How to build relationships with a man right. How to build a right and healthy relationship with a man

In order not to disappoint in the elect, a woman needs to deal with their own desires, to understand which qualities it is important to her in a man. There is no doubt that almost all women strive for the right, close to ideal relations. It turns out this is not all. When illusions are crumbling, many decide to accept the disadvantages of the chosenness because of the fear of loneliness. Some recommendations on how to avoid disappointments in relations:

  • In order for the relationship to be harmonious, it is necessary to take care and support not only at moments of joy, but also in heavy life situations. Always be honest with a man. Start working on yourself, strive to become better.
  • Do not try to remake a man, take both the strengths and weaknesses of his personality. Sometimes take the initiative in your hands - it is much better endless expectation. It has long passed the time when only men acted initiators.
  • You do not need to interfere in the relationship of relatives and friends, the personal problems of the couple are solved alone alone, without the participation of other people. The joint time is greatly browsing. You can often go to the movies, on performances, walks, and even better, find a common hobby.
  • Little romantic gifts satellite. Men love not less women's signs, they simply do not recognize this. Compliments and recognition in love is a pledge of warm and durable relationships.
  • It is better to never bring to the quarrels and scandals, but if the tickling happened, it is worth trying to make up as soon as possible. It is just necessary to approach and hug your loved one, without finding out who was to blame and who started a quarrel.
  • It is worth showing yourself and from the household side, because a man sees in a woman not only an object of adoration, but also a potential wife, the mother of future children.

It is important not to forget that any relationship is built on mutual and love. A couple that follows this simple truth will be able to avoid multiple problems and misunderstanding.

There are several general tips, thanks to which you can build a strong all-friendly people who love each other.

It is better not to represent any young man next to your future husband. The guy may scare away the guy on the plans for life. Having retreated before such a powerful Natius, he will not have time to see the sincere intentions of the girl. Although in fact it can be sincere, disinterested, caring, and in general, it is perfect to approach him. You should begin with usual communication, learn about the personal qualities of each other. Do not hurry, even if it is really fate. Everything has its time.

Reckless desire by all means and as soon as possible to start living together can serve a bad service. Perhaps it is better to recognize the features of a partner, a woman no longer wants to live with him. An annoyance will quickly come to the irritation. To blame for this will be somehow, except for an excessive rush.

Too frequent meetings and calls are also undesirable, especially at the initial stage of relationships. Such an annoying can quickly bother. Rare, but productive meetings are tired of a couple of times a week, moreover, this is a good way to check how strong feelings are.

It is better to avoid sudden and cardinal changes in the relationship. It is impossible to know a person in a short time, which means there will be no that this very satellite for life. , overflowing people at an early stage of relationships, do not make it possible to adequately evaluate many things. Plus, too, too rapid development of events morally and physically depletes. This may cause the fact that, quickly distortions, a person will put a point in the relationship.

You should not turn the soul to the wrong way, complaining and showing my weaknesses. Losts regret, but do not like. It is much wiser to maintain a certain mystery in the relationship. The more negative emotions will be filled with a partner, the less chance will remain for happy and reliable relationships. It is always necessary to strive to focus on positive circumstances.
It is better to avoid small quarrels, and sometimes it is not possible to do this, it is better to take a step towards reconciliation first. It is important not to lie and make it clear that the deception of a man is also unacceptable.

Respectful attitude to the chosen one should manifest itself not only to communicate with him, but also in the society of other people. If possible, it is necessary to stop any attempts to humiliate or insult him once. This position not only increases the authority of a woman, but also the authority of its partner. No need to listen to gossip. You should always protect your happiness from extraneous attempts to destroy it. An important role is played by a sense of mutual support, a strengthening alliance. The sexual side of the relationship should also be in last place.

A woman is better not to start meeting a man burdened with a lot of problems than she herself. Often, this is true in the situation of a significant difference in age. A woman can not cope with the solution of some difficult life situations, for example, in case of serious health problems. And if it succeeds, there is no guarantee that a man will appreciate it.

