How to distinguish a Barbie doll from a fake. How to distinguish a Barbie doll from a fake Outfits made from foil and toilet paper

The Barbie doll, despite its advanced age, still remains a very popular and recognizable toy. However, her fame and success led to the appearance of low-quality “clone” dolls on store shelves.
It should be noted that in the CIS countries, older people often call Barbie dolls any dolls of the 1/6 standard, that is, having a size six times smaller than the height of a 180-centimeter supermodel. This is due to the fact that in the USSR there were no fashion dolls at all, so the name Barbie was fixed in people’s minds as the image of an “adult doll.”

Real Barbie is produced only by Mattel, while Chinese fakes can be produced under a chameleon brand, when the name on the packaging imitates a well-known brand or collection. For example, counterfeits of Fashion Fever Barbie dolls, packaged in the same transparent tubes, but with a modified name: Fashion Doll, etc., have become quite widespread.

In addition, very often, especially in the 90s, you can find toys that are popularly called dutik (inflator). They can be recognized by their bright, tacky clothes and transparent packaging. The body of such a doll has thin walls, the limbs are loose, and at the same time the head resembles the head of a real Barbie.

How to distinguish a Barbie doll from a fake

The quality of fake Barbies can range from average to poor. To protect your child from contact with fake products that may be harmful to his health, you need to carefully choose a Barbie doll in a toy store.

1. Counterfeit Barbie dolls often have burrs on the plastic joints, facial features are slightly distorted, and the head may be deformed. The clothes are sewn sloppily, the seams are poorly finished.

2. The hair on fake dolls is of poor quality, sparse, and glue is used to attach it, whereas real Barbie's hair is sewn on. Although genuine old-style dolls may have rare stitching - so that the hairstyles look natural and do not produce a “mane” effect.

3. Boxes of fake Barbie dolls can have intricate designs, while the cheapest ones are simply packaged in plastic bags. The branded Barbie doll is usually sold in a package made of bright cardboard with a cellophane window.

4. If you notice a strong odor when opening the package, then you definitely purchased a low-quality doll that is dangerous to children's health.

5. Before you buy a Barbie doll, make sure her knees bend and her elbows bend. The original toy's limbs are hinged, while the clone's limbs are connected by wire.

6. A branded doll from Mattel cannot cost less than six dollars. Counterfeits attract buyers precisely because of their low cost. Because of this, kiosks, market and station stalls buy them in large quantities. In addition, some chain stores of children's toys alternate quality products with counterfeit products on their shelves.

7. The signature Barbie toy is stamped “MATTEL, INC.” on the back of the head and on the back above the waist. CHINA." China is indicated conditionally, since the doll is produced in several countries with cheap labor.

Every young fashionista wants a beautiful Barbie in her doll collection. However, parents are not always able to purchase a real Mattel toy - one that is high-quality, durable and safe. That is why it is important to know the differences between fake Barbie dolls and the original.

Barbie can safely be called the favorite of girls all over the world. Probably, in connection with this, the long-haired beauty has a large number of clones - fakes or, in fashionable words, fake copies.

How to distinguish a cheap look-alike from a real Barbie? By the way, if you think that there is not much difference, then you are very mistaken! Factories producing similar dolls use low-quality materials, sometimes even dangerous to children's health.

Probably, attentive mothers noticed that low-quality toys attract children's eyes, thanks to their bright, eye-catching outfits. All this splendor, so to speak, is achieved thanks to dyes, which may contain very dangerous substances.

And the smell...Have you paid attention to how these kinds of toys smell? Even time is not always able to cope with a persistent aroma. The fact is that unscrupulous manufacturers rarely comply with sanitary standards and even less often think about the health of small customers. Well, the durability of fakes leaves much to be desired...

In order not to upset our daughters with low-quality toys, let's try to figure out how to distinguish a real Barbie from a clone.

Let's start with the packaging. These beauties are sold in a bright cardboard box with a transparent window. Other toys that are not related to Mattel may be packaged in plastic bags and even boxes with unimaginable designs.

Next, open the box and….smell it. The pungent smell should alert moms and dads. It is better to put such a thing back on the shelf and never return to it. Remember that real Barbie does not have a specific smell!

