How to make skin silky, smooth, soft, shining and healthy. How to make a body skin smooth at home

Each girl dreams of having a soft, smooth and elastic skin, while the weak floor representatives are lost when choosing a solution to this problem. Beauty salons offer their services, Internet Chisit a lot of recipes in order to achieve smooth skin at home.

It is no secret that the beauty and health of the skin depends primarily from the correct purification, tone and nutrition.

1. Purification of the skin
Cleaning the skin follows in the morning and in the evening, while choosing funds needed depending on the type of your skin. It should be remembered that for dry skin it is necessary to pick up more gentle agents.

2. Toning of leather
For skin tones, lotion will help you or cosmetic ice, such as chamomile, can be purchased in any pharmacy or prepare yourself. Therapeutic properties of the chamomile will also calm the skin.

3. Feed skin
Then, the skin cream should be applied to the skin, do not forget that the cream based on glycerin should be chosen in winter, in the spring and autumn - vitaminized cream, in the summer - moisturizing.

Also to achieve the desired effect should not be forgotten about scrubs and masks. Moreover, today there are many options Cooking at home. Here are the main of them:

1. Kefir mask to smooth skin and treat acne.

  • 2 tbsp. Clay mix with kefir and bring to thick consistency, then add a couple of droplets of oil from rosemary.
  • Apply on the skin of the face and keep 10-15 minutes.

2. Mask from tomatoes (eliminates inflammation on the skin)

  • Take a ripe tomato and mix from 1 tbsp. Honey.
  • Apply a mask for 15 minutes.

3. Peach mask (for shiny skin)

  • Mix peach oil with a lavender, clove and oil of Chebrets.
  • Apply to the skin for 5 minutes, then make skin massage.
  • Then wipe the skin with a tonic without alcohol.

This procedure is repeated 1 time per week for oily skin, for normal and dry skin no more than 2 times a month.

Mask for Moisturizing and Nutrition Body

To do this, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of cottage cheese and lemon juice: 2 500 ml cream cans mix with 1 kg of cottage cheese thoroughly and apply to the body with a thin layer to leave for 30 minutes. Then wash off with water.

Massage with the use of brush and further body moistening with oil will help from goose skin in the thigh area. A more tangible effect will be if the massage is alternating with sports.

Do not forget that food, lack of bad habits, healthy sleep and sports, together with the procedures described above - the guarantee of the health and beauty of your skin. Come on, comprehensively to the improvement of your body, and the result will not wait long for a long time.

Skin care. Everything that makes her smooth

Each wash, shower or bath is removed from the skin of the dirt and burned husk. But together with them, the skin loses and useful substances - such as fat and moisture. This is especially noticeable in the sauna and steam room.

True, the lost protective layer is restored in a few hours, but it is still better to balance the deficit occurred immediately after washing the cream, oil or emulsion on the body. Good preparations contain efficient oils, fatty components, as well as substances that bind and accumulating moisture. These substances form a protective film, very close by properties to natural, and can saturate the need of skin in fat and moisture.

The cosmetic effect of oils and moisturizing substances, which are contained in creams and emulsions, is very significant. Under their influence, the skin very quickly feels elastic and looks smoother. Small wrinkles become invisible - the effect that everything becomes with age. More importantly, the fibers of the connecting tissues are hardening, and the elasticity and tension of the skin weaken.

The recipe for the nutrient cream for the body: 2 jars of a universal cream of 500 ml, 2 packs of creamy-like cottage cheese of 500 g, 20 teaspoons of lemon juice. All mixed, apply on the body with a millimeter layer and leave for half an hour, then wash off the shower. Acts as moisturizing and nutritious mask

Oils, creams and emulsions for the body help the skin to protect against drying, from the harmful effects of the environment and from premature aging

    If you have a normal, not too dry skin, use after shower or bath light milk for the body (it can also be referred to the fluid, lotion or emulsion). It contains a lot of moisture and enough fat so that the skin is not tightened. In addition, it is easily distributed and quickly absorbed into the skin.

    After a long bathing in the bath, visits to the sauna or steam room and for normal skin it is recommended a more fat, cream-shaped milk.

    With a dry skin, which after the bath or soul is strongly tighteners, it is better to use milk with an increased fat content (see above) or cream. Body creams are usually fatter than emulsions.

