How to cut your hair beautifully - step-by-step instructions with photos for long, short, medium curls. How to cut your own hair

Home haircut is a skill that will never be superfluous in your piggy bank of knowledge. Even if you are not going to become a professional in hairdressing, the ability and ability to perform at least the most basic haircuts will help you at various stages of your life. You will be able to independently trim your relatives, friends and acquaintances. And the children will only say “thank you” to you, because they are often afraid to go to a hairdresser until a certain age.

When cutting at home, you need a certain arsenal of tools.

What is needed for a haircut?

First of all, these are scissors. It is not at all necessary to buy expensive professional scissors. The main requirement is that they are well sharpened. The degree of sharpening is easy to check. If your scissors cut wet cotton wool easily and simply, then the sharpening is good. And scissors can be used to cut hair.

To trim hair at home, you need different types of combs: small and large, with sparse and frequent teeth. If you are going to want a short haircut, then you need to purchase a hair clipper.

Haircut at home

It should be noted that before self-haircutting, mandatory disinfection of tools is required.

After preparing all the necessary tools for work, you can start the haircut process. There are several rules to follow when cutting. Hair is always cut only when wet! Once dry, the hair will be about one centimeter shorter. At the time of cutting, the head should be divided into zones and cut consistently. This is usually the parietal, occipital, temporal zones. The occipital zone can also be divided into three parts: the upper zone, the middle and the lower. Decide from which zone you will start your haircut, and pin the rest of the zones with convenient clips.

To make the haircut look complete, you should make an edging or shading. This allows you to shape the contours of the haircut.

Edging- This is the cut line of hair according to their growth. It gives the final contour to the hairstyle. The edging can be round, oval, trapezoidal, etc. They also make edging along the bangs. It can be straight, asymmetrical, oblique.

Shading- allows you to form a smooth transition from long hair to short hair along the edges of their growth. Shading is done with a comb and scissors. Or with a hair clipper - if you need to negate the length of the hair.

It should be noted that sufficient experience is required for a home haircut. Be prepared that your first attempts to cut someone's hair are likely to be unsuccessful. The timing of learning a home haircut depends on perseverance and interest in this topic, and the number of people who agree to your experiments with their hair also plays an important role.

Haircut at home

Tip: after each haircut at home, you need to disinfect the tools. It should be borne in mind that it is convenient to cut hair only when wet, so if it dries up during the cutting process, it must be periodically moistened. Remember that after drying, the haircut will be shortened by 1 cm.

Video of women's haircuts at home

Hairstyle is half the success of beauty. And this is not only about intricate styling, bouffant and curly haircuts, no. Hair can look luxurious even with the most ordinary hairstyle, if it is neat, well-groomed and neat. And for this you need to follow them well, including not forgetting to get a haircut at least once a month. But what if you don't have time to go to the salon? Or if you can't find a master you can trust? The answer is simple - cut your own hair! It's not as difficult as it sounds. You just need to follow the elementary instructions, and then you can easily cut the ends of your hair at least for yourself. Read on in the article on how to cut your hair yourself. You will be convinced that you can do it.

Preliminary preparation for a haircut at home

Before embarking on any kind of haircut, you need to make some preparations.

  • Get a good pair of scissors. As gold as your hands are, old blunt instruments such as scissors can ruin everything. It is better to purchase them in specialized professional stores. It will be most convenient for you to use small scissors with blades from 6 to 10 cm long;
  • Provide a comfortable environment. The room in which you are going to cut your hair on your own should be well lit, clean, there should be enough free space and a mirror;
  • Think about the concept ahead of time. Look at yourself in the mirror and clearly decide what you want - just trim the ends or cut your hair 10 cm, for example. Improvising during the haircut process is not a good idea;
  • Examine your hair. Analyze the structure, how strongly the curls curl, how hard it is to fit ... All this will help you calculate the optimal haircut method that is right for you.

Essential DIY Tools

To cut your own hair, you cannot do without special tools. Above we have already mentioned high quality scissors. Now we will list all the tools you need in the haircut process step by step.

