How does the child develop? Average indicators of the child's physiological development. Feeding a nursing baby

Know the approximate norms development of the newborn by months important to every mom. This "development calendar" will not only show whether the baby is developing correctly, but will also help to understand what first of all should be paid attention to in each month of his life.

Newborn development calendar by months.

The first month of life.

10-15 days

  • Keeps eyes on a slowly moving toy (the toy moves horizontally) .

20 days

  • He can fix his gaze on a suspended toy or on the face of his mother, who is talking to him at that moment.

1 month.

  • The first smile appears.
  • The kid can already smoothly follow the moving toy with his gaze. Keeps track of a toy that moves vertically.
  • It responds to the sound of a bell.
  • Raises the head for a few seconds while lying on its stomach.
  • Shifts the gaze from one object to another.

2 months

  • The child smiles for a long time when talking to him.
  • He watches his mother, talking and slowly moving around the crib. The kid listens to her voice, singing, sounds.
  • He turns his head at the sound of a musical toy or following the movement of an object.

3 months

  • The kid responds to the cues addressed to him with a smile, sounds and movements of his arms and legs.
  • Bumping into a low hanging toy, the child tries to grab and touch it.

4 months

  • A baby can determine the location of an object by sound.
  • He finds mom by hearing her voice (searches for the source of the sound).
  • During wakefulness, the child rejoices a lot. He is also happy when he recognizes his mother: he smiles, makes loud sounds, makes movements with his arms and legs. The joyful state becomes more prolonged and expressive.
  • The kid purposefully reaches for the toy, grabs and holds it, manipulates it. Feels the low-hanging toy with both hands. Looking for a toy that has fallen out of his hand.
  • The baby holds his mother's breast or bottle with his hands.
  • The child turns on its side.
  • The kid starts to walk.

5 months

  • The kid recognizes close people and reacts to them in different ways.
  • He distinguishes well the intonation of the speech addressed to him (a joyful tone of voice or his mother scolds him or his mother speaks sternly asks, etc.)
  • The child hums melodiously - melodiously draws vowel sounds for a long time. Humming occurs often and for a long time, when the child is in good health.
  • The kid turns from back to stomach.
  • If you hold him under the arms in an upright position, then he rests his feet on a hard surface.
  • The child takes the toy from the hands of an adult from different positions (lying on his back, stomach, being in the arms of his mother). He tries to reach for a distant object.
  • The kid reacts to the new environment and unfamiliar conditions: he may stop smiling when he sees a stranger adult or even cry.
  • The baby lies on his stomach for a long time, resting on his palms.

6 months

  • The kid pronounces syllables (ba, ma, pa, etc.)
  • He loves to deal with objects of different sounds, colors, shapes, textures (soft, rough, hard, rough, etc.).
  • The child turns from the abdomen to the back.
  • The kid begins to recognize his name by sounding.
  • A child can no longer just take a toy from an adult's hands, but also pick it up while lying on his back, on his stomach, on his side, hold and examine it, shift it from one hand to another, and throw it away.

7 months

  • The child babbles for a long time.
  • Independently, actively and for a long time crawls.
  • First, as shown by the mother, and then only at her verbal request, he performs the actions: knocks with a rattle, rolls the ball, takes objects out of the box and puts them back, transfers the toy from one handle to another.

8 months

  • The child loudly speaks various syllables in roll call with the adult.
  • At the request of the mother, the baby performs a memorized movement ("okay", etc.).
  • Crawls a lot, quickly and in different directions.

9 months

  • The kid repeats different syllables and sounds, imitating his mother. Imitates not only sounds, but also the intonation of an adult. The "repertoire" of syllables is constantly growing.
  • When mom asks: "Where ..." he looks for the named item. Can find items located in different parts of the room.
  • The child can, at the request of the mother, perform simple movements - "give me a pen", "goodbye - bye - bye" (wave his palm), etc.
  • The child steps along the side of the crib or along another support, holding on to the handles, trying to climb over the roller.
  • Each toy is used differently depending on its properties: press the keys or roll it, take it out and put it back, etc.

10 months

  • The kid pronounces many different syllables on his own and in calls with his mother, imitating her.
  • He already knows by name the closest people, for example, a brother.
  • If you ask him to give a toy ("give lyalu"), then he gives it.
  • The child begins to play with the adult in simple games - "catch up", "hide and seek" (hides behind his palms or puts on a transparent kerchief when his mother is looking for him and asks "Where is Katya?").
  • The kid takes a toy from any position (both from the side and above his head), reaches for it, examines it, trying it on the tooth.
  • He enjoys playing with educational toys aimed at developing fine motor skills - he removes and puts on parts, opens and closes, fiddles with large beads on a thick fishing line, unfastens buttons, etc.

11 months

  • The kid pronounces the first child's word - "mom", "av-av", "give" or another.
  • He can, at the request of an adult, perform an action familiar to him, for example, swing a doll, roll a ball.
  • The child learns to walk by holding onto objects and moving from one object to another. He walks with the support of both hands, squats down, climbs on low objects, gets up and down freely.

12 months

  • The kid understands several names of close people ("Where is Vanya?"),
  • knows the names of several objects ("give a kitty, a tick-tock clock, a dog av-av",
  • knows the names of several actions (go, sit down, stand up, give me a pen, make goodies, goodbye, swing, feed, dance, etc.
  • The child very easily imitates the syllables and simple words pronounced by the mother. He starts speaking the first words (within 10 words).
  • The kid plays with dice and can make a turret by placing dice on dice. Rolls the ball. Likes to wrinkle paper, iron, insert, i.e. to act with objects.
  • He walks independently without the support and help of an adult in different directions, without sitting down.

It must be remembered that calendar of development of the newborn by months different children differ. And therefore, a lag or a week ahead of these indicators is not critical. But if more than 15 days have passed, and the skill has not appeared, then it is necessary to more closely observe the baby. And be sure to play games with him aimed at developing these skills.

A lot of useful and interesting information O child development in the first year of life You can find it under the heading. In this section you will find a detailed description of the development of the child in each month of the first year of life, educational games and exercises with the baby, mother's massage with nursery rhymes and much more. You can read on the topic of child development.

