How to arrange a child in the mother's mother's singing. The procedure for making documents for the device of the child to a children's home boarding system of social protection of the population

Children are the meaning of the life of many parents, their pride, joy, heirs of family values \u200b\u200band surnames. Therefore, some serious life situation should arise so that Mom, Dad and other relatives can give up from the kid. It is even difficult to imagine what can happen in the family so that parents began to find out whether it is possible to pass the child to the orphanage.

Legislation does not prohibit this action, because with parents a child can live in unbearable conditions. Moreover, this can be a decision of the guardianship. This article will be discussed whether it is possible to pass the child to an orphanage, how to do what documents need.

Causes of refusal of children

If the mother and father have a detrimental habits (alcoholic or narcotic dependence), and are also able to raise the hand to their child, then in this case the children's home for the child becomes salvation. Of these families, children take care.

Parents for whom are more important than alcohol and drugs, do not think about how to pass the child to an orphanage. Why do they think about it if they even remember their children about their children?

What reasons are the prosperous families for the refusal of children? There are no such parents who would be perfect for all criteria. Children are often unhappy with their ancestors, because they constantly indicate that you need to do how to live correctly. Parents are also often not satisfied with the behavior of their own child, which becomes unbearable.

But in most cases, all the quarrels of fathers and children end out safely, the family remains the same, no one has thoughts to seek the answer to the question of how to pass the child to the orphanage.

It may be abandoned from their own children due to serious conflicts (parents divorced, everyone decided to live for themselves, and the baby became a hindrance in personal happiness).

The society often condemns such adults, but it is incorrect, because people do not know the real reasons for such a deed. Very often, the child remains with a mother, which cannot contain it. Therefore, for the good of the baby (so that it was a full, hoop, dressed) she makes a decision to give it in the orphanage.

In the event of a serious disease of the parents or one of them, the child is not always ready to shelter close relatives (aunt, uncle, grandparents). So that he did not see how people are dying to him, he is given in the orphanage.

If an accident occurred in a prosperous family, in connection with which adults are no longer alive, the guardianship authorities determine children in the shelter.

Parents are leaving for earnings

It also happens that the mother, which one brings up a child, decided to go to earnings, and her baby takes it no opportunity. Then she thinks about how to pass the child to an orphanage for a while. However, it does not happen, because the orphanage is not a toy, but a serious state institution that fully assumes the content and education of the child.

You can pay the child for the time of earnings (watch, the unpleasurities of life and so on) in the boarding school, where he will look after it will look after the parents decide their financial problems.

Back to the children's house

Very often there is a situation when they take from the orphanage, and then returned back. Overly to talk about psychological injury that children inflicts such behavior of adults. Therefore, you need to think about it a hundred times and weigh everything, and already take a new member to your family.

Is it possible to pass the baby back to the orphanage? The children are adopted by those pairs that cannot or do not want to start their own. Taking the baby from the shelter, it is impossible to know what character traits he inherited from his blood parents. In addition, a child can develop a psychological disease that cannot be noticed initially. Responsible people are trying to correct the negative behavior of the adopted child, which has already become native in fact, to treat all his illnesses. The unconscious are brought back in the orphanage.

If spouses already have their own children, the adoptive child can adopted negatively affect them or apply physical violence to them. In this case, the health of blood heap is more expensive, and a adopted son or daughter is sent back to the shelter. It also happens that native children mock the reception, because they consider him a stranger.

Of course, in the event of any problems with the adopted child, parents are obliged to find their decision: to hold conversations, try to reconcile with their children, seek help from specialists. There are many useful recommendations regarding the establishment of a family with adopted children of a normal healthy atmosphere. Before adoption, potential parents must study them and clearly make aware of whether they will be able to become truly native to the baby. Then you do not have to find out how to pass the child to the orphanage.

