How to choose and use breastsos. Review of the best firms. Important information: how to use and care for the product. Which breast pump is to buy

Manual and electric milk pumps helps extend natural feeding.

Chairing is a time-consuming process. Natural feeding is a vital child. The breastsos is the main mother's assistant in matters of maintaining lactation. Manual and electric milk pumps on the principle of operation are no different. Use simply. Choose the right breast pump will help the study of its capabilities, technical characteristics and feeding mothers.

The maximum simple diminution process will make breastsos!

Today, many breastfeeding consultants are in favor of feeding the child at the request without complaining. Listen to their recommendations or not - a personal choice of each nursing mother, but it is impossible to do in certain situations without induction.

When and why?

Singing breast milk need:

  • In the postpartum periodWhen the browse begins to transform into milk. In the first days of life, many kids are not very actively sucking breasts, and mom's milk is often formed more than a crumb. It is necessary to draw in this situation so that in the dairy glands it does not occur, leading with prolonged inaction to the Maste.

Immediately after the generics of milk, a lot is formed, with such volumes it does not cope.

  • To preserve lactation for a long period. Regularly gripping, it is possible to extend the duration of the child feeding and maintain the production of milk in cases where, in view of certain circumstances, the joint finding of the mother and the child is impossible.

The longer you feed the child, the more healthier it will be.

  • With lactostasis. The blockage of one of the breast ducts is able to deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations by mom, and a long-term stagnation of milk in the chest - lead to the development of mastitis. If the crumb cannot dissipate the lactostasis, then the mother must necessarily find it.
  • When mom needs to be rejected for a while And leave the baby with other relatives or nanny. In this case, the plotting is only necessary if the mother practices completely natural feeding, so that at the time of its absence the child has food.

Mamino milk tastier blends.

How then is it correct, effectively and quickly grinding breast milk when there is an urgent need? Only using a device-based breaker - breast pump.

Truths of the past

Of course, there are situations where the use of breastsos is impossible and then the plumbing must be produced through the grandmother's method: manually, however, the process will last much longer and deliver the mind of inconvenience.

Manually grinding not every will be able!

The history of the invention of the first breasstones is rooted in medieval France, but the first patent was issued only after several centuries in the United States.

Unified mechanism of work of breastsos

The principle of operation in all modern breasts one: a special nozzle on the chest (usually silicone) covers the nipples with the nipples along with the aromol, and the mechanical (or electric) part - creates a vacuum provoking the selection of breast milk.

Mechanical assistants

Today there is a huge selection of breasts that have different classification:

Mechanical or manual breasts - The easiest and most inexpensive version for complaining. Manual milk pumps are released only for individual use; In maternity hospitals, mechanical breasts are not applied. Mechanical breast pump can be:

  • Piston - He is easy to handle and practically Beshum. Modern models of PM necessarily have a bottle for complaining, and due to the silicone nozzle for the breast, the process of natural feeding is partially simulated. Piston breastsos is usually equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the plugging force, helping the mother to establish an optimal influence intensity for it. These devices are sterilized completely calmly, however, they do not differ in the special strength of the components of the elements. The most popular manufacturers of piston breasts: "AVENT", "Chicco", "Medela".

Piston models enjoy the greatest popularity.

  • Syringe - PREDUTER PM. It consists of 2 cylinders placed one in another. The inner cylinder is superimposed on the nipple, and the external - performs movement forward-back, generated by a woman's hand. It is thanks to these movements that a vacuum is created, which allows you to get a breast milk. The syringe breast pump is easy to care for. It can be used instead of feeding bottles. Almost all modern models have a pressure regulator, allowing you to choose the optimal plumbing mode. Today in the market of syringe breeds a little, but they are. The most famous manufacturers of such models - companies "Chicco"and "NUK".

Not the most convenient model, which, however, takes place.

  • Pompous - consists of nozzles for breasts and pumping element. The bottle does not always include a bottle, and it is also impossible to sterilize it by boiling. Among the moms they have deserved trust trading brands " Kursinai», « Canpol», « T.ommee Tippee.», « The world of childhood», « AVENT. Isis».

Pump model is featured convenience and simplicity.

  • "Pear" - This design consists of a chest nozzle (plastic horn) and rubber pear. To complain, you first need to grind a little to the pear, and only then attach a horn to the halo. There is a bottle for fixing here. Also, pear breasts are equipped with a special valve regulating pressure relief. The most popular manufacturers "Chicco"and "CANPOL".

The simplest are pear models.

Pump, piston or other handmade breasts - These are excellent budget options for infrequent, rapid plug in conditions of the mother outside the house. They are easily laundered after use, silent and occupy little space. For permanent use, mechanical milk pumps are not suitable for a number of reasons:

  • the efficiency of pumping from the breast of milk is low;
  • contribute to the formation of cracks on the nipples;
  • not all models have a bottle bundle;
  • hands are very tightened and quickly tired.

To manual instruments you need to adapt.

