“Days of the week” Summary of direct educational activities on mathematical development in the senior group. Games and play exercises to introduce children to the days of the week Days of the week tasks for children

Abstract thinking in preschoolers is just beginning to form; it is difficult for them to understand and remember what they cannot pick up, touch or see. Teaching a child the months, days of the week and seasons of the year is difficult, but with the right approach, this can be done long before school. Kids are able to master and remember everything related to the concept of time.


The first thing to understand is the seasons. You can start learning from the age of 3 or even earlier. At the age of 4, the child has already observed the change of seasons several times throughout his life and it is quite possible to rely on his life experience. Further help will come from manuals, pictures, thematic cartoons and observations of nature and people’s activities. We have already written about this, let’s voice some general rules:

  • Do not burden your child with long sentences and a large amount of new information.

2-3 sentences are enough that vividly describe this or that time of year.

  • Don't talk about all 4 seasons at the same time.

One day - one season. It’s better to return to this topic several times a day than to “drill” all the information into the little inquisitive Why-Chew for half an hour.

  • The child should be interested.

If you see that the baby is spinning, looking around and distracted, do not insist, put aside pictures and conversations for a more convenient occasion. There will be no point anyway, you will only be nervous and irritated.

  • At the time of the lesson, the child should not have any physiological needs.

The child should be fed, should not want to go to the toilet or sleep, etc.

How to teach a child the months of the year?

Everyone has their own pace of assimilation of information, but on average, a five-year-old child is already quite ready to learn the months, correctly pronounce names and remember sequences.

  • Pick up educational cartoons about the seasons - this will help you spend your time in front of the screen.

In our opinion, the series “Seasons with Auntie Owl” is very successful. Auntie Owl's lessons in a simple and accessible form will quickly and easily teach your child to distinguish between the seasons. About every month in the cartoons there is a poem, information about the weather, what kind of life different animals lead at this time and what changes occur in plants. Aunt Owl talks about different types of recreation and entertainment that are popular in a particular month, and introduces useful signs that help predict the weather.

After watching the lessons, your child will easily remember the sequence of months of the year and get an idea of ​​various natural phenomena and their causes.

  • Developmental benefits for the seasons and months.

Nowadays you can find many interesting books and ready-made teaching aids for children; they will help your child remember the sequence of seasons and months.


You can make educational aids and games yourself.



  • Coloring pages.

Thematic coloring pages will help you learn the correct sequence of months of the year and remember which months belong to which season and in what order they replace each other. By drawing, the baby will train motor skills and hand-eye coordination. The colors chosen for each season will help create a visual image and make it easier to remember the months.

You can download coloring pages by month for free

  • Calendar.

Another very effective way to easily remember the names of the months is to make your own calendar. On a piece of paper, draw a grid corresponding to the number of days in the current month. Together with your child, note what events you have planned for what dates this month. For example, it’s someone’s birthday, on some day you and your whole family go to the cinema or to a children’s event, etc. If the baby already knows how to write independently, let him number the days himself; if not, help him do this. Offer to draw a thematic picture reflecting what is happening in nature this month.

Gradually you will make a calendar for all 12 months. The baby will be proud and happy! Thanks to this task, the child will broaden his horizons, develop counting and fine motor skills, and remember the months faster.

How to teach a child the days of the week?

"Wednesday", "Monday", etc. - for a child, these are completely abstract concepts until you come up with your own associations for them and correlate them with important and significant events for the life of a particular child. So, it will be much easier for the child to remember the names of the days of the week and their sequence.

  • Hang a calendar with a “window” in your baby’s room.

Let the child move the slider independently, and you name what day of the week it is today, what it was yesterday, what day it will be tomorrow. The concepts of “today”, “yesterday”, “tomorrow” are very important for establishing and understanding temporary connections, the sequence of events and phenomena.

  • Make a desk calendar with your child.

As you flip through the calendar every day, you need to say the name of the day of the week and discuss your plans for the day. In the evening, you can return to the calendar and remember what day was yesterday and what day will come tomorrow.

  • Make a calendar in the shape of a clock.

Let the child move the arrow every day and say the name of the day of the week.


  • Play train.

