How to carry a baby in a column after feeding. How to properly hold a newborn in a column and why such a posture is needed after feeding

Feeding a baby is a skill that a young mother is taught after giving birth in a maternity hospital. After being discharged home, a woman faces a number of difficulties - colic and regurgitation. To minimize them to a minimum, the baby is held in a column after feeding.

Regurgitation is a natural process, a kind of defensive reaction, its purpose is to remove excess food from the body. How many times a child spits up depends on the amount of food eaten. Some babies spit up several times in small portions, while others do not spit up at all. Newborn babies tend to overeat. The digestive system of newborn babies is imperfect, in premature babies it is completely underdeveloped. Children are born with an inherent sucking reflex, their other skills are poorly developed.

The second point is colic. Colic occurs as a result of swallowing air during feeding during separation from the breast, improper attachment, features of the female breast and baby's mouth. Swallowing air is an inevitable moment, since the baby cannot independently give the body an upright position and burp. Air trapped in the stomach causes painful, tingling sensations, and brings a lot of anxiety to the child. The baby is crying, cannot fall asleep after feeding. There is a danger that the baby may choke on milk, therefore, after feeding, the children should be monitored. To eliminate colic and remove excess food, the child must be properly held in a column and carried around the room.

How to hold correctly

The basic rule in this moment is to properly provide support for the back, head and neck of the child. After feeding the baby, you need to take it with both hands - one under the head and neck, the other under the back. Then give an upright position. The mother's hands remain in the same position, the child is pressed to the shoulders, the head looks behind the back. Thus, it is possible for the mother's shoulder to support the chin of the newborn, which gives additional fixation to the head and facilitates support for the mother.
Opinions differ as to the frequency of the bars. Pediatricians advise taking frequent breaks with 30 ml of food. If the baby is fed with formula, then you can see how much food the baby has eaten. When breastfeeding, measuring the amount of food is more difficult.

The second group of pediatricians advises holding the newborn in a column from the end of feeding and wearing it until excess air and excess fluid comes out.
The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky argues that there is no need to keep non-spitting up children with a column. And this is also correct. The doctor notes - you need to keep a column of children who are not gaining weight well. In all other cases, the column hold is optional.

During holding in a column, air, part of the milk, air with milk may escape. In order not to stain the clothes, you can put a napkin or a rolled up disposable diaper on the mother's shoulder, and the baby's clothes can be covered with a bib.
Immediately after regurgitation, you can keep the baby for some time with a column, because at this moment, his body is warmed by the mother's warmth, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. How much time is needed for this - these are individual indicators. After the baby has spit up, you can vilify him a little and put him to bed.

If the baby falls asleep while feeding, try to observe him and find out - when he gets excess air or this does not happen in a dream at all. If the baby spits up in a dream, you can carry it on your arms in a sleeping state until it regurgitates, then put it in the crib. Babies who calmly fall asleep after feeding and do not wake up from colic, most likely, will not spit up, since they have not swallowed excess air. Otherwise, they would not be able to fall asleep because of the discomfort in the tummy. Even if a sleeping child has a small amount of air in the stomach, it can come out after sleep. In any case, parents need to know such individual characteristics in order to properly organize feeding and measures after it.

Precautionary measures

In order for spitting up to go well, you need to know the actions that cannot be done with newborn babies:

  • you cannot lift the baby by the arms, hands, pull up by the forearms. In this case, the child may suffer damage to the radius;
  • there is no need to take the baby in the armpit area - the newborn does not hold his head so well to raise it on his own. This will cause the head to be thrown back and the neck muscles may stretch. Correctly take under the head and neck;
  • you do not need to lean the child too tightly against the mother's body, so as not to scare him. The baby's tummy should relax, be free to remove excess feeding outside;
  • so that the child does not develop torticollis, the spine is formed correctly, you need to hold the baby in a column from different sides - once on the left hand, and once on the right. Usually curious kids like to look around, so the neck should turn in different directions, and not get used to one;
  • some children do not like to be disturbed, therefore, when held in a column, they may begin to cry, become restless. Try to carry the child around the rooms, show him the toy so that he does not cry or strain his abdominal muscles, otherwise regurgitation may be delayed for a long time.