Relationships should not be one-sided, it will only increase misunderstanding. The constant infringement of their interests in favor of the partner will sooner or later lead to a rupture. Jealousy - a destructive feeling. Being at the initial stage of relations, people still do not make each other serious promises, the more not to swear in eternal loyalty. If the young man flies with someone, you can try to do the same. If the light flirt is not seriously confirmed, there is no reason for excitement. Trust always brings clips a couple even more.

Never need to refuse dream about perfect relationships. If a woman learns to pass through distrust, she will get a strong, sincere union. The main thing is to always remember the feeling of self-esteem.

When the main goal is achieved, then the woman begins to shine from the inside, and everything will turn out yes. After all, only when a normal relationship with a man is built, a woman can feel really happy.

But, unfortunately, not all women can solve this task successfully. For many of them, relationship with a man is a real problem. More details will learn in video:

Top 9 recommendations so that girls make it easier to build relationships with guys

  1. Do not try to rush the events. Hurry is not a way out. Building strong relationships in a short time is impossible. It takes a lot of time. If you, you will hurry the events, you can sigh the partner. After all, usually men need more time to open and take decisive actions. Take it as a given, and stop putting on it.
  2. Be weak. Men are conquerors and defenders. They are very pleased to feel that they are strong and bold, and you need to protect them. Therefore, do not be afraid to look weak, but on the contrary it is more likely to tell Milom about your fears, about problems with colleagues, about what you can not cope with something. Let a man soothe you and regret. Do not decide all questions yourself, trust your man, and lay some responsibilities for him.
  3. Away ideals. Women love to come up with a perfect partner - Prince, and then under this image to redo their man. It is important to understand that ideal people do not exist, like the princes. Do not suppress your favorite with your discontent and soldering. Everyone is beautiful in his own way, appreciate it. And if you can not put up with this, it means that it's just not your person. Learn to take the lover as it really is. And then, he himself will change to change for the better for you.
  4. Let a man provide you. Men are miners and breadwinners. When a man begins to doubt the ability to provide you and his family, then his ego suffers. A partner can be closed in himself and become depressive. A woman should create the necessary conditions in which there will be no place for humiliation and the depressive state of its satellite. Your goal is to merge the partner on independent accomplishments. Become a muse for him, and under any circumstances, stay a true woman.
  5. Be happy. Any man wants to tie their lives with a joyful, smiling and kind girl. But with a woman who is not satisfied with everyone, forever depressed and complains of life, he hardly wants to communicate long. Remember: similar attracts like. Therefore, in love with yourself, start enjoying life. And then your partner will adopt your mood, and it will become for you. So you create a happy and harmonious pair.
  6. Down with a schedule sex. Sex is pleasure, and the pleasure on a schedule is already boring. Sex plays an important role in relationship with the opposite sex. During making love, the couple can close, open up each other, and tell what they would hardly be told with the usual conversation. Therefore, do not dose sex, do not limit it, do it when and where you will be pleased. The main thing in the relationship is to satisfy your sexual desires and enjoy it.
  7. Praise a partner. A man will be happy if you recognize it as a chapter family. More often to the partner that he is the best that you are proud of them. Do not regret the couple to praise it. Sincerely admire them when he made something significant for you. He will shine from it, and be proud of himself. Do not forget to praise your loved ones in society or relatives. Then he will begin to appreciate you even more, and you will be immensely grateful.
  8. Be true to the partner. Always keep loyal to your satellite, even if you are in a quarrel. And it is also to relate to life situations: do not tell everyone that the partner in something became mistaken or was wrong. Do not take the quarrel from the hut, and do not betray it in this way. Be always there, no matter what. Support your beloved, even when you think that he will not be able to do something. Soon you will find that your favorite is ready for everything to all, because you really believed in it.
  9. Listen to intuition. Only your heart can determine what you really need. Only it knows the answers to all questions. Therefore, we are more likely to listen to it, and not to the opinions of others. If you feel that your man, then do everything to be with him together. Even quarrels are not a hindrance. Well, if the inner voice says that something is wrong with you, it does not suit you, then run away from him. After all, relationships should bring only happy emotions.