  • Hairpins of different sizes;
  • Rubber bands;
  • Comb massage;
  • Fine comb with fine teeth and a sharp edge;
  • Small mirror;
  • Large wall mirror;
  • Spray.

How to cut your hair yourself at home - step by step scheme

So, almost any haircut can be done by yourself, without the help of hairdressers. Decide exactly how you want to cut your hair and read the article with step-by-step diagrams below.

How to cut your hair ends

Probably the easiest home haircut is to trim the ends. Split and unkempt hair ends can ruin the overall look of your hairstyle. They immediately make their owner unkempt and unkempt. It is important to keep track of this, but every month not everyone will like spending time and money on such an elementary procedure. That is why we offer you a way to cut your own hair ends.

  1. Cut off the split ends just above the section. This will make them stronger. On average, it is enough to cut your hair by 1-2 cm;
  2. Start cutting from the parietal part of the head (from the forehead to the crown of the head): with the sharp end of a thin comb, fold a part of the hair over your face and, holding a strand between your index and middle fingers, gently cut the desired amount. Try to cut perpendicularly;
  3. Further move either from right to left, or from left to right, as it is more convenient for you. The crown strand that you have already trimmed will set the length for all other strands. So grab the already trimmed part of the hair and the part that is still intact and, aligning them with each other, cut a long strand;
  4. Repeat step 3 with all other strands;
  5. Dry your head and, if necessary, trim the already dry hair very slightly.

This is how easy it is to cut your hair yourself. Of course, this is the most basic type of haircut, but it is he who most often needs girls.

How to cut short hair yourself

Owners of short hair will also have no difficulty. A haircut for such a head of hair is quite easy to do, so be sure to try it. Just do not deviate from the step-by-step instructions and, if something is not clear, watch the photos and videos.

  1. Moisten the hair with a spray bottle and comb;
  2. Divide it into several zones using the sharp end of the comb. Twist and pin the strands so that they do not interfere during work;
  3. Start cutting from the temporal area. Take one strand in this area and trim it as desired. Next, take another strand higher and, pulling it along with the first at an angle of 45 degrees, trim it, aligning with the already trimmed strand. Do this operation with all strands of the temporal zone;
  4. From the temples, you should move gradually to the back of the head. Proceed in the same way: grab some hair from the previously trimmed section in order to cut a new one along it. Please note that at the back of the head, the curls should remain slightly longer. Thus, work the entire back of the head to the middle;
  5. Comb the lower part of the hair at the back of the head and cut to the required length;
  6. The main work is done, it remains only to process the hairstyle a little. Acting according to the old scheme (grabbing the trimmed and untouched strands), trim the ends so that the upper long strands smoothly merge into the lower short ones;
  7. Only the parietal region is now intact. Take a part of the hair along the side parting, grabbing the trimmed strand with it, pull it perpendicular to the head and trim it, even along the trimmed strands;
  8. Now dry and comb your hair and get rid of small errors on already dry curls.

Now you know how to cut short hair yourself. Try it, you will definitely succeed!

How to cut your hair with a ladder

We have analyzed only the simplest hairstyle options, it's time to touch on the topic of curly haircuts for long hair. In fact, there are a lot of them, and it will not be possible to tell about all of them. Therefore, we decided to highlight one of the most popular women's haircuts. Read, watch photos and videos on how to cut yourself.

  1. Moisten curls with water from a spray bottle and comb;
  2. Lean forward so that your long hair is parallel to the floor. And from this position you need to cut off 1-2 cm of the ends;
  3. Return to starting position. Divide the hair into sectors and secure them with hairpins in the parietal region;
  4. Start cutting from the back of the hair in the back of the head. Choose one strand that will align the rest of your haircut. Comb it again, pulling it at an angle of 90 degrees. to the head. Hold it between the index and middle fingers and cut the cut on the outside of the fingers;
  5. Repeat step 4 with the entire occipital region, smoothing all the strands under the first, control;
  6. Now tackle the side sectors. Also moisten them and, starting from the length of the occipital zone, begin to cut the ends. Grab the intact section and part of the already trimmed hair and cut it so that the length of the new section does not reach the old 2 cm;
  7. Repeat step 6 along the entire length of the hair;
  8. Dry your head, and, if necessary, trim the already dry hair very slightly.