    Universal creams - from the point of view of fat and moisture ratio - are also good for dry skin. But it is harder to apply on the skin evenly, especially if it is still wet. But nevertheless those places on the body, which are particularly prone to dryness - for example, heels, elbows and knees - in any case, it should be lubricated by universal cream.

Unlike the milk or cream, the oil does not add moisture skin. But cosmetic oils can reduce moisture loss. Purified oils from almonds, from sprouted wheat, olives or avocado are rich in vitamins and contain substances that smoke the skin. The lack of these oils: with a debt of storage, especially in contact with the air, they become ruling. Therefore, they produce special "cosmetic" oils, which use not only vegetable, but also synthetic components. This mixture best protects the skin, because synthetic oils especially effectively impede the evaporation of natural moisture.

The drugs for body care, designated by the word "fitness", have a special smell - fresh and "sports". Lotions are very light, enriched with such cooling components as menthol and alcohol. In addition, they contain oils that are pleasant to cool the skinned skin and easily relax tired muscles. Fitness-series shower facilities can often be used as a shampoo because they contain particularly soft detergents. And anyway, these drugs, if you often take a shower, you need to use only for the armpits, feet and intimate zone. For the rest of the body enough warm water so that the skin becomes clean. For almost everyone who often takes a shower, the so-called dual means for the soul are recommended. They are applied to the whole body, and they contain such a number of fatty nutrients, which after the shower no longer need to lubricate the skin with nutritional creams.

Very recommended - especially after sauna, after sunny baths or solid grinding of all skin - body masks from a universal or special body cream. Such masks are always in the program of beauty salons. The cream is applied with a thick layer, the body is wrapped in a sheet and absorbs the cream for half an hour. During this time, you need to relax and relax.

Also honey or therapeutic dirt are very good for such a mask. Honey makes skin soft and plastic, the healing dirt disinfects and helps to get rid of pimples on the back and in the decolte area.

1. If the skin on the knees is peeling, with each convenient case, use rich fats milk for body or universal cream.

2. Roughly, with elbows redness will quickly acquire former look, if they rub their lemon daily and then lubricate with cream.

3. Body masks are in the program of all beauty salons, but they can be done independently

4. The head and shoulders are not least of all the rest need care, but it is difficult to reach them. If the skin on the back is unclean, in pimples, help masks of therapeutic dirt.

5. If you have a goose skin on the buttocks and on the hips, you need to make a daily massage with a brush and then rub cream or oil. Body creams delay the development of cellulitis and make skin elastic, but they act best in combination with sports activities and healthy food

6. Moisturizing masks are beneficial not only for the face, but also for the decolte area. Especially for this section of the skin is recommended daily cream with ultraviolet protection.

Beautiful leather - gentle skin. It is not only like a silky, but also to the touch. Grinding makes it possible

There are many ways of gentle skin polishing:

1. Brush massage. For the back there are special brushes with a long handle.

2. Massage with special mittens.

3. Cosmetic grinding with abrasive creams.

4. Spin massage with a fideline from the hub. Mechanical grinding (brush, mittens, lufa) additionally activates blood supply to the skin.

Under grinding, they understand the removal of burned shell-tanks from the surface of the skin. They accumulate there as a result of the process of refreshing skin and disappear by themselves during washing, wipes, as well as friction about clothing. But this cleansing can be accelerated and facilitated by regular massage using a brush, as well as a cosmetic grinding procedure, then the skin looks noticeably more than more and fresh.

Massages with a brush or rough massage mittens - a rather tedious procedure, but it has an additional plus: activates blood supply. This is especially favorable in the morning. Macely dry skin before receiving a shower. Since the brush eliminates not only the shelsk, but also fat and other protective substances, to this method you need to resort no more than once every two days. Otherwise, the skin will be land than it is desirable, especially in winter. It is important to start always on the right side of the body and conduct a massage toward the heart, best of all small circular motions. The beginning of the massage is the right foot, then the outer side of the leg, inner behind it. Then massaging the left leg. On the same principle massaging hands. Belly massaging clockwise, but very careful. The force can be applied on the buttocks. For the back massage, you need a brush with a long handle or massage tape-blade, which you need to rub your back across and diagonally.

