How to congratulate beautiful words girlfriend. Happy birthday congratulations in your own words. Sincere wishes for the best friend

Happy Birthday! With such people as you - to live joy and easier! Let every day give you new discoveries, impressions and only pleasant surprises! Good luck to you, bright joy, fun and positive mood, despite all those little things that live life sometimes! rating:37 ↓

Stay always the same beautiful, smiling, responsive and generally, the best! Let love cover your life with a floral bedspread and give you the magical happiness that will never leave your heart! 36 ↓

Happy Birthday, with a wonderful holiday, in which we feel a little children, because we are waiting for him some miracle! So let it happen to this miracle, let you all work and all obstacles disappear on your path. Happiness to you, huge mutual love and always the finest mood. Let a kind angel and fate always keep you! 34 ↓ - Congratulations to your girlfriend in your own words

In this life, you like nobody deserve a real bright happiness! So let it always go round, holding your hand with you! Happy Birthday! 39 ↓

Congratulations, birthday girl! Let your life always be filled with love, care, kindness, bright emotions, incredible travel and good interesting people. I wish to attract everything good, bright and kind, like a magnet) 36 ↓

Dear girlfriend! Congratulations! You have the most kind, bright and cheerful! You warming us with your spiritual warmth and just a radiant smile! Let everything be folded with you, let it succeed, and all plans come true according to plan) Congratulations! 45 ↓

I wish to laugh sincerely, jump - from happiness, dream, and achieve the desired! And most importantly - believe in yourself, in your happy fate, in your strength and opportunities! Well, if you love, then with all my heart! 41 ↓

With one thought about you in the soul it becomes warm and cozy! And today there is still a reason to congratulate you on your birthday, and wish that in your life everything is what you dream about and what you want to! Let you be waiting ahead of endless perspectives and the most joyful events! 34 ↓

Congratulations! Be healthy and happy! Hardly hug you and kiss! I wish harmony in life! Let your intimate dreams and desire come true, let life be filled with inspiration, excellent mood and brightest and excellent events! 34 ↓

Congratulations the most wonderful girlfriend! I wish in the life of all the finest, because you, like no other, deserve real happiness! Let joy never leave you, family and loved ones. Let any desire, mandated today, come true as soon as possible! 36 ↓

I wish the health of strong, love - a comprehensive, career - dizzy! You are worthy of our best! I wish to live so that there were more reasons for smiles so that the heart joyfully beat with happiness. Happy Birthday! 38 ↓

Someone today is a birthday, girlfriend, and you know - who! I wish more kindness and understanding around! Let a series of solid successes come in life, even if the obstacles will disappear from your way! Let the mood always be wonderful, friends are true, love is bright, sensual and mutual! And for every day you - great weather and only good news! 39 ↓

Congratulations! Let life be happy with unexpected gifts! I wish that in your life there are the coolest guys to have time and for sweet dreams, and to implement all the ideas! Million your favorite colors, joy on the heart, the sea of \u200b\u200ba bright positive in fate! 38 ↓

Congratulations to the closest, favorite and expensive girlfriend! I wish the day to sparkle, shine and conquer all around! Happiness to you, let your most cherished dreams come true and the sweetest dreams. I wish to meet my prince, and let him protect you, understands and really appreciates! 39 ↓

Do you know that women's friendship is a myth? At least, so they say ordinary people who did not seem to meet such an excellent girlfriend like you. You know, I can't agree with them, because I was actually lucky with my friend. We have long been together and managed to overcome numerous life obstacles. We always find themselves for each other sincere support and strong support. Despite the fact that women's friendship is always fed by doubts, we find each other exactly those character traits that allow you to believe that we will cope with everything. Girlfriend, I congratulate you with our joint holiday, with your birthday. I sincerely believe that you will definitely be truly happy, my dear. Please, with sincere congratulations on the holiday, because I actually wish you everything to be 100%.

You are my girlfriend, faithful and only. We would be extremely difficult in my life without a friend. Do you agree with this? Let all will be 100% on your birthday. I want you to be able to enjoy a huge positive and cheerful holiday. I wish you real happiness, despite the fact that fate loves so much to present a variety of lessons. Be sure that everything will definitely develop perfectly and you, of course, will be able to gain true happiness, make dreams and find yourself. Please accept my sincere congratulations on a unique person, birthday. Although initially this holiday is yours, but he has already managed to become mine. It is thanks to this holiday that I had such a wonderful girlfriend in my life as you. We have almost become sisters, but it turns out to be truly an important denominator for us two, right? Happy Birthday!