Any of the models of manual breasts can be simultaneously jammed only one chest. Reviews about manual breasts are different, but almost all moms are solidar in one opinion: it is necessary to adapt to the RM.

Kira, Kroikh 2.5 months, first childbirth:

"Only our domestic PM helped me to bloat the chest. I tried foreign stamps before this - the effect is minimal. Yes, at first it hurts and uncomfortable, but when you understand how to put the chest there, it will be easy and even nice! "

Modern electrical models

Electric breasts Perfectly suitable for multiple daily use. There are models operating directly from the network (often used in the maternity hospital), as well as from batteries and batteries. The proceedings process of any of the models of electric milk pumps occurs automatically. The vacuum is injected with an electric motor attached to the chest funnel or located separately (depending on the model itself).

He works, you relax.

The most effective are the milk pumps operating directly from the power supply, However, most models create a lot of noise during fixing. The breasts that run from batteries perfectly fit mothers who love exciting walks and travels. They are portable, do not create excessive noise. On average battery, there is enough for 2-2.5 hours of continuous operation of the device.

Battery milk pumps have less efficiency in comparison with rechargeable and network devices. The batteries quickly fail, about whom the light indicator is politely warned in advance.

The perfect option is the dairy, working from the network, and from the batteries.

A special bottle is included with almost all models of electric milk pumps. Rare models do not have a pressure intensity regulator and a control unit equipped with a display reflecting the current characteristics of the stacked process. Often now manufacturers offer breasts, capable of working from both the power grid and batteries and having the function of simultaneous complaining of both breasts. A good reputation is the models from " NUK.», « Medell», « T.ommee Tippee.».

Smart devices

Electronic milkotesos - One of the varieties of an electric new generation. These devices are designed taking into account the peculiarities of the breast child's nutrition. Use them conveniently several times a day. Electronic breast pump can be adjusted by intensity and in the frequency of rhythmic cuts so that it will imitate the natural reinforcing movements of the child during feeding. That is why electronic breastsos are called "two-phase". Another nice feature present in the electronic models of breastsos - the ability to memorize and recreate the prohibition process. The price of EM is pretty high, but it justifies the quality planned by the manufacturer. Reviews using electronic milk pumps MAM confirm that models from manufacturers " NUK.», « Medell», « AVENT.»Really effective assistants when fixing.

NUK manufactures expensive, but very effective models.

Ulyana, kid half a year, very pleased with the acquisition:

"My crumb back in the maternity hospital began to feed through the probe. Naturally, I had to join, because, as an experienced mother (this is the third my child), I was categorically opposed to Yves. For the first week, I joined the old one, manually every 2 hours, but my milk is immediately after childbirth, I do not have a lot, and to make the unfortunate 20 grams I had to nourish the jar on the hour for one session. The result was the purple bruises on both breasts. I indignantly and cried from pain.

After the maternity hospital, we settled for 2 weeks in another hospital, where in my ward in some young mammies were breastsos. I really liked one import model EM. Surprised by the speed, with which the neighbor on the ward is constricted, and the amount of milk: for 10-15 minutes - 100 grams. And all this without torment, pain and tears. The Mommy had a Russian-speaking instruction with me, after examining which I urgently scored the husband's number, puzzled him with the purchase of exactly the same model, and now I only receive pleasure from the penalty. "

Buy today the breastsos can be in any pharmacy. It is much more difficult to choose it. To help your mother, finally arrange priorities in choosing models, we offer a brief overview of the most popular and demanded brands of breastsos.


Presented by the English manufacturer in 3 main series, each of which is distinguished by unique additions to the standard (body, nozzle, bottle, nipple, spare parts) configuration:

  • "Comfort" - Create test sets of night and daytime liners for the bra. The weight of the apparatus is 200 g. Price range: 3100-3450 rubles;

Avent Comfort is lightweight and compact, always at hand.

  • Natural - Supplemented with a road container for the nipple, is equipped with a mechanism for memorizing the pressure mode. Construction weight - 300 g. Approximate price: 3400-3500 rubles;
  • "ISIS" - equipped with adapters for cups and additional containers for the storage of milk. Product Weight - 850 G. Cost: 3600-3800 rubles.

AVENT ISIS is also equipped with milk storage containers.

None of the details of each of the models presented contains bisphenol-a.

Helena review:

"Quickly adapted to the manual" Avent "- everything is simple and understandable. It is convenient that there is a special nipple, repeating the shape of a nipple. We have not needed purchased bottles in advance, since they were enough in the set. I advise everyone".

"Canpol babies" manual

This is the perfect device for mothers with hyperlactation or with a stitch of milk in the chest.


  • product size - 12x18x7 cm;
  • weight - 600 g.;
  • the bottle is.

Approximate price: 1000-1500 rubles.

Working with Canpol Babies is convenient and fast.

Anastasia review:

« This is the second my breasts. I liked the bottle very much. The plumbing process is soft, but the pear I got hard. But pumped hands. "

Bribes with simplicity of design: consists of only 3 parts. Silicone funnel is equipped with internal transverse rings, helping to stimulate milk production. Included with the breast pump, there is a container for sterilizing and storing the elements of the device and liners for the bra.