The brush for the body is most practical from the natural bristle. Will you choose a soft or rigid brush depends on your taste and from the sensitivity of your skin. Too tough bristles can only be confused by gentle skin instead of making it smooth, and from a cosmetic point of view, it is rather a lack. Also, coarse mittens and blades can be of varying degrees of rigidity; Here, too, everything will determine the sensitivity of the skin (at the same time still need to take into account that with time you are accustomed). Mittens and dyeing from the hubs, coarse fabric made of natural fibers are best for dry grinding. In addition, there are also vortices, and mittens from synthetic terry fabric, pleasant to the skin. Both brushes and mittens and massaghos need to regularly exhibit with thin detergents and dry in air. If you have red streaks from branched blood vessels, then the brush, on the one hand, is beneficial, since it strengthens weak connecting tissues, and on the other hand, unfavorable, because it activates the blood supply and pay the risk of resignation of the residence. Therefore, areas led by this weakness of vessels, process very carefully and cautively; In doubtful cases, consult your doctor. Extended veins in no way affect the brush massage.

Preparations for grinding of the body contain small abrasive particles from synthetic materials. Often they also contain enzymes that separately seize skin peel and contribute to removal. The advantage of cosmetic grinding: it dries less skin, because the composition of grinding creams includes nutrients. Its disadvantage: high price.

Application: Abrasive cream is applied to the body and give it to dry. Then the skin is vigorously massaged palms under the shower and wash off the grinder.

Natural grinders for self-use

    Salt is a balm for the skin. Therefore, sea baths are so favorable. At home, you can wipe the whole body with a coarse grinding salt, pre-slightly moistened to the skin. It makes blood circulate energetically and removes peel and small pimples from the skin. After this procedure, it is necessary to rinse under the shower.

    With sensitive skin, the salt of fine grinding is taken. Approximately two slices of salt and a bit of milk or sour cream shuffle to the state of the casis.

    Wheat bran also can serve as a natural abrasive. Two burning bran mix with a small amount of milk or sour cream, apply to the skin and emissions. Give a slightly dry, then rub your finger tips.

    Dried beans are used as a cosmetics mainly in Japan. Two handfuls of white beans finely grind in the mill and mixed with milk to the state of the casher. Such abrasive is especially beneficial for oily skin, prone to acne.

Even if you sweat, you will not smell it later, because today it is no longer a problem to get rid of smells

For the most part, we feel that we sweat, only at the moments of large loads, but in fact the body displays moisture on the surface of the skin continuously. Thus, the body regulates its temperature, maintaining it at about 37 degrees. In addition, the decay products are distinguished with the exchange of substances. Most of the body of sweat glands are so-called extracryan glands that distinguish the liquid without odor. But under the mouse and in intimate zones there are apocryan glands, the secretion of which under the influence of certain skin bacteria and creates a typical "smell of the body". This smell, in nature, performing the task of sexual bait, people actually act as a hindrance in this sense.

Fresh sweat does not smell. And only when he under the influence of bacteria decomposes on the skin or on clothes, it appears characteristic odor.

How deodorants impede the smell

Deodorants are valid only on freshly made body - and no longer than eight hours (depending on the drug and skin type). They contain substances that slow down the reproduction and growth of bacteria, so that the bacterial flora is strongly depleted after washing it grows very slowly, and the appearing sweat decomposes only in minor quantities. The smell of sweat is so we weak that it is easily interrupted by the perfume component of the drug. (Deodorant cannot completely eliminate the skin bacteria, and it should not, because they play an important role of protection against causative agents of skin diseases).

It makes no sense to deodorize already sweating skin, because antibacet-reed substances are powerless against the already unfinished sweat. And the perfume share of deodorant will not be able to kill the already emerged smell, on the contrary, there will be a very unpleasant mixture of odors. Depends on your taste, whether you will apply a deodorant in the form of an aerosol, cream, pencil, crystal or ball. Decorations are softer than alcohol containing aerosols. The balls also have a very soft, well-portable skin recipe. If you have a very sensitive skin in the armpits area, or if you do not want to mix the smell of your favorite perfume with the smell of deodorant, choose the product, perfume is very restrained. Deopud works especially gently, although it is weaker deodorizing effect than other drugs.

    Antitranspairs are preventing the appearance of sweaty odor radical than deodorants. They narrow the channels of sweat glands, reduce the amount of sweat selected and neutralize the effect of decomposing bacteria that still survived on the skin after washing. The athletic effect lasts so long that the drug can be used by only two to three days; In the intervals you can use the usual deodorant.

    If you have, despite the frequent washing and the use of deodorants, the feeling of unpleasant smell remains, the reason may be in clothes. Pot, penetrated into wool or cloth, decomposes exactly the same, and here deodorants are powerless. If you sweat, in close things, the ear

    masonry against sweat, because of some mixed tissues, the smell of sweat is difficult to eliminate even washing.

