Christian weddings. Wedding ceremony in a Christian church

Today, almost every Christian wedding takes place without observing most of the traditions inherent in this ritual. Most of them were irretrievably lost. But, nevertheless, many newlyweds are increasingly expressing a desire to celebrate the celebration in accordance with all traditions. Let's see what rituals and customs are inherent in a classic Christian wedding.

To embody all the moments of the wedding ceremony, you should correctly think over the script.

Wedding ceremonies of Christians

In Russia, there were obligatory rituals, without which not a single marriage could do.

The Orthodox wedding traditionally included: matchmaking, bride, conspiracy, bachelorette party, wedding, wedding night and feast.

To create a family, each of the stages was important and had a special meaning. Let's take a look at each of them separately.


This stage consisted of negotiations between two families interested in concluding a marriage union. Previously, marriages were concluded at an early age; therefore, the parents always chose a bride for the guy themselves. Very often the newlyweds did not know about their wedding and found out about it only at the time of preparation.

Matchmaking is the first and crucial stage of a future wedding; a family council gathered before it to discuss the candidacy of a wife. Of course, the opinion of the groom was taken into account, but the decision remained with the parents.

The bride was chosen physically strong, economic, modest, from a good family. At the same time, the material condition did not matter much. Particular attention was paid to the selection of matchmakers, because the better they conduct the conversation, the better the negotiations will be. Having created a wedding script, you can easily recreate this stage in a modern version.

Matchmaking has always been carried out in accordance with the omens. During the ceremony, the young got acquainted, and the relatives discussed the future union and clarified everything to the smallest detail. The rite was always performed late in the evening or at night on weekends or Tuesday, as well as Thursday. Matchmakers who entered the house of their future wife took off their headdress, crossed themselves on icons, bowed to the owners of the house, wait for an invitation to the table and sit on the bench. The matchmaker started the conversation with the words: "your product, our merchant" and others. "

Parents called them to the table and thanked them for their respect. Matchmakers were always well received. Relatives of the bride, if the guy was not like, politely provided. For example, "Still young, you have to wait." The girl's parents could agree immediately, if the guy is familiar to them, or ask for time. Weave the phrase is appropriate: "To marry a daughter is not like baking a cake." At the time of the matchmaking, the relatives of the bride and groom could also discuss the dowry, the ransom, the cost of the feast, the number of guests and other issues.

Well-to-do and wealthy families could draw up marriage contracts or contracts and legally certify them. Likewise, modern marriage contracts.

Bride and glyadin

This is the next pre-wedding stage, in which the bride's parents and her relatives travel to the groom's house in order to assess his financial situation and ability to provide for his future wife. The groom's parents tried to do everything to impress the bride's family. They demonstrated farm buildings, a stockyard, a house, barns with grain, seated guests of honor at the festive table, where they could talk about legends.

If, the bride's family, something did not suit, then they politely said: "Thank you, the hosts for the hospitable welcome, we have to go home," and if everything was in order, they said: "You are good, if you need us, you are welcome to us". You can recreate, if you wish, this stage of the wedding and triple the young people with a real Orthodox wedding.

At the bridegroom, the girl was officially introduced to the guy and his family. The unmarried girlfriends of the future bride sang at the event. The bride dressed up in the most beautiful dress, her parents took her to the center of the hut, after which they asked to walk and turn around. If the young people heard approval, then they stood on a fur coat, which was laid in advance, kissed or bowed.

If the bridegroom does not like the bride, then she would inform her mother or father, or defiantly left the house, changed into an everyday outfit. This was considered a clear refusal. But basically, the bride-show ended with a feast, where the girls' relatives brought dishes to the table, and the guy was exposed to drunken drinks.


Collusion, or as it is also called handicap. This is already the consolidation of the decision to accept the wedding union. At this stage, relatives are present from both sides. Here you can cooperate with the parents of the newlyweds, implement a wedding scenario similar to the ancient Russian in a modern interpretation.

At this stage, negotiations are underway on the date of the upcoming wedding ceremony, the amount of dowry, masonry, the number of guests. The girl complained about the personal fate of her parents, as she was forced to say goodbye to the girl's free life.

The treaty was sealed by hand-beating. Cancellation of the wedding was no longer possible


In another way, this ceremony was called crying. It was at this stage that the girl's girlhood was forgiven. The place of the ceremony was the bride's house. She was free to invite her friends. It always began from the moment of conspiracy and lasted until the wedding. The bride-to-be has always let her hair down, showing that she is ready to move to a new level and acquire a new status. The girlfriends shared the ribbons from the braid of the future bride between each other. The scenario of this event can be thought out by the bridesmaids in advance.

