How to decorate a classic gentle pink dress. Pink Dress: Casual and Evening Classic Images

Picking up options what to wear a pink dressFirst of all, it should be considered what Pink Pink has your outfit: Light shades look more advantageously with a few other combinations than bright or dark.

For example, pale-pink dress Good to add white elements of the wardrobe. Such an ensemble will help make an image particularly easy and charming. Dark Pink Dressit is harmoniously combined with black. However, in order not to overload the outfit and not make it too gloomy, the black color should not be much. Beautiful emphasis will help create, for example, a black belt around the waist or elegant finish from black lace.

Another way to successfully lend pink color is to combine it with bright green shades. For example, it can be a green sewer or jacket, put on top pink dresses. Of course, this option is not at all for the modests. No less bright image will result in a combination of pink with yellow.

Especially feminine will look red, burgundy or even purple supplements. Moreover, the most interesting effect can be achieved by choosing cold shades of these tones that will dominate the ensemble.

Girls, with a calm classic, not tuned to bold experiments, will like the combination of pink and gray. At the same time, one universal rule is valid here: than rich in the color of the dress, the smallest supplements should be in its shade.

Pink dress shoes

Choice of shoes under pink dress, especially under the evening, recognized by stylists of one of the most difficult tasks. So, someone advises to stop their choice on minimalistic boats of white color , other fashion experts consider classic win-win black shoes or high Heel Sandals .

In fact, pink dress shoesmay be hardly anyhow - it all depends on the features of the Leson and the shade of a particular outfit. For example, a saturated color of fuchsia is almost always a successful solution. raspberry shoes or violet sandals . To the bright dress are perfectly suitable lilac color shoes , cream or caramel colors. The main condition is the color to be darker than themselves pink dress.

In addition, it is possible to experiment with shoes and sandals of combined colors, as well as with metallic effect.

Accessories for pink dresses

Accessories I. decorations to Pink Dresstypically selected so that they are harmonized with shoes. For example, if you give preference to white shoes, the ensemble is the most logical to supplement the same white satin or silk clutch. For handbag, scarf or strap, you can also choose black or silver shades. Pink dressit will be implicitly looked with golden-colored accessories. Original nature can use lilac tones (but it is important to combine the shades correctly). In any case, the handbag should not be too large in size or burdened with excessive decor.

As for jewelry, their choice depends on the daytime it is an image or evening. So, for everyday wear, small earrings with transparent stones and universal chains are suitable with incomplete coulters. For evening exit, you can safely use massive bracelets and rings, large earrings, sophisticated necklace, fur, feathers, bright shiny capes (of course, not all of the above).

Very neat and refreshing image, relevant in almost any situation, can be created thanks to decorations with natural or artificial pearls.

Jewelry to a pink dressmaybe on the contrary, contrasting in its color. For example, a wide black plastic bracelet in combination with black lacquered shoes and a clutch, will allow to emphasize the brightness and depth of pink shade. A similar effect will help to achieve experiments with beige, light brown or purple accessories, hues of ivory or tea roses.

The choice of accessories to a pink dress depends on what fabric it is sewn: more dense matter requires solid additions with straight lines and geometric shapes, and light and flowing models can be worn with original feminine author's decorations.

Suitable shoes for pink dresses can be basic color, and contrast

Choose shoes under a pink dress of bright shade

Bright things solo and attract attention. What pink dress shoes will be combined harmoniously depends on its shade.

Selecting a couple, it is important to pay attention to the style and fabric, but more important than the shade. Bright shades of pink - this is:

  • amarantine;
  • american pink;
  • fuchsia;
  • neon-pink;
  • purple pink;
  • crimson;
  • pink kraio;
  • bright pink.

These are the main colors of the palette. These are bright shades for bold girls who are not afraid to be the center of attention. Choosing such a dress, do not forget about shoes and accessories. Here the stylists advise two strategies.

  1. Shoes neutral or basic color. Beige, cream, light brown, gentle pink, gray or black colors will not compete with clothing and balance screaming.
  2. Shoes of harmonious or contrasting colors. Bright yellow, orange, green and dark green, purple and bright blue. These shades will emphasize the tone of the dress and will look appropriate in an informal setting.

To along with the colors of fuchsia or raspberry, silver or golden shoes can be put on. They will complete a bright image. But be careful, it should glisten something one thing - or shoes, or a dress, or another accessory.

