How to make your baby happy. How to make your baby happy what to make so that the children feel happy

In order to make a happy child, you need to learn to perceive it as it is. It is impossible to expect from a child of one year of the ability to talk in English while the kid speaks not all Russian sounds. He needs your help and support. Chat more with your child more, tell the fairy tales, read poems, fables, send him children's songs. It gets closer to you and will give the child the most important thing - your attention and affection, and therefore happiness.

It is important to learn to stop the whims of the child. Otherwise, you will work to buy another toy, thereby buying love and obedience to your child. Remember that the child's requests with age are just increasing, as well as prices for toys.

When a child gets older, need to help him become an adult. Adult, the child can feel lost. Explain your crumb patiently that he cannot understand, but really wants. After all, about three years of the kids become such curious, it is important to develop this curiosity in them, it's so interesting to know this world with my mother.

Do not cut the baby from life. Let me stupid on the puddles, walk barefoot on a warm day in the summer on the grass. So your baby will learn the world around him. Learn it to navigate it in space, communicate with adults, play with peers.

If you just wish to make a child, we advise you do not do it exclusively "for yourself"So for myself - it means no one for anyone. Keep in mind that your obedient boy can soon turn into a mamienexian son who will run to mom for advice for any occasion. Such children cannot accept their own decisions. In creating their own family, they have difficulties. Some of these children are doomed to be lonely.

Some parents, raising their child, make another gross mistake - try to embody their unfulfilled dreams with it. That is why many children go to study at the university, who chose parents for them, contrary to their inclinations. Do not need to deprive the future of their children, leave the right to choose.

It turns out, yours child Many bad habits absorbs since childhood. The most common of them is the wrong meal. Most parents face this problem. Part of them trust kindergartens, schools forming the taste of their child. Others feed their child chips, biscuits, crackers, supplements in which are often addictive, which can lead to obesity and other unpleasant consequences. To make your child a little happier, do not teach it to such a meal and do not show a bad example for yourself.

An important point in education is schedule. He helps the baby feel time. You need to make up the whole family of the day of the day and stick to it all. You do not want, to be matured, the baby is stayed with a TV or a computer, being late in the morning, constantly inappropriate and irritate in trifles. Lack of opportunity to sleep normally can seriously spoil the microclimate in the family, remember it.

Sometimes, parents are forced to entrust their child to unfamiliar people: governess, nanny. Often communication with outsiders in a small child gives rise to fears. After all a stranger can not give him the love of mother and father. Remember this when once again launched at work or in the company of friends.

The child feels when something is wrong in the family when parents are in a quarrel. It becomes more restless, depressed. Your child loves you both. It is difficult for him to determine who he loves more, do not make him solve this difficult task. Studies have shown that in a child who grew up in an atmosphere of quarrels and hostility, the sprouts of the future misfortune are laid, destruction. The best thing you can do for happiness and tranquility of your child is to try to create a harmonious relationship in the family. In this case, you grow a confident person.

In general, psychologists and neurologists allocate three periods of the child's life.

The first is the very first year of life. Man at this time is helpless, he needs security and support. It is always important and everywhere to be with him, take on your hands, talk. Bruep here is terrible as absence. If you are a mother on maternity leave, try to do homework together with the child. After all, no one will do for you, and the child will be busy.

The second period is from 1 year to 3 years. At this time, the child will know the world, this is a period of research. Do not take toys at this time at this time, do not beat him hand, except when it is dictated by security. The more your child will be recognized, the easier for him to figure it out in his own life. Here you also need to find a golden middle.

After 3 years It begins the most difficult and interesting. Up to 6-7 years old, your crumbs occurs in the head self-dominance in the world in other words, the process of self-consciousness. Carefully, observe him. Here you and the baby will help the educational games, markers, albums, balls, mugs. The only condition - he should be all interesting. Do not be afraid to experiment, so that the child felt happy, of course, it is important to help him find himself and his place in this life.

Trying to make your children happy, remember that the child is happy when happy mom.

Full collection and description: Prayer For children are happy for the spiritual life of a believer man.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayers for happiness in the family, personal life, marriage and not only

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Prayer for family happiness is quite natural for everyone who wishes to live in love and understanding with his spouse, children, parents. In the understanding of a believer, a happy family is mutual love, support, respect, and this is all accompanied by the Lord.

Family well-being occupies a special place in the life of an Orthodox person. Even the apostle Paul, wrote Timothy's apostle to his student: "The wife will be saved by Chador Code." So, for our prosperous life, it is simply necessary that there would be a faithful spouse and healthy children and parents nearby. Who can ask for the power of heaven about happiness in the family, and how to do it?

