How is the rite of walling. Cool walling scenario from the bridegroom: words and text of the groom, parents of the groom, matchmakers, toasts, chastushki, songs, poems. Merry contests, jokes, gifts on the walling bride from the bride

In the modern world, the guy and the girl most often independently make a decision to associate their lives of marriage. Nevertheless, many want to hold a classic waldness from the bridegroom. How is the rite in our days? What should be the traditional walling of the bride among the Russians? We answer all questions.

Traditions of walling

In Russia, the walling was preceded by loving, during which the bride and his relatives came to the house to the bride - the elder brother, uncle or the godfather. The purpose of such a visit was the assessment of the girl and her talents. If she escaped the bridegroom, soon the match was sent to her house.

Very carefully treated the selection of the day for the match. Did not go to the house to the bride of the thirteenth number, on Wednesdays and Fridays. Most often woven the cover of the Blessed Virgin Mary - October 14.

The bridegroom should have rode as soon as possible to the girl's house to avoid damage and the evil eye, but the woven was included in the house only after the third invitation. Guests searched in the house in a special way, which demonstrated their intentions. It was at first about something remote and only gradually crossed.

According to the rules of the matchmaker, the girl should be silent and, turning his back to the guests, straw out of the ash furnace. In order to demonstrate the idle of the family and their beauty, she could change the outfit about five times.

Could very pickyly consider the girl to find flaws and reduce redemption. If the bride did not like the bride, he just put the glass presented to him to her lips and left him full. If the girl accounted for moral, he drunk a glass to the bottom. The girl, in turn, could bear the niemo groom pumpkin.

The parents of the bride led bargaining, and his father made a decision, whether to marry this groom or not. The matchmakers could come to the house more than once, receiving a refusal. At this time, the girl's father chose the most suitable batch for her daughter.

Modern walling

It differs significantly from the rite who passed earlier. Nowadays, few people prepare texts in verses, and the visit himself in most cases ends the consent of the parties.

Winning parents of the groom can be sent both independently and inviting relatives or professional matchmakers for this. Men-matchmakers must be married, and women are permissible to be unmarried.

How to make the bride to parents of the groom correctly?

  1. First you need to discuss the bride and time of the visit to the bride and time of visit.
  2. The guy must necessarily give a girl, her mother and sisters flowers.
  3. Parents of the guy are preparing a gift from the father and mother of the girl. Most often give cigars, wine, elite alcohol, book, beautiful dishes, decor, sweets. There is nothing wrong if the guy clarifies the girl in advance what kind of gift to prevent her parents.

The groom's mother can give a future daughter-in-law of some expensive gift. For example, jewelry.

Watching the bride

To meet the woven to the parents of the bride, carefully removing in the house and putting the courtyard. The house is the face of the bride, so it is important to create the most cozy atmosphere. Did you try to place in a prominent place to demonstrate the yield of the family.

Must be directly involved in the preparation of fellowships. Traditional national food dishes are most often prepared. The task of the bride is to demonstrate their culinary talents and skills. It is advisable to bake the pie or a cake.

The modern Watching Scenario allows you to answer all the questions of guests with an expression, without preparing in advance words and poems.

It is also accepted to make response gifts for matchmaking parents of the groom. A basket with fruits or sweets, wine, icon, homely charm, book, beautiful indoor flower.

The girl should be strained modestly, not very catchy:

The woven of the bride with the active participation of the girl itself, because its task is to show themselves from the best side:

  1. First of all, the girl needs to follow purity and empty plates on the table: to clean the extra dishes on time, dirty napkins, pour guests to glasses and bring dishes.
  2. During the conversation, she is considered to be silent, not to enter into disputes and discussions.
  3. Do not say toasts, ask questions, praise or criticize yourself and others.
  4. Not accepted in front of the parents hugging and kissing with the bridegroom, even if the young together for a long time.
  5. You should not use a lot of alcoholic beverages or lean on food.

Some questions a girl is better to discuss with their parents in advance so as not to get into the awkward situation.

How is the walling today?

You can match the bride as the parents of the groom or close relatives (godfather, senior brothers, unuse), and the guy on their own. The meeting of the matchmakers traditionally occurs in the house of the bride, but today the matchmaker is allowed and in the neutral territory - in the restaurant, on the basis of recreation, etc.

Swash and matchmaker from the bridegroom is taken to tower with embroidered towels. They are the first to enter the house, bow and start a conversation.

Also hire professional matchmakers who know exactly how to get lost, and will help turn a rite into a relaxed and fun holiday.

The wovenness of the bride passes in an allegorical form, no one directly calls the purpose of the visit. The matchmakers represent everything in the form of jokes and entertainment between relatives of the future bride and groom.