A newborn baby is an amazing creature. Weak and helpless, he is able to withstand stress relatively easily, which would overwhelm an adult as well. No joke - suddenly find yourself in a completely unaccustomed external environment, and even if necessary, instantly switch to a new way of breathing, blood circulation, and then nutrition!

The newborn is very small, but this small fragile body has a powerful growth potential. His digestive organs are able to assimilate 600-700 g of breast milk per day, but this is one fifth of his body weight!

A newborn comes into the world with a sufficient supply of purposeful reflexes. As soon as he touches his lips with his finger, he will pull them out with his proboscis, preparing to suck. Drop some sweet solution on the child's tongue, and he will begin to suck it in, smack his lips, and in response to sour, salty or bitter, he will wrinkle, scream, and try to clear his throat. A loud, sudden sound will make him wary - the child will wrinkle his forehead, as if listening, he will become worried. The baby distinguishes between smells and recognizes the mother by the smell of milk, associated with pleasant sensations for him.

But the most amazing thing is that the newborn is already an individual, already a character!

Perhaps, for a start, one should learn the truth that a child is not an adult in miniature, but has its own completely specific features that must be taken into account. Each age has its own characteristics.

You can evaluate your child's mental development for yourself. For example, check for basic reflexes:

- "plantar" reflex - you run your finger along the sole, and the child pulls back the leg,
- "sucking" reflex - you run your finger over the child's lips, and he readily folds his lips with a tube and smacks his lips, makes sucking movements,
- "grasping" reflex - you put the tip of your finger in the child's hand, and he squeezes it tightly.

If the listed (you must admit, rather amusing) reflexes are present, your newborn baby is normal.

Remember that a child's character is formed from the first days of his life, including in communication with you. The formation of character begins with conditioned reflexes: positive and negative. The parents' concern is that there are more positive conditioned reflexes, and, of course, fewer negative ones. Positive conditioned reflexes arise on regular meals, while regular hygiene procedures, communication, and affection. In everything that concerns the child, order and mode should be felt. The child should feel cared for.

But if you are inconsistent, irritable, and sometimes even angry (after all, it happens that you don't want to get up at night - swaddle the child, and even if you, dad, go to work early in the morning), then the child will develop a nervous character - and this will interfere him (and not only him) all his life.

In the very first days after you come home from the hospital, a nurse and a district pediatrician will definitely visit you and your child. Feel free to ask them any questions about your child and their care.

We recommend that you weigh your baby regularly. This can be done in a polyclinic setting. But it is more convenient, of course, at home. In the first year of life, it does not hurt to control weight gain on your own using a table in which the abscissa axis is the child's weight in grams, and the ordinate axis is the months or weeks of life. Normally, the curved line that you get on this table should be smooth - without sharp jumps up or down. If the line stays at the same level for several days, you should not worry. When a child is healthy, when he has a good appetite, he will gain the necessary weight. If the line goes down, immediately pay attention to this of your pediatrician.

Pediatricians determine the individual weight of the child, resorting to the help of all sorts of wise formulas and calculations. It is enough for parents to know that their child in the first three months of life with normal development should gain from 20 to 30 grams of weight daily.

Do not overfeed children. A fat child does not mean beautiful yet. Being overweight is not a guarantee against diseases.

As a rule, young mothers and fathers at first are afraid to even take a newborn in their arms. And this is no coincidence. They don't know how to take the baby correctly. He's so fragile and delicate, small.

    You cannot lift the child by the hands.

    You cannot hold the child so that his head is thrown back. The child's head must be supported.

    It is not difficult to learn how to hold the child correctly: the child practically lies on your left hand, and the head is adhered to by the elbow; with your right hand, you support the legs.

In other words: it is necessary that the baby's body has three places of support - the back of the head, at the level of the shoulder blades and at the level of the pelvis.

From the very first days, you do not need to excessively nurse the child and carry him in your arms all day. The child quickly gets used to such treatment and can no longer live without it, demands it, is capricious. And if the mother, another time busy, cannot babysit him again, the child goes all out - screams. Like it or not, you have to give in. Do not panic at the first cry of a child. Come and find out the reason for crying - newborns have 4 reasons: wet, something hurts,hungry, I want to see my mom... It happens that the baby needs to change the diaper, and he will immediately calm down.

In the first case, the child must be swaddled. In the second case - to revise his clothes (experienced mothers know, of course, that the undershirts are put on inside out - with the seams outward, so that they do not rub or press on the delicate skin of the child). Well, in the third case, you just need to look at your watch to see if the time for feeding your baby is right.

Due to the fact that the baby is still too weak and his neck muscles are not developed, his head movements are limited; in less ventilated places - on the back of the head, on the neck - sweat appears from time to time. If it is not removed in a timely manner, irritation may occur in the indicated places - in the form of small-point red rashes. Parents usually call it sweaty sweat. If you continue not to pay attention to it, then irritation under the influence of new sweat may increase. When the infection joins, even pustules appear. And this is already a serious complication. To prevent it, wipe off the perspiration from time to time with a napkin.

If you are monitoring the weight of the child according to the table, then remember that the weight curve should rise slowly and smoothly. By the end of the first month of life, the baby should weigh about four kilograms. But don't worry if it weighs three and a half kilograms. Individual characteristics must also be taken into account.

The same goes for growth. A normal full-term baby has an average length of fifty centimeters. In the first few months of life, the child grows five centimeters. But if you find out that someone's child is bigger, don't worry.

Do not forget to pay attention to the condition of the baby's navel. In some children - especially in restless ones who "like" to scream, the navel bulges out a little when they scream. Sometimes the navel, when screaming or when coughing, forms a rather significant bulge, sometimes reaching the size of a walnut or more. This is an umbilical hernia that occurs due to the weakness of the abdominal wall. If you notice such a hernia, immediately consult with your local pediatrician. There are cases - you have to do an operation, but most often the hernia is eliminated by itself when the child gains weight in a few months and when adipose tissue develops more strongly.

Never forget that the skin of children is very delicate, and the child himself is still weak in order to successfully withstand some unfavorable external factors. You can not lightly leave the child lying on wet for a long time, from this diaper rash may appear on the baby's body. Diaper rash appears in the form of redness of skin areas. The skin is inflamed, very sensitive, painful. The child is naturally restless, crying. If the appropriate measures are not taken, blisters can form at the site of the redness. The blisters then burst and the picture emerges from the unpleasant.