Prayer for happiness married

One of the sacraments of the Church of Orthodox is marriage. So Jesus Christ was consecrated by the marriage bonds in Cannes Galilee, and turned the wedding in the wedding of simple water. He showed the believer that a strong union is pleasing to the Lord, like his celebration.

  • Asking the Most High about happiness and well-being in the married life can be both already married and idle.
  • Even in pre-revolutionary times, Russian girls had a tradition to ask for a successful marriage and a strong family on the Day of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • On the day of the wedding, many newlyweds appeal to the Lord for the blessing of their union.
  • It is possible to ask for wisdom and humility, health and financial welfare, and you need every day, addressing God, the saints of his ascetic and the Virgin Marie.

Prayer for happiness in the life of the family to the Almighty is read by such words:

"Lord Heaven Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pour you about my family happiness. Give us in our family love to each other. Give us so that our love is strengthened and multiplied. Teach me to love my spouse (spouse) from all my heart, teach me to love him (her) as you loved me and son of your Jesus Christ. Give me to understand what I need to remove from my life and what I need to learn to have a happy family to be. Give me wisdom in my behavior and in my words to never annoy and disappear by my spouse. Amen"

Prayer for happiness, for the good luck of Blessed Ksenia

When grave times are coming, pursue spouses in their worldly matters, family well-being becomes threatened. You will agree, when a person has nothing to go with household matters, he can inappropriate to offend another person, and often under the "hot hand" the second half falls.

In this case, it is necessary to pray to the Holy Xenia Petersburg, which will help solve all household troubles and will give a little good luck in the affairs:

"Oh Holy All-Said Mati Ksenia! Under the height of the sunny, living, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, glad and thirst, the chloride and heat, the urgent and persecution has undergone, the gift of the witness and the wonderfulness of God's best and under the sense of the Almighty.

Now, the Holy Church, Yako bullshit, glorifies you. The coming on the site of the burial of yours, in order to be your holy, Yako, living with us, pray for you: We accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the Miloser's Father of the Heaven, Jaco jerking to him.

We succeed in the eternal salvation running towards you, our generous blessing to you and the undertakings, from all sorts of trouble and sorrow. Represent holy prayers to the all-consant savior of our about us, unworthy and sinful.

Pominus, Holy Blessed Mother Ksenia, Babies by the Light of the Sainry of the Baptism of Ozarith and the Selector Gift of the Spirit of the Holy Administration captain, the randoms and the sorties in the faith, honesty, the god budget and progress in teaching them to give; The sore and the illustrious heal, family love and the consent of the lowers, who are common to the feat of the good, hurt the walker and from the approval of the fence, the shepherd in the fortress of the spirit of the Holy Advancement, people and the country of our in the world and serenely saints, about the deaths of the Saints of the Saints of the Saints of Holy Tyungs.

You are our hope and hope, soon hearing and getting rid of you, thanks to you, and with you, Slavs Father and the Son and the Sainry Spirit, now and are duplicated, and forever. Amen".

Prayer for happiness in love

There is nothing acknowledged in contacting the help of celestial with the petitions about the personal life and the gift of mutual love. In addition to the Lord God, the prayers for personal happiness can be read by the Virgin and her miraculous icons:

It is possible to ask for the prechile virgin Mary from her images:

"Before you, the Mother of the Virgin Mother of God, bow and only before you can open my heart. You know, the Virgin, everything I want to ask for me, God's slave (name), for my heart is free, empty, not maybe it is without love hot. I pray and ask, give me the road an ambulance towards the only one who can ill-light all my life and will open my heart towards my long-awaited and happy the mergers of our destinies and finding one soul for two. Amen".

Excellent assistants in the arrangement of life personality are:

  • Great Martyr Paraskeva and Catherine
  • Apostle Andrey Prozoznaya
  • Holy waters nikolay miracle

Very strong and effective prayers for mutual love, as spouses, so no longer married people, it is customary to read the Holy Param:

  • Martyrs Adriana and Natalia
  • Rev. Peter and Fevronia
  • Righteous Ioacima and Anna

Contact Saint Natalia and Adrian with such prayer words:

"Oh, sacred twist, holy martyrs of Christaly and Adrian, blissful spouses and sufferers. Hear me, God's slave (name), who pray to you with pain and tears, send a welfare of the body and the soul of God's slave (name) and God's slave (the name of the husband), and ask the Most High, let him raise us and send us the mercy of his sacred Yes, we will not die in our terrible sins. Holy Martyrs Natalia and Adrian accept, begging, voice, and get rid of the delicacy, glad, treason, divorce, invasion, brave and swearing, from sudden death and from all the seals, troubles and pigeons. Amen".