The rite of waldness does not provide for the presence of alcohol on the table, but often the future father-in-law wishes be sure to drink with the future son-in-law. The groom may refuse if it is normally perceived by the father of the girl.

Scenario of modern walling

If you wish, you can prepare a matchmaker's scenario in advance. If the rite is planned traditional, then everything can look like this:

The bride can not be shown to the eyes of the guests the first time - it will help to keep the intrigue and a little will remind the traditional matchmakers when the girl could all the time to sit on.

Matching in our time can be organized and more non-standard, having prepared a pre-cool scenario:

  1. Speaking of the groom begins, overlapping traditional phrases on modern way.
  2. Next may begin to ask the girl the tricky questions, for example, what kind of fast cooking noodles it will brew, from which borsch cook.

    To get fun, you can prepare a bag with the leaves in advance on which there will be funny answer options.

    The girl, having received a question, not looking takes his answer. So, on the question about the booster, you can pull out a set of such ingredients as an ax, banana and diaper. To the question, what she will swaddle a child may be caught by the answer "Cabbage". It turns out very fun and ease.

  3. Relatives of the bride can ask the groom to perform a comic task: to score a nail curve into a plank or open a jar with the help of priests. Another option is the tricky questions about the salary, home work and the help of the future spouse.

The words
For matchmaking prepare in advance, however, the texts are all purely individual and depend on the nature and habits of the matchmakers, young and their parents. It is very important to take into account the peculiarities of the parents, perhaps one of them is very restrained and conservative. It is impossible to put anyone in an awkward position. It is better not to use vulgar or wearing sexy understone jokes.

What are they talking about matchmaking?

To prepare toasts for walling. Usually, glasses rise for the bride and groom, their parents and wish these people love, health and wealth.

Parents wish young healthy and strong kids, happy marital life, give good advice. The guy and the girl thank parents for the blessing.

The mother-in-law and father-in-law promise to love future daughter-in-law as a native daughter, and she, in turn, call them mom and dad. The same promises give a guy with a mother-in-law and test.

You can prepare toasts in verses:

No, it's not easy, it is very difficult for two destinies in one to tie.

And today you can congratulate you with engagement.

A very difficult task you need to solve now -

Every day love each other to keep happiness,

Well, if there is a tight, immediately to my mother not run!

If the groom goes to match one, then he should prepare his own all sorts of praise.

In a comic-playing form, you need to translate useful information about yourself:

  • where born and lived;
  • who are parents than they do and earn;
  • where did you study;
  • what achievements has (in sports, business, what does except work);
  • where and who works;
  • how much does and as planning to provide future wife;
  • where a young family will live;
  • how many children want.

The girl should praise, making sincere and open compliments, and also promise to love, wearing on the hands, helping the house, etc.

You can start approximately from such words: "Dear parents, take off the road! I am to you an urgent question. I heard that you have a beautiful daughter, what kind of white light did not have. I am for her - the most suitable groom. I ask the word to give - I'll tell you why the son-in-law you better not find me. "

These words guy hands the girl and mother flowers, and the father of the girl invites a guy to the house. Parents in response to the words of the groom praise their daughter, telling about her beauty, mind and business, asking a guy about the attitude towards family and children, to home duties.

Watching the decision ends - whether parents give their daughter to marry the groom. After their consent, the date is stipulated. On this day, the parents of the girl go to the groom's house. Often, the views are not carried out, limited only to the woven. In this case, the wedding is discussed at the table, the number of guests on each side, the distribution of expenses.

Watching the bride from the bridegroom is a very interesting and colorful rite. If the guy and the girl are decided to observe this tradition, it is worth a good preparation and be sure to remove the video for the family archive. Especially beautiful will look like, folk costumes - embroidered shirts, sundresses, traditional scarves.

Wedding troubles are always pleasant. However, the wedding is always preceded by the engagement. This is now this customary to be given not so much attention, as a rule, the newlyweds simply inform their relatives that they are going to officially issue relations. But before the walling of the bride was one of the most important rituals, besides incredibly beautiful. Some couples adhere to traditions today. Want to know more about the old ritual, what has changed in it and how to spend walling today? Then - read!

Long tradition

Many inexperienced believe that during the matching customs is done, the ring is presented. Not at all. Today, the rite of waldness is perceived as the acquaintance of parents from the bride and groom. This rite in a modern sense is a very responsible event to which the parties are preparing in advance: future money and mother-in-law are buying solemn outfits, and mother-in-law and mother-in-laws - cover abundant tables.

But before everything was completely different. Not only native groom gathered for the community rite. For this action, the woven hired, it was on their shoulders that important negotiations were laid, for example, the matchmaking said what the sizes would be in the bride.