Lack of mutual understanding as the reason for the child

Not all parents have enough skills and experience to cope with whims and bad behavior of their own children. Why the child began to behave inappropriately, the answer is uniquely impossible, since the cause can be mass. But the main thing is the loss of parents authority. Many dads and mothers in such situations begin to be interested in how to pass the child to an orphanage for educational purposes.

Usually aggressive behavior begins in adolescence. The child becomes uncontrollable: runs away from the house, walks school, comes in bruises, grubbles and snaps, can start stealing valuable things or sell something out of his. Sometimes threats from such a child can be poured towards the ancestors. Some parents do not think that they made a mistake in the upbringing when their child was still quite small, they are not looking for other ways to correct the situation. They see the exit only in one - shifting responsibility for their offspring on the shoulders of others (in this case of the state).

Under such circumstances, parents have an alternative - to give a child not in the orphanage, but in the boarding office. They will be able to take him home on vacation or for holidays, maintain a close connection with their chance while they will be engaged in specialists.

Documents for the design of the child in the orphanage

Parents should clearly understand that it is possible to send a child to an orphanage only subject to the deprivation of parental rights. If the baby has both mother, and father, they should abandon him. If such a baby has other relatives, the age and state of health of which does not impede them to arrange guardianship, but they do not want to do this, then the child is recognized as a round orphan. The state takes care of him.

Regardless of the age of the child, he is a full-fledged citizen of the country in which he lives. Therefore, when placing it in the children's shelter, it is necessary to provide a package of documents.

You can find out the full list of necessary papers in the custody and guardianship bodies at the place of residence. They will also be able to respond to any emerging issues related to the procedure for refusing a child.

Registration takes some time, because one decision of the parents is not enough. It will take more approval of local authorities and state organizations, as well as the decision of the court on the deprivation of parental rights. The main documents that will be needed in this case are:

  1. Child's passport if he already has. In the absence of a birth certificate.
  2. If there is not one of the documents listed above, then the medical certificate is issued, in which the child's age should be indicated, its health condition.
  3. The conclusion of the housing conditions of the kid, if he is taken from a disadvantaged family.
  4. If children of school age, then it is necessary to provide a certificate of education.
  5. Data on parents or one of them, if the second is missing.
  6. which belongs to the child personally.

These documents may also be needed. It all depends on the specific case.

We give to the children's home without refund

How to pass a child to an orphanage forever? If parents cannot provide all necessary children, then they will take care of the children's home. In this case, the kid will remain there forever or until the adoption of other people.

Adults who put children in the orphanage can ask for the provision of opportunity to see them if the child agrees. However, this is permissible only until the baby will not adopt other people. In this case, all dating will be banned with him. In fact, blood parents lose it forever.

This consists of a great difference from the premises of the child in the boarding school. At the same time, the father and mother of parental rights do not deprive, and nobody has the right to adopt.

In an orphanage, the child is under the protection of the state in full material support. Forever, the child stay in this institution cannot, because he will soon reach the age of majority. Mutted children can work and ensure themselves independently, as well as think about creating their own family.

The order of delivery of the baby in boarding school

When it was decided to give children to the boarding school for their own good, then you need to know what will have to do for this. To make a child, you will need to write a statement to the relevant authorities and provide them with a package of documents.

In the event that the children reached the age in excess of 10 years, then it is necessary to ask their opinion on this. The final decision on the design of the child in the boarding school is adopted by guardianship authorities. If there is serious grounds for the babe in this institution, there is a written agreement between OOPs, parents and boarding school.

The following data must be specified in this document:

  1. How much time is a child in the institution.
  2. The possibility of visits and their order.
  3. Duties of the parties.
  4. What psychological support is needed by a child or parents.
  5. Responsibility of the parties.

If adults will not violate the compiled agreement, the child will be able to return to the family. Such a method can be used to correct the behavior of children, as well as if it became necessary to give the child to the boarding school for a while.

To the children's home

This is also theoretically possible, but this procedure is incredibly complex. How to pass the child to an orphanage for prevention for a while?