About happiness daughter or son

Maternal prayer has an incredible force, and helps in the most difficult moments: in illness, with lack of launch, alone and any other worldly affairs. It is the parents who are patrons of happiness of their children, they raise him, teach and pray the Lord about their well-being.

In order for her daughter or son, the life path was less than bumpy, to the Lord God with such prayer words should be referred to:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Budi, your mercy on my children (names), save them under your hands, the faceting from all the Lukavago wrapping, ticking from them all the enemy and the sacrup, the ears and eyes and the eyes of hearty, give them to humble and humility of them. Lord, we all create yours, pity the children of my (names) and turn them to repentance.

Save, Lord, and have mercy of my children (names) and enlighten your mind with the light of the mind of the Gospel of your Gospel and to Nasty them on the path of the commandments of your and teach them, Savior, Create Your Will, Yako you are our God. "

To seek help and the patronage to the Lord, the Virgin and Saints in the temple, before the miraculous faces. And if there is no possibility to visit the house of God, pray at home at your iconostasis. You can buy icons in the church shop, on the Internet and even embroider. The main thing is to believe in what they ask for and by the power of the Lord.

Let the Lord keep you!

See also video prayers about family happiness:

Powerful prayer so that the child recovers!

At a time when the child begins to hurt, it does not rarely happen so that frightened parents, they simply begin to be lost and especially bad at this moment, since there is a certain relationship between children and their parents, making those particularly sensitive to the worsening of the baby. And in our life, not everything depends on people, so the prayer for the recovery of the child will help in difficult minutes.

What gives a prayer for the recovery of the child is strong (helping)

The prayer appeal is a conversation with the Lord and whether in your own words or according to the sacred text, the essence remains the same - we appeal to the Most High for receiving a blessing, as well as for help in healing and further well health for their children.

There is also a huge number of evidence of a prayer for a child's disease, the health of the health is capable of providing a truly miraculous action, so it is not necessary to ignore such powerful tranquility (especially in cases where the external intervention does not work for full force, but anxiety is very strong ).

Prayer itself has the following action:

Helps to save the sore parts of the child's body from unpleasant sensations;

With long and high temperatures, lowers the temperature and facilitates the overall condition of the child;

Gives chad the forces to combat the ailment;

In addition to the fact that the prayer appeal can be saved, it is also able to help the mother calm down, gather with the forces and instill faith in the speedy recovery of the child. After all, the most recent thing is to crude is the excitement of his parents, and when mom is trusted to the world, sets himself to help heavenly forces and calms down, the child begins to relax and goes on the amendment.

Naturally, the recovery of the child does not always depend only on our desire, however, if mom applies all its efforts, then the chance of getting rid of the disease will increase significantly.

Who pray for a child's health

There are many prayers for the recovery and the health of children who can be addressed to the images of various saints, namely:

Since antiquity it is believed that the Blessed Matrona is a defender of family well-being and a patroness of a homemade hearth. From all over the world, Orthodox pilgrimits come to the relics to ask for the cure of relatives and people close to them. And the prayer of the Matron about the healing of the child will be a good companion for every loving mother in the most difficult times.

"Oh, Blessed Starius Matrona. With Moloto I appeal to you and with the hope of recovering the child. Ask for the Lord God of our Jesus Christ about the health of his beloved chad. Do not proceed to me for sinful acts and do not refuse me in righteous help. Relive the child from gentlementers, grief, crying and wedding. Otrini Borenoye and Tutu's soul. It was put on my child with a strong health and rings from him to Beshovsky. Forgive me all the lack of maternal and implicit about me before the Lord God. May it be so. Amen".

Such a prayer appeal is quite strong and therefore, after its pronunciation, the baby is recommended to give some drink by adding sacred water in advance.

Queen Heavenly Virgin Mary is the first in the Christian world of Mother and if the trouble came to the house and brought a subsection of her beloved Chad to her, then you can seek it for help in recovery and gaining a good child. The molding of the Virgin in the health of the baby will definitely have its own action in the patient's cure, will force the body to resist the disease, and also give the power to the child.

"On the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the hands of your children (names), all the detachments, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of the mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.

Mother of God, enter me into the image of your heavenly motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen".