It's time to look at the toy itself. Clone dolls may have irregularities and burrs at the joints on their plastic body. Also, it is worth taking a closer look at the facial features. They may be distorted and even visually different from the original.

The doll's clothes from Mattel are impeccable. Stitch to stitch, the stitching is even, the threads are not broken, and so on. Is it worth describing what you can expect in a fake?! Dresses, skirts, trousers and other wardrobe items are sewn sloppily, the seams are processed accordingly.

Hair on fake beauties is a different story. They are rare and not the most pleasant to the touch. But the most important difference is that they are glued to the head with glue, while Barbie from a well-known company has luxurious curls carefully sewn to the head.

Before buying, you need to move the toy arms and legs to make sure that they are attached to hinges and not to a wire, like a cheap copy. It would not be amiss to remind you that the original limbs bend at the elbows and knees. There should be a Mattel stamp on the back of the miniature lady, which also confirms authenticity.

There are some counterfeits that are immediately obvious: a low price, a slightly or too changed brand name, and a design that you won’t find anywhere else. Please be careful when choosing this product. After all, a real toy will delight you and your child for many years!

Dolls, forgive us!

Not all Barbies are lucky enough to end up in someone’s collection, where they will be cared for and cherished. For the most part, they end up in playrooms, end up in the hands of children, and then you won’t envy a doll’s fate.

Let's remember what we all probably did with our dolls while growing up and playing with Barbie...

1. Her hair doesn't grow!

You've learned the hard way that Barbie's hair doesn't grow back after you cut it off.

2. New makeup

We painted super-fashionable new makeup on the dolls... with pencils over the old one, or, even worse, with pens and felt-tip pens, after first erasing the “old ugly” face with acetone.

3. Where is the shoe?

Having lost one shoe, we played with the doll, pretending that nothing had happened...

And it often happened that the missing shoes were found a day or two later... and it hurt when you stepped on them!

4. Let's check flexibility

We played with the dolls' knees bending into snaps, testing how far we could bend the leg in the wrong direction... and trying to put the dolls into straight splits!

5. New hairstyle

Creating a new hairstyle sometimes ended with a total haircut... Right down to the very bottom, because it was interesting to see what she looked like without hair!

So that you never try again - see:

6. Everything is like people and quiet horror

Shaving Barbie's legs (as an adult) with a real razor resulted in the removal of the top layer of vinyl. Horror!

Even less fortunate were the dolls who ended up at the dacha, where they could play next to the fire. Melting vinyl... if not you yourself, then your brothers could do it! Just because it was" Interesting".

Remembering the “horrors”, you can also remember... boiling dolls in boiling water (we heard about this, and it didn’t only apply to Barbie). Perhaps the children in this case also want to know something?

7. New boy

Barbie immediately broke up with Ken as soon as you received a new boy doll. It doesn't matter that it wasn't Ken!

8. Overbought!

Some dolls were given so many baths that they acquired a nasty musty smell and became permanent bath toys: they smelled too bad for regular play in the room, and these poor souls never went into the regular toy box again.

9. We are expecting a baby!

Have you ever made Barbie “pregnant” by attaching cotton wool (or toilet paper?) to her belly?

10. Clothes - more fashionable!

Sometimes we thought of cutting up Barbie's clothes to make them more fashionable and better.

11. Outfits made from foil and toilet paper

Those who didn't dare to cut could make new doll outfits from foil (even a cool spacesuit!) or from toilet paper and plasticine!

Dreaming of doing something like this:

12. Throwing dolls

Just because... You were in a bad mood, and at that moment the doll was guilty of something.

13. Soap operas

Have you played out super-complex and long storylines with your dolls, worthy of a real soap opera, where there is a lot of love, tears and betrayals?

14. New name

The new doll immediately received the most beautiful name!

And the old and already “ugly” Barbies immediately became villains!

15. Where are the clothes?

Were most of the dolls lying in boxes undressed? And did you like to argue with your girlfriends who came to visit you about what the dolls should be dressed in today?

16. She's not real!

Were you angry when one of your relatives gave you not an original doll, but another counterfeit Barbie?

17. My role is only Barbie!

When you got together with your younger siblings and friends, you let them play any roles (such as Ken, Skipper, the other Barbie sisters, and at the same time all the fakes) while you played only for Barbie herself.