Make a train out of cardboard or sew out of felt, in which each carriage will be a specific day of the week. Explain to your child that you cannot put a Tuesday trailer behind a Friday trailer. It is best to come up with different fastenings for the carriages, then the child simply physically will not be able to “fasten” the carriages incorrectly. For example, Monday is fastened to Tuesday with a button, Tuesday to Wednesday with a button, Wednesday with Thursday with a cord, and so on.


  • Tie each day of the week to some specific events.

For example, on Monday we go to kindergarten. And all other days, including Friday, we also go there. Then comes Saturday - a day off. We will bake cookies and go to visit grandma. After Saturday comes Sunday. Our second day off. The whole family will go to the theater. Come up with events and activities that you will repeat weekly on certain days of the week.

  • Tell your child that there are clues hidden in the names of the days of the week.

Wednesday is so called because it is in the very middle of the week, Thursday is the fourth day of the week, Friday is the fifth, etc. Having learned this, the child will quickly remember the order of the days of the week.

  • To reinforce, use poems and riddles, counting rhymes, etc.

Here is a week, there are seven days in it.
Get to know her quickly.
First day of all weeks
It will be called MONDAY.
TUESDAY is the second day,
He stands in front of the environment.
It was always the third day.
AND THURSDAY, the fourth day,
He wears his hat on one side.
Fifth - FRIDAY - sister,
A very fashionable girl.
And on SATURDAY, the sixth day,
Let's rest as a group.
And the last one, SUNDAY,
Let's set a day of fun.

The bridge stretched for seven miles,
And at the end of the bridge there is a golden mile. (A week)

  • Come up with a game or fairy tale with 7 different characters or situations.

The plot must be thought out in such a way that everything happens sequentially, so that it is impossible to swap events without damaging the fate of the heroes.


Turn the boring learning process into an exciting game - and your child will remember the months and days of the week one, two or three times! You will be proud of how smart your baby is, and the child himself will enjoy the learning process and the much-needed motivation to gain new knowledge in the future.

Dear readers! Be sure to tell us in the comments how you teach children to remember months and days of the week, and share photos of your developmental aids.

For a child of primary preschool age, such concepts as days of a week are not easy, because... they are abstracts (you cannot touch them, you cannot name their color). But it is very convenient to use and be able to operate with such simple (for adults) concepts.

On Monday we go to the doctor, on Friday you will go to visit your grandmother, and on Sunday guests will come to us... you must agree, if you don’t know what it is, it’s very difficult to navigate and understand mom.

To make learning an easy and interesting process, we offer you several options for studying the days of the week with a child of primary school age:

1. Learn a few verses: you will not only once again strengthen your developing memory, but also fix the sequence of days of the week in a playful way.

On Monday morning, Bear looked into the fragrant spruce forest. This afternoon, he helped Ant build a house. And on Tuesday, it was raining. Bear came to see the wolf. We haven’t seen him for a long time and played dominoes. On Wednesday, Bear visited the red squirrel. Dropped by for a get-together. We read a book together and cracked nuts. Thursday the bear woke up and went to the beaver for a haircut, got a fashionable hairstyle and bought himself a comb. On Friday, with a new hairstyle, the bear went to the pine forest with the hare. He was glad to collect a bucket of butter there. And on a fine Saturday, our bear went to the swamp, met a frog, and gave him a treat. with an oil can on the last day - Sunday, the bear made jam, invited all his friends to the feast, even the birds did not forget, seven cheerful days of the week flew by one after another, the bear managed to help all his friends.

poems will be presented below

2. Make a handwritten version of the calendar for a week only, add a piece of paper every day (or mark it with a tick if the sheet is whole), so the child can “touch” the days of the week. He will understand the division - new day - new name. Flip through this calendar for several weeks so that your baby understands the sequence. You can write down or paste photographs of your day or memorable events.

possible weekly calendar option.

Tell us the animals
How to remember the days of the week
Handicraft bunny!
Tuesday comes for him
The nightingale is a perky one.
After Tuesday-Wednesday
Fox food.
After Wednesday is Thursday
The wolf's eyes sparkled.
After Thursday comes Friday
It will roll like a bun.
After Friday - Saturday
Bathhouse at the raccoon.
After Saturday is Sunday
We have fun all day long.