Since time immemorial, believers, if different health problems appear for help from the Saint Nicholas, since he was widely known as a healer, endowed with a comprehensive faith. The prayer petition to the older and to this day helps to save the child from discomfort, which causes him a bodily disease.

"Oh, Saint Nicholas Wonderworker. I fall to your legs and ask about the recovery of a sick child. The miracle dropped from heaven and help him cope with a serious ailment. Before the Lord, God beyond my estimates and ask him for generous and merciful forgiveness. May it be so. Amen".

Such a petition is allowed to pronounce not only in the walls of the Church, but also at home, however, if Chado has a serious illness, then it is best to take it to the temple or invite a clergy to the house.

The saint was Luka endowed with the power of healing, the gift of witness and the wonderfulness. And addressing the elder in the prayer past, you can heal from different colleges not only adults, but also children.

Strong prayer to the Holy Luke on the treatment of a child:

"About the All-Breeding Confessor, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the great waters of Christ. With mild, the knees of the hearts of our hearts, and fallen to the Hacfish of honest and multi-purpose power, Ya.Khodki Chad Father Molim Majm Everything: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and human-loving God. You are now in the joy of saints and from the face of the angel of the preston. Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by the love of Love Eyuzh, the whole neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth.

As soon as the Christ of our God will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, learning to instruct, nasty pride. We all give the gift of Komujdotously well-consistent, and all the time for the life of the time and the eternal salvation is useful.

Grades of our statement, earth fruit, from a glad and a flock of getting rid. Sorrowful consolation, affecting healing, lost on the path of truth Return, parent blessing, Chad in the Strasse of Lord Education and learning, siphe and poor assistance and intercession.

Give us to all your archpastor blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goose dunning and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits.

We will put us on the path leading in the village of the righteous and moths about us of our omnipotentiary of God, in eternally life will be promoted with you incessantly the Slaviti and inseparable Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

It is worth noting that the clergymen recommends that the prayer appeal to learn by heart in order not to be distracted during its pronunciation, but it is also equally important to concentrate on reading the prayer and present on the image of his smiling, happy and healthy child.

Let the Lord keep you!

Watch the video prayer Matron of Moscow about healing and protection:

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The world of happy woman

Parental prayers. In order for children everything in life it turned out!

Each woman note! Maternal prayer from the bottom of the sea raises!

Parents in prayers so that children everything turned out to be specified, what exactly do you want your child.

So there are prayers about the prosperity, about family well-being, to grant health, prayers protecting enemies. The more specific prayers you read - the better. Christian prayer to make it all the words of independent prayer, so that everything turned out exactly the way you ask should be sincere, go from the heart.

It is impossible to want something if the other person will suffer. For example, you are in love, but this person is incomprehensible, and you ask God that the person threw the family and was with you.

Such prayer is unacceptable. Ask about meeting a new feeling and create a family without destroying another. Sometimes, it seems to us that our prayers do not reach the creator. This is not true. Perhaps just the time of their execution has not yet come. Rely on God's will - everything is your time.

Text of prayer To all happen - the guardian angel for happiness and good luck

Benefactor, holy angel, my keeper in the eyelids eternal, as long as I will eat. You call you the ward, you hear me and lower to me.

As you have treated me many times, so once again enforced.

I am clean before God, I have not guessed anything before. I lived before, I will live in faith next, and therefore the Lord wandered me with my grace and, in will, you guard me from all sorts of attack.

So let the will of the Lord and you, holy, fulfill her. I ask you about a happy life for myself and your home, and you will be the highest award for me from the Lord. Hear me, Heavenly angel, and help me, will fulfill the will of God. Amen.

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Orthodox prayers for women's happiness

Hello, our favorite readers! Today, our theme is with you conversations - prayer for women's happiness. What prayers are best suited in this case? Who to pray? How to ask? These questions are interested in many women dreaming to find women's happiness. And now we will try to find answers to exciting questions.

Every woman wants to be happy. Have a number of beloved spouse, healthy kids and parents, living in joy and love. After all, life without love and happiness is emptiness devoid of meaning. The source of happiness and inspiration can be found only in the union of shower.

There are many different prayers that can help a woman to achieve their lucky future.

What gives prayer?

Since ancient times, the prayer was and remains a wonderful way to communicate a person with the Lord. During prayer, you can contact him with a request and gratitude.

In prayer, we thank God for all that we have, ask for help in a difficult moment, about health for yourself, relatives and loved ones, about making the right decision, for forgiveness, about strength and humility. All this happens in prayers. With the help of arbitrary words or strictly in the text, in the church and at home, we communicate with the Lord, getting love and adoption from him, patience and power.