The birth of the first child is a time of new lessons for a woman. Everything happens for the first time and there is a lot to learn.

New important knowledge is swarming in the head of the new mother. One of them says: after a newborn baby has eaten, it must be held upright for some time. Many call this process: "hold with a column".

So what is the correct way to hold your baby upright? Does he need it and is it obligatory? Let's try to figure it out.

Why keep your baby upright?

This rule is widespread in Soviet pediatrics. The fact is that such a pose for a newborn is needed after feeding - in case the portion was too large. In an upright position, the crumb will not choke, the body will need to regurgitate excess milk or air that has trapped with it.

A baby is born with an incompletely matured digestive system. During feeding, he can involuntarily swallow air, but he cannot get rid of it on his own, since he is not able to take an upright position.

Does the baby need it so much?

However, at present there is also the opposite opinion. It's not just humans that have an immature digestive system. There are other animals in nature, children who are not born completely ready for independent life. And their mothers do not put their babies in a "column". So maybe we don't need to pay so much attention to this?

In any case, today's children are surrounded by the love and care of their mothers. The baby is immediately taught to correctly breastfeed and therefore problems with swallowing air are quite rare.

So it is necessary to keep the baby in an upright position mainly in those cases when he is worried, often cries and does not fall asleep after feeding, or has eaten a little more of his capabilities.

How to learn to hold the baby in the posture "column"?

We take the crumb in our arms

First, let's figure out how to take the baby in your arms at all. According to the rules, it is necessary to hold the baby "in a column" immediately after feeding, that is, it is already in the mother's arms.

But you must first take the baby out of the crib correctly:

  1. Lean over the baby below. Movements should be smooth, not abrupt. One hand should be placed under the baby's head and neck, the other under his back.
  2. Raise both hands at the same time, holding the baby to you.
  3. Important! Be sure to support the baby's head. Your palm should be at the same time on the back of the baby's head and grip the neck a little.

  1. If the baby is lying on his tummy, you should put one hand under the breast, and the other support him by the chin and neck with the index and thumb of the same hand. With your other hand, you will support your lower body.

We put in the "column"

After picking up the baby in your arms, press him vertically to you. Its head should rest on your shoulder.

In this case, you need to hold the head and neck with your hand. With your other hand, squeeze the lower part of the child's body against you, helping the small back. It's too early to support him under the ass!

Tip: experienced mothers put a clean diaper or towel on their shoulders. And so that the baby touches the clean one with his face, and so as not to stain his clothes.

Another variation of the "column"

This option of supporting the newborn will be useful if it is necessary for the baby to regurgitate excess air or milk, but this does not work in the classic position.

Move the baby a little higher than during the traditional "bollard". Wherein:

  • the baby's breast should be on your shoulder;
  • its head and arms are behind your shoulder;
  • be sure to press the back and neck of the baby to you.

In this position, belching is more effective. After a few seconds, the baby can be laid in the crib.

How long should the baby be kept upright?

How long should the child be held upright? Let us recall once again the obvious truth that all people, and therefore children, are completely different. Therefore, we cannot give an unambiguous recipe - they say, three times a day for 3 minutes for three months - we cannot.

Usually, the process of getting rid of excess air takes some time for children - from 2 to 10 minutes. If you see that the child is worried, but there is still no result, try to help him.

You can slightly change its position by raising it higher, as we described in the previous part. Or you can stroke and lightly pat him on the back. This will also help the air escape quickly.

In what cases is it necessary to put a crumb in a "column"?

It is recommended for parents to hold the newborn with a column in the following cases:

If the baby is worried during feeding

This behavior may indicate that the baby has already managed to swallow air and is now experiencing discomfort.