How to avoid diaper rash: do not use "diapers" more than three hours or during hot seasons,strive to swaddle the child on time;pay attention to the quality of the washing of diapers and sliders (residues of uric acid may be present in the fabric, which, even with dry diapers, can irritate delicate skin).

If your child has a tendency to diaper rash, when changing him, he should be wiped with a clean damp cloth - wipe the wet areas, and treat the diaper rash with fat baby cream.

One of the features of the first month of a child's life is scabs on the scalp. Scabs appear with an excess of secretions from the skin glands. The discharge dries up, and it can be difficult to remove it later. The scabs are yellowish, sometimes translucent, sometimes scaly, and flaky. In no case should you too actively cleanse the child's head from these scabs, since this can injure the skin and introduce an infection. Even the smallest infection is fraught with danger for the child - he is still so weak. Scabs are removed with a cotton swab with sterilized vegetable oil and only after bathing the child.

Do not leave your baby in one position for a long time. He is still small and cannot turn himself. From lying for a long time without changing position, the child's muscles get tired, and the child begins to worry. In addition, prolonged lying in one position, especially in the first months of life, adversely affects the formation of the child's head. For example, if a child constantly lies on his back, then over time, his head may have a slightly sloping back of the head. This is due to the fact that the “fontanelles” - the growth zone - on the child's head are still open, the skull is plastic.

Hearing of a newborn baby in the first month of life

Some young parents, from the first day, as soon as they bring the child from the hospital, walk around the apartment on tiptoe, fearing to disturb the newborn. Perhaps this is unnecessary. In the first few days after birth - about a week - the baby still does not hear very well. The auditory nerve develops completely during the first year of life. Accordingly, the baby's hearing develops gradually.

Pay attention to your baby's hearing from the very first day of life. It has been established with certainty that the child, while still in the womb, hears sounds - muffled, of course - the sounds of music, voices. By the way, the child already distinguishes the mother's voice from others: this voice is heard louder for him; the child perceives it not only by the organ of hearing, but also by the body - the so-called tissue conduction (do you know how Beethoven listened to music when he became completely deaf? He listened to music with his body - hugging the piano). When the baby is born and brought to you for the first time, he already recognizes your voice. This voice is dear to him. Talk to him more often. And remember: a child from the first days already distinguishes intonations well, he will distinguish an affectionate tone from a strict one.

As for the development of hearing (not only physiological, but also musical), try to make your child “bathe in sound” on the recommendation of some authors. Of course, this “bathing” should be done while the child is awake. In the first month of life, your baby sleeps almost all the time, but now he has grown a little, and more and more often the time for communication comes. Talk to your baby, develop his hearing; let music sound in your house in your waking minutes - quiet, quiet music, something from the classics, with an easily guessed melodic pattern. But the baby should sleep in peace and quiet.

Vision of a newborn baby in the first month of life

The eyes, as a complex optical device, are also not yet fully developed in a newborn. It has been established, and you yourself will notice that in the first days the child is still unable to fix his gaze. Soon the baby will already be able to cope with this matter, but for some time he is not able to readjust to close and distant objects. He seems to see at the same distance. And this distance is 25-30 cm. Hence the recommendations ...

If you want to show your baby something - a bright toy, for example - hold it in front of him at a distance of 25-30 cm. If you want the child to consider the expression on your face (and he already distinguishes an affectionate face from a calm and all the more strict ), approach the child at a distance of 25-30 cm. Here it will be appropriate to recall the recommendations of scientists for reading: so that the book is at a distance of 25-30 cm from the person reading. What do you think: is this a coincidence?

When a child sees your face, let him see an affectionate smile. In this case, he feels protected, and his mood will be better. The kid understands everything. "Understanding" is provided by instincts. For him, they are like an "autopilot" in the sea of ​​emotions and sensations.

Feeling of a newborn in the first month of life

In a child discovering the world, from the first days of life, all the senses should be involved. We have already spoken about auditory and visual impressions. The organs of smell and taste in a child are also sufficiently developed and "work" - this has been established experimentally. Now about the sense of touch ... When a child is awake, he needs to feel his body, to feel the touch to the body. This is important for the correct formation of the organs of perception, and for the subsequent correct orientation in space. If your child is awake, play with him more. He likes it, it is useful for him. Play with him, grab the handles, stroke.

Swaddling a newborn

It is not the first year that pediatricians and orthopedists have been telling parents that it is impossible to swaddle a child tightly, with outstretched legs, as if at attention. Recently, this appeal has become especially relevant, because dysplasia, an underdevelopment of the hip joint, is more often noted in children. The defect itself is small, outwardly completely invisible, but if it progresses, dislocation of the hip joint may occur. And this will require long-term treatment, even surgical treatment in advanced cases.

It is very simple to create conditions for dysplasia not to progress: the so-called wide swaddling will help. A pose with slightly apart hips is natural, physiological for a child, it creates favorable conditions for the correct development of the hip joints.

For wide swaddling, various panties and diapers have been invented, but it is quite possible to get by with an ordinary flannel diaper, rolling it several times along and laying it between the baby's legs, under the diaper.

Traditionally, the baby of the first months was swaddled "with handles", but it is more correct to leave the handles free, sewing the ends of the sleeves of the undershirt. Wear a cap or scarf only after swimming. The main heat exchange in a newborn occurs through the scalp, and it is important to avoid "overheating".

Breastfeeding a newborn

Does it need to be proven that breastfeeding is the best? It was out of competition, when it could only be replaced with cow's milk, it remains out of competition even now, when a lot of powdered milk mixtures made using advanced technologies have appeared. These mixtures accurately reproduce the chemical composition of human milk, they are enriched with vitamins and other useful additives. This is enough nutritious food for a child. But - only food. And breast milk is more than nutrition. It contains what is not and cannot be in artificial mixtures: biologically active substances, hormones, antibodies that protect against diseases. In breast milk, antibodies even appear against the pathogen that caused the baby's disease.