    The intense smell against which is powerless as washer and deodorant and the antitransparent, indicates hormonal disorders or on the wrong metabolism. It should not be left without attention, because the body unpleasant for the surrounding smell isolates you and can cause mental injury.

    Hair is also a carrier smell. If you suffer from a stubborn stable armpits, you need to regularly remove the axillary hair to get rid of at least one of the reasons. (What hair removal methods apply for armpits,

Wet palms can be sprinkled with antwit-explosion. Natural tool

    Sage, which reduces sweating both from the inside and outside - subject to regular use. You can recommend such a course: Drink after each meal a cup of sage tea and make a five-minute hand bath from this tea every day.

    With highly sweating feet, make three times a week a week ten-minute baths with deodorizing additives or with oak bark. In the morning after the soul, process the feet with a deodorizing foot aerosol and wear deodorizing insoles that you can wash, like socks, and change every day. Ironized skin on the heels and on the soles regularly consider abrasive means and maintain it fine. Wear shoes from natural materials, well ventilated.

Gynecologists in one voice say that many women harm the vaginal fluores with excessive hygiene. The consequence may be among other things, fungal diseases. For care and hygiene is enough one washing per day in greasy soap or acid-neutral lotion. If you wash more often, you should do with one warm water.

In no case do not use deodorant in the intimate zone. Gynecologists do not even recommend special aerosols for an intimate zone, since the sensitive mucous membrane is irritated and the acidic medium of the vagina can be disturbed.

Deodorizing crystals were used in antique times. They consist of potassium alum and retain antibacterial effects up to 48 hours, restraining sweating

Armpits, intimate zone or legs - for each of these places there are its own hair removal methods for and against hair removal under mouse

    It's easier and faster to shave the hair with an electric razor. There are special razors for women, the shape of the cutting canvas is adjusted to the structure of the armpit, so that you will not be drunk. The lack of this method: Since the hair is cut on the surface of the skin, very quickly gives itself to know the growing bristle. If you do not want her to be broken, you have to fit it almost every day.

    Shave the blade with wetting cuts the hair slightly deeper. But here the danger appears to cut down. You always need to pre-apply a shave foam so that the blade is better slid.

    There are creams and foam hair removal. They are left for ten minutes, after which the hair softened and sharpened by chemical way is simply washed away. Advantage: New hair is increasing not so soon, and they are not sick. Disadvantage: Creams for hair removal can cause skin irritation, especially with a strong sweating.

    The removal of the hair wax or paste in the armpit area is very painful, but has the advantage that new hair does not appear for another two weeks. This method is recommended for abundant hair growth, insensitive skin and in case of problems with other methods. Wax or paste you can buy. It is melted and applied with a cooking spoon. If you all seems too troublesome, consult a cosmetics.

With all these methods, it is equally important: do not deodorize the skin after processing, but only in point. That is why it is best to perform this procedure in the evening before bedtime.

The hairs that curly bread cuts are the aesthetic problem of many women. If they are a bit, they can be pulled out by tweezers.

    Chemical hair removal in this area is better done with cream, because it can be applied more precisely than foam. Be careful: the drug should not get into the vaginal area. If the skin is easily annoyed, after processing, let it down and make sure that the edges of the panties do not rub the processed places.

    Shave intimate zones should not be, because the younger bristles are unpleasant, and daily fit tiring.

Experts argue on this issue. With confidence, you can only say that shaving and chemical hair removal does not affect the thickness and the speed of their new growth. If you keep the hair constantly, then the roots may be tired, and over time, hair growth weakens. This noticed many women.

1. Electric appliances for hair removal burst the hair with the root of their rotating spirals, so that the growing hair still do not cause anxiety for quite a long time. However, the procedure is painful, especially at first.

2. The hair removal cream is applied to the skin with a spatula and then scrapes together with separable hairs.

3. The band treated with cold wax should be tightly tight to the skin so that the hairs grab well and escape with the root.

One of the conditions of attractiveness is beautiful smooth skin. Diryablla and rough surface of your body can make not the best impression, especially among representatives of the opposite sex. Therefore, every self-respecting woman or girl should know how to make the skin smooth.


