the cause of many drops. The stairs with the irregularity of the height of the steps of just 8 mm are already "knocked out" from the usual dynamic stereotype of the human movement along the stairs and most often contribute to drops. Stairs with running steps and with turntables are more dangerous of direct stairs. The depth of the stairs of the stairs is less than 22 cm also contributes to drops. The optimum depth of the stage is 28 cm when the stage is lifted by 18 cm.

Poorly illuminated stairs can enter a person in misleading about the location of the steps: in the twilight and darkness, people move "at random". The staircase must have its own lighting, included with the switches both at the top and at the bottom of the staircase. At night (and in daytime) it is recommended to include duty lighting, for example, lED backlighting stairs which significantly increases their safety.

Railings or handrails play a very important role in ensuring the safety of movement on stairs. They help in preventing the loss of equilibrium when moving along the stairs and help to quickly restore balance when stubbing or sliding.
Although the recommended installation height of the staircase railing is 76-86 cm (as in the XIX century, when the average growth of people was much less), studies have shown that the most secure stairs equipped with railing at an altitude of 91-101 cm . It is best if the railing is located on both sides of the staircase march. On stairs with overtakers, where the shape and width of the steps changes, the presence of a rail from two sides from the staircase is necessary.
But not all railing is equally effective in preventing drops on the stairs. The safest railing has a round shape that allows the hand to fully cover them. The optimal length of the circle round railing for the hands of adults is 16 cm, and for children's hands - 10 cm. These values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the diameters of the railing 5 cm and 3.2 cm.

The railing of a rectangular or figure profile, which cannot be completely crumbbed with the brush, do not provide a proper clutch force capable of holding the human body when falling. Do not believe? Try pulling up on the horizontal bar, while holding the crossbar of the hands, folded "pinch". By the way, the railing should begin in front of the staircase at a distance equal to the depth of two steps and extend after the end of the stairs to the depth of one stage. Not bad if the railing will have tactile keys (change in texture or size), warning about the completion of the staircase march. The railings should be rigidly and securely fixed on the wall. Fashion handrails from the rope look beautiful, but will not be able to protect from falling on the stairs.

Health and falling on stairs

The risk factors on the stairs include reduction of vision, muscle weakness, coordination disorders, drowsiness. Acceptance of alcohol and certain medicines can also contribute to drops. If you have small children or deep old people in your house, the inputs on the stairs should be closed by the security knot.
When moving on the stairs, you can not wear glasses for reading and bifocal glasses. If you have glasses "for Dali", then before moving along the stairs, you must use them.

For accommodation in the house of the elderly, it is better to have inpatient telephones and bathrooms on each floor to reduce their need for moving from the floor to the floor.

Behavioral factors of drops on the stairs
The simplest rule that can warn fall on the stairs, reads: "Moving on the stairs, think only about moving on the stairs." Most of the behavioral causes of falls on the stairs are associated with a hurry, attention distracting and simultaneous practices. Walking on the stairs, look under your feet and hold hands for the handrail. As a last resort, keep your hand near the handrail to have time to grab it if necessary.

People most often fall on the stairs, jumping over the steps, inattentively putting their feet on the stage to the edge of the stage, at the same time talking to the interlocutor, speaking on a mobile phone or working in a mobile device.

Falls contribute to shoes flying (homemade slippers), high-heeled shoes, on slippery sole.

Carrying large or heavy items also contributes to drops, both due to equilibrium loss and due to the limitation of the field of view. Remember that when moving along the stairs, one hand near the handrail should always be free. Elderly, weakened people should always have both hands on the stairs free. If necessary, pull down, say, a bag with dirty linen, it should be just throwing down the stairs and pick up below.

When cleaning stairs, it is better to use compact wireless vacuum cleaners to eliminate the confusion of legs in the cords.

Make sure that the stairs do not remain extraneous items: clothes, shoes, toys - because they are so easy to stumble.

Planning the construction of your own house, carefully design all the stairs in the house to make them as comfortable as possible and safe. We hope that our recommendations will help you.

Creating a secure educational environment in an educational organization should help preserve and promoting learning health. The result of the fulfillment of the requirements for the implementation of the main educational program should be the creation of such an educational environment in which all conditions will guarantee the preservation and strengthening of the physical health of students (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of May 17, 2012 No. 413 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard Medium (full) general education "in the editors of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 20141645). Educational organization, in accordance with article 28 p.7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" is responsiblefor the life and health of studentsin the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, according to statistical data, a lot of injuries are obtained when moving on stairs in educational organizations. Stairs are one of the most traumatic places in the educational organization. The feeling of danger is associated with narrow marches, open spans, slippery steps, lack of handrails, poor lighting, crowd, collision of flows.

The main causes of the injuries of students on stairs

Analysis of cases of injury to students made it possible to determine the main causes of injury on the stairs. Such reasons include:

1. Scattered attention to students when moving along stairs, as well as running, jumping and collisions.

2. Left on stairs subjects (inability to maintain purity and order).

3. Transferring cargo on the stairs (lights up the overview, interferes with the railing, leads to an unstable position of the leg).

