How to spell a win-win lottery. Comic lotteries for a festive feast. Comic lottery-forecast with a drawing of prizes

What usually happens on a holiday? Guests play games and contests, dance and even sing. How to diversify the party? Maybe a joke lottery will help you? For a fun company, such a lottery is both fun and fun. With its help, you will arrange a comic game that everyone will like. And at the same time, present gifts to all your guests and friends in a playful way. And so, let's see what we offer.

A joke lottery can be played in a variety of ways. We'll look at some of them.

Method 1
The first method, even more likely an option, is a comic lottery using beautiful cool phrases. Such a lottery is suitable for friends who are not offended by trifles. After all, in it someone will get a gorgeous gift, and someone will only get two candy wrappers from sweets.
We suggest holding the lottery as follows:
- write all phrases on separate cards or pieces of paper. You put the leaves in a bag and the guests take out one by one. The presenter unfolds the sheet and reads out the phrase in which the gift is “hiding”.
Examples of phrases:

Method 2
The second method is carried out in the same way as the first. Only the second way is poetry. You write poems on cards and also put the cards in a bag or on a tray. The guests take one card at a time and the presenter reads out verses. Then he gives the gift in question.
Examples of verses for cards.


Since you got a chocolate bar,

Your life will be very sweet!


You have, my friend, and henceforth

To burn with study, creativity.


You will be beautiful to walk with your hair

Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane!

Dishwashing sponges

And you have household worries,

A lot of household chores await.

But in the family and in personal life

Everything will turn out great for you!

Red pepper

Many adventures await you

And a lot of thrills

But everything will end fine

It's no coincidence that red pepper!

A set of markers or colored pencils

Love will brighten your days

And they will become bright!

Watercolor paints

Do you understand what is the meaning of the gift?

Life will be joyful and bright!


Your whole life in winter and summer

It will shine with magic light.

Pack of tea

In the morning you start with tea,

So that big love meets!


You eat bananas

And expect a pleasant surprise!

Joke bank money

You got the money for a reason:

You will live in abundance always!

Condensed milk

You are used to living in the thick of things,

Activity is your main destiny!

Pack of cookies

You have friends, acquaintances of the sea,

And everyone will come to visit soon.

Prepare tea and treats

Here's a cookie to start with!


You are a tough nut to crack

Only good luck awaits you in life!


You will be cheerful and energetic

This means that everything in life will be fine!


This sharpener will help you

Hone the mind, and humor too.

Career and success await you,

And also jokes, humor, laughter!

Refreshing lollipops

Fresh breath

Prosperity will ensure you!


You will enter the cream of society

And you will take a firm place there!


A great feast is waiting for you

And on this day, and the whole year!

Soft toy

Tired of you learning

So you want to play?

Means, it will definitely come in handy

What I want to give you!

Chocolate coins

Fate will gild your pen

Will send a solid pay!


This little magic item

He will say that there is no one more beautiful than you!

Can of beer

You got a can of beer -

This means that the year will be happy!


Get this tube as a gift,

So that every tooth is healthy!

As a rule, everyone, without exception, likes a win-win lottery, therefore everyone is pleased to receive a small and pleasant prize.

Lottery tickets can be colorful and hand-made (if there are not so many guests), they can be printed on a printer indicating the series, number and date of the drawing, or they can be simple pieces of paper with the winning number written in them.

It all depends on how much time you have to prepare.

Here you will find a selection of a win-win lottery in verses of your own composition, as well as what you managed to find in different sources. Let the children's party be fun and everyone will be happy with the prizes.

Lottery with letters

It means that instead of a serial number, a lottery ticket contains one or another letter.

I will give you a chocolate
If you meet the letter "NS"!

To keep your teeth strong
Chew gum, only rarely.
If you see the letter "E",
Come to me soon!
(prize - gum)

Kohl got a letter "O",
Take the egg as soon as possible!
(prize - a chocolate egg)

Photo frame, just take a look!
Got to the one who has the letter "AND"!

I will give a delicious bar to that,
Who will meet their letter on the ticket "U"!
(prize - chocolate bar)

Couplet lottery

Beautiful a pen- just look!
And draw beautiful letters to her.

This new notebook
Keep always in order.

To whom soap, to whom candy wrapper,
And you got bow!

Come to me soon:
You set of pencils!

Wonderful painted rug,
You handkerchief!

Album useful to anyone,
But only if you are not lazy!
(prize - sketchbook)

On the farm notebook will always come in handy,
But one shouldn't be proud of a gift only!

It is for you keychain flashlight,
He is handsome and very bright.