If he eats very greedily and hastily

In this case, it is also more than likely that the baby will still swallow air. Take the time to hold it upright before placing it in the crib.

If the baby is bottle-fed

At first, it is quite difficult to determine the amount of formula needed by the child, so the problem of overeating may arise. A good appetite will help the baby cope with the proposed portion, but it may simply not fit in the ventricle.

Spitting up excess food rarely occurs in breastfed babies, but if you see that the baby has eaten more than usual, it makes sense to hold it in a “column” for a while.

How long will it take to do this?

It is impossible to predict in advance how quickly your child's digestive system will form. Some children cope with this problem from the moment they learn to roll over on their stomach.

And some have to help with regurgitation until they sit down. You will see for yourself when your help is no longer needed.

On the other hand, this is such a wonderful opportunity to be together. Gentle hugs and touches are one of the top love languages ​​available for your child. Speak to him in his language!

A newborn baby needs special care and attention. He is very vulnerable, so parents should be extremely careful with the baby. The child's body adapts to the world around it, learns to perceive not only new faces, objects and sounds, but the work of internal organs and systems is also completely rebuilt. First of all, this concerns digestion: during all nine months during pregnancy, the baby received nutrients through the placenta, but from the moment of birth, the gastrointestinal tract begins to perform its direct function. To help the body adapt, doctors recommend an effective way - to properly hold the baby upright, or in a column, after each feeding.

Air can enter the child's stomach: the baby does not correctly grab the nipple, is in a hurry to suck. This is often the cause of tummy problems in newborn babies and children in the first six months of life. Therefore, after feeding, you need to take the baby upright so that the air bubbles come out and the baby will feel better.

This position helps to facilitate the digestive processes in the body, which is only adapting to the perception of food.

Another reason that helps to cope with this position of the baby after feeding is an excess of food: milk or an adapted infant formula. The crumb is not yet able to control the amount of food that he needs. Often, to calm the baby, the mother gives the breast all the time. Thus, the child not only satisfies the sucking reflex, but also overeats, and the stomach of newly born children is very small to accommodate the excess amount of food. And if mother's milk is quickly absorbed through the intestinal walls, practically without lingering in the stomach, then the mixture that the baby ate in excess remains and causes fermentation, gas formation and colic. But as soon as the baby is held upright, he may regurgitate excess fluid.

Spitting up in newborns - video

Many newborns calm down only in the arms of adults: for a baby, tactile contact with the most dear people is very important. The child snuggles up to the parents, feels warm and protected. As they grow up, children are very fond of this position, because the view is improved, they can see the room, the street in a completely different way.

There are mothers who are afraid to carry a baby in a column, explaining this by a heavy load on the spine. But experts say that the correct carrying of the baby in an upright position trains the muscles of the neck and back, and prepares the baby for independent head support.

From how many months can you hold a baby in a column

Neonatologists, during a round at the hospital, explain to young mothers that the baby must be held in their arms for several minutes so that excess air naturally leaves the stomach, then return the baby to the cradle or cradle.

Experts emphasize that newborn babies have a fragile spine and a very fragile skeletal system. Therefore, being in an upright position for a long time is contraindicated for them.

When the baby is a month old, you can hold it with your elbows on your shoulder to calm down or show the surrounding space. But do not forget that he still does not know how to hold his head on his own, so the baby should be in an upright position no more than 5-10 minutes. For a longer time, you can hold the baby in a column after four months, when the muscles of the neck and back become stronger.

