“The Lover of the Egyptian Mummy” Daria Dontsova. Read online the book “The Lover of the Egyptian Mummy” Why reading books online is convenient

Fatima almost fainted.

- How was Wednesday? This is in two days?

- Be silent! - Khaibekov barked. - They give me a contract. Millions of dollars! It's good to whine! My daughter, I want to eat it with butter, I want to cook it in soup! And don't you dare talk to Zarina! I will tell her my decision myself!”

Half the night Fatima was spinning in her wide bed, as if she were on a hot frying pan. Neither Valocordin, nor sleeping pills, nor sedative mixtures helped her. Eventually, the mother tiptoed into her daughter's bedroom and found her at the computer. Zarina hastily turned off the monitor and said: “Don’t be angry, please, I’ve been on the Internet for too long.” “Nonsense,” Fatima waved it off. Zarina’s habit of surfing the Internet at night was the least of her worries right now. “Did dad talk to you?” - asked the mother. Zarina nodded. “Daughter,” Fatima whispered, “I don’t understand what happened to my father!”

“Money,” the girl shrugged, “if Zwang signs a contract for the construction of a hotel, the profit will be such that dad can easily forget about financial problems. In Russia and neighboring republics everything is possible, today there is a business, tomorrow it will be slammed. The hotel on Phaso is an eternal enterprise, then dad will calm down, this is his pension, a bonus for your old age. I agree to go to the island."

“Zarochka,” Fatima was frightened, “you’re still little!” “Juliet was already dead at my age,” the daughter said quietly, “she seems to have committed suicide at the age of thirteen. Or at fourteen, I don’t remember. But I definitely didn’t live to see seventeen.” “What are you talking about! – Fatima was indignant. -What are you talking about! You have college, family, happiness ahead of you! No, I won’t let Rashid bury his child alive.” Zarina hugged her mother: “Everything is fine. I can handle". “No, you will feel bad,” Fatima sobbed, “you will be locked up in prison.” “I think it’s not bad at all,” Zarina smiled, “it’s cool to become one of the richest women in the world.” "I will go crazy!" - Fatima moaned. But Zarina behaved extremely wisely. “Mommy! Dad made a decision, no one can convince him. What's the point in empty sobs? It is better to realistically assess the situation. And she is like that. On Wednesday I fly to Phaso, they put me in a special house, assign me a woman named Eileen, who will teach me local customs, teach me the history of Phaso, etiquette, and so on. I communicate only with Eileen, then I take the exam to Queen Lima. If the test is successful, I marry Mel, if not, they look for a noble, rich Phasian for me. Either way, dad will get the contract.” “It’s not getting any easier hour by hour! - Fatima whined. “I will save you.” Zarina shivered. “Understand, I love both dad and you. It hurts me to watch him yell at you, but, on the other hand, I understand that my father is worried about our future. If I end up on Phaso, he will calm down, get a contract to build a hotel and won’t die prematurely from a stroke.” “You shouldn’t sacrifice yourself for us,” Fatima sobbed, “will we really not be able to communicate anymore?” Zarina smiled: “Everything will work out. Here, keep your laptop, we’ll write e-mails to each other, we have Skype. I’ve set up all the programs, now I’ll teach you how to use them.” “Does the Internet work on Phaso?” – Fatima was amazed. Zarina kissed her mother. “In terms of computer technology, the island has long overtaken Russia.”

On Wednesday, Zarina and Rashid flew away, four days later Khaibekov returned and gave his wife a box, lavishly decorated with expensive stones. Inside were a necklace, a ring and a bracelet. The shine of the diamonds made Fatima want to close her eyes. “A gift from Zwang,” Rashid said dryly, “the contract has been signed.”

It was a difficult time for Fatima. She now talked to Zarina on the phone only at night and kept exclaiming: “Daughter, soon I will save you.” “Mom, no need,” the girl answered, “they love me here, I live in a luxurious house, I get what I want, all my wishes are immediately fulfilled.”

But Fatima understood: Zarina did not want to upset her, and began to sob. Swollen from tears, the mother lay on the bed and watched Indian films, they at least calmed her down a little. Once Khaybekova came across a film about a young girl who was sold by her evil father to a rich libertine. Naturally, during the film everyone sang, danced, burst into sobs, fell to their knees, wrung their hands and fainted, but after that there was a happy ending. The girl's mother hired a woman, dressed her in a wedding sari, covered her face with a veil, and performed a substitution before the wedding ceremony. The rich man married an ugly girl, and the beautiful girl became the wife of the guy she chose for herself.

Fatima watched the movie ten times and realized: she would use the plot as a guide to action. Having set a goal for herself, Khaibekova wiped away her tears and began to develop a plan. The script was simple.

At the end of April, Rashid is due to fly to America for a month. Fatima will take her housekeeper Leila, they will dress in national clothes and fly to Phaso. You don’t need a visa to visit the island; vacationers simply get a stamp in their passport at the airport.

No sooner said than done. In order not to attract increased attention, Khaybekova and the girl joined the group of tourists. This morning Fatima and Leila came to a large store, Zarina ran there for shopping, and an exchange took place. The servants went to the palace, the daughter stayed with her mother.

- Nonsense! - I burst out. - A monstrous story. It's amazing that it ended successfully! Was Zarina really allowed to go to the store alone?

“There was no security,” the mother nodded. – Do you know how nervous I was? Rashid put off flying to the States until the last minute; I couldn’t book tickets to Phaso. Then - bam! - the husband set sail! I rushed to agencies, but because of its high cost, only “Surprise One” works with Phaso. And they had the only group that was preparing to travel to the island. Imagine, there were two empty seats in it! We got lucky right away!

“Incredible,” I did not calm down. – And Zarina wasn’t afraid to run away?

Fatima hugged her daughter and pressed her to her chest.

– I even wanted to contact Interpol for help! But we managed on our own. True, Zarochka refused at first! She believed that escape would not be possible!

“It’s no wonder,” I said. “I think it won’t cost Zwang anything to find out that Fatima Khaibekova has arrived on Phaso.” As soon as Zarina is missed, the trail will lead here.

