How to knit leg warmers with knitting needles. Knitting leggings with knitting needles on your own: diagrams and descriptions. Gaiters with double orange pattern

The winter season is probably the best time to get the socks out of the closet drawer, wash them and put them on your child to warm up. Now children's leggings are in vogue. At the same time, if you did not find them in stores, you can knit them with knitting needles.

This won't be that hard to do. A little bit of perseverance with patience, mastery of needlework techniques - and the new thing is ready. We knit the product with knitting needles, as well as crochet. Those needlewomen who are just mastering this art should choose the simplest patterns. Let's take a look at them in this article.

Initially, measurements should be taken from children. You can knit leg warmers not only on two, but also on five ordinary knitting needles. It is not so easy to say which particular method of doing work is simpler for a not too experienced needlewoman.

In the case of two knitting needles, the fabric will need to be stitched. Another option will require the ability to correctly distribute the loops with knitting needles. Regardless of this, the following measurements are required:

- girth of the legs under the knees;

- girth of the leg;

- calf girth;

- distance from the knee to the middle part of the calf;

- the distance between the middle of the calf to the ankle;

- the length of the product itself.

Bright leggings for frost over boots

It will also be possible to carry out knitting on knitting needles without a pattern. In the event that you have children's leggings with a seam, then a pattern must be made. Draw a small rectangle on a millimeter measure. The largest of its sides is equal to the length of the product.

The small one is identical to the girth of the calf. Position the figure vertically, so it will be easier for you to build. Divide the two small sides in half and unite their midpoints with a line. Mark the vertical, setting a distance from the top line from the knee to the middle of the calf to the very ankle.

Let's draw thin lines that will be parallel to the horizontal sides. After that, on the top line, we lay off the half-girth of the legs under the knee from the vertical in two directions, on the next up - the girth of the lower leg, on the bottom there should be the girth of the ankle. Unite the ends of the lines on all sides with small curves.

At the bottom, be sure to draw a lapel in the shape of a rectangle or an increasing trapezoid.

In the first situation, only the upper part of the shoe will be covered by the product, in the other, a limited instep area. Ask your children which option they like best. With these knitting needles you can create different knitted products.

The most common pattern when knitting leggings, which is available even for not the most experienced craftsman, is stocking knitting. Cast on 20 stitches, knit the first row, purl the next row. Count the number of loops for each centimeter horizontally, as well as the number of vertical rows. Determine exactly how many loops you need to dial. Counting vertically helps to calculate with high accuracy the order of decreasing or increasing the number of loops. Knitting will not be difficult for you.

Consider another knitting pattern for a product that is distinguished by its simplicity.

  1. Try to initially make knitted leggings for a child with a seam with knitting needles. This is very simple, because you are making a canvas that will then need to be tied (sewn) together.
  2. For this purpose, on knitting needles with a thickness of 4 mm, dial 50 loops.
  3. Of these, 110 rows should be connected. They must all be completely identical. It is necessary to alternate a pair of facial turns with a pair of purl ones.
  4. We close the loops on the last row and erase the left panel. This must be done so that the knitted children's leggings do not start to sit down over time.
  5. At the final stage, the panel needs to be sewn together. It is best to do the work with contrasting threads, as well as embroider something along the seam. Some decorate this place with ribbons, bows. You can use matching threads - then the product will come out practical, but at the same time quite modest.

Now the children's leggings are completely ready to wear. In general, such knitted products are very unpretentious in creation. You can make them with the most ordinary knitting needles. We only knit as carefully as possible, because you do all this for children.

Pink socks with holes for girls

Scheme of leggings with a relief pattern

Knitwear has been at the peak of popularity not so long ago. Every knitter, even a beginner, strives to create as many of her own masterpieces as possible for any occasion. Knitting long leggings with knitting needles is very easy. After a short period of time, a new fashion accessory for the girl will appear in the wardrobe.

Knitwear has recently been at the peak of popularity.

This piece of clothing is perfect for yoga. Yes, and in everyday life, he will certainly find a use. Especially for women who love casual style. With the help of the scheme, even a novice knitter can make women's leggings.

What is necessary:

  • 2 skeins of yarn;
  • circular needles.


  1. The required number of loops is dialed, which immediately close into a circle.
  2. The first fifteen rows are knitted in circular knitting with a simple elastic band, alternating a pair of facial and a pair of purl.
  3. After that, the pattern is knitted according to the scheme.
  4. In conclusion, circular lines are again performed with an elastic band.
  5. After that, all loops are closed.