As mentioned above, it will take a formally executed refusal of the child. When the decision is made on this issue, in fact, the parents of the baby are not already. They can visit him, give him toys and things, buy sweets and so on. But at any time people may appear who want to take this child into their family.

Blood parents in this situation will not be able to do anything. If it so happened that their baby did not like anyone, and they themselves had already decided all their questions, pick up a child from the orphanage they can, but only after their parental rights will be restored.

This procedure is even more complicated than the failure. Parents will have to provide certificates about their material status, housing conditions, health, psychological atmosphere in the family and so on.

How to pass a child for 12 years in an orphanage?

On the boarding school and the orphanage only minors (up to 18) take. Therefore, a 12-year-old child can be handed over. This will take into account the opinion of the Chad itself. It is important to note that the shelter takes children from all age. Baby, as a rule, are defined in the house of Baby, where they live up to 3 years. Then they are transferred to the orphanage. In the boarding schools, as a rule, schoolchildren.

How to pass your child to an orphanage in Russia?

In the Russian Federation, children who remained without parents or without their ensuing can be hit in the Delivery. Also taken children from which guardians and close relatives refused. Reception of the child is carried out by decision of the guardianship. To pass the children in such an institution in Russia, the following order is provided:

  1. A statement should be written for the decoration of the child in the orphanage.
  2. Document on the deprivation of parental rights.
  3. Copies of the birth certificate and passport (for 14-year-old) are provided.
  4. Copies of personal documents of parents or guardians.
  5. Information about children and their relatives.
  6. Act of housing conditions where a child was.
  7. Help on the psychological state of the baby.
  8. Rehabilitation program (for children -inalid person).

The decision to admit a child to the government is issued after studying the current situation provided by documents and the conclusion of guardianship bodies.

How in Belarus how do this question solve?

How to pass a child to an orphanage in Belarus? Reception is carried out on the basis of the following data:

  1. Registration is carried out on the basis of the direction of medical organizations in which there were children who need permanent assistance and having physical deviations.
  2. By decision of the guardianship or minors' affairs committees.
  3. According to parents or guardians, a disabled child to assist him.
  4. In the direction of guardianship bodies related to the deprivation of parental rights spouses.
  5. Children from disadvantaged families living in bad conditions are accepted.
  6. A child who lost both parents from which relatives refused.


It is worth remembering that the decision to put children in the orphanage should be thoughtful and adopted by both parents. For the baby it is better to live in a prosperous family. If a child cannot fully develop a child with native parents, does not receive enough food, heat and care, it is better for him to live in an orphanage.

Not all families have the opportunity to fully contain their children, giving them everything necessary for existence and integrated development. At the same time, they have a desire to preserve parental rights. The only correct option in this case will be the temporary room of children in the boarding school. But before performing this procedure, it is necessary to get acquainted with its features.

Boarding school

In the territory of the Russian Federation, there is a huge number of boarding schools, where you can send your children. Before you decide on such a step, you need to think about whether it really should be done. Indeed, in some cases, the transfer of a son or daughter for a long period can provoke negative consequences in the form of deprivation of parental rights. And no one guarantees that in the future they can be restored.

The domestic boarding system allows you to transfer children for a certain time in a closed boarding school. True, before sending a child to the boarding school without depriving parental rights, it is strongly recommended to read about our own rights and obligations.

Causes of the need to place in boarding school

The reasons for which parents make a decision to put their own children in the boarding school, there are quite a lot.

  1. Lack of sufficient material support for the full content of the whole family.
  2. Permanent occurrence of problems on psychological soil.
  3. Transfer to the boarding school as one of the ways of punishment for very serious misconduct - for example, for theft of money from a family budget, very poor performance and permanent abuse, abuse of alcohol (when the children are affected by the bad companies).