As a rule, the appearance of the woven was unpredictable, no one can predict this event in advance. It was believed that the spontaneity effect would not allow the family of the bride to hide his farm, or, on the contrary, embellish him, and at the same time - and the future bride.

And one more very important nuance. The decision on the upcoming wedding (it will be or not) took not young (as it happens now), namely their relatives.

Traditional scenario

Once a scenario of the walling of the bride meant a visit to the charts of the family of a potential bride several times. Moreover, decide on the upcoming wedding immediately after the first visit was considered a sign of bad tone. It is not surprising. The bride should "keep the brand"! Yes, and relatives for matchmaking from the bride could not give "goods" to the first oncoming. However, there was a high probability that after the first visit, in the event of a failure, the matchmaker will no longer return.

So that this did not happen, the parents of the daughter asked time to think, advise with other relatives, more to find out about the groom.

If everything was evolved, as you need, the matchmaker returned in a few days. If the verdict was positive, discussed the wedding date, expenses, dowry and "retreat." After negotiations of future relatives (Summary with the test) were invited to visit to see where their beloved daughter would live now. Only after that the bridegroom could meet with the narrowed.

Tradition engagement

After the walling, which could not stretch for one day, the engagement was organized. It was during the engagement of the bride and the bridegroom officially promised to each other, the ring was presented, the young exchanged before the altar and witnesses to the oaths that the wedding would certainly be held at a mutual desire.

Today, the engagement is completely different. For someone, this is the moment of presenting the rings to the girl, for others - the announcement of the upcoming wedding, for the third - family sites, during which parents of future spouses officially get acquainted. And for someone at all, the engagement is considered to be the day when the registry office is filed. But in any case, the engagement is considered the first step towards preparatory wedding events.

Tradition of modernity

Most centuries-old rituals, unfortunately, have been riveted in the fly. However, the rite of walling is found today. True, the scenarios of the walling differ, they became more modern. So, if you want to play a wedding in all traditions, learn how the woven of the bride is going, listen to our advice.

Modern walling suggests a certain preparatory stage. In different countries, rituals acquire a local flavor, have their differences.

Successful dates for walling

So, first of all, decide on the day and date. It is believed that inappropriate days for Watch - Wednesday and Friday. In addition, it is impossible to send matchmakers to the bride in the 13th day. The most suitable and successful numbers are 3, 5, 7, 9.

Today do not use special ritual objects. Previously, this action was not without a trench (he embroidered in a special, with certain drawings), special dishes. The rite took place according to the scenario - the speeches and actions of all relatives were prepared in advance. The girl is all the time, while the walling went, was silent, quietly shaking ash from the oven. Turn to the matchmaker, she did not have right. Today, the girl simply does not come out of his room.

Before the ritual, the groom certainly prepares two bouquets. The colors have its own symbolism, so it is better to find out about it in advance. So, if the girl is young, she is not accepted to give lush, rich bouquets. It is better to do with roses of gentle shades. For Mother's bride, a bouquet must express honor, respect, admiration.

Scenario example

So, you thought for a long time, wondered and still decided to arrange a walling in all the traditions. So that it is cheerful and uncomfortable, it is necessary to plan everything in advance and even rehearse. By the way, the main acting person on the matchmaker - the Swash on the part of the young. Who did not take someone on this role, the pile should be susceptible to the language, not to be complexes, otherwise - writing disappeared.

All actions during the walling are accompanied by certain words. Of course, they can be the most different. But the essence comes down to one. Here is something to say the participants of this act.

Start of view

So, learn the situation. Guests waiting at the House of Shatov, the latter approach. The bride at this time is waiting in their room, and no one is shown to the eyes. Guests choir are enthusiastic: "Rout! Shatta go! " At this time, present girls can sing a folk song about love, the main thing is that it is positive and kind, with a happy ending. Requests and most different couplets.

At the meeting of Swash, the bridegroom greets with everyone: grandparents, aunts, uncle, brothers and sisters. It says that the path was not unable to achieve for a long time. But overcame all the difficulties, because there were a very important mission with a very important mission - they say, there is a clear falcon of them, who had a dream dream, was a falcon of Krasno Girl with a beautiful fire-bird. Since then, there is no falcon, everything is thinking about her. And they decided to find his native falcon, asked for help from the magic province, and he brought the matchmaker to this house. Naturally, all words are pronounced in a playful, comic shape.

After such a rapid presentation and greetings, Swash's bride comes into the game. Again, in a comic form, it says that no idea does not have, that there is a lot of red marsh-beauties in the house.