Knee socks for beginners: step by step instructions

The knitting feature in this case is that the knee-highs are assembled from two parts. At the same time, they are very comfortable and beautiful.

Knitting step by step:

  1. Eighteen loops are typed and knitted with an English rubber band to a height of 23 centimeters.
  2. After that, the decrease begins according to the scheme: edging, six stitches with an English rubber band, a pair with an inclination to the left side together, a pair of facial ones together, six stitches with an English elastic band and an edging.
  3. The next line is knitted in accordance with the pattern.
  4. Then a line is knitted according to the scheme: hem, five stitches with an English rubber band, a pair with an inclination to the left together, a pair of front ones together, five stitches with an English rubber band and an hem line.
  5. Close the loops after this.
  6. In the same way, knit the second part, and then sew both blanks together.
  7. Pick up 36 stitches along the unsewn top edge of the sock on circular needles.
  8. Knit about 24 centimeters with front stitch, after which close the loops.
  9. From above, bend the product by three centimeters and flash it with a hidden seam.
  10. Tie shoelaces 65 centimeters in length.
  11. Pass them through the leg area.

The knitting feature in this case is that the knee-highs are assembled from two parts

Make small pom-poms and sew them to the ends of the laces.

How to knit leg warmers with knitting needles

The mittens are very easy to knit. It is not difficult to knit such half-gloves. If desired, you can improve the product using openwork patterns. But even the simplest knitting on this accessory looks exquisite.

What is necessary:

  • stocking knitting needles;
  • yarn of several colors;
  • scissors.

The mitts are very easy to knit.


  1. 54 stitches are typed, distributed on three knitting needles and immediately closed in a circle.
  2. The first four lines are knitted with an elastic band, alternating a pair of facial and purl.
  3. Then four rows are only knit.
  4. After that, every four rows, the color of the thread changes.
  5. Such manipulations are repeated until the length of the product is equal to nineteen centimeters.
  6. Four more lines are knitted with an elastic band and all stitches are closed.

Knitting leg warmers for girls

A novice craftswoman can also knit leggings for girls. Naturally, children's things should be bright and attractive, but for this it is not at all necessary to knit complex patterns. There are little secrets, using which even a completely inexperienced needlewoman will cope with this task.


  1. Fifty stitches are cast on the needles.
  2. After that, 110 lines are knitted with an elastic band. At the same time, a pair of facial turns alternate with purl ones.
  3. On the last row, the turns are closed, and the workpiece itself is necessarily erased. Thanks to this, the product will not change in size in the future when washing.
  4. The finished panel is sewn together with bright, contrasting threads.

A small bow is attached to the top of the product.

Do-it-yourself leggings with braids using knitting needles

The pigtail pattern is not in vain very popular. Firstly, it looks very attractive, and secondly, even a beginner can master such a scheme. The white leggings associated with this pattern no longer look sporty. They acquire an elegant, unusual look.


  1. The required number of loops is dialed, but always a multiple of twenty.
  2. The first row is performed according to the scheme: four purl, twelve facial and four purl.
  3. All even lines are knitted in accordance with the pattern.
  4. In the third row, four purl turns are made, after which four loops are transferred to an auxiliary knitting needle, and the next four are knitted with knitting needles, the loops are returned to the working knitting needle from the auxiliary knitting needle and knitted, then there are four purl and four knitting needles.
  5. In the future, the scheme will try from the very beginning until the workpiece is the desired length.

In the future, it remains only to sew the finished product.

How to knit leggings for dancing

Peculiar gaiters-socks are ideal for dancing. With their help, not only will it be possible to protect the muscles from hypothermia, but also minimize the risk of their stretching. The convenience of this model also lies in the fact that the toe and heel remain open. Among the materials and tools necessary for work, there are only a few: knitting needles, yarn and a hook. Knitting is done with knitting needles, and the finished product is only tied with a hook.

In order to create such an amazing accessory on your own, you just need to strictly adhere to the scheme below.

We knit gaiters

Knitting gaiters is not difficult at all, it is enough to pick up a soft yarn that is pleasant to the body. The very same manufacturing technique of this product is reduced to a minimum of actions. You don't even need a special pattern.