But, moreover, breastfeeding is of great psychological importance for both: mother and child are one here. After cutting the umbilical cord, a living warm stream of milk, flowing from mother to child, binds them again, helping to understand each other.

Although the sucking reflex is dominant and is still formed in utero, not all babies will breastfeed well at once. Difficulties can arise if the mother's nipples are flat, not prominent enough. Such nipples are supposed to be prepared for feeding even during pregnancy, gently pulling them out with your fingers several times a day. The same must be done before each feeding, and starting to feed, with the middle and forefinger slightly squeeze the breast at the edge of the areola (areola) - the nipple will move forward and it will be easier to put it in the baby's mouth. It is necessary to invest not only the nipple, but also the areola - so the baby will swallow less air, and this is the prevention of regurgitation. Mother's breasts may be too tight for your baby. You can help by pumping out the first drops of milk. But this is done only as a last resort, because just the first drops of mother's milk are a drink for the baby, and the rest are food. Sometimes it becomes uncomfortable for a child to suck, simply because the mother does not know how to raise her breast with her hand, and she covers his nose, making it difficult to breathe. It happens that the mother presses the baby too tightly to her, and this makes him reflexively throw his head back.

Pediatricians have long noted that among infants, actively sucking and lazy ones are clearly distinguished. The active one, having made several search movements with his head, finds the nipple on his own, sucks rhythmically, without interruption, and having “got it”, he releases the nipple and falls asleep. The lazy one (this is often weakened, and not just phlegmatic), having sucked for several minutes, begins to doze at the chest, occasionally making sluggish and unproductive sucking movements in a dream. Such a person has to be encouraged to eat, to bother, to wake up, sometimes even to undress for a minute, so that he finally wakes up and begins to eat.

A great connoisseur of all the intricacies of feeding, Professor AF Tour also singled out a group of children who seem to be afraid of the breast - they will suck such a little and lean back with a grimace expressing almost disgust. Perhaps this is a foodie who will not like the smell of milk after mom eats onions, garlic, or some kind of spicy herbs. It is better not to eat anything such "odorous" at first, but to try later, little by little, checking the child's reaction. Avoid such clearly allergenic foods as citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries.

Normally, feeding lasts 15-20 minutes, but in the first days, while the details of this procedure are being worked out, it can drag on for half an hour.

The usual rhythm of feeding a newborn is 7 times a day, after three hours with a night break. However, a child born with a low body weight (below three kilograms), it is advisable to feed more often, feed at night. In general, feed not clockwise, but as needed. Recently, pediatricians have almost unanimously recommended feeding the baby as needed, but moms often misunderstand this phrase. On demand - this does not mean random feeding, but it means the establishment of a feeding regime that is individual for your baby. When a child eats every day at a certain time, digestion works better, gaziki do not bother, the child behaves much calmer.

A child born with a body weight of more than four kilograms is a candidate for fat people, do not overfeed such. As a rule, babies do not suck more from the breast than necessary, but large children sometimes initially have an increased appetite. If such an assumption has arisen, it is necessary to check weighing before and after feeding to determine how much it sucks. And if it turns out that it is more than 120-130 g, then it is better not to allow additional feedings. Fat cells of a person are laid in the first years of life and are manifested in the adult period.

After feeding, hold the baby upright for a few minutes so that he regurgitates air - this will reduce the likelihood of regurgitation. And put it on the side afterwards, because if he spits up, he may choke in the supine position.

The first weeks of breastfeeding are a time of concessions, compromises, and mutual adjustment. Feeding can be somewhat chaotic, but by the end of the month, a rhythm close to the generally accepted one should still form, and with a correction introduced by the characteristics of the child.

What is natural and what is disturbing

    If an abscess appears on the body, which looks like a bubble filled with a yellowish liquid with a red rim, and even more so if there are several such abscesses, this may be the beginning of a purulent-inflammatory disease. Call a doctor, and hurry up!

    In medicine, there is the concept of "gateway to infection." In a newborn, an umbilical wound is often made with such a "gate". If, after the crust has fallen off, its bottom remains wet, oozes, a doctor or nurse should take care of the navel. Before they arrive, you can only drop a little 3% hydrogen peroxide into the wound, and when it foams, dry it with a clean sterile cotton wick.

    Abrupt sudden changes in the child's behavior can be alarming if, for example, he, who always sucked willingly, suddenly stubbornly refuses to eat. Or, previously relatively calm, begins to cry continuously, even to scream, not calming down either after being swaddled, or from the warmth, not on hands, or with a dummy, or after eating. And if, moreover, he does not eat - even more so! Of course, this can happen with a healthy child, but it is better not to take risks, not to speculate, but to consult a doctor. This is the rule forever!

What a newborn should be able to do by the end of the first month of life

By the end of 1 month of life, the newborn:

  • Shudders and blinks at a harsh sound.
    For example, from 9-11 days, the child already distinguishes sounds, reacting with crying to sharp, loud ones, but does not yet listen to them. He begins to listen between 3 and 5 weeks of life. The kid calms down with a strong sound (the reaction of auditory concentration) for 10-15 seconds, listens to the voice of an adult, the sound of a toy.
  • Keeps a stationary object in the field of view, i.e. capable of visual concentration.
    By 20-22 days, uncoordinated movements of the eyeballs disappear. Visual concentration occurs for 15-30 days, the delay in looking at something else is short-term. The infant fixes with his gaze for 5 -10 seconds a motionless object in his field of vision. General movements are still inhibited.
  • In the prone position, it raises and holds the head for 5-20 seconds.
    For example, already at 8 - 10 days, the child tries to raise his head if he is put on his tummy, and at two weeks of age he turns it towards the source of the sound.
  • During this period, the first smile appears in response to the addressed speech.
    A smile is a call for mutual understanding, an invitation to communicate, an expression of positive emotions!
  • The infant can make separate sounds in response to a conversation, sometimes the reaction is still delayed for a few seconds.
    For example, some babies, within a few hours after birth, may imitate if someone sticks out their tongue or opens their mouths. At the very beginning, the child cries or screams, then begins to emit throat sounds, which are less and less by the month. In the second month, the baby will begin to pronounce sounds reminiscent of "a", "kh", "ah" and so on ... When the baby is sleeping, you can often hear quiet snoring or even "snoring".
  • The movements are not yet coordinated.
    For example, already on the first day of life in a healthy newborn, more than 170 are recorded, and on the 10th day of life, more than 550 separate and general movements per minute! Of course, we are talking about immature, uncoordinated movements, which are a consequence of the excitation of immature brain centers. But all these movements are very important for the development of the child!

