How to make a lover divorced his wife. Secrets of female hunters: how to unwind a man for money? Strong conspiracies for a quick divorce

The situation when we fall in love with non-free men today are not uncommon. We are sacred believe that you just need to suffer a little and then your favorite will finally make a choice and will finally leave the family. And what to do if this does not happen? All your life to endure the role of the second plan or, cloudy eyes, forget about your feelings and try to build a new life, but without him? Or maybe fight for your happiness to the end and take decisive measures, not afraid to get the condemnation of the surrounding and lifelong status of the "cunning direction"? Today we will talk to you about the unenviable role of mistresses and men leading a double life.


If earlier the institution of marriage was considered sacred and for the departure from the family, a man branded with shame all surrounding, including even the team at work, today the situation looks different. With a change in the surrounding world, the attitude towards mistresses has changed - today it is not so unequivocal. Yes, and the women of the "second plan" themselves completely differently perceive their status and are ready to fight for personal happiness, using the entire arsenal of affordable funds.

Why is this happening? First, now, people are more easily to conclude a marriage, and a divorce is no longer a global catastrophe. They got married, lived together, but, alas, it did not work out - well, what is the rest of the rest of themselves for it? Yes, and licking the ruiner after the detection of the fact of the marital infidelity is ready today not all of his wives today, since many of them understand that treason is always the action of not one person, and two, one of which is an ex-spouse, therefore the fault for what happened is not Only on the rival.

In addition, in modern realities it often turns out that the "long-legged bitch", which took her husband from the family, herself was a victim, because for the time being, he did not suspect that her bold was married.

Divorce - not always a catastrophe

In itself, the destruction of marriage does not always bring pain and suffering, and sometimes even on the contrary becomes a real salvation for both ex-spouses. Of course, much depends on the family atmosphere. When a woman lives without even suspecting that in her relationship with his spouse something is wrong, his care can be very painful for her, especially if there are children in the family. And sadly, if she, even with time, cannot accept the status of "Brokenki" and throughout his life will take anger and resentment to the escaped her husband through his child and others. But no less often there are other situations when with time the abandoned spouse realizes that everything happened for the better, meets another person, begins a new life and perceives the accuracy of the experience as necessary for personal changes.

Psychologists believe that men decide to leave the family only for two reasons. The first - when the marriage is no longer there, it falls apart in front of his eyes and his debris is simply impossible to collect. The second - if he really loved another woman and is ready for global changes in his life.

If marriage is no longer

The third party in the love triangle most often appears when the relationship of a man with a legitimate spouse is really difficult to call happy. The paradox is that the spouse most often is not looking for a specially "outstand" and can exist in this mode for a long time until the outer push occurs. The man, tired of the permanent soldiers and the attacks of his wife, who sees only his negative qualities, is no longer in a hurry after working home and is constantly in a bad mood. And then suddenly, like a thunder among a clear sky, it appears - completely unlike his spouse, kind, smiling, sweet, caring, ready to listen to all of his problems and in anything unbearable. And, of course, in this situation, the relationship on the side becomes a way out of the boning dusk.

Such situations are often occurring and then when the spouses have not liked each other for a long time, but they live together exclusively for children or for some other reasons that make a joint accommodation just convenient for both of them. And then the role of the mistress turns out to be saving not only for a man, but also for the woman left them, since the divorce gives them both a chance to build a new really happy life. It sounds amazing, but sometimes in such situations the ex-spouse and the mistress subsequently even quite adequately communicate with each other.

The main indicator of the seriousness of the Men's intentions to join the new relationship is quite quick parting with the last life. This is usually happening in a very short time - from several weeks to the top three months. The most important thing for the mistress in this case is not to rush your beloved with the decision. If he really loved you - he will do it himself. Therefore, if you just started a relationship with a married person and feel that this is your person - give him a little time, and not exhibit an ultimatum on the second date from the series "or she".