The surprise of Swhahi from the side of the groom there is no limit, she asks permission to pick up everyone immediately, to which the groom objects: "No, I don't need everything, for one soul that hurts!". Swashing the groom in confirmation of his words fills: "Yes! Any Swanida will not suit our falcon "and suggests that the guy himself engaged in search of his only one. After the consent of the girl's parents, he enters the house, and dismisses his bride.

Swachy Groom enthusiastically exclaims: "Of course, beautiful, blush, slim. It is not surprising that the falcon is so much time shroud. But we have prepared a winch of several tests. " Swatch scatters a trifle on the floor or on the ground. The test begins, during which the girl should show that she is routine and can lean to collect coins. Coins The girl puts into his pocket, and if anyone asks money, refuses. Swachy immediately notes: "Economical! But I have one more question: how much are you bursting in Borsch - a spoon or a glass? " The girl answers: "And in Borsch I put meat!" All nodding is nodding.

Bread - an integral attribute of walling

After the test, the main question occurs: Does the girl agreed to marry a young man? In agreement, it should cut bread into 4 equal parts. And each of them treat those present: the first two parts - presents, bowing, parents of the groom, the second - their own.

After that, the bridegroom "marks" the bride, so that no one else takes the wedding to the wedding. With the words: "Metty we will be a thing", the bride gives the ring. After that, the woman notes that the brass turn came to show himself in business. The guy give a hammer with nails and he drives the carnations to the threshold of the house. After the "work" of the bridegroom giving gifts of future mother-in-law and tests: "The test of the hammer, so that it was in a relationship, and the mother-in-law - chocolate, in order to have a wedding smooth."

Simplified version of walling

There is another, more simplified scenario, for those who do not like too theatrize their actions. After a stormy meeting, the bridegroom enters the house, gives flowers, gifts to the elect and her parents. By the way, it will be very original if the bridegroom will cross it in the arms in his hands - as is the tribute to tradition.

Driving gatherings pass under the auspices of the glowing of the bride, and it is praised all: parents, girlfriends, relatives: ah-yes clennie, ah-yes beauty!

Hearing all the plows to the bride, the groom and melts at all! Now is the time to admit the young in his feelings. By the way, it is very original if it is done in poetic form.

Vika di May 10, 2018

Watching - Already almost forgotten old custom, asking the hands of the bride from her parents. No wedding did not do without this riteHe was almost the most important place in the entire wedding organization.

When can you woof? In Russia, for this was certain days, it was believed that it was not worth going to ask for a girl's hands on a couple, on even days, the 13th. Now you can choose a convenient for all day, for example, a day off.

Despite the fact that this time is walling - exclusively symbolic traditionMany couples revive it, because such a familiarity with the fiance will not for sure soon.

What is walling and who are such a matchmaker?

Watching - the proposal of the hands and hearts from the bridegroom, facing the parents of the bride, literally the petition of her hands and parent blessing.

Photo of walling

Shata - representatives of the groom who come to wrap in the house of the girl. For this role in the old days, they tried to choose close relatives of the groom, his father or godparents, or called specialized guides. Their task was not only to wake up a chosen girl, but also find out about her family, dowry, personal qualities. Sometimes the matchmaker themselves selected the appropriate candidate for their ward.

How do the matchmaker make the woven from the bridegroom? Previously, they visited with Daras The native home of the girl and asked the Rodney permission to marry. And after the consent of the parents, the preparation for the wedding itself began.

How does it take place at this time?

To date, the walling just call the visit of the groom to the bride's parents to ask her hands

Of course, the decision is not taken by parents, but the younger, but good tone obliges to be officially represented family beloved. You should not necessarily be attended by torture and swat. After that, the parents of the bride come to the groom's house to get acquainted with the family of a young man.

How is the matchmaking according to traditions?

Previously, a lot of attention was paid to the matchmaking in Russia, this aspect was considered the most important of all stages of marriage.

Often, the rite of walling on the part of the groom was carried out, although there were cases that the girls were sent by the woven to the grooms. The rules for holding and customs in Russia were as follows that the young man stated his intention to marry, or his parents decided that it was time to acquire his own family. If a young man liked the girl, then parents and cross collected information About the future daughter-in-law, what is her dowry, from what family she is and the like.

Watching in Russia

In the case when the choice approved, the bride was sent to the woven. If the girl considered an unsuitable pair for his son or there was no appropriate candidate, then parents appealed to Swaham for advice. Swelle usually experienced In the device of marriage, a woman who has always been on accepting several unmarried maidens.

How was the wovenness directly? The matchmakers tried to come to the house after the sunset, on the way I do not meet with anyone and not talking to avoid the evil eye - so read signs. It was also believed that the Swat had to lean against the door jamb before entering the house. On Russian customs walk only in strictly defined days.