What is necessary:

  • yarn;
  • knitting needles of the appropriate size;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • linen gum.


  1. First of all, you need to decide on the required number of loops for knitting a waist fragment. For this purpose, a small fragment is knitted with an elastic band and the number of stitches on this element is considered. After that, it is calculated exactly how many stitches are needed for half the hip circumference.
  2. The required number of loops is dialed and knitted by alternating front and back turns.
  3. Knitting continues until the moment when it is necessary to start forming the legs.
  4. The number of loops is divided in half. One of these parts is moved to the auxiliary spoke.
  5. The rest of the loops continue to be knitted with working knitting needles, gradually tapering to the bottom until the leg length is the required size.
  6. Similarly, knit the second leg.
  7. The second part is knitted in the same way.
  8. The front and back are sewn together.
  9. In the upper part, the product is tucked and stitched.
  10. An elastic band is inserted in this area.

Knitting leg warmers: a detailed master class (video)

Knitting leg warmers for girls (video)

Only at first glance it may seem that it is very difficult to knit leggings, leggings or stockings. Thanks to step-by-step instructions and diagrams, this task will be up to novice needlewomen.

At different times leggings knitted were applied in different ways. In the 80s, they were worn during aerobics classes, because knitted leggings have an excellent warming effect, especially if they are knitted from a woolen thread. Now they are back in fashion. They are now at the peak of popularity, but they are worn by putting them on top of shoes: boots or low shoes. They look great with both trousers and a skirt, and can be striped, fishnet, and even with fur.

How to knit leg warmers

YOU WILL NEED: black yarn (100% wool, about 150g); stocking knitting needles No. 4; hook number 3

1. We collect 48 loops and knit in a circle 100 rows with an elastic band 2 by 2.

2. In the next row, we switch to knitting a hollow (two-sided) elastic band, while adding 12 loops, knitting them from broaches every 4 loops.

Advice: in the first row of a hollow elastic band, only front loops are knitted, therefore, in order for the increases to be the least noticeable, it is recommended to place them in places where the wrong loop should be. For example, we knit 1 front loop, remove 1 purl without knitting (the thread in front of the loop), 1 front loop, then from the broach, twisting, we form a loop and put it on the right knitting needle (in the next row this loop will be knitted as wrong). Then we knit 1 front, 1 remove, 1 front, 1 remove, 1 front and again make an increase from the broach. We alternate increases through 3 and 5 loops to the end of the row.

3. We knit 12 rows with a hollow elastic band and close the loops with a hook.

4. We tie the lower edge of the leggings according to the following scheme:

Knitted leggings. How to knit spats with knitting needles - a description of the work. Various options for how to wear leggings. Simple embellishments for knitted gaiters.

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Beautiful long version! Gaiters are grey.

YOU WILL NEED: for plain leggings 150 g of gray yarn and 50 g of light gray for striped leggings; set of stocking needles №2.5

KNITTING GAITERS: Elastic band: knit alternately 2 persons., 2 out.

Front surface: in circular knitting, knit faces.

Openwork patterns A-C: knit according to patterns A-C. In even circular p. all loops and nakida knit faces. Repeat stitch: 30 p. And 42 p. = 10 x 10 cm; openwork patterns A-C: 26 p. And 42 p. = 10 x 10 cm.


The stripes appear as if by magic when you knit these fun socks. They are knitted in stocking stitch in the round, no need to purl and sew the seams.

These gaiters are perfect for yoga or to cover up chilly spots on top of your boots.

DIMENSIONS: circumference 30.5 cm; length 40.5 cm.

YOU WILL NEED: 2 x 50g Regia Multi-color balls, 75% wool, 25% polyamide (dyed to give a chaotic stripe effect); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 3.5.

STITCH DENSITY: 22 stitches x 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm in stocking stitch. If necessary, change the needle size to achieve this gauge.


Leggings from drops

To look stylish and fashionable, while feeling comfortable, you need to knit leg warmers that fit high and low shoes (batillons, ankle boots), and any clothes. Beautiful drop leg warmers with a mysterious pattern will be a great addition to any outfit.