After 2-3 weeks with a newborn baby, you can already walk on the street, away from older children. Dress your child appropriately for the weather. But even before that, often ventilate the room in which the baby is located (naturally, by moving the child to another room for this time or dressing appropriately). In the summer, you can sunbathe in front of an open window to prevent newborn jaundice and rickets. Let your baby grow up healthy!

6. The neonatal period is an intermediate stage between life in the womb and life outside the mother's body, lasting about 4 weeks.

The newborn experiences the shock associated with birth and the first encounter with the outside world, loses direct physical connection with the mother at the moment of cutting the umbilical cord (which finally disappears after a few days).

Adaptation to new conditions requires the emergence and improvement of many mechanisms that control proper breathing, blood circulation, digestion, maintaining a constant body temperature, increasing weight, and excreting waste products.

7. Knowledge of the characteristics of raising a child and caring for him in the first weeks of life reduces the feeling of fear and powerlessness in front of a new unfamiliar creature.

Self-assessment of the reactions and needs of the newborn helps to cope with the responsibilities that parents assume from the first days of a little person's life.

8. A healthy newborn baby sleeps with eyelids closed most of the day.

This is a shallow, superficial sleep, during which the child makes abrupt uncoordinated movements of the limbs, unconscious facial movements (grimaces), sometimes reminiscent of a smile, strains the back muscles.

Opens the eyelids, makes unconscious, aimless eye movements. Children are born with bent arms and legs, and then learn to unbend them for a long time on their own. Therefore, it is not recommended to swaddle a baby with outstretched arms and legs, as this position is unnatural for him.

9. The skin of a healthy baby immediately after birth turns pink, he has insufficiently developed sweat glands, so the skin is a little dry and with poor care, diaper rash can form.

On the 2-3rd day after birth, the child's skin may turn yellow. This is due to the functional immaturity of the liver. Such jaundice is called physiological and usually. Disappears without a trace after 1-2 weeks.

10. During short periods of wakefulness, which are gradually becoming longer, a healthy child vigorously moves his arms and legs, at times screams loudly with grimaces of crying on his face, but without tears, since the lacrimal glands are not yet “ripe”.

The newborn reacts to unpleasant stimuli with a cry, general excitement, body tension, and movement of the arms and legs. Similar reactions occur with painful bloating (gas colic).

11. The ability to regulate temperature (maintain body temperature) in a newborn is also not yet developed.

It is easily overcooled (the skin feels cool to the touch) and overheated, with anxiety, dehydration, and fever. In normal condition, the palms and feet of the child should be cool, and they do not need to be warmed by increasing the temperature in the room or wrapping the baby warmly.

Correctly fed and not overheated child in the first days loses only 5-10% of body weight at birth and completely recovers it between the 7-10th day of life. Physiological weight loss occurs as a result of fluid loss in urine and feces, as well as through skin evaporation and respiration.

At the same time, the amount of incoming fluid does not compensate for the losses (milk sucked out is not enough for this), and this leads to a decrease in fat reserves in the tissues, which is a normal phenomenon.

12. A newborn excretes feces several times a day, and urine - up to several dozen times.

The first portions of urine in a full-term baby fed on the first day of life are excreted within 24 hours after birth. Lack of urine on the first day can be a sign of diseases of the genitourinary system.

The original feces (meconium) are dark and sticky, on the 3-4th day the feces become greenish and more liquid, the stool is more frequent - up to 10 times a day. In the second week of life, the number of bowel movements decreases to 3-5 per day, and the excreted feces are already yellow and mushy.

13. The period after birth is characterized by the presence of unconditioned reflexes, which indicate the imperfection of the nervous system of the newborn and disappear in the first months of life.

The child needs to be helped to go through the difficult period of the newborn, satisfying all his needs: regularly feeding, maintaining the optimal ambient temperature, regularly ventilating the room, creating a calm, friendly atmosphere in the house. The baby needs close contact with the mother, especially during feeding, her gentle voice and gentle touch when swaddling.

19. By the end of the first month of life, the child develops the simplest mechanisms for the implementation of basic vital functions, including weight gain.

The next period comes - infancy. It is believed that the end of the neonatal period is the moment when the child made the first conscious movement, requiring the participation of the cerebral cortex.

This is usually a sucking movement that the baby makes when placed in a feeding position without irritating the lips. This phenomenon can be observed as early as the 3rd week of life in breastfed babies. The child smacks his lips when his mother puts him in her arms, presses him to herself, going to feed him.

In this case, other stimuli were combined with the act of sucking - body position, warmth and the smell of the mother. This is the first manifestation of the participation of the cerebral cortex in the processes of nervous activity. From this moment on, the number of such manifestations increases rapidly, ensuring the child's mental development and knowledge of the world.

20. The first month of life is important not only for the child himself, but also for his parents.

During this time, they must master the difficult methods of satisfying all the needs of the newborn, ensuring development, without disturbing the peace and balance in the house.

Every mother is concerned not only with health, but also with the general development of the baby. After all, caring for a baby is a very laborious and hard work. The parents are responsible for all the basic functions of the newborn - sleep, nutrition, keeping warm. Especially if the child is not like everyone else. In such cases, the parents have a double responsibility.

You need to relax and enjoy communication with your baby. Remember, babies flourish when touched. The need for physical contact is very important for the child and the parents.

Interesting! Touching releases hormones in the brain (in both the child and the parent) that improve mood, bring joy, and have pain-relieving properties.

First month of life

In the first month of life, the baby reacts to rapidly changing sensations. The baby has instincts, reflexes, sense organs, but he still does not know how to coordinate his actions.
There is no causal relationship in the child's mind. All actions and events are something chaotic, like many of the baby's movements.

Interesting! A child at this age is just trying to find himself, to learn to control his body.