It was believed that it is impossible to wrap during the post and the 13th

After the guests went to the house, the conversation about the wedding came from afar. The matchmakers should have been to say a certain phrase, Meaning the true goal of their visit: "You have a product, we have a merchant", "Lost Lost, Whether she wanted to you", etc.

The bride did not participate in the conversation, it was supposed to sit silently and only from time to time to change outfits, dressing all the best. Sometimes the matchmakers could ask demonstrate the skills of the girl, for example, sewing or lace weaving. Then she endured her work.

While conversation, both parties, according to custom, tried as it is more profitable to present the bride and groom. The matchmaker described the material wealth of the future spouse, the parents of his daughter, as far as he was, clever and diligent girl. Approximately this is the wovenness of the daughter.

If you first visit the matchmaker, the match was considered a bad tone, but if the girl was from the poor family or was already quite an adult to begin to be considered an old virgin, parents could accept consent immediately, since the second time the matchmaker could not appear.

Rich, merchant families considered several candidatesA few delegations from different grooms could come to their house.

To the rich bride with a good dowry sent the matchs several times

With the consent of marriage after the walling, the parents of the bride should apply a return visit: so the girl's relatives got acquainted with the side of the groom, examined the house where their daughter would go after the wedding and then, directly, was already talking about the wedding celebration. In the people it was called to go "on the streets", i.e. go look in the groom's property.

Russian customs walling

Consent to the marriage was expressed in different ways: if the matchmaker came with carabically, the positive response was given to the adoption of bread. On another tradition, the mother of the bride during the matchmaker brought the swat or the groom a glass. If he drank him to the bottom, it meant yes, if only a slightly diagnus and returned, then no.

The refusal of the relatives of the girl was expressed in the fact that the matchmaker was given watermelon or pumpkin, or simply exhibited Won. After that, behind the bride's family could fool a bad reputation due to failure.

The dwined bride in a beautiful dress was officially considered stalled, its status as a bride was firmly fixed until marriage. To the downtown, but still unmarried a girl was no longer possible to wander. However, the story knows a lot of cases when the already wise girl escaped with a true beloved from the unwanted groom.

Modern walling is held with less compliance with traditions, rather this tribute to courtesyrather than the mandatory attribute of the wedding. Young choose the day when the bridegroom come to the bride's parents with a proposal of a hand and heart.

Sometimes the date is combined with some family holiday or commemorative date

On the appointed day, a young man should be appropriately dressed in a suit or something similar. To make sure the beloved parents like, the choice of costume is better to agree with the girl. Before a visit buy two bouquets of flowers - One for future mother-in-law, the other for the bride. Also relies with them symbolic gifts for the parent couple. Their choice can also be coordinated with the future spouse.

Two bouquets of flowers in front of the match

How many people are present on the match? The groom can come with their parents, they will act as a matchmaker, but this is not a prerequisite. In addition to parents, there may be other relativesBut this decision remains purely for young. Usually, familiarity with the parents of the girl involves the presence of only young and relatives of the girl.

What do they say when they come to suck? There are no clear instructions on this issue. If the parents of the bride are people with a sense of humor, then you can remember the famous promotion "you have goods, we have a merchant," but you need to understand that some may not understand such a statement. As a rule, in our time, they are woven without unnecessary officials - parents get acquainted with the bridegroom, ask him about the family, parents, kind of classes, hobbies, hobbies. If present parents on both sides, then the conversation is about organizing the wedding, financial issues, and so on.

After the consent of the groom gives the ring the bride in the sign of the official engagement.

Scenario for walling from the bride with humor

Now the comic variations of the matchmaker are popular when the bride comes to the bride with parents, swear and musicians. It is considered to be come with carabically and salt.

Capaway with Salt for Walling

Swaha asks questions to the parents of the girl, they need to respond in a certain way. Then the bride appears, dressed in a beautiful dress. Swaha conducts tests for youngTo make sure that the girl is worthy. After that, there comes a turn of the trial for the groom. In time

i am a rite to guests and parents are awarded symbolic gifts, the toasts sound, sang songs and chastushki. Then you can hold contests for guests who are similar to those who go to weddings. After the Swach, everyone invites you to a festive table, begins a feast.

Stock Foto Dresses on walling

In the network you can find a lot of detailed Scripts for such actions, with remarks of all invited, of which young people can choose the best match scenario.

Modern scenario of walling from the groom in 2019

Now many couples revive the old tradition, reproving it to a new way. How do this year to dwell in modern?