I congratulate you on your birthday. You know how many warm and sincere words I want to say right now. Let all your hopes and dreams are performed, because you deserve the favor and support of fate. I wish you avoid any chagrin and doubt, fateful obstacles. Let the Lord give you the inner harmony and leads on the right life path. I wish you to open different verge of our world and get the opportunity to believe that in fact we can enjoy in the future our friendly sites in the cafe. I want to wish you active and varied travels, the ability to achieve the goal in life, enjoy close communication with expensive people. You know, you deserve the most sincere wishes that I am talking. Be sure that they will definitely come true.

Girlfriend, you are a very close and important little man for me. Because I have a hurry to congratulate you on your birthday, truly wonderful and significant holiday. Many years ago, you came to our world and made the first cry, and soon it began to please our parents, to start friends. Of course, we learned not in deep childhood, but almost immediately managed to become a friend and, fortunately, we retain a decent relationship for a long time. Girlfriend, I wish you sincereness and positive, faith in the future, knowledge that everything will be folded exactly as you want. Let the sadness and fear remain in the past. Life every year will definitely reveal some of your facets, and you are ready for the fact that they actually need to know. I wish you happiness that will be limitless and miraculous. Accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

My dear, that's what your birthday has come. I believe that this year you will celebrate the long-awaited holiday in a special way. The most important thing is to spend a new cycle of your life by 100%. Let the fate and the universe. I believe that your wishes and dreams will definitely be implemented. I wish you bright impressions worthy of achievements incendiary sun. I hope that your life will be associated with freedom, and will take place without shackles. I would like to wish you many pleasant surprises who will happen every day. Let luck accompanies for a lifetime and slowly inspires new commitments. Girlfriend, you actually managed to become one of the most important people in my life, but it means a lot. Let all will be perfect in your life. Happy Birthday, with a new cycle of being.

Girlfriend, I have a hurry to congratulate you on your birthday. I sincerely believe that all the words mentioned will definitely warm your heart and soul. Let them always be an angel keeper who can be trusted with care and protection even in the most serious and risky situations. You must overcome any obstacles and troubles, believe that life will be full of positive and light. Despite the fact that fate prepared certain tests for each person, you must pass exactly the path that is destined to you. I wish you to enjoy new days and endeavors, to live 100%. Let life, always opens amazing opportunities for improving and gaining not only bright emotions, but also of true happiness. I want to confess that you actually managed to become a truly dear person, practically my sister. I believe that we will have further such relationships.

I have a hurry to congratulate you on your birthday. This holiday, of course, should be special. I want to wish you love and happiness. Let any sadness stay in the past and never even remind themselves. My dear, sister, I want to see you with stylish and beautiful, healthy and active, cheerful and optimistic, in love and romantic. You know, this list of positive words and compliments, decent characteristics can be continued for a very long time, because I actually wish you only the best. Let them in every sphere of life you will be able to feel real happiness and joy, you can find what you lacked before. I sincerely congratulate you on your personal holiday and, of course, believe that you will definitely become a truly happy little man in our world. Girlfriend, stay as beautiful as now.

My dear, I congratulate this beautiful day! I want to wish you to never stop striving for more, I didn't need anything and easily coped with any obstacle. Let the envious and troubles bypass bypass, and you proudly went ahead. Happy Birthday!

Dear my girlfriend! I congratulate you on your birthday! I really appreciate you are my girlfriend! You have a native little man with my soul related to me! I want to wish you the happiness of the infinite, more in the life of solar and bright days, so that the smile always flourished on your face, the eyes glowed with happiness, and love lived in the heart! Because you are all worthy!

Girlfriend, congratulations on your birthday. My dear, I want to wish you wonders and happiness, joy and delight, love and inspiration. Let all you like, will be yours. Let everything you want, be sure to come true.

My dear girl! I want to tell you the warmest words, but to express all the most sincere feelings with words is difficult. I just want you to know that you are a wonderful girlfriend and a good and bright person. Happy Birthday! Let all the mandated come true, and the unwanted passes by!

My dear friend, native and beloved! I congratulate you on your birthday - a bright holiday, a little sad, but wonderful and only yours! I wish you to always be loved, adored so that you admire and admire! Beauty to you and health, joy and fun, great success and many successes! May every your day be kind, warm and pleasant! Let there be fun meetings with friends, holiday chic and family holidays - everything that is rich in life, what she is the road! Be happy, my dear, beloved girlfriend!