Unrivaled quality at a reasonable price + bonuses in the form of liners in a bra.


  • charged pressure regulator - missing;
  • bottle - eat;
  • weight - 350 g

Approximate cost - 3200 rubles.

Olga review:

"I was attracted by the price and simplicity of the details. In the process of use, I found out that it was also a high-quality thing to which I do not need to be renewed for a long time. "

"NUK" manual

The advantage of these models of the German company in front of others consists in the preset regulator of the plot and thickened silicone nozzle, which gives an additional massage effect. It can be used as an electric battery operating.

Many mothers trust such a delicate process only with NUK breastsos.

  • material - silicone, plastic;
  • weight - 300 g;
  • product size - 16x17x8 cm.

Batteries are not included. Price: 3600-38000 rubles.

Tatiana review:

"Perfectly pumps extra milk. Silicone has a good clutch with breasts. The bottle is shockproof - checked personally. There is no discomfort when fixing special. Recommend"!

"Kurnosiki" manual

The most ordinary on the design and use of domestic production breastsos. There are models like a bottle, and without it.

Weighs the product from 150 to 250 g. Cost: 300-450 rubles.

Kursniki, perhaps the fiscal model.

Maria review:

"Milk after childbirth did not come. The first thing that was caught in the pharmacy is "Kurnosiki". Cheap, but effectively. This breast pump helped me bloating the chest. He saved his girlfriend from lactostasis. First hurt, but then you get used to it. Normal thing. "

"The World of Childhood" manual

This is a compact, responding to all sanitary and hygienic standards of breastsos. It is easy to handle and care, takes little space.

Experienced mothers say that the products from the company "World of Childhood" are not worse than imported AVENT.


  • weight - 200 g;
  • size - 18x26x8 cm;
  • material - plastic. Cost: 1000-1800 rubles.

Feedback Inna:

"Compare" World of Childhood "with Avent. Differences except in price did not find. I bought what cheaper did and do not regret the choice made. "


The manufacturer of this model swings for increased comfort when stacked (transformation is possible into mechanical milk pumps). This device has built-in memory, stirring an individual pressure rhythm.


  • required voltage in the network - 220-240V;
  • weight - 250 g

Price: 7700-9600 rubles.

Ksenia is divided:

"Once again, Avent exceeded himself! I received the perfect fast and painless plumbing from this breast pump. Even in manual mode I liked everything. It makes noise when working, but not loud. "

"Medela Swing" electric

Works in 2 modes: from the mains or from the batteries. Compact, but noisy. For frequent daily use does not fit.

Medela Swing works, both from the batteries and from the power supply.


  • material - polypropylene, plastic;
  • weight - 450 g;
  • size - 21x10x15 cm.

Approximate cost: 6200-8500 rubles.

Love says:

"The electrical option saves the time considerably, even compensates even the beginning of milk classes. The option with the batteries was not impressed - weak for me. "

"Chicco" electric

This is a two-phase breast pump equipped with a double plug-in intensity regulator, and remembering the previous stacing mode. Suitable for mothers with lush breasts, as it has a big funnel. Works from the power grid and from the batteries.


  • weight - 300-1000 g;
  • required voltage in the network - 200-220V;
  • material - silicone, polypropylene, plastic.

The price depends on the configuration: from 6100 to 12,000 rubles.

Svetlana review:

"The quality of Italians is excellent. Functioning my breast pump is immaculate for half a year. Like everything, except for its weight. "


The advantage of this breast pump is its comlimentaryness in relation to bottles with standard and with a wide neck, achieved by a specially designed adapter. This breast pump does not apply to the category of noisy devices.

"Canpol babies" a low noise model, ideal for small apartments.


  • size - 20x22x8 cm;
  • material - polypropylene, silicone;
  • voltage in the network - 200-240V.

Cost: 4700-6800 rubles.

Natalia's review:

"Girls, I liked him! Noise When working, it creates minimally, and also has 3 levels of control over the power and rhythm of complapity. For me - this is a super option "!

Tommee Tippee Electric

Consists of 3 main details. Easy to build-disassembly and everyday care. Supplied with a control power level control. Equipped with a storage and sterilization container. Noisy.


  • material - silicone, polypropylene;
  • works on voltage in 200-220V.

Price: 6800-8500 rubles.

Tommee Tippee works very quickly, but makes a strong noise.

Anne's review:

"I tried to" Tomika "" Medell "- not bad, but the last version I made a more. Noise "Tomik" is less, but they are equal in force with the "Medell". I also really liked the design: soft and calm. "

The milk pumps are all suitable different, therefore, not only the comfort of the complaining procedure, but also the possibility of extending the timing of natural feeding, the health of the dairy gone and the stable state of the nervous system of a nursing mother is depends on.

Choosing breastsos need, guided by the personal needs and technical capabilities of the available devices.