Customs can be supported by conducting an interesting scenario in Russian folk style. For this, the groom and matchmakers are invited to dress up folk Russian costumes, invite professional match. In this case, the acquaintance consists of proverbs, jokes, additives. As in any other version of actions, Swaha asks the questions of the bride, her parents, represents the groom in a favorable light, Completes comic tests to the girl, for example, fisted with a broom scattered on the floor of the coin, after experiencing the groom, makes him riddles. A cool scenario may include contests for guests, loud chateau breakfast.

If you wish, you can learn everything replicas in poetic form. Let it seem complicated, but in fact it does not require special efforts and will be really interesting and unusual.

What is customary to cook for walling? Watching does not work out without a feast, the task of the bride's mother and the girl itself show all the guilty and hospitality of the host.

On the occasion it will be appropriate to prepare branded dishes

The bride is also needed shine with culinary talents. Dishes can be filed as accepted on the buffets - cold snacks, salads, hot, warm snacks, dessert. Of course, do not forget about drinks. Alcohol on the table is welcome, but they should not be abused.

The main thing is that the situation is warm and relaxed. During the feast it should be praised by a girl, her skills, like hostess.

A cake for matchmaking from the cream is quite appropriate, especially if the visit will be held in winter. In the summer it is better to choose easier, fruit or berry dessert.

Photo cake on matchmaking

Table setting also matters. Cover the table follows carefully, half a holiday. Tea set, napkins, vases for bouquets - everything is necessary think in advance. Let this tradition now does not have such strength, as before, it is better to make a good impression. The replacement of dishes and feeding them should be engaged in the bride. By the way, new dishes can be made using trays. And convenient, and looks festive.

Registration of baskets for walling

In the wedding baskets accepted to put gifts for the bride And her parents. Especially this tradition is supported now in Armenian weddings.

Baskets decorated in different ways, but in terms of color always in the first place the color of the bride is white. For registration you can use white tissue, ribbon, rhinestones. Sometimes sweet figures use as decoration.

The walling process of the bride in Islam

Muslim tradition of walling is not very different from Russian. As in the case of the Slavic custom, the woven is sent to the house of the alleged bride, it is often directly the father of the groom. Shatov asks for a marriage and negotiates with the parents of the bride, the girl does not participate in the conversation. It is assumed wear closed clothesSo that only the face and hand of hand can be seen.

Watching in Islam

Now it is allowed to wipe the bride to the bride, but in any case he will have to discuss everything with the parents of the girl, and not to ask her. The ritual of the walling necessarily includes Kalym - to offer a nurse of the bride, a kind of redemption. Usually it is expensive gifts showing the level of income of the groom. Previously, a calf could be given a calf or other cattle.

But how is the matchmaking, you can see the video of the walling of the bride from the bridegroom:

Previously, in Russia, the rite of the walling was very important and carefully prepared to prepare. There were even special piles that were very carefully assessed by the bride. Then they described the bride and his family all the skills, skills, the appearance of the applicant for the role of the future wife. The stories of the Swhah were very valuable, because the bridegroom had not yet seen the bride. If the description of the girl is interested, then the groom with her family went to wrap. Today, of course, everything is much easier. Often young do not even consider it necessary to consult with their parents about choosing a chosen one or chosen. But we are in Dreambride. like tradition and we suggest comic watching scenarios from the groom in verse:

"Like ours at the gate"

The holiday begins with the fact that matchmakers come to the threshold of the house.

"Because of the forest, because of the mountains
We rushed in full support,
Because after all, as we have
To you, an agricultural conversation. "

"Our business is right,
As if in the kettle, boils,
And looked, here is - here Babachnet,
As a river dynamite. "

The owners of the house ask for what the guests came.

Swat replies:

"We have a fiance from us,
An exemplary family man comes out
Affectionate like a small calon
And as a sizky dove is correct. "

Swat shows a photo or portrait of the groom.


"And the costume from Versace, Bruce Willis, not otherwise!
All watered cologne, in general, real macho. "


"Bashkovit not by year,
Quickly like a hurricane. "


"And as muscles playing! Hung out Jean Claude Van Dame. "


"Only here it's time for him to find his wife,
There is no joy from life in an empty house. "


"It's just in vain to talk, and wetful wasted.
We are ready for your dish immediately present. "

It appears the groom with gifts (floral bouquets, champagne and with a basket of sweets), which he presents the future test, a pretty and present by the bride to guests.

The groom (refers to the matchmaker):

"Walk around one hundred yard,
It is better not to find ambassadors.
Khokhloma straight painted whose, from where, who are. "

"And since, then I will ask you to leave my darling.
I'll tell you about love straight, lay out as in spirit. "

At this point, the chosen one appears. She also gets a bouquet of groom's hands.


"Ah, bride, good! And blush and white
Acts as if the Pava,
In a word, lept! "


"Take gifts from us for you and the whole relatives.
All gifts with taste,
So to speak, with all my heart.