18. Buy it!

You threw a fit in the toy store because your parents refused to buy expensive jewelry or a new beautiful toy (after all, Barbie had a Dream House, and she is such a wonderful role model!).

19. How does it taste?

Either you or your younger siblings could taste Barbie: her feet were usually the thing that attracted her the most! It’s as if they were specially created so that kids want to chew them!

This is all terrible, isn't it? Now, years later, it would never occur to you to play with dolls like that! That's why we buy new beauties, take care of them, place them on shelves, blowing off the dust, as if apologizing for playing with them “wrongly” in distant childhood!

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    Oh, childhood, childhood...

    wow... Even though I played with fakes (my parents didn’t really understand branded ones), they are still in normal (as far as possible for a fake) quality)) But the shoes... Yes, unfortunately, just one shoe will definitely get lost.

    I don’t have any old dolls, but she played more or less) Although, I confess, I tried to cut them a couple of times)) It didn’t work out well. And I was very upset about the fakes (I wanted original dolls.

    Yes, I didn’t do many terrible things with Barbie. But at the age of 3 I could throw a doll... if I got my hands on something so direct, if I got angry. I broke the heads of some of them (by the way, this is not listed here. This is probably the worst thing for a doll!) Of course, they can be repaired! Solder the head with a soldering iron. (Although the neck turns black is not very beautiful.) Yes, if you are lucky, you can find a donor body and transplant a head from a retro Barbie, even onto a body from a fake.
    But I confess to one Barbie-90s, I cut my hair when I was 6 years old and it turned out to be a kind of bob, the length of the earrings. (But I’ve never cut my dolls’ hair bald; it never even occurred to me.)
    Here's a photo I took of my hair:
    (the photo is not mine, found on the Internet. Yes, but her bangs were not so lush.)
    And what a reprimand I received later...
    I was just playing at the hairdresser, I took big scissors
    and so on 3 cm at a time. I cut it off. And now she plays with all my dolls. (Doesn't lie with fakes, somewhere in boxes.)
    And it takes pride of place on the shelf, like a retro doll.
    (Albeit not in pristine condition.)
    And by the way, what do soap operas have to do with it? (is this dangerous for the doll?)

    Yeah, and I cut hair when I played hairdresser... And I remember we also used it to paint our nails with polish (not just Barbie). ☺ My heads didn’t seem to be breaking, I don’t remember this, but maybe I just forgot...

    Soap operas - no, they’re not dangerous at all, it’s just an example of what we came up with, what we played)

    Well, I still paint my nails (not with varnish. But acrylic paint holds up better.) It’s just that I usually broke my head in early childhood... then from the age of 7, you start playing with dolls more carefully...

    Acrylic paint also seems to be removed with nail polish remover, right? There are no traces left?

    Oh yes... we played with all our hearts! It’s true that it wouldn’t even occur to us to treat dolls like that now!

    Well, yes, acrylic paint can of course be erased with a product,
    (alcohol or nail polish remover)
    and no traces remain. I just mean that it holds up better, maybe for years. And the varnish usually wears off in a month.
    (The varnish itself begins to wear off over time and without a product, just like on nails, the paint is simply smoother and doesn’t
    peels off) I don’t like the structure of the varnish itself.
    I'm PetShop, once I painted several pieces (about 10)
    At first, yes, it was beautiful, but then it became sticky and partially fell off. And it was probably necessary to coat the top of this with a special varnish? Well, why do I need this when I can easily paint it with acrylic paint, although I haven’t tried painting one Tadpole (PetShop) yet. Yes, the doll turned out well, as if it was like that. (The body was completely repainted, kind of OAK, it turned out.)

    Probably yes, you need to cover the nail polish with something else on top; acrylic, of course, is better.
    We had one doll that was broken, although we painted it with acrylic, it spent the winter at the dacha, it became sticky and dirty, so we threw it away. So this is only possible if stored at home, without temperature changes.