Good, cute, bright man, dear friend, happy birthday! Friendship Our priceless, memories warmed the soul, laughter prolongs life, and meetings are unforgettable. I want to wish you to stay as native and close to me. Forces and patience, love and a strong shoulder near, so that the head is not sick, and the memory did not let down. Whether be happy, beloved, successful, healthy. You can always count on my tips, support. Remember, even if you are far from the hearts, we are always there!

Happy birthday, my girlfriend! From year to year on this day you wish you happiness, health, joy, good luck. And I, perhaps, I repeat, because this good does not happen much. And from myself I wish you so that a man always was always next to you, and let him be strong, because you need to raise you yet. And seriously, I wish you so that you finally meet a huge mutual and all-consuming love, and every day your eyes sparkled from happiness, and there were only loving and faithful friends. And let all your dreams come true ... Although not, let it remain. After all, it is necessary to dream about something!

My favorite friend, on your birthday I want to wish the understanding and warmth of others, but most of all want you to be happy. Therefore, I wish you a simple female happiness. I still wish success in all your affairs and endeavors so that you will certainly achieve our goals and desires. Let the luck and luck, joy and love in your life are always present in your life.

My very wonderful girlfriend I want to wish all the most beautiful, magical. I wish you juicy colors of life, a lot of fun, carefree laughter. Health to a deep old age, a strong loving environment of close people. Let your endless kindness warms all always. Let even the most bold dreams of your will come true. Happiness to you endless, wealth in the house. Let always be with you only sincere people will be with you, and all the bad bypass you face. Let the door always be opened for good.

Dear girlfriend, today you have a special day, in which I want to wish you all the brightest, wonderful and wonderful in life in huge quantities and without stopping. Let your birthday on all sides fly to you greeting cards, warm words and kisses, let your dream, let your dream come true, let him be fun and more interesting your life. I wish to always be in excellent shape and in a beautiful mood.

On this beautiful day I would like to wish you all the finest. Be happy, always beautiful and healthy! I wish all your native people to know the troubles and illness. So that loved ones have always been with you and you never needed support. So that the world beside the window, and in the house joy, warmth and comfort. I wish you success in work and study, so that the plan went according to the plan and everything turned out. Let you surround the faithful friends, joy and love. Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! All the best, be happy, loved, stay always with such a sunny and wonderful person. I wish you loyal friends who will never leave you, as well as fun and smiles. Good health so as not to sick. Let there be no reasons for sadness and loneliness to always be near a man who will give a hand of help. I wish all your dreams to be performed and you shone from happiness.

My dear! I congratulate you on your birthday. Thanks to your parents for such a wonderful girlfriend. I wish that only white stripes be in your life, and people nearby and kind. Let luck accompany you in all endeavors and career growth. Be happy, let your eyes shine from happiness, and the tears will be only from joy. Large and strong love, to fly from feelings and emotions. Spend this day unforgettable and let all your dreams have been performed.

Happy holiday! On this day I would like to wish:
-Dealth, because this is the most important thing in a person's life;
-Lava, strong and real. Love and be loved, because you are worth it. I want to see the joy on your face not only on this day, but also the remaining 365 days too;
"Mustache success, I wish to find and do business that will bring not only material pleasure, but also spiritual.
In general, be the most successful, beautiful and beloved person. Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! I would like to wish an excellent career, material wealth and easy overcoming difficulties in the life path. I wish you success in your endeavors and heart matters. Let your life be full of bright, colorful, interesting adventures, but at the same time as comfortable as possible. And so that everything went sweetly, as your festive cake. Health to you, success and victories, let them have pleasant and loyal friends around you.

I can not not thank fate for such a girlfriend as you. I want to give all the beauty of our planet on this day to tell you all the wonderful words in your address. You are supporting for me in difficult moments, you are the one with whom I share my joy, sadness, thoughts. Thank you for smart advice, good words, bold thoughts. Love you. Let them never disappear the rays of joy in your eyes. Happy Birthday!

My dear! On this day, I wish you inexhaustible happiness, a permanent feeling of pain, a lot of good. Always go boldly to your dreams, let all your intentions embody and please you. I really appreciate our friendship and proud of you.