Before transferring its child to the boarding school, it is necessary to remember that his consent will not need if age does not exceed ten years. If exactly 10 years turned out, starting from this point on, employees of the guardianship and guardianship bodies should necessarily clarify his opinion. When it fails, the requirements of parents will automatically be considered canceled. Accordingly, to give a little man to the boarding school, subject to the simultaneous deprivation of parental rights.

Location of location

When the baby gets into the territory of the children's boarding school, parents must agree on the timing of its location. In accordance with the requirements of domestic legislation, it is established by the general consent of the parents and the head of the institution. The question of determining the duration of staying in the boarding school can also coordinate its legal representatives.

After the term is consistent with orally, the agreement is enshrined in writing. This includes the corresponding order of the director. The residences (residence) groups are usually located on the territory of the boarding school for five days. During this time, they will regularly receive five-volume nutrition. Pupils of primary classes, as well as children with mental disorders, physical abnormalities, always go on day sleep.

How to send a child to the boarding school without deprivation of parental rights

Many are asked the next question - and whether it is possible to make a child in the boarding school, without having lost his parental rights. In fact, such an opportunity is really allowed. In total, the procedure is as follows.

  1. conducting an individual conversation with the baby, psychological preparation for the upcoming event;
  2. appeal to specialized state bodies;
  3. collect all the necessary documents;
  4. transmission of the collected packet of papers for checking;
  5. obtaining a solution;
  6. conducting an individual consultation with the boarding school to harmonize common and additional conditions.

Where to turn

There are two institutions that will have to visit in obligatory - this is the representation of the guardianship and guardianship authority in your city and boarding school. To arrange your son or daughter in an institution, you must first write a statement and attach the necessary documents to it. They will first consider representatives of the OOP.

If they are convicted of the feasibility of placing children in the boarding school, then parents need to go to his director. The coordination of all conditions occurs in trilateral basis - between parents, director and employees of the OOP. The result of the negotiations is to draw up a tripartite agreement.

This moments are indicated here:

  • staying;
  • the order according to which parents will meet with children;
  • responsibilities of institution and parents;
  • features of the provision of psychological, social and other assistance to the family in the event of such a need;
  • responsibility measures for failure to comply with the requirements specified in the Agreement.

Required documents

In addition to the statement in the representation of the guardianship and guardianship body, additional documents are attached to it to design a child in boarding school. This list includes the following:

  • certificate of birth (if age exceeds 14 years - passport);
  • medical card with a complete list of results of analyzes confirming the absence of acute health problems;
  • a separate conclusion from the medical commission officers in the event that the baby or teenager suffers from limited mental and physical capabilities;
  • the rehabilitation program for disabled (if any).

Psychological injuries and other consequences

Remember that the transfer of a child to the boarding school may entail serious psychological consequences. Children are strongly tied to their parents regardless of how the latter relate to them. Therefore, long parting is capable of negatively affecting their mental state.

On the other hand, adolescents needing to re-education are simply obliged to go through this step. The accumulated experience will make it possible to understand what can happen if they won't change something in their lives. Therefore, before appealing to the boarding school, we must glue all the "for" and "against" such a decision.

Other ways of baby device

For parents or legal representatives, the boarding school is not the only way out of the situation. There are alternative methods of the device. For example, kids can be attached to the group of the night five-day stay, if, due to their age, they go to kindergarten. Regarding the care of each baby, you can not worry.

Older children can offer cadet schools or boarding school. Naturally, it will have to go there to take place, passing exams and regulations. On the other hand, there is a full nutrition, training and accommodation without any payment.

Legislative regulation

The procedure for regulating this issue is explained in detail in:

  • art. 155.1 of the Family Code (RF IC) "The device of children who remained without parental care in an organization for orphans and children left without parental care";
  • Government Decree No. 481 of 24.05.2014 No. 481 "On the activities of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, and children who are left without parental care in them."

Details of the question: What is the procedure for making a child in boarding school?