Molodechnik or as it is now called a bachelor party

The groom says goodbye to the life of a bachelor. Traditionally, the ceremony takes place the day before the wedding ceremony. Previously, only relatives and friends of the future spouse were invited to it. Now more and more often the guy invites exclusively friends.


This ceremony has always taken place in the church. It consisted of betrothal, when the young change rings and swear eternal love and weddings - laying wedding wreaths on their heads. The Church does not recognize divorce, so this rite should be approached seriously and responsibly. The wedding script sets certain conditions. For example, the bride's outfit should cover the shoulders and the length of the skirt - below the knee. It has its own characteristics and differs from marriage in a registry office.

Wedding night

This is the stage of cementing the bonds of marriage, both in the physical and in the legal sense. It always took place at the groom's house. The bed, as the Orthodox tradition said, was always made up with dummies, sisters or the groom's mother. To protect the young from evil spirits, a branch of mountain ash or juniper was always used. After the ceremony over the bed of the newlyweds, it was stuck into the wall. Now, of course, they have long gone from the traditions of that time, but the bride tries to make the first wedding night unforgettable for the groom.

Christian wedding traditions are interesting and many even regret that they have not been observed for a long time. Although modern Orthodox couples often strive to have a wedding, applying the scenario of a traditional Russian wedding ceremony.

Carrying out a wedding in compliance with all the traditional stages in the modern world is almost impossible. But, nevertheless, following most of them is real, you just need to prepare in advance, realize all the responsibility and plunge into the world of how a classic Orthodox wedding was celebrated. Her script should be thought out in advance, and relatives and friends will help with this.

With the onset of spring, newlyweds are increasingly seen in parks and main attractions of the city. After all, each of us from childhood dreams of an ideal wedding ceremony. Everyone decides for himself in what style, according to what customs and when this solemn moment will take place.

The methods and practices of traditional weddings have evolved over the years. For example, usually an Orthodox wedding lasted two days, in our time you no longer find such features. In addition, the celebration on the days of fasting was completely excluded. Nevertheless, many of the traditional rituals have become firmly embedded in the script of modern weddings.

So how is a Christian wedding done?

Bachelorette and bachelor parties before the wedding

A couple of days before marriage, young people celebrate a bachelorette party and a bachelor party. Previously, this meant the last meeting of the bride with girlfriends and the groom with friends. The festivities were accompanied by parting and sad songs, as each of them said goodbye to a free life. Now, this event is more entertainment in nature.

In the morning, before the start of the wedding ceremonies, the bride and groom should receive the blessing of the main people in their lives - their parents. Only then does it make sense to continue the ceremony. The groom's responsibilities also include preparing and presenting it to the bride. To placate the bridesmaids, the husband-to-be can send them a special box with souvenirs.

Traditional bride ransom

Traditionally, a Christian wedding begins with a bride price. Here the groom must prove to everyone present that it is he who is worthy of her hand and heart. This ceremony is accompanied by various competitions, songs and fundraising. This custom has very distant roots and its essence lies in the fact that the groom must, in the literal sense, redeem his bride from his family for money. In modern ransom, money no longer plays such an important role, and sometimes even just a symbolic one. Nowadays, more and more importance is given to contests, passing through which, the groom smoothly approaches the bride to give her a wedding bouquet.

Traditional wedding at the registry office

After the end of the ransom, the young and guests are preparing for a trip to the registry office, where they will officially conclude their union. By tradition, at this moment, relatives and friends say parting words to the young.

At the appointed hour, the newlyweds drive up to the registry office with their wedding cortege. There they will have to fill out all the necessary documents and form their union officially. After that, a small buffet will follow, at which the newlyweds will receive congratulations.

At the exit from the registry office, they will have the opportunity to experience another wedding tradition. Guests shower the newlyweds with rice, coins and flower petals. It is believed that such shedding will bring prosperity and prosperity to the spouses in the house.

Then comes the most important ceremony for the Orthodox, after which their marriage will also be concluded in heaven - the wedding. This usually takes no more than 40 minutes.
After the end of the wedding, the young and guests still have enough time before the evening feast. Therefore, most often, the bride and groom go for a walk along the city sights. The walk, as a rule, is accompanied by a photo session - replenishment of the family album.

Then everyone present should visit the groom's house. This is also an old tradition. There they are met by the husband's parents with a wedding loaf. Both husband and wife should take turns biting off a piece from the loaf, which the parents prepared in advance. The one who bites off a larger piece means to be the head of a young family. Nowadays, visiting the groom's house more and more often fades into the background, and the “bread and salt” procedure itself takes place already before the start of the banquet.