Leggings with a seam. knitting

YOU WILL NEED: 200g purple Mondial Merino Plus yarn (52% merino wool, 48% acrylic, 125m/100g); knitting needles number 6.
Knitting patterns.
Double elastic: with a contrasting thread, cast on half of the required loops. 1st row: with a working thread, knit * 1 knit., 1 yarn over *, repeat from * to *. 2nd row: * knit a crochet of faces., remove 1p. as out., without knitting, a thread before work *, repeat from * to *. 3rd and subsequent rows: * 1 person., Remove 1p. as out., thread before work *, repeat from * to *; dissolve the contrasting thread in the finished part.
Elastic band 2/2: alternately 2 persons., 2 out.
Knitting density, elastic band 2/2: 20p. and 18r. = 10x10cm.

Fashionable knitted leggings

Due to small decorations, even the simplest leg warmers, such as these knitted with a simple elastic band, will look original and unique every time. ) - 150 gr.; stocking knitting needles No. 4; hook number 3.

Provocative knitted leggings

You should definitely have these leggings - because these are the leggings that Jennifer Lopez danced in Flashdance MTV.

The model that is proposed to be knitted is longer and tighter than Jennifer's leggings, with an elastic at the top, their color is a little muted, but, nevertheless, these leggings are just as sparkling. Wear leg warmers over boots and jeans for a shopping trip, or with high heels and a dress for an evening out.
Difficulty level: for beginners.
Size: One size fits almost all.
Dimensions of the finished product: length - 70 cm, width - 14 cm (above), 11.5 cm (below).
You will need: 4 skeins of Classic Elite Lush (50% angora wool/50% wool, 50 g, 114 m1), color No. 4434 burgundy; 4 skeins of London Yarns Sinflex Lurex (60% copper/40% metallic fibre, 20g, 150m), color #111 pink; 1 pair of needles No. 9 (5.5 mm), other knitting needles can be used, provided that the knitting pattern corresponds to the measurements below; 1 pair of needles No. 8 (5 mm), other knitting needles can be used, provided that the knitting pattern matches the measurements below; needle for wool with a large eye.

Red leggings knitting with elements of Irish harnesses will warm you in bad weather, serve as an additional accessory both for playing sports and just for walking in the fresh air.

Irish braids are the most popular knitting motifs and come in countless patterns. The appearance of the tourniquet depends on how many rows will be crossed (crossing the loops). With an increase in the number of rows in the rapport, the tourniquet turns out to be softer and more plastic.

For work you will need: knitting needles, red yarn - 2 skeins (1 skein 100 gr), elastic thread, hook.

We knit leggings from the bottom up.

Dial on the needles 62 sang.

The circumference of the gum is 26 cm.

Knit 8 rows with an elastic band - 1 face, 1 wrong side.

Then we begin to knit the main pattern, for these leggings these are harnesses.

So, 6 face 6 wrong side, so we knit 6 rows up. Then we make a tourniquet from the front loops, namely, we divide it into 3 + 3 and change their places. The pattern will look beautiful if all the harnesses are tilted in one direction. We knit with the main pattern - 38 cm. Each twist of the tourniquet, through 6 rows. After completing the main drawing, it is necessary to make a row with holes, namely, in order to subsequently thread a lace into it. It is necessary to knit: slip the first loop 1 yarn over 1 together with face 5, 1 yarn over 1 together with face 2, 1 yarn over 1 together with face 2, 1 yarn over 1 together with face 5. Purl row knit as the loops look. 6 cm knit with an elastic band - 1 face, 1 wrong side. The total length of the gaiter is 37 cm. Insert an elastic band into the upper elastic band in order to prevent the product from stretching. Sew a gaiter.

Now let's start decorating. Crochet 60 cm of air loops, make a lace. Insert it into the holes that we made with the yarn. Make brushes, connect them with a lace. Align with the leg. Tie a bow and that's it - leggings knitting ready.

And what to do if you have sorely lack of time, and do-it-yourself knitted leggings have already begun to dream in your dreams.? There is an exit! Leggings can be SEWED from a boring knitted (knitted) item, for example, from a jumper that you have not liked for a long time, but looks pretty decent.

Knitted leggings have become an integral part of the wardrobe of modern fashionistas. This thing draws attention to cute female legs, and leggings are relevant not only in the cold season. Modern young girls wear them with great success even in summer.

So what is the difference between winter and summer models? Of course, in the yarn from which this thing is made. The main purpose of winter leggings is to create comfort and warmth. Therefore, for these warm models, it is best to choose yarn that contains natural sheep or any other wool. As for summer leggings, these light and weightless models are intended for decoration. Most often, they are loved by young ladies who strive to stand out from the general gray mass and demonstrate to everyone around them their peculiarity and sense of taste.