Big Brother MONDAY-
Hard worker, not a slacker.
He opens for a week
Makes everyone work.
TUESDAY follows brother
He has a lot of ideas,
He takes on everything boldly
And the work began to boil.
Here comes the middle sister
She shouldn't be lazy
And her name is WEDNESDAY,
A craftswoman anywhere.
Brother THURSDAY and this way and that,
He's a dreamy weirdo
Turned around by the end of the week
And it barely lasted.
FRIDAY - sister managed
Hurry up and finish the job.
If you're making progress,
There is also time for fun.

Penultimate brother SATURDAY
Doesn't go to work.
Rotten and mischievous
He's not used to working.
He has another talent -
He is a poet and musician,
Yes, not a joiner or a carpenter,
Traveler, hunter.
SUNDAY comes to visit,
He loves treats very much.
This is the youngest brother
He will be glad to come to you.
Look at seven of them exactly.
Do you remember everyone? Repeat.

S. Mikhalkov

Like Emelya, so is the week.
We asked Emelya:
-Tell us the days of the week.
Emelya began to remember.
He began to call Emelya.
- The guy shouted “idler” to me -
This was on MONDAY.
I climbed the fence, and the janitor
He drove me with a broom on TUESDAY.
ON WEDNESDAY I caught a bug
And fell out of the attic.
Fought on THURSDAY with cats
And got stuck under the gate.
ON FRIDAY I teased the dog -
He tore his shirt.
And on SATURDAY - what fun! -
I rode on a pig.
I rested on SUNDAY -
He was sitting on the bridge, dozing.
Yes, he fell from the bridge into the river.
The man is unlucky!
So it is with our Emelya
The days of the week have flown by.

Where did Monday go?
-Where is the slacker Monday?-
Tuesday asks.
-Monday is not a slacker,
He's no slacker
He's an excellent janitor.
It's for Chef Wednesday
He brought a tub of water.
Fireman Thursday
He made a poker.
But Friday came
Shy, neat.
He left all his work
And I went with her on Saturday
By Sunday for lunch.
I gave it to you

Among the days of any week
The first will be Monday.
The second day followed him,
This Tuesday has come to us.

We can't escape anywhere...
The third day is always Wednesday.
He is the fourth here and there,
This day is called Thursday.

In a series of working days
The fifth is Friday now.
All work is finished
Day six is ​​always Saturday.

Day seven?
We know him:
Sunday - rest!

Each person daily navigates the time, periodically glancing at the hands of the clock, or daily looks at the date on the calendar. The child, observing the behavior of adults, himself begins to ask questions to his parents: “What is the date today, or why did you not go to work yesterday, but are you going today? “Children begin to use the concept of days of the week from the very beginning. But, as a rule, before three years they cannot fully understand it. However, they will gradually begin to get used to it and assimilate it. Parents themselves can introduce such a concept as days of the week for children. There are many ways to do this.

At first, pay attention to those days that are important for your family. For example, celebrations, grandma’s visit, etc. And when the child shows interest in this, encourage him in every possible way. To do this, you can buy or download pictures with the days of the week for children, or draw them yourself. You should explain to your child that there are seven days in a week, five of which are working days, and Saturday and Sunday are days off. On weekdays, children go to kindergarten or school, and adults go to work. And weekends are necessary in order to relax and do your favorite things. To make it easier for your child to remember all this, hang the days of the week in pictures on the wall in the children’s room. And every day, as soon as the baby wakes up, show and name today.

For better memorization, teach your child each day of the week. This way, in addition to strengthening, you can record their sequence in a playful way.

In order to also remember colors, play the following game with your child. Take a notebook sheet and cut it halfway in the form of a fringe into seven identical strips. Paint each of them with a different color or cover with colored paper. For example, red is Monday, orange is Tuesday, and so on. Every day, let the child tear off one strip corresponding to the day of the week.

You can use this game in kindergarten.

Let the children stand in a circle, and the teacher with the ball in his hands is in the middle. Then, in turn, he throws this ball to each child and names the days of the week in order, and the child repeats them.

Remember that learning the days of the week is not easy for children. After all, you cannot touch them with your hands or name them by colors. But with constant repetition of days in the form of a game, you will see results soon enough.

I offer you free printable additional materials that I hope will help you learn the days of the week with your baby.