Answers to the question

    Required documents for determining the child in a children's house
    1. Statement of parents on the admission of a child in a boarding house, indicating the form of stay (permanent, five-day, daytime).
    2. Conclusion On the need of a child in a children's home boarding house for mentally retarded children (Russen is issued)
    3. Copy of birth certificate (copy of the passport)
    4. Conclusion GMPC for children with mental illness. Extracts from the history of the child's disease from psychiatrist and pediatrician.
    In case of somatic diseases, it is necessary to conclude a MCEC (medical and social expert commission) that are held at the place of registration of the child. The IEC requires a characteristic with the obligatory inclusion of learning issues, mastering social skills, gaming activities.
    5. Medical Documents:
    - Individual child development map Form 26 (issued in the clinic at the place of residence)
    - Medical form 63 (vaccinations)
    - Detailed extract from the history of the disease with the diagnosis (for children with mental illness - a detailed extract from a psychiatrist with a diagnosis)
    - Medical certificate of contacts with infectious diseases (issued SES) 3 days before defining in the home board
    - Analyzes: Blood - common (10 days), HIV, RW (6 months), Australia. Antigen (6 months). Cal - I / g, Dieseneria, Stronghyloidosis, Enterobiosis (10 days), smear on diphtheria (10 days), vaccination from diphtheria (5 years), R Mantu (1 time per year), fluorography (6 months older than 15 years ).
    6. The order of the guardianship and guardianship of the municipality on the direction of the child to the state institution of the social protection system and the consolidation of the living space for it (the order is issued on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of citizens' rights during its provision" of 02.09.1992 . 41. The basis for the premises of a minor to a psychoneurological boarding school is the solution of guardianship and guardianship bodies, adopted on the basis of the conclusion of GMPC. The conclusion should contain information about the child who has a pronounced or deep deeper degree of mental retardation, depriving it with the opportunity to be in an education institution)
    7. Help on the nearest relatives.
    8. Copy of the Insurance Policy.
    9. A copy of the certificate of disability.
    10. A copy of the executive list (if the alimony is assigned).
    11. Copy of pension certificate.
    12. Copy of savings book.
    13. A copy of the insurance certificate of the FIU.
    14. A copy of the discharge from the housebook and a copy of the financial and personal account for the current year with the mandatory marketer of housing bodies about all transactions produced with an apartment in which a minor is registered entering the boarding house.
    15. A copy of the Muscovite social card.
    16. Documents confirming the legal status of a minor:

    Application for refusal of the child in 3 copies (if the child is refused);
    - "Act about the uplink", "Act on Leaving the Child" (if a child-podkinysh);
    - Certificates of the death of parents, the court decision on the recognition of parents missingly absent or dead;
    (if the child is an orphan);
    - the decision of the court on the deprivation of parental rights with a courtmark on the entry into force of law on legal force; court decision on the restriction of parental rights (in the case of when parents are deprived of parental rights - the appointment of alimony to the child);
    - the decision of the court on the recognition of parents is incapable;
    - the decision of the court on the abolition of adoption;
    - a certificate from the registry office that the father's information is made to the birth certificate on the statement of the mother;
    - In the event that the legal status of a minor is not defined - the decision of the court on the recognition of a minor who remains without parental care (in accordance with Art. 264 of paragraph 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).
    17. A complete package of documents of the pupil of an educational institution.

    Good day.

    In some circumstances, parents or guardians may arise the need to issue a child in boarding school. There are a number of conditions and procedures that must be followed for this.