Prayer for female happiness is quite natural for a woman who wants to live in joy and love with her husband, children, parents. For a believer, a family is, first of all, mutual love, empathy, support, respect. And this is all accompanied by the Most High.

Prayer is a very strong and powerful tool. He helps a person to concentrate at the request, desire. A focus on the highest forces, with hope and faith, will surely come true in life. Sincere prayer always fills the soul with joy, despite the way the man was bad before. With the help of thought and words, we join the forces much more than we ourselves. And from this already in the soul it becomes joyful and calmer.

How to pray?

The erroneous opinion is that it is necessary to contact the highest forces only bating prayers. Words pronounced from the soul often carry a stronger energy potential than just well-learned phrases of prayer.

At the heart of prayer should be primarily the purity of thoughts and sincerity. You can ask the Most High about women's happiness in your own words. Just invest in every word prayer for the power of your heart and energy body.

Here are some of the basic rules that must be abide by the pronunciation of prayers:

  1. Sit in silence, concentrate attention on the area somewhere in the middle of the chest (there is an "emotional heart"). Calm down, tune in to good.
  2. Be honest and sincere in the request of love and female happiness.
  3. Insert the soul particle into each industrial word. But do not forget to do everything possible to achieve the result. Very good all the time to read the words of appeal to the saints, and they will hear your request, help on their own.
  4. Mentally focus on desire - it will help to find the right words for prayer.
  5. Be sure to ask the heavens of happiness in his personal life, thank them for what you already have. Let the sense of gratitude fill your soul and the heart when you start reading prayer.
  6. I sincerely believe in virtue of prayer and the fact that the Lord is merciful.
  7. Before each icon, do not forget to be baptized, as well as before the start of the prayer and at its end.
  8. Do not ask the Higher Force about marriage for a married man, "false" marriage, destroying the union of a loving couple. It will not bring you anything good. After all, you yourself know that you won't build a misfortune of happiness on someone else's luck.

Who pray for female happiness?

The prayer appeal of women to the saints about love and marriage is a plea about creating a family, clean feelings and birth of children. Sometimes the search for a relative soul, the second half is delayed for many years. Many girls, women wonder how to bring the long-awaited meeting to bring up? Who to pray in this case?

Orthodox pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, Nikolay the Wonderworker, Varvara Velikomartere, Saint Cyprian, the Holy Matron and other saints. For your convenience, we picked up for you a few ready prayers.

First of all, you need to know the prayer to God for all occasions - " Our Fatherยป:

Our father, in heaven!

Yes, your name is holy;

Yes, your kingdom will come;

May will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky;

Our urgent bread give us to this day;

And forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors to our;

And do not enter us in temptation,

but get rid of us from the evil;

For yours is kingdom and power, and glory

Prayer for happiness in family life to the Lord Contains such words:

Lord Heaven Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pour you about my family happiness. Give us in our family love to each other. Give us so that our love is strengthened and multiplied. Teach me to love my spouse (spouse) from all my heart, teach me to love him (her) as you loved me and son of your Jesus Christ. Give me to understand what I need to remove from my life and what I need to learn to have a happy family to be. Give me wisdom in my behavior and in my words to never annoy and disappear by my spouse. Amen.

Here is another very strong and powerful prayer to the Lord God and the Most Holy Virgin:

His prayer I draw our Lord, Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos! I pray for help and protection. Light my path to love is real and happy, specify the fate of my, give my heart with a feeling sincere. Connect my life with my life of your loved one, give a mutual feeling and bless us for a long time, Love is true. Amen!

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

This is a very strong prayer for love. It can be pronounced both at home and in the church, the main thing - you must look at the icon of the saint.

Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, not contemporary, bless my love so that she was mutual and happy, filling with my patience, and thoughts wisdom. Amen!

Mercy Nicholas Wonderworker, defender of disadvantaged and grieving. I pray for the forgiveness of my sins. Do not condemn my thoughts about love with a bright, calm my soul, dry tears. My feelings are sincere, the desire of my cherished. Pray for me to our Lord, if he will condemn my love, I will not be forcibly pretty, retreat. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen!