The first month is the month of grinding in the parents and the baby. The baby intuitively begins to feel protection. For parents, the baby ceases to be an unknown and unpredictable creature. As soon as this happens, the baby has finally adapted to life outside the mother's body, he is no longer a newborn, he is a baby!

The baby's body is still in the strongest tone, so light massage and daily baths should be done.

Second month of life

In the second month of life, the child is already able to coordinate his body. The movements of the arms and legs become smoother and less chaotic. The tremor characteristic of newborns also disappears. The child begins to hold his head. By the age of one month, it is useful to lay the baby on the tummy to strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine and back. The baby's ability to move its head is especially evident when you hold it against your body.

Interesting! Some babies raise their heads as early as 4-5 weeks and look around. But in any case, it is necessary to support the baby under the head.

Despite the fact that a child at this age still does not move very well, it is dangerous to leave him alone on the table, on an open bed.

Interesting! The child begins to demonstrate the ability to speed up or slow down the pace of movement. When you speak to your baby in a calm and even tone, his movements are calm. Try to speak quickly, excitedly, and you will see how the baby will begin to vigorously fiddle with his arms and legs.

In the process of waking, the baby is actively exploring the world. Sometimes you can see how he focuses his attention on a toy or drawing in front of him. Of greatest interest are toys and objects moving in space.

Important! Tracking an approaching and receding object forms the ability to concentrate your gaze, develops eye coordination. And if during these games you hear that the baby "spoke", know that with these sounds he expresses his approval.

For a two-month-old baby, new sounds are also very interesting, and not just visual images. He can distinguish speech from other sounds and at the same time gives a clear preference for the human voice. With a new sound, the child becomes alert, freezes. If it is repeated several times, the baby stops paying attention to it.

At this age, in the mind of the baby, the connection between what he saw and what he heard is strengthened. After a little practice, the child will look at the bell hanging over the crib every time it rings.

The kid responds with pleasure to gentle touches. While awake, stroke your baby's arms and legs with pieces of different materials - silk, velveteen, satin, wool, flannel or terry cloth. These exercises help to develop the baby's sense of touch.

For the same purpose, you can use the grasping reflex, which is still very strong in babies. Invite your child to grab objects of various textures - ribbed, pimpled, soft, wooden.

Third month of life

At the age of three months, the baby has a rapid physical and neuropsychic development. The baby's behavior model is changing, it becomes more conscious. His reactions to visual, auditory, and tactile sensations are no longer instinctive. During periods of activity, the child shows interest in the outside world. The kid listens to any rustle and looks for new visual images.

At this age, the baby is happy to study his own body parts and learns to keep them in sight.
Also, the baby smiles more often. He is delighted not only by the faces of his relatives, but by new and interesting objects, sounds make the baby smile.

Interesting! At this age, the kid's favorite toy is himself. Every day a baby learns something new about himself, tries to understand who he is, where he is and what he feels. He likes to touch his face, feel his nose, mouth, hair with his fingers.

Fourth month of life

Some children at the age of four months are already trying to move independently: they are trying to crawl. Sometimes babies find it easier to move backward, and they do not immediately learn to crawl forward. Many babies at this age can already roll over from tummy to back and back.

The child actively uses his hands, studying the world around him. He tries to reach for objects of interest to him. But the baby's fingers are not yet sufficiently developed.

If the baby, up to a certain age, clearly saw objects that were at a distance of up to 30-40 cm. Now he is able to focus his vision, depending on whether the object of interest is closer or further away. The child is better at distinguishing colors and can even see differences in shades of the same color. He reacts happily when new items appear and a change of scenery.

Important! The main feature of this period is the intense development of emotions. At the sight of a mother, the baby expresses his joy not only with a smile - for the first time, parents hear him laugh.

The child becomes more sociable, so try to take him with you everywhere in the apartment. To do this, you can use a portable sun lounger or stroller.

The child explores the world around him through direct interaction with her. Let the baby become an au pair.

By the age of four months, the baby's weight doubles, and by the first birthday, the baby's weight has tripled.

Fifth month of life

A five-month-old baby is able not only to reach for the toy, but also to grab it first with one and then with the other hand. The kid is much better able to control his fingers and can take and hold even small objects.

The child discovers a new and mysterious world in which it is important to find application for all the objects around him. In a child's mind, things take on meaning when they can not only be examined, but also touched and tasted. If the baby loses interest in the toy and drops it, it ceases to exist for him. If the child cannot reach the toy, he will examine it and slowly squeeze and unclench his fingers.

A month ago, the main criterion for the "usefulness" of objects was their taste, the baby preferred to first put the toy in his mouth, and only then examine it. Now he first turns the object in his hands, looking at it, shakes it and only then pulls it into his mouth.

Children have very delicate hearing, they turn their heads and strive to find the source of even the quietest sounds. Also, babies are very sensitive to musical rhythm and liven up when they hear a cheerful, groovy melody.

At the age of five months, boys can be quietly dropped off. Some children at this age actively begin to crawl, at the same time, strengthening the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Also, five-month-old babies are already able to grab the right thing, shift it from one handle to another. The child repeats individual sounds - "ma-ma", "pa-pa" and so on.

Important! Also, at this age, they begin to introduce the first complementary foods - vegetable or fruit purees, juice.

Sixth month of life

Your toddler is already able to sit up with his arms extended forward for balance. Many children begin to crawl actively: some - lying on their stomach and pushing off with their arms and legs, others - leaning on their knees and palms.

At this age, children learn to manipulate several objects. The child can reach for the toy, grab it, shift it to the other hand and reach for the next one. But, if you offer your baby a third toy, he will not yet be able to figure out what to do. Quite a little time will pass, and your baby will understand that the "extra" toy must be put somewhere before reaching for a new one.

By the age of six months, babies are quite accurate and confident in manipulating their fingers and can pick up very small objects. Make sure that small parts from toys or any other "little things" that are in the reach of the child, do not get into his mouth, nose or ear.

The baby's vision continues to improve: now he distinguishes more colors and sees the outlines of objects more clearly. All senses help children explore the world around them. The crumb not only examines each object by sight and touch, but also tries to find out what it tastes like, what sounds can be extracted from it if you shake it well.