Getting ready to become moms, many collect "dowry" in advance for their crumbs. Bought diapers and disasters, as well as various necessary little things in the maternity hospital. And then during these pleasant and necessary purchases in young mammies, the question arises: "Do I need to buy a device for picing milk?". And if so, what to choose the breast pump.

Today, stores for babies and pharmacies offer a fairly large selection of various types of breasts. From such a big and diverse choice can be easily lost. What to buy and buy this device at all? Let's try to figure it out. Carefully consider how to choose the breastsos to be for you the perfect assistant.

Why do you need breastsos

It is believed that if you are a breastfeeding mother, you should preferably have breastsos. First of all, this device helps in the first days after childbirth blooming the chest. Thanks to this procedure, the amount of milk increases, the chest becomes softer, and the baby is easier to suck it.

It will have to grind milk if the child was born before the deadline. Forces from a little little man, and sucking the chest he himself will not be able to. But colosure in moms in sufficient quantities will begin to stand out already in the first day after delivery. The chest will need to find it. It is necessary to feed the baby from the bottle, and grind the milk there more efficiently and easier with breasts.

An important fact in the need to purchase breastsos is the treatment of mothers with antibiotics, for example, after cesarean sections. Agree, there are different situations, and if the mother is treated with such drugs, then she will not be able to feed the baby to the baby. Milk will need to decline, and then the milk pump will come to the rescue.

Sometimes milk is so much that the baby does not eat everything. In this case, the breasts will be needed to remove the surplus. This will help avoid stoles and inflammation in the chest. In this case, you can grind milk before feeding.

Very often, young mothers need to be removed from the house, for example, to a store or study, pass the session. Milk will need to be necessary before leaving. First of all, the sake of milk, mommy will provide nutrition to the baby, if its absence is long. Another important point is that it is impossible to stop the production of milk to stop the milk for several hours. And if the time to feed the baby approached, then the chest will be filled. This will lead to her painful swelling, and possibly to the formation of mastitis. That is why milk is best to see in advance.

If you have any of the listed moments, then the milk pressure apparatus is really necessary for you.

Which breast pump to choose

Let's look at each type of appliances in more detail and determine which breast pump is better to choose. Currently, milk complaining devices are two types: electric and manual.

The most inexpensive and easy-to-manage - manual breasts. Reviews about this form of devices are different. Most of the moms in their statements their main plus, of course, consider the cost. The main disadvantage of all handmakers is the formation of cracks on the nipples when used.

Pump (mechanical) breastsos

This machine is one of the cheapest, its use is convenient when it is very rare to join. It consists of a funnel, plastic or silicone, and rubber pear. Squeezing the pear, you create a vacuum and constrain the milk. One of the main minuses of this type of breastsos is that it has no bottle for collecting fluid. Each time, the ease of a little bit of milk, you must pour it into a separate, pre-prepared, container. Another minus pumping breast pump in the formation of cracks in the nipples after its use.

Reviews about such a form of breastsos, as a pump (mechanical), diverse. Someone he absolutely did not fit. Someone broke in a couple of months of use. Some moms have bought extra gaskets on the chest to reduce the Pacific friction force. All this indicates that the quality and convenience of breastsos directly depends on manufacturers and your personal sensitivity.

Handmother breasts with pear

This view is almost the same as a pump. He has two advantages: the presence of a bottle for milk and the ability to adjust the pressure. Use this type of breast pumps is also infrequent. When it is used, there is a risk of cracking in nipples. It is cheap.

Piston (mechanical) breasts

Piston (mechanical) is the best handmade breast pump. All the power of this device depends only on your hands. This, perhaps its main drawback. Outwardly, breastsos look like a syringe. With the help of the movement of the piston, a vacuum is created, the enclosed milk immediately enters the bottle. Silicone funnel massages the chest, imitating the sucking of a child. The device is absolutely silent, it is convenient to wash and sterilize it.

What to choose a manual breast pump depends on your preference. And also from how the scale of the task you will have to solve it.

Electric breasts

This machine can work both from the network and the batteries. Regardless of the type of food, electric milk pump is fully automatically automatically. You only need to wear a soft silicone funnel on the chest. When working, the device simulates the sucking of the child and does not cause irritation of the nipples. There are models that have several modes of operation and the ability to decline from two breasts at the same time. The bottle attached to the instrument allows you to immediately feed the child or put the milk into the refrigerator for storage.

The main pluses of electrical models are the speed and maximum naturalness of their work. Milk grades on batteries allow you to use them anywhere. But if the device works only from the outlet, you will have to sit next to it. However, the devices running from the batteries are less power than those that are connected to the outlets. And the frequent replacement of power supplies makes such milk pumps are quite expensive in operation.

The perfect device is breast pump, which can work both from the outlet and manually, in the absence of electricity.

With all its ease in management and positive properties, the disadvantaceous displacement is electric. Mommy reviews show that first of all is the price. The electric device for plugging milk is much more expensive manual. Another unpleasant moment is that the electric milk pump is quite loud when working. To join the sleeping baby, maybe it will not work. What electrical breast pump to choose depends solely on your material opportunities and on the requirements that you are present to this device.