Later, the participants of the celebration have a little time to rest before the start of the feast. The banquet usually takes place until late at night, and sometimes until the morning. Therefore, it is so important to gather strength before starting it.

Banquet marriage registration box

In the restaurant they are expected by an already decorated hall and the host of this event - the toastmaster. It is on his shoulders that the mood of all those present at the wedding falls. At the banquet, each of the guests is given the opportunity to personally congratulate the newlyweds on the secured union, present gifts and say parting words.
Each toast is accompanied by the general cries of "bitter", which has also come to us since ancient times. "Bitter" has always meant a sweet life together, so this word is often pronounced at the celebration.

A special place in the celebration is occupied by the traditional dance of the bride with her father, at the end of which the father hands the daughter over to the groom. After that, the newlyweds dance their dance and all the guests who have gathered join them. This marks the beginning of the festive evening.

Christian weddings are accompanied by numerous contests and jokes that anyone can take part in. At the end of the evening, the bride traditionally throws the bouquet. The lucky woman who succeeds in catching him will be the next to marry.

After the banquet is over, the bride and groom, with applause, go to the venue for their first wedding night.

Second wedding day

With the onset of morning, it is time to celebrate the second day of the Christian wedding. This event usually does not last long, as the newlyweds still have their honeymoon ahead. Usually, the second day is accompanied by a small feast, which ends in the late afternoon. It is customary to share his impressions of the first day of a Christian wedding, what has been done and what I would like to avoid. Usually the celebration takes place in a small circle.

In the old days, there was a tradition according to which the groom had to visit the house of his mother-in-law on the second day, who was to treat him with homemade food. The secret was that he needed to redeem whatever was offered to him.

In our time, many rituals have faded into the background. The ones that remain are of an entertainment nature. Therefore, each of us must decide for himself what his Orthodox wedding will be, because there are many options for holding it.

The script for a Christian wedding is chosen by the majority of the betrothed. This is a traditional version that has come down to us since the time of Orthodox Russia. However, now more and more often old traditions are forgotten, and the old algorithm of a folk wedding is being reworked in a new way.

To make the celebration more religious, it is recommended not to deviate from the old canons. The ancient wedding customs and scenarios as they were 200 and 300 years ago are detailed below.

Christian weddings come in several varieties. This can be a traditional junkie celebration, a modern celebration with new pageants, or a seasonal wedding - for example, an apple wedding held in early fall.

Which one should you choose? The merits and demerits of each scenario need to be considered. An apple-style wedding is considered seasonal. It has long been held in late summer or early autumn, when the Apple Savior is taking place. The table is abundantly decorated with apples: they replace flowers and are the basis of both the decor and most of the festive dishes.

This type of traditional wedding is not widespread in Russia. And this is why he is good: guests who attend an apple-style wedding have hardly ever seen something like this.

The impression of novelty is very important for the celebration, it makes the invitees rate the wedding higher.

Other positive aspects of the apple-style holiday:

  1. Delicious and healthy holiday. Usually at a wedding there are fatty salads dressed with mayonnaise, heavy meat pies, chicken baked in its own juice in abundance. All these dishes have a bad effect on the liver, especially if it is also affected by alcohol - a regular guest at wedding tables. An apple wedding means giving up most of the heavy food. On it, guests receive mostly fresh dishes served with apple slices, not sugary fruit pies that can be consumed even by diabetics. Therefore, the holiday is very good for those newlyweds who have elderly people with diabetes or high cholesterol among their relatives. Apples contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, and even if there are a lot of heavy meals at the feast, these healthy fruits compensate for the rush of harmful substances.
  2. The shade of green is soothing and pleasing to the eye. Even the most aggressive or emotional guests or newlyweds, being present at the holiday in such a calm scale, will behave with restraint. Especially green and light green colors are beneficial for the newlyweds themselves, for whom the celebration is not only relaxation and pleasant pastime, but also a great stress (as well as for the parents of the bride and groom).
  3. Guests love themed holidays. You will not surprise anyone with a traditional wedding with white dresses and ransom, but an apple wedding will amaze anyone with its pleasant decor and an abundance of bright but restrained accents.
  4. If the holiday is held in the fall (as it should be), it is very easy (and inexpensive) to get the props in the form of ripe apples.

As for the script itself, it is not much different from the traditional one. It has a ransom, and a church wedding (optional), and an abundance of wedding contests.

However, the main difference is that a lot of themed activities are associated with apples. So, the cortege can be decorated with apple branches, and among other contests, eating apples, etc. tasks. Therefore, the script can definitely be called positive - it is simple to execute, but with a touch of originality.