If you are waiting for 10 years

As opposed to situations when a man quickly makes a decision, says goodbye to the past and begins a new life with a new lover, no less often meet more sad cases when the double life is tightened not even for months, but for years. A man can confuse his mistress for a very long time, constantly delaying the decision to leave the legitimate spouse for later, finding such behavior of all sorts of excuses: "Let the child go to school first, and then I will tell her", "My wife is now seriously sick, I don't want her yet It is more upset, let's postpone on the case "," I have an important project at work, and I have an extra harvest of anything, I'll finish it - and immediately say the spouse about us. " And then it turns out that the wife not only does not hurt anything, but also a pregnant woman with a second or third child, although your beloved said that there was no proximity between them from the moment of your meeting.

At the same time, your life with a man can resemble a love romance: with hundreds of SMS per day, secret meetings, calls in a whisper from the toilet and ... spent alone holidays and weekends. It turns out that the cavalier seems to be, but at the same time, at the most necessary moments, for some reason it cannot be near.

Why is this happening?In this case, the mistress is for a man just intense. Yes, of course, he loves her in his own way, appreciates and is afraid to lose, but here to leave his wife, with which he lived much longer, he is not going at all. It is quite satisfied with rare meetings, the stormy sex and the state of Euphoria, which he is experiencing, being with another girl, but to present life with her, alas, can not. Among the men there is even such a saying: they say, if he first got married, and then fell in love, she sewed to soap to change anything, because with the time of relationship and with the second wife will turn into the same routine. Therefore, it is better to just carefully "goule" and enjoy it, and when you get tired of returning to a familiar life.

If your relationship with a man is developing precisely according to such a scenario, the best way out will overpower yourself and break this union, since "Heppi-end" such cases ends very rarely. If you do not imagine life without your beloved - to accept the role of the "second wife" prepared with you and do not take yourself in vain illusions that someday this man will be exclusively yours. As practice shows, if he did not leave the family at once or at least for the first year of relations - he will never leave.

Habit marry

There is another possible situation. Some men (usually these are creative and fond of nature) just very often fall in love and every time they think that this is finally, exactly "for life." They easily pass from one woman to another, and each of them certainly leads to the registry office. Usually in the "service list" of such cavaliers at least three former wives and another "acting". Such "Walkers" may be for the sake of you to leave another spouse without any spiritual torments and almost the day after the divorce to offer your hand, heart and stamp in your passport. As a rule, the mistress immediately melts from the ability to fulfill his dream and happily agrees. Family happiness lasts exactly before the appearance on the horizon of another beauty in minibe.

If you know that your chosen one is married not one or twice, and more, think well, is it worth a candle game. Most likely, you will spend my own time and nerves, and as a result, you will find yourself only one name in an endless line of Masha, Yulia and Kat, because it is for such men who can not be better suited for the saying "Humpback grave will correct."

How to hurry events or tricks of experienced mistresses

If you thought well and sure that you want to link the lives with this man, but wait until he himself decides in your favor, no strength is no longer, you can try to use any proven way from the piggy bank of experienced mistresses. True, to guarantee a specific and accurate result that it will certainly suit you, none of them can, because much depends on the nature of the relationship of the family, the personality of the spouse of your faithful and his own attitude towards your behavior.

The most logical thing you can do to push the man to the divorce is tell your wife about your relationship. If he is not in a hurry, so let her do it! You can give such a push in different ways. If you do not want a man to understand what you do it on purpose, try "accidentally" to leave a track from lipstick on his shirt, "forget" in his apartment or car your panties or earrings, send a cute SMS at a time when he I asked this not to do, referring to the fact that you completely flew out of my head, that his spouse could now be near.

You can also call him on the home number and, if a wife is suitable for the phone, a few seconds silence, and then hang up.Such periodically repetitive calls will make a woman to feel something wrong and begin to look closely to the behavior of her husband, and sooner or later she will definitely give it to something, especially if you already "tried" with lipstick, panties or SMS.

You can include an internal detective, find out the email address of the wife or her page on the social network and send There are yours joint with your favorite photo. True, in this case, it will be quite obvious to a man who did it.

Can share a joint photo On your own page, especially if you have a loved one with your loved ones, who are familiar also with his wife. In this case, there is a high probability that someone from the "vigilant" familiar will be moving through this photo addressee. To the question of a man "Why?" You can come up with an innocent excuse from the series "I downloaded a lot of photos at once and our snapshot accidentally got there, and I didn't even notice!".