All milk pumps, regardless of whether they are manual or electrical, are divided into single-name or two-phase. Determining which breast pump is better to choose, it is worth paying attention to its phase of operation.

Single-phase devices begin their work as soon as they were put to the chest. However, this type of work may cause discomfort and pain in some moms. It is to such one-name, one has a manual breast pump. What to choose from manual, you need to decide, based on your chest sensitivity.

Two-phase milk pumps are frozen more comfortable. First of all, they stimulate the chest with irreval and frequent movements. It emits how the child begins to suck the milk when he was attached to his chest. Then the movement of the device becomes deeper and slow. Such work of breastsos is more comfortable for nursing moms.

To date, the milk pumps of such firms as Medela and Avent are particularly popular among moms. These firms offer both manual and electrical apparatus.

Philips AVENT.

Manual milk pumps of this company have a soft silicone nozzle. Thanks to the petal massage, the milk generation is stimulated. Studies conducted in 2001 showed that the amount of milk obtained by jumped with a manual AVENT and electrical manual apparatus was equal.

AVENT electric milk pumps have several modes of operation. Thanks to the button located on the handle of the device, you can go from the manual mode to the mechanical method of complaining and back. There is also a program to memorize the preliminary mode, which allows you to remember the convenient rhythm and the pressure rate.

One of the main advantages of Avent's breasts is the ability to sterilize them. What to choose the breast pump you will not decide, a pleasant moment will be the presence of spare silicone parts. This solidly increases the service of the devices.


The milk pumps of this company are also manual and mechanical. The market presents a fairly wide range of devices, which allows you to choose the perfect for every milf. For example, the Medela Harmony model is the first breast pump, which is based on the principle of milk sucking a baby. Scientists noticed that the first few minutes the child sucks milk often and shallow. Then, when milk begins to stand out more, the sucking motion of the baby becomes slower and deep. This is how Medela Harmony is configured.

A very important role is played by the work of the apparatus such a detail as a funnel. It is thanks to her quality that the woman feels most comfortable using electric milk pumps. Mommy's reviews, however, showed that after one month, the use of a funnel in Medela's instrument loses its shape. Therefore, when changing milk this type of breasts, it is necessary to constantly hold the device.

Another important factor is the magnitude of the funnel. It is due to its sizes of the nipple is correctly drawn, and the extra part of the arole is not captured. The magnitude of the funnel in the Medela, compared with the AVENT breastside, more. Due to the fact that an array lining is used in AVENT devices, the funnel in them has a smaller size.

Which breastphone to choose - Medela or Avent depends solely on your desire and material opportunities.

How to choose the milk pump

The main when choosing breastsos are your sensations and requirements. Listen to the girlfriends and moms, of course, you need, but the last word should be exclusively for you.

Here are some of the main questions you need to ask yourself by choosing a breast pump:

  • Why do you need him? If you are going to be all the decret next to the child, breastfeed and commence the occasionally and briefly, do not buy expensive and electric. To do this, it is quite suitable for manual. What to choose a breast pump, solve yourself, but you can with minimal capabilities. But if your study plans or work goes, then it is better to spend more money here, but to acquire a more modern and powerful electrical model.
  • How to choose breastsos from several models? Give preference to the nozzle of which your chest will fit more. If you have a sensitive breast, then the Silicone Nozzle will be perfect. The nozzle having the shape of petals and massaging breasts will suit those who have seals.
  • Which breast pump choose - manual or electric? Whatever you decide, carefully read the instructions before purchasing the device.

How to care for breastsos

Before first use, the device must be sterilized. For this, the device also disassembles all its main parts that are direct contact with milk and breasts are placed in boiling water for 5 minutes.

However, you can sterilize instruments not each brand. Most often, such a prohibition concerns cheap models, which uses plastic or plastic not the best quality. They can be washed with hot water, without the use of detergents or hard sponges.

In the future, before and after each application, the device must be disassembled into the smallest details, and then rinse and quivel. Please note that wash, and even more so sterilize, some details of electric milk pumps in no way. Be sure to read the instructions to the device carefully before the first wash.

Stirling breastsosos

First of all, you need to cook the dishes in which you will decline and then store milk. Treat boiling water all the details of the breast pump and lay them on a clean towel.

Next, it is necessary to comfortably sit down, for example, in a chair, relying his back on his back. Attach breast breasts according to the instructions. Start grinding milk. The first few minutes of milk is distinguished by a small jet, "tight". Do not worry, it is normal, then the milk will begin to stand stronger.

If the milk does not work, do not be discouraged and do not be nervous. First of all, try to stimulate yourself. For example, according to psychologists, many mammies are enough to look at their child. Also helps before starting the adoption of a warm soul and breast massage. Another proven means - to drink a glass of warm milk, tea or just water.

After changing the milk end, it is necessary to wipe the chest with a clean towel. The breastsos should be disassembled and thoroughly wash with a cleaning agent under running water.