Fatima clapping her hands:

- No! Not the slightest noise! Neither Zwang, nor Mel, nor the queen visit the bride. Zarina first needs to pass a test, she was placed with Eileen. We will quietly leave Phaso with everyone else, but at the airport we will board another plane and fly not to Russia. Everything is ready, tickets have been purchased.

-Have you thought about Leila? – I was indignant.

“Of course,” Fatima assured passionately, “if she manages to pass the exam well, the girl will become Mel’s wife.” Otherwise, the maid will get married to a local rich man. Well, you must admit, it’s much more pleasant to ride around on the island with cheese in butter than to wash floors in the Moscow region. Leila is happy with the new prospect. You see, Zarinochka, we succeeded! At first my daughter refused, resisted, lied that she felt good here, praised the local climate, but I knew the truth! And I told her: “Sunny! Let me not succeed! But I have to at least try! Otherwise I’ll eat myself for inactivity!” Zarochka, a kind soul, objected: “Mommy, be patient, I’ll get the status of a relative of the king, and we’ll find an opportunity to meet.” But I knew that my daughter was suffering in a foreign land! Hides pain and tears from me! And everything, everything danced!

“The only obstacle is me, who noticed the change in Zara’s hands,” I muttered.

- How much do you want for silence? – Fatima asked again.

Zarina coughed: her old-fashioned upbringing did not allow the girl to condemn her mother out loud. I decided to make it completely clear:

“It’s not my business to interfere with your family.”

- How many? – Fatima demanded impatiently.

I smiled:

- Ten dollars.

“No problem,” Fatima was happy, “we’ll go to the bank early in the morning.”

“Ten dollars,” I clarified, “not thousands, just American rubles.”

Khaibekova was taken aback, Zarina smiled:

- Mom, Dasha probably has plenty of her own money, poor people don’t fly to Phaso.

“I cannot compare in terms of wealth with the sheikhs of the Emirates, but I do not need financial assistance,” I confirmed. - Everything is fine. I won’t give you away, I was just surprised how easily the situation was resolved. It really is like being in a movie. I'll keep my word, but if you feel more comfortable knowing you've got money glued to my mouth, give me ten bucks.

Fatima jumped up and hugged me, Zarina lowered her eyes to the floor. It became clear to me: unlike the happy mother, my daughter experiences anxiety. She probably thought about what I didn’t dare ask the elder Khaibekova: what would happen to Rashid’s contract if the deception was revealed? Yes, neither the groom nor his relatives have yet seen Zarina’s face, but Leila was brought up in poverty, she doesn’t have a good upbringing, and how can she not be able to perfectly perform the role of a girl from a rich family? And what will happen after Leila and Mel's wedding? Then the truth will immediately come out! Zwang saw the photo of the bride, he instantly recognizes the lie.

I saw the guests off and realized that I didn’t want to sleep. Instead of going to bed, I opened the window, leaned my chest on the windowsill and began to peer into the garden, from where the aroma of unfamiliar plants could be heard. It smelled of vanilla, cinnamon, fruit - if you close your eyes, you’ll feel like you’re standing in a pastry shop where they bake cakes. Zarina's story was reminiscent of a fairy tale from One Thousand and One Nights. The king, his younger brother, the queen, the palace, the faithful maid, the exchange of brides. I think many schoolgirls from yesterday would agree to take part in this crazy adventure. A small detail: there is no guarantee of a successful outcome, while the Khaibekovs are simply lucky. Zarina’s guards could have turned out to be professionals, they would have tied up Leila with Fatima, and no one knows what would have happened then. Of course, the authorities of states whose economies are based on tourism are very tolerant of vacationers, but try dabbling in drugs in Thailand or pestering a local girl on the street in the Emirates. In both cases, you will face the death penalty, and lawyers will not be able to rescue the offender immediately. Stay in a local prison, spend more than one year in it, and knowledgeable people claim that the prison in Bangkog is hell on earth, our Butyrsky detention center in comparison with it is just a five-star hotel!

But Fatima adores her daughter, she decided to break up with her husband, she is ready to run away with the girl to the ends of the world, if only she has the opportunity to become free. I wonder if Fatima understands the consequences of her action well? As soon as the truth comes out, Rashid will lose his contract, he will be declared persona non grata on Phaso, he will be expelled from the island and the money invested in the project will not be returned to the businessman. Fatima and Zarina will have to live under a false name outside of Russia. Eileen, who missed the bride, will most likely have her head cut off, and Leila will be punished to the fullest extent of local laws. But it seems that Fatima does not torment herself with thoughts of future troubles. She's happy now. But Zarina didn’t seem very cheerful to me; perhaps, unlike her frivolous mother, she realized what the ill-advised idea would entail.

The phone rang. I was surprised, but picked up the local phone.

“Madam Vasilyeva,” a male voice said in impeccable French, “Azamat, the senior receptionist, is bothering you.” A visitor is waiting for you in the hall.

I was amazed:

- Me? You're probably mistaken, I don't know anyone on Phaso.

“This monsieur is Russian,” Azamat continued. – If you don’t want to communicate with him, I can tell him that Mrs. Vasilyeva has gone to bed and is not responding to the call.

“Thank you, I’ll be right down,” I answered and hurried to the door.

Unfortunately, I'm extremely curious. And now I felt a burning interest: who could be looking for a meeting with me?

Already approaching the reception desk, I was scared. Lord, what if this Wineskin decided to fall on my head? Or was the “surprise” organized by Nazar? Yarik could not fly to Phaso as a tourist; a graduate student simply does not have the money to fly and stay in an exotic place. But a surgeon and the head of security for a cool company can easily afford such an expense. You understand now why I turned to the receptionist, forgetting to decorate my face with even a formal smile:

- Is someone looking for me?

The nice guy behind the counter pointed to a fat guy in wrinkled linen trousers. Despite the late hour, almost at night, the “donut” didn’t bother to take off his wide-brimmed Panama hat and looked, to put it mildly, like an idiot. I took a couple of steps towards the sofa, on which the pot-bellied macho man was sitting, he jumped up and, with his arms wide open, rushed forward, shouting:

- Dashuta! Long time no see!

“Hello,” I answered dumbfounded, dodging his sweaty hands.

– You didn’t recognize me! - the “donut” became sad and asked Azamat, who did not take his eyes off us: “Where is your quiet place with good drinks?”