Learning to do it right: how to hold a newborn in a post after feeding

First, you need to take care of hygiene issues: the head of the crumbs is on the shoulder of mom or dad, when it is held upright, the baby can also vomit. Therefore, before taking the child, it is necessary to put a diaper made of natural fabric without synthetic threads on your shoulder. The material should be soft so as not to scratch the delicate skin of the baby. Many parents, who have this first child, do not know how to properly take the baby so as not to damage the fragile skeletal system. Experts explain the basic rules of how to safely hold a baby in a column:

  • the baby's head should not wobble, so it must be fixed: with one hand it is necessary to support the baby's neck and head;
  • many parents try to catch the baby under the buttocks. This categorically cannot be done, as this creates an additional load on the fragile spine. With one hand, the mother supports the head of the newborn baby, and with the other she holds him by the back, as if creating support for the spine;
  • make sure that the child does not lean on the adult's hand with his feet. This position also puts a heavy load on the spine;
  • take the baby very carefully, no sudden movements, so that he is not frightened.

Principle of action: how to take a baby

  1. First of all, you need to lean towards the baby as low as possible.
  2. Pronouncing affectionate words in a calm voice, put one hand under the child's head, fixing the neck, and the other under the lower back and buttocks.
  3. Gently lift the baby off the surface until his head is at the level of the adult's shoulder.
  4. Lean your child's head on your shoulder, while always supporting him in the neck and lower back.

Caution: how you can not lift the baby vertically, so as not to injure the baby

  1. Under no circumstances should the baby be pulled by the arms. This can lead to dislocation and injury to the cervical vertebrae.
  2. It is not recommended to lift the baby, holding him only in the armpit area. In this position, the head of the crumbs can be thrown back.
  3. Many young parents are afraid of dropping their child, so they hug him too tightly. This also can not be done: you can damage the fragile bones of the baby, as well as disrupt blood circulation.
  4. One hand always supports the baby's head. At one moment, the head lies on the shoulder, and after a second it can roll off it, so it must always be fixed.
  5. You can't be distracted when mom or dad is holding a baby: picking up something, answering a phone call, etc. In order to avoid dangerous situations, the body of the child is fixed with two hands of an adult.

Timekeeping: how much to hold the child upright

Pediatricians do not give a specific answer on how long a newborn baby needs to be held like that. After all, each baby is different: for some children, two minutes are enough for the air to escape, while others need more time. But it is not recommended to keep a newborn baby in a column for more than 10 minutes. If after this time the child does not spit up, you can put it down and give it a rest after a hearty meal.

To all or not to all: is it necessary to hold a nursing baby in a column

Of course, when the baby is just born, the mother tries to listen to the recommendations of the doctors, and rightly so. But time goes on and parents recognize their baby, understand his desires and needs, know by crying whether he is hungry, he has something in pain or just wants to sleep. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to hold the baby upright after each feed for the first four months of life. Not all children swallow a lot of air or overeat, some do not even experience colic and regurgitation.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, if the baby is not underweight and does not regurgitate, it is not necessary to hold it in a column after each feeding at all.

Therefore, if the parents see that the baby does not show any signs of anxiety or discomfort, eats measuredly and slowly, correctly captures the nipple and does not swallow air, then it is not necessary to keep such a baby upright after meals. Artificial babies are more likely to gasp for air and eat more food than they might need, because they are bottle fed. Such babies, most often, need to be constantly kept after feeding with a column so that an extra portion of the mixture and air does not remain in the stomach.

How to properly carry a baby in a column - video

Is it possible to carry the baby in a column after feeding

In some cases, the baby does not spit up immediately after feeding, so he is worried about colic, gas or other sensations that give the baby discomfort. In this case, doctors recommend slightly changing the position of the crumbs, namely, walking around the room with him:

  • while walking, you can slightly change the position of the baby, transfer it to the other shoulder;
  • perform swaying movements in different directions;
  • stroking the baby on the back from the bottom up so that the air comes out as quickly as possible. But the movements should be light and smooth.

Pediatricians pay attention: carrying the child upright has a calming and analgesic effect. The fact is that the baby presses his stomach against the parent's body and feels his warmth. And the smooth rocking motion relieves the painful sensations of colic.