Voila! Now you can cut your own hair, even if you have long hair!

You have seen that it is not that difficult to cut your own hair. The main thing is to have the desire and perseverance, and also not to forget to read the instructions and watch educational photos and videos, and then you will succeed. Good luck!

Video: Instructions: how to cut yourself at home with a ladder

A haircut is a versatile and profitable way to quickly correct an image, bring a new stream into life and slightly dilute the gray women's everyday life. Hairdressers and regular salon services are not always convenient. Often there is no desire to spend part of your own day on empty gatherings in the salon. Therefore, many girls dare to risk cutting themselves with their own hands.

Choosing scissors

In order for the result to please you, you need to scrupulously figure out how to cut yourself at home. In such delicate experiments, it is worth relying on the opinions of more successful figures. First of all, professionals advise purchasing sharp and durable scissors. The stronger the material, the better the assembly and the more convenient the arrangement of the functional rings, the easier the cutting process will be. You should not save money and use homemade scissors or an outdated grandmother's comb, only new and sharp tools can bring the necessary success.

Finding such a thing is not so difficult; the difficulty lies in choosing a physiologically convenient instrument. When you come to a professional store, don't be shy or nervous. The selected model of scissors must fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and not pinch the vessels on your fingers. It is the discomfort that can interfere with the fulfillment of the plan.

First step

If the tool is well chosen, you can proceed with the rules for haircuts. It is worth remembering the basics, and success at a minimum cost is guaranteed. The main rule of a quality haircut is clean curls. Before starting, you should rinse your hair with a neutral shampoo and use a proven conditioner. Slightly damp curls are more flexible, wielding scissors on wet strands is much easier.

How to cut your hair that is capricious, thick or wavy? Curls of this type dry out quickly, while cutting it is worth stocking up on a spray, it will help control the moisture of the lower layers. For naughty hair, you can create a cocktail - add a little hair conditioner to a spray bottle with water. Then the process of separating and combing will be more comfortable and easier.

How to cut yourself? While mastering the basics of hairdressing, you should get used to dividing your hair into functional parts. The first thing to do is to comb the top well with a comb (you can moisten it with some water for greater comfort) and fix it with a comfortable hair clip. Such delamination prevents the strands from tangling and helps in organizing the haircut itself (cascading or asymmetric).

Eliminating split ends

The first pest of female hair beauty is split ends. Preparing for the process of eliminating this phenomenon, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire thickness of the hair. This will help analyze their condition and the extent of the intervention.

How to cut yourself at home? To make it work, it is worth remembering the main principle of working with split ends. It is necessary to cut off the hair 0.5-1 centimeter above the place of bifurcation or violation of integrity (sometimes the curls have not yet stratified, but the place has already lightened and has a bifurcated cavity).

Many women do not understand how to cut their own hair without twisting their arms. But the main principle remains non-leading management. It is with her fingers that it is necessary to grab a strand of hair and draw it with a floating movement along the entire length, stopping at a well-defined cut point. When choosing a length, it is worth considering the drying process of the hair, during which the curls rise at the roots, thereby shortening the length.

You can cut off the excess by an elementary repetition of the procedure, and in the case of an initially overestimated length, the rule "measure seven times" will work - you cannot glue the cut so confidently. Any haircut is based on the correct grip of the strand and their moderate tension. It is worth positioning the scissors only perpendicularly, cutting in one motion, without intermediate cuts. The position of the hands and strands must be motionless, dangling palms will lead to mowing and the haircut will have to be sanded by the master.


Trimming the ends yourself is not easy, but doable. The situation is worse with multi-layered haircuts. Many girls have no idea how to cut themselves in a cascade. What is this hairstyle? Cascade is a flirty, versatile and feminine haircut that sometimes seems like an impossible task to do with your own hands. To overcome this top, you will need the same scissors, a spray bottle with a solution of water and conditioner, as well as a comb and small clamps.