The receptionist blinked in confusion.

“He doesn’t speak Russian,” I explained, “there is a tea room downstairs.”

“What a monkey,” the fat man got angry, “since he works in a hotel, he should talk like ours.” I'm Nikita Frolov.

“Very nice,” I answered mechanically, “Dasha Vasilyeva.”

“I know that very well,” the pot-bellied man laughed, barely squeezing himself behind the flimsy table, “don’t you remember me?” Hey, monkey, bring us tea, cakes and such.

The fragile waitress nodded and disappeared.

“Do me a favor, don’t be rude to the service staff,” I angrily reprimanded Frolov, “some of the employees understand Russian well!”

- Wow! Hasn't changed at all! - Frolov neighed. – And at school it was the same! Fighter for truth and justice! Protector of the orphaned and wretched!

- At school? – I asked again. - We studied together?

For a second I felt scared: did I really look the same as this fat man? Frolov pulled off his Panama hat and a bald spot appeared, slightly covered by sparse bushes of hair.

“Well, yes,” the fat man nodded, “I’m younger, though, but I remember you very well.”

I fell into a stupor. Younger? So I'm older than this sweaty, billiard-ball-looking guy? Suddenly a memory came to mind. Last year, in the summer, Degtyarev and I were sitting in a cafe, and suddenly he rushed towards a pretty woman. The situation was eerily reminiscent of the one I found myself in now. Alexander Mikhailovich yelled: “Natka, do you recognize me?” “No,” the lady admitted honestly. “Well,” the colonel was upset, “school number three!” We spent ten years there together. I am Degtyarev." The woman had difficulty feigning joy. "Yes Yes! Exactly! Degtyarev! Could I really forget you! Of course not! It just slipped out of my memory, what subject did you teach? Work or physical education?

I groaned with laughter, the colonel hastily retreated to our table and, watching Natka, waving goodbye to him and leaving, said offendedly: “Yes, she and I studied in parallel classes. Natasha is in “B”, and I am in “A”. Do I look really bad?

For a whole six months after that incident, I teased the colonel, called him “fizruk” or “trudovik,” asked him to say hello to the students, in general, I amused myself as much as I could. Alexander Mikhailovich sulked, snorted and was childishly offended, which made me laugh cheerfully. And now I understand what emotions the poor fellow was experiencing. Am I older than the bald guy? This cannot be true!

“Eat the cakes, don’t be shy,” Nikita hummed meanwhile, “tell me, how are you living?”

“It’s normal,” I answered briefly, “and you seem to be quite well.”

“I’m not complaining,” Nikita laughed.

“Yes, what a pleasant surprise it is to unexpectedly meet on the other side of the world a person who studied at the same school with you,” I smiled. – Memories immediately come to life in my head. Argentinych also taught you geography?

“Exactly,” Nikita nodded, “such a cool guy.” Argentinich! Wow! I completely forgot about him! That's why you need to go to alumni reunions! You become a child again!

I continued to smile sweetly.

– That’s right, Argentinych gave C’s to everyone. He constantly repeated: “Only nature knows geography at five, I at four, and even three is more than enough for you!”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Nikita nodded like a Chinese dummy, “my father also went to him to sort things out!” Argentinych spoiled my entire certificate with a troyban.

I looked at my interlocutor with genuine interest.

- So how is it? Agreed?

Nikita stroked his stomach with his thick hand.

- Otherwise! My papakha could subdue a tiger.

“Your father was truly an extraordinary person, since he managed to come to an agreement with a teacher who never existed,” I said gloomily.

- Hey, what are you talking about? – Nikita blinked.

I leaned my elbows on the table.

– A teacher nicknamed Argentinich did not teach at my school. He worked at the institute where Dasha Vasilyeva studied. A small detail - Argentinych worked at the physical education department, and he received his nickname for his habit of constantly repeating: “Gee, Argentina is in action.” No one knew what the man meant, but even the rector called him Argentina. Another time, come up with a more correct move, wanting to force yourself on a stranger. And it’s absolutely disgusting to say that I’m older than you! When you graduated from school, I had not even gone to first grade.

“Okay,” Nikita muttered, “why be so angry?”

- What do you need? Who you are? Introduce yourself,” I demanded.

“Nikita Frolov,” repeated the fat man.

I got up.

- Goodbye, I want to sleep.

“Macho” took the phone out of his pocket.

- Please wait. Here, talk.

“Even after running away from home, you manage to get into trouble!”

“And have a nice evening,” I replied sarcastically, “I hope it’s raining in Lozhkin!”

“It’s a sunny May morning,” said Alexander Mikhailovich, “talk to Frolov.”

– Is he your friend? – I clarified.

“In a way,” the colonel got angry, “but I work at the Big House on Petrovka, and Nikita works at Detsky Mir.” Any questions?

“No,” I sighed and gave the phone to the “macho man.”

The capital's residents have long called the building of the State Security Committee, oh, excuse me, the FSB, "Children's World", a huge, gloomy building located one step away from the largest store for children.

“It’s better for us to immediately switch to first-name terms,” Frolov warned, “former students of the same school cannot insult each other.” OK?

“It will be more pleasant for me to think that you are older than me,” I said offendedly, “by about twenty years.”

Nikita laughed:

– I admit, I didn’t come up with a very good idea, but I didn’t have time for a better legend.

“Then get straight to the point,” I muttered.

– Have you heard about osmium? – asked Frolov.

I was surprised.

– Is it a surname, the name of an animal or a local exotic dish?

“The metal,” Nikita explained, “is very rare and can be used in various fields of technology, including in the production of an atomic bomb.” We have precise information that one of the members of your tour group brought osmium to Phaso and is going to sell it. Our task is to prevent the deal.

I took a sip of tea.

- Stir for your health.

Frolov put his hands on the table.

– We don’t yet know who took out the osmium.

– Have you really forgotten how to catch mice? – I snorted. “It’s unlikely that this person is carrying a cobblestone with him.” The group will constantly go on excursions, search their rooms in the absence of people, find metal and calmly take it with you. I doubt that the dealer will raise a cry and rush to the local police shouting: “I was robbed!”

Nikita smoothed the tablecloth with a neat, feminine movement.