Sleepy kingdom: is it necessary to keep the child upright if he falls asleep after feeding

Many mothers are faced with the fact that the baby falls asleep while feeding. What to do in this case: wake the baby up and take it upright, or leave the sleeping baby alone? Experts recommend taking a closer look at the baby's behavior and acting on the basis of his well-being. There are several options:

  • if the baby falls asleep, but at the same time behaves restlessly: it begins to sob, cry, let go of the chest, and then again begins to hastily eat, most likely he has swallowed air and this gives him discomfort in the form of painful sensations and bloating. In this case, doctors recommend taking the baby upright and waiting for air and excess food to come out;
  • but children whose mothers breastfeed most often develop a different scenario: the baby calmly, slowly eats and falls asleep. In this situation, pediatricians do not mind skipping post-feeding post-feeding. But they pay attention to the fact that the baby must be laid on one side, while creating a support under the back using a special pillow or towel roll. If the child spits up, the vomit will not enter the respiratory tract;
  • but it also happens that the baby wakes up and starts crying: the air that has entered the stomach after feeding begins to bother the baby. Therefore, at the next feeding, when the baby is asleep, it is recommended to lift the sleeping baby upright and hold it until the air comes out. Babies usually sleep soundly, so doing this will not interfere with their rest.

Often women feed babies in a lying position: the baby falls asleep, releases the breast and the mother can go about her business. But the child can wake up as soon as the parents begin to take him in their arms to hold him with a post. In this case, experts recommend feeding the baby while sitting in a semi-upright position. When the baby falls asleep and lets go of the breast, it must be carefully moved onto the mother's shoulder for five to seven minutes, so that he regurgitates excess air.

When and how much more you need to keep the baby upright

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby. Parents begin to wear some babies upright from the age of five, when they confidently hold their heads and want to get acquainted with the world around them from a different angle.

Doctors emphasize that if the baby does not spit up and does not bother with the tummy, you can stop holding it with a column after each feeding.

In some babies, the digestive system is getting better when they master the coups on the stomach. But there are babies who need to be held upright until five to six months or later, until they learn to sit. At a monthly check-up with a pediatrician, the doctor always asks about regurgitation. Depending on the condition of the baby, his well-being and the pace of development, the doctor will definitely give recommendations when it is necessary to carry the baby in a column, or it may no longer be advisable to do this. As the baby grows older, parents can carry it upright for a longer time, while walking. This position is becoming a favorite of many kids, because it has a better view. The older the child, the more strengthened his spine, as well as the muscles of the body. Therefore, the time of wearing the crumbs in an upright position can be increased.

What to do if your baby is restless in his arms

Sometimes parents can face a problem when the baby is worried in her arms: bends over, is naughty, starts crying. Any displeasure of the child indicates that the baby is uncomfortable or that something is interfering. Adults need to find out the reason for this behavior and eliminate it:

  • unpleasant tactile sensations: mothers often do not think about the naturalness of the fabrics from which their clothes are made. But baby's skin is very delicate. And when the baby touches the adult's things with the body, she can inject, scratch the skin, so the child feels uncomfortable. When with a baby, give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • unpleasant odor: newborn babies have an excellent sense of smell. It is not for nothing that they instantly find the mother's breast: they hear the smell of milk. But if parents use scented shower gel, antiperspirant or perfume, the child may not like it;
  • physical discomfort: rubs the diaper, the seam on the clothes or the button, the fastener on the mother's dressing gown interferes. Before picking up the baby in your arms, pay attention so that foreign objects cannot cause inconvenience to the baby;
  • Mom's mood: It has long been proven that the emotional bond between the baby and the mother is very strong. Therefore, any experience, nervous overstrain of a woman is transmitted to the baby, especially when she takes the baby in her arms. You must always be calm and collected, and show care and affection with the child in your arms.

After each feeding, it is recommended to pick up and hold the baby in your arms in order to help the immature digestive system cope with the digestion of food. Excessive air and excess milk or formula can cause colic, gas and even vomiting. Therefore, parents are advised to monitor the condition of their baby: if the baby often spits up, an upright position after eating is mandatory for him. But there are children who, already a few weeks after birth, eat calmly, do not have enough air and are not worried about tummy problems. Then you can refuse to hold the baby in a column after breakfast, lunch or dinner. The development of each baby takes place individually, and in this situation this rule also applies.