    Yes, I painted it not long ago, just three weeks ago. Of course I keep it at home since the doll is not a cheap brand name one.
    (I bought it in 2013 for 800 rubles.)
    MH Abby, who was on roller skates.
    And the fact that it’s sticky, maybe it’s not just the temperature that’s causing the paint? In the spring I bought it at the Leonardo store, acrylic paints cost 12 colors (30 ml jars) 265 rubles. Here is Ogonyok furniture, beautifully painted. And I started the doll, painted her face and hands, the paint seemed to have dried, but the doll was terribly sticky!
    The layer turned out to be thick, it’s a real monster!
    And it just came off like a film, that is, it didn’t even lie on the surface, the doll has a rubber head, the paint only works on plastic furniture, and then it’s streaky, it’s just not that noticeable and most importantly it’s not sticky. And in the end, I painted the doll with my old acrylic (but the paint is not that old, although the packaging is smaller, 6 jars of 30 ml each. And the colors are mother-of-pearl,
    purchased in 2014, still in Auchan for about 160-180 rubles.)
    And what’s surprising is that the expiration date was already past 02.2017.
    The paint didn't even deteriorate! It paints beautifully, and lays down in a thin layer, it won’t wear off for a long time like varnish over time.
    And why did I decide to repaint my Abby, we almost bought a golden Dana Jones doll in July, and I thought, why should I buy it? When I can paint a doll gold myself. And yes, it worked!
    The main thing is that she is no longer blue, I liked my work!
    (The most interesting thing is that the doll and paints were purchased a long time ago.
    And I painted it just now, after looking at Dana, it’s very good in the store.) Sorry that it’s such a long story.

    I don’t touch good dolls, we repainted a broken one, missing an arm or a leg. It seems to me that it is better not to repaint the good ones: they are good as is!

    But I didn’t really like playing for Barbie herself☺ I preferred Christie (I’m very partial to Negro dolls) and I also liked playing for male dolls)

    I didn’t even have male dolls. ☹

  • Soap operas! Oh yeah! This was my favorite game! I had Ogonykov’s Christina and Bill, who was always called Christina’s husband, and he is still alive and without a name... the poor man had his hair dyed with gouache several times in his life, and he changed a variety of professions: he was a cowboy, a policeman, and a pirate , and an amateur detective, and a musketeer, and a doctor, even once (but during the operation he fainted and was fired for incompetence, and his place was taken by a more stable plastic hare with his ears gnawed by his brother), and each time the unfortunate man had to rescue Kristinka from what some of the troubles she always got into. In the end, he married her, they immediately gave birth to a bunch of dolls of different ages, and I went to college, and the dolls breathed freely ☺

  • I had 6 dolls, and they always also participated in some kind of story. Then, when I grew up, I bought 6 similar ones at auctions, it’s a terrible pity that those same ones weren’t preserved...

    Wow. I have never known such problems. I only had about three or two adult Barbies. But I had more than enough little dolls like Chelsea. Yes, I cut Chelsea's hair once. Surprised. But I have always treated adult Barbies with respect. They almost always had clothes. But yes, the shoes were lost.

    This could be done with dolls, of which there are a lot. Rarely did we have original Barbies, usually some kind of fakes. They experimented a lot with them.

Good day, dear friends! I would like to dedicate this topic to Barbie dolls from Mattel. My daughter doesn’t like Barbie dolls very much; she is more attracted to large baby dolls, always without hair, that look like children. To be honest, I too succumbed to her hobby and became hooked on Berenguer baby dolls. But our relatives, grandmothers and aunties do not attach much importance to our daughter’s hobby and, on various occasions, give completely different dolls of different price categories. We have two Barbies made in China. Here they are (sorry for the photo quality, all from a phone):

Well, we do have them. My daughter doesn't play with them. They sit and sit. I won't even consider them. Yes, their legs also bend, but somehow weakly. The hair is sewn only at the edges, and in the middle of the head both dolls are bald. So let them continue to sit on the shelf. And last year, my grandmother gave her daughter a Barbie from Mattel. Like this:

She has a mark. But my daughter didn’t pay much attention to this doll either. But looking at her, I suddenly remembered how, back in 1990, I got my first real Barbie from Mattel, which cost 600 rubles. It was crazy money! She had just appeared in Russia at that time and my mother brought her to me from St. Petersburg, while in our city we could only see such a doll on TV. It was blonde and my dream! It’s a shame that this doll didn’t survive, and I’m actually wondering where all my toys went! So from that 1990 to 1997 I had 5 real Barbie dolls. Four of them were blondes, and one was the red-haired little mermaid Ariel from 1994, which is the only one I have left. Just a rarity! She is already 21 years old! She had some accessories, mirrors, combs, shells, but nevertheless, she was without a fishtail, but just in a dress. And so, looking at my daughter’s doll, I decided to rummage around in my secluded corner and find my Ariel. Here she is:

How does a modern doll differ from its predecessor? 20th century versus 21st! Let's see. First of all, I want to talk about hair. I didn’t take a photo, because it’s useless on a phone anyway, I’ll say this, without a photo, the hair on both dolls is sewn all over the head, there are no bald spots anywhere and it’s sewn very thick, that is, the hair on both dolls is top five. So the score is 1:1.
Now let's look at the palms of the dolls. This is Ariel's palm from 1994:

As you can see in the photo, her fingers are glued together. Now let's look at Marianna's palm (that's what I called the modern doll):

Her palm is more perfect. Fingers separately. Now the score is Ariel - Marianna / 1:2
Next, consider the body of the dolls:

Ariel has a much thinner waist, which makes her breasts higher. +1 point Ariel. Also note that Ariel twists at the waist, unlike Marianne. By the way, this fact surprises me. Maybe Marianne is a fake? But she has a signature...Anyway, another point for Ariel. Total 3:2 in favor of Ariel.
Let's move on. Let's try to plant the dolls.

Both dolls' knees bend two clicks. But look, Ariel’s legs walk smoothly, which cannot be said about Marianne. For some reason, her legs diverge at the knees and she sits somehow awkwardly because of this. This is not visible in a long dress, but it turns out that her legs seem to cross each other. Without a dress, Ariel's sitting look is more presentable, but in a dress, Marianne with her legs crossed will probably look more natural. Therefore one-one. Total 4:3 in favor of the old year doll.
Now let's go back to the previous photo:

Look at the line where the head ends and the neck begins. Somehow this line doesn’t look very neat on Ariel. The body is different in color from the head, which catches the eye when, like Marianna, everything is in order. Score for Marianne. Result 4:4.
Both dolls are in their original outfit, so let's see the quality of the clothes.

I like Ariel’s outfit more purely in style, but the taste depends on the color, as they say... so let’s be honest and compare the quality. Both dolls' clothes are sewn perfectly, nothing sticks out anywhere, the seams are all neat, so one point each. Total 5:5.
Personally, I like both dolls. Marianna, although not blonde, which is more typical for Barbie, is still very pretty. As expected, her teeth are visible. Ariel has a unique beauty, she has very big eyes, but considering that she was based on the heroine of the cartoon about the little mermaid, we must give her due, she is very similar to her heroine, so no one wins here.
The score 5:5 was final in this topic until it was edited. But I decided to change the score in favor of a modern doll. Thanks to the forum members who suggested in the comments that the dolls’ arms can still move to the sides. I, the village, didn’t know this, because in my childhood there was no doll whose arms moved out to the sides, so I can say with confidence that Ariel’s arms only move up and down. But Marianna is another matter, but CAN do this:

And she does have a 1999 Mattel stamp on both the back and the back. No matter how I tried to take a picture of him, nothing was visible even in daylight on the phone camera. But in any case, the score is now 5:6 in favor of Marianna.
This is all. Come visit. Write comments.

It's no secret that the majority of the Russian children's toy market is made up of imported toys, the leader in supplies of which, of course, is China. As a result, the counters of markets and shops are filled with bright and varied products, which attract, first of all, their very affordable prices.

Most parents believe that the only difference between cheap Chinese dolls and more expensive ones is their fragility and fragility. Unfortunately, it is not. The thing is that checking the quality of goods essentially remains on the conscience of the manufacturer, and goods imported into Russia, as various raids on store shelves show, can be produced in violation of sanitary standards, have no certificates or do not comply with them. Well-known brands value their reputation in the market, so they monitor the quality of their products, but what does a nameless Chinese factory have to lose? Thus, by purchasing such toys we are simply buying a pig in a poke.