Do not get drunk by a variety of palettes, in the ensemble it is permissible to combine no more than two bright tones

Editor's Choice: The Whole Trends of Spring 2012

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With what shoe wearing a gentle pink dress

Pastel tones make a girl tender and sublime. The bright colors of roses go everyone, young fashionable in them Miles and innocents, ladies aged - fresh and mysterious. Choose shoes to a gentle pink dress easier than to the bright way. All pastel tones are perfectly harmonized with each other and create an indescribable individual palette.

At the same time, calm pink shades should not be in excess. Only very young girls can be carried away. The rest should be observed and limited to three combinations.

Best of all with pastel-pink tones are combined:

  • soft blue;
  • light gray;
  • white;
  • purple;
  • silver;
  • beige.

Pay attention to the style of shoes. Light colors will attract attention to the legs, especially if the dress is not long. Shoes or sandals should not be cumbersome, of coarse material or on a thick platform. It takes the soft image and makes a disharmony. Simple boats or sandals on thin straps - the perfect option.

Most girls love jewelry, but not everyone knows how to pick up decorations to their outfits. Meanwhile, the wrong choice can greatly spoil the overall impression of the toilet. To successfully select jewelry to the dress, you will need to remember a few simple recommendations.

How to choose the right jewelry to along? First of all, you should never forget about the format of the event that you are going to, that is, you should remember the relevance of your choice. In addition, you will need to remember several important rules:

  • Moderation primarily. The desire to put on "all the best immediately" is often inherent in young girls. However, a lot is not beautiful. All decorations can be divided into two types. The first is the one that goes to face. It is earrings, necklaces, chains with cooling, beads, brooches. The second type is used to decorate the hands, these are bracelets, rings, clock. For everyday image, it is enough to use one decoration from the first and second group. For example, put on earrings and bracelet, or chain and ring. For the festive, along with three decorations, but not more.
  • When choosing jewelry should consider the properties of the fabricFrom which she sews out a hand. Winter models from dense materials can be combined with massive decorations. For light and flowing tissues, elegant jewelry is suitable.

  • Harmony in everything. Decorations should fit the style to the toilet and go through each other. It will be ridiculous to look a pearl necklace in combination with a plastic bracelet.
  • To bright and catchy outfits, it is recommended to choose modest decorations and vice versa.

  • It is not recommended to complement the decorations of dresses, stitched from shiny tissues. As well as models that have a neck is decorated with embroidery, frills, lace, jabro or bow. Do not need jewelry on the neck and to outfits with the American Premime. It is undesirable to use decorations to a dress on one shoulder, especially if the only strap has a decor (rhinestones, embroidery, etc.). Only earrings and bracelet should be put on only the dress.

Harmony color

The color of the outfit largely determines the choice of jewelry. You can pick up the decorations to the dress on the principle of contrast, but this contrast should not make a disharmony into the image. The second option is the choice of decorations for the color of the outfit. But in this case, you need to follow the decorations not "lost" on the background of the dress.

In addition, choosing the color of jewelry, you need to consider your type of appearance. Flooking girls go to decorations of cold tones, the owners of dark skin are perfectly suitable for warm shades.

Successful solutions

Here are some harmonious combinations:

  • Blue Dress Silvery decorations will be available in all its glory, if you need to put a bright accent, then you should choose a dark red jewelry.
  • Additional decorations are not particularly needed, since the color is self-sufficient. But if you want to use jewelry, you need to pick it up, depending on the destination of the toilet. So, for the evening exit in red perfectly fit the decorations of the shade of gold, as well as black. For the everyday option, you can use jewelry of white or red tones (red should not match the tone with the dress, it should be lighter or darker).

  • Burgundy dress Saturated shade need gold decorations. Good fit burgundy dresses Different "berry" shades - blueberry, black, cruising.
  • Easy to choose decorations to beige dressSince this color is well combined with the most different shades.

  • Yellow dress It is worth adding violet color jewelry. To create a gentle romantic image, it is better to use light tones (lilac, violet). Decoration of a purple and eggplant shade against the backdrop of a yellow dress is an option for more bold girls.
  • Bright fuchsia color dress It is necessary to complement black or silver decorations.

  • Green dress Wire a new decoration of gold or silver color. A bright accent can be put using a coral jewelry.
  • To a gray dress Achromatic gamma decoration (white, gray, black) are not suitable. To this, along, it is better to choose more bright jewelry, for example, pistachio or purple.

  • White dress You can complement with colored decorations. Red and blue color will make an image of an elegant, pastel shades are suitable for creating romantic bows.
  • Black dress Add the sophistication of pearls. And for everyday bows you can use any color decorations.