If you are a supporter of radical measures, and the man's wrath is not afraid, call or write his wife directly, and honestly tell us that you are the mistress of her husband. If you are not scary - you can declare to go straight to her or appoint a meeting in a neutral place, for example, in a cafe, and honestly talk about what happens at her back. At the same time, it is important to focus on the fact that everything is wonderful between you and you are simply tired that such a good woman (wife) is cast for a nose for so long. We can say that your meeting should be secret, because a man still was going to tell everything, and thus decided, from female solidarity, morally prepare a spouse.

You can act through the man himself: give him permanent hystericsTo say what you're tired of waiting, to demand that he finally decided "or me, or she." At the same time, it is important to prepare yourself for the fact that it can make a decision and not in your favor. Hysterics can be replaced by conversations "souls", complain about uncertainty, show, to fall into depression and do not sleep at night because of this unresolved situation.

Another radical way - declare your "pregnancy". With that, who exactly to say - decide for yourself: or a deceived wife (so that she "entered the position"), or a modulus, or both of them. True, it is necessary to do it very carefully that then your deception does not reveal. Invent a medical error or miscarriage later, of course, it is possible, but not every man will believe it. It will be much more honest to really do everything possible so that the pregnancy is still happening, and with little undeliverances for a term within a pair of weeks, there will be no questions. However, do not forget that this method is a stick about two ends. If your beloved with his wife has no children, then a possible pregnancy he can sincerely appease and decide that everything happened for the better, but another cavalier in such a situation will behave in scotch - just breaks up with you all the ties or disappear, promising "Help Financially." And most importantly: if you think about pregnancy, think about whether you are really ready to give birth to a child from this person, despite the possible risk to part with him.

As you can see, not in all cases trying to rush the events, you will look decent. Forcing the situation when you force the man to leave the family, according to psychologists, it may unpleasant to augriate for you in the future. If his decision turned out to be "forced", and not carefully suspended, more than once during the quarrel, you will hear the reproach from him that because of you he threw a family. That is why it is better to wait for your chosen one who decides on his own, taking responsibility for his consequences, and not trying to throw it on you if the joint further life is not too rainbow.

And a little about the former wives

We are all different people. And if someone, being in the role of mistress, does not think at all about how a man's departure will reflect from the family on an abandoned wife, then someone else is even sincerely worried about the ex-spouse of his beloved. In fact, it is not necessary to think about it. Marriage is a matter of only two people, and therefore the decay of it - too. You have no relation to this, because if people truly love each other - no tricks from the outside will force them to part. The family must take care of the one who creates it.

And if you are still worried, remember numerous situations where abandoned women, surviving a painful blow and a complex rehabilitation after it, passed through a full update. They began to refer to themselves in a new way and their lives, realized their own mistakes that took place in the collapsed marriage, and in new relationships will do everything possible to not repeat them. That is why, according to statistics, the second marriage almost always turns out to be stronger than the first.

In general, to avoid such problems, it is better not to start a relationship with married men and you will be happy!

In the rustling of feelings, many say: I am divorced! However, in fact, the divorce is the lot of strong people, because it is very difficult to divorce: for this you will have to change all your life. How to get a divorce in the event that the spouse opposes the break of relations and in every way prevents the dissolution of marriage? How to make divorce? We will talk about this and many other things right now.

How to make divorce?

Still, it will be good if you can negotiate with a former husband to terminate the marriage and stay in good relationships, and not to look for a way to make it divorce. Explain to the spouse that in any case your family is no longer possible to save, and his failure to divorce will not lead to anything. Only at the same time do not need to threaten her husband or blackmail it - it will cause rejection and, therefore, significantly complicates the search for a compromise option.

If both spouses agree to divorce, then this process takes a minimum of time and forces - a statement of marriage is simply applied to the registry office together with the receipt of the payment of state duty. After that, it will be necessary to wait until you evaluate the divorce certificate. Yes, do not forget to also submit a marriage certificate. If you lost it, you should get a duplicate in advance, then not to spend time at this time.

In Russia, it is not very important in Russia, because only one spouse is quite consent for the divorce. However, in some cases it is required that the second side also agrees with the dissolution of marriage. For example, this happens if a sick child grows in the family, a husband or wife is recognized as incapable, etc. There are different situations, and be prepared for the fact that the court will not immediately go to meet you.