How to cascade yourself? To understand this issue, you need to perfectly comb your hair with a comb with thick but soft teeth. Further, all the hair should be pulled into a tail on the forehead, tilting the head down. The elastic must be selected soft so that it does not put too much pressure on the roots. Hair must be cut evenly so that the bun is exactly the same along the cut line. Next, thinning scissors come into play. They can not go thickly along the ends of the hair. Then, having already profiled, you can remove the elastic.


Having mastered the technique of performing a cascade, it is worth figuring out how to cut your bangs for yourself. After all, with such a haircut, it is often recommended to wear bangs. So she looks more impressive and feminine colorful. Depending on the shape of the face and wishes, the bangs can be made either even and attractively thick, or chaotically asymmetric.

How can I cut my bangs and not be left with a short semblance of it? First, you should pay attention to the structure of the hair. Curls that are thin and devoid of violent natural strength should be cut in the form of thicker bangs. This will give your hair a well-groomed look. Thick and hard curls can easily transform into thick bangs, or more rare.

Having chosen your style of haircut, first of all, it is worth separating the required amount of hair. The rest should be secured with a clamp so as not to interfere. Having moistened the strands of the future bangs, you can safely start a haircut. The scissors should be kept perpendicular to the strand, constantly checking the cut line.


As for the more extravagant and dynamic bob haircuts, they can also be easily recreated at home. Everything can be done without the help of salon craftswomen. How can I cut my bob? Let's tell you now. Everything is not so difficult. Wet hair must be divided along the line of the nose, then the front strands will become control. It is along them that the cut line will pass. If the square remains classic, then all strands must be kept equal to the control; if the option is more provocative - an asymmetric square, then the strands should be shortened on the way to the back of the head.

We cut with a machine

Knowledge in a machine haircut will be no less practical. Seemingly simple, it can present an insidious surprise. How to cut yourself with a clipper? This is quite easy to do. You should stand in front of a large mirror and estimate how much you need to shorten your hair. It is worth practicing with a standard and simple men's haircut - the back of the head and temples are short, and the top of the head is slightly longer. To do this, the machine must take a test drive from the top of the ear to the back of the head, and stop when it reaches the second ear. The upper part can be cut with a longer attachment. Moving from the forehead to the back of the head.


Now you know how to cut yourself. As you can see, everything is done quite simply. Good luck with your hairdressing business!

Hair occasionally splits, and damaged ends give the hairstyle an unkempt look. It is useless to treat them, so you have to cut them off. If there is no way to contact a master, you can find out how to cut the ends of your hair yourself, and after several such procedures, you can confidently update your hairstyle in 10 minutes.

Should you use a professional hairdresser to cut only the ends of your hair? Although this simple procedure requires skills, having mastered it once, you can forever get rid of the need to spend time and money on going to the master, rendering a good service not only to yourself, but also to your family members.

How to deal with cutting your hair yourself

For self-haircuts, you need to clearly understand what exactly to do with the strands and how exactly to wield the tool, so that you end up with even, neat or competently torn lines.

Trimming should be done with professional scissors in a well-lit room.

For those for whom the experience of self-haircutting at home will be the first, the following scheme will help to smoothly cut split ends of long hair.

Preparing for a haircut

It is unlikely that it will be possible to make a high-quality cut with a blunt or non-intended tool. A haircut has a chance to look perfect when used:

  • Professional scissors.
  • Thin scallop.
  • Water-filled spray bottle.
  • Strand clamps.
  • Iron.
  • Mirror.
  • Thinning scissors - if needed.

When all the tools are in place, it's time to prepare your hair: comb them thoroughly and spray with water. Wet curls are easier to level.

If there is a bang, approach its design with special responsibility. Firstly, at the facial lines, any oversight is immediately noticeable, and secondly, since you are still leveling the ends, why not slightly correct the hairstyle at the same time?

The bangs can be of different lengths and densities, and in shape it happens:

  • Straight.
  • Oblique.
  • Triangular.
  • Arcuate.
  • Torn.
  • Multilayer.