Face is a man's business card. And it should always look flawless. One of the main and most common ways how to make the skin of a smooth face - peeling. It is made using a special mixture - a scraper consisting of special grains, which are exhausting old skinny skin cells. The scrub is enough to apply in a small amount on the face and gently dissolve the problem areas with the tips of the fingers.

After using scrub, the skin on the face is smoothed, becomes clean, velvety and smooth. With systematic use of peeling, the skin of the face becomes lighter and more attractive, irregularities and roughness disappear on it.

If you want to make the skin of the face smooth - do not forget to use moisturizing and nutritious cream, as well as regularly make vitamin masks.


Each girl dreams of having perfect skin that is crazy with men only from one touch. We will reveal you a few tips who will tell you how to make the skin of the body smooth. This is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons or spa treatments. You can bring the skin to the ideal at home.

  • Watch your power. Eat more vegetables, greenery and fruit. They contain a large number of vitamins and useful trace elements.
  • Refuse bad habits.
  • Exercise. At least do in the morning charging. Exercise will improve blood circulation, and this is the first step towards beautiful skin.
  • Take a shower daily. You can refuse the shower gels in favor of the usual children's soap, there are less chemical additives in it and it is suitable for any type of skin.
  • Use the terry washcloth. It will not only clean the skin, but also relieve from the burned dead cells.
  • Do not wipe after the shower. Give the skin to absorb this moisture.
  • After the bathroom procedure, apply baby oil on the body or nutritious cream. They will make your skin skolkovoy.
  • 1-2 times a week do peeling. You can use a scrub cooked at home. For example, honey and coffee. Such a procedure will not only clean the skin, but also enriches its useful substances.

The same ways will help make the skin's skin smooth. But do not forget about the removal of hairs. Without this procedure, the attractiveness of the legs you will not achieve.


Often, women have problems with the skin of the buttocks. And a few know the skin of the priests smoothly. If you have a so-called "goose skin" on buttocks or hips, make a massage in this area with a brush. After that, cover in the skin moisturizing cream or oil. Make these procedures follows daily. Only in this case you will get a good result.

Do not forget also about anti-cellulite creams. They make the skin with elastic and taut.


The skin in this area needs special care. In addition, here there is a large number of rigorous and sweat glands, the armpits zone is often subjected to mechanical impacts from the razor machine.

  • In order for the skin under the mouses is gentle and well-groomed, it is necessary to remove unaesthetic hairs first. You can do this in several ways.
  • Shaving. This method is not the most successful, as the hairs are very quickly growing.
  • Depilation. This procedure is carried out with wax or caramel. The hair is pulled out of the skin. The first time the sensation will be quite painful, but with each next procedure they will become weaker. Plus this method - the skin for a long time remains smooth and tender.
  • Epilation. It can be laser, ultrasound, electrical or light. The procedure is quite expensive and is carried out exclusively in cosmetology clinics. In the process of impact on the hair, its bulb is partially destroyed, as a result of which the hairs ceases to grow absolutely or for a long time. Before deciding on the epilation procedure, consult your doctor about side effects.

We regularly use softening creams and moisturizing gels they are able to make the skin of the armpits smooth and tender.

Choosing a deodorant, prefer your preference that contain caring components.

Remember that only with comprehensive care you can achieve the desired result. Take yourself a rule to watch your skin daily. Moisten and nourish each of her centimeter. All in your hands. Be perfect!

And the body's unpleasant roughness acquires due to dead cells of the epidermis - the upper layer of the skin. To return the lost smoothness, it is necessary to free the surface of the body from dead cells. Today, there are many diverse skin cleansing methods and the simplest and affordable one is the regular use of a suitable scrub.

Scrub is a special or gel containing the smallest abrasive particles. The mechanism of its action is very simple: when applied to the surface of the body and rubbing, the solids of the scrub are clinging for dead skin flakes and exfoliate them.

Depending on the purpose of scrubs, can be soft, delicate for the face and sensitive parts of the body; containing acute or rounded abrasive particles; They may include emollient or therapeutic essential oils and a variety of nutrients.

Apply scrubs for skin cleaning is very simple. After the shower, you should apply a scrub on the body and make it a pretty to massate it, evenly distributing the cosmetic on the surface of the skin, then wash off with water. Memorial scales will be removed along with the remnants of the scrub and the skin will shine freshness and smoothness. After applying the scrub, it is advisable to smear the body with a moisturizing cream to remove irritation from mechanical exposure and getting fresh skin moisture.