However, there are also some disadvantages:

  1. In spring, summer and winter, an apple wedding will seem out of place. And if at the end of summer it can still be held, because the necessary fruits are already appearing in stores, and outside the window there are greens of all shades, then the cold winter and gentle spring will ruin the holiday.
  2. Not everyone loves apples, and some are allergic to them. The newlyweds will have to inform everyone about the menu in advance, and at the same time interview guests about their allergies. Although any wedding with a non-standard menu should include this item, so you can not consider it as something complicated and rare.
  3. It's hard to arrange a suitable decor on your own. Apples need to be beautifully entered into almost any composition, but not all engaged people will guess how to do this. It is recommended to contact a wedding agency for help. The result of the work of a good organization is presented in the photos below, in a separate section with the apple wedding script. The agency will also choose a word that the young people will say to each other.

If you want to minimize costs and refuse the services of a designer, but still decorate the hall beautifully and pleasing to the eye, you can just make out the thematic photos well.

The traditional, primordially Russian (folklore) wedding included many rituals - both matchmaking with a loaf, and the ransom of the bride.

Some of them, like ransom, still remained in the wedding programs, but they underwent a transformation. But more complex and traditional elements (matchmaking, old ditties) are gradually forgotten and used less and less.

In vain, because a folklore wedding, which uses combined elements of primordial Russian traditions and epic legends, will please the guests and instill a particularly good mood in the newlyweds. Folk wedding includes half-forgotten traditions of native Russia, as well as elements of fairy tales, epics, old poems (for example, Pushkin's Lukomorye).

Some of the guests or the host dress up in the outfits of folklore characters.

Such a celebration has no less advantages than an apple wedding:

  1. The spirit of the nation's unity. If the majority of those invited are Slavs, they will definitely appreciate the respect that the bride and groom have shown for the traditions of their people. The common ancient folklore unites and instills not only joy for the newlyweds, but also pride in their homeland. And representatives of other nations will be happy to get to know Russian culture better, to see the wedding as it was hundreds of years ago, but with the addition of fabulous elements.
  2. Wedding decoration will be universal, even children will not be bored to be on it. Typically, the competition program includes entertainment exclusively for adults or teenagers, less often for the elderly. It is very rare that something is prepared for children. At an old folklore wedding there is a place for children's imagination: little guests can express themselves in small scenes, songs that are easily sung and remembered. And as a spectator, the child will be happy, because the costumes of the performers and the newlyweds will be bright and eye-catching, and fairy-tale characters will appear among the heroes of the wedding program.
  3. Traditional dishes are also much healthier than the modern ones offered for a festive wedding table. And folklore weddings are not limited to old food options. You can pick up new dishes, but beat them in accordance with fairy tales: use some drinks as "living water", "jelly banks" and "milk rivers". The menu will be light, healthy, safe for allergy sufferers and small children.

In this case, the organizers will face some difficulties during the celebration.

If the future husband and wife do not differ in developed imagination or do not like to engage in creative affairs, it is better to entrust the writing of the script to professionals.

In the old days, there was only one person for this - the big Druzhko, the prototype of the modern toastmaster. Now there are entire wedding agencies with designers, stylists, decorators, screenwriters and presenters.

They will help you to make the right holiday. Folk wedding is good for conservative people who appreciate old Russian fairy tales, for a family holiday with children. It will look great in the summer, outdoors.

If the organizers (a family of newlyweds) and guests are tired of boring contests and just want to act as spectators at the performance, then a wedding with buffoons is the best option.

This type of celebration came to us from Russia during the XIV-XVII centuries. Then, at weddings, the guests were entertained primarily by buffoons - they told jokes, showed tricks, told the guests whole stories, arranged mini-theatrical performances.

Moreover, they performed all their tasks with great skill. Now it is even easier to find the "buffoons" who will be the highlight of the program.

It is enough to find competent pyrotechnics, dancers and singers and ask them to dress in traditional Russian outfits.

The program may not differ much from the modern one - restrained dances with modern elements, breathing out fire, songs in Russian will not stand out from the general style, if at the same time the stage and the performers themselves are decorated in an antique style.

So, the pros of a wedding with buffoons:

  • extensive entertainment program;
  • no contests - guests act as spectators and only have a rest;
  • unification of Christian traditions (weddings, vows) with native Russians (ransom, matchmaking, ransom for a favorite song);
  • beautiful, original outfits that are easy to find in holiday themed stores.