How to build serious, strong and harmonious relationships with a man - 8 tips

In order for relations with men not only passionate, but serious and strong, it is necessary to always take care of internal harmony in relationships.

Take advantage of the tips to your relationship always happy and harmonious:

  1. Respect each other. Relationships built on mutual respect are the longest and strong. Respect must be present in everything: in the desires, preferences, in tastes and in opinion. Respect your partner and as a person, and as a man.
  2. Learn to understand. In love and euphoria pass, and after these wonderful feelings you should have the understanding of the chosen one. Understanding should be exercised in relation to its actions, actions. When you start understanding the partner, you will always be comfortable together. And you will be complemented by friend.
  3. Support a partner. Support always stood in the first place in strong relationships. Even if your chosen seems to you strong enough, believe me, the support will be vital always necessary for him. Support your beloved even in trifles, absolutely in any situations.
  4. Trust. Trust is another important component of any harmonious relationship. Without trust, the relationship will turn into chaos. Trust your beloved, because this is your personal choice. , Try to believe him. And then, he certainly will justify all your expectations.
  5. Show care. Men like children, they really need feminine care. Ask him how he passed the day than he was concerned about how he feels, fed him, watch his clothes were always clean and tidy. He will definitely appreciate your concern and reward you.
  6. Create comfort and comfort. It is the girl is a keeper of a homely hearth. It is from her the weather in the house, and a microclimate in relationships. A woman should be able to create such comfortable conditions in the house, in everyday life so that her man always hurried home. In turn, a man will create and for women all the necessary conditions, you will not need not what, and always.
  7. Diverse your leisure. In order not to make relations boring and routine, dilute them with interesting leisure. Walk together into cinemas, in a cafe, on picnics, just for walks. Prepare your favorite exotic dish, come up with a joint Irga with him. Make a variety of intimate life. And then your relationship will play with new paints.
  8. Romance. This is the main component of strong and happy relationships. It is the romance that the tenderness is capable of bringing into relationships, trepacy, it is at such moments that we forget all the quarrels, the whole negative, and begin to understand that we are very comfortable with your second half. Therefore, try to bring as possible and romantic moments in your relationship, but do not make them strongly shown and air.

How to build relationships with a divorced man

Quite often, girls are afraid to build relationships with divorced men. They just do not know how to do it. Yes, with such men, it is much more difficult to build relationships than those who have never been in marriage.

Here the main thing is to understand and accept one fact - the divorced man will not be particularly much to be for too serious relationships immediately. Therefore, in no case, do not press him, do not seek to immediately start talking about living together and marry. Carefully, from afar.

It is necessary to prevent his heart quite cautiously. And only when he becomes really good with you and calmly when he understands that you are the one that he was looking for so long, then you can try to speak with him about the wedding. At the same time, it is necessary to talk to him frankly, and in a mental conversation to know the reason for his divorce. Thus, you stop the possible repetition of this situation with you.

How to build a relationship with a married man

Relationship with a married man is usually passionate, but complex. After all, a woman is always in suspended condition: she cannot be confident in the duration of such relationships, a man often distinguishes her only a little time, he can break out at any moment and leave. According to statistics, such relationships are not promising. So it is necessary to weigh everything for and against before joining a marital.

If the woman still decided on a relationship with a married man, it should be a realistic and understand that such relationships can break down rather sharply.