As a rule, a period is prescribed during which the spouses may be reconciled. Standard dates - 3 months. However, the dissolution of the marriage can occur before, if there are objective reasons for this.

For example, the spouse may suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction, regularly beat his wife and children. Also, the reason for the divorce is married treason. By the way, beware of finding evidence that will help speed up the process of termination of marriage, if necessary - so you will be able to incline the court to your side faster, and you will not painfully look for ways to make your spouse's divorce.

If the spouse is incapacitated or dwells in places of imprisonment, the marriage is also terminated quite quickly.

But if there are children in the family, it is harder to achieve a divorce. Know that most often the court leaves them with his mother, but recently the fathers also began to achieve truth.

How to make a husband with you divorce

How to make her husband divorce - the question is quite complex. You thought for a long time and came to the conclusion that your family can no longer exist in the form in which it is now. I do not want to save relationship, and it is simply impossible to do it. Meanwhile, the spouse is categorically against the divorce. How to proceed? We hope that our tips will help you decide on the action plan.

Try to first talk to my spouse calmly, and not to force your husband to divorce. Without complaints and aggression, tell him everything worries you. Notify that love has passed, you want to live your life. It does not need to blackmail the spouse - it will be only worse, because many men differ in stubbornness and from the principle are ready to go along the most different requests expressed in a similar manner.

If the conversations did not affect, just collect things and go. Are you afraid that your husband will not be so easy to release you from the apartment? Then just wait when he goes to work, and quickly pack suitcases. For greater confidence, take a friend, girlfriend, parents. By the way, these people are also able to help you convey to a husband the need for divorce. Talk with buddies and parents - let them try to influence the spouse and make her husband divorce.

You can even divorce today without the consent of the second half. To do this, make a statement, submit it to court. Apply the receipt for the payment of state duty and marriage certificate. If the judge decides in your favor, you will need to contact the registry office so that its employees put certain marks in the passport.

More confused are cases in which the divorce is made between spouses having minors, incapable children. It is important to remember that about how to make a husband to divorce with you, you can not think at all if he suffers from alcohol or drug addiction - here the court will be entirely on your side.

Of course, you can always make a husband with you divorce, if it is very bad to relate to it very badly. Ignore your spouse, do not work around the house, come late - these and other actions will show that you do not appreciate and do not love your husband. Perhaps, after that, his eyes will open, and he will consent to divorce.

Finally, we note that if you have at least the slightest doubts about whether you do, make up a divorce, stop and think again: is it possible to save your family? We hope you will check the right decision!

How to make a wife divorce

How to make a wife divorce in the event that you do not see the future with your relationship? Perhaps you fell in love with another woman and plan to create a family with her, and therefore you need to terminate the marriage, but your spouse against? In these cases, it is very important not only to know the foundations of the current legislation and use them to protect their own interests, but also to find an approach to the spouse to get its consent to divorce.

Did you definitely decide to divorce or are you still thinking? Praise why you wanted to think about parting with my wife, is it possible to change something? How about trying to establish relationships and avoid divorce?

So you decide to divorce. The best way to make my wife divorce - just talk to my wife. Tell me that you do not like her that you are planning your life differently. If you have a favorite woman, dedicate to this spouse - she has the right to know the true cause of your decision to divorce.

No need to think about how to make my wife divorce. Even if the spouse opposes the dissolution of marriage, you can always apply to the court. And be sure to inform your wife that it did it to understand: if you have got a decision, you will do everything that they have planned. By the way, it is possible that the wife will not shout, threaten, arrange hysterics - many women at such moments also understand that they are very tired of relationships and are ready to let go of a loved one.

By the way, remember that usually the court gives a pair of 3 months to reconcile. But in some cases, it is possible to terminate marriage at once (for example, if the wife has narcotic dependence, etc.).

Remember that my wife cannot be given false hope. If you decide to leave, go away. Do not say that you can return.

You can act by the method from nasty to force my wife to divorce. Your wife does not agree to divorce? Make everything to be the initiator of the dissolution of the marriage. Specially scatter things around the apartment, do not eat what the wife is preparing, come home when you want. This is a cruel, but quite effective way.

Ask parents or friends to talk to your wife - often the opinion of other people's people is perceived with less hostility. So, perhaps, having listened to the Council, your wife will agree to a divorce.