A traditional wedding will be appreciated not only by Russians, but also by Ukrainians and Belarusians who have a similar culture and tradition, as well as Eastern Slavs. Therefore, this type of celebration is often used at interethnic weddings: between Russians and Ukrainians, Russians and Karelians, etc.

So, each scenario has its own pros and cons.

If you want to hold a bright and original holiday close to European standards, without an abundance of old traditions, an apple wedding in the "Rustic" style is suitable (more details below).

For lovers of folklore, celebrations in folklore style are prepared, which are suitable for family celebrations. And conservative families and lovers of old Russian traditions should pay attention to the wedding with buffoons, which is distinguished by a rich entertainment program.

It is better to select a scenario not alone, but in consultation with a partner, relatives or professionals.

Scenario of a folklore Russian wedding with buffoons - text

The wedding with buffoons has an old scenario. It is similar to the traditional wedding of our time, but with some minor differences. Instead of competitions from toastmaster, performances of buffoons are used, and at the beginning of the day there is always matchmaking and bride price.

Detailed plan:

  1. Matchmaking. The groom and his brothers, uncles or other male relatives (usually not the father or grandfather) go to the bride's family with a loaf and salt, as well as gifts that the couple can pick up. While the groom remains on the street, matchmakers (male relatives) go to the bride's parents and praise the groom in every possible way. Previously, parents could refuse and as a symbol of refusal to give a pumpkin to the wooing person, but now this is only a symbolic ceremony. After the matchmaking, the bride's parents try the loaf and show favor with the future son-in-law, giving him a small gift.
  2. Ransom. Usually matchmaking and ransom take place on different days, but in today's world, people often don't have time to divide the holiday into several days. Therefore, immediately after the matchmaking, while the groom has not yet moved away from the bride's house, he can begin the ransom. Family girls make demands on him (show strength, prove their talents through contests and assignments, show that a man can provide a decent family life). If the groom fails, he can steal the bride or pay the ransom for her. People on a big budget can afford real ransom, but counterfeit money is commonly used.
  3. After the ransom, the bride and groom go to the registry office. There, costumes can be European (white dress, dark suit), although there are no restrictions - just European outfits are more convenient for moving around the city. Then the newlyweds can change their clothes.
  4. A short buffet table. It may not be carried out at all, since this part is more in the style of Europe. The newlyweds go home to change their dress for the traditional one.
  5. A cortege gathers, guests, everyone goes to the wedding in the church. The ceremony is conducted by a priest. Thereafter, the marriage is considered sacred, made in heaven.
  6. Guests and spouses go to the party. Best of all, if it takes place in nature, an average-sized suburban wooden house with amenities and a small adjacent territory.
  7. At the holiday, the spouses try a loaf instead of a cake (whoever bites off more is the head of the family), dance traditional dances, watch the performance of buffoons.
  8. You can arrange the ceremony of the first wedding night - the bride and groom in the dark, at the end of the holiday, guests are carried in their arms to the bedroom.

Most of the points in the plan are easy to organize. The most difficult thing is to compose an interesting scenario of the feast that will take place after the religious wedding.

You will definitely need a toastmaster. He must have a prepared text in advance.

One of the variants of the text for the festival with buffoons is the song of the "King and the Jester" group "Skaznik Skomorokh". Suitable if the newlyweds have a sense of humor and do not mind weaving a few modern attributes into the celebration.

Besides, the sound of the band in this song is traditional. Also, the toastmaster must play his own wedding, where there will be the words: "Play much!". The meaning of the phrase - have fun with might and main, sincerely.

Buffoons and toastmasters in the old days preferred songs and ditties, rather than poetry and prose. Therefore, it is better to select the song versions of the toastmaster's addresses.

How to have an apple wedding - ideas

An apple wedding looks best when combined with the Rustic style. It is a soft textile and woody style of interior decoration. Preferred colors:

  • natural woody;
  • soft beige;
  • White;
  • cream;
  • champagne;
  • all soft shades of green.

The decor combines natural textures: grainy beige fabric, natural twine, thick floral wrapping paper, thinly sliced ​​logs and unpolished natural wood boxes. Also used are hay, flower branches and inflorescences, pots of grass. One or two compositions - this is necessarily a circle (wreath) of apple foliage and inflorescences.

The toastmaster should use words related to apples in his speech.

For example:

Green apple - freshness note.

I am now putting it into your hands.

Ripe and, having fallen into our hands before the deadline,

It told me its parable.

Imagine that the apple tree is both of you.

The family is one whole, like this fruit.

At the end, congratulations on the holiday, the call "Bitter!", "Advice and love" must be sounded.

The rest of the party can be spent traditionally, adding a little more music to keep the guests happy.