A selection of materials on the topic


Didactic game

cut the pictures into small cards and invite the child to connect them to make a picture. If the child already knows how to read, then he will read the names of the days of the week in the required sequence, if not, read it yourself and memorize it together, and cute little animals will help you with this.

There are two main questions that parents are interested in regarding teaching their child the names of the days of the week.

The first is how easy it is to learn the days of the week with a child, and this question is relevant for young children who do not yet know the units of naming time intervals even in their native language. The second is how to teach a child the same names in English, and this question is fundamentally different from the first. The difference between the two tasks is as follows: in one case, the child masters a fundamentally new skill, and in the other, he develops an additional strategy to achieve an already known goal.

This article offers some advice on both issues presented.

Different approaches to learning

When we are born, we do not know about the existence of such concepts as “minute” or “month”, we have no idea about the cyclical nature of the seasons and the repeatability of the names of the days of the week. Of course, one day there comes a time when it becomes necessary to understand this. Awareness of how time “moves” does not come instantly, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the result will not be achieved immediately.

Learning the names of the days of the week in English is a much simpler task, because the child already understands the name of what phenomenon he needs to remember.

Let's look at how to help your child learn the days of the week in both cases.

First introduction to the concept

Days in the child's mind are separated from each other by the onset of darkness. In addition, he cannot help but notice that in some periods of time his parents are next to him from morning to evening, and in others they are absent for a long time, and this happens quite regularly. Based on these patterns, it is easy to explain to your child the difference between weekends and weekdays.

How to learn the days of the week with a child if he has never encountered these concepts? For example, explain the difference between Monday and Tuesday. Such words are too abstract to be represented in the form of a picture, but there are proven ways to achieve the goal.

Many children go to sections and clubs: on some days they have drawing, on others - dancing, music, early development school, and so on. By drawing the child's attention to the regularity of attending these classes, you can teach him to distinguish one from the other in a fairly short time.

Use of color

It is known that the use of colored pens, pencils and markers speeds up the process of learning material, regardless of the subject being studied. It’s not for nothing that at school children are taught to highlight headings in different colors, underline words, and highlight morphemes. Using this advice will help you both learn the days of the week with your child and master the area of ​​interest on your own.

Indeed, is it easier to remember that objects are different based on one or several distinctive features at once? Is it easier to distinguish a circle from an oval or a filled blue circle from a green and unfilled oval? In the first case, a person is forced to be guided solely by the geometric feature, and in the second - by it, the color, and the method of painting - of course, the second option is simpler for the brain.

You can remember the days of the week in a similar way: Monday will be, for example, red, Tuesday will be yellow, Wednesday will be green.

Game approach

Every child loves to play. On the contrary, children do not like it when any action turns into an obligation. In this case, they begin to be capricious, refuse to do what is required, and at times even cry.

The value of the game, among other things, lies in its spontaneity. When talking about how to quickly learn the days of the week with a child, one cannot help but turn to such a powerful tool. The effectiveness of using the game model in education is truly enormous: the parent knows that he is carrying out an educational activity, and the child, in turn, is sure that he is simply having fun. At the same time, no matter how he positions the event, the process of brain training will still take place, and this is precisely our goal.

You can play by building a train from cards with the names of the days of the week, inventing rhymes, drawing pictures, and so on. The main thing is that the child is interested, and then he will willingly learn new words when he learns the names of the days of the week.

Visual associations

In most cultures, time is represented as a straight line on which minutes, hours, and days follow each other. When depicted on paper, it is usually oriented from left to right. Thus, the child can remember the names of the days of the week, placing them in order - for this purpose, you can use multi-colored cards with the corresponding Russian or English words written on them.

You can use another visual representation option - in the form of a school diary. Many adults say that at the age of thirty and forty they imagine the days of the week arranged in space, as on the pages of a diary: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - on the left page, Thursday, Friday and Saturday - on the right. Sunday in this case is kept in mind and perceived separately.

By visualizing the week as the pages of an open school diary, you can both learn the days of the week with your child and develop your own memory by making mental notes on these imaginary pages instead of turning to a notepad or the reminder function on your mobile phone.

Considering that every child will go to school one day, this presentation option can also be useful when studying the days of the week.