Interesting! The baby recognizes familiar objects, even if they are partially covered with a blanket or diaper. He is already able to understand that the toy exists, even if it is not visible in its entirety.

Six-month-olds love to imitate the behavior of adults, and they are great at it. The baby repeats the sounds, facial expressions, movements and gestures of the people around him. The babbling of the baby becomes more and more distinct and with rich intonations. By the end of the month, some children already clearly pronounce "dad" and "mom" when they want something or just see their parents.

Seventh month of life

Your baby is 7 months old. By this time, the baby's first teeth appear.

At this age, the child sits more confidently and can spend such a long time. He no longer needs to lean on the handles, and he uses them for other actions. The child can swing, leaning on arms and legs, or crawl on his tummy, helping himself with his hands. Stronger children try to get to their feet, holding on to a support - or without it at all. But the child has not yet learned to sit back from an upright position. For this he needs support.

Regardless of whether the baby can crawl or not, he seeks to explore as best as possible all the territory available to him. At this age, the baby is already able to navigate in space and can estimate the distance to the object.

In games, the kid can use several toys at the same time. The little one compares them, trying to understand what their properties are best used during the game. He can focus his attention and solve problems that arise in the course of the game: for example, a bunch of keys, if shaken and thrown, behaves differently from a cube, which means that you need to choose which toy is best to play at the moment.

Children begin to realize how things are related in three dimensions. If you suddenly appear next to a child studying his reflection in the mirror, most likely, he will turn to you, since he already understands that you are not in the mirror, but in the real world. The kid already knows that one thing can be on the other, and they can be separated, although from the outside it seems that this is one whole object.

Interesting! If you put the saucer on a large plate, the crumb will guess that you can take the saucer and leave the plate in place. Rounded objects now cause constant curiosity in a child: he will twirl a ball or a ball in his hands, trying to understand where his edges or corners are, and how to determine where is top and where is bottom.

Eighth month of life

The baby is developing rapidly at 8 months, so you need to closely monitor the baby. So the baby distinguishes more and more objects and is already able to return to interrupted activities. The kid is already able to concentrate on things (toys), and is also able to solve the task set before him.

Since the baby is actively developing not only physically, but also mentally, you should buy educational games for your child by age.

At this age, the baby eats almost all foods.

Baby development at nine months

A nine-month-old baby successfully learns to express his emotions and desires with the help of facial expressions and meaningful gestures.

He may, for example, wave goodbye or ask for pens, and also demonstrate his displeasure with a food or toy offered. The child's memory becomes more long-term. He is already able to repeat the actions that he saw a few days ago.

Kids not only remember objects, but also know how to distinguish them. They are trying to understand their purpose.

Interesting! Observing the development of different children, some general patterns can be identified: first, the baby will get up - and only then will he go; first he learns to "rake" objects with his hand - and then grab them using the thumb and forefinger, and transfer from one hand to another.

However, in which area the child will develop faster depends on his individual characteristics and abilities. Some children train their legs vigorously in order to get up sooner, others focus on the arms - they all the time want to take something, turn and touch something. Attentive parents will almost always be able to determine what the baby will begin to do first: walk, talk, or confidently manipulate objects.

The tenth month of a child's life

Many children already know how to stand confidently on their legs and are very pleased with themselves. But some babies already at the age of ten months make their first independent steps. Other children do not strive to start walking as quickly as possible, but instead continue to crawl rapidly.

Very often, confidently crawling babies move around the room faster than their peers, who take their first independent steps.

At the same time, there is a direct relationship between mental development and motor skills in children. The toddler who went earlier does not necessarily learn to read or solve examples faster than his peers. Do not rush things, each child will learn to walk when he is ready for it.

Important! One of the new achievements of this age is the ability to tear paper. Therefore, it is necessary to put away all valuable books and photo albums. Give your child a few colored magazines to be torn apart. But you need to make sure that the baby does not hurt himself on the edges of the magazine sheets.

Child development at eleven months

Many children of this age still prefer to crawl, because it is easier and faster to move around the house this way. Some people manage to take their first steps with the help of their parents or by holding onto furniture. There are babies who stubbornly try to walk on their own.

A baby's vocabulary by this age should vary from 6 to 10 words. The child already distinguishes between individual words and whole sentences, but he himself can still pronounce only 2-3 words. The kid perfectly understands simple requests and fulfills them with pleasure, especially if his work is rewarded with praise or a kiss.

The toddler actively explores sounds, smells, touches and tastes. New sensations in most cases cause positive emotions, but for the development of logical thinking, the child also needs a negative experience: some objects turn out to be inedible or unpleasant to the touch, and some sounds are too harsh and frightening. If your baby reacts sharply to new sensations, try to acquaint him with them gradually and unobtrusively.

At this age, the baby is more confidently oriented in space and understands what is "in front" and "outside". The kid is already more closely following the actions of adults and playing, the child is already more difficult to deceive.

Interesting! Most children of this age like to put away and arrange small objects or toys in boxes and boxes. Your baby's favorite toy can be an ordinary mother's bag with pockets, into which you can put small cubes, construction kit parts and other valuable items for your baby.

Baby is a year old

The kid changes his attitude towards his environment. The child gradually comes to understand that he can influence loved ones, and actively uses this. Often the child begins to indulge. The child actively begins to imitate his elders. This indicates his ability to analyze the behavior of others.

During the first year of life, the baby should be taught to read books. The selection of books should be based on the following criteria:

  • made of thick cardboard;
  • colorful;
  • with short tales.

Also, the baby can already be potty trained. Read more about how and when to potty train your child in the article:.

Newborn development (video)

Child development by months (video)

When a baby first appears in the house after birth, it becomes the beginning of a new life not only for him, but also for young parents, who often do not know at all what to do with such a baby. The first month is always the most difficult, because new responsibilities and excitements await a young mother - it is at the age of 0-28 days that the baby is called a newborn.

Weight gain and height

A newborn baby of the first month gains 20 g every day, i.e. at the end of the month baby recovering by about 600 g. Such an increase is less than those that expect the baby in the coming months - this is due to the fact that in the first week the newborn loses up to 8% of its original weight. This phenomenon is observed in almost all 1-month-old babies and is quite explainable from a medical point of view:

  • the child excretes a lot of original feces, which is called meconium;
  • Mom doesn't have much milk yet;
  • a large amount of wasted energy.