Very beautiful apple wedding:

The three wedding options described are the most convenient traditional holiday scenarios. Each has its own pros and cons. One is tailored for a family holiday, the other is for a creative, theatrical, the third seems to be one big performance with a lot of entertainment. Which option would you choose?

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Presentation "Book of Proverbs of Solomon"

God's commandments were set forth in the Law of Moses. The interpretation of these commandments and their use in specific cases in Israel was the lot of the sages and found their reflection in Proverbs of Solomon .

Proverbs- these are simple moral statements (or examples), which set out the truths of life. Solomon wrote three thousand parables, of which only 513 were included in the book Proverbs of Solomon .

Wedding contests

Pop the balloon

There are two teams participating in the competition. Strings are tied to the feet of the participants, at the end of which balloons are attached. The balls should hang freely and fall to the floor. The task of the first team members is to burst all the balls of their rivals from the second team.

The team that loses all the balls is considered the loser.

Cherished ribbon

The competition is attended by girls and boys, in pairs. The girls are holding ribbons twisted into a skein. The task of the guys is without the help of hands, in other words, with your teeth, grab the end of the ribbon and wrap your girlfriend so that there is some piece of clothing.

The couple whose costume is the most beautiful and neat wins.

Pour into a glass

To participate in the competition, you need to invite a guy and a girl, and preferably a couple of couples. The woman clamps a glass between her legs, and the young man - a bottle of water. The guy's task is to reach the girl with this bottle and fill the glass with water. The main thing along with this is not to spill a drop. Then the young man should drink the water from the glass without using his hands. A woman can help him, but again without using her hands.

The couple who cope with the task faster than the others comes out the winner.

Prove love

The groom is given a towel and asked to tie it as much as he adores his bride. At the end of how the towel is tied into a strong knot, the groom is asked to untie this knot as very tightly as he will resolve each conflict.

Home budget

All players are divided into two teams. Their task is to be aware of the prices in their country, since the facilitator will ask questions about the cost of certain products, and the teams will have to respond quickly.

scene for the wedding. Tim and Asta?

scene for the wedding.

at the end of the scene, the bride and groom tell their story of how they got married :)

The team that will be faster, and the main thing is to answer the questions posed, will win.

Tear the paper

A couple of guys sit on chairs. A piece of medium-weight paper is placed on their knees. Then the girls sit down on the hands of the young people. The task of the girls without the help of their hands is to tear the paper, in other words, they must fidget and do whatever they want, but the paper must be torn.

The couple whose paper will have more tears is considered the winner.

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Christian wedding contests - a warehouse of joyful joyful contests

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Wedding - wedding contests

In order to maintain the atmosphere of joy at the wedding, traditionally for the bride and groom, and for the guests of the celebration, various contests are held. For the victory and for the participation of the contestants, it is possible to present them with pleasant memorable prizes.

Testing for newlyweds

"Chamomile... Distribution of responsibilities between newlyweds. A chamomile is made, on the petals of which various duties are written. The bride and groom take turns removing the petal and reciting their responsibilities. This is possible: I will clean the house, I will give birth to children, I will drink beer in the evenings, I will go shopping, I will take out the trash, I will cook dinner, I will receive money, etc.

"Hedgehog... It is necessary to stick matches or toothpicks into the apple, so it will turn out to be an unusual hedgehog. The groom must say tender words to the bride for every “needle of the hedgehog,” as he will call her in his married life.

“Who will be born first? Comes with blue and pink sliders. The wedding host walks through the guests with these sliders. Guests put money in them. After that, counting is done. If there is more money in the blue sliders, a boy will be born first, if in the pink ones, a girl will be born.

Competitions, entertainment for guests

Competition Deuces, Threesomes, Fours

Rhythmic music sounds. The players are dancing. After that, the music turns off and the presenter says: Twos !. Players pair up quickly. Slow music is played, to which the couples dance. After that, the music turns off again and the presenter says: Troika !. Players are quickly grouped in threes. Rhythmic music sounds. Players dance in threes. During the game, the presenter demands to be grouped by five, four, six, then three again, one at a time, etc. (It is necessary to group accounts in a breakdown.)

Competition Most Favorite

The most beloved will be the one who, in 1 minute, collects as many kisses as possible from the ladies present. The counting is done according to the attention symbols left on the faces of the participants.

Lottery tickets are sold to guests for a nominal fee.