Most often, milk is frozen after feeding the baby. But if you have a lot of milk, it can be setoed before breastfeeding. The well-known fact is that the first milk has a lesser fat content compared to the subsequent. Having attached to the baby to the chest after a small fit, you feed the baby with a fatal milk.

Sometimes the first attempts to join the milk with the help of breastsosos are not possible and seem very laborious. With unusual, it can take a lot of time. But in the future, when you acquire skills and work out your rhythm, stirring will pass much easier and faster.

Storage of enclosed milk

Milk, enclosed with breastsos, can be stored at room temperature from 8 to 12 hours. Thus, if you are going to feed the baby a few hours after the milk begins, you do not need to put a bottle into the refrigerator.

In the refrigerator, milk can be stored for up to six days. If it is freezing the milk, then its storage time will increase to four months. Before using frozen milk, it must be obtained from the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. After it hops, it can be taken from the refrigerator and use.

Acquisition of such a desired device, like breastsos, is the case responsible and important. Which breastphone to choose - Medela or Avent, manual or automatic - you do not decide, first try to start feeding the baby with breasts. For the purchase of breastsos, it is primarily based on the amount of milk. And also on how the child will take the chest. An important point is the sensitivity of your nipples, how your chest perceives mechanical stirring. Make conclusions about the need to buy breastsos, his form and about the manufacturer's company, based on all the facts listed, and not mistaken.

Young mothers often buy breast pumps - appliances to help grind breast milk (see also :). Why mom, regularly nursing kid booster to acquire breasts?

  • During the periods of lactation, the so-called lactation crises - the breast pump will help to stimulate the production of breast milk, because the lack of milk milk is reflected primarily on the child.
  • There are days when the child is bad or made little chest in a number of reasons, then prophylactic stitching should be carried out with the help of breastsos, so that the milk is not stored.
  • If there are seals from stagnation, the device will help break these places and bring the breast to the "working" state.

When choosing milk pump, mom carefully selects the functions and features of each species, the rules for use and care. The right choice of the device will facilitate the life of a young mother.

The need to push milk may occur even at that mommy, which constantly feeds the baby's chest and does not plan to leave him

When is the breast pump needed?

  • If the child does not suck the milk because of physiological reasons, this is the most common problem in premature children.
  • The child refuses to suck the chest.
  • A faithful assistant in mastitis and lactostasis, he reliably and carefully break sick places.
  • Same milk about the stock, if you need to leave somewhere.
  • Help Save the baby's power mode, if your mom is there (on learning, work, sick).

Types of breastsos

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All milk pixels are separated into two main types: mechanical and manual. Manual (mechanical) devices are divided into two groups:

  • pumps equipped with pears;
  • piston are the most popular and natural.

Prices for breast milk fixing devices differ greatly and will depend on a number of properties:

  • operating options;
  • adjustment of the speed and intensity of complaining;
  • additional accessories (bottles, lining, bags and spare parts).

Ratings of modern models

The experience of the moms of all over the world helped to make a full-fledged rareness of breastsos. If we talk about the manufacturer Philips Avent, it is rightfully considered the leader among manual and electrical models. The Swiss brand Medela is the leader in the electric appliance market. A little less convenience is offered by Chicco, NUK, CANPOL milk pumps. Domestic manufacturers of "World Childhood" and Kursniki offer lower prices, but also lower quality compared to foreign brands. Make a list of wishes and based on this make your choice, which breast pump is better:

  1. aVENT Philips manual device is the best and convenient;
  2. the Medela Freestyle electronic model is the most productive as possible;
  3. stylish Medela Harmony model is considered very delicate;
  4. the budget version of Medela Swing Maxi is considered the most powerful of its price line;
  5. compact and mobile option - Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature;
  6. the PHILIPS AVENT SCF332 / 01 breast pump model is most convenient;
  7. high-quality pumping device with a bottle - Chicco 600;
  8. the most small-sized option will be Medela Mini Electric 3700;
  9. the most budget model is NUK E-Motion 3200.

Handmade Avent Philips can be called a sales leader - it is chosen to push milk hundreds of thousands of moms all over the world.

Best manual models

  • Avent Philips 330/20 - a mechanical model, extremely easy to use plus with it there is a complete set of spare parts. Cost - 3000 rubles.
  • Medela Harmony - There is a selection of speed and intensity of pressure. Cost - 2100 rubles.
  • Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature is a mobile milk pump. Cost - 2300 rubles.
  • Chicco Fast Flow is an excellent option with stable lactation. Cost - 500 rubles.
  • "The World of Childhood" is the budget model not for regular use. Cost - 1100 rubles.