– If only everything were so simple! Osmium is very expensive; one gram of the metal costs two hundred thousand dollars on the black market. According to not entirely verified data, the seller has fifteen grams of powder on hand.

I tried to do the math in my head.

– Therefore, he expects a profit of three million American rubles. I wonder why Phaso was chosen to complete the transaction?

Frolov took a napkin from the crystal stand and began to fold a boat out of it.

– The buyer is not Russian, and there is not a word in Phaso legislation about the illegality of transactions with radioactive substances. Now, if you get caught here with a portion of marijuana for one puff, then you’re screwed. A local resident will simply have his head cut off, and even a foreigner won’t care. They don't stand on ceremony with drug addicts here. Have you tried buying aspirin at your local pharmacy?

“No,” I shook my head.

“Don’t try it,” Nikita snapped, “the pharmacist won’t even give you a drop in your nose without a prescription.” Any medications, including vitamins and dietary supplements, are sold only as prescribed by a doctor. Didn't the tour operator in Moscow warn you? Didn’t he say: “In case of chronic illnesses, take the necessary pills with you and be sure to stock up on paper stating that you need them for health reasons”?

“No, they just asked me if I needed to take pills every day,” I explained, “I answered in the negative, and the topic was settled.”

“Intoxicating substances and pedophilia - they successfully won in Pkhaso,” Frolov sighed, “Zwang turns a blind eye to other vices.” Prostitution is officially permitted, moths are registered, they are required to visit a doctor once a month, so AIDS, syphilis and other “charms” are over here. Alcohol is sold freely. But local parliamentarians did not think about trade in radioactive materials, and what is not prohibited is allowed. Clear?

“I see,” I confirmed, “and what do you need from me?”

Frolov put the paper cruiser aside and pulled out a new napkin from the stand.

– We need to figure out the seller, he is very careful. Most likely, the sale of osmium will not take place at the hotel, but outside it, during the next excursion. In the hotel, all the guests are visible, the receptionist will not let strangers into the elevators, there are too many service personnel in the restaurant, a good part of the waiters and maids are police informants. On Phaso, a bonus is paid to the one who surrenders a drug addict or child lover to the clutches of the law.

“For us, going to the police is snitching, but for the people of Khabarovsk it’s fulfilling a civic duty and the opportunity to increase their budget,” Nikita retorted. – Considering the desire of hotel owners and managers to prove their loyalty to the law and receive a bonus, they will not push osmium into the hotel, although it does not seem to be prohibited. But during the excursion it’s a nice thing. You just need to take a close look at the group members.

I tried to get rid of the imposed role:

– Why don’t you follow the Muscovites yourself?

Nikita stroked his bald head with his palm.

- If I ride everywhere with you, I will arouse suspicion, and the osmium will go back unsold. The criminal is very careful. But we believe this is his first deal. He specially came as part of the group, because it is being formed in Moscow, the number of its members on Phaso will not change, and the seller will easily notice an outsider. Understand that a lot of money and someone's freedom are at stake.

- Well, how are you going to arrest a person if such transactions can be carried out on the island? – I was reasonably surprised.

“No one is going to catch the dirty trickster red-handed,” Frolov explained, “we just need to find out who he is.” Moreover, I am obliged to ensure the trouble-free return of the bastard to Moscow, I will personally see to it that he calmly crosses the border.

This is where I finally stopped understanding what was happening.

– Are you planning to take patronage over a criminal?

Nikita stroked his bald head again.

- The seller is just a small fry. He works for a percentage - he gave the osmium and left.

- And money? – I jumped up.

“Transferred to the Cayman Islands,” Frolov frowned, “it is impossible to track the sender and recipient.” You can reach the main character, the organizer of the deal, only through his six. Fifteen grams of osmium - first, test batch. If everything goes well, they'll have better luck next time. We don’t need to take a party, but find an organizer. Therefore, having clarified the identity of the henchman...

“You don’t have to continue further,” I nodded. – Last question: why didn’t you send your man from Moscow with the group? Did the powerful department really not have the money to buy a ticket to Phaso? They would register you as a vacationer, and no problems!

Nikita grabbed the third napkin and began to make a bird out of it.

“I’m actually a consul,” he said.

Almost everything that the interlocutor said left me in amazement.

- Consul? – I blinked. - What do you mean, diplomat?

Frolov nodded:

– I represent Russia in five island states, Phaso is one of them, I have my own boat, so I travel around on business. The consulate is tiny, there are only one or two employees, local residents practically do not know me, but I am well known to some, these people serve in the local Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the police department. Can you imagine the joke: I check into a hotel and run into the chief local inspector for foreigners? Or I run into his secretary!

“It’s clear,” I nodded, “it’s not right for a consul to get dirty in all sorts of special operations, although I think it’s no secret to anyone that the position of third vice-consul in the missions of many states is occupied by people from Detsky Mir.”

“It’s the same habits on the other side,” Nikita snapped, “okay, I’ll be completely honest.” We were informed: the seller can fly to Phaso only through the Surprise-1 agency. Holidays here are not yet very popular among Russians; only this company works with the island; an individual trip is very expensive.

“I know,” I sighed, “I also bought a ticket from this company.” The toad would be stifled to give crazy money for something that you can get cheaper, and with a group it’s more fun.

– The Khaibekovs bought a ticket on Monday, on the same day the Volkinas and Markovs approached the tour operator, on Tuesday Sorokin and Natalya Pustovoit showed up with their daughter Katerina. People fell for the last-minute tour. Our people came to the rescue in time and reserved a place in the group for an employee, forty-year-old Daria Vasilyeva. She is a sweet woman, slightly rustic, naively admiring local attractions. The lady is afraid to walk alone through the market and shops, so in her free time she becomes attached to one of her classmates and hangs around nearby. Familiar type?

“Very,” I agreed, “but objections immediately arise.” First of all, I'm not like that. Secondly, why did you decide to involve me in the matter and for what reason were you confident that I would agree to the proposed role? Thirdly, wouldn’t it have been easier to instruct me in Moscow? And the last thing: how did you manage to guess that I would want to go to Phaso? The decision to go on vacation came to me spontaneously, I called the agency, asked where I could fly urgently, and they answered me: “There is a place in the group that is leaving for Phaso tomorrow morning.”