    Prepare documents for making a child in boarding school. In addition to his birth certificate and passport, if he reached 14 years, it will be necessary to present his medical card, as well as a certificate of health. For children in need of a room in a special boarding school, for example, in a psychoneurological, the conclusion of the medical commission on the assignment of disability or the diagnosis should be prepared if their condition is not so serious. Additionally, a certificate will be required from the passport table of the condition of the child's housing, in which he lives at the moment. Paper will also be useful, confirming the status of a child - the decision of the court on the deprivation of parental rights, the act of leaving the child.
    Contact the district education department and explain to them the situation. It is allowed to transfer to the board not only children left without relatives, but also those whose mother or father fell into a difficult life situation. In this case, their rights to the child can be saved so that they can subsequently pick it up. Write an application to the name of the manual indicating the reasons for your act. A letter is written on behalf of parents or legal representatives.
    The district department of education should give the child a ticket for which it will be sent to the boarding school. In some cases, a trial is required, for example, if parents disagree with the decisions of guardianship and guardianship bodies.
    Act differently if you want to send a child not to boarding schools for orphans, but to school with a permanent stay. It can be a school for future athletes or other gifted children. The rules of enrollment in such an educational institution depends on a particular school. In some, they take on the basis of the Olympiad, to others - after the entrance exams. For enrollment in sports boarding schools requires the delivery of standards for certain types of physical training, as well as the recommendation of coaches.

Sophisticated life peripetias Some familiar situation - a lonely mother, living in a remote area, wants to go to earnings for their family to a major city or abroad. Leave the child with no one, and she comes to the decision: "I want to pass the child in the orphanage. Temporarily!". It is assumed that the mother does not quit his child forever, only until it works for life. The situation may be aggravated by the fact that the mother has several children, and one of them requires an expensive urgent medical care. Returns of adoptive and adopted children Sometimes parents have to think about returning in the orphanage of adoptive children. The situation is known when adoptive parents took a child in a family with children already exist for them.

How to pass a child in the orphanage? Is it possible to pass your own child in the orphanage

Upon reaching the minor ward of fourteen years, the guardianship is stopped, and a citizen who carried out the obligations of the guardian becomes a trustee of a minor without an additional decision about it. 3. Educational measures: a naughty child can be passed in the orphanage or send to the army? Recently, the Court adopted an unprecedented decision - to deprive parental rights on his own request.

Your mother's act and dad, by the way, both with the highest education that have more three older children, explained that the son strolled school, poorly studied, flew out of the house, dragged money. And although the child begged to forgive him and pick up home, the parents remained adamant.

To be responsible for the actions of the boy, according to the Father, they no longer want. Sergey V. If a woman refuses a child (she gives him in the orphanage) - Should she pay something like alimony? 1 answer.

Moscow is viewed 74 times.

How to pass a child in an orphanage

To give a child (not a baby) to an orphanage in Ukraine every child should be brought up in a family. With this axioma will not argue. This is the normal order of things.


You can even say necessary so that the child grows with a worthy member of society, a citizen, in the end, just a good person. And in most cases, fortunately, it happens: the long-awaited child is born, he, together with his mother, is issued in the festive atmosphere from the hospital, and he goes to get acquainted with his warm, cozy home.

I want to pass the baby in children house

That is interested in me this topic to horror !!! Do not worry, I did not survive from the mind and I'm not going to pass my kindergly at all, I ask this in another reason ... I love to watch the news - Well, I can't live without them (especially without crime), so I watch the news as Ukrainian and Russian channels.

A month ago in Russia, the daemashka killed the child: brought up a type and scored a 5-year-old boy to death. It justifies that it was hard for her one, so broke.

The boy did not obey and dismissed, so she beat him with fists until he stopped breathing ... Recently shows Ukraine: a three-year-old girl was beaten by Mamina Hahari, while his mother lay down.
Mom justifies that the child fell from the tractor - but the child was shown on TV. What a tractor there! After all, it can be seen that the girl is beaten. The third day in resuscitation Baby, calling mom, and mom does not come ...

How to arrange in boarding school

They have either understated or high self-assessment due to the incompatible image of "I". The lack of social experience leads to the fact that children cannot find a common language with the surrounding people become due to this rude, incredulous, suspicious, can start deceiving.

They are characterized by a desire to separate from the rest, to assert themselves with any methods. Negative consequences of residence in children's institutions before making a final decision, you need to have a correct idea of \u200b\u200bhow children live in an orphanage and how their personality is being formed there.