1. Birds do not sing in winter. Smile, here are some matches.

2. In sex, the best partner is the one who has the drummer badge

3. With you I will go on reconnaissance. You will receive a candy.

4. Don't sigh lightly, it's better to drink wine.

5. No need to break, dance us a lambada!

6. And on this ticket, take a cigarette.

7. Sing us a song about love, and you will take a carrot.

8. It's time to start a baby, take a pacifier.

9. Do not sit and do not be bored, take tea, buddy.

10. Turned out to be a fine fellow, you are rewarded with an egg.

11. To keep the body clean, take a bar of soap.

12. To brush your teeth quite often, take a toothpaste.

14. You, evidently our comrade, take a pencil.

15. If only the ears fit, we have already found the clips.

16. You have received a sweet treasure, this white chocolate.

17. A comb will do for your hairstyle.

18. Tell a joke and get a notebook.

19. Every pitching is not scary if you have gum.

20. Dear friend, girlfriend, here's one toy for you.

Competition Realize me without words

Six men participate in the competition, who invite a woman for themselves. Women stand on one side, men on the other. Any participant should invite his woman in a pantomime: to a ballet, to a hunt, to a ski trip, to a circus, to a dance, to watch an action movie in a movie. Women must anticipate where they are invited. The winners receive prizes.

Two teams are involved, consisting of any seven ladies. Before the teams, a baby is seated on chairs (for greater joy in this role, it is more optimal to use mustachioed men). As the music begins to sound, the nannies take turns running up to their child: the first one puts on his cap; the second puts on booties; the third ties up the bib; the fourth gives him tea from a nipple; the fifth feeds a plate of porridge; the sixth stuffs her mouth with a dummy; the seventh hands a rattle. The prizes are awarded to the team whose nannies served their child faster, and it is possible to present the prize to the man who has found an affectionate age in his memory.

Competition "Dance with balls

Couples are called, besides the bride and groom. Any couple is obliged to dance, holding a balloon between their foreheads. Whose couple will last longer will win the competition.

Contest "Poured, drank, ate

Two teams are formed - the groom's team and the bride's team. This competition is an unusual relay race. At a distance of a couple of meters, 2 tables are placed on which there is a bottle of alcohol, a glass, a snack. Each team has its own table. The first participant runs to the table and pours a drink into a glass, the second runs and drinks, the next one has a snack. And without that, until everyone drinks. Whose team does it faster will win.

In addition, the guests are divided into two teams. Whoever finds more in memory and sings ditties will win.

Each fairy tale is taken as a base, it is possible to come up with your own. All characters are roles for dramatization. In addition, assign a role to the curtain. The “Turnip. The presenter reads a fairy tale, and any actor must portray his role.

  • Turnip- at each mention of “The turnip raises his hands above his head and says: Oba-na.
  • Granddad- rubs his hands and says: “Tek-s-tek-s
  • Grandma- waves his fist to his grandfather: “I would kill
  • Granddaughter- rests his hands on his hips: “Well, you give a pancake
  • Bug- tyaf-tyaf
  • Cat- pshsh meow.
  • Mouse- pee-pee-scatter.
  • The sun- stands on a chair and observes; moves to the other side of the stage as the story progresses.

It is necessary in advance to compose a musical cut on a disk from excerpts of funny songs. The presenter will reach individual guests and, as it were, find out their thoughts by holding a microphone. Now the phonogram with a fragment of the song is playing. It turns out to be a very funny action if you think in advance who to approach and which song to include.

For example, the groom can sing to the bride: I adore you to tears. ...

In addition, it is possible to hold an auction, read telegrams to the bride and groom, show congratulations to the young from the stars of show business (the disguised friends of the bride and groom will act as stars).

Wedding contests. wedding contests

Wedding script (17)

Redemption of the bride (14)

Wedding pageants (48)

One of the most important stages of any wedding is a wedding banquet. Therefore, organize it to be directed at the highest level: perfect decoration, delicious menu and, of course, an entertaining entertainment program. How to entertain guests? How to make them very interesting at the wedding? Such questions torment many newlyweds. It is possible to order a number of wedding services, for example, a bartender show, a fire show, invite a musical group or a magician to the wedding. And, of course, remember about wedding contests... Since many of the guests will want to participate in the wedding celebration. And how is this better to be done apart from both through the organization wedding contests... What specific contests to choose? What needs to be purchased and prepared for this or that wedding competition... You will find answers to these and other questions in this section!

Wedding contests for the groom

Contests for the next wedding day

Wedding contests for guests

Funny wedding contests

Wedding contests at the table

Cool wedding contests

Wedding contests for the bride

Erotic wedding contests

Exciting wedding games

Wedding games

A couple of clockwork games for guests

Games and contests for young people

Wedding games and contests

Competition "Get to the point"

Funny wedding contests

Entertaining contests and games

Balloon dance

Classic bridal braids

We do not need superfluous

Wedding contests for witnesses

Wedding Anniversary contests

Various wedding contests

Wedding contests

Bride buyout contests

Cool wedding contests

Wedding day contests

Joyful games and contests at the wedding

Rejoice people, we are celebrating the wedding!