It is necessary to adhere to the following advice:

  • Do not criticize and do not blame my partner's wife
  • Do not abuse whims and morals.
  • Do not press the partner, do not require a divorce. It is very dangerous to put it before choosing. A man must make his choice on his own.
  • More often, show your tenderness to him, talk about feelings, and give a stunning sex.
  • Do not impose in any way. Do not hold a man near yourself. He himself should want to be with you, and you must try to create an appropriate atmosphere for this: tenderness, comfort, and harmony.
  • Be patient. When the girl is patiently waiting, going aside, then a man takes a choice much faster. And most often the choice stops in favor of this very patient and understanding woman.

Only when a man understands himself that he is very good and calmly with you that he is happy only when you are near, only then you can count on something serious.

Why can't build relationships with men

It happens, it happens that the woman and beautiful and clever, and the relationship to build with men does not work. The reasons, in fact, can be a lot, but the main of them:

  • Generic negative installations, not quite a good example of parents. It is important here to understand that all people are individual, and everyone has different situations. You may have everything much better than your relatives.
  • You have too highly overwhelmed requirements for men. Believe it easier to yourself and to men. Let the situation, and more often let the will feelings, and not mind.
  • A woman takes on the role of a man. Men scares it. They are important to make decisions themselves. Be a woman: weak, defenseless and gentle.
  • Do not idealize the partner. Do not attribute to him the desired qualities, to then not be disappointed in them. Take it as it is.
  • You underestimate yourself. Love yourself. Become confident. Find a hobby that will bring you joy. And more often smile.

But it happens that a woman cannot build a happy relationship, because the man is simply not her man.

Men with whom it is simply impossible to build a happy relationship:

  • despotic tyrants;
  • alphonse;
  • womanists;
  • irresponsible egoers;
  • alcoholics.

If, a woman tied his fate with such a man, the best advice is to run away from him, towards his happiness.

And most importantly, do not dwell on negative experience. Remember all your time. Sincerely enjoy yourself and your life, and soon everything is formed.

Top 5 Books on Relationship Psychology

And in order to better understand men, it is necessary to begin to understand the male psychology, and in the psychology of relationships. To do this, we advise you to read the following books:

  1. Robert Johnson "We. Deep Aspects of Romantic Love "
  2. John Gray "Men from Mars, Women with Venus"
  3. Michael Matteo "Book about delicious and healthy relationships"
  4. Tina Tsesina, Riley Smith "How to live in a pair and stay free"
  5. Andrei Zheberian "13 ways to overcome the crisis of love relationships"

When you are 18 years old, there are no thoughts that you will stay alone, especially in the case of beautiful and smart girls. But the time goes, and he does not appear on the horizon, or we simply do not notice it, the relationship does not fold. Similar to that lack of experience and simple female wisdom. But together we will deal with how to build relationships with a man to be happy to the end of life.

How to build relationships and where to start?

How to build a relationship, more precisely, where to start? First you need to understand whether the guy is nearby, do you want to really be with him. Are you ready to live all your life, or without him you feel good? Do not deceive yourself and look for the reasons to be near, believing that you don't need anyone else. As they say, "better one than with anyone."

The second important question is whether you are ready to part with freedom? Since many relations end, without starting, due to the fact that the partners are not ready to go further, to give themselves to another person. Not to mention marriage, because it is a logical conclusion. It is important here that the initiative proceeds from the man so that he wants this no less than his woman. How to build strong relationships with a man who does not want to build a marriage? In no way! He does not see you with his wife and is waiting for a better option. It must be realized immediately!

How to build relationships with a guy at the very beginning? Do not forget to be confident! Show him that you are so alone that you are popular with the opposite guy. Work on yourself, Improve, become better. That your chosen one does not even think to look in the other side. Low self-esteem and insecurity are felt, but I don't want to be with such people.