Medela Harmony is very convenient in application - it allows mom to choose the intensity of complapity

Popular electrical models

Advantages of electric and manual models

  • In the absence of serious problems with lactation, it is recommended to take a manual version of the device.
  • Mechanical models with a piston mechanism are constricted by milk more delicately, but the price of them is higher than on pumping milk pumps.
  • Mechanical options are simple to use, they do not need to charge or change batteries, plus they are almost silent.
  • The electrical device for complaining saves time, which is why we recommend using it when you need to grind milk every day (we recommend reading :).
  • In disruption of lactation and for daily use it is better to take an electrical option of the device.
  • The use of electric milk pumps is more laborious in terms of sterilization, but at the same time they save time and strength. To another minuses include produced noise and high price.
  • Choosing a lining, prefer the silicone lining anatomical form, do not use the plastic option.
  • Considering the plugging systems, choose 2-phase models, as well as kits in which a bottle and nipples are.
  • The safest material for the equipment is considered polypropylene without the content of Bisphenol A.

Terms of Use and Care

To push milk with electric type breasts You need to apply the device with an archelor pad so that the nipple was strictly in the center of the funnel. Next, it is necessary only to turn on the milk pump according to the instructions.

Mechanical models They work according to the same principle, only for work it is necessary to compress the pear (in an embodiment with the pump) or press the lever (in piston devices). With the ability of the device before use, install the necessary pressure intensity, guided by the instruction. To prepare breasts to push the breastsos, you can pre-make a small massage with your hands and send a little manually, the warm compress will also be by the way. If it hurts hurt, try to alternate your chest.

At the end of the work, the chest should be wiped with a wet towel, and all the removable details thoroughly wash, sterilize and leave for drying. You can sterilize in different ways: in a special device (we recommend reading :), in a double boiler or over boiling pots. It is necessary to conduct disinfection for at least 5 minutes.

After drying, all the details should be removed into a special container or a box so that dust fit on them. Before first use, a deeper sterilization should be made - about 40 minutes. All plastic parts are recommended to be treated with boiling water, but before starting work, read the instructions for breastsos.

  • For and against the model "Medela"
    • In the maternity hospital, he was saved with the help of a slow. Electric and powerful it helped to normalize and stabilize lactation, the milk began to arrive every day.
    • I tried the Medela in the electrical version, and he helped me to establish lactation and remove all the unpleasant feelings in the chest. This option arranged me also in that it is important for me how much time it takes to the entire pressure process.
    • He opted on the Medela Mini electrical model, as there was an unpleasant painful experience of using manual analogs. Satisfied that it is easy to disassemble and washed, also pleases the lower cost compared to the Avent.
    • There was an opportunity to try on two popular models of breastsos: Medela and Avent Philips. Both electronic, but Medela seemed more convenient for me more accessible.
    • Lactostasis has always treated only with Medela Swing (see also :).
    • I had the opportunity to try a huge amount of diverse instruments, since I fed up all my babies, and I have three of them. The most favorite steel Medela Mini Electrical Option and Mechanical Avent Philips.
  • For and against the model "AVENT"
    • I rarely use breastsosos, so I stopped on the manual version of the AVENT. This is good, but, however, is not a very cheap option.
    • Best breast pump for me Avent Philips. I used it for a very long time, since for all the donor I used my milk. It turns out that it is not a very cheap model paid off.
    • I have chosen for a long time, what type of unit will suit me and stopped on a mechanical version of the Avent, since it can be used to independently vary the intensity of complapity, and it is not at all noise.

The video, which explains the features of the use of breastsos, will help inexperienced mommies to adapt to this new assistant for them in breastfeeding.

For a couple of decades ago, pediatricians insisted that young mothers be sure to join after each feeding. Currently, WHO has released recommendations for successful breastfeeding, where it marked its position regarding complaining: properly organized breastfeeding does not require additional pollution of milk. Since milk is produced exactly as much as the child eats, stirring can lead to excessive milk generation and further lactation. And yet, in some cases, such as a disease of a nursing woman or excommunication from a child, without complaining could not do. Since many women believe that stirring with their hands is a painful and inconvenient procedure, then producers of breasts came to the rescue.

When breastsos really needed
Mom is separated from the child. If the baby or mom fall into the hospital, where their joint stay is impossible if the woman needs to go to work or continue their studies, then with the help of breast pump you can keep breastfeeding. It is necessary to join every 3 hours and immediately transfer the milk to a child, and if there is no such possibility, the milk reserves can be stored in the refrigerator (up to 12 hours) or in the freezer (up to six months). If my mother knows that it will be removed from the child, then the reserves of breast milk can be made, gripped after feeding and freezing milk.
The child was born prematurely, It is weakened and cannot effectively suck the chest. The premature child is placed in a special cuvez. Since breast milk is especially important for such a baby, the mother of the premature child needs to be imprisoned and transmitting milk.
The child has defects in the structure of the facial skeleton. In this case, he has difficulties associated with sucking and swallowing milk. When the child will be made correction of the facial skeleton, it can start sucking the chest, and up to this point it is fed through a probe or from a spoon with a spoonful breast milk.
A woman needs to take medicines that are incompatible with breastfeeding. In this case, it is necessary to temporarily overcome the child from the chest and after the completion of the treatment is completed, to continue breastfeeding. The breastsos will help keep the lactation, for this it is necessary to push the chest 4-6 times a day. At the same time, the child is fed with a mixture of a spoon or a cup, since feeding from a bottle with a nipple subsequently can lead to a damage to the chest.
The woman develops lactostasis or mastitis. This usually occurs due to improper attachment of the child to the chest, in which the blockage of the breast duct occurs and the seal is formed. When infected with the breast fabric, mastitis develops, which requires treatment with antibiotics or operational intervention. To eliminate the stagnation of milk, it is necessary to grind the chest with the help of breasts, until the seal is completely disappeared. If the chest was operated on, then the baby is fed a healthy breast, maintaining lactation in the sore breasts with the help of breasts.