4. Exquisite or missing railing.

5. Sliply, worn or broken steps.

6. Insufficient lighting.

7. Sliding shoes.

8. Lack of monitoring of the movement of students and necessary restrictive measures by the administration of the educational organization.

9. Chaotic movement of students on stair marches.

Organization of safe movement on stairs in an educational organization

The staircase in the educational organization is not only the convenience of moving, but also an object of increased danger to students. What is the danger of stairs in an educational organization? Our children are developing, trying to know the world as much as possible, while they have no psychological awareness of how dangerous object is dangerous, and therefore they are safe moving forward. Staircase railing, as practice shows, do not fully ensure the safety of children. How to protect children from a sudden fall from the stairs? The main measure is to organize the safety of movement.

There are certain requirements for organizing safe movement on stairs:

1. Safe movement on the stairs of the educational organization.

1.1. Technical requirements:

Compliance with regulatory requirements;

Compliance with project documentation;

Proper lighting;

Timely carrying out current repairs.

1.2. Organizational requirements:

Determining the optimal directions of movement on stairs and control over moving streams;

Restriction of the speed of children in stairs;

Organization of duty of teachers on change;

Timely cleaning of stairs;

Organization of separate streams of students;

Timely investigations on the facts of injuries.

1.3. Pedagogical requirements:

Conducting educational work;

Accompaniment to primary school teachers and educators of GPD groups of students;

Conducting educational evacuation with students;

Studying with children safety rules on stairs and when moving on them;

Use of visual agitation;

Show a personal example.

2. Organization of separate streams of students when moving on the stairs:

Partial separation of flows (with a small number of stairs, when highlighting a part of the building in an elementary school unit);

Complete separation of flows (in large buildings with a large number of stairs, in buildings where separate blocks for primary school) are not highlighted.

3. The safety of stairs in the educational organization can be achieved using such measures as:

Using bilateral handrails of different levels,

The use of contrasting the color of the extreme steps,

Use of anti-slip notches;

Equipment of lumen racks should be at least 10 cm at a distance;

The height of the handrail should be at least 1.2 meters;

The use of metal as a material for the manufacture of stairs;

Ensuring high-quality polishing of the rack of the fence, the absence on the surface of the protruding parts or sizards.

Safety requirements for stairs

The narrow stairs are especially dangerous, as two streams can immediately disperse on them. They must be well covered, painted or labeled with bright colors. The brightest color that does not lose its chromaticity during the dimming is yellow and close to it.

In pre-school departments and elementary school, the stairs require more attention. Pupils and younger schoolchildren are fear of height, probability to be shot down. Children are poorly understood where the left, and where the right, in this case, can be recommended the guide color solutions, for example, the separation of streams top / down with the help of color strips.

Some schools use color marking floors or encoded the color of the stairs in different school buildings.

To split flows on wider stairs, you can use the separation railing in the center. This solution gives the best result for safe movement.

It is necessary to use high-quality non-slip materials for steps. For already existing stairs, non-slip pads are recommended, which cannot be stumbled upon.

From this point of view, the rubber bands along the edge of the stage used in some educational organizations did not justify themselves, since the rubber canvas has a certain thickness, which can be caught up with the foot, they are difficult to wash, they turn out to be a problem for students having shoes with heels.

Special attention must be paid to the lighting of the stairs, you must think in advance to the switches to be available. Especially good should be illuminated the first and last steps. Well, if the light and shadow will contrast sharply on sticking and riser. As a result, the border will become clearly visible, because most of the injuries are due to the scaling of the legs from the edge of the stage. A system can be convenient that automatically includes light for a few minutes sufficient to climb or descend.

It should be remembered that the height of each stage should be strictly the same. The unequal height of the steps is the cause of many injuries obtained on the stairs.

The safety of the staircase also depends on the material from which the steps are made. If the staircase is lined with polished stone, then an additional anti-slip carpet, fixing on the steps. Special mats for steps are used not only for stone steps, they can be fixed on the steps from any materials. They not only interfere with slipping, but also protect the staircase, extending its service life.

When organizing the safe movement of students on stairs, you can use safety rules on the stairs (Appendix No. 1).

As a rule, dangers may arise in the most ordinary places when they are not waiting for them. Strict measures and laws will not help reduce injuries if a safe educational environment will not be created in each educational organization, and the conditions for the development of the identity security system, the safe behavior of students.


1. GOST 23120-78. Stairs marches, playgrounds and steel fences. Technical conditions.

2. GOST 9818-85. Marches and platforms of stairs are reinforced concrete.

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of May 17, 2012 No. 413 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Middle (Full) General Education" as amended. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of December 29, 2014 No. 1645

5. Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ (ed. From 02.07.2013) "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities" (Article 30. Safety requirements for users with buildings and structures).

Appendix No. 1.

Material for studying with learning safety rules on the stairs

1. Why do people fall on the stairs?

Direct reasons for falling on the stairs are:

Foot slippage on steps,

Commence the steps

Support a heel or toe to the edge of the stage,

Hook of one foot for another

Confusion of legs in clothing,

Hooking shoes flying from her legs,

Head for foreign objects left on the staircase march.