The simplest scrub is possible from remedies. For example, take a hassle of sea salt and mix it with olive oil or body oil. The effect of such a procedure will be from visiting the mineral source. If used as abrasive particles for a home scrub to use thick after drinking natural coffee, then in addition to effective cleansing, the skin will acquire a shade of a light tan.

A no less effective method of cleansing the skin is its rigid bath mitten or body brush from natural bristles. However, it is important not to overdo it here and not damage the skin with mechanical exposure. The bath mittens is most effective to apply during the soul or bath, actively rubbing undercuts. Having finished massage, you need to rinse the whole body with water to wash away dead cells.

Regardless of which method of purification is used, during the procedure, the focus should be given to problem areas where the skin becomes flawed faster. These include elbows, knees, upper part of the hands, and heels. Rubbing cleaning scrub in these areas, you can not regret the effort. At the same time, with caution, it is necessary to apply a scrub on such sensitive zones as the inner surface of the hands and hips, stomach and zone of decollete.

For the condition of your skin to please you, you need to make some efforts. Her beauty may depend not only on the number of cash invested on the beauty salons and cosmetics, not only from the right departure, but also determined in many ways and lifestyle and power. If you have decided to engage your appearance closely, here you will learn how to make the skin of the body is beautiful.

How to make the skin of the body beautiful

Make a plan of its diet. To make the skin of the body beautiful, it is necessary that the power is correct and balanced. Your body should receive everything that is necessary for the correct development of cells of the substance - fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. If you have normal blood circulation and efficient exchange processes, skin cells will also receive sufficient food, which is well affected by their regeneration.

Make a sport part of your life. Try not to ignore the morning exercise, because even simple physical exercises can improve blood circulation, and this has a beneficial effect on the skin condition. Well, if you overcome yourself, and start running in the morning, sign up into the fitness club or in some kind of section, do not doubt that after a while you can look younger than your peers.

Try to abandon bad habits. The intake of alcoholic beverages and smoking are very affected by the condition and color of the skin.

Do and moisturize your skin. The most important condition for matte, smooth and without signs of peeling of the skin is a normal water balance. It is possible to restore it with the help of industrial cosmetic and domestic folk agents.

So that the skin of the body was beautiful, clean it with scrubies, approximately 1-2 times a week. It depends on the type of skin. In this way, you can remove dead cells, dust, dirt, remnants of cosmetics, skin fat and toxins. Scrubs can be purchased in the store or cook at home on their own. For these purposes, naval or food salt, crushed nuts or fruit bones, bran, coffee beans will be suitable. At the heart of the homemade scrub you can use vegetable oil, cream, sour cream, milk, etc.

For skin moisturizing, a couple of times a week you can prepare a healing bath for yourself. Fill in it with warm water, add heated milk to it in the number of one liter and as much brave from coltsfoot, mint and chamomile (2 tbsp. Spoons). 20 minutes lie in this lineup, and then take a shower. Massage sessions will help to make the body of the body. Honey massage is very effective in this place. Subscription for massageyou can order via the Internet, including as a gift.

To improve skin condition, you can also use bathtubs with essential oils. The following combinations (2 drops) of such oils such as Eucalyptus, lemon and mint will be helped with the oily skin; Juniper and Bergamot; chamomile and lemon; Pine, Bergamot and Juniper. If your skin has a tendency to form acne and acne, use Bergamot, Rosemary, Melissa and Lemon oils. With a bath with a fennel oil can be removed toxins from the body; To combat cellulite - Orange oils, grapefruit, mandarin or lemon.

In the evening, returning home, immediately try to remove makeup, make sure or take the shower to the dust and sweat accumulating on your skin over the whole day have been removed. To purify the face, use gel, cosmetic milk or lotion. After that, wipe the skin of the face with tonic in order to better absorbed the night cream. Select all these means in accordance with your skin type.

Before bedtime, apply a night cream. If the skin is young, the moisturizing cream is perfect, which contains trace elements and flavones. With dry skin, use the cream with vitamins A, C and E. If you already have 30, you should choose cosmetics that contribute to the production of collagen. The best option for fading skin will be cream with vitamins, microelements and proteins acting against wrinkles. After you applied cream, and he absorbed, be sure to remove his surplus.

Do not forget about your hands, because During the day, they are exposed to water, chemicals, various temperatures, etc., but few people resort to the help of a cream. Therefore, the best way out of this situation will be the lubrication of the skin of the hands by this agent for the night.