Hello dear mothers!

Many of us are concerned about the question of how to hold a child in a column, whether it is necessary to do this at all. The problem is confusing because the opinions of pediatricians and breastfeeding consultants are hopelessly at odds.

The advice to hold a newborn in a column is often given:

  • pediatricians and nurses,
  • mother-in-law or mother,
  • girlfriends.

This is explained by the fact that the baby swallows air along with milk while eating. And this is allegedly the cause of intestinal colic. In order for the baby to burp, it is advised to wear it vertically after feeding.

It would seem that everything is simple. But when trying to follow this recommendation, a lot of questions arise:

  • What to do if the baby falls asleep at the breast?
  • What if there is no eructation? How long should I wait?
  • Up to what age should a baby be carried around the apartment after each feeding?


  • How can you keep a crumb in a column at night - and survive the next day?)

But breastfeeding consultants unanimously say that holding the baby in a column is not at all necessary.

Excess air will come out and lying down. And in general, there is no evidence that it is in it - the cause of colic and regurgitation.

Keep it up or not?

I propose to treat this without fanaticism. Consider the following when making your decision:

  • Babies can only swallow air during breastfeeding if they are not breastfeeding correctly. Master it - and the problem will be removed.
  • Babies who are formula-fed can indeed swallow air. Air bubbles form inside the mixture when you shake the bottle - and no anti-colic nipple will help.

Holding the baby upright is not harmful at all. When you take a baby in your arms in different ways, different muscle groups work (and develop!). So, if you feel the need to vilify the baby in a column - to your health!

But if the crumb fell asleep at the chest - let him sleep. The same goes for night feeds. Here you can safely lay the baby right after eating. Why does a young mother need extra extreme?

Classics of the genre and other techniques

Wearing it in a column is an additional opportunity to communicate with your baby, to lull him to sleep, or vice versa - to show him the world around him ... There are other options for this, besides the classic position on the shoulder.

After feeding, if the baby is awake, pick it up and carry it until the air comes out with a slight sound.

Remember this:

  • Until 1.5 months, children are not yet interested in the world around them. It is better to turn such a baby towards you and squeeze tightly.
  • Until a year, you should not wear a baby for a long time facing away from you. Toddlers quickly get tired of the excess of impressions.
  • Until 2-3 months, it is imperative to support the baby under the back of the head (until it starts to hold the head well).
  • Up to 6 months, you cannot pick up a child only under the butt so that the load falls on the spine.

To lift the newborn, place your hands under the back. Palms - under the back of the head, forearms - along the spine.

This is a secure grip as you support both the head and back. Lift your baby like this ALWAYS, no matter what position you choose.

Column variations

Here are the most famous poses in which babies can be carried upright.

"On Mom's Shoulder". This is a classic. So you can take both newborns and older children. The baby lies with its tummy on your chest, and its head on your shoulder.

"On Mom's Shoulder", an inflated version. This variation is advised by some pediatricians in order to get the air out faster. From the previous position, lift the child higher. The crumb lies under your armpits on your shoulder, the head and arms are "thrown" over your shoulder.

"Frog" ... Suitable for babies over 1.5 months. Turn the baby to face you. It is pressed firmly against your belly. The legs are spread apart and wrap around your waist. The arms are folded at the chest. The face is buried in my mother's chest.

“Facing the World”. This pose is suitable for toddlers over 3 months old. Turn the baby to face away from you and press the back firmly against your stomach. Grasp the chest with one hand, the tummy with the other.

"Facing forward with bent legs." This is a variation of the previous position. Bend the baby's legs and hold with one hand. This position is especially relevant for colic.

"On Mom's Hip." So you can wear babies from 3 months . Sit the little one with the ass on your thigh and squeeze. He can sit facing you - then his legs will cover your waist. Or facing the surroundings - then the legs will jerk freely.