But there is another kind of leggings that some girls need every day. We are talking about special knitted leggings that are intended for dancing.

It is known that sports dancing is one of the favorite activities for a large number of young girls. Every person would like even clothes designed for training to have a special personality and make it possible to demonstrate their charm.

This is probably why, in recent years, the popularity of knitted leggings for dancing has increased especially strongly. But besides this, dancers attribute the increased demand for knitted leggings to the fact that they help to avoid stretch marks and many other troubles that can happen in any workout.

Consequently, no one will dare to doubt the importance and indispensability of this accessory. And finally, it remains to figure out how to knit leggings with knitting needles.

Hole knitting technology, for heel or heel

So what is the difference between ordinary leggings and those that are intended specifically for dancing? The creation process is the same and differs only in one thing: all dance leggings must have an open heel. This is necessary in order to be able to put them on directly on special shoes, as well as to keep them on the leg better.

Making a hole is easy.

After you knit five to seven centimeters of any model, pick up a hook. Cast on as many air loops on your hook as needed to close the length you need for the hole. That is, you will need to connect the received air loops in the next row in a circle with those loops of the previous row that will make up the circle of the intended hole.

That's the whole trick.


To knit any leggings, you will need only one hundred and fifty grams of yarn if you plan to knit a one-color model. For a striped model, the remnants of yarn are perfect, which are sure to be found in the arsenal of every needlewoman. You also need knitting needles that match the selected threads.

Model No. 1. Striped leggings

These striped leggings are ideal for bright girls who always strive to be the first in everything. In order to complete this model, you only need an initial level of skill in owning knitting needles. Type forty-eight loops with stocking or circular knitting needles and knit with an elastic band 2 x 2 (alternate two loops of faces and two loops of purl) ten centimeters. After that, go to work with a pattern of the front surface. That is, absolutely all subsequent rows will be knitted with facial loops.

The alternation of stripes can be very diverse. In the variant proposed above, the stripes alternate every four rows. In order to determine the final length of the future product, it is necessary to periodically apply work to the leg in the process of knitting.

Because only in this way will you be able to correctly calculate the number of rows needed to complete the work. You will definitely not be able to miss the knitting needles when making this product. Because these wonderful and funny stripes will replace each other with incredible speed and you will not notice for yourself how the work has come to its logical conclusion.

Model number 2. In an elastic band

The length of this model is 40 cm.

The main pattern with which this product is created

Elastic band 3 x 2 (that is, alternate three face loops and two wrong loops).

Knitting density

Twenty-two loops and thirty circular rows will create a square measuring 10 x 10 centimeters.

Description of work

Dial sixty loops free and without tightening and tie a straight fabric forty centimeters long with an elastic band. When you reach this length, close all the loops as they look.

It’s easy to understand how to work on leggings. And any craftswoman will be able to create this light and airy work of art in just two evenings. If you want to go even further, you can show your imagination and decorate your new thing with some decor items. Anything you can sew or glue will do. Such leggings will become a real designer thing that exists in a single copy. So get creative and don't be afraid to experiment.

Leggings knitted for every day

How to knit leggings with knitting needles yourself?

Initially, knitted leggings were part of sports uniforms. And to this day they are used by football players, people involved in aerobics. But over time, leggings began to be worn not only with sneakers, but also with high-heeled shoes. Gaiters can be knitted tightly and warm the leg, or they can be made with openwork knitting and provide only an aesthetic appearance to their owner.

Where to start for beginners?

Before knitting leggings with knitting needles, it would be nice for beginners to figure out what types of loops and patterns can be, read the description. The simplest products can be knitted using purl and facial loops. The front loops are knitted with knitting needles in the face, the wrong ones on the wrong side. So you get a simple one-sided canvas.

If you knit only the front loops or only the wrong ones, you will get a two-sided product. To knit more complex, you need to know other knitting options. You can find information about knitting, tips, lessons, videos, the alphabet in our corresponding section on the website.

Knitting pattern for women's leggings "Owl"

This knitting is called garter. A simple elastic band can be obtained by simply knitting the purl and front sides in turn. It can be one facial, one purl, or two facial, two purl, etc. In order to fix the product, it will be necessary to make an elastic band from the lowered loops. It is called hollow.