I must say that I did not have any complaints about the tour operator. I travel abroad quite often from Surprise-1, but this is the first time I have encountered such stunning efficiency. As soon as I deposited the money, I instantly received tickets, a voucher, and insurance. You know, often an agent brings a package of documents to the airport, and you twitch in the waiting room, afraid that he will be late. But “Surprise-1” demonstrated rare professionalism: I arrived at the office at one o’clock, and left at fifteen minutes to two; they even gave me a souvenir.

Nikita put a paper bird on the table.

- Yeah. There was just some confusion. Nobody meant you - Dasha Vasilyeva, a former French teacher. Our man had to fly to Phaso, who had a document addressed to Daria Vasilyeva. By the way, the middle name coincided. The agency simply made a mistake.

- Great! – I exclaimed. “Next time, send Serenada Tigrovna Zaduikon to Phaso.” Then there will be no jambs.

The next days I led a vegetable existence on the beach, lay on the trestle bed, ate ice cream, drank juice and constantly told Fatima:

“Calm down, the matter is settled, you will see Zarina on the seventeenth.”

- Are you sure? – Khaibekova twitched.

“One hundred percent,” I assured.

- Why not today? – she was nervous.

“Eileen must complete some minor formalities,” I explained patiently.

“I won’t live long,” Fatima moaned and fell silent, but an hour later the dialogue was repeated.

My cell phone also rang occasionally. Each time there were different people on the other end of the line, reporting the news. First Frolov showed up, who, having found out that I was not going to the city, came to the beach in a colorful shirt and shorts and took me for a walk along the edge of the ocean.

“Natasha and Katya are collaborating with us,” he explained, “they won’t do anything to the girl.”

- And Konstantin? – I asked the self-evident question.

Nikita took off his wide-brimmed Panama hat and scratched his bald spot.

- The guy is a natural genius. He is truly capable of synthesizing anything at home. You understand, such a person is a godsend. Konstantin will no longer waste his abilities in vain, he will engage in research under the auspices of one department!

“One department,” I echoed. – Who is ready to turn a blind eye to breaking the law because of the great value of the individual? I believe that Konstantin will be settled in a cozy house with Natasha and Katya. The family will be reunited after difficult trials and will be happy again. Under the auspices of the same department.

Nikita pulled a Panama hat over his head.

– The sun is very hot, we went to where there is air conditioning. The interests of the state are above all. Konstantin, like all creative, talented people, is helpless in everyday life, naive and easily wounded. The man made a mistake, left his wife, followed the lead of another, did a lot of stupid things, but now he has returned to his family and is working at full capacity. Everything is fine with the Pustovoits.

“I’m glad for them,” I said, “and Sveta?”

Nikita walked forward, raking the fine white sand with his flip-flops.

– What about Svetlana? She is calmly sunbathing on the beach.

- That's all? – I was surprised. – What about the transportation of osmium?

-What osmium? – Nikita blinked. - Who is the octagonist? Is this a surname? Name? Job title? Sorry, never heard of him.

“It’s clear,” I sighed, “that means Sveta will return to Moscow and fall into the clutches of the huckster.”

“No,” Nikita answered after a slight hesitation. - By the way! Sveta was offered to work for Phaso, a five-year contract, office space, and an excellent salary. She will sing in a local cabaret, the Pass version of Moulin Rouge, maybe she will get married here.

“However, the all-powerful department is great at solving problems,” I admired.

- Now everything is clear? – Frolov asked contentedly.

I raised my hand.

- Two little questions!

“Ask,” the consul nodded graciously.

“Flew to Moscow,” Frolov quickly answered, “there are supporting documents for that.” I decided to continue my treatment in the capital. Have you ever visited your local cemetery?

“I didn’t have a chance,” I answered.

“Be sure to come in,” advised Frolov, “it is located in a marvelous place, I would like to rest there, incredible beauty.” Alas, there are also tramps on Phaso, people without documents, they come to the island illegally. If such an illegal immigrant dies, he is cremated and the urn containing his ashes is placed in a columbarium under the name Pha.

“The Americans have John Doe, and here is Pha,” I sighed.

“That’s right,” Nikita nodded, “they still die in heaven, but they do it very quietly, unnoticed by others.” This is the policy of King Zwang, whose ring you wear on your finger, by the way. I would really like a ring like this.

“But it’s mine,” I smiled. - What about dollars? That's what I can't understand! If the osmium buyer started a complicated business with transporting the powder back and forth, then why the hell did he give Sveta a stack of counterfeit banknotes? It was not in his interest to draw attention to her.

Frolov stopped at a small restaurant.

– You know, sometimes a very carefully prepared operation fails because of nonsense. The bucks are real, but one “left” bill was accidentally inserted among them. Staffers believe that high-quality counterfeits now account for one-fifth of the total dollar turnover. Svetlana was simply unlucky; she pulled out a self-propelled gun from the pack, and the merchant turned out to be big-eyed. Accident.

“Chance is a gift of fate,” I sighed.

Gar disturbed me in the evening. Unlike Frolov, he did not call my mobile phone, but simply intercepted me in the city center at the moment when I was asking the price of local jewelry.

“If you want to find a woman, look in the golden row,” Gar said quietly. “Hey, salesman, did you see our king’s ring on Madame’s finger?”

The merchant blinked and immediately said:

– Ma’am, take things for free.

I turned to Gar.

- Disgusting. I hate begging for gifts! You deprived me of pleasure.

“Don’t be angry,” the policeman muttered, “would you like some coffee?”

We grabbed a cup from the snack bar and sat on the patio.

“Nina and Sergey flew to Moscow,” Gar began frequently, “Volkina asked us to arrange tickets for them on different flights.” The wife and Kuzya set off at night, the husband early in the morning.

– Nina came out unscathed. This is what your policy of covering up crimes leads to,” I said dryly.

Gar took a sip of his latte.

– Wonderful weather, warm ocean, luxurious service, what else do people need for a vacation? Only confidence in the complete safety of the resort.

“Hmm,” I grunted.

The policeman collected the whipped foam with a spoon.