Every mom has a favorite carry method. Find yours!

Do you hold the child upright? Do you think this should be done? Write in the comments.


Anastasia Smolinets

To answer this question, you need to understand what the recommendation is based on. Indeed, in the animal world, among a large number of mammals, it has not been noticed that the cubs, after feeding, were put in some other position or simply changed its position. This means that this rule applies only to people and the answer must be sought in the physiology of breastfeeding.

In the distant Soviet past, parental leave was very short - only three months. After that, the kids were sent to a nursery. The feeding was artificial, strictly according to the clock and without taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. The volume of the formula was the same for all. So that after overeating or when swallowing excess air, some children have an eructation, they were all held in a column. Most likely, it is only necessary to keep a column of babies who are artificially fed.

Physiological features of breastfeeding

A nursing mother puts the baby to the breast at his request, in this case it is impossible to overfeed. During feeding, air can enter the baby's ventricle only in the first few feedings, while the young mother learns to properly breastfeed. Frequent latching of the baby to the breast will simply not leave time to hold the baby in a column.

Breast milk does not linger in the baby's stomach for a long time, it is quickly absorbed by the intestines. A well-fed baby will not eat "excess". Most likely, he will fall asleep right on his mother's chest, contented, calm and well-fed. This happens in most cases, since breast milk contains components with a slight sedative effect. There is absolutely no need to worry about this. The mother should be much more concerned that the baby does not fall asleep after feeding, looks restless or anxious, cannot relax.

If you imagine how a mother, after breastfeeding, will put a sleeping baby in a column and wait for him to vomit, then the sight looks, to put it mildly, stupid. It is much more natural for mom and baby to relax together. Or, while the child is asleep, the mother can do her household chores, and not follow the strange recommendations - to keep the baby in a column.

A sweetly sleeping baby, if disturbed, will wake up and be capricious, in the process of crying, a large amount of regurgitation may occur, and the child will again feel hungry. Mom, too, will face a dilemma - to feed again or to rock again? Why create all these problems for yourself and the child, if the baby ate well, sleeps well and everyone around is happy.

Famous children's doctor Komarovsky E.O. recommends keeping in a column only those babies who do not digest food well, often regurgitate a lot and gain weight poorly. For all other babies in the first months of life, regurgitation is only useful, since they remove excess breast milk from the body. A child at this age cannot regulate the amount of food consumed and often overeats. If you put such a baby in a column, then the excess food will not be able to "come out" and cause discomfort in the stomach and intestines.

The doctor repeatedly draws the attention of young mothers to the fact that there is no need to hold the baby in a column after feeding. You should not torment yourself with this question and disturb a sleeping child. There is also no need to worry about excess air in the baby's stomach, which could have entered during feeding. He will not cause any harm to the baby during sleep. After waking up, take your baby in your arms, and the excess air will come out by itself.

This recommendation can be heard from many: from experienced mothers and grandmothers, from television programs and simply from friends who have children. There is a belief that laying out the baby on the tummy contributes to the development of skills and consolidation of the skill of holding the head. But pediatricians strongly advise against putting the baby in such a position until he learns himself to roll over on his side, back, tummy and back.

The position of the child "lying on his stomach" is often uncomfortable for him, alarming. It can cause anxiety, loneliness, or a feeling of being abandoned. The kid will diligently raise and hold the head, but he is not yet able to coordinate its movements. This position causes difficulty and tension in the muscles of the cervical and dorsal spine.

It is much more useful and effective to carry the child in his arms, giving him the opportunity to hold his head on his own for several seconds. Such exercises can be started from about the second to third weeks after birth. The baby is held in an upright position, with his tummy towards him so that his chin rests on the shoulder of an adult. In this position, the baby can clearly see everything around, he begins to raise his head and turn it in different directions, examining the world around him.

What to do when a newborn regurgitates after breastfeeding (video)