It is believed that full-term babies born on time, but with low weight, gain it more intensively than plump peers. If the baby was born prematurely, then it will gain the necessary weight much slower. Average 1 month old baby grows 3 cm.

Congenital reflexes

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All newborns of the first month have congenital reflexes, which are acquired regardless of any reason and are unconditioned. On examination, the pediatrician must check whether the repulsion reflex of the legs from the adult palm is well developed, how the grasping reflex is developed, whether the baby is holding on to the finger placed in his palm, whether he rests on the foot when he is raised to an upright position, and studies other reflexes. General coordination of movements in the newborn is still lacking.

By 3-4 weeks of life of the baby, some reflexes begin to fade, its movements become more purposeful and less impulsive

With regular training, by the end of 1 month, the baby can raise his head for a while from a prone position (we recommend reading :). This period is also characterized by fixation of the gaze on a bright object; even a short tracking of the toy indicates the progression of development.

Also, the newborn begins to be active and even smile if they begin to talk to him in an affectionate voice (we recommend reading :).

The neonatal stage is the very first crisis period in the development of the baby. This is a transition from a dependent type of existence to an individual form of life, from darkness to light, from warmth to cold, from one type of breathing and nutrition to completely different ones. Other types of physiological regulation of behavior come into play, and most systems actually begin to function anew. The emergence of a "revitalization complex" is a psychological criterion for the end of the neonatal crisis.

How to take care of a newborn?

Taking good care of your 1 month old is vital:

  • Treat the umbilical cord carefully. The time when the navel heals is closer to the second week. Watch for swelling or redness.
  • Watch your fontanelles. They should be washed with every bath. A small fontanel is tightened by 3 months, and a large one only by 18.
  • If you have a boy, monitor your body when you cry. If you notice a bulge in your scrotum, groin, or belly button, see your doctor. This may indicate that the child has.
  • Massage to strengthen your baby's muscles and promote physical development. The massage should be performed for about 10 minutes, the ideal time is at least half an hour after a meal.
  • Watch out for sensitive baby skin, she is very vulnerable in the first months of life. Urine, feces and other irritants can lead to redness, so choose soft diapers and supplement your treatment with baby oil for sensitive skin.
  • Don't forget about hygiene: girls need to be washed only from front to back and do this after each diaper or diaper change, boys should be washed in the same way, only you need to pay special attention to the foreskin - it must be washed with running water without soap every 7 days. Bathing children should be done daily.

Massage for a newborn is not only pleasure and fun, but also a beneficial effect on muscle development. It is recommended to do it daily.

How often does the child poop and pee?

Babies pee with approximately the following frequency: on the first day - 1-2 times, by 5 days the amount increases up to 15 times a day. By the end of the newborn period, the number of urinations is 20-25 times a day. Low urination rates after birth are associated with low fluid intake and unformed kidneys.

Stool in 1-month-old babies is not the same and changes almost every day. In the first 2 days, the discharge of thick greenish-brown meconium is characteristic, followed by frequent stools, which differ in consistency (mucus, greens or undigested lumps may appear) - this stool happens 8 times a day and is called transitional. A week after birth, the child begins to poop 3-8 times a day, while the stool has a sour smell, yellow color, and a mushy consistency. Babies on artificial feeding poop less often. The frequency of bowel movements is 3-4 times a day.

If the baby is fed well-absorbed breast milk, stool retention of 2 days may occur, but the behavior will be completely normal. The baby does not feel discomfort, does not suffer from bloating or regurgitation.

Baby sleep

Most of the time, newborn babies spend asleep, the total sleep time per day is about 18 hours. Waking time is mainly spent on food and hygiene. Walking periods are relatively short - about 15-20 minutes.

With age, the child will become more and more active, and now babies often fall asleep immediately after feeding or even during it. If there are other reasons, it is possible to wake up between feedings - these reasons include a diaper not changed on time, a sharp loud sound or an uncomfortable position.

Baby food

1 month of life is an adaptation period when the whole body of the baby gets used to new living conditions. The same applies to nutrition. Babies receiving only mother's milk, as a rule, do not have clear time boundaries between meals. Mom feeds the baby on demand - this method is called free feeding. At 1 month of life, the baby is often applied to the breast - about 12 times, however, there is also a more frequent desire to suck on the mother's breast. Do not worry, the child has not yet established his own feeding regime, after a while the schedule will change. Frequent breast demand is associated not only with satisfying hunger, but also with satisfying the sucking reflex, which has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of the baby.

Artificial children receive an adapted mixture about 8 times a day for two weeks after birth. To feed babies on artificial feeding should be strictly according to the schedule, and when the baby is more than 2 weeks old, you can try to take a night break and sleep, thus, it will last about 6 hours, and the number of feedings per day will be equal to 7. Babies eating the mixture should drink some water, which you can offer between feedings.

It is quite simple to calculate the required dose of the adapted mixture: 80xY or 70xY, where Y is the day of the baby's life. This formula works for children in the first 10 days of life. Birth weight influences the choice of the first or second variant of the formula. Babies weighing more than 3200 g at birth receive a mixture according to the first part of the formula, if the weight was below this indicator - according to the second. The one-time volume of the adapted mixture is calculated as follows: the obtained value should be divided by the number of feedings.

It is necessary to calculate the amount of the recommended mixture to avoid overfeeding, which can negatively affect the health of the child's gastrointestinal tract.


How much to walk with a newborn in the first month of life depends on the time of year and the weather. In warm summer, you can walk with your baby almost the next day after leaving the hospital, but the duration of the walks should be short at first. Start in 15-30 minutes and gradually increase your time outdoors. Within a week, your walks with the newborn can last almost 2 hours, i.e. practically take up all the free time between feedings.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to walk 2 times a day in good weather. Babies born in the cold season must first adapt a little at home. After 1-2 days, you can start the first walks in the fresh air, but keep in mind that you should not walk with the newborn if the air temperature is below -10 ° C or if there is a strong wind outside. The duration of the walks is about 10 minutes at first and gradually increases to 40 minutes. If the weather permits, the walking time can be extended even up to an hour.