– There are no natural resources on Phaso, no oil, no gas, no gold and diamonds. Our industry is not developed; we can only offer relaxation on the beach. And here we are beyond competition. Our island is heaven on earth. God will punish Nina, but Sergei has already received what he deserves: his wife kicked him out, and the gigolo’s well-fed, lazy life is over.

“I wouldn’t count on God’s intervention in earthly affairs,” I blurted out, “but the computer guy will get attached to another woman.” Unfortunately, in Russia there are many women who are ready to support men, endure beatings, drunkenness, infidelity, and live by the principle: no matter what, the man is in the house. It’s good that Nina didn’t turn a blind eye to her husband’s tricks.

Gar took out his wallet.

“She was outraged by her husband’s statement about the syringe. It even seemed to me that she was ready to forgive Sergei everything, but the story about “Cousin’s Medicine” shocked the lady.

- A lady? – I snorted. - A murderer who escaped punishment!

Gar pretended that he did not hear my phrase.

– Will you go to the Noin holiday? - he asked.

Paul, who was waiting for me in the hotel lobby, asked me the same question.

– I bought two tickets for tomorrow’s performance. Great seats, fifth row. Do you want to go to the Noin holiday?

I tried to divert the conversation:

- How is Larisa?

“She's recovering faster than expected,” Paul said, “and her husband is hastily renovating the kitchen.”

- For what? – I was amazed.

Paul picked up a pack of gum from the table.

- There is no closet in their house. A woman keeps household chemicals in the closet next to the refrigerator, and at night, in the dark, she mixed up the doors. She came down half asleep, wanted to take a sip of cola, but grabbed a bottle of antifreeze. The husband was horrified, realizing that he could have lost his wife, and is now adding a storage room.

“Ah-ah-ah,” I shook my head, “the poor thing is unlucky!” But why does she need antifreeze in the tropics? Just don’t tell me that she pours it into the car’s washer reservoir as an “anti-freeze agent.” Or I'm wrong? Does it get really cold on Phaso?

Paul carefully unwrapped the Peppermint Madness and placed the pad in his mouth.

- All women are like squirrels, always stocking up! By the way, ethylene glycol is also used as a solvent for dyes; it is part of glass washing liquid and is a component of shoe polish. So will you come with me to the Noin holiday?

“Thank you, I already have an invitation,” I replied.

On the seventeenth, at half past eleven, Fatima and I came to one of the Phaso squares, which had been turned into a kind of concert hall overnight. The middle of it, where the old fountain rose, was fenced off with chains, and a little further away there were rows of plastic chairs on which people were already sitting.

- Yes, the entire population of the capital is here! – Fatima gasped. – Including tourists! Not a single empty place!

I pulled Khaibekova towards a small house.

- Here we go.

- For what? – she began, as usual, asking stupid questions.

I knocked on the door, showed the gloomy owner Zwang’s ring and said:

- We have a box reserved.

He, bowing from the waist, led us into a room where there were two huge chairs near a large window.

- Great! – Fatima admired.

“Vip zone,” I grinned, “they are equipped in all the buildings surrounding the square.” Take a seat. Do you know what's going to happen here?

Fatima nodded:

- Theatrical performance.

“Reconstruction of the legend,” I corrected. – According to legend, Noin promised to return to Phaso and appear in the center of this square. Queen Lima is sure that today this will certainly happen, Noin will show up, Zwang will marry her, and a golden age will come on the island. And there, you see, is the keeper of the seal and Master Lin. They must confirm the authenticity of Noin's tattoo; the smallest details of the design are known only to them, Lima and Zwang. Well, now listen to me carefully.

Fatima opened her mouth slightly, and I started the story:

– There were many oddities in your story about Zarina’s departure to Phaso. And the first of them: where could Zvang’s volunteers see Zarochka Khaibekova? The girl lives in Moscow, has never been to Phaso before, I doubt that the king has sent his agents all over the world. Second. According to you, Zarina did not cry or resist when Rashid announced his decision to exchange his daughter for a contract. Zarina should have thrown a tantrum, but she obediently follows her father. Third. Zarina communicates with you on Skype and constantly repeats: “I feel good here.” But you are sure: the daughter is lying to appease her mother, and you arrive on Phaso for a rescue operation. No matter how hard Zarina tries to stop you, you are eager to fight, you don’t hear any of your daughter’s arguments. Only one thought is beating in your head: Zarochka is being deprived of an education and a happy life.

Then absolutely incredible things begin to happen. You manage to exchange Leila for your daughter. A sober-minded person immediately asks: where was the security? Why did Eileen let her pupil go alone? But you rejoice at success, you have no time for logic. The inconsistencies don't end there. In theory, you should rush straight from the market to the airport, it was dangerous to stay on Phaso, Leila could be exposed! But you flippantly return to the hotel. Why? Zarina advised you to do just that, because the hasty departure of the tourists would arouse suspicion. I don’t know what to do when I hear this statement: cry or laugh? And how does Zarochka behave after uniting with her mother? How should a Muscovite girl feel who was saved from an early marriage with the hated Mel? Fear? Horror that they will come for her? Yes, others in her place would barricade themselves in the room and not stick their nose out, but Zarina calmly goes on an excursion, does not feel nervous, and at every opportunity inspires you: “Don’t let your dad down. I don’t feel bad at all with Eileen.”

It seems that the girl does not feel like an unhappy slave, a victim of a cruel father. But again you don’t hear your daughter, repeating: “I will save you!”

Question: does Zarina want to be saved?

Fatima’s hands began to shake, and I continued:

– When you were standing in the shop, the girl complained about the stuffiness and, I emphasize, she went outside herself. She is again afraid of nothing and no one, but turns out, in your opinion, to have been kidnapped. Before you can fall into hysterics, they shove a letter from your daughter into your lap. Zarina convinces you again: “I’m fine, go back to Moscow.” But you tell me: “The text is too long, it was compiled in advance, they were prepared for the theft of Zarochka, and I don’t remember my daughter’s handwriting, maybe she didn’t write it.”