Poems and counting rhymes

There are a whole lot of poems that play on the names of the days of the week. As you know, rhymes are remembered much better than text in prose. As a result, the child learns all the necessary words without any difficulties, and the matter remains with understanding the content.

Another useful pastime would be to simultaneously exercise physical activity and read poetry out loud. The benefits of combining these activities go far beyond just learning the days of the week with your child, as it promotes the development of different connections in the brain in the long term. It is easy to note that simultaneous combined movements in parallel with speech activity are not easy for even an adult to master the first time. Such regular exercises bring significant benefits to children.

Finding Russian or English rhymes that include the names of the days of the week is as easy as shelling pears. Read them out loud to your child - if he likes one of the proposed options, then most likely he will want to learn it himself. In the future, you can use this method, for example, when studying the names of months or animals in English or countries and cities in Russian.

Days of the week in English

Learning a foreign language is always associated with some difficulties: you need to learn a large number of words, the conditions for their use, and grammatical rules. Children under 10-11 years old learn a language more easily than adults and remember everything they learn for many years.

However, their logical thinking is less developed, and the initial stage, when lexical units must “grow” with associations, can cause disappointment, even to the point of reluctance to continue learning.

In this regard, the names of the days of the week are almost ideal for the initial period of language learning: they are easy to remember, are repeated cyclically, and often on certain days of the week children go to sections and clubs, which will also help to quickly master new lexical units. Here are some tips to explain to your child how to learn the days of the week in English.

Repeated fragments and etymology of words

Any adult understands that in the name of the days of the week in English there is a repeating fragment, namely: the word day, meaning “day”. Thus, while explaining to your child how to learn the days of the week and month, you can teach him a few new words along the way.

Each day of the week was historically named after a specific deity. Sunday is the “day of the sun”, and the child can easily remember two new words: sun - sun, day - day. Monday is “moon day”. The word moon has two o's in it, but it is still recognizable in the word monday.

The remaining days of the week are named after local deities, whose names are probably unknown to the child. However, for general educational purposes, you can tell him about northern mythology, for example about the Scandinavian and thunder Thor, from whom Thursday got its name - thursday.


If your child is unable to quickly learn the names of the days of the week, you should not worry, much less scold him. The human brain is adapted to assimilate information at the right time, which means that at one point understanding will come.

In fact, there is not much difference in the strategies of how to teach an adult and how to teach a child. Learning the days of the week for the first time is not an easy task, but as we grow up, we forget about it and expect quick results from children.

Using the tips in this article, namely visual associations, color highlighting, a playful approach, and focusing on everyday patterns, you will not only help your child remember the days of the week, but also help him learn effective learning strategies for later life.

You need to teach something when a question arises. Children are sent to kindergarten at the age of three. By this time, it is useful to teach your child the names of the days of the week. If the baby distinguishes Monday from Friday, it will be easier for him to get used to it. He will know when the long-awaited weekend comes. The very concept of a weekend arises only after entering kindergarten. It is easier for a child to integrate into the seven-day rhythm of adults and socialize. So by this time, parents need to know how to teach their child the days of the week.

If a preschooler is raised at home, the problem of learning is not so acute. You can wait until the baby himself asks: “Why was daddy at home yesterday and left today?” Such a question will not arise later than 4-5 years, the age of why. But by the age of 5-6, a preschooler should know the names of the days of the week, relate them to life, that is, understand that today is Wednesday.

What you need to know to learn the days of the week

  • The child must be able to count to 10.
  • The baby must understand what “day” and “night” are, that after night comes the next day.
  • Abstract thinking must develop so much that the child can separate yesterday, today and tomorrow. Typically, every adult's memories contain the moment of this realization. If a baby wakes up on a dark winter evening and says “yesterday” about morning time, then parents should think about how to teach their child the days of the week.

Where to begin

  1. Secure concepts of day, night, yesterday, today, tomorrow. To do this, start asking questions before going to bed: “What interesting happened today? What discoveries will we make tomorrow? And in the morning, on the contrary, ask: “What did you eat before going to bed yesterday?” Focus on pleasant events that happened yesterday or will happen tomorrow.
  2. Enter concepts the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow. The child must realize that he needs to jump over the day. Use new words only with familiar ones tomorrow and yesterday, day and night. Say: “Tomorrow it will be cold, and the day after tomorrow it will be warm again.”
  3. Some advanced parents use such rarely used words as the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow. But the majority will still say “in three days.”