If you want to make my wife divorce, and the wife insists against it, do not forget to take advantage of the above advice - you will not be mistaken.

Causes of divorces

Sometimes love just passes and this is the main cause of divorces. It is known that initially relationships are based on passion and romantic feelings. However, afterwards, all this passes, and love goes into another form - more landed and calm. It scares many many. It seems that feelings are faded, and without a crazy passion you will not be able to exist together. In fact, it is not. Especially since you can always warm up your interest in each other, develop and strengthen your love.

It is quite another thing when love disappears completely. Man is not a car, and therefore it is not surprising that he cannot fully control the appearance or disappearance of his feelings. So it can happen that you will wake up in the morning and realize that a person lying next to you has become a stranger. Live in marriage without love and quietly hating each other - perhaps it is the most terrible thing that could be.

Sometimes the cause of divorces stems from the first in this form - people can divorce because of the treason. For example, one partner does not forgive deception. As a result, the pair disintegrates. There may also be a reverse situation when the wife is ready to forgive her husband, but he loves a new woman so much that he wants to go to her.

Another common cause of divorce is the deterioration of family relations due to the fact that a man abuses alcohol or drugs. If you are in a similar situation, run without regard to and do not think about any feelings. Remember that such a man is dangerous. Think about your life - you have to live her with pleasure and do not think about the bad.

The question for which there are no accurate answers for centuries - is it worthy of condemnation woman who loved a married man? Someone says that love is a wonderful feeling, and it is impossible to condemn it, someone categorically claims to even think about whether it is impossible.

But after all, it is also the fact that the woman met a truly "his" man, and he was incompatible. how Being what to do, who is to blame?

1. First of all, decide that in this regard will be dominant - sex, money, or a magical feeling. Think about the future - maybe you can somehow do without it? Yes, and is it worthy of love at all?

2. Determine who plays a leading role in relationships.

3. Try to sort out yourself - often for love we accept love. For a long time, the difficulties that arise clearly separate one of the other - love will pass, you will stop thinking as Same divide a man with his wifeAnd life will work out.

4. The man needs to be taken as it is, and not to demand too much.

5. From a married man do not need to demand increased attention, he will not understand and scenes of jealousy. Believe me, he just like you, turned out to be in a very difficult situation, and also suffer. Be prudent, otherwise you risk what you need already.

6. Before as start thinking how to dilute a married man, briefly put yourself in the place of my wife. She suspects, waiting (just like you) her husband, when he is delayed, nervous, it begins to suffer, thinks. The situation is identical to the difference that it is a legitimate wife, and you, in fact, do not have a man's man on this. And if you do not want to break the family, you need to destroy the love of a man when he begins to demand meetings and pursue you.

7. It must be understood that in most cases a man makes a choice in favor of his wife, and get used to it.

8. Observe, whether you need him. Perhaps these relationships for a man are only entertainment, the so-called holiday from the family, and divide a man with his wife In this case, it will not be possible. You will never come first, and to share it will be with you only the fact that, in his opinion, you need to know. Non-serious relationship from the side of the man was with each of the women.

9. No need to ask him money, even if they really need them and nowhere to get. Will be better. If you show him your independence - it will be a sign of what you respect his family.

10. The desire to see is difficult to survive, but will have to. It is impossible to prepare for this, but it is necessary to wait. Such a difficult condition will pass or if you succeed divide a married manOr in the event that you meet the other. The second option is preferable, go out more often from the house, do not too much to dwell on it, make a hobby: can or go to the pool.

11. If you are married, try to completely eliminate the relationship on the side - otherwise you will feel a double guilt - in front of your family and before it.

It is possible, but you do not need to go to extremes and try to attend by all means divide a man with his wife - In this situation, the choice only after him. The fate of a loved woman in this case is quietly wait and take care of both.

In the life of every woman, this moment necessarily comes when she already wants to create a family. However, it happens that the woman with whom Wah would like to link his life is already married. And in front of her the choice arises, to remain his mistress forever or forget about Morality and lead a man from the family.

How to dilute a married man?