Life would not be so bright without friends. Pretty my girlfriend, do not count how much we went together. I wish you to stay on this beautiful day, the same bright person, a sensitive little man with a kind and big heart. Thank you for being.

I am so nice today to congratulate you on your birthday! Happiness - have such a girlfriend like you. In this particular day, I wish you all the brightest and clean, which is in this world. May every your new day be open new meetings, successes. Let there be more bright and sunny moments.

If not for you, my life would not be so bright and interesting. In this particular day, I wish everyone to start your day only with positive thoughts, let the completion of each of your undertak, let them meet only good people on the path of life. I'm proud of you.

That has come a beautiful day in the year. I am very grateful to this day, which gave you. You're like a sun, which illuminates this world with her good smile. Let me wish you sincere female happiness, family well-being, a sea of \u200b\u200bbright moments. Madly love you and appreciate.

Best my friend! I want to thank you for your endless optimism, reliability, sincerity. I wish life to bring you exclusively joy, positive emotions. Always live in full life and stay yourself. I am pleased to realize that you have in my life.

One of the most wonderful things in this life is friendship. Infinitely you are grateful, my girlfriend, that you gave me to understand what it is. Let me wish you to swim in the rays of happiness so that interesting meetings and discoveries will be awaited in front, I wish to achieve professional heights, but also the most important, big female happiness.

My dear! I wish you dizzying happiness, many vivid impressions so that love and wonderful spring dominate in your heart. Let the flowers be rolled more often without reason. Stay with the same good and bright little man always. Thank you for your permanent support.

In your birthday, I wish you daily cheerfulness of the Spirit, inexhaustible optimism, a lot of good and love. Thank you for you that you are a vivid example of a bold man who is never afraid of difficulties, which is purposefully moving to his goals and dreams. I love and appreciate you.

Happy Birthday! I want the same thing that I would like for myself. In order for your favorite person to be always there, I wore on my hands, I did a massage, I prepared dinner, he heard your complaints about the injustice of the boss, wiped you with the tears and said that you were just super!

Material well-being, a beloved man is next to, and more such devotees and faithful girlfriends like me. Call me among the night, and I will come! I will come to the rescue, cover the bottle of wine and post a little bit. And I wish you so that you do not need anything. And to always dreamed of something ... Dream. This is the most beautiful thing that can only be.

Happy Birthday! Have fun, tear off, dance! Love, tenderness, fans stacks, money shovel row! The rest will be bought, we will repair, throw away. Heart Congratulations, Bright and Cool Surprises!

I wish you a joyful perception of life, a bunch of positive events, happy minutes of communication with all your neighbor! Be happy! And just be it! Let you always overcome the bold dreams, they come to replace new, bright, bold! After all, while we dream, we are young, we live!

Sun sinks, cheers!
And you're time to get up
Wash up
And on the holiday to gather.
We will arrive at you soon
Bring gifts Mount!
6.Tero good, morning cheerful,
Morning red, cool morning!
Morning ringing, morning brief,
Morning earlier and funny!
And cheerful, and open,
Happy birthday, darling!

A cool holiday requires steep incarnation! So, we walk today on the whole coil! Get ready, the conviction of the celebration, take gifts and guests, to take off the full, having fun and dance!

We celebrate Birthday
Everyone, everyone, in surprise.
Kebabs, guitar, songs,
What could be interesting?
Birds of birds, freedom, sky,
We will go away alone.
Repeated, congratulations, drink,
All friends with sather!

Fly one another year, and for one year you became older. But it is only on the passport. And so you always eighteen! Because I do not know more girls who would have been so young on their inner essence, their habits, lifestyle, following the latest fashion trends, a burning look, genuine and living interest in life, to everything that happens in it. You constantly work on yourself, you know the new, read, reflect on. Dream! And so you never boring. You are always on a positive wave! Let it be so in the future! Do not change, stay yourself!

Today is happy, joyful day. Sometime on this day you were born. And then, many years later, we met and became friends. Thank you fate for this meeting, for what you have!

Dear, beloved girlfriend. In your bright holiday, I want to say "thank you" for our friendship for the century, for the help in a difficult moment, the advice give you a real one you always. Let happiness be forever nearby, love blooms in his native soul. I wish inspiration, health, joy to you!

Girlfriend, Happy Holidays! All wishes are not reading. Love, delight, beauty. And know, you all worthy. Let life be filled with delight, your dreams come true. Let our friendship won't fade away. Always wonderful you!