It is fundamentally important to choose a shape that is not only pleasant, but also suitable:

  • The face with a "heart" or triangular shape is transformed when it is decorated with a long asymmetrical bangs that hide almost the entire forehead.
  • A rectangular and elongated face requires wide and thick bangs up to the eyebrows.
  • Long oblique suits chubby women.
  • Any shape is suitable for an oval face.

It's amazing how quickly you can get prettier by making such a small change in the image! Therefore, if the length allows, you can take a chance and bring a new element to your appearance. At the same time, knowledge of the basics of such a haircut is of great importance:

  • The width of the bangs should not go beyond the temples.
  • Its density is directly proportional to its depth.
  • If in doubt about the length, it is better to leave the maximum possible, so that, if necessary, it can be corrected.

Having chosen the option that suits you, you can start cutting:

  • Separate the bangs with a straight line, pin the rest of the strands with hairpins.
  • If the bangs are thick, divide them into multiple horizontal rows.
  • Twist each row into a bundle and secure with a clip.
  • Leave the bottom row free.
  • Raise the middle of it with your index and middle fingers, creating a right angle.
  • Take the scissors in your other hand at an angle of 45 degrees to the raised row of hair, then the cut will turn out to be even.
  • Determine the length of the bangs, bearing in mind that after drying it will rise 2-5 mm.
  • Carefully cut off the middle and align each side with it.
  • Release the next horizontal row of strands.
  • Cut it a couple of millimeters below the previous one.
  • If there is a third row, repeat the procedure, again slightly lowering the length. This will give the bangs a clear and even shape.
  • Blow dry your hair.
  • Straighten with an iron.
  • Correct the slice if necessary.

In this simple way, you can achieve a perfectly straight line.

Oblique bangs are made according to the same principle, only with an oblique cut. In this case, the top point is usually at the brow line, and the bottom point is at the middle or tip of the nose.

For oblique bangs, after creating the edging line with thinning scissors, cuts are made in the middle of the strands and at a level of several centimeters to their ends.

It is easy to cut the bangs yourself, because the result of any action is immediately visible in the mirror, and it can be easily controlled. What to do with trimming the ends of long hair?

This procedure is not so easy, but you can get used to it:

  • Comb, preferably with a wooden massage comb.
  • Wash them and pat dry with a towel.
  • Work the entire length with a fine, wide-toothed comb, starting at the tangled ends and working up to the roots as needed. In this case, direct the movements from top to bottom.
  • Draw a horizontal parting from temple to temple and separate the resulting strands.
  • Visually break them into several narrow horizontal rows, leave the lower one free, twist the rest into a bundle and fix them on the crown with a clamp.
  • Comb through a loose section.
  • Pass it between two fingers and pull it down, lowering your hand to the desired length.
  • Cut off the ends in a clear motion.
  • Move the worked out row of hair to the side, release the next row, for a guide, grabbing part of the strands from the previous one and repeat the procedure.
  • Thus, go over the entire head of hair.

There is a more unusual and convenient technique for shortening hair - this is a "haircut in the ponytail." You can do it like this:

  • Gather a tight, low ponytail.
  • Pull them with elastic bands along the entire length every 2-3 cm.
  • The last elastic secures the strands directly above the future cut line.
  • Use sharp professional scissors to cut off the end.
  • Loosen your curls.
  • Gather the side parts in a bun at the top of the head, divide the rest in an even parting in two and throw them forward.
  • Take one of the pieces, comb, pull the strand between your fingers and cut off the ends evenly.
  • Repeat the procedure with the second part.
  • Dissolve the assembled bunch.
  • Repeat the cutting procedure, focusing on the existing cutting lines.
  • Comb all the curls thoroughly and check the quality of the work using two mirrors.

A haircut using this technique is more suitable for owners of thin and even hair. The result is a semicircular cut.

How to make a straight cut?

There are simple rules for achieving the perfect cut:

  • Use professional scissors and a fine-toothed comb.
  • Cut clean, well-hydrated and combed hair.
  • Hold the strand tightly passed between your fingers.
  • Use multiple mirrors to adjust the lines.

Wet, carefully combed hair, strands tightly fixed and stretched between the fingers, as well as the use of a professional tool - the basis for a high-quality self-cutting ends.