1. If you are tired of being just a mistress, and you want a family and give birth to a child with your beloved man, then you should go to active actions. No need to wait until the man leaves his wife himself, because it is useless. After all, a man, as a rule, rather rarely leaves his wife, even if in their relationship is not all good. Habit, obligations and children tightly hold it in a family.

2. The first of your action should be a comparison of myself with my wife of this man. There are all minuses, because absolutely perfect people do not exist. And one of the main disadvantages of his wife is that it certainly stopped watching himself and completely relaxed. Therefore, all its disadvantages should be your pros.

3. But your advantages should be not only its minuses, but also its advantages. For example, she knows how to cook well and delicious to feed her husband, it means you need to master culinary art and start cooking a variety of dishes to your man. But remember, you should not become a similar to his wife, you need to become the best.

4. Try to find out from a man that lacks him in a relationship with his wife than he does not suit his family life. However, you should not believe everyone his word. After all, married men often chitryat and come up with the stories of their unfortunate life with a terrible wife. Therefore, to accurately talk to his friends or colleagues. So you can understand whether he says the truth.

5. If your man loves children very much, you can play on it and just get pregnant from him. In some cases, this option can work in particular if you are lucky with the child's floor. For example, a man really wants a boy, and his wife gave him a daughter. Of course, he will love his child, but still dream of a boy. But you need to understand that using this way, you go to a huge risk. After all, your pregnancy may not be a reason for a married man to leave the family, and in the end you can become a single mother.

How to lead a man from the family

For men, calm and comfort is of great importance. And if his wife finds out or at least begins to suspect that her husband does not keep her loyalty to the world and the calm in the family will be completed. You can also call a married man at the moment when he is at home. They will begin scandals, and you will surround it with calm and comfort.

Articles on the topic: Cam

Olya But. 07.08 12:59

I love very much, but he is married, he loves me too, but not that does not want, but can not divorce his wife because of children, although I think that I can also give birth to him. He really relates to his family, does not want to injure them. But I no longer know, maybe I try to break it out. How to lead it out of the family Although this is already the second topic: help me to break it out!

olya Panornorev 30.06 19:45

A love triangle, consisting of a man, wife and lover-deliberate, has long been a parable in the towns. Is it worthwing to blame a woman who loved a non-free representative of a strong sex? The question is, as they say, curious.

However, more curious options for developing events: leave everything as it is, throwing "married" or discourage him from a legitimate spouse. If you tend to the last method of solving the problem, then surely you will be interested in how to lead a married man from the family and keep it next to you.

So, you are "lucky" to create relations with a married man, and now all your thoughts are aimed at transferring your status from "Miscellenus" to the life-liver.

However, on the way to family happiness there is an obstacle in the form of a legitimate spouse and a stamp in the passport. Is it possible to destroy someone else's marriage? Women lovers confidently answer: "Yes."

However, to start firmly decide whether it should be done at all. If you are still not sure, but inclined to lead someone else's guy from the family, try to think about the next nuances:

  1. The mutuality of desire. Only you strive to repel the lover or does he want to finish those relationships and start new? Is sureless to a man want to leave the family or just deceives you, saying that everything is terrible there? It is no secret that many "maritime" suits such a situation when the familiar wife is waiting at home, and on another apartment there is a hot mistress.
  2. Moral aspect. When the question concerns personal happiness, many women are not up to sublimation and moralization. Lovers are ready to fight for a man almost fists. And yet before you lead a married man, try at least a little bit of thinking about his child. First of all, it is he will become the main victim from the collapsed family. Can you carry a similar burden? In addition, suddenly a legitimate wife, after divorce, regards (there were cases), and the man will be forced to take children to himself. Do you agree with such a development of the situation?
  3. Serious intentions. Be honest with you and decide whether you really love your lover or simply want to take revenge on the spouse and prove to everyone that you are better? The disadvantage of intentions can be augged by the fact that new relations will not satisfy you. After all, having got a man, you can bother and go to search for a new victim.
  4. Confidence in the lover. You can knock off the guy, but how to find confidence that betraying one woman, he will not throw you? Did he tell you at the first acquaintance that is married, or has the beginning of the relationship been overshadowed by deception? Suddenly, in the future, he meets a younger and pretty girl who will also decide to find his family happiness on the wreckage of another marriage? In general, it is important to be confident in the feelings of your lover.