By tradition, the parents of the young presented presents (shirt, cutting fabric, towel, tablecloth, etc.)


"Darim Batyushka Kaftan,
Modeling mill
Well, mother satin
On a colorful sundress. "


"And for us, my fate,
Look, two rings!
For me one - more, and smaller to you!
Choice, I know not easy,
But to solve you yourself
Will you become forever,
Below my wife itself? "

The bride gives the answer and everyone goes into the house on the feast.

Short poems on the loving from the bride

Ati Bati, the matchmaker came

Ati Bati, the matchmaker came
Until the hut.

Son decided to say goodbye to the will,
He wants to take it to take it _ima_.

Loved your daughter
Without it, he is not at me.

So captured well done
That poor fellow slept from face.

Hand, heart, even kidney
Offers your daughter.

You have a product, we have a merchant

You have a product, we have a merchant
You have a maiden, we have a well done.

We have a key, you have a castle,
We have a bumblebee, you have a flower.

Our mattress, you have a pillow,
Our tray, and your - a mug.

Do not pull, do not yaw,
And in short answer.
The word "yes" is shorter "no" -
Better "yes" say in response.

Beauty is not a samovar,
Soon the goods are spoiled.
Girls are more than guys
But I want to get married.

So that the elbows do not bite
Better "yes" you tell us.
Do not roll the watermelon,
Vote together - "For!"

For happy long marriage,
For living without quarrels and fights,
Kohl zashava, -
Give your daughter!

I loved I am not a joke

I loved you _Iniy_ not for a joke,
Be I want to be with her every minute.
I ask her hands
And ready to marry at least now.

I promise to give her a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness,
Save from grief and bad weather
For her work, that there is urine,
At the factory, in the afternoon, in bed at night.

In the request, I ask you not to refuse
I want to be called "son-in-law".
If you say in response to me "Yes!"
I will be grateful forever.

Our best bride bouquet,
To bloom her so years two hundred!

A bouquet is simpler - future.

So that in the family was a world yes
Giving a little marmalade.

To live for long together
Darim a long tie test.

Coming to you merchants for goods

Hello Hello,
Sudaries and Sudarny, boyars da femars!
Coming to you merchants for the goods.
We need no rye and wheat.
No pearl scanty,
Not silk rolling
Not a hare, not sable, not a cuckor,
And your daughter is Krasno Girl ...
You have a daughter - good wheat dough,
We have princes - son rye dough.
Do we not care about them together?

Doba under your roof, home!

- Dobu under your roof, home!
You arrived from afar.
And the matter is not easy:
Lives from us Tsarevich-Well done,
In all matters brave delets.
Once he saw a beautiful firebird,
In all respects - his queen.
And since that time, herself young mans.
They came to your home to look for this girl.

We brought you well!

We brought you well!
Your merchant is excellent to your goods!
Own with needles - decent species,
There is an angle of your and transport personal.
Money is found - not poor
The character is easy - the temper is not harmful.
And how about the bride of your business?
To marriage already matured?

You have a girl alone

You have a girl alone:
Modest, beautiful, young
We have the groom right to become:
He has a mind and become.
We offer one thread
Two of their fate to connect.

We were fortunate enough to know - you have a good product.

We were lucky to find out -
You have a good product.
Good in everything nor give or take.
We have a merchant golden.
This is just searching!
Beautiful, smart, removal.
Great husband and son-in-law will come!
So give us the answer direct
Are you ready to give the goods?

Acquaintance of parents of future newlyweds is a very exciting moment. But this event can be turned into a comic and playful, discharge the situation using short rhymes for matchmakers.

To date, few people keep wedding rituals, and completely in vain. The folk rite of walling is very colorful and filled with fun, so it can become a wedding highlight. The walling scenario can be absolutely different, it all depends on your desires and preferences.

Modern and simplified walling scenario

Nowadays the walling changed and simplified, it became more modern. Two options for the walling of the bride are preserved:

  • The first option is when the groom sends into the house to the bride of the woven (parents, relatives, godfall).
  • The second option is when the groom goes to the parents of the bride and asks them to her hand. According to the old tradition, he must ask them for blessings, and parents, taking the icon, bless them.

The young man comes to the bride with two bouquets of flowers: one bride is another her mom. It should be beautiful and elegantly dressed, and show himself from the best side and prove to everyone that he is a worthy bride and will be her wonderful husband. The girl cannot attend during the match, as her parents can ask different delicate questions about his financial situation, living conditions, his worldview, attitude to marriage, family, children and much more.