How to simulate thinning?

Thinning is not such a simple procedure as it might seem at first glance. Thinning, done correctly, can add volume to a hairstyle, soften it, or accentuate an element. You can thin hair at both ends and roots.

Thinning at the ends happens:

  • Horizontal
    The strand is fixed between the middle and forefinger, and about 4-5 mm is cut with special scissors at a right angle.
  • Vertical
    The strand clamped between the fingers is pulled to the side, and the thinning scissors "slide" along it without completely closing.
  • "Teeth"
    The ends of the strands are pulled and worked with scissors at an angle of 45 degrees at a distance of about 5 mm.

Thinning at the roots is performed across the curls: first at the base of the hair, then in the middle and at the end. She makes her hair look voluminous. This is a more complex technique, so it is better to entrust it to a professional.

Thinning should not be done if the hair:

  • Thin and rough.
  • Painted with hydroperite.
  • Permed.
  • Red.
  • They have curls of different sizes.

In these cases, thinning can only aggravate the condition of the hairstyle, giving the hair a painful and unkempt look.

But she decorates:

  • Chubby girls
    if performed in combination with oblique long bangs.
  • Owners of a triangular face type
    strongly thinned out.
  • Short-haired
    allows you to create elegant or, conversely, mischievous images.

Usually, thinning is done with special scissors, but you can do without them. Using an ordinary sharpened tool, you can do:

  • "Slicing"
    A combed and moistened strand is passed between the fingers and pulled to the side, and with the other hand, using half-open scissors sliding along the length of the hair in the direction of the lines of the future haircut, thinning is done. This technique creates volume at the roots and gives lightness to the hair.
  • "Mush"
    In this case, the sliding cut is made in a semicircle. After this treatment, the hair is divided into separate, slightly curled strands. The method is used not only as an element of the haircut technique, but also to create a full-fledged image.

For horizontal thinning, the following methods are used:

  • "Pluck"
    Strands drawn perpendicular to the head are cut at different levels. Thus, the natural volume of the hairstyle is corrected.
  • "Picketage"
    The hair is combed against the growth, and the protruding strands are trimmed with the tips of scissors at a 45-degree angle. This method works well for short haircuts.
  • "Harness"
    A small strand of combed wet hair is twisted into a bundle with a diameter of 5-10 mm and light neat cuts are made from different sides along the entire length. Thus, all hair is worked through, giving additional volume to the hairstyle.

The main secrets of cutting ends

So, a high-quality haircut of the ends of the hair can be done on your own, if you know and use the main secrets in your work:

  • It is necessary to cut with special well-sharpened scissors.
  • The work uses a thin comb with sparse teeth.
  • Before the procedure, the strands must be combed, washed and dried with a towel, and then decide on how much you need to trim the ends. To update the hairstyle, usually 1-2 cm is enough.
  • When working, it is important to take into account that the hair will jump by 2-5 mm after drying.
  • To get an even cut, some people use a contrasting background for convenience: dark hair is cut against a light background, and vice versa.
  • You can smooth out light irregularities using horizontal thinning.

Removing split hair ends

On average, hair grows at a rate of 1-2 cm per month. But sometimes this is imperceptible, because they split, and split ends spoil the overall look of the hairstyle, and you have to get rid of them.

If you want to grow long strands, trim off the ends as you cut them., but, preferably, no more than once every three months. Better yet, do not split the hair shaft at all. To do this, constantly feed and moisturize your "antennas".

But if the curls have already split and began to get confused, the only way out is to trim the split ends. It is believed that such manipulations with hair are best done on the waxing moon.

How often to trim the ends of your hair

Many women who dream of a long braid are interested in: "Why and how often do you need to cut the ends of your hair, do they really grow faster from this?"

The question of the frequency of haircuts is quite individual. To maintain a model haircut, they are cut once every 2 months, and if you want to grow long hair, provided that they look healthy, you can do this once every six months.

Regarding the frequency of haircuts to accelerate growth, this is more a myth than a reality. Just after removing the split ends, the hair becomes healthier and grows much faster. This is the whole answer.