How to build strong relationships with a man - several main rules

How to build relationships with a guy? There are several important rules that psychologists are tirelessly say:

  1. Do not look for yourself a ready-made husband, give a man to open, get better for you. Usually ideal men are brought up, and not looking.
  2. Become a happy and full-fledged woman before the appearance of a man. Then next to him you will bloom even stronger.
  3. No need to blame and edge yourself for happiness if there are many unfortunate and lonely girlfriends around you. You deserve what you have.
  4. The development of relations and courtship should be such as the girl wants. Do not deny yourself in pleasant trifles, let you achieve and try to conquer.
  5. No need to constantly please and serve the guy. Praise for achievements - be sure to humiliate - prohibited. Do not tolerate bad appeal.
  6. Take caressing with joy, but do not consider yourself obliged for it.
  7. Find yourself, determine the goals, desires and erotic fantasies to be close to the most man.
  8. Do not stop at last failures.
  9. The girl should be a passive and driven in a relationship, otherwise dragging everything will have to be held until the end of his days.
  10. Do not postpone your personal life, do it all the time, you may not be any time.
  11. Last experience helps to build a good relationship in the future. Therefore, the presence of two or three men throughout life is a plus.
  12. Understanding the right relationships and the man and the woman should coincide. Otherwise, nothing will come out.

How to build relationships with a guy? Surely no one will answer this question. Everything is purely individually depends on the age, your mood, character, goals and men. Focus on the inner sensations, say openly, be a weak girl, and then everything will go.

How to build relationships with a guy? A little from personal experience

How to build good relationships can tell women who are happy with their chosen one, as they were able to achieve the goal. But their experience is only a hint, completely adopting the script and behavior is not worth it. For example, you should not be afraid to say "no". In each man, the hunter's instinct is triggered, because the process of hunting is most interesting, not the prey itself. If you like the guy, but give him a conquer, then you will appreciate you much more. The main thing is not to overdo it, do not offend and not mock.

The material issue is discussed at once, but inhibit. That is, you do not need to demand expensive gifts, traveling abroad and so on. Initially, offer to divide the bill in the restaurant for two, pay for a taxi. Men see when you are interested only money or there is the slightest hint of it. Then build a long relationship will not work. A real man will not give you to pay for myself, but your position will clarify your intentions.

Do not deprive freedom and do not be too intrusive. "The shorter leash, the sooner it will run away." Give a guy space, let him have a personal time, walks with friends. Loving people trust each other, and the more you will give freedom, the more you want to be with you.

Be honest and frank, do not hide important facts from life, not even the most pleasant. Secrets and deceptions spoil relations most, and in new or even strong pairs that are more than 10 years old.

How to build relationships with a guy - summarize

The relationship is not so difficult if both partners are interested in it, open and ready to be together. There are no universal formulas, tips and strategies. Listen to your heart, do not tolerate the resentment, be confident and openly talk about feelings. And how to build good relationships with your husband - another question, although for loving hearts status and printing in the passport do not matter. If before the marriage you could find the points of contact, they decided conflicts and decided on targets, then in marriage the relationship will remain harmonious.

Communicate with the surrounding people is one of the important skills with which we are faced every day. Communication skill is acquired and formed in childhood, and then, depending on personal experience and people around them, is converted, improved or degrades. How to build relationships with people not only successfully, but also on a mutually beneficial basis, not every modern person knows. It is important to have not only analytical abilities, but also to know which the rules and secrets of this process exist.

But all this primarily depends on the person himself. Someone is easier for someone, someone is harder. The problem of relationship with people will always be in time to stand in modern society, and this topic will never stop learning all sorts of psychologists and sociologists - and all because it is a real storehouse of new ideas and theories that allow you to learn more about society as a whole, and about every person specifically.

Let's analyze the rules and secrets of successfully building relationships with environment based on the recommendations of psychologists practitioners.

Three main secretions of communication success

As psychologists say, there are three main secrets of communication interpersonal success. They include aspects as:

  • the ability to listen and hear your interlocutor;
  • the ability to adequately evaluate its own abilities and role in the life of the contacter;
  • adequacy of psychological reactions in response to received information.