So, in the head of a decisive direction, many questions are spinning, they overcome thoughts, how to beat off her beloved from the spouse. If all bridges are burned and the moral aspects are discarded, let's talk about how to behave with a married man. Tips for a psychologist, in general, standard.

  1. Through the stomach. Of course, it is unlikely that he comes to you to eat delicious borscht. However, it is possible to use this method if the wife offers him permanent semi-finished products or completely intolerable snacks. To pamper the lover, you will have to become a gas-platter.
  2. No scandals. To make a man more often to be with you or in general to leave the family, provide him with full calm, do not demand anything, try not to enter into a dispute with him, do not bother with superfluous issues. Such advice is particularly effective if it is waiting for him forever unhappy spouse, which grows, so that he will come to the shelf, repaired the toilet, etc.
  3. Minimum requirements. A woman on the side should distinguish the ability to be content with small. Lover must be made to understand that you love it not for mink coats, diamond servants or expensive perfume. Convince him that it is he who is the biggest value for you. Of course, you should not refuse from gifts!
  4. Sincere joy. A woman in love will rejoice in every parish of a lover, every minute spent next to him. Relationships will become stronger if a man understands what he needs you. Perhaps it is this that will encourage him to leave the family, in which the legitimate spouse only imitates joy.
  5. The word "yes." The mistress should not hurt the head. In other words, a woman does not refuse sex when his beloved suggests, often hesitately manifests the initiative. It is necessary that the man can safely prove his sexuality and implement his male instincts.
  6. Diverse sex. One of the reasons for communication on the side is a monotonous family sex life. Chances of disconnecting a man will significantly increase if the mistress will increase the quality of intimate relationships. A woman must be accounted for various experiments in sex, especially on those from which the legitimate spouse is embarrassed.
  7. Interest in his business. Some mistresses lead guys with help, it would seem, a completely uncomplicated way - sincere interest in his career, difficulties. If the wife may not pay attention to the public life of the spouse, then the mistress should consider this aspect. So you find yourself in a more winning position.

Tips for a psychologist warn about unwanted ways. First of all, throw away from my head such an ambiguous method like lipstick on a shirt, long black hair on cowals or a few drops of perfumes on a sweater. It is likely that you will still get it off. Only here it will take, most likely not to you, traitor, and completely in the other way.

If a legitimate spouse knows about your existence, do not like it, arranging the scandals lover. Be sure to calm and maintain it so that he sees in you a confident and unusteructive woman, who understands everything and does not claim anything.

However, there is also an opposite opinion, the supporters of which believe that the above methods do not work off the man.

He can just get used to live on two houses and will never quit his wife. Therefore, provoke it to jealousy. Show that he can lose you with its oscillations. It should not be direct treason, but it is necessary to hint on fans.

To increase your chances and strengthen the relationship, your mistress can be used and a hint in the form of a horoscope. Study carefully features of the zodiac sign of your chosen one and apply your tricks. So, how to win someone else's man ...


  1. Surround the lover with the maximum concern, more tender, emotional than the one he gets at home.
  2. Do not oppose extreme actions and entertainment. Join some of it.
  3. Do not press on the lover, forcing the choice: "I or she". He himself decides when you need to go to you.


  1. Become an ideal to repel the Aquarius in a legitimate spouse.
  2. Imprieve it with your culinary opportunities. He loves deliciously dinner.
  3. For Aquarius, the sexual side of life is important, so do not refuse experiments.


  1. Become a real angel for him, unlike the not always satisfied wife.
  2. I sincerely love him, constantly showing and telling what you will wait and love it always.
  3. Praise and express your gratitude to the lover for any little thing.
  1. Do not just accept it with its numerous flaws, but also love it that is imperfect.
  2. Furthers from all kinds of routine classes and troubles. Let him face only at home.
  3. To beat off the fish, be sure to listen to everything about what he tells, follow his advice and recommendations.


  1. Cancer is hard to "steal" from the family, since it is necessary to be careful in relationships and when communicating. Avoid invalid and stinging ridicule.
  2. Thinly feel every emotion and the desire of cancer, giving him completely, including, and in sex.
  3. Cancer needs to pamper with its appearance. Show that we escape your figure for the sake of it.