That is why it is important not only to eliminate, but first of all, to prevent split ends, dryness and brittleness of the strands.

Hair can be cut not only in hairdressing salons, but also at home. Especially if you just need to trim the ends. The main instruments for the procedure are professional scissors and a fine comb with sparse teeth.

Making an even cut on your own hair is not so difficult, even if it is long. Using the cutting techniques described above, you can trim the ends and experiment with the shape of your bangs.
Small irregularities are eliminated with the help of thinning, but only owners of strong and healthy strands can count on its help.

By constantly practicing home haircuts, you can save not only time, but also the family budget.

Video: how to cut hair ends evenly at home

Today, many women do not have time to go to the salon to get their hair in order. In this case, there is a way out - to learn how to cut the ends on your own. We will talk about how to cut the strands correctly in today's videos.

Need to freshen up your hairstyle or take a length off? Of course, you can sign up for a very expensive salon or ask a friend. But there is another trick! Knowing how to cut beautifully the ends of your hair, you will no longer depend on anyone.

What do you need to cut the strands?

To achieve a result and make a beautiful cut, be sure to buy the following set of tools:

  • Comb with frequent rounded teeth;
  • Spray bottle with water;
  • Brush;
  • Clips, elastic bands, hairpins;
  • Classic scissors for a straight cut;
  • Thinning scissors;
  • Mirror.

Important! Do not use regular household scissors to cut your hair. Be sure to buy them in a special store - professional tools are very well sharpened and will not shred strands.

Cut the tips yourself - 7 simplest options

To cut the ends yourself, use any of the master classes described below.

Method 1. Low tail

Perhaps the easiest and most affordable option. Even a novice "stylist" can cope with it.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Tie a low ponytail. Make sure that the strands do not stick out and are without roosters. The tail must be absolutely smooth!
  3. For convenience, dampen your hair with water from a spray bottle.
  4. And now you need to tie elastic bands (thin, made of silicone) along the entire length. Place them at an equal distance from each other (about 2 cm). Leave as much at the bottom as you want to cut.
  5. Make a nice cut just below the bottom elastic.
  6. Take off all the elastic bands, loosen the hair, comb it with a brush.

Method 2. High tail for the cascade

To make yourself a cascading haircut, you only need to spend a couple of minutes! But the results will be no worse than those of a professional hairdresser.

  1. Part in the center.
  2. Comb well.
  3. Prepare the required materials.
  4. Tie a tight tail, placing it almost at the very forehead.
  5. For convenience, you can dampen your hair with water.
  6. Drag it with the rubber band to the desired level.
  7. Cut off the tip carefully.
  8. Loosen your hair - enjoy the result!

Method 3 - Classic

This method will not allow you to cut yourself, but you will be able to help your friends.

1. Wash your hair with shampoo.

2. Wipe off excess moisture with a towel.

3. Carefully comb the hair, making it perfectly smooth.

4. Use the sharp tip of a comb to separate part of the hair (1-2 cm) growing in the back of the head. It should not be very wide - it will be difficult to trim. Twist the rest of the hair into a tourniquet and secure with a clip so that it does not interfere yet.

5. Comb the strands again with a fine-toothed comb.

6. Measure out the desired length. Be sure to watch how the person holds his head at the time of the haircut. If it is raised or lowered too much, move the cutting line to match your normal head position. Now you can make a cut.

7. Comb the strands again and trim any loose hairs again. The first row has appeared, along which you will align all subsequent layers.

8. Make another horizontal parting, separating another small section of the hair.

9. Comb through it with a comb.

10. Aligning with the first row, trim this layer.

11. Comb the strands again and dampen them with water if the ends are dry. Trim any protruding hairs.

12. Separate another layer of hair from the plait and comb it straight from the crown of the head down.

13. Trim this layer by aligning it with the others.

14. Comb the rest of the hair in the parting.

15. Cut the middle part to fit the overall cut.

16. Cut the side hairs at an angle. They will differ from the main cut line by only 1 cm.

17. Comb the strands again.

18. If there are extra hairs, trim them carefully.

Method 4 - Using a special level

With a hairdresser's level, you can trim the ends of your hair in a minute. It's easy to use - see for yourself!