If you are experiencing problems with other people, first of all it is worth paying attention to childhood. There are even the smallest and imperceptible events at first glance cause serious problems. It is very important from the earliest childhood to learn to find a common language with the surrounding language, which is not always easy. But precisely because of this, we learn to be adults and learn how to build relationships with other people. Without such a skill, it is impossible to live in the modern world: you want, do not want, and every day you communicate with sellers, neighbors, parents and colleagues.

The ability to listen and adequately evaluate the information received is the most important communication skill. It is impossible to build a successful relationship with the surrounding people, if you do not give exactly the reaction that the interlocutor expects to see. For example, a girlfriend, telling about their problems in relations with men, does not always want to hear regret and pity. Most often, such a person is looking for moral support and information that will raise self-esteem.

It is always necessary to remain loyal, no dependence on whom the fate in life and at work. Do not try to impress the person, seeking to those who are not really - even a small lie in such things sooner or later will reveal. Do not try to be someone else - this is the best way to establish relationships with other people. We always feel when a person is sincere, and when he drinks dust into the eyes. And your actions should also show you as an individuality, and not a beautiful copy of someone's image. Do and do, as you think necessary. When discussing one or another question, it is probably confident in those things you are talking about.

It is also worth being sincerely interested in what you are talking to another person. This is the best way to meet and make friends with a lot of people. Another important condition is respect and to yourself, and to the interlocutor. And do not miss the compliments and praise - people really like when their merits appreciate and note their actions. This is not only a way to manifest your pupil, but also the opportunity to raise self-esteem to another person, give him confidence or add enthusiasm in any undertaking.

The basis of relations between people is trust and sincerity!

The foundation and the basis of any relationship is trust, without him you will not leave in the modern world. Trust arises only if a person is confident that it is you represent. You should not put the walls in relationships with people because of the past sad experience - undoubtedly, to make it very and very difficult. But this useful skill will only add to you the advantages as a person, a very strong personality.

The trust and sincerity of their intentions is the solid foundation of strong and long-term relationships between people, regardless of social and gender differences!

The next principle reads: "Speak what is going to do. And do it. " You should not give promises that you will not be able to perform. You should not promise a man Golden Mountains, if you are not even confident in your abilities or have no idea how to do it. You will be a man of words, and then others will undoubtedly reach out for you. People will know that you can trust you that you are a holistic person who perfectly knows his capabilities and skillfully accepts them, and does not pay attention to the envy and the stupidity of others, he does not try to seem to someone else.

Smile as often as possible under any circumstances. Just look at others. And what do you see there? Tired, irritated and impatient faces of people who always rush somewhere or swear with someone. I don't even want to approach them, nothing to talk. A smiling man immediately attracts attention to others and instinctively causes a sense of confidence. Smile is the best accessory for the girl, what you do not forget to tell us the designers almost from the very time of the appearance of fashion. She seems to say: "I like me. You make me happy. I'm glad to see you". Just try, and you will see - people, for the most part, answer us the same.

Successful people in the bulk of their mass know how to build a relationship between people on various social steps. This allows them to motivate others on successful activity, maintain in a difficult minute and influence the behavior of employees. It is worth using these rules and secrets to successfully build interpersonal communications.

When conversing it is worth avoiding critics, condemnation or pity, which often do not solve the problem, and sometimes even aggravate the problem. Without not noticing, you can offend a person or to completely spoil the relationship. It is worth watching his speech carefully and try to understand a person, and not to condemn, not knowing and not understanding the situation. Put yourself in their place: so that you have taken in a similar situation, what would it be for you and what would you do? And then along with the interlocutor, try to find a way or at least develop several possible options for exiting a particular situation.

And the last, most importantly rule is the ability to silent at the right moment. It is this quality that we are so appreciating in others, and we want to notice and appreciated in us. The ability to silence at the right moment and listen, without interrupting the interlocutor, has people to a more frank dialogue, or just a conversation in a good and relaxed atmosphere.