If you ask about a friend, I will say, good words are not taia. You are alone - my comrade is reliable. Congratulations to you today. On this day with the soul I wish the Hea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, health, victories. Enthusiasm Let your not fade, be a beloved one thousand years!

Girlfriend, long thought to wish. Stay as active, kind, bold, always inspire. You are the ray of the sun, shining us. Without you lack warmth. And I will say that I appreciate your friendship, and I hope she is forever.

Today there are few real, faithful, devotees. I was lucky. My girlfriend is the best. From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you crazy ideas, their opportunities to implement. Infinite creative potential, mutual love, success in all spheres. I know you will get conceived!

Beautiful woman loving mom, wife and kind girlfriend. Today, another reason to express admiration to you. Let everything you have - will continue and increase. Stay older young, healthy, energetic. Let luck walk for you on the heels, closely happy, and the cherished dreams are fulfilled!

Pleasant surprises, gifts, moments I want to wish you on this day. Always be irresistible, bright, enchanting and beautiful. Hear compliments to your address, congratulations for a friend dear. Recognition, joyful victories. Such as you, in the world no longer!

In our life, everything is natural. Not by chance we are friends with you. I want our friendship to go forever, passing tests passing. To be with such a friend, I'm not scary. You will always hurry to help. From the heart I wish only happiness, positive, the sea of \u200b\u200bkindness!

Girlfriend, you are beautiful. Be happy for many years. Unmatched, shining muse for relatives, close friends and colleagues. Smile, sad forbidden. Straight Follow the dream. On the way, it will meet only good luck, intended only to you. And then you will become happy, contrary to the adversity of fate. And today, let's congratulations, you have fun, as always, from the soul!

If you live on the whole coil, I need my girlfriend. Bold, active, very positive. I wish you good health, courage and in all Razdat. Weakness, success, fun laughter!

Birthday - the holiday is not at all sad, despite the fact that the song is back in the song. Here is nothing despondency! Without unnecessary pathos, I wish you to always look like a hundred percent, and let your look confidently conquer all men without exception! Be always natural, what you really are, because you really have a truly beautiful, sincere and kind person.

Today you have a holiday - your birthday, the day, when such a wonderful and bright little man appeared on the world, like you. And I thank the fate, for giving me you. Never lose, be strong and patient. I wish you to always surround only your friends and close people! You are beautiful and worthy of the best in this life!

Happy Birthday, my lovely girlfriend! Today is such a bright wonderful day. And the sun is so bright and warm - it rejoices and smiles to you from the clouds. I congratulate you on your day and want you to be happy than you are now. You are the most expensive thing that I have. I kiss you and hug firmly hard! Happy holiday!

So the long-awaited day has come. Your holiday is in full swing, and there are so many friends. But there is no me among them. There are so many gifts, but there is no one among them. The cities divided us, but I always with you and today, today, in your birthday, I'm closer to you, more than ever! Love and be loved, live and be happy!

Favorite my girlfriend! Happy Birthday to you! Let the desire that you compete today in a significant hour, necessarily and very soon come true. Stay always the same cute and charming girl. Let the eternal youth and love of life reign in your soul.

Happy holiday! I wish you love, happiness and patience in everything. Let all your undertakings are always crowned with success, and on the path of yours will be only the kindest and worthy of such a beautiful man, like you, people. Be an incomprehensible and mysterious, the begin for everyone is not an excellent and beloved and desirable. And even if you never need you, you can live in prosperity, in pleasure and in joy.

Happy Birthday, my dear girlfriend! All the most wonderful, kind and positive! I wish you to meet the soul mate and gain real happiness! Go in life easily and joyfully, and let you always and in everything accompanies inspiration and faith in your dream!

Today is a holiday at the most expensive person to me. I wish you never to lose faith in myself and always follow your dream. Be a strong and brave, and you can cope with any difficulties. I know that our friendship with you will be able to overcome any obstacles and will last it to go through a long-long year. Happy Birthday!

Cute girlfriend! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish everything you dream about, come true. May you always supported friends in all your endeavors and continues! Live in the buzz and enjoy everything you do! Be confident, go always with a highly raised head and never lower your arms. I know you have so many fantasies and so much unless dream! that anyone to be amazed to your immense imagination. And let his fruits do not remain only illusions, and they will be realized in real life! Remember, thoughts are materialized.