  • For the outfit, you should not choose multicolored decorations. It is worth choosing one of the shades present in the colors of the outfit, and choose the jewelry of exactly this color.
  • It is difficult to choose jewelry. Decorations to such an order should have the most simple design minimum decor. The color is selected under one of the shades of the cell.

Dresses Style Decorations

When choosing jewelry, it is very important to take into account the style, appointment of the dress and fabric from which he sews.

For evening

So, evening toilets are often sewn from monochrome beautiful fabrics with a smooth, textured or shiny surface. When choosing jewelry, you need to follow the rule: rigid and laconic design can be combined with massive and catchy decorations. Dresses of a complex cut should be selected elegant and modest decorations.

When selecting Serag, it is worth navigating the hairstyle. For high styling, you can use long earrings strings or pushs. If the hair is disappeared, then it is better to choose massive earrings.

Cocktail Dresses

You can pick up a variety of decorations to cocktail dresses, the main thing is that they fit in style. So, massive bracelets and necklaces are well suited to the dress-case. Lightweight fabric dresses on straps should pick up thin elegant chains.

Summer dresses

Decorations for summer casual dresses may be catchy and large. Today, natural materials are in fashion, so it is worth using wood products or semi-precious stones. But the plastic jewelry in combination with the summer dress may look stylish. For the outfit from smooth-painted fabric it is worth selecting the motley decorations, for color - monophonic.

Office Style

A business dress is to pick up decorations in a classic strict style. The optimal solution is to use one element, such as a snag or brooches.

Choosing a decoration depending on the cutting of the neck

Most often, errors are allowed when choosing chains, beads and necklaces. Since it should take into account not only the color of the toilet and its style, but also the shape of the neck. We will figure it out how to choose jewelry to the dress cut.

  • Bustier. For the evening, the model with fully open shoulders are popular. Many girls mistakenly believe that any type of decorations are suitable for this evening. But stylists do not recommend using massive necklaces or multilayer beads for such dresses. Perfect choice - elegant decoration around the neck. The decoration should not be located below the subclavian fox.
  • Cutout letter V. Such a cut can be deep and moderate, but in any case, long chains are categorically not suitable for such clothes. The pendant is to choose a geometric shape, resembling the shape of the cutout.

  • Round neck dress. Massive ornaments or long chains are perfectly suitable for such clothes.
  • Clothes with high throats (collar rack). The best choice for such a dress Long thread beads or multi-layered decoration, worn over the dress.

  • Cutting boat under the throat. You can not wear jewelry on the neck, limiting earring to such a dress. But if you wish, you can wear a thin long chain with a pendant.

Jewelry for the bride

Recommendations for the choice of jewelry to the wedding along the general are similar to the fact that they are given for evening toilets. For snow-white dress, use jewelry with pearls, white metal and transparent stones. In the event that a dress with colored trim, you can use jewelry with stones in the decor's color.

For a wedding image, you can use the decoration on the neck (necklace, pendant) and earrings. Hair decorations are often used - diadems, hoops, hairpins with pearls, etc. Rings and bracelets should not wear, on this day the wedding ring should be the most important hand decoration.

And it is not possible not to be perceived by surrounding without hidden subtext. In the imagination of the majority, at the mention of him, either a four-year-old girl in the pink lace and a blonde with silicone lips, or a Barbie doll. The site dress for you decided to stand on the defense of this item of the wardrobe. We speak a pink dress yes! But only when compliance with the condition: you need to know what to wear a pink dress.

Pink and gray

We will start with one of the most beautiful color combinations. The pink dress of a gentle pastel shade will be delightful to look with gray accessories. And although such a detail of the wardrobe, like a pink dress, most, probably seems to be a summer attribute, a combination of gray and pink will be appropriate. Purpose on top of a pink cozy cardigan of gray wool. Pick gray boots. In such an outfit, you will be the embodiment of femininity and tenderness.

Pink and black

Another classic combination is the color pair "Pink + Black". Black color excellently complement the pink dress of any shade. Black or tape will indicate a thin waist.

Black heel shoes will make you slimmer and graceful. It remains to complement the rose decorations of black and tiny black clutch - and you will be a star on.

By the way, thanks to the jacket and accessories of the black color, the pink case of a case may well fit into the office style, despite its apparent frivolity.

Pink and white

Supplementing the pink dress with white accessories, you will withstand a common feminine and air style of your dress, but will soften with some puppetiness that gives the dress in general. White bag, small white rustling, white beads or a large white bracelet in a set with a pink dress is a great solution for the young cheerful person in a ribbon day.