Further more. A photo of Zarinochka arrives in your email. Someone tried to convince you: the girl is fine, she is wearing luxurious clothes, jewelry, sitting in a richly decorated room. And again a letter. Question: why was Zarya allowed to write to you, send you a photo? A more or less reasonable answer is this: it is not the girl who is doing this, but Aileen, who wants to fulfill the will of King Zwang. But Eileen submits exclusively to Lima; the queen has a difficult relationship with her reformer son. Zwang loves his mother, but she is angry with him for the oppression of the local aristocracy, friendship with Sebastian, Helen and Frankie, for radical reforms in the country. To please his mother, Zwang agrees to wait for his bride - the mythical Noin; he actually loves his mother and is probably not in love with any other woman yet. Why would Aileen help Zwang? But Eileen is the king’s former nanny, he is her son, for whose happiness she is ready to do anything.

Further in this story, only questions remain. Who broke into your room and rummaged through Zarina's jewelry? Who put a letter on my bed ordering me to stop searching? I can only assume that this was done by Eileen's distant relative, a ne'er-do-well named Luana who likes to sport a blonde wig. I almost caught the girl, but she managed to confuse me in the corridors of the hotel, I found myself in the circus, very close to the hotel. In principle, I can answer why they broke into my bedroom the first time: to leave a threatening note. But what's the point of rummaging through penny trinkets? Now I know the answer!

At Eileen’s house, Zarina was put on a bridal set: earrings, necklace, bracelet and ring. This is the folk custom of Phaso. The frame of all jewelry is always the same shape, but the stones are different. I think Zarina got rare diamonds that she didn’t dare show off. Well, how will mom react when she sees a brunette the size of a calf’s head? Zarina broke the rules, she took off her jewelry and put it with her jewelry. In the morning she put on the set again. The girl hid the earrings, bracelet and necklace under tightly buttoned national clothes, but with the ring it was more difficult, it would be in plain sight. Zarina probably wanted to put it in her purse, but I assume that at that moment you entered the bedroom. You never left your daughter again, the ring remained in the box. If you carefully study the photo of the young Muscovite, it will become clear: she is missing a ring on her hand. That’s why a trusted person was hastily sent to the hotel; the bride’s ring had to be returned. I can imagine how nervous Zara was: being left without part of the marriage package on Phaso is a very bad omen.

“Hey, hey,” Fatima whispered, “are you saying that she left on her own?”

“Yes,” I nodded.

- To Mel? - the mother gasped.

“No, to another man,” I answered vaguely. – You told me that your daughter in Moscow disappeared on the Internet at night. There she met a guy, fell in love with him and agreed to get married. The young couple made a plan and carried it out brilliantly. But you didn’t calm down, you got it into your head that you needed to save your daughter, and really prevented her from finding happiness.

- Stop! - Fatima screamed. - It is not true! All lies! In the photo, Zarina was giving me a secret sign! She hid her index finger and curled it into a ring under her palm! The girl always did this as a child when she lied.

“When I was a child, when I lied,” I nodded. “Zarina forgot about that stupid joke a long time ago. Well, remember, which finger did she press when she was lying?

“Right,” Fatima answered with just her lips.

“And in the photo the finger of the left hand is bent,” I sighed.

“No, on the right,” Khaybekova insisted, “here, look, the picture is on my mobile.”

“Me too,” I reminded.

- And what? – Zarina’s mother asked triumphantly, pointing to the display. – As I said: right hand.

“Left,” I disagreed, “you look at the picture and you’re mistaken, it’s either right or left.” I speak clearly? The finger is removed so that the absence of a ring is not noticeable. But it is still noticeable that there is no ring.

Fatima jumped up.

-Have you seen Zarina?

I nodded.

- Yes. She is happy, in love and preparing for the wedding.

– But why didn’t my daughter tell me the truth? – Khaibekova whispered.

- She tried. But you kept talking like a sick parrot: “I’ll save my child, I’ll give her the opportunity to study at the institute.” But Zarina wants to be a wife and mother, she has no desire to get a higher education and make a career. She was afraid that you wouldn’t understand her, and also... I’m sorry, but you’re talkative! And Zara had to keep a secret.

“Zarina has been on Phaso not so long ago,” said Khaibekova, “there is no talk of any wedding yet.” Rashid said that she is learning local customs from Eileen. Hey Hey hey! Did your husband know about everything too?

I frowned.

- Well, yes! It's strange that you believed the contract story. Does your Rashid look like a man who is capable of selling his only, beloved daughter for money? But your husband is actually building the hotel, Zwang broke the rule and allowed a foreign investor into the economy.

“They didn’t tell me anything,” Fatima moaned, “they hid it!” They were both lying! What does construction have to do with it then?

“Nothing to do with it,” I repeated patiently, “I just needed a reason for Zarina to leave for Phaso.” Rashid and Zarina wanted you to remain silent about where the girl was. The best way to shut you up is to tell you about the hotel deal. You won’t tell your friends the truth that discredits your husband. Look, the show is starting.

“I don’t want to watch all sorts of stupid things,” Khaibekova sobbed, “take me to my daughter.”

“Now she will come here herself,” I promised.

Lover of the Egyptian Mummy Darya Dontsova

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Title: Lover of the Egyptian Mummy

About the book “The Lover of the Egyptian Mummy” Daria Dontsova

This has never happened before! Three gentlemen are courting Dasha Vasilyeva at once. But none of them won her heart. What to do? Dasha decided to run away and, without thinking twice, bought a ticket to an exotic island. However, it was not possible to escape from the problems there either! It turns out that some of the tourists did not come to the island to relax at all. The lover of private investigation had to do the usual thing and follow the suspicious antiques dealer Gena. And he vilely lured Dasha into a shop, where she was cleverly dressed in a wedding dress and taken away somewhere. And when she finally freed herself from her national dress, she discovered that she... had been married off!

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On the evening of the day when Burdyuk invited me to fly to Greece, Yarik appeared before me with the words:

In a week we are going to the Moscow region, to the “Pink Dawn” boarding house. Otherwise I'll drown myself.

And even later, a joyful Nazar arrived with a statement:

They are waiting for us in Crimea, I have a lot of friends there.

Until then, I managed to hide my meetings with Nazar and Yarik from Burdyuk. The graduate student believed that the professor had stopped courting Mrs. Vasilyeva; thank God, he had never heard of Nazar, and the latter had no idea about both rivals. The gentlemen drove me into a dead end, they were eager to put Dashenka into their own bed and were not going to give up their positions.