Today is the most wonderful day. My best friend has the most beautiful holiday in the world. My sweet girlfriend! Rewrite to the Soviem, and always seek the goals set, never look back. The past does not let us go, it does not allow us to move on. Try to forget all the troubles that happened to you sometime. After all, there are so much beautiful and delightful! Let life give you only joy and positive. I wish all the sadness to go to you by side, because such a bright little man, like you, worthy of all the best, light and kind. Happy holiday!

You like my sister and my most important dream so that it remains as long as possible. My dear, my native and faithful girlfriend, let God give you in prosperity and inspiration to move forward and delight closest to their successes and achievements.

Good health to you, sun! Light everyone around your radiance, give warmth with your loved ones and relatives, but the main thing is to live happily, not looking into small problems and troubles.

I and I have passed a lot and I can proudly declare that I am rather or loyal to you, there is no man. I owe so much and so I wish you to be always surrounded by good and responsive people, ready to come to the rescue.

Happy Birthday! Love and be loved, because our world is built on love. Let me always wait for you a strong and friendly family and no bad weather will be able to destroy your unity!

There are years away, and zador and energy in you are no less, you as before you are young, beautiful, confident in yourself and good-natured! I wish only positive impressions, bright events, strong love and good health! Find your place under the sun and do not give him anyone.

In the life of each person it is important to find its source of light energy and good. Let your favorite family be your favorite family. All your loved ones know how good you are a good mistress, wife and mom. I wish you my dear girlfriend, so that your work is rated by the dignity and gratitude to others became the inspiration that helps you move on and look ahead. Let love and mutual understanding, well-being and happiness reign in your family.

Happy Birthday, my favorite friend. You are bright, cheerful and positive. Many people look at you as a sample for imitation and let it always stay so. Do not lose your position in any career, confidently overcoming one step after another, nor on the personal front, becoming for your beloved muse.

In nature, rare cases when in one girl combines mind and beauty, femininity and determination. You like a gentle rose, but it is worth offended, always ready to show the world your spikes. Being your girlfriend - happiness, because you could teach me a lot. Dear, let the well-being, in your family always reigns, in a career - one victory is replaced by another, and fate will always be favorable to you!

Dear girlfriend! Let each morning begins with a smile, the same bright and joyful as now. Go in life with a light heart, do not let the negative and doubts in your soul and doubt that something can go wrong, be sure - such a good man like you are worthy of love and happiness.

Happy Birthday, native and the closest girlfriend! Let now be with you there is no beloved man, I wish him to appear as quickly as possible and made you happy. Let them fill your life with bright colors, light and warmth. You like no other than anyone you deserve happiness, I love you very much and I believe that Cupid has already sent his arrow in the right direction and you just need to wait a little bit.

Happy Birthday, my dear friend! Wonderful, kind and sincere little man! Million the warmest wishes, let him fly from me today, to you! Let today, in your palms, will fall a little asterisk. And the most cherished desires will be fulfilled! Congratulations!

You are at the very beginning of your way! Let life be favorable and good. I wish you to smile, overcome with dignity all the difficulties. Go confidently to your dream. Know that you are the most magnificent and wonderful! Good and smiling health!

Cute girlfriend, take the sea congratulations on this day! Be always bright as a star! Successful, independent! I want to wish you a simple female happiness. Love is true and sincere, which will be with you all my life! To be worn in your arms, gave flowers and adored! Believe in yourself, and everything will work out!

The most native girlfriend, you as a sister. I am happy to be with you on this day. You are so real, kind and sweet. Stay always the same sincere and reliable! Let there be real friends around you. And your gorgeous smile, never gets off his face!

On this day, you were born. This is a wonderful holiday! Battle always in the ocean of love. Let the sun warms you - happiness. And the angel - the keeper protects from all the troubles! Laugh a bellower and charge your positive all others. You are wonderful, congratulations!

Bright and creative, incendiary and unusual! I can talk about you for hours. You are my friend! In your wonderful day take the sea congratulations. You know, let him come true at least half. I wish you wake up once in the morning and realize, - I am happy and loved!

I drink a glass of champagne and make a desire. It will be about you. Just really want you to be joyful, happy and lucky. Is always! Not only on your birthday. You are worthy of all the best on earth. I am sure you will achieve everything and you will succeed! Because you are extraordinary!

What to wish in your holiday, dear? With head plunge into the female happiness. Let you be cleaned the whirlwind of amazing events. Life will be similar to the rainbow, all the events are colored and bright. Health to you, happy future and extraordinary good luck! For you!