Appeal to the priest Cyprian

Those who think that only evil magicians and witches are engaged in damping damage. Good acquaintances are harmful, specially guided negative energy in your direction. In this case, Prayer Cyprian will help you:

Oh, Holy Yagodance of God, the sacred, Kipyan, the boom assist and prayer about everyone to you. We are unworthy of our praise by our, and we will advise the Y of the Lord God in the disregard, in the disease healing, in the cookie, and all the whole useful in our lives. Mostly by the Lord's bug, your prayer, and it will turn us away from the falls of our gchakhovny, let us try to repent it, let us save us from the prisoner of Dolvolskago and there are non-sorts of DYUKHES, and will save us. Thank you the cpeedbook on our whole efforts and invisible, in the case of handing us the running and at the time of the death of our Yavi, we have an embarrassment of ours from the ourselves, yes, having to do with you reach IPYSALIM and encounter in the presence of Holy Saints and Hannies Father and son and Slando Dyha forever. Amen.

Prayer for women's happiness Matron of Moscow

One of the effective ways to return to your life harmony will be a prayer to the Matron:

Blessed Mother Matron, our defender! Before the throne of God, our defender, miracles for the land. Hear me, give me love, help in the affairs of the earth, in the grief of my compellation, my defaults, my ailments heal, from our misfortune, from fears and lawlessness. I pray you not only marriage, I will bring happiness and love for me! Let this love become strong, happiness carrier. The mind of the Lord of our Jesus Christ to forgive me and all sinners, lawlessness and fall. And together we will glorify the Trinity of God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen!

Prayer Varvar Velikomarteres

The prayer appeal to Varvar the Great Martyr will help women find a faithful and loving husband who will not give offense and will be worn on his hands. Here are the words of prayer:

Oh, Holy Great Martyr Varvara, help my soul to find a simple female happiness. I'm tired to suffer and feel lonely. Do not leave me in trouble, pray. I want to live a full-fledged life of the family, so that the husband respected and loved, and so that the kids we had healthy and obedient with him. I won't sin it myself and according to the commandments of the Lord, Being my own behalf. Amen!

The words of the saints rise emotional state and soothe the soul. They are like a healing balm, healing heart. Everyone who applied to the martyrs made sure that the panic decreased immediately, a sense of anxiety disappeared. Skeptics believe that such cases are an example of self-control. However, in fact, and people believers will confirm, such an effect is nothing more than anyone, as using heaven.

God's blessings to you and your family! Let the prayers of female happiness help each of you find a reliable companion of life, which surrounds with your love and attention.

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Each parent sincerely wishes happiness to her child. From the very birth, we strive to give all the best. We buy branded toys, driving into educational centers, give expensive phones and other gadgets. We strive to fulfill any desire of our Chad. Of course, on all this is the lion's share of the family budget. Dad and mom from the skin is climb only to do not need a child. We are parents sincerely believe that if the baby has everything, he is happy by default.

What is our surprise when it turns out that it turns out that the new-fashioned toys walking on 7 circles, the child is unhappy. Yes, and sincerely sure that he is not needed and unlose of their parents. How to make a child happy?

The most important condition for happiness children is confidence in love of parents. Just do not think that children themselves know that you love them. They do not understand the hints, and symbolic signs of attention, which adults are accepted. Them need to talk about it, with direct text. And the more often, the better it is impossible to overdo it here.

More hug and kiss His children. Children's psychologists advise this at least four times a day. Many parents are afraid to wear a child, especially if this is a boy. This, widespread opinion, is erroneous. According to the same children, it is impossible to shift the child. But the lack of caress, not only makes the child unhappy, but can lead to a lag in development.

Contact eye to the eyes is very important for the child from the first days of life.

Eyes - soul mirrors, and children intuitively know. That is why they are constantly looking for meetings with our gaze. As a view, the child understands how to treat it. Try to communicate with the child contact your eyes. Express the entire gamut of the feelings that are experiencing to the baby. It will give confidence in your love, and she, as we remember, is the key to children's happiness.

Cut the time with the child. Of course, with our crazy pace of life, it is extremely difficult to do it, but necessary. Play with him, 10-15 minutes while preparing dinner. Take half an hour before bedtime, read the fairy tale, take a rider on his endless questions. Give it to feel that you need you, you love it. And then, you will see the eyes shining from happiness.

Communicate with the child. Integet to his life, ask how he spent the day, which he learned, with whom, that was interesting, that I liked that no. Encounter it to your affairs, share your joys and sadness, be frank, and the response will not wait long for a long time.

Let your little man aware that he is not just a mother's tail, and an important member of the family.