1. Comb the strands well and smooth them out with an iron.

2. Make a parting in the center, dividing the hair into two parts.

3. Gather the hair under the chin and put on a level.

4. Extend it to the length you want to cut. Make sure the bubble is in the middle and trim off the ends.

You can use this useful device in another way.

  1. Tie a high ponytail.
  2. Pin it with a level at the base.
  3. Tilt your head down.
  4. Extend the level to the desired length.
  5. Cut off the ends with scissors.

Tips to help you trim the ends of your hair yourself (video)

Method 5 - In different directions

To trim the strands beautifully for yourself, take note of this very simple method.

1. Comb your hair, lift it up and twist it into a tight bundle.

2. Holding it firmly over your head, cut to the desired length with scissors.

3. Let go of the hair and comb thoroughly.

4. Collect the strands again, lift to the crown and twist into a tight bundle, twisting it in the opposite direction.

5. Trim any protruding hairs.

Method 6. Grooming two low ponytails

If you have neither the time nor the desire to mess around with a haircut for a long time, you can use this unique option.

1. Comb thoroughly by making a center part.

2. Tie the halves into two tight, low tails.

3. Pull the elastic to the desired length.

5. Trim the ends just below the elastic bands. Work the strand from the edges to the center. Hold the scissors themselves at a 45-degree angle - this will give the cut a soft natural look.

6. Remove both elastic bands and comb through. The hair on the back will be V-shaped. If you want a straight cut, tuck the strands into a ponytail and trim the ends.

Method 6 - Head down

Not sure how to trim your hair ends beautifully? We hope this method is useful to each of you, because it can be used on strands of any length.

1. Wash your hair and dry it with a towel. You do not need to dry it with a hairdryer - the hair must be sufficiently damp.

2. Spread a towel down in front of you.

3. Bend your head down and comb.

4. Moving from left to right, trim the hair. Do not grab wide strands - it will be very uncomfortable. From time to time, comb your hair with a comb to make sure you cut evenly.

5. Considering that your hair is damp, remove a little less than you would like. They will become slightly shorter when the head dries up.

6. Raise your head and comb.

Method 7 - Grooming 6 tails

Cutting the ends at home is unlikely to be able to do without this interesting master class. We are sure you haven't had a haircut yet!

1. Wash your hair with shampoo and remove excess moisture.

2. Keeping your head straight, divide the hair into 6 sections - bangs, 2 upper (left and right), 2 side (left and right) and occipital. In order not to get confused, carefully look at the photo.

3. Tie each section into a tight ponytail.

4. Trim the tips of the ponytails at the desired level. Depending on the result, hold the scissors differently:

  • Straight cut - horizontally;
  • Soft multi-layer cut - at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • A ragged cut - first horizontally and then vertically, making one movement for each strand.

5. Loosen your hair, comb well.

6. Trim the hairs out of the total mass.

You probably know why you need to trim the ends, because the entire appearance of the hair depends on it. Finally, let's clarify a few important points:

  • Cut strands only for the growing moon - there is a special calendar in which you can find out auspicious days;
  • Long hair should be trimmed 2 cm every 3 months. In the rest of the period, you can use various masks and hair strengthening products;
  • Do not neglect this procedure if you constantly dye or perm. Such hair is very susceptible to external influences and requires special care;
  • It is also necessary to trim the ends with an average length of the strands. This will allow them to better keep their shape;
  • To make the process easier, cut dark hair on a light background and light hair on a dark background. This way you can avoid any inaccuracies;
  • Do not hold the scissors at right angles to your hair. From this they will be cut even more. Give preference to the diagonal position - it will prolong the health of the strands;
  • If the ends split 2 centimeters up, you will have to remove a little more - up to 2.5 centimeters. Such an increase will provide your hairstyle with a neat, well-groomed and tidy look. If you remove strictly 2 cm, the section will return very quickly;
  • There is another effective way to cut split ends. Divide the hair into thin curls, twist each into a bundle, stretch it with your fingers from the bottom up and cut off the protruding hairs.