Congratulations to a friend, with all my heart! We are connected so much with you. You are always there when you need support. I want you to know - I really appreciate our friendship. And I believe that we carry it after the year! Be always amazing, loved and welcome. And I'm always there when you need!

I wish you a lot of care from loved ones. I wish to meet my only, desired man. So that he takes you far away - far into the country of love. Where will you be infinitely happy every day. But, do not forget about me, I will miss! With a good holiday, dear!

Happy birthday girlfriend in your own words

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  • My dear friend is native and beloved! I congratulate you on your birthday - a bright holiday, a little sad, but wonderful and only yours! I wish you to always be loved, adored so that you admire and admire! Beauty to you and health, joy and fun, great success and many good luck! May every your day be kind, warm and pleasant! Let there be fun meetings with friends, the rest of the chic and family holidays - everything is rich in life and how it is the road! Be happy, my dear, beloved girlfriend!

    My favorite girlfriend, I congratulate you on your birthday! So you have become an adult for a year, I hope it is just happy. I wish you all the best. Be the same good, cute and beautiful. You will definitely be happy, I know for sure. It was on this day that you were born, it was today that your mother gave me such a person like you. I love you so much!

    My dear and hot beloved girlfriend. Today, in such an unusual day, I want to wish you all the best, in particular what you once wished me. Health strong, happiness, well-being, success in life and in all your endeavors. Of course, sincere and bright love, because without her and the world is not nice. Happy Birthday to You!

    My dear friend! I sincerely want to congratulate you with the most wonderful holiday for you - your birthday. I want to wish you mutual love, family happiness, home comfort, good health and financial stability. Be always the same kind, responsive, charming and attractive, what are you!

    Dear, I congratulate you on your birthday! Let every your day be filled with love, tenderness, smiles, good mood. Let you always have a bottomless bag of money, health remains strong, like a diamond, there will be many friends, traveling and joy from the performance of a dream.

    Happy Birthday I congratulate you, my dear girlfriend! From the pure heart I wish you happiness, health, family well-being. Let your cute smile illuminate everyone around. Let all adversity go with your life path, lifting the way only positive events. Let you surround only good and good people! Be happy and save your happiness for life!

    Dear my girlfriend! Happy Birthday to you. I wish you to hear good and kind words and received flowers not only on this day, so that your guiding star burned brightly, brightly illuminating your life path. And I also want to wish, so that this year you met our half, so that she finally found you - went on one sidewalk with you, or drove with you in one minibus, and you originated with unearthly love. Be happy!

    Always be the same bright, generous, desired and successful. Health to you strong, faithful friends, good mood, a lot of positive and real female happiness. Today, a huge and crazy world is spinning only for you. Happy birthday my friend!

    My favorite girlfriend, congratulations on your birthday! Wishing happiness, health, good luck - trite, so I wish you money in all pockets, so that the head was circling, and the misfortune was afraid to come to you. So that your faithful friends and comrades are always surrounded.

    Dear girlfriend, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish that most importantly, health, prosperity and inexhaustible vitality. Enjoy life, despite everything, and let it be as much bright and inspiring moments as possible, and every pleasant trifle gives great pleasure!

    Happy birthday to you, my girlfriend! I wish the sweet life, delicious moments and, as they say, so that everything is in chocolate! And seriously, I wish a peaceful sky, love, confidence in motion to my goals, money well-being, good luck in all spheres of life, so that life sparkles and played all the bright colors and paints, bringing pleasure, joy and happiness!

    Favorite girlfriend, congratulations on your birthday! I wish: Unlimited love, an unmeasured amount of attention, as well as support. Let every your dream come true and bring great pleasure. In the same way, I wish all your wishes to be implemented. Smile, today your day!

    My very wonderful girlfriend I want to wish all the most beautiful, magical. I wish you juicy colors of life, a lot of fun, carefree laughter. Health to a deep old age, a strong loving environment of close people. Let your endless kindness warms all always. Let even the most bold dreams of your will come true. Happiness to you endless, wealth in the house. Let always be with you only sincere people will be with you, and all the bad bypass you face. Let the door always be opened for good.

    Dear girlfriend! On this day I want to wish you success. Successes in work, success in personal life. I wish to stay as bright and beautiful. I want to thank your parents, for giving you to the world and I have the opportunity to be friends with you. Happy Birthday!