Joyful wedding contests

Wedding competition for witnesses

Wedding games and contests for your parents

Wedding contests and games

Entertainment program: contests and games

Joyful wedding contests

Joyful wedding contests

Competition for witnesses

Delicious, sweet and joyful

The tale of the kolobok

Shaving is required not only by men, but also by balls.

10 minutes

Reading time:
10 minutes
Preparation time:
5 o'clock

This scenario is a classic of the Christian marriage ceremony of a young couple in a family union in front of the Lord God in the presence of parents, guests and witnesses.

The ceremony is based on the invariable biblical principles of self-sufficiency and inviolability of the marriage union of a man and a woman, and to this day is performed in evangelical churches around the world.

The ceremony includes such elements as promises of fidelity to the newlyweds, exchange of rings, prayer of blessing, gratitude to the parents and the proclamation of the marriage union.

Best regards, Ivan and Oksana Privalovs

Solemn entrance

- parents;

- pastor, groom and witness;

- a witness;

- boy with rings;

- girl with rose petals;

- the bride's dad brings his daughter to the altar.


The pastor performs a prayer of thanksgiving.

Dear newlyweds, if you have seriously and prayerfully thought about the step ahead of you and willingly, with reverence wish to enter into a marriage, in order to be united in everything to death, please join your right hands.

Ivan, in the presence of Almighty God and the witnesses gathered here, do you promise to love, appreciate, respect Oksana standing next to you, whose right hand you hold?

Do you promise to take care of her in sickness and health, in joy and sorrow, in prosperity and need, in youth and old age?

Do you promise to be faithful to her until death?

Oksana, in the presence of Almighty God and the witnesses gathered here, do you promise to love, appreciate and respect, Ivan standing next to you, the right hand that you hold?

Do you promise to take care of him in sickness and health, in joy and in sorrow, in prosperity and need, in youth and old age?

Do you promise to be a faithful and devoted wife to his death?

God bless you in your firm promise!

Brief instruction

The union you are entering into is the most tender of all human relationships.

- instruction for the husband [Ephesians 5]

- admonition for the wife

- instructions about love

- instruction to parents [Matthew 19: 5]

Mutual promises:

The groom's promise:

I promise to love you, take care of you, and be faithful to you until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ or until the day when the Lord will part us by death.

The bride's promise:

I promise to love you, take care of you, and be faithful to you until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ or until the day when the Lord will part us by death.

Ring exchange:

Since ancient times, the ring has always been used in important events. The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage - made of precious metal, the ring is a perfect circle that has no beginning or end.

It denotes your desire, our desire and God's desire that there is no end to your happiness and your love in married life.

It denotes your joint desire to have endless love for each other, with God's help. Therefore, whether you are together or apart, let these rings be a constant reminder of the promise you are making today.

The witness takes the rings from the baby and gives them to the pastor.


With this ring I seal my promise to be a loving and faithful husband. God is my Witness.


With this ring I seal my promise to be a loving and faithful wife. God is my Witness.


By handing over and accepting these rings, as a symbol of boundless love, purity, devotion and dedication, you unite in a marriage union.

Your solemn promises are sealed with this symbol and the Word of God forever.

Drinking the "Chalice of Life":

By entering into a marriage union, you agree to jointly go through and overcome many everyday difficulties. As a symbol of your unity and readiness to endure all the hardships of life together, I ask you to drink this vine juice from one cup.

Let this simple act be the first act of your life together.

The bride and groom take turns drinking grape juice.


- Bride

- Parents of the groom

- Parents of the bride

- Pastor

Thanksgiving parents:

Starting a life together and leaving the home of their parents, the young wished to express their gratitude to their parents, who raised and raised them for each other.

Young people give their parents valuable gifts and bouquets of flowers.

Announcement by husband and wife:

As a servant of God, by the power given to me by God, I declare you husband and wife, united in purpose, intention and a happy life.

What God has combined, let man not separate.

Witness your union with a kiss ...


Dear friends, brothers and sisters, let me introduce you to Oksana and Ivana Surname, a legally married husband and wife.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

I invite, first the parents, and then all the guests, to congratulate the young on their wonderful decision!

- theologian, publicist; site administrator [since 2000]; Head of the Children's Olympic Games, Kiev; leader of youth and adolescent movements; founder of the Life in Truth movement.