2. Behavioral factors of drops on the stairs.

The rule that can warn fall on the stairs, says: "Moving on the stairs, think only about moving on the stairs." Most of the behavioral causes of falls on the stairs are associated with a hurry, attention distracting and simultaneous practices. Walking on the stairs, you need to look under your feet and keep hands for the handrail. As a last resort - keep your hand near the handrail, to have time to grab it if necessary.

People most often fall on the stairs, jumping through the steps, inattentively putting their legs on the steps, to the edge of the stage, at the same time talking to the interlocutor, speaking on a mobile phone or working with a mobile device.

Falls promotes shoes flying, high heels shoes, on slippery sole.

Carrying large or heavy objects also contributes to drops both due to equilibrium loss and due to the limitation of the field of view. Remember that when moving along the stairs, one hand near the handrail should always be free.

3. How to prevent drop and injury on the stairs.

3.1. Do not be distructed. Some people are so often descended by the stairs that they do not look at their feet at all, and it becomes the cause of many accidents. According to research, people usually look only on the first three steps of the stairs and do not pay attention to all others. Going down the unfamiliar staircase, go to each step carefully.

3.2. Do not hurry. Do not bend and do not run down the stairs. Never cross the steps. Look carefully where they step, especially at the base of the stairs. Many accidents occur at the moment when a person thinks that he has already descended and takes a step into emptiness.

3.3. It is important to hold on to the handrail. The handrails are an effective tool to prevent falling from the stairs. The handrail must be free from the beginning to the end of the staircase without any gaps.

At the base, the handrail must at least reach the length of one step. This will increase the stability of the end of the stairs.

3.4. The staircase must be noticeable. The cause of many cases of falling becomes an erroneal estimate of the distance to the staircase. The most common strategy is to draw a bright strip along the edge of each step. If the staircase becomes more noticeable, it will be more difficult to make a mistake.

3.5. Walk the stairs in the appropriate shoes. Shoes with good sole will increase your stability when the stairs is descent. Walking in the shoes on a high heel, with a soft sole will lead to slipping down the stairs.

3.6. Do not go to clothes that stretches on the floor. Going down or lifting up the stairs, very easy to step on a long, adding skirt or pants. Then you are unlikely to avoid falling.

Wearing excessively long clothes will prevent the legs, and the lack of visual confirmation of the position of the legs on the stairs increases the risk of falling.

4. Rules of safe behavior on a staircase fly:

1) move along the stairs calmly, on the right side.

2) Do not allow collisions with other people walking on the stairs.

3) be attentive. Look under your feet. Do not be distracted by conversations.

4) Do not step over several steps.

5) Do not put the foot on the edge. The foot should be firmly standing on the step.

Appendix No. 2.

Rules of safe behavior in corridors (recreation) and on stairs

1. General safety requirements.

1.1. When in the corridor (recreation) and on the stairs, students are obliged to comply with the rules of the internal schedule of students.

1.2. Dangerous and harmful factors in the corridors (recreation) and on the stairs are:

Lack of fences on stairs and in the places of the height difference;

Floor cover defects.

1.3. About every accident The victim or an eyewitness is obliged to immediately inform the duty teacher or the administrator.

1.4. Students who allowed failure or violation of these Rules are held accountable in accordance with the rules of the internal schedule of students.

2. Security requirements before entering the corridor (recreation), at the entrance to the stairs.

2.1. Explore the content of this rules.

2.2. The door to the corridor (recreation), to open the staircase carefully, so as not to inflict the injury to other people.

2.3. Make sure that it will not occur with other students (adults).

2.4. All selected disorders, faults and breakdowns immediately report to the teacher or administrator.

2.5. It is forbidden to go out into the corridor (recreation), enter the staircase in case of detection of their inconsistencies established in this section of the requirements.

3. Safety requirements when found in the corridor (recreation), on the stairs.

3.1. While staying in the corridor (recreation), the student is obliged on the stairs:

Comply with these Rules;

When passing by the doors, carefully be careful to avoid injury to the opening door;

When walking on the stairs to adhere to the right side;

Strictly fulfill all the instructions of the duty teacher and the administrator;

Constantly maintain order and purity in corridors (recreation), on stairs.

3.2. Students are prohibited:

Run along corridors (recreations), stairs;

Pushed, arrange scuffle;

Leave in the aisles and on stairs portfolios, bags and other items;

College into groups in narrow places of corridors and on stairs;

Use stairs without fences;

Be near the height drop in the absence of fences;

To bear in the corridor (recreation), on the staircase and from the corridor (recreation) any items (furniture, equipment, etc.).

4. Safety requirements when leaving the corridor (recreation), going from the stairs.

4.1. It is necessary to leave the corridor (recreation), to go from the staircase, by observing the order, passing forward the younger, adults and without creating shortness.

4.2. When a malfunction of furniture, equipment, fences, inform the duty teacher or administrator about this.