Love certainly. This is the most important aspect in childhood happiness. Love not for the fact that he is beautiful, smart, or well learns at school, but just for what he is. After all, the words of children perceive literally. Imagine what conclusions will be made by a child, from the phrase "you behaved badly today, I don't like you for it!". Such sayings deeply wound a child, they are postponed in memory for life. And if you often throw like similar phrases, then not only about happy childhood, but and the happy life of speech can not be.

More remember the happy moments of your childhoodThis will not only improve your mood, but will help you understand your child.

This is probably all the hard rules that make childhood for the real happy.

Want to make a child happy?

He takes him a hut at 17, find a job from acquaintances for 3-4 hours a day and once a week go to visit. And the progressive, that for the abomability of school / university, happiness will end, and the child will move home to you, where your rules will be. And by 20 years, tell me that the loot on the hut has ended, you're old and you want a pension. And do not pay at all. By the age of 26, your child will call you and ask - hear, Dae, you do not need money, can help than?

Of course, before this it is necessary to work. Until 5-7 years, the child should not be special freedom. You are a father, you are the main, as I said - it will be. And then you enter the choice and responsibilities parallel. Want to choose which clothes to go - wash your favorite jacket. Want to eat the dumplings - here's the dough, so I stuffed, lepi and var. Want to walk to night - all lessons must be made, all that are asked. And keep the word, my wife is also plugging, not a female thing - to raise children, a child's woman should love, anyone, and you should bring up. If he is offended - let mom complain, and you hear that mom says - Dad is evil - to look out onto the street and drank her, but so that the child does not see. Pope with mom always love each other and always agree, no matter what means.

There is no money for toys - this is not at all what you can say to the child. The child will think that he has the parents of Nishchebrudes and losers. The toy can not be because the child no longer needs toys. Enough those that are. When you decide that he needs a new toy - then you can buy. If the child really wants - let him make something to make you easier to earn money for a toy. The dishes will wash with a week, say. Paul wakes up. The shelf fell while you work.

It is useful for the absence of a mediamusor, child code less than 10. If it is in the norm of your family. And if you are sitting at the box yourself and stick to an anime, and the child is Nini, then you will be simple for the catytiy balabol.

Sections? Perfectly. Time, show, let him like, do not like it - nafig. Does not want to try - forty pushings; Father said that it was necessary to try, let him try, do not like it - something else. Like in the yard sit? Sit, only do the lessons, and then Vali where you want. With covert under the fence, I must say, it is generally uninteresting, except for the same covert, and if your child knows how to make a fire, soldering a robot and draw a photorealistic image from the nearest movie on the asphalt - even more so he will have nothing to do on the shops. You want to interest - show an example that you yourself are not ineptly, and something in art is sense. Wants to tell - listen carefully. You will see the garbage - so say: here you are well done, and here you have helpless hands, you need to work and there will be the Tsanta. Sooner or later, the child will find what he really is in the buzz, as it will find - rejoice, support, smoke, interest.

After turning his pockets once and finding cigarettes - you will forever break the child confidence in adults in general, and all your teachings will be perceived as a complete nonsense.

Came Bug? Sleep under the door. Everything. No exceptions. Mother, we remember, do not listen. She later came to the o'clock at night without warning - sleep under the door. Do not remember my problems yourself, it's not difficult to call, it is also not difficult to drink. One overnight stay under the door - and your child will obey try any unfamiliar substances without providing for all 100% possible consequences.

Pocket money - holy. Let even in the land bursts. His money. No control. Gave and forgot. Establish a weekly (not daily), and even better - a monthly limit. And let him get out of it. By the 8th grade, let this limit include school necessity, such as textbook notebooks. Then - Food in the cafeteria, then clothing. To the Institute, your child will already be able to distribute its finance itself completely - from food to long-term purchases of the type of company, and then the cars. Wants more - tell me where to earn. And you ask this question in advance, where the Lobotryas school can earn money, quickly and not particularly hard. Come on the nearest car makes and ask if they do not need a boy helped for small money. Come on the local service station and ask if they do not need to sweat-held it. In the hairdresser ask whether your child can sweep them on a regular basis. Yes, when everyone is playing, and you work, it's a shame, but in an hour you will finish working on your grandmother, buy what you want. This is excellent, this is such a buzz that he will not see them on the boost, will regret, it is better to accumulate them and will be the most alpha alpha, because he has earned himself, and not dad gave.

And most importantly - to be with him at the same time. You can scold him at least a mat, even call if you are for that while you are together. But with strangers - he has his own honor, and you have your own honor. And if your drunken Kenefan is so casually - heard, small, drive for beer fast, then the only correct answer to such Keeneganu is to say to the child: you are not petty, you are my son, he asked ignorance, do not want - do not go, I don't have a beer it is necessary. So that the child knew that for his honor it is possible and you need to stand up, and not stand, stuck the language in the ass. That he is not obliged to do anyone if he does not feel this desire, with the exception if he is in debt.