May your teeth be radiant
Fragrant, strong, clean!
(prize - toothpaste)

If you wash yourself often
That washcloth come in handy!

May your heart
Burns like this candle.

Here is such cosmetic bag
Any girl will come in handy!

They can write, draw.
Come and receive your surprise as soon as possible!
(prize - a set of colored pens)

Mirror certainly not a bad gift.
But just always remain yourself!

If comb give you
You won't be shaggy anymore!

Photo frame will come in handy for everyone.
You got it. But don't be proud!

Sticker stickers on a notebook,
On the table, on the cup, on the bed.

If the memory is junk,
Write it down ... and on the magnet!
(prize - a notebook on a magnet)

What you were, what will you become then
Will tell about you photo album.

Soap balls will fly
Deliver joy to you and others!

One, two, three - add the details
So that they become a picture.
(prize - puzzles)

Without scotch tape you can't do it.
Get it and smile soon!

There are different gifts here,
And you got marker.

Very fashionable thing
Braid it up!
(prize - bow or hair tie)

Quatrain lottery

Let the drawings sparkle
And the eyes are smiling.
For your landscapes
We give these paints.

This gift is not just an object
This is a special thing!
On a holiday, at the solemn hour
You - multi-colored pen!
(the prize is a pen containing several colored pastes at once)

If you like chocolate,
You will be insanely happy.
And if you don't love, it doesn't matter.
Mom will eat it then!

Ball light and airy
Don't put it under the pillow
Otherwise he will bang like that,
That the neighbor behind the wall will gasp.

So that I can always be with friends
You taste sweet tea
On a holiday with congratulations
This mug get it!

About two rings and two ends
And a carnation in the middle.
Everyone knows the riddle, and you
Now you own them!
(prize - scissors)

Friend's address, phone
Where to find if you need it?
Let it be in summer and winter
Will be in notebook!

Different books are needed
Different books are important.
And for you it is more necessary - such,
Small, note.

In this little thing
So much joy is stored!
Don't listen to doctors
Eat it - and be healthy!
(prize is gummy candy)

There are shoe brushes,
There are brushes for clothes.
But without toothbrushes
Tell me, is it possible to live?

Calendar small,
But smart.
It will show you the day and year
He lives in every house.

When guests come to the holiday
And the meeting will be hot
Let the comfort at the table give
Lit by you candle.

My gift is very sweet
And how handsome and soft!
My gift is cake,
So he asks in his mouth!

Attention ladies and gentlemen!

Please, everyone look at me.

Get your tickets,

And find out your fate.

What the New Year will give - the lottery will hint.

1. Your happiness, by multiplying,

The year promises to be easy.

And therefore as a gift

We give you a balloon.


2. May you have fun -

Like in early January.

And it will turn into a smile

Every day of the calendar.


3. From now on you are an important guest,

Here's a handful of tangerines.


4. May spring bloom all year round

Soap "Fa" will help with this.

(Soap "Fa")

5. You are a business man -

With a smart, painful head.

Useful in the New Year

You have a notepad for your notes.


6. Everyone wants to imitate you

There are reasons for this, really.

To remain a lover of life

Vitamins will help you.


7. All you need is

Make your dream come true.

There will be a new car

In the coming year.

(Toy car)

8. Master you have some fun!

Anything can happen on a holiday.

Tomorrow will be for your good

Toilet paper.

(Roll of toilet paper)

9. New Year promises you

Fulfill every whim.

And falls out today

Kinder is your first surprise!

(Kinder Surprise)

10. So lucky, lucky -

All for a feast for the eyes.

After all, with a dummy in the New Year

An addition is waiting for you.


11. Don't let the frost scare you

Your feet do not get cold.

Heart breaks into pieces

I'll give you socks.

12. Luck will smile at you

And in the coming New Year

Only with gaskets from "Olweiss"

Dryness and comfort await you.

(Sanitary napkin)

13. Silence, peace, comfort

You will prefer ailment from all.

Suddenly you want to hide from everyone:

The mask will come in very handy.

(Carnival mask)

14. Happy New Year, congratulations,

The snow falls quietly.

Let your eyes shine

Like a sparkler.

(Bengal candle)

15. You can never guess

Turn around than dreams.

And culinary talents

Suddenly you will discover in yourself.

(Book of recipes)

16. Health is like champagne,

Let it pour over the edge.

Only from laughter and joy

Wipe your tears with a handkerchief.


17. You can't be lazy in the New Year

The true truth is:

"The hammer will be useful to you

To put together a fortune ".

(Toy hammer)

18. What awaits you tomorrow - I don't know,

But I will gladden you soon.