Due to the cheapening of the toy, the quality suffers in many respects. The notches on the plastic, which are unpleasant for an adult to touch, can scratch the baby’s delicate skin. Since no one monitors the design of these toys, among them there are specimens that can harm a child’s psyche with just their appearance - we are mainly talking about scary toys. Toys with sound effects, which are occasionally found among dolls, often have a sound level that is much higher than acceptable, which can lead to hearing problems in children. But this is far from the worst thing. Plastics contain many chemicals that are harmless in small quantities, but in large quantities can cause harm to the body. Studies show that in counterfeit products their content can exceed the permissible maximum by several tens of times. There may also be substances that are completely unacceptable and prohibited for use in the production of goods for children: lead, mercury, cadmium. Each of these substances can lead to a whole bunch of health problems in children and irreparable consequences.

Many of us are familiar with the specific smell that hovers in stores and departments selling cheap Chinese toys; of course, it comes from the toys themselves. This is the smell of formaldehyde and methanol.Many of us are familiar with the specific smell that hovers in stores and departments selling cheap Chinese toys; of course, it comes from the toys themselves. This is the smell of formaldehyde and methanol. Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a pungent odor; it is used in the production of resins, plastics, and paints, which are widely used due to their low cost. This substance can be absorbed through mucous membranes and skin, therefore it poses a danger both from ingestion of objects with a high content of formaldehyde, and from tactile contact with them, as well as from inhalation of its vapors. This substance can negatively affect the central nervous system, genetic material, and reproductive organs. Formaldehyde has an irritating effect on the respiratory tract, skin and mucous membranes of the body, causing deramatitis, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, runny nose, cough, bronchitis and even pulmonary edema. If swallowed, it may causeburning and pain in the throat, stomach, vomiting and diarrhea.The strong effect on the nervous system is associated with the presence of methanol impurities in technical formaldehyde and the conversion of formaldehyde in the human body into methanol and formic acid. In addition, exposure to methanol can cause vision impairment and blindness. Formaldehyde is officially considered a carcinogen, that is, a substance that can cause cancer.

Another dangerous substance, phenol, also has a peculiar odor. Its smell is reminiscent of gouache. It is added to plastic to give it shape. Phenolcan cause allergic reactions and has a harmful effect on the child’s immune and nervous systems. Vapors can be irritatingmucous membrane of the mouth, nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Chronic phenol poisoning can lead to liver and kidney damage. The carcinogenicity of this substance is currently in question.

Bright “acid” colors of toys may indicate a high content of cadmium in them. Cadmium is added to paints and plastics for better color fixation; it gives the dye durability, intensity, and resistance to fading. In 1989, the use of cadmium in the children's industry was banned due to the discovery of its ability to harm human health, which, unfortunately, does not prevent unscrupulous manufacturers from continuing to use it. In the production of dolls, in particular, it can be used to give plastic a flesh-colored tint. Cadmium is a heavy metal and can accumulate in the human body, concentrating in the liver and kidneys, which in the future can lead to disruption of the functioning of these organs. Constant contact with toys containing a high cadmium content can cause poisoning in a child, with symptoms similar to food poisoning. This substance can delay mental and psychological development and lead to brain damage in children. Chronic cadmium poisoning leads to anemia and bone destruction. Cadmium is a proven carcinogen.

Prohibited lead can also be used by unscrupulous toy manufacturers. Lead gives a silvery metallic sheen to a product and can either be part of it or be contained in the paint with which it is coated. First of all, this applies to children's jewelry; it can contain up to 90% lead. As a result of inspections, lead content was found in doll accessories such as furniture, vehicles, and so on. You should also pay attention to the decorations, which are almost always included with the doll. Basically, all this is made of plastic and can be coated with metal-like paint. Such toys are especially dangerous if they get into the mouth or are swallowed. Exposure to lead negatively affects a child's mental abilities, slowing development. Lead can cause severe poisoning, to which children's bodies are much less resistant than adults. There have been cases of children swallowing parts of toys containing lead, resulting in death.

By buying cheap and counterfeit dolls, you are putting your child at potential risk. But, unfortunately, the name of a famous brand on the packaging of a doll cannot completely protect us, because all more or less famous brands are counterfeited. The same thing befell the Mattel company, which produces such popular dolls as Barbie, Monster High, Ever After High and many other children's toys, including interactive ones.Often, fakes only slightly resemble the original doll and its packaging and are strikingly inferior to them in functionality, but they can also be completely copied.

We will tell you how to distinguish a real Barbie from a fake in the following publications on our website.