  1. See the same way. The separation of his opinions and views will only add you extra points.
  2. Be positive, giving a smile fighter and a positive mood. Meet him always with sincere joy.
  3. So that the lover does not run back, do not complain about the relationship and the situation.


  1. You do not need to accuse the Taurus in excessive affection for his wife or career employment. Workingolism is a distinctive damning line.
  2. Constantly caress your lover, avoiding rustic to someone else's, but such a native Taurus.
  3. Do not forget to flirt with him, however, remember the jealousy of the man.


  1. Demonstrate only sophisticated manners. Lion can disable only a real queen.
  2. Show that the relationship can be disinterested, so do not ask for permanent gifts from the lion, let him give himself.
  3. Speak that you dream about family and children. Just do it unobtrusively.


  1. Charm of the virgin can only be fully unconscious. Let him think that the mistress belongs only to him.
  2. Do not hold the insult to the Virgin. He will simply declare that you can hurt how much your soul.
  3. To repel the masses from his wife, you need to make your appearance just brilliant.


  1. Psychology of weights is characterized by constant changes in the mood. Be prepared for similar changes.
  2. Contact him by name, trying to avoid all sorts of "Sun-paws".
  3. Dress up so that he only dreamed of spreading you, thoring everything from your body.


  1. It is impossible to criticize and scold scorpion. However, he likes to ulce and offend, apologizing after his behavior.
  2. Be sure to praise married scorpion, showing his admiration for his advantages (by any, including physiological).
  3. If possible, do all the requests of Scorpio (naturally, within reasonable).


  1. No need to be offended by twins for the inattention and disadvantage. Learn his good qualities.
  2. He is the owner, so it requires a lot of time to give him.
  3. Try to fulfill all his desires, especially if such behavior is missing in the family.

Magic to help

Some mistresses fall in love so much in their "maritime", which turn to informative magic. A special conspiracy will help to beat off a man and tie him to himself, that's just correctly to make a similar ritual is extremely difficult to unprofessional.

Weigh all the risks, think about the moral side, if you do not even stop the Kara's God (there is such an opinion), then proceed to the realization of the intended. Before performing a plot, determine which relationships lover and his wife are associated. If the connection is strong, then you will need additional challenges and an extreme. If a permanent quarrel is married, then the guy will be significantly easier.

To implement this conspiracy, you need to pre-prepare the following components:

Conspiracy must be made as follows. Scratch on the candle needle your and male name. Then lubricate it with jasmine oil, put in the candlestick and say such words: "both names and fate intertwined. Water, land, fire connected, decided on business, was crowned with heaven. Alternatively, the eternal together will be. "

Wait until the candle will progrit entirely. Collect the remaining wax droplets and sunk your hair or nails in them, put everything in a pot, filled with earth. At the end of the ritual, put a flower in it.

During watering every time you repeat the magic words. This conspiracy will increase as the flower is growing. After a while you will feel that the feelings between you and the lover will only be fixed.

Conspiracy number 2. Amulet

This conspiracy will help to beat off a man, tie him to himself and strengthen the sexual energy between you.

To correctly make a ritual, cut out two small circles from ordinary paper, and the third is from foil. Write your own and men's names and date of birth on paper and put the mold from the foil between them.

Make a hole in the bottle of gypsy needle. In it, grind a woolen red thread, and at its end, make several knots.

At the same time, the following text must be pronounced: "Combine fate and life, souls and body, thoughts and hearts."

To make this conspiracy and tie a lover to himself, you will need several marriage hair. Divide the fire in the yard or in a refractory question in the house.

Take 5 of your hairs and 3 hairs men, hold for 5 minutes in your palm, at the same time a happy family life. Then throw them into the fire and powerly say: "Wednessed fires, unwracted by anything!"

For a short time to hold your glance on fire and mentally thank him for the help.

Then throw a little dry grass into it, in the form of payment. Conspiracy will be over when the flame falls out on their own.

To lead a man from the family, you will need a lot of exposure and patience. However, even if you fulfill all the advice of a psychologist, comply with the recommendations described above, this does not mean that personal happiness is provided to you. Perhaps your chosen one is good only as a lover, but not her husband.

To beat someone else's man or not, only to decide for you, since the heart does not order!