This is a place where children will not be able to develop a steady attachment to man, to the so-called psychologist "significant adult". And without it, according to L. Petranovskoy - Russian psychologist, teacher and publicist, it is impossible to form a full-fledged personality.

How can I get a child in the boarding school without deprivation of parental rights

The reasons for this are different, but the result is one - parents have lost their credibility and cannot have a proper influence on a teenager. The last aggressive, sees in relatives a threat to his freedom, strives to sweat out of the house, and even grab something out of things, and parents do not feel safe, being close to him.

Do they have the right to take a harsh decision in educational purposes, or should it be submored to wait for their fate? Replies to such a question every parent alone in each particular case. Waiting for help or advice from others in such matters is not worth it - this is your personal choice and your responsibility.

What documents are needed to pass the child to the children's home child is a full-fledged citizen of his country. Therefore, if such a decision was made, the children's house will be required to provide a package of documents.

Can I pass your own child in the orphanage?

This is a matter of moral and ethical plan and everyone responds to him in its own way. It is very important that in the case of a positive response - yes, to give - this happened with the full understanding of the fact that only the family can be the condition for the formation of the successful personality of each child.
Everything will agree with this statement - from psychologists, teachers to the children themselves - pupils of orphanages.

  • 15.02.2018

An ordinary person is difficult to imagine what life circumstances can force an adult to think about how to pass the child in the orphanage. It is difficult to argue on this topic, realizing that there are no definitely bad, terrible and evil adults, like unfortunate and offended children. It is easy to decide on the child's room in the orphan, if parents lead an asocial lifestyle, drink or beat - in this case, accommodation in their native family is perceived as a threat to their lives, and childhood becomes salvation. But just such parents are not thinking about whether it is possible to pass a child in the orphanage - they think little about children.

It is more difficult to understand what should happen in a relatively prosperous family, so that the parent began to think about this issue. It is not necessary to understand this in order to put the details of someone else's misfortune, but to notice in time and prevent the problem in your family.

Reasons for the abandonment of a child

There are no ideal parents. In their family, children are sooner or later are unhappy with their parents, as well as parents always wanted to fix something in the behavior of children. But indeed, these conflicts of "fathers and children" are becoming a reason to think about how to pass the child in the orphanage. The reasons for the abandonment of the child can be different - momentary spontaneous solutions, which are a consequence of a turbulent quarrel or conflict with a child, as well as weighted and adopted as a result of a complex family situation. Do not rush to immediately condemn such parents (and, as a rule, this is a lone mother), there are really difficult cases. Real life is sometimes waiting for situations that are much intricate the most tangled series.

Sophisticated life peripetia

Some familiar, the situation is a lonely mother, living in a remote area, wants to go to earnings for their family to a major city or abroad. Leave a child with no one, and she comes to the decision: "I want to pass the child in the orphanage. Temporarily!". It is assumed that the mother does not quit his child forever, only until it works for life. The situation may be aggravated by the fact that the mother has several children, and one of them requires an expensive urgent medical care.

Return of adoptive and adopted children

Sometimes parents have to think about returning in the childhood of adoptive children. The situation is known when adoptive parents took a child in a family with children already exist for them. After some time, it turned out that the adopted child had a serious mental deflection, because of which he practically terrifies younger children in the family. Moreover, the children, because of age, give the rebuff to him can not, and with adults, the foster boy behaves adequately. Parents did not hurry to immediately get rid of him, on the contrary, arranged repeated conversations, were looking for other ways of exposure, which were not crowned with success. Moreover, they themselves are attached to the receiving son, they are well aware of what psychological strike for acceptance can turn back to the orphanage, but looking at the bruises and beatings on younger children, they simply do not see a different way to solve the issue.