Description of types of leggings

Gaiters can be plain, multi-colored or connected with any pattern. Beginners are not advised to immediately knit complex patterns. Because it is easy to get confused in them, and if the knitting process has not yet developed, then the loops will be different in volume, this will be visible in the finished product. For example, leggings with braids will look very nice, but beginners should not take on such a scheme. But to make stripes on the product they will be quite capable. The finished product is usually crocheted.

Do not use too thin or too thick yarn for knitting leggings. Leg warmers made of thin yarn are very difficult to knit, but they are uncomfortable to wear from thick yarn.

As a rule, for standard leggings, 48 ​​loops are cast on the knitting needles. But you can also focus on your own foot size.

How to take measurements? Description

Gaiters can be knitted with 2 or 5 knitting needles. It is difficult to say which method will be the most convenient. In the first version, the canvas will need to be sewn. And in the second case, the correct distribution of loops in a circle will be required. In any case, it will be necessary to take measurements:

  • volume of the leg under the knee;
  • caviar volume;
  • leg volume;
  • distance from the knee to the middle of the calf;
  • distance from the center of the calf to the ankle.

If you make leggings without a seam, then you will not need a pattern. If the seam is present, then the pattern will definitely be needed.

How to make a pattern? Description

Take a graph paper and draw a rectangle on it. Its largest side is the length of the product. Smaller - calf circumference. Lay this rectangle vertically. The short sides will need to be divided in half. Connect their middles with one line. Now it will be necessary to mark the vertical.

From the line above, set aside the distances from the knee to the center of the calf and from the center of the calf to the ankle. Now it will be necessary to draw lines that will be parallel to the horizontal sides. On the line above, set aside the half-girths of the leg under the knee on both sides. On the lowest line, it will be necessary to postpone the ankle girth. On all sides, connect the ends of the lines with a smooth curve. At the bottom it will be necessary to make a lapel in the form of a rectangle. See knitting description below.

Knitting tutorial for beginners

You will need:

  • 2 skeins of yarn, preferably Galway;
  • circular knitting needles No. 6;
  • knitting marker.

Knitting density - 24 loops and 16 rows. The length of the product is 40.5 centimeters, the width is 27.5. The diameter of the elastic band is approximately 13 centimeters.

Important note: the number of loops you cast on must be a multiple of 4. So if you want to increase the width of the gaiters, then simply cast on the knitting needles in all rows more loops by a number that is a multiple of 4.

Abbreviations to be used:

  • l.p. - front loop;
  • i.p. - purl loop.

Knitting pattern with knitting needles

1 circle: 2 slp, front behind the back wall of the loop, 1 ip;

2 circle: 2 l.p. together, nakid, 1 l.p. 1 i.p.;

3 circle: 3 l.p., 1 i.p.;

4 circle: 1 st, yarn over, slip two loops on the knitting needle on the right, transfer them to the knitting needle on the left, knit together behind the back wall of the loop; 1 i.p.

Description of work

It will be necessary to dial 48 loops on the knitting needles, connect in a circle, put on a marker. Knit with an elastic band for about 5 centimeters. Alternate 2 knit and 2 purl stitches. Knit another 5-10 centimeters with the main pattern. Now start adding loops. On every fourth row, add a loop on the left and right. Repeat all of this about 8 times.

The result should be 64 loops. Continue knitting leggings with the main pattern. After 30 centimeters of the product is ready, you can begin to reduce the loops. To do this, in every second row, remove a loop on the left and right.

You need to repeat this action twice. You should have 60 loops. Knit the remaining 5-10 centimeters with an elastic band. Now fasten the loops, make a strong knot and cut the thread. You should get beautiful sports leggings. Like these ones:

What to wear with leggings?

There are many options here. They are very versatile, so they will look great with both a tracksuit and a classic one. Leggings will look quite fashionable in combination with jeans. They also go well with a short skirt or shorts. Gaiters can also be worn over shoes and boots.

Extravagant ladies can afford to wear leggings with sneakers. Gaiters can be worn in any season. For the summer, it is better to wear openwork light leggings, for winter, woolen ones with convex patterns are suitable, which will perfectly warm the legs.

In fashion boutiques, leggings will cost quite a lot, so why pay extra money if you can knit this wardrobe item yourself. With clear knitting patterns, this can be done in just a couple of days. All you need is a ball of thread, knitting needles and a crochet hook. Read the description carefully.