Types of breastsos

The breastsos today are presented on the market by electric and mechanical models.
Electric breasts It can work from the network or from the battery, the milk is constricted into a bottle, some models make it possible to constrain both breasts, which significantly saves time. This breast pump is suitable for frequent and regular complapity. The disadvantage of electric milk pumps is their high cost and noise characteristics - electric milk pumps will not be able to enjoy next to the sleeping child.
Mechanical milk pumps There are three types: piston, pump and breasts with pear.
Piston breastsos Allows you to grind the milk in a bottle, soreware and effective in work. Thanks to the silicone nozzle, the chest is massaged, while the natural process of sucking the chest is simulated and the excretory reflex is stimulated. Piston breastsos easily disassembled into parts, the details are comfortable to wash and sterilize. Such a breast pump is suitable for frequent complapity, however, with a long-term use, a woman can get tired of hands. Another disadvantage of piston breastsos is the fragility of details.
Pomphobotesos It consists of a pear and plastic horn, the plugging of milk is produced by creating a vacuum when compressing pear. Pumping breastsos is much cheaper than other types of breastsos, but can only be used to push a small amount of milk. There are lack of capacity for milk, low efficiency, the impossibility of sterilizing parts, as well as the absence of imitation of chest sink by a child, which can lead to the cracks of the nipples.
Breastsos with pear It acts on the same principle as the pump. However, in contrast to it, breastsos with a pear is equipped with a bottle, into which milk is complied. In addition, the breastphone with a pear has a valve that allows you to regulate the pressure reset. This type of breast pump is useful only for rare points of pressure. There is a similar breast pump cheap, and its disadvantages include low efficiency and the high probability of cracking on the nipples, since breasts with a pear does not imitate the natural process of sucking the chest.

Popular models of breastsos

Recognized model of manufacturer Philips. - Piston breastsos AVENT., the effectiveness of which is not inferior to the effectiveness of electric milk pumps. Thanks to the silicone diaphragm and a petal massager, the chest is gently massaged, which improves the release of milk. A woman can easily control the intensity of the pressure process, with a different strength pushing on the handle of the breastsos. Milk can be jammed in a bottle or special sterile milk storage containers. The advantage of breastsosos Philips AVENT. It is easy to use, all parts can be sterilized. The kit includes spare silicone parts, which increases the service life of the breastsos. Electronic breasts Philips AVENT. Combines the advantages of manual breasts Philips AVENT. and electronic memory that remembers the rhythm of manual pressure. By pressing the button on the handle, the breast pump is translated from the manual pressure mode into the electronic pressure control mode and back.

The most common model of the manufacturer Medelais piston breastsos Medela Harmony, which is based on two-phase complapity technology: fast rhythm stimulates milk production, slow rhythm allows you to carefully grind milk. Medela Harmony Completed with an additional massaging silicone funnel, which contributes to more efficient release of milk.

Noteworthy electric milk pumps Lactaline (manufacturer Ameda.), allowing you to send milk at once from two mammary glands. The breast pump works both from the network and from the batteries, which expands the possibilities of its use.
Popular model manufacturer NUK. is electric milk pumps E-Motion. with a two-phase complapity system. The rayflower funnel is suitable for any breast size, the plug intensity is easily changing using a flow rate controller. E-Motion. It works both from the network and batteries.

Famous manufacturer model Chicco. - This is a piston breast pump Chicco One HA.nd, the funnel of which is tilted at an angle, which provides a more comfortable position for complaining. The plug intensity is adjusted using a special valve.

Company "The world of childhood" Releases pump breasts with pear. This model is characterized by low cost, a bottle can be included with a bottle for collecting milk.

Useful advice

To choose the right model, decide which purpose and how often you will use them, how much time plan to spend on changing the milk.
Familiarize yourself with the instructions for breastsos before it started.
Before first use, wash and sterilize the details of the breast pump.
Before piercing, wash your hands with soap, and breasts - water.
Put the warm compress on the chest, make a breast massage - it contributes to the production of oxytocin, thanks to which the milk is more efficiently moving in drives and is faster.
Attach the breast rage to the breast so that the nipple was in her center.
Adjust the pressure created by the breastsos so that there is no painful sensation.
Change the chest strainable chest several times, it will allow you to collect more milk.
Wash and dry in the air all the details of the breast pump after the end of use.

Video. Electric milk pumps