Lack of contact and mutual understanding in the family

Not always, parents can cope with their relatives for them. The reasons for this are different, but the result is one - parents have lost their credibility and cannot have a proper influence on a teenager. The last aggressive, sees in relatives a threat to his freedom, strives to sweat out of the house, and even grab something out of things, and parents do not feel safe, being close to him. Do they have the right to take a harsh decision in educational purposes, or should it be submored to wait for their fate? Replies to such a question every parent alone in each particular case. Waiting for help or advice from others in such matters is not worth it - this is your personal choice and your responsibility.

What documents are needed to pass the child to the orphanage

The child is a full-fledged citizen of his country. Therefore, if such a decision was made, the children's house will be required to provide a package of documents. The main rule is to contact local guardianship and guardianship authorities, there will be provided all the necessary information. The decoration of the child in the orphanage is the process of not one day, as this will require the solution of local authorities of self-government or other state bodies, as well as in the guardianship bodies, the application form is filled. The minimum set of documents includes:

  • certificate of birth (or passport) child. In the absence of those, a medical conclusion is issued, establishing an approximate age of the child;
  • act of surveys of housing conditions;
  • if the child goes to school, the education documents will be needed;
  • information about parents (parent);
  • inventory belonging property.

Problems of personality formation in children's institutions

  • In the cognitive sphere related to the lack of mental development. Moreover, this does not mean mental backwardness, this is the result of the irregular impact of the external environment when purchasing any skills.
  • In the emotional sphere caused by the lack of close emotional contacts, primarily with the mother and with peers.
  • In the social sphere, provoked by the disadvantage of the experience of interpersonal contacts and communicating in the team.
  • Sensory sphere - due to lack of stimulus of hearing and visual spheres.

As a result of these factors, childcare children are inherent in emotional poverty, the lack of experience of social life, which can be obtained only in the family. They have either understated or overwhelmed self-esteem due to the inconed image "I". The lack of social experience leads to the fact that children cannot find a common language with the surrounding people become due to this rude, incredulous, suspicious, can start deceiving. They are characterized by a desire to separate from the rest, to assert themselves with any methods.

Negative consequences of residence in children's institutions

Before making a final decision, you need to have a correct idea of \u200b\u200bhow children live in an orphanage and how their personality is formed there. This is a place where children will not be able to develop a steady attachment to a person, to the so-called psychological "meaningful adult". And without it, according to L. Petranovskoy - Russian psychologist, teacher and publicist, it is impossible to form a full-fledged personality. Any child must feel a reliable rear, know that he has one who will protect him.

Living in an orphanage, he sees a lot of adults (speech therapists, psychologists, educators, librarians, cleaners, and so on), but none of them are tied to him personally, and he, accordingly, is not tied to anyone. The feeling of proximity and dedication can be formed only in the conditions of separation on their adults and others. Living life without a significant adult, a child, in essence, is in a situation of constant stress and fear. The world around him is not open, interesting and informative, but cold, ruthless and hostile.

Limit of personal space

About what children in orphans will tell another fact characterizing life in children's institutions - the total impossibility of pupils to lead their personal life. In the orphanage there is a constant violation of the borders of the personal space - the overall shower, toilet, there is no place to retire with his experiences and thoughts. The child gets used to that he is constantly looking at him, adults are observed for him and the same strangers and not always friendly children.

Lack of responsible relations

The problem for the future life of a person who has grown in the orphanage is the impossibility of learn to be responsible for their lives and its actions. On the one hand, the constant absence of problems with daily concerns about where to take food and how to wash dirty clothes make life easier, on the other hand, the pupil gets used that someone must do this work for him daily.

Summing up, we can say that the question of the transfer of your own child to the orphanage in each particular situation is always solved individually. Perhaps another exit is really no. This is a matter of moral and ethical plan and everyone responds to him in its own way. It is very important that in the case of a positive response - yes, to give - this happened with the full understanding of the fact that only the family can be the condition for the formation of the successful personality of each child. Everything will agree with this statement - from psychologists, teachers to the children themselves - pupils of orphanages.