Pink and pink

If your love for pink color is so strong that nothing is powerful above it, you can add a pink dress accessories of a more intense shade of this color.

Pink and green

The combination of Fuchsia flowers and fresh spring greenery looks very positive and pleases the eye. You can use green color not only in accessories, but also in make-up.

Pink and red

A little aggressively looks like a pink dresses with red accessories. It is very important to harmoniously pick up shades. This outfit will position you as a girlfriend who is a lot of life, confident, open to communicate.

Pink and beige

One of the safe ensembles is a pink dress, complemented by beige bag and beige shoes. Thanks to such shoes, your legs will seem longer. Through the neck of the cute handkerchief of beige color. Or pick a couple of gold jewelry.

Do not forget that a pink dress presents certain requirements for makeup. It should be set aside in gentle and natural colors. Use pink shadow for makeup - a big risk: they are able to give eyes sickness. Shades of gold, beige and gray in make-up will well complement the image of a girl in a pink dress.

And do not listen to those who are trying to convince you that a pink dress is defiantly and tasteless, or that after 30 on pink color in the wardrobe should be imposed veto.

Learn from Hollywood stars and recognized style icons - Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Peltow, Sarah Jessica Parker. These ladies know what to wear a pink dress, and can serve themselves in it. And no one has thoughts to doubt the impeccability of their taste and feelings of the style.

Pink has always been a symbolic color for female, it is absolutely nice color. But when our age turns over 25, we, as the true lady, are already starting to be cautious, and trying to understand what to wear pink things so that it was simultaneously and stylish and appropriate.

As you already understood today, we will understand what to wear pink elements of clothing, as many of us have difficulty creating stylish images from parts in pink color, although in school years and in the student of it was much easier.

Pink color looks good with brown, red, black, white, green, blue, olive, gray, and is also well combined with turquoise and blue pastel.

How and with what to wear a pink dress?

Before buying such a dress, you should concentrate on choosing a classic silhouette without finishing and layering. You need the easiest pink dress in a pale color spectrum. Wearing a pink dress in a pair with white or beige. A good ensemble will work with a white jacket and straile shoes. As for the bag, the best combination will definitely be beige. By the way, shoes can even be a purple shade.

Focus on the shades of green, gray and blue.

Of course, many of us know that it is better to wear a pink pair with red, white, black. But the stylists advise to deviate from the stereotype polished and go to the green and blue tones. Combine a pink shirt with a magnificent skirt and white bag, and a practically a raspberry skirt with a blue cardigan, a gray t-shirt and brown-like shoes.

Office option.

For the business environment, you can always choose a pencil skirt, a clutch in pink and white blouse and shoes. Denim straight skirt in blue colors wear with a contrasting pink top or blouse. It is important to ensure that the image makes up the details in the restrained style.

For women, after 30, it is better to choose the shades of pink pastels. Such a pink tonality should be worn with white, gray and even a low-speed, but contrasting print. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of putting fashionable shoes on the platform and high heels. Do not know what to wear pink jeans? Choose a white t-shirt and a pale gray-beige blazer. To a pink business suit, you should wear trendy black shoes of a closed type.

Male style in women's clothing.

Men's clothing in pink color very harmoniously fit into the image. Therefore, you should not neglect such a style decision.

What to wear a pink leather jacket.

The most correct decision will be a pink leather jacket with neutral black things without accessories. It can be black jeans and a shirt, as well as monochrome with a light print overalls or dress. Shoes and bag also choose neutral tones.

Pink pants for every day.

Wearing pink pants are needed with dark contrasting top. It can be: both black leather top and light T-shirt with a blue triple.

Accessories in pink color.

Pink accessories complement the image only if all your clothes are made in neutral tones. The pink bag is perfectly combined with a blue blazer and sneakers, but the dress should be predominantly white coloring. But the scarf of such a gentle color is better combined with black coats and jeans.


When choosing a dress or a sweater with a pink print, always adhere to minimalism. It follows, first of all, to give preference to geometric prints. For the second already floral motifs.

Lover coat Kate Middleton has a beautiful pink coat in his arsenal, which she always carries a pair with black pantyhose and shoes. Other celebrities also often use such a color in clothing, but always adhere to the rules of its combination with other shades.

Pink color over the seasons has been enjoying ever increasing popularity. In the proposed video, Evelina Khromchenko will tell how to wear pink shades properly depending on age, style and hair color.