How to teach your child the days of the week

  1. Divide your days into weekdays and weekends. Wait for the question and identify the problem. For example, you send your child to kindergarten, and he asks how many days he needs to go. It is necessary to explain that there are seven days in a week: 5 working days, 2 days off. Just don't be too categorical. There are children who believe that a day off is a law of nature, no one goes to work, and salespeople, teachers, and other working adults are very similar robots. It would be correct to explain that Saturday and Sunday are days off for many, but doctors and firefighters work.
  2. Learn names in a playful way, as described below.
  3. You can tell a sensible child about the meanings of the days of the week. After the week (Sunday in Old Russian), Monday began. That is, during the week (Sunday) they did no work and rested. Second in line is Tuesday. The next day is in the middle. Thursday and Friday from the numbers. Saturday - in the language of the Bible, rest, rest. The child does not need to know the details. If children go to the Orthodox Church, tell them that in Rus' the week (or in church week) began on Sunday, which, in turn, began to be celebrated on Saturday evening. That is, Saturday was the seventh, holiday day.
  4. For busy (uncreative) parents, an educational cartoon is suitable. For example, “Tralik and Roller”, “Locomotive Chukh-Chukh”. But parents are not involved in teaching, which is bad. Therefore, it is better to watch cartoons with your child, comment on it, and then discuss the plot.

  5. Even if you don’t make any special efforts, but just name the day of the week every morning, your baby will be able to quickly remember everything.

Visual aids and games for learning the days of the week

  • Regular wall calendar. Names must be written in full and in capital letters. This way, even the smallest child will remember how to write such complex words. This is also suitable for a child who does not know letters (there is a way to teach reading whole words).
  • A seven-flowered flower that you can draw, decorate and name each petal a day of the week.
  • Seven dwarves or seven heroes (depending on which fairy tale you are raising your child on). You can take a picture from a book or a coloring book and sign the day of the week for each gnome or hero.
  • Toys consisting of segments. Methodists recommend taking a train with seven carriages of different colors, each named: Monday, Tuesday.... The train can play the role of a calendar: in the morning, transfer your favorite toy to another carriage. Ask questions: “Show everyday life; find Saturday; What color is Thursday?
  • The role of a homemade weekly calendar can be played by anything, for example, seven vases or seven dolls. It is better if there are girl dolls and boy dolls, because there are men's and women's days, and Sunday is neuter, it can be designated by a doll. Think about how you will depict the days of the week. For example, you can put a red riding hood on the doll whose day it is, put a toy pie in front of it, etc.
  • Make a clock that shows the day of the week. Make a cardboard clock, divide it into 7 segments and attach a movable hand. This design will help you learn to use the clock more easily in the future, just write the words clockwise.
  • Together with your child, make colorful drawings that symbolize the seven days of the week, for example, a rainbow, a flower, pencils in a box, trailers, houses. Each day has its own color.
  • Read or learn poems about the days of the week by Mikhalkov, Stepanov, Usachev and other children's authors, proverbs and sayings. Use poetry at the stage of consolidating the material. For example, this poem.

One two three four five.
Let's call it weekdays.
Monday is the first day
He is the beginning of all weeks.
Tuesday is the second day
He is always before Wednesday.
In the middle is Wednesday,
Always smiling.
And the fourth day is Thursday,
There's a lot to do, it's overwhelming.
Friday is the fifth
It leads to the weekend.
Day six is ​​Saturday -
We don't go to work.
Sunday - seventh day -
At least lie down, at least sing songs.
Count the days of the week
And start over again.

  • Rhyme the days of the week with other words to create a vivid image: Monday - slacker, Sunday - salvation, Saturday - care...
  • Associate the day of the week with an activity or omen that is different from the activities and omen on other days. For example, on Monday we buy groceries for the week, on Tuesday we play the piano, on Saturday we can go to bed after 9 o’clock, on Sunday we watch cartoons.

The days of the week can be learned easily and with pleasure by communicating, imagining and playing. Do not cultivate prejudices in children, then they will grow up happy. Don't tell them that Monday is hard and Sunday goes by very quickly. Teach your children to enjoy every day.