Showing cowardice once again, I mumbled something unintelligible to my boyfriends. Alas, I don’t have the slightest reason to stop traveling. I don’t work, I’m not burdened with tiny children and a husband, and theoretically I can easily lie on a beach somewhere in the Peloponnese, pick dandelions in the distant Moscow region or drink local wine in Crimea. But, believe me, neither one, nor the other, nor the third prospect pleased me. To get rid of all the troubles at once, I made a Solomonic decision: I will tell the professor, the graduate student, and Nazar: “Arkady and Zaika gave me a ticket to the islands, I can’t offend my family, so I’m flying away tomorrow.”

Why did exotic countries come to my mind? Don't ask, I don't know. It seemed that the further I ran away from Moscow, the better it would be.

The agency, which has repeatedly organized vacations for our family, for some reason did not tense up when they heard from a regular client the words: “I want to fly away tomorrow, preferably further away, to where there is an ocean and a good excursion program.”

The tour operator immediately exclaimed:

There is a free place in the group that is leaving for the Phaso Islands. It's good that you called. Three weeks of travel, there is an opportunity to sunbathe, swim and visit local attractions.

Maybe this reaction looked a little strange, but I screamed:

Great! I'm on my way!

I hastily threw my things into my bag and rushed to the airport exactly at the appointed hour. I probably shouldn’t have told my gentlemen the flight number to Phaso Island, because first Yarik materialized in Domodedovo with an Alenka chocolate bar in his hand, a second later Wineskin appeared with a huge selection of chocolates from a world-famous expensive company, and a moment later Nazar pulled up , armed with a pack of detectives.

What are you doing here? - the suitors asked in unison and stared at each other with evil eyes.

I used the pause that arose to immediately go through passport control, crossed the red line, found myself abroad and waved my hand at the stunned men with the most joyful look. Goodbye, dears, I'll be back in three weeks, during which time a lot can happen: Yarik will fall in love with some young patient of the clinic, Burdyuk will be seduced by one of the many blondes, whom he will persuade to refuse Botox injections, and Nazar will be sent on a secret mission, yo like forty. Or the boys will fight right now at the newsstand and all end up in jail together. I don’t love either the doctor, or his student, or the brave security guard, I’m not ready for sex with any of them and I don’t want any showdown. You can consider me a cowardly coward, I won’t argue, it’s true, I prefer to run away from a problem rather than solve it.

What a sweet husband you have! - exclaimed one of the tourists when we boarded the plane. - I came with gorgeous sweets! And handsome! He's probably a film actor?

“He’s not my husband,” I blurted out without thinking. - Just a boyfriend. And he has nothing to do with cinema, he is a plastic surgeon.

ABOUT! It's even better than a star! - the neighbor exclaimed. - Let's introduce ourselves, I'm Natasha. Daughter, why are you silent?

“Katya,” said a girl of about fifteen sitting by the window, without taking her eyes off the thick book. She clearly did not want to participate in the conversation, but her mother, on the contrary, was overwhelmed with the desire to communicate.

Dasha,” I introduced myself.

Are you flying alone? - Natasha did not calm down.

I nodded and wished that there was an SV compartment on the plane, where I could lock myself and get rid of my overly chatty neighbors.

Is not boring? - Natasha chirped. - I can’t live without company. Your boyfriend is so cute. Why didn't you take him with you?

Burdyuk has a lot of work, - I satisfied the curiosity of my new acquaintance, - continuous operations.

Then they would have grabbed their son,” the neighbor did not moderate her ardor.

“He now lives in France,” I supported a completely unnecessary conversation.

Yah? - Natasha blinked. - And that cute guy with the Alenka chocolate bar? I also thought, what a charming young man, if only he ended up in the same group with us, it’s time for Katya to become interested in boys!

Katerina turned her head, adjusted her large square glasses and exclaimed reproachfully:

But Mom!

The mother rushed into battle:

What bad did I say? Every woman should have a family.

Katya chuckled, turned the book over with the cover facing up, placed it on her lap and tried to pretend to be asleep. I automatically read the title “Mathematical Methods of Philosophy” and glanced at the girl with respect.

It’s probably too early for the girl to think about marriage,” I couldn’t restrain myself.

“Last month she turned fifteen,” Natasha said, “it’s time to get acquainted, at eighteen you can already sign.”

“I don’t want to get married,” Katya said with her eyes closed, “change the subject.”

“You’ll remain an old maid,” the mother was indignant, “you’ll realize it at twenty, but it’ll be too late!” All decent guys will be sorted out by friends. What is the name of your charming son?

Yarik,” I muttered through clenched teeth.

And what is his profession? - Natasha fidgeted.

Now a graduate student,” I explained, “he received a diploma in plastic surgery and is practicing with Burdyuk.

“A promising young man,” the interlocutor rejoiced, “will always earn his family a piece of bread and butter!” You did a very far-sighted thing and placed the child with your beau!

I lost the rest of my patience.

Yarik is not my son! Don't you understand?

Who? - Natasha was amazed.

Buddy,” I reluctantly admitted.

Katya giggled, but did not open her eyes. Natasha raised her eyebrows.

In terms of? Friend? Cordial?

Yes,” I hissed.

And the surgeon? - the persistent neighbor tried to understand other people’s relationships. - He who?

Comrade,” I muttered.

Natasha became quiet, I pulled Smolyakova’s new detective story out of my purse, wanted to immerse myself in the text and felt a light touch on my shoulder.

Do you have two... uh... friends? - Natasha asked. - One is aged, the other is young?

I suddenly felt happy.

The law does not prohibit making friends with people. I have three close people. You didn’t notice Nazar, he brought me books.

“It’s not just... people, but men,” Natasha drawled.

I tried not to laugh and objected:

Men are people too.

Natasha's eyes became round, resentment was reflected on her face.

It's not fair! Ugly! And unfair!

For some reason I started making excuses:

I'm not deceiving anyone. Burdyuk, Yarik and Nazar are single, I don’t have a husband. We are all free and have the right to live the way we want.

This is unfair,” Natasha repeated, “you have an army of men, but I have none!” It turns out that you grabbed my fiancé for yourself. It's not fair! And ugly! The number of gentlemen is limited, they are placed one at a time in one hand! I am suffering because of your greed!