You receive today

Kisses to all guests.

(Kissing guests)

19. Maybe you will become famous

Or a singer, an honest actor ... For a haute couture outfit

Need a better manicure.

(Varnish or nail file)

20. Don't be sad, don't be bored

Celebrate the holiday merrily!

Don't be bored, don't be sad

Loud crunchy chips.

(Package of chips)

21. Do you believe in good omens? -

Letters were sent to friends in an envelope.

(Postal envelope)

22.With an accuracy of one hundred percent

I will not argue

But in the coming year it seems


23. Smiles await you for a whole year,

Until then, one postcard.


24. For whom the salary is more important,

And to whom - self-love.

Lipstick on your lips

Will enchant us doubly.

(Hygienic lipstick)

25. Accept the scarlet heart,

Treasure all the good.

You don't need to think a lot here -

Love will be your reward!

(Soft toy)

26. Your heart sings, your soul grows younger

And the sparkle of your eyes will not be overshadowed by tinsel.

(A thread of tinsel)

27. Blizzards Whispered to Me

And the old women under the window:

Will you be by the sea in summer

Sunbathe in the southern sun.

(Beach mat)

28. You start a renovation -

It's not a problem.

Help complete on time

Tool and time.

(Paint brush)

29. The year will give you tender meetings,

Magic candles will come in handy.

30. Completing the lottery,

I say finally

You will be white and fluffy

Just an angel from heaven.

Wedding win-win lottery.

1. Both clothes and hairstyle look great on you
And as a reward it is not in vain, the prize fell to you with a comb.

2. Your lottery ticket is only valid for the package.

3. Let's play a shortage, there is no store in the store,
Wrote not so, erase, in vain yourself is not a mother. Eraser.

4. Everyone wants to have a car,
At least a woman, but at least a man,
Until the bills accumulate
Thank you in miniature. Children's car.

5. They don't drink with this spoon, they put shoes on with this spoon.

6. You are the best guest at the wedding, you got this nail.

7. In this book, write down everything that you suddenly compose,
Who did you eat or drink with and whom did you give flowers. Notebook.

8. Friends and lovely girlfriends,
Who needs a rattle toy?
The best remedy for quarrels and abuse
Shake it up and lie back on the couch. Beanbag.

9. Snow-white and beautiful, that's a marvel of the tablecloth. Napkins.

10. Your surprise for joy is rare - get three sweets.

11. You are not a brother and not a mother-in-law, you can get a carrot.

12. Let this ring with a gem become an amulet for you. A ring.

13. Get an air balloon, fly into space to the stars.

14. Office silicate glue - it is without degrees - do not drink.

15. You should not be upset, you have new luck
On the ticket you got a canteen spoon.

16. Here is a Persian rug for you, it is handmade,
Put it in your pocket and you won't care. Handkerchief.

17. You got a pencil, there was no one, now it's yours.

18. Oh, this wedding is ours, legs are already trembling in the morning
Follow the ruler straight ahead to reach the table. Ruler.

19. Get your surprise out of the box - four buttons.

20. Since you are not a hero of the day,
The laurel wreath does not shine for you,
Take it better soon,
Laurel leaf sachet.

21. So that you do not lose heart, we have found a book for you.

22. So that you do not lose track of the account, the calendar will come in handy.

23. For those who like to dress up, mirrors are always suitable.

24. Well, and you, my dear friend, got only soap in the prize.

25. This prize is not modest, but always useful in everyday life. Dressing

26. You have pasta in your house, the brush will be just right. Toothbrush.

27. Rod in the prize, then nonsense! But the pen is yes!

28. You should not be upset -
Good luck to you:
After all, you got mustard -
Delicious dining room.

29. Here is good luck, so good luck! Keep a penny - save for the dacha.

30. You neither wardrobe nor take,
And this postal envelope.

31. Expected, perhaps you are a player.
But accept this fan today.

32. This prize has been carefully chosen.
It will definitely come in handy. Scotch

33. To mess around with food,
The grater is very useful.

34. This thing is strong and tenacious -
The clothespin will delight you.

35. It's not a pity to present such a prize
Here's a wonderful washcloth.

36. This prize is rich in joy -
Receive chocolate.

37. You have neither a brooch nor a badge,
A household hook. wall hook
38. The prize is small,
But I got used to living with keys. key ring

39. You have to work hard -
To tinker with our prize. beet

40. So that you live, do not get bored,
Enjoy this tea.

41. If you mess around at the stove, -
Our prize will be very useful. Matchbox

42. So that you remember us,
We will give you a prize now. Card