What should make the groom during the match

A young man can also ask the dowry of his chosen from his parents. He briefly tells about his intentions and feelings to his chosen. He tells about how he will take care of her and protect it, as no one will be offended. Speaks about what will be a good husband and father. In general, he must say everything that everyone wants to hear all the parents to be calm for the fate of her daughter. Then the father and mother give their consent to their marriage and invite parents of the groom to appoint a wedding day and discuss all organizational issues.

Groom with the bride go to the house of the groom

It happens that young people go to the house of the bridegroom, and he introduces them to his chosen, and the bride gives his mother flowers. Next, they ask the bride about her and her family, and then give them their blessing. Watching from the bridegroom can happen and so: the groom sends the matchmaker to his future wife. Parents may be as a matchmaker, he can come on the second day to make a blessing.

To date, the scenario of the walling of the bride and the bride is mainly the opportunity to discuss all the wedding issues. It includes counting the number of guests, then determine where the wedding will celebrate, which menu to order, how to decorate a banquet room and so on.

Svati from the groom came to the house to the bride

Both the old and modern scenario of the walling of the bride is: in the house to the parents of the bride comes an older from the groom. It should be an adult representative: Father, brother, grandfather, uncle or the closest relative. The groom is silent and only answers the questions of the bride's parents. Watching usually start with words: "You have goods, we have a merchant," they have to tell parents from the threshold, which and for what purpose came.

The groom's matchmaker usually praise him, telling what it is good and skillful. They talk about his kind of classes, education, lifestyle, prosperity, and about how wonderful husband it will be for their daughter. If the Swat or Swash without complexes, then they can hold a matchmaker in playful and jokingly form, after taking a funny script for the bride's parents. Script options can be invent independently or take from the Internet, logs. You can play a scene in the form of a comedy with various contests and jokes, so in a playful form you can clarify all questions and formalities.

Regardless of which scenario, the bridegroom should take care of the symbolic gifts for the bride's parents. Colors usually give or some souvenirs in memory of the match. Pleasant little things can always smooth and decorate acquaintance, as well as improve communication between people. Try to diversify the matchmaker's scenario to be fun and interesting, and most importantly remembered both the bride and the parents of the bride for life.

What to give the bridesmaid parents during the match

Once upon a time there were no gifts during this rite, but today it is very relevant. In case the groom will not strictly observe the rite of walling, then it may well (as everyone is given) to give a small gift. For example, the bride's father gives good alcohol, books, gift handle. If he is an avid fisherman, then he can give a fishing rod, it all depends on his kind of activity. Mom of the bride give candy, decoration, painting, figurines, household items. It all depends on its preferences and hobbies. The main goal of the groom - like the parents of the bride, so he should do everything possible.

What should be on the table during the match

Special attention must be paid for snacks and dishes that are on the table. Of course, to cover the table at all is not necessarily, but it will be ugly and inhabiting not to call the guests to the table, especially if they came from a distant road and want to relax and eat. The presence of alcohol on the table is also not necessarily, but, as a rule, alcohol relaxes and brings closer.

Traditions observed in the match

The walling of the groom, in which he visits the house of his beloved, came from us from ancient times. Previously, traditions paid special attention, and today who wants, he observes. But many people are superstitious and follow their usual ancestors. The most favorable day for the matchmaking is considered to be October 14 (the holiday of the cover of the Holy Mother of God), 3.5.9, and the days of the week: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday were considered even more favorable dates. Walking to the girl to wonder, the elders or groom were silent all the way, and left the house when the sun would sit so as not to smooth. When the Swat was going to go to the bride, he threw a lap in his back, and the Watching process was led by marriage to faster.

The headman begins a conversation with the story who they and from where they came, what obstacles on the road were overcame and for what they came. You can tell something in the form of a fairy tales, they say, in our family, twenty years is growing warrior, beautiful, brave, courageous, working. And once he dreamed of a red maiden of incredible beauty. And he sees in a dream that she lives here, so shown your red maiden. You can still say that he has not been sweet without her, since then he does not sleep, does not eat, and everything dreams about her. The script may be different, there is a huge variant.

And the whale from the side of the bride answers: we have a maiden - red and not alone, and a few and one more beautiful than the other. And withdraw one girl (disguised man), and then another, third, and the groom with their shuts all say everything: not that, not this. And then remove the real bride, the matchmaker is starting to check. For this, they have a script for which they begin to ask different questions and check what kind of mistress, good whether, sincere, honest, economic and much more. The girl will pass an easy test and will begin to praise, then she gives poems and songs.

And then everyone goes outside the table to get acquainted and discuss all the questions of the wedding. Then begin to check the groom matchmaking from the side of the bride: whether he is suitable for her husband. They ask to score a nail, bring water and much more. For each Watching there is a different scenario that includes: poems, songs, stories, jokes and more.