Want to show your love to your child? Take fishing. Go with him hike. Teach wallpaper glued. Help to repair him fucking moped. Dolgani kayak and spill swimming. Tell me how to get enough of the booze. Teach socks to wash. Teach him to run and sneak. Teach his Pearl and Linuch. Teach his photoshop and fiction. Teach him to lab in the guitar and knock on the drums. Go with him to the concert. Tell me why some groups are labor, and others are not. Listen to his music, tell me that she is super, but you are more pretting your metal and give him dough on the headphones, so as not to rebound the music scope in the house. Tell him what you need to do with the girl on the first date, in the second and third. Tell me how to buy gandons. Tell me why they need and how to use them. Go with a child behind flowers, explain what kind of flowers you choose for your wife, why, and why you buy them. Give him a knife and teach it to sharpen, cut on a tree. Go with him on karate and learn how to beat the face with him. Teaching to call him so that his friendships are supervised by the clock when he mouth reveals with the aim of accurate bombing. Teach him how not to be afraid of the elders. Teach him why other people need to listen, but it is not necessary to obey, and in general for what his head is on shoulders.

Yes, you just close your eyes and imagine on a second that you have the best bass in the world, and act accordingly, as if he had to act.

Each parent dreams that his children grew up good, cheerful and confident people, but not everyone imagine how to do it. Actually make a child happy very simple, the main thing is to want it!

Parental Attention

The most important thing is that you need a baby - this is parental attention. Take a rule at least two hours a day to spend exclusively with the child without being distracted by any other things. Ask how his day has passed that it bothers him that he learned the new today. It is thanks to the parental attention of Kroch that feels stability and feels in complete safety. Caring for a crumb can manifest itself in any trifles: instead of starting an alarm clock for the baby, wake it up with a delicate kiss and arms; Before leaving the crumb in the kindergarten, remind him of how much you love him; Let the child even sometimes show, even if it consists only in choosing clothes for a kindergarten or a book that Mom will read before bedtime.

Learn to share

To kid grew up good and compassionate, you need to show it an example and start with the web.

Teach good words

Tell the baby what compliments are and why it sometimes sometimes speaks to those who surround encouraging words. Explain that you can say to peers so that they have improved mood, what words to express their love for their relatives, in what cases is appropriate praise and admiration. The kids are very quickly trained by good manners, and very soon your child will be like a little sun, give heat to all others.

Sincerely having fun

When you are having fun with the baby, playing a fun game, doing sports or just fooling out, do it with all my heart! Loudly laugh, because laughter has a beneficially strengthening the nervous system and makes the body less vulnerable to disease. Sincere contagious laughter increases in the blood of the concentration of hormone joy - endorphine, and therefore the best remedy for depression is a real fun!

Positive setting

Despite the fact that all parents want their baby in their lives, there is never any trouble, it is impossible to insure him from everything bad that can happen. Therefore, it is so important to teach the crumb to think positively. Explain the baby that from any difficult situation there is always a way out that everyone makes mistakes and should not be upset due to failures, but to take them as life experience. Teach the baby to set goals and seek them, despite the emerging obstacles, and then he will grow not only by an optimist, but also a targeted person.

Inspiration in everything

Teach the baby to find inspiration in all that surrounds it. Show it all: music, drawing, literature, dancing, theater. Tell the baby how you can express your emotions through painting, how to train fantasy, writing fairy tales and poems, how to remove tension with dancing, and learn to feel rhythm with music.

Physical exercises

Happy child - healthy child! Explain the baby importance, tell us how they affect the body and the mind of a person, how to help themselves, be healthy and not hurt. Include in the daily rogue routine mandatory morning gymnastics, moving games and outdoor walks.

Fight stressing

Teach the baby to fight stress and tension. To do this, take the rule to always pay attention to the mood of the baby and find out the reason for his disorder. In a relaxed atmosphere, talk to the child, find out what bothers him, and help cope with the situation that does not give him peace. Teach the baby to visualize anything pleasant so that he can relax and forget about annoying trifles.

Performing these simple recommendations, you will be able to teach the baby kindness, mutual assistance, a positive confusion and the ability to share, and also help him realize that despite the fact that in life there are dark and bright stripes, any difficulties